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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jul 1953, p. 16

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L 416 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, July 18, 1958 A Good Thing To Remember When You Have A Vacant Room --Ph. 32233 The Room Was Rented The First Night And Mis. B. -- Was Able To Cancel Her Ad. NICE FURNISHED DOWNSTAIRS BED- room, comfortable bed, abstainer ----- Warren Ave. (156¢) Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1o--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH, CHAR tered - Accountants, 37 King St. E., Dial 5-4662. R. Gordon W. Riehl, ca, Resi- dent Partner. Aug.9) 2--Auditors ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, §. T. HOP- kins, Certified General Accountant. 172 King St. East. Dial 5-3509. (Aug2) 8--Building Trades 13--Housenold Repairs CONCRETE WEEPING AND CUL- vert tile. Dial 5-4052. (Aug.6) FOR SIDEWALKS, CURBS, CEMENT, porchs, etc. Dial 5-1474 evenings. (Augé) YOUR LOCAL PAINTER BY CON: tract or by the hour, reasonable rates. . J. Howard. Dial 3-8700. Jly22) EXPERT REFINISHING, TABLES, bedroom, dining room suites, antique chairs, our specialty. For free estimates phone Oshawa Upholstering Co. 5-0311 10 Bond St. W (June26tf) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See our materials for re- covering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles St. Dial 3-7212. (Aug.3) EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING AND chimney repairs. Dial 3-4373. (Augll) Expert assistance with yours decor- ating and drapery problems. A wide SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SANI- tary way. Dial 5-3986. (Aug?) BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING. Dial of drapery, slip covering and' upholstery material shown in your own home without obligation. All types of tracks, rolls, venetian blinds and window shades * supplied 3-3831., Taylor Bro. for (July30) B3--Barristers LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, BARRISTER, etc., Alger Bidg., 37 King Street East. Mortgage Loans Arranged Phones: Of fice. 3-4943; Residence 5-0254. (Augd) GENERAL MASONRY WORK --- CEL- lars dug and completed. Cement blocks and bricks laid Dial 5-2621. (Augd) CARPENTER WORK, NEW HOMES built. Contract or hourly. Also trim. Dial 5-1971. (Aug.8) ANNIS, JONES AND CA EON Th King Street East. Dial 3-2289. S. Jones, B.A., John A. Eo N i 54 Money to loan. (Augl) HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN, BARRIS ters, solicitors, 6 King West. Phones: Office 5-1177: Residences 5-604, Whitby 2761. Money to loan. (Aug!) McGIBBON & BASTEDO, BARRISTERS and Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe St. Phone 53566 Charles C. McGibbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo. Jly249) CONANT AND CONANT, BAKRISTERS and Solicitors, Roger G. Conant.' B.A.. offices: Oshawa, Ont., 712 Simcoe St. 8. 3.2227: Ajax, Ont., Phone 25. (Augld) A W. S. GREER, QC; BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc., € King Street East. Dial 5-4717. Residence 3-4759. John AM. Greer, B.A., St. Resident 5-3368. (Augl0) Z T. SAL MERS, B.A. BAKKISTER, Silicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Strect North. " Dial: office 5-3741, residence Sa y. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C. BARRIS: ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% King Street st, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence. Dial 5-3405. _ (AugD MARKS, BARRISTER, SO- licitor, 11 Wing East, Room 2. Dial Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Augl) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers, Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Simcoe North. Dial 3-4619. Res. 3-2417 (Augl) " MANNING ; F. . SWARTZ BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett ' Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3-4697. Residence 3- 3-4029 (Augl) CREIGHTON, FRASER R AND DRYNAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Bldg., 5 Simcoe St. N Dial 3.3446. T. K. Creighton, QC, N. C. Fra- ser, QC, G. K. Drynan, G. L. Wausdoo) uj 4--Chiropodists JAMES A. BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF Surgical Chiropody. pavecialising in ook and leg ray diagnosis. 