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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jul 1953, p. 10

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-. and at least three = two or more tums apiece. It was 40 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturany, Jury YS, 195% < RON FAWCETT, mechanic for Mort Pettit, drove the Ray Ben- nett Motors Special to victory at Oshawa Raceways last Saturday night in the special race that was staged for the stock car me- I chanics. He is shown above ac- | cepting the checkered flag from | "official starter Kennedy. Ron will | be back in his role of mechanic | tonight and a new wrinkle has ERRORS KILL LOCALS Oshawa Merchants "booted away" fifth place in the Inter- County senior baseball league stand ing last night at the Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, when they : | dropped a 6-2 decision to the visit- ing Waterloo Tigers. While Oshawa was losing this one, Galt Terriers continued their upward surge by beating the league leading kitchener Panthers 7-4 to take over fifth place. Brantford Red Sox, sharing top spot with Kitchener, was also defeated last night, bowing 'to Guelph Terriers 3-2 while London defeated St. Tho- mas 3-2 in their game. RIPPLEMEYER'S FIRST LOSS It was 'big "Bud" Ripplemeyer's first loss in nine official Inter- County League starts and the long string that was bound to be broken or later, was snapped by a been added to the program -- with a special 'backwards race' -- in which half of the contes- tants will drive their cars the wrong way round the track. ~) SPORTS MENU a "Everything from Soup to Nuts" by Geo. H. Campbell 8 PORTS EDITOR Don't ask us why -- we'd like to know ourselves -- why is it that as soon as the Merchants get a big crowd out to see them in ac-| i tion, they promptly . "miss the boat". To have won that 13-inning thriller on Wednesday night would have "won" about 500 fans to the Jocal cause but they weren't lost --not the real good ball fans, be- cause that game was a real treat, | feated Whipper Billy Watson . even if Oshawa did lose. But last night the attendance was just as big -- ladies free, of course -- and . what happens -- the Merchants chants "boot" one. It's the first bad defensive fielding display the Merchants have put up for over six weeks in front of their home fans and it certainly came at a bad time. A win last night would have kept Oshawa in fifth place -- in fact they would have been chas- ing Waterloo or London very closely for fourth place but now this morning the Merchants are in sixth spot. They play up in Waterloo tonight and can re- deem themselves with a win. | Galt Terriers, who are so hot right now they've got the entire Inter-County league scared stiff, up and knocked off Kitchener Panthers 7-4 last night and while this was going on, the other league-leading team, Brantford Red Sox were beaten 3-2 by Guelph Maple Leafs. London was the only team in the "first di- vision" to win last night -- they beat St. Thomas 5-2. Guelph Maple Leafs play here on Monday night and we're apt to | see a very unusual thing -- sort | of a trade affair. It wouldn't] surprise us to see Ken Yount go to the mound here in Oshawa on Monday night against his former | mates and Miek Garbark may elect to send the former Guelph pitcher, | Eddie Drapcho, out to do the pitch- | ing for Oshawa. This one on Mon- | day night looms as a "must" for the Merchants. They're not doing | well enough right now. The brand of baseball entertainment is excel- | lent for the baseball fans but for those of us who want to see Oshawa climb up into a playoff position, the brand isn't good enough. Mer- chants are lacking in color, fire, | p -- or whatever that certain quality is that has so much to do with bringing out team spirit and the will-to-win. We'd like to hear a lot more 'holler' from catcher Ronnie Ryba and the infielders. A little more honest-to-goodness | yelling and garden-variety noises