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Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Jul 1953, p. 11

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lb « SCORE 14-0 WIN Transporters Miss No-Hitter Of Seventh Inning In Lom y PORT HOPE -- McCallum Tans- porters scored their 20th victory of the Lakeshore Intermediate base- ball season last night here when they blanked' the Port Hope On- tarios 14-0 in seven innings. It was a near miss for Lefty Jack Durston. : ' He was t for his second consecutive no-hit victory... had it within reach with two out in the last of the seventh. BREAKS THE STRING Pinch-hitter Len Ashby had one strike on him when Jack fed an er, the team has a real slugfest in scoring their 14 runs. Ted Barnes' tripled with a man on in the third and the club made it 30 in the fourth when John Jozkoski tripled and Brian Coggins followed with a homer. Jozkoski uncorked his second successive triple in the fifth in- ning . . . this time with two on base to make the score 5-0. It was in the sixth that the lid really came off. Nine runs scored off seven hits and two errors, It was the end for starter John Hol- man. Harrison took over and fin- outside pitch. The batter, a right-|j 1.4 handed slugger, looped it into right. A real Chinese single. : The next batter, also a pinch- hitter slugged a hot one at first- baseman Bunny Maeson and was given a hit when the runners were safe. Ashby became the first man to reach second base on Durston. Finally Jack fanned the third man . .. making three strikeouts that inning, and 12 for the full seven frames. It made his win a two-hit affair. The win was his fifth against no loses. On the brighter side of the ledg- MCARTHUR'S HOMER The big hits of the inning were doubles by Etcher, Maeson and Durston and a tl run homer by Mike McArthur. It was a very fast and well- played game, going the route in very close to one hour. - The defensive star of the game was 'Bunny' Maeson who hit in the cleanup spot for the first time last night. "Bunny" leaped high to spear a liner by Harrison in the second in- same thing off the same batter the next time he arrived at the plate in the fourth inning. Undoubtedly these were the two defensive gems of the game. The Trans) this coming Saturday night to third place Whitby Merchants. Whitby are just one-half game behind the Lindsay Merchants, the team that upset the Transporters 2-1 for their first loss of the season. ARE Oshawa 001 229 0--14 16 1 Port Hope 000 000 0--0 2 2 OSHAWA TRANSPORTERS -- Varga, ss; Barnes, rf; Brabin, If and 3b in 6th; Maeson, 1b; Joz- koski, 3b; Coggins, 2b; Murphy, cf; McArthur, ¢; Durston, p; Et- cher, ss in 5th; and Cook, If in PORT HOPE ONTARIOS--Thick- son, 3b; McDermott, 2b; Turner, rf; Mann, c; Harrison, ss and p in 6th; Robinson, If; Trawin, of; Lees, 1b ;Holman, p; Ashton, ss in 6th; Ashby, p for Harrison in 7: Baxter, ph for Robinson in Umpires -- N. O'Reilly (p) and M. Devine (b). ning, and then did exactly the CHECKING SPORT By BOB RIFE Vv If you didn't realize it, the present hot spell forecasts but one thing . .. fall and the ball play-offs. Js In fact the Church League' softball teams have already reached the end of their sched- ule and are into their semi- finals. The same is true of the Lakeside Ladies softball loops, a The Church League is in semi-final play with two 2-out- of -3 series now going. St. John's are meeting Northminster to- night at Alexandra Park. Last night St. Gertrude"s and St. Gregory's hokked up in the oth- er series. According to the two con- tacts we have in that loop . . . Messers Joe Flynn and Ken Fleming, "the ball is top-flight . . . well worth the fans coming to Alexandra Park to watch." Speaking of watching, last night we travelled to Port Hope with the Transporters and cried with Jack Durston when with two out (via strikeouts) in the last half of the seventh inning he gave up a wrong-field single to pinch hitter. Len Ashby . . . That halted his bid for two consecutive no-hit victories. Though the team win the game 14-0, Jack was a pretty dis- gruntled. The one bright spot for him was his "smashing double", It was a wrong-fielder too . . . down the thirdbase line. The Transporters now lead . their group by seven-and-a-half games and are a lead-pipe cinch to finish first. What the fans are betting now is that the boys beat their previous Lakeshore mark of but three losses in the regular season. The team has a 20-1 record now, CHECKLETS -- On the. cool cool hockey beat .. .