'Suite 2; 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621 (Augl) 5--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, OSH- awa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 daily .Saturday mornings. Dial 3-8632 or 3- 3792. (Augl) C. R. COLLARD, DENTIST, 24% SIM- | coe N. Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Saturday mornings. Dial 5-4832. Jly24) 6--Nursing Services SUNNYLEA REST HOME HAS ACCOM- modation for ladies, convalescent, semi- invalid or elderly. Phone Newcastle 2455, (Augl?) -~ MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME. Phone Bowmanville 2974. Vacancies, men and women. Good care. (Augl9) 7--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, DISNEY | Building, opposite Post Office. Daily 9- 5; Mon., Wed., and Fri. evenings, 7-9. | Contact lenses and plastic eyes. Dial 5- 6143. (Augl) 7a--Surveyors G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR- RELIABLE CARPENTRY WORK, CUP- boards, remodelling, roofing. Building new homes and lay out assistance if you are building your own home. No job too big or too small so give us a call. All work guaranteed. For free esti- mates phone /Don Brooks 5-0650. (Sept14) ROOFING, INSUL-BRIC, ALL TYPES of masonry, fireplace, chimneys, stucco, sidewalks, blocks. Estimates cheerfully given. Gordon May. Dial 3-9911. (Aug) CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES BUILT and repaired. Brickwork, blockwork, free estimates. Call Lou Rasicott 5-1474 after 6. (Augd) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, SANDED, FINISHED OR REFINISHED LILLEY'S MODERN FLOORS DIAL 5-4902 DIAL 5-4851 (Augll) Pre-Cast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS Delivered and installed Sizes 300 gallons and up BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Brooklin -- Phone 155 (Augl9®) BULLDOZING EXCAVATING GRADING SAND AND GRAVEL PROMPT SERVICE LILLEY BROS. OSHAWA DIAL 5-4902 (Augd) PAINTING AND DECORATING For lastest papers, Finest paints. Best workmanship. S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE (COLLECT) BOWMANVILLE 912 or 2417 (Augdth 8a--Sharpening Service ATTENTION--LAWN MOWERS PRE- cision-sharpened. All work guaranteed. Free pick-up and delivery. Dial 3-2407 or 5-4360. (July20) AUTOMATIC SAW FILING, SETTING re and All types of veyor, Civil Crescent, Ajax: Phone 47-R, Ajax. (July2?) PONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTAR- fo Land Surveyors, and professional en- gineers. 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. (Aug.6) | ! saws | 9--Business Opportunities lawnmowers, shears, etc., shar- pened. Stan's Sharpening Service, 227 King West. (22tf) and d. For appointment call Vv. L. MONTGOMERY Phone 122 Brooklin, Ont. (Aug." 14--Instruction LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence 5-1860. (Augl0) 15--insurance McMURTRY INSURANCE, FIRE, auto, burglary 4 life. (Rep., Imperial Life) -- 21 King West. Dial 3-3722. (Augl?) 18--Lost & Found LOST -- BLONDE COCKER SPANIEL, female. Reward. Dial 3-9674 (167a) LOST} "BY TI TIMES- -GAZETTE CARRIER, $5 bill Friday afternoon. Golf St. dis- trict. Finder please phone 3-3840. (167¢) SPANIEL, (167b) CK COCKER _ 5.0353 after 6. FOUND--B female. Dial FOUND SMALL LONG-HAIRED black dog with white chest, wearing brown collar. Phone Brooklin 13R11. (164¢) 