would, we think, serve to improve ' the team's play. . Merchants had no' luck -- ex- cept the bad kind, in last night's game. Three times they had two .men on bases and a line-drive sm by the batter went sailing * right'into an outfielder's glove-- . without him having to move. It just wasn't their night -- any more than it was Ripplemeyer's. It was Bud's first loss in nine starts but his own bad error throw and one wild pitch were | deciding factors in the four un- | earned runs Waterloo picked up | midway through the game, Osh- awa outhit Waterloo and gave ; up only one more walk but three « errors gave Waterloo four runs line-drive cat*hes shut off Oshawa rallies that appeared likely to produce month. But before Togo and Timothy Geohagen will clash in the main bout of this Tuesday night's card at Oshawa Arena. That was to be expected --in the role of referee last week, Timothy . was more than efficient in forcing The Great Togo to ob- serve whatever rules are in effect and there were many in the crowd | who feel that Togo would have de- again, if Geohagen had not inter- {fered so successfully. The Great | Togo has challenged Timothy for | this one so Tuesday night's main | bout will be even hotter than the current weather. In the semi-final | bout, Don Leo Johnathan, from | Salt Lake City, the husky young {giant who is rising to popularity | status very fast, will meet Man { Mountain Jean Junior and in the | preliminary bout, Pat Flanagan tof Toronto takes on Hamilton's | Abe Zvonkin. This one will be live- {ly too! Stock car racing. zoomed to great heights here this summer with the advent of the paved quarter-mile track at Oshawa Raceways and every Saturday night sees a crowd of 2,500 to 3,000 on hand to watch the jump- ing jalopies which are techaically known as "stock cars." If you've never Seen a stock car race, we can tell you that it is exciting and there are often ser- ious spills that serve to keep the | fans keyed up. The gayly-painted cars -- nearly all of the "coupe" variety, are driven by daring young drivers who have acquir- ed a skill that is exceptional. Tonight they're going to get a real test out at Oshawa Race- ways because in addition to the usual races, which will feature Ted Race, Ralph Spencer, Normie Brioux, Ted Hogan, not to mention a lot of local boys who have come along fast--they are going to put on a special "wrong | way race." This one is bound to create excitement -- and likely a lot of trouble. It's to be a regular race, by the fast drivers ~--but half of them will leave the starting line in the opposite di- rection and race the wrong way around the track. What happens on those tricky corners? We don't know yet but if a driver guesSes badly -- he's due for a head-on crack-up. This one to- night will likely draw another big crowd and the special attend- ance prize is always an added attraction. Hamilton Cardinals, who are a farm club of St. Louis Cardinals, {will play an exhibition game with the Oshawa Merchants here next that -- the enthusiasts young local baseball |and also aspirants from neighbour- ing centres, Kingston-to-Toronto in- | cluded, will be invited to attend la baseball school which St. Louis iJeagues with Bathe Park in sec- {Cards will run here at Kinsmen ond spot in the Bantam loop and | Civic: Memorial Stadium, on the |Synnyside second in the Midget mornings and afternoons of August 12 and 13. Max Krusto, St. Louis Hamilton Cardinals, has made the arrangements for the local stadium played hockey with Oshawa Gen- erals a few years back, is now with the St. Louis chain, pitching very well this year for Winston- Salem, North Carolina in the Class "B"" Carolina League. John Hrel- jac of Creighton Mines is. with a rough one to lose: Johnson City in the Class "D" {Appelation Leagu:. Don Cooper, land Tim Burgess, former London INTERCOUNTY STANDINGS LAST NIGHT'S RESULTS Waterloo 6; Oshawa 2. Galt, 7; Kitchener, 4. London, 5; St. Thomas, 2. Guelph, 3; Brantford, 2. W L