(Ed. Note: Dig this Krazy Kool Kid!) . . . we find that an ex-Cobourg player of well known proportions will be turning out with the best of the Boston Bruin school on Septem- ber 14th at the Oshawa Area. The chappie is one "Sleep" Dawe. Fans of the Junior "B" and Juvenile loops will prob- ably recall him. Still talking hockey, we hear that Wren Blair, manager of the Smith Truckmen is seeking a good centreman to back Gerry Scott on this year's edi- tion of the Smith Truckmen. According to Wren, there should be some good prospects around now that the Quebec league has decided to go pro- fessional. Say, did you know that Sim- coe Hall's gymnasium . . . just about two years old . . . is getting a new ceiling made of tile. They are also re-finishing the gym floor in the approved manner to make it ready for the coming basketball season. From what we hear, Simcoe Hall will be operating leagues in the Boys midget and bantam OBA series this season .. . with the players picked from their house leagues. Sounds like another boost for the sport in the minor ranks. Say, we stilll haven't heard into which division the Bow- manville Roses of the Lake- shore Baseball League will send their club. come the end of the season. They were to declare them- selves either "A" or "B'* by July 1st. The declaration would decide the playoffs in both ranks. -They've probably filed the declaration at league H.Q. with little publicity. « «+ by Bob Rife. TITLE GO FOR LONDON LONDON (AP)--The world mid- dleweight title fight between Brit- &in"s Randy Turpin and Bobo Ol- son of San Francisco, may take place in London in' the fall, Tur: pin's , said Wednesday. The bout originally was sched- uled for Aug. 27 in New York. It LAKESHORE LOOP STANDINGS W L Pet. GBL 20 1 .952 1:9 611 10 7 10 10 78 6 10 Team Oshawa Lindsay Whitby Cobourg Bowmanville Colborne Peterboro 39 Port Hope 116. GAMES LAST NIGHT Oshawa, 14; Port Hope, 0. Whitby vs. Peterboro. Bowmanville vs. Cobourg. Field Aviation Tops Ont. Steel In an Industrial League softball game at Lakeview Park last night, Field Aviation lefeated Ontario Steel 17-5. Plenty of solid hitting settled this issue with Ontario Steel trail- ing only 5-4 going into the 7th in- ning and then Linton weakened. Field Aviation bunched six hits, including doubles by McDermaid and Kaiser and a homer by Seed- house, for a total of five runs and they added seven runs in the 8th on four walks, homers by Gedge and Seedhouse and a triple by Kaiser. It was a big night for hitting as far as the Field Aviation team was concerned with Dumont, McDer- maid, Kaiser, Seedhouse and Knih- nisky all to the fore. Minaret was the only extra-base hitter for the losers. ONTARIO STEEL -- Hrico, c; Starr, 3b; Davis, cf, 2b and p; Minaret, ss; Hodgson, 2b and p; Johnson, rf; Howes, 1b; Linton, p and cf; Bryant, If. FIELD AVIATION -- Dumont, 3b; Wilson, If; Gedge, ss; McDer- maid, c; Seles, cf and p; Kaiser, 1b; Seedhouse, rf; Knichnisky, 2b; rters play at home | OSHAWA MINOR SOFTBALL ASSOC. FERNHILL PARK BANTAMS WIN OVER EASTVIEW PARK In a Kiwanis Bantam Softball League game last night at Fernhill Park, the home team defeated Eastview Park Bantams 16-7. Eastview could get only two 'good innings against Parsons, the Fern- hill hurler. The visitors got three runs in the fourth and three in the enth, with a singleton in the fifth completing their total. Fernhill Park, paced by Toping, Delves, Morrisor and Parson scor- ed five runs in' the first inning and then gplurged for a 10-run parade in the third frame, to clinch it right there. EASTVIEW PARK---Shaw. Mea- gher, Winters, Hance, Peeling, Drapak, Crawford, Smith and Ap- pleby. FERNHILL PARK -- Topping, ss; Lawson, ¢; Delves, cf; Bradley, 3b; Morrison, 1b; Adams, If; Low- ry, 2b; Dowdle, rf; Parsons, p; Woodcock, rf. : "RUNDLE PARK WINS OVER NORTH OSHAWA BANTAMS In one of the wildest scoring games of the season in the Kiwanis Bantam Softball League, Rundle Park defeated North Oshawa 29-21 last night at the North Oshawa diamond. It was a wide-open affair and a rough night for the pitchers. Rundle Park scored 10° runs in the third and as many more again in the fourth inning to lead 25-5. After that, North Oshawa. came to life and staged two 8-run rallies in succession to