19--Money To Loan FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Sale Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick & Hennick, Barristers, 31 King | St. E. Dial 3-7232. (June26tf) REAL ESTATE 'MORTGAGES BOUGHT or arranged. North Shore Realty Com- pany Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, STRICTLY BUSINESS or mefoatten DYN May | borrow your phone?" Whether it's your phone or someone else's call 3-2233 to get best advertising results with a Times-Gazette Classified Ad. 28--For Rent BEDSITTING ROOM AND KITCHEN- ette suitable for two girls or married couple. 5-1568. BED SITTING ROOM WITH KITCHEN- ette. 32--Automobiles For Sale 36--Pets and Livestock Abstainers only. .Dial Central, ol (1676) Apply 339 King E (167a) TWO FURNISHED keeping rooms for business couple, no children. 3-2588. HT HOUSE- Dial Apply 56 Nassau St. PY , (167a) MALE HOUSE PUPPIES, 6 WEEKS. old. Apply 1209 Simcoe St.' S. (167b) - TWENTY VACCINATED HOLSTEIN heifers due to freshen September 1. Bred to registered Holstein bull. Well marked and will weigh one thousand. Ibs. F. J. Clemens, R.R. Oshawa. * (Jly14,18,25)- BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN- ing, talking strain, all colors. Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Elgin East (Augd) » '47 FORD, SUPER DELUXE, Coupe, $600. Dial 3-8335. (167a) '53 CHEV. 4-DOOR (SEDAN, MODEL 1269, undercoating, air-conditioning and other extras, fully guaranteed. Price $2,100. Terms can be arranged. Phone 5-3048. (167¢) 41 NASH, 600, GOOD CONDITION, best offer. Apply 312 Gibbs Ave. (164d) CLUB 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, would suit business couple. furnished, " (166c) Phone 3-8276, after 5. GENTLEMAN TO SHARE LARGE beds, spring-filled Phone 3-3783. (166f) front room, single mattress. Very central. 3 TO SHARE ROOM, BREAKFAST, near new GM plant. Dial 3-7722 after 5 ) pore © i pin © T Offies 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale ROOM BRICK, Oshawa. Dial 5-3568. (Julyl) CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON | first mortgages. Mortgages and agree- | ments for sale purchased on favorable | terms. Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, | Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers. | (July2?) | CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR | first and second mortgages. Mortgages | and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. | Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barristers &c., 3 | Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Dial 3-4697. | (Augl) 20--Personal WANTED--2 OR 3 PASSENGERS TO N.B. GM vacation. Dial 5.0779. (166b) | LEAVING FOR NOVA SCOTIA AUG. 1, would like 2 passengers to help with | expenses, driving. Dial 3-7550. (166¢c) | ¢ LEAVING FOR PRINCE EDWARD IS- land July 31. Room for three passen- gers. Dial 5-3080. Ask for George. (1 WANTED---TWO PASSENGER to Moose Jaw, leaving July 1 2597 or apply 310 Brock N. Whitby. (165¢) | MADAM MARCH WILL BE AT 78 | Church St., Thursday, Friday and Satur day, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. side door en trance. (165¢) SPENCER INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED supports for style comfort and health. Guaranteed fittings. Registered corset- ierre. Mrs. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Rd. N. (Augll) GOING OUT? WE HAVE EXPERI enced baby-sitters, ' reliable middle- aged women. Phone Baby-Sitters Club, 5-4310. Mrs. Weeks. (Aug?) Is your name on the voters' list? If not, telephone Liberal headquarters' 3-2263 Oshawa (July20) 20a--Cartage FURNACE CLEANING SERVICE oF | lately d for sale, including 8--Building Trades CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS, walks, porch and driveways. Free esti- | mates. Workmanship guaranteed. Wm. | Sorochan, dial 3-4842 after 6, Please. 