Pct. 23 13 639 24 14 632 21 15 .583 2 21 17 553 3 18 19 .486 5% 18 20 .421 6% | Guelph 14 21 400 8% | St. Thomas 828 .222 15% | SATURDAY'S GAMES Kitchener | Brantford | Waterloo | London | Galt | Oshawa | London at Brantford; Kitchener | | at St. Thomas; Guelph at Galt and Oshawa at Waterloo. Toronto Police Games | Show Maids, Muscles TORONTO (CP) -- Maids and muscles share the stage today at the annual Toronto police games. The maids are 60 svelte beauties competing for the title of Miss Toronto of 1953. And the muscles are provided by cops from Ontario and the United States matching speed and stamina in a full day of track and field events. At least 350. track and field ath- letes from clubs in Toronto, Ham- ilton, Kitchener, Galt, Peterbor- ough, Buffalo and Detroit are tak- ing part. winner gets a cheque for $1,000 and almost as much in merchan- | dize. ' Louis via a baseball school, simi- | Ted Stone attracted a lot of favor- |able attention at the St. Louis | school here last summer -- and if | he hadn't already signed with Bos- ton, would likely have been in a position to choose between two or more contracts, come August 13. Here's a tip for the local fishermen and anglers. The lat- est gimmick is a "buzzing bee" developed by Jaromir Grygar, a Czech who went to Britain be- fore the war and served with the RAF there. His device con- sists of a plastic jar containing a battery-operated mechanism producing a buzzing sound. And they claim it really works. Seems | he got the idea from his grand- father, a keen fisherman, who had just a jar of live bees and lowered this in the water. The buzzing of the bees attracted the fish. Now his grandson has pro- duced the same device on a mechanical basis. BRIGHT BITS -- Don't forget -- it's Whitby Merchants visiting Mc- | Callum Tranporters at the Kinsmen [Civic Stadium tonight and this | should be one of the better Lake- | shore Intermeciate League games {of the season ...We note the lat- |est Oshawa Minor Softball Asso- | ciation standings have Rundle Park teams leading both the Kiwanis {Bantam and B'Nai B'Rith Midget | League ... The annual UAWA Pic- | nic, to- be held a week from to- {scout and business manager of |day, will again feature a monster | softball tournament and the entry- lis is so large this that In the Miss Toronto contest, the | | lar to the one to be held in Oshawa. | trio of errors that gave the Tigers their first four runs, all unearned. Ripplemeyer himself figured prom- inently in the gift counters. Pete Koval, a refugee from the Galt Terriers' expendable list, pro- ved that with a good team behind him, he's quite some pitcher, as he scattered eight Oshawa safeties Oshawa used three pitchers all tent. Ripplemeyer had three strik- cho had two of each an "Butch" Lawing had one of each. The big left-fielder hurled the last two Drapcho, in his first start, shut off the Waterloo rally when be relieved in the sixth but he was clipped for a walk and two solid hits that meant two runs in the 7th inhing and then he left the game for a pinch-hitter. But more of that later. MERCHANTS SCORE FIRST Oshawa scored the first run of the game and it too was unearned. Fran Dyson got a gift double in waded out of his own holes a couple |i of times and fully earned his win. |} told and they were very consis- i outs and walked three. Eddie Drap- | % frames and looked very effective. |: Oshawa |: the third when the Tigers waited for each other to field a texas league looper -- and it fell clear. Ripplmeyer singled to put Dyson on third and then Bob Fisher mis- sed Ed. Sokol's throw, for an at- tempted pick-off, so Dyson romp- ed home. Ted O'Connor lashed a liner into right field in the fourth and Ron Ryba was doubled off second to nip a buddng Oshawa rally that had produced two hits that inning. All night long the homesters were made victims of spectacular one-handed catches. Imbra was (suffers first defeat) robbed by.