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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jul 1953, p. 13

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5 uild, Repair or Remo N THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, July 18, 1958 48 del Your Home = HOME DESIGNED FOR COMFORTABLE MODERN LIVING PLAN NO. W-433 nvince you. that this six-room "A study of the floor plan will gavin home is designed to meet £5 today's living needs. One of its Reds Asked To Consider Rollback of Bord By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON (AP) -- Western proposals for a Big Four meeting on Germany put squarely up to Moscow today the next move in the developing diplomatic battle over German unification. The proposal is regarded here as a hot or the Reds to handle because reunification is something that no country which wants sup- port in Germany can oppose. And yet the unification which the United States, Britain and France clearly seek is one which would associate a united Germany closely with the West and, if sible, bring it into the Western European er defence lineup. The Russians thus are being asked to" accept a foreign min- isters' meeting to consider rolling the Iron Curtain back at least to the borders of Poland. The West- ern powers have reserved the right to restore certain Polish areas to a united Germany. If they should succeed, the rollback would be even greater. The proposals for a meeting "ot limited duration . . . about the end of September at a place to be mutually agreed" were made to the Russians Wednesday in notes delivered to their embassies in London, Paris and Washington. CURBS, FLOORS, FOUNDATIONS, ETC. "|| =-- Conltracitors A. BELKO & SON Summer specialty in Asphalt Driveways, Side- walks, curbs. DIAL 3-9733 many notable features is the den which may be used as an extra bedroom. . Data: Living area, Plan 1 -- i 1146 sq. ft; Plan 2 -- 1038 sq. ft.; garage area, Plan 1 and 2 --2568 sq. ft.; cubage, Plan 1 -- 17,186 cu. ft.; Plan 2 -- 21,727 cu.. ft. For prints Home Street further details and blue- write to the Horry Loder Plan Service, 84 Simcoe South, Oshawa. 'Although seldom realized, the color of the ceiling has a direct bearing on the brightness of the room. According to interior decor- ators the light reflected from the ceiling can give your room either a bright or subdued appearance, depending upon the reflective qual- ities of the color desired. If your redecoration schieme calls for a "sparkling" look, you should paint the ceiling either white which reflects around 80 prcent of the light that falls upon it, or light ivory which has a 70 percent rat- ing. : BUFF MORE SUBDUED For a more subdued appearance, your ceiling should be colored a light buff which reflects around 55 percent of the light, pale apple green at approximately 50, or me- dium gray in the neighbourhood of 45 percent. Still further down the light re- flection ladder come pale blue and Color of Ceiling Governs Brightness of the Room light green at 40 percent. If for some partiular reason you prefer a really subdued ceiling tone, then |you could try a deep rose which reflects only 15 percent of the light, or a dark green at less than 10 percent. Experience has also shown that insulation in your ceilings will cut down your redecorating bills. In an uninsulated house, shadow lines will often form on the ceiling with- in a year or two after painting. This is caused by the condensation of moistue on the ceiling as the heat. flows through the plaster. By insulating, this greatly re- duces the heat flow thereby elim- inating condensation by dirt-laden moisture. While it is impossible to enirely eliminate the shadow lines from forming on the ceiling, tests have shown that insulation will re- tard this action for as long as three to five years. The same is true of the walls in a house. The notes were released Wednes- day night and the proposals in all are the same. This line of action by the West- ern nations grows out of decisions made here by U.S. State Secretary Dulles, Britain's acting foreign se- cretary, the Marquess of Salisbury, and French Foreign Minister Georges Bidault-to seek Big Four talks on Germany following the West German elections of Sept. 6. It was agreed that to hold them beforfe that time would embarrass the West German ggyernment. These three subjects\ were pro- posed for discussibn: | 1. The organization of] free elec- | tions in West Germany, \controlled | by the Western powers, ivided Berlin and Soviet East Germany. There would be discussion of estab- lishment of political freedoms by all Germans 'before, during and | after elections." | 2. Proposed creation of an all-| German government "with freedom | of action in internal and external | affairs." 