5 y23) | J. H. HENDERSON--CONCRETE AND | cinder blocks, large stock on hand. Dial | -4412. (Augl2) | FIRST-CLASS BLOCK LAYIN@, 15¢ A block. Dial 3-8165. (July23) l EAVESTROUGHING FREE ESTI- mates. Guaranteed .work. Dial 5-1286. Murray Holiday. (Jiy22) ALTERATIONS AND D REMODELLING, attics and bathrooms modernized; kitchen cabinets built and installed; general repairs. Floor and wall tiling Work guaranteed. G. Parks 3-2631. (Aug.9) | NEW PLASTZRING AND EEA | archways, remodelling, water proofing b Free Phone 3- 8912. A. Woods (Augl0) FLOORS, | ¥2873 cleaning equipnrent truck, tools, in ex- | -- cellent condition. Reasonable. | Phone | (167¢) Chicken Delight Franchises Applications for exclusive and protected territories now being considered, For additional information please write to Chicken Delight Ltd. 723 St. Antoine St., Montreal 3, Quebec (165¢) 11--Dressmaking ALL TYPES DRESSMAKING, ALTERA- tions, specializing in wedding, brides: maid's gowns. Prompt service, expertly done. Dial 3-7947. ' (Jly26) DIAL 5-616 FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S FRAMES, DOORS, WINDOWS AND ing Service. Tiling kitchen Fotdwark: Free All work Alex Vajda, Modern Wood rhe Shop. Phone 39851. (July29) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER--SHINGLING, insul-bric, flat Pg flashing, eaves- Terms. H. Tucker. Dial 5-6161. (July29) PLUMBING "AND "HEATING PIPES, fittings, fixtures, new and used. Instal- lations at reasonable prices. Dial 5- (Augl0) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINT- ing and decorating, free estimates. Dial 3-9313. (Augl0) CARPENTRY SERVICES AVAILABLE, cupboards, roofing and remodelling. Also contracting for new homes, all or part Layout assistance for people building own homes. Phone 535-0650. (Augll) CARPENTER WORK ALTERATIONS, Free Ask ds. about time payment plan. Jas. Clarke-- Dial 5-175 (July29) BUILT UP ROOFS, ASPHALT, shingle, eavestroughing. Apply A Pigden 319 Gibbs Ave. Phone 5-3224, ' (Aug) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, STUC- co and cement work, foundations plas- tered, sidewalks poured. A. Robinson, Dial 5-6024. (July24) FOR GOOD CARPENTER SERVICE, remodelling, altérations, cupboards, also new homes, dial 3-4068 5-6. (July 29) NEW CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS, regulation size, work guaranteed. Dial 3-8012. (Augs) PAINTING, CARPENTRY AND ALL odd jobs, satisfactory work. Dial 3-8329, Wly20) Specializing in block founda- tions, general cement work, plastering, footings and floors, etc. Call for estimates. Prompt service, LILLEY BROS. DIAL 5-4902 (Aug2m clothes made from new ma- terial, or made over from your clothes. Jly19) 11a--Tailoring TOP TOWN TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' and gents' made-to-measure clothes. All materials of the finest British woollens. 18% Simcoe North, Dial 5-0632. (July25) 12--Gardening & Supplies SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- Sodding, stonewall, rockery, lawn main- tenance. Low price. Will take care of your garden while vacationing. R. Thie- baud Gardener. Dial 5-5047. (Aug.8) PLAN NOW TO HAVE YOUR GAR- den well cared for. We do all kinds, k, ete. Place your "orders early for fall delivery of nursery stock, bulbs, etc. George Hardsand. Dial 5-172]. July24) FOR YOUR GARDEN AND LAWN, We feature a complete line of sprays and dusts to protect your lawn from the ravages of blight, insects, and weeds, King Bug Killer - CIL and Green Cross Sprays and Dusts- Weed Killer Fertilizer Garden Tools. For Fast Fair Friendly Service. Phone 3-2229. MASTER FEEDS 54 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA (Wed, Sat,tf) 13--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOV- ered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar. apteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up