- Fisher, Jones was de- prived of a drive into left and O'onnor's hit' in. the fourth looked good too -- but. Right after Fisher had snared #| further deepened the hole for Ripp- :| and single by Fisher, with two out, :| put Ripplemeyer in 'another hole. :| Thomas slashed one back to box. :| Ripplemeyer knocked it down and :| then threw "badly to third base, '|out hut another wild pitch on \ Imbra's liner to open the 7th, O'Connor drew a walk and Herm- an Mason beat out a bunt. With two out, Mike Garbark, pinch-hit- ting for Drapcho, belted a single to drive in O'Connor and then Jones hit his smash into left, which Billy Flick snared in brilliant fash- ion. It was Flick also who pulled off a brilliant catch on Ryba in the first inning. Again in the 9th, after O'Connor walked and Mason singled again, with none out, Dyson's line-drive smash to right was gathered in by Don Oberholtzer, just when it look- ed as if Merchants were going. to really rol. : J ERRORS COSTLY Oshawa went along with their 1-0 lead until the fifth when Fred Thomas was safe on an_error by Imbra then Flick drove one which Dyson muffed, as he tried for a double-play pick-up. His - toss to Ripplemeyer covering the bag, was both high and hurried and the pit- cher failed to get hold of.-it, so all hands were safe. A wild pitch lemeyer. He got Biasatti to fly out but Bruno Cassanova groundd over the box and Thomas sprinted home as Mason threw to 1st base. Then Sokol singled scoring Flick. In the 6th, a walk to Oberholtzer both runners scoring. Flick popped Biasatti ended Ripplemeyer's stay and Eddie Drapcho took over. He walked the Waterloo manager but got Cassanova to ground out. Tigers got two runs off Drapcho their only earned runs, in the 7th | when Sokol opened with a single. | Koval fanned but Musselman walk- | {ed and then with two out, Bob] | Fisher slashed a two-pagger to | "O'Connor, J 4 Four Early Unearned Runs Give Waterloo Victory Over Oshawa deep left. Lawing almost got this one-but not quite and both rumners scored, to make it 6-1 at the. time. THE BOX SCORE WATERLOO Musselman, Oberholtzer, Fisher, 3b Thomas, cof Flex, M .. Biasatti, 1b .. n CENISUUDD Cassanova, Sokol, ¢ Koval, p TOTALS OSHAWA Jones, cof Turk, 3b, Ryba, ¢ Lawing, Imbra, 3b wusnwanand OHO I y oONoooOoN ME omoooON~ul Sn 3 IR J "OGgoNrONMIHAD CEE FN Bi Mason, ss... Dyson, 1b .. Ripplemeyer, p (z) Drapcho, p . (22) Garbark . (zzz) Berning, If TOTALS (z)--pitching for Ripplemeyer in 6th. (zz)--batting for Drapcho in 7ti (zzz)--running for Garbark in Innings: WATERLOO 000 0222006 6 1 OSHAWA 001 000 100--2 8 3 Errors: Fisher, Imbra, Dyson, Ripple- meyer; Runs batted in: Cassanova, So- kol, Fisher (2), Garbark; Two-base hits: . Dyson, Fisher; Earned runs: Waterloo 2, Oshawa 1; Double plays: Imbra to Mason to Dyson; Ripplemeyer to Mason to Dyson; Musselman to Biasatti; Ober- holtzer to Musselman; Left on bases: Waterloo 6, Oshawa 8; Bases on balls: off Ripplemeyer 3, off Koval 5, off Drapcho 2, off Lawing 1; Strike-outs; by Ripplemeyer 3, by Koval 4, by Drap- cho 2, by Lawing 1; Hits off: Ripple- meyer 3 for 4 runs in 5 2/3 innings; off Koval, 8 for 2 runs in 9 innings; off Drapcho, 2 for 2 runs in 1 1/3 innings; off Lawing, 1 for 0 runs in 2 innings; Wild pitches: Ripplemeyer (2); Winning pitcher: Koval (Waterloo); Losing pitch- er: Ripplemeyer (Oshawa). Umpires: G. Favero, A. Stanley, J. Swan, all of Toronto. Time: 2 hrs., 27 mins. "oun mool a meaomompol © h. 7th. RH | | | TWO LEADERS BEATEN By THE CANADIAN PRESS London Majors moved out of the | doldrums Thursday night. The fighting Majors dropped the | axe on a four-game losing streak with a 5-2 victory over St. Thomas Elgins. The win put the Majors on the move again and pushed them up to 22 games behind Waterloo Tigers. St. Thomas was buried deeper in the league's cel- lar. did the job for 'London. But the Majors had to rally for three runs in the last of the eighth to make sure of the battle. Best pitched scoreless ball after the fourth. Seventh - place Guelph Maple