3 Final agreement on a treaty | 0) You build for the future HENDERSON'S YOU GET DURABLE, LOW - ANNUAL -@OST CON- STRUCTION WITH OUR NEW CONCRETE BLOCK. A HENDERSON BLOCK IS EQUALLY ADAPTABLE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF YOUR HOME, YOUR FARM, THE COMMUNITY SCHOOL OR A COMMER- CIAL BUILDING. ASK THE MEN WHO ARE. EXPERIENCED IN CON- CRETE (BLOCK CONSTRUCTION -- YOUR NEIGH- BORHOOD CONTRACTOR OR ARCHITECT--TO SPECI- FY HENDERSON CONCRETE BLOCKS. IS THE TIME TO START BUILDING WITH CONCRETE BLOCKS. [dale] SRV fo Bo 78 GN Jog dol] PHONE 3-4412 ASK FOR HENDERSON'S LAT 2 8 DICER (0 1 AAS DF OF DIE O10 N63 14 OU Bf Of £1 M6 16) 65) when you build with CONCRETE BLOCKS NEEDS. | racks yy : (0 i 7 | 94 BRUCE ST. EAST ending the occupation and restor- ing the independence of Austria. The Western powers told Russia steps proposed on Germany "must precede the opening of discussions with the Soviet government for a German peace treaty." Weeding Can Test Ingenuity There are a number ways to extract weeds from lawn and gar- den; the best way is to have the extraction done by somebody else, ndtes a writer in the New York Times. Getting somebody else to do the weeding may take a little longer, but if is effort well repaid. Any gardener worth his salt can, if he sets his mind to it, pull two or three baskets of weeds of an evening. But it ir so much better, to see somebody else busily weed- ing even if several days, leading up to that pleasant sight, are con- sumed in manoevres of ome sort or another. Besides, a few, days' growth will make the weeds easier to seé and to grasp. OTHER MATTERS The lady of the house will say on a Monday, for example,. that the weeds in the garden seem to be growing more earnestly and successfully than the flowers, and that something will have to be done about it right away. With this one will agree completely, helpfully pointing out at the same time that several bushels of dan- delions, roots and stalks also may be found on the lawn and these, too, should be dealt with at once. Of course, one says, several other matters happen to be of greater urgency, and the weeding will have to wait perhaps a day. If the gard- ener then grasps a cultivator or hedge clipper and stalks resolutely off perhaps no questions will be asked, but it is well to be prepared in the event someone inquires as to just what is, after all, more urgent than weeding. CARE OF ROSES The roses, one can say, if that question is put. The roses have to be fed, watered and sprayed. Since the roses are the pride of the lady of the house, who has her eye on a rose show and a rib- bon, the lady will not put the business of weeding ahead of grooming the roses, no matter how urgent the former. With care, the rose project can be made to last a whole evening, which will bring the gardener safely to Tuesday. On Tuesday the lady of the house will say, "About those weeds . .. ." and one says yes, indeed, that will. be attended to shortly, but right now the hedge must be clipped because the neighbors have trimmed their half of the hedge and obviously aré waiting to see if the other half will be done as well. So if one does not work too fast Tuesday will be taken care of and the weeds will grow for another day. If fortune smiles upon the gard- ener on Wednesday the barometer will be falling and come weeding time in the evening it will be rain- ing. If not, he will have to pre- 'Don't Get Stuck! LET US PAVE YOUR DRIVEWAY ASPHALT PAVING IS ALWAYS DRY AND CLEAN FOR FREE DIAL 3-8132 W. B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. Simcoe North ESTIMATE Oshawa Ne Ventilat d -@ AWNINGS © PORCH ROOFS © PATIO-ROCFS © DOORWAY COVERINGS. ALL-ALUMINUM Koolvent. Awnings keep out the sun and rain . . . provide ein ~ sooled comfort and indirect light. Designed for all-season service, they won't ot. rust, sag, tear, or burn, For FREE estimate, details Call 'Sales Office MBI Y/Z ARI PY. 7:1 MAIL COUPON KOOL VENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. EAST OSHAWA, ONTARIO Please send detalls and give me ree estimate on KoolVent Awnings. tu] awn Ww TODAY 5.4632] KOOL VENT OSHAWA SALES SERVICE DIAL 5-4632 pare another delaying action, either chore unrelated t weeding or in- inventing some new gardening viting seme friends to drop in after supper. One does not invite friends to join in weeding the garden, and it is not polite to ask them to watch one weed, so Thursday is arrived at with the weeds grow- ing better than ever. SECRET WEAPON "The weeds. .. .," the lady of the house will say now, very firm- ly, and at that time the gardener may have to resort to his secret weapon. When the lady of the house, weed basket and ugly dig- ging instruments in hand 'comes looking for him, the