bolstering Co. St. West. Dial 50311. (Augl0) WE MOVE ALMOST ANYTHING ANY- time. Dial 5-2621. (Augd) 20--Personal LEAVI! "BRUNSWICK Aug. 1, 'new car, 3 passengers wanted. Write Harold Drake, Bowmanville. (167a) WANTEI "LEAVING | for Springhill, July 31. } Dial 5-3955. wer | | SE GERS, Nova Scotia, THANKS TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN Mary and St. Therese for favours re- ceived. -- K. T. C. (167a) DRIVING TO TORONTO DAILY, LEAV- ing 6:45 a.m., returning 5 p.m. 3-2092 UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated from any part of the body with Saca-Pelo, a remark- able discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo contains no harmful ingredients, and will destroy the hair root. LOR-BEER LABORATORIES 679 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. (July4,11,18,25) 21 Personal Service y RELIABLE WOMAN WILL DO WASH- ing and ironing at home. Dial 3-8700. (July30) PHONE 5-5854 DON SMITH Formerly of Cooper Smith Co. Now Representing CORONET T.V. OSHAWA (Augl5) GARDEN FURNITURE and LAWN ORNAMENTS Made to. order. Reasonable prices -- best materials and workmanship. DIAL 3-4741 (July18) 22--Radio Repairs EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS, AERIAL installations television and appliances, sales and Service: Parkway Television, Phone 3-3043. (Augl6) Radio -- Television repairs, installations; top technicians. Call for and delivered. Aerials installed, car radio, pottable, etc. = FOWLER TELEVISION 16 BOND ST. W. DIAL 5-1685 July26) 23--Women's Column PRENTICE'S BEAUTY PARLOR--NEW location, 72 Church St. Opening Special: $10 cold wave for $7.50. Dial 3-4521. Lg (July30) MACHINELESS: PERMANENTS, $3.50 up; Cold Wave, $5 up. Guaranteed. Dial 326s]. Clarke's Beauty Shop. 182 Gib- St ~ (Augl9®) SPECTAL_PERMANENTS $4.50 UP. NEW 3-ROOM WINTERIZED PROP- { BUILDING LOT, 60 x 125, PARK AVE. Stone St., plastered and insulated, rubber tiled floor in kitchen, 24-ft. ing room with fireplace, large $3,800 cash or mortgage can be ranged. Dial 3-8992. $9,000, erty, $3,000 DOWN 57 Montrave Ave. Apply 74 Willingdon Ave. Dial 3-3801. (166b) | of city | WHITE FRAME HOUSE ON ONE AC RE of land, all conveniences, % mile east limits. Dial 5-4016. (166¢) 25--Real Estate For Sale Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Ave. Dial §-5363. 29) 2 LOTS KENDALWOOD SUB DIVISION, each 75 x 208. Phone 5-5096 or 51519. (1656) 50 ACRES BUSH, TROUT STREAM, Oshawa 8 miles, building lots. Write Box 606 Times-Gazette. (165¢) PARK ROAD S., WESTBROOK PARK, new two-bedroom bungalow, 4-piece bath, electric fixtures, full .basement, furnace, semi-finished, $6,800 -- $1,800+down. Dial 3-8337 or 378. aes $6,900--FOR_ QUIC "BED, rooms, large living room, conveniences, double garage. 249', New GM district. Dial { "SALE, a kitchen, Lot 40° 3-3925 (167a) x Building lots' on Lowell, close to Stephenson's Public School, $350. Also couple of large apple trees free. Each lot has several fruit-bearing apple and pear trees. C. A. GLECOFF 165 VERDUN RD., APT. 2 (165¢) 2 - STOREY BRICK Simcoe St. N., finished attic, living room 13° x 20', dining room 12' x 13', 3 bedrooms on second floor. New General Electric forced-air furnace. Newly decorated. Terms ar- ranged. Write Box 619, Times- Gazette. (July25) BRICK HOME AND ORCHARD Only six miles from Oshawa on fine open road near high way is being offered with many extras, Home is situated back from road with beautiful landscaped "grounds and sur- rounded with nearly 20 acres of heavy bearing young fruit trees, small cedar bush .and cool spring-fed stream. This smart California-style bunga- low was custom built for own- er and has 24" x 15° living room with fireplace, 3 large bedrooms, dining room and a bright