Leafs cut the leading Brantford Red Sox down with a 3-2 decision | that left the Sox down oqy half a game ahead of Kitchener Panth- ers. In last night other sessions | Oshawa Merchants 6-2 and Galt The sharp pitching of Bill Best [ Galt Terriers Climb Ahead Oshawa ~ With Exciting Win Over Kitchener | path with a 7-4 victory over Kitch- | ener. v | At London, Charlie Moore put lin the best performance at the | plate, knocking in the first Major {run in the second inning and | hammered in two more in the | eighth with a single. Jim Trew {led the Elgins with a two-for-three | record. Jack Caffery of Toronto | lasted eight innings on the St. | Thomas mound for the loss. | A pitchers' duel was waged through most of the Brantford | Guelph game between Kenny Yount and Al Gerringer. Yount won. |in p¥inding 13 hits off two Kitch- | ener pitchers. Nine of them off | starter Mel Duncan who went 3 |2-3 innings to lose his second of |the season. Terriers put together | four successive doubles with one [out in the third to score three | runs. Panthers' only error, with |two out in the fourth, led to three | unearned runs for the visiting Ter- | riers and cost the home side the | game. | Dale Markert, sharp outfielder | with St. Thomas, continues to lead | the league's batters. Statistics out | {of London last night lists Markert | | with a .493 batting average. Jeep | Jessup is second best batter with | SEEK RACHETEERS BATH, - England (Reuters)--Gov- ernment investigators revealed Fri- day night that a phone, cable to Bath racetrack was cut by an acetyléne torch Thursday--netting some $300,000 for bettors on a 10- to-one horse in the greatest racing coup in British history. Scotland Yard agents were scour- ing the country for racketeers. The "severed overhead cable cut off bookies from their agents at the track, as they frantically tried to phone in so the odds on the French horse, Francasal, could be whittled down. The phone cable was burned dead just a half-hour before Fran- |casal, an unknown colt which had never won a race, was to start. He came in 1% lengths ahead of a field of 17. Police investigators said the job | But Ripplemeyer, the league's/a .432 while Ted O'Connor follows |was done by a gang setting out | leading pitcher, had his record | shattered when Oshawa bowed to | Waterloo on home territory. Pete Koval scattered eight safeties for {the victory and was rarely in | trouble. Two successive infield er- | rors, a wild pitch and two singles | produced two runs for Oshawa in Waterloo Tigers easily defeated |the fifth. They snatched two more | Thomas, Oshawa at Waterloo, Lon- in the sixth for the victory. Terriers continued on the victory' Galt featured well at the plate ' Gait. | him with a .493. Markert also threatens to take | |over as the circuit's runs-batted-in (crown. His RBI total climbed to 125 this week, two behind Butch | Lawing of Oshawa who has batted {in 27. Tonight Kitchener plays at St. | |don at Brantford and Guelph at In a South Ontario County | League softball game played out {at Brougham last night, the home- |town boys walloped Brooklin Stev- | enson Motors Sales 13-5 and chalk- |ed up one of their best wins of the | season. Bob "Ploughboy" Miller was on the mound for the Brougham club and the veteran appeared to thrive on the hot weather, giving up only six hits as he mixed up a tricky drop with a tantalizing slow ball, to keep the Brooklin batters off balance. A walk, an error and Johnston's home-run blow gave Brooklin three runs in the second inning and they got their other two tallies in the fifth on three solid hits. Croxall singled, Arksey tripl- ed and Carnwith single to score Arksey. McGugan, Mantle, Hughson and Ellicott all hit well for the win- ners. Kivell, who started on the mound for Brooklin, gave up seven runs in less than four innings, al- lowing four hits and issuing seven walks, while a few of Brooklin er- Brougham Bounces Brooklin County League Game rors didn't help his