gardener will be found on the back porch amid a disassembled lawnmower. A dissassembled lawnmower, sur- rounded by wrenches, odd nuts and bolts, ofl cans and greasy rags is an impressive sight, and if properly presided over, with ham- mering and frequent trips to the kitchen for long drinks of water, the disassembled lawnmower can be made to last for a couple of evenings. If the gardener has dome his work well will have reached Saturday "without disturbing the weeds, which will be flourishing and, indeed, awesome, If he is patient he will then be able to see in the garden, on hands and knees, the figure of the lady of the house-- gloved, perspiring and putting weeds into a basket-- a beautiful sight. EVERYTHING IN WOODWORKING Doors @ Windows @ Frames FS hos @ Kitch i jo Sashe S chen Cabinets g Word. Oshawa Woodwork 233 SECOND AVE. DIAL 3-2901 Excavating and Grading Bulldozing on all Types of Work Sand & Gravel Prompt Service on ALL Orders! LILLEY BROS. DIAL 5-4902 -- OSHAWA RR. No. 3, BOWMANVILLE Socred Principle Is Debt-Free Money LETHBRIDGE (CP) -- John H. Blackmore, former Social Credit party leader in the House of Com- mons, said Thursday night Canada can solve the problem of Europe's continuing inability to earn enough dollars by creating debt - free money. In an address, Mr. Blackmore said Canada can 'either give the debt-free money to countries need- ing dollars or supply the money to an international agency which would distribute it freely. Mr. Blackmore, seeking his fifth consecutive term in the federal election, said the only permanent solution to the free world's prob- lem of halting Europe's continuing inability to earn enough American and Canadian dollars is the issu- ance of debt-free money: 'the firs principle of Social Credit." : The United States cannot lower tariff walls and import barriers, thereby giving outside countries an opportunity to sell their goods for Pitching Star Is A Grandma ELGIN MILLS, Ont. (CP)--Rena Morrison says her pitching arm is as good as it was 38 years ago. That is when she started playing softball. At 53, Mrs. Morrison is a grand- mother and a star righthander for Elgin. Mills, 25 miles' north of Tor- onto, in the Markham township girls' softball league. Her team is almost a family affair, with a daughter and three nieces in the line-up. Mr. Morrison does the coaching. Mrs. Morrison has lost track of the number of games she has hurled in her career. "My arm feels as good as ever," she said, "my legs will travel as fast as they did 30 years ago." tho needed dollars, Mr. Blackmore said, because this would cut out America's own national markets and make the UniteC States de- pendent on other nations, an une safe policy in the event of war. Changed Mind At Brink Of Niagara Falls NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. (AP)-- A woman who identified herself as Irene Fay of Springfield, Mass., waded into the upper Niagara river Friday and was swept 200 feet of the falls before wading' out again, police said. within Patrolman William Dragowski of the park reservation police Jioted . my her as saying, "I chang mind." The woman was taken to Mem." orial hospital and her family in Springfield was notified. The Great Barrier Island forms a natural breakwater for Hauraki Gulf in New Zealand. ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS OLD FLOORS REFINISHED WALL AND FLOOR TILE SUPPLIED AND LAID DIAL 3-7251 HICKORY ST. WHITBY struction expense. Jost = - Harleigh "60 KING ST. W. You'll never believe the magic that beautiful Miraplas can work in a drab kitchen, bath, recrea- fion or other room until you see it. Rich and lustrous ooking, it transforms a room into a colorful, pleasant place to live, work or play. Common household acids and alkalis have no effect upon Miraplas. No Muss, No Fuss -- Easily Installed installing Miraplas is no more disturbing to @ home than papering a room. It can be installed on any clean, level, sound wall without additional con- 19 Fascinating Colors -- Harmonizing Trim Hundreds of pleasing combinations are possible « . . and Miraplas color goes all the way thry to the back and can't rub off. Look for the name "Miraplas" on every tile! Accept no substitute for a fine product GUARANTEED IN WRITING -- two ways! Miraplas is guaranteed by its manufacturer as to materials and quality. Installation guaranteed when done by factory-authorized mechanic. v Dial '§-3012 Or do it yourself. Miraplas is easily installe: man" professionaly looking resul instructions and tools are aveilabl by the average 'handy nds have done so with Simpl Manufacturing Co. OSHAWA DIAL 5-3012 "Where Particular People Buy" N crass Esrel rere N ANNALS seay ST mn ma IS EEL ANN BIR

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