get right back in the ball game but they couldn't catch up. RUNDLE PARK -- Winacott, ss Andrews, ¢; McCrimmond, 3b; Tra- vell, rf; Ogden, If; Scott, 2b; Hann p; Clark, 1b; Bishop, cf. NORTH OSHAWA -- Rodd, 2b; Pierce, 3b; Fice, p; Pawlowski, ss; Butler, 1b; Zuly, cf; Stroud, rf; Favior, If; Woods, ¢; MacMillan, |3 Umpire--F. Gates. BATHE PARK BANTAMS BEAT THORNTON'S CORNERS Bathe Park Bantams toppled Thornton's Corners 14-9 last night at Bathe Park in their Kiwanis Bantam League clash. Thornton's Corners got three runs in the opening frame for a nice start, added one in the second and a couple more in the third but then bogged down until the sixth when they added one and got their last two runs in the final seventh. Bathe Park got two runs in their half of the first inning, took the lead with a rally that netted five runs in the second inning and then with the score 8-7, broke it wide open in the bottom of the sixth inning when they scored six runs in the best rally of the night. THORNTON'S CORNERS -- Ree- son, Mollon, Campbell, O'Boyle, Hircock, Cummins, Allan, Wittick, Ross and B. Smith. BATHE PARK Piper, c¢; Dick, 3b; Chase, 2b; Barriage, 1b; Bathe, cf; Angel, p; Maly, If; Hutchin- son, ss; Romanuk, rf. Umpire -- Barbaric. WOODVIEW PARK BANTAMS SCARE SUNNYSIDE BOYS Sunnyside Park Bantams got a real scare last night when they only managed to eke out a 13-12 victory over the Woodview Park boys, in their league clash at Sun- mnyside Park. Three runs in the second inning and seven in the third gave Sun- nyside Park a comfortable lead and Rogers, p and rf. Umpires -- L. Childerhose and | Bill Harmer. they added two in the 6th to lead 12-3 However, Woodview Park came up with a hitting splurge in the CIRCULAR SHADE JYPE PROVIDE ai doorways an in the summe Ivan AIRSHADE AWNINGS for your porches, winter long they keep out snow, rain, and sleet and you from the hottest sun. weather pro- d_ steps. All r they protect was postponed until mid-Octob at the request of Turpin's man- ager, George Middleton, who said his fighter needed a "little more time to get into proper condition' after an auto accident. Olson is reported to want to fight in San Francisco. FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DETAILS PHONE OR WRITE 110 VERDUN RD. AIRSHADE ALUMINUM AWNING of OSHAWA DIAL 5-4332 Make Sure Your Next Car Is An OK Gune - from - 195 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN, Radio & Heater . $1895 1951 CHEVROLET COUPE, air conditioning $1575 1849 CHEVROLET SEDANETTE Radio & Heater $1375 AUSTIN SEDAN 194 ses sese sess $395 PONTIAC SEDAN 194 DODGE COACH 193 CRS All Our Cars Are Mechanically Perfect! ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Lid. USED CAR DEPT. .90 KiNG ST. EAST DIAL 3-225 game at Alexandra Park yester- top of the seventh inning to score nine runs and make it 12-12. Fuller, first batter for Sunnyside in the bottom of the 7th, got a hit, moved around to 3rd on a wild pitch and then with two out, scored on an error by the 'Wood- view catcher, to end the game. WOODVIEW PARK---B. Salter, 1b; Boddy, cf; Joyce, p; Cole, ss; Taylor, 3b; Frolick, rf; Norris, c; D. Salter, 2b; Clark, If. SUNNYSIDE PARK -- Phillips, cf; Gray, p; Rogers, 2b; Price, c; Fller, 1b; Kornylo, 3b; Clarke, ss; Wilson, If; Parrish, rf; B. Wil- son, ss Bialek, rf. RUNDLE PARK MIDGETS WIN OVER SUNNYSIDE In one of the best B'Nai B'Rith Midget League games of the seas- on, Rundle Park defeared Sunny- side Park Midgets 4-1 last night at Rundle Park. Sunnyside got their lone run in the first inning when Tilk walked and scored later on a hot and er- ror. After that, Boyce held them in check and chalked up a total of eight strikeouts and also had good support. Rundle Park got all four runs in the 5th inning when Rombough weakened. Jackman and Aselstine singled and Williams hit a homer with one out and before the inning ended, Boyce also scored to make it 4-1, where it ended. SUNNYSIDE PARK -- Fielder, c¢ and p; Tilk, ss;" Rombough, p and 1b; Ed d of; Kolodzi P and Si Hussell, 3b and 2b; uzminski, If; Hickey, rf; Pidwer- becki, 2b and rf; Cr a er RUNDLE PARK -- Wilson, rf: Boyce, p; Milton, 1b; Cullen, If; Red Raiders Practice Sun. Oshawa Red Raiders' football 'coach for the coming season, ex-Argo star Jack Wedley, paid a flying visit to Oshawa last night and announced that the team would begin workouts this Sunday morning. Harry Robertson, an- other ex-Argo, and Alex Khinisky, ex - Hamilton Wildcat, will handle the scrimmage. It will be held at the club house on McMillan Drive. The coach stated he'd be present for the second scrum which is scheduled for the clubhouse on Mon- day next at 6:30 p.m. He also noted that the Raiders had obtained a quarterback from Winni- peg who would be report- ing here very soon. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July 16, 1908 9§ LEGION MINOR BASEBALL ASSOC. OSHAWA DAIRY WINS OVER BEATON"S DAIRY In a wide-open Legion Bantam League game at Harman Park last night Oshawa Dairy defeated Beaton's Dairy 13-10, although the winners were out-hit by a good margin. Beaton's got three runs on as many hits in the first inning and then added single tallies in the sec- ond, fourth and fifth frames and finished off with four runs on four hits in the 7th. Roberts, who tripled in the 7th for the losers, was one of the big hitters for Beaton's along with Rockbrune, Branch, Andor. Parks was in. good form. He struck out ten batters in the first four frames but still gave up two runs in the first inning and single- tons in the third and fourth frames. Oshawa Dairy won the game with an 8-run scoring splurge in their half of the fifth with Muha getting a triple, Boddy a double and three errors by Beaton's also helping Oshawa Dairy along. They got their final run in the 6th, again as the result of an. error. BEATON'S DAIRY: Roberts, ss; Rackbrune, c¢; Parks, p and cf; Branch, If; Andor, cf and p; Mar- den, 3b; Baxter, 1b; Bryant, rf; Keller, 2b. OSHAWA DAIRY: Campbell, c; Reid, 3b; Jackman, cf; Aselstine, ¢; Brady, ss; Williams, 2b. Hercia, 2b; Brewster, 1b; Boddy, p; Muha, 3b; Kolodzie, ss; Wi son, rf; Grant, cf; Lovelock, Norman, If. Umpires: L. Andeley and M. Mech. ' STARK'S PLUMBERS ADD ANOTHER WIN TO STRING Stark's Plumbing, undefeated league-leaders of the Legion Bau: tam League, added ano to their bow last night at Alexandra Park when they defeated Victor's Sports and Cycle 6-1. Two runs on three hits in the first inning, plus an outfield bobble, got Stark's off on the right foot. They added another run in the fourth on two hits and two runs in the fifth on a pair of walks and Me- Mahon's timely hit. Goodall doubl-' ed in the 6th to drive in Pearson with the last run for the winners. Victors got their lone run in the sixth on a pair of errors and a walk plus a single by Jeffs. McMahon pitched gdod ball for the winners, fanning 11 batters while Jeffs struck out seven but was hit harder. VICTOR'S: Wills, 2b; E. West- fall, ¢ and ss; G. Westfall, 1b; Jeffs, p; McClelland, rf; Ryan, 3b; Estabrooks, cf; Powell, 1f and e; McLean, ss and If; Woods, cf. STARK'S PLUMBING: Fry, cf; Minacs, ss; Newey, 1b; Melnick, c; Simcoe, .2b; McMahon, p; B. Goodall, 3b; Pearson, 1f; A. Good- all, rf. { Umpires: R. Galbraith and J. Elliott. Umpires -- D. Bea d Malloy, regard and Shipping Trriumphs Over Tigers' Team In a UAW Softball shop league day, Shipping whipped Tigers 13- A 9-run splurge in the very first inning put the Shippings boys ff in front and they held on from that point without much trouble-- in fact, after they got over that bad first frame, Tigers made it a real battle. | "Ernie" Luke, holder of ticket | No. 848, was named the winner of the Tigers' bond draw. SHIPPINGS -- Mendyk, ss: Gil- mour, 3b; Sutton, cf; Poutinen, 2b; Outerkirk, rf; Cox. c¢; Starr. 1b; Peterson, If; Cory, If; Pollock, TIGERS -- Worona, rf; Miller, cf; Conlin, If; Tureski, 2b: Rich- ards, c; Garth, 1b; Burrows, 88; Taylor, 3b; Osborne, p; Cooke, p: Williams, rf Bryant, If; Torrence "Umpires -- Smith and Jolley. ITS FUN ONTARIO vacation and in your ow (ir BREWING CO LIMITED FLASH... Just Arrived! right down the line in any Mercury you buy We have a good supply of used motors on hand from 3 to 25 H.P. Priced from 353 KING W. » SHIPMENT OF OUTBOARD MOTORS, the little won- der motor that gives you the perform- ance of any other 7V2 H.P. $258.00 THE BEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE IN THE COUNTRY ON YOUR OLD MOTOR. MITH® PORT 50-00 to 400-00 A NUMBER OF THESE MOTORS CARRY NEW MOTOR GUARANTEE 5 H.P. MERCURY PHONE 3-931 BROOKLIN ommuhily €lub fan ~FUN 0) NWN NARA ;_ WIE GAMES = = \™S™ --- " ~\ | IN PR) ah 2ES y VV \ Nl {i / AT BROOKLIN =. LILY NEAT TTT iE

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