cause much either. { Brown finished out the game for Brooklin and did very well except in the 7th when Brougham bunched | five hits for as many runs. | - Two walks and a wild pitch gave { Brougham their first run and they | added three runs on two walks, an error and three solid hits in the | second. In the fourth, Kivell walk- | ed three batters and three hits add- |ed to this gave the homesters four | more runs for an 8-3 lead. | Then came the 5-run splurge in the 7th against Brown's pitching with Bob Miller's triple being the big blow of the inning. BROOKLIN: Graham, rf; Crox- all, ss; Arksey, c; Carnwith, 1b; Harper, If; B. Mitchell, 3b and c; Johnston, 2b and 3b; Holmes, cf and rf; Kivell, p; Brown, p; D. Mitchell, cf; Schell, 2b. BROUGHAM:. Todd, c; Staley, ss; McGugan, 2b; Mantle, rf; Hughson, 1b; Ellicott, 3b; Wilson, +; Carson, cf; Miller, McGregor, cf. Umpires: L. Heffering and L. Childerhose. { for those dates, Enzo Zanatto, who | eliminations will start on Monday night and continu. each afternoon and evening next week. The draw | for the eliminations appears in to- |day's paper . . . Whitby Merchants won 11-3 in Peterborough the oth- er night... Hamilton Jr. Tigers have been accepted o the OHA Junior "A" circuit fgr the coming winter . campaign -- so this likely ends the long trips to Windsor. SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY Dudley Hanover Wins Albany Free-for-All SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. (AP) -- Dudley Hanover, pacing! star from the Hayes Faire Acres | Stable, Du Quoin, Ill., beat Direct | | Rhythm by a head in a stretch | drive Friday night to win the $5,000 | Albany free - for - all at Saratoga | Raceway. Driven by Benny Schue, the son {of Billy Direct was clocked in{ 2:01, fastest mile of the current spa meeting and just four-fifths of | a second of the track record set | by good time last year. to "beat the book," bookies have refused payoffs until there was no fraud. it is clear E | Peterboro OSHAWA MINOR SOFTBALL ASSOC. KIWANIS BANTAM LEAGUE w Rundle 10 Bathe Sunnyside North Oshawa Fernhill Eastview Woodview Thornton's Corners B'NA IB'RITH MIDGET LEAGUE ' W L Pts. Rundle Sunnyside Connaught Radio 010 0 NOTE: 'All team managers should check these standings and report their total number of wins to "Bill" Smith at Simcoe Hall, immediately. LAKESHORE LOOP STANDINGS W L Pet. GBL 952 - 6811 7% 611 Th 523 9 A437 10% 375 11% 230 12% .068 17 Team Oshawa Whitby Lindsay Cobourg Bowmanville Colborne Port Hope Tonight's Games Whitby Merchants vs. Oshawa Transporters, Civic Stadium, 8.00 p.m. TONITE LAKESHORE INTERMEDIATE Baseball WHITBY MERCHANTS vs McCALLUM Transporters CIVIC STADIUM 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION: ADULTS, 50c--CHILDREN, 15¢ TONITE *Improve' your . PMC Score WITH A Available in Black, Brown Green or Red $]o8 70,000 word Refills in 4 Colors TIR Following on the heels of the wrestling show last week that pro-|Inter-County star, witl. Rochster | Great weather for hockey news, duced the biggest wrestling crowd Red Wings, all moved up to St. "isn't it? INTER-COUNTY BASE BALL = | GUELPH = OSHAWA MAPLE LEAFS MERCHANTS ADMISSION: ADULTS, $1.00 -- CHILDREN, 25¢ KINSMEN CIVIC MEMORIAL STADIUM 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. AND FOR THE NEXT SIX DAYS IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING UNTIL 9 P.M. BOB CALDER 275 KING STREET EAST DON ROBINSON SIMCOE AND BRUCE STREETS CLARK'S SUPERTEST 272 KING STREET EAST BALL'S SERVICE STATION 136 KING STREET WEST FU 15 FOR 10 DAYS ONLY The Famous MARATHON by GOODFYEAR SIZE 600.x 16 LLY GUARANTEED BARGAINS IN OTHER SIZES TOO! WHALE OF A AND YOUR OLD TIRE JOHN'S GARAGE 226 CELINA STREET McLELLAN'S TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE 38 PRINCE STREET AL. PRESTON SUNOCO SERVICE 923 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 162 KING ST [3 PHONE: 5-5512 Bl

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