well-planned kitchen and bathroom. Basement is ex- tra well equipped with recrea- tion room, open fireplace and special cool room, An all- year-round practical sunroom is another feature of this out- standing district property. Heating is hot water with oil. Live in city comfort and have advantage of the cool country breezes and low taxes. The 1953 potential apple crop also will go a long way towards buying this beautiful property. Total price $28,500 with good terms. GORDON OSBORNE Real Estate Broker PHONE 2677 -- WHITBY Representative MRS. OLIVE HOWE, PHONE 2527 -- WHITBY (167b) (166b) | Immediate possession. .| To CLOSE AN ESTATE, NORTH OSH- | id) soft and hard water pumped in, FURNISHED ROOM TO SHARE FOR one gentleman, single beds, all con- veniences, near G.M. Dial 5-6344. (165¢) LARGE BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2 men, near bus, restaurant, new Motors and Skinners. Fhone ia TI ; Cc 4-ROOM APARTMENT, PRIVATE EN- trance. Hot water. Aug. 1. Will take 1 child. R. B. Brown. Phone 2639 Bow- manville, 6' miles east on highway is (165¢) QUIET 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; '49 METEOR COACH, RADIO, HEAT: er, air conditioning, defroster, low mile- age. Reasonable. Apply 86 Cromwell Ave. after 7. Phone 5-1362. (165¢) '50 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, MILEAGE 23,000, one owner, radio heater, under- coated, perfect condition. Dial 5-6276. i (165¢) BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS and trucks. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Dial 3-2256, (July28) ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL ers--Buying a new car or selling your old one, let us save you money on financing and insurance. "Phone 3-7863. (Aug.8) FOR NEW OR Mills Mo- (Augls) DACHSUNDS, FOX TERRIER smooth), Samoyeds, Labrador Retriev- boarding, tr Knowl fon Kennels, North Oshawa. Dial 3:8932. (Augé) COCKER SPANIELS, ALSO BOARD- ing, trimming. bathing, defleaing. Wau- bena Kennels. new highway near Drive- ip Theatre. (Aug.6) REGISTERED CHINCHILLAS FOR SALE With a 30-day money-back guarantee. Write, phone or visit - Leonard's Chinchilla Ranch RR 1, Oshawa - Phone 3-4452 (Augé) PHONE TED CAMPIN used cars or trucks at Cliff tors. Dial 3-4634. REBUILT KNEE ACTION, '34-°36 Chev. and Pontiac. Retail and whole sale. Immediate installation or delivery. Morey's Garage, Verdun and Gliddon. al 5-4332, (Jly23) 37--Farmers' Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly. Phone -coilect Bowmanville busines couple, from Motors. Goalie Write Box 604 Times-Gazette. (165¢) FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, two friends preferred. Dial 3-9686. 'Apply 222 Highland Ave. (163) LOT FOR RENT, SUITABLE FOR used car business, 3 blocks from Four Corners. Phone 5-2162. (163f) FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH USE OF kitchen, suitable for business couple or 2 girls. Dial 5-3057 (1631) 3 ROOMS SUITAI FOR YOU} couple. Apply 466 Albert St., back door. (166b) Dial 5-5315. (165¢) ,900--ADJACENT TO BROOKLIN. 81- acre farm. 6-roomed brick house, drive shed, garage, barn 40' by 56'. Excellent road. Phone Brooklin 15R2. (167a) awa, 1 1-3 acres, 6 room cement brick garage, barn, $11,500. Dial 5- possession, (164f) EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT ON PARK Lane Drive, size 51' frontage by 149° deep. Dial 3-3885. (165¢) New fast-moving "registered sub-division, large lots, elec- tricity, new street open, excel- lent drainage, West side of National Stud Farm, RR 3, Oshawa, Ont. Write Richard Bickle Cavan, Ontario * (Augd) LOTS By the acre on Lot 15, Con- cession 6, Darlington Town- shop, half mile north of Hamp- ton and 1 mile east. Paved road from Oshawa and Bow- manville within 1 mile of lots. HOUSES On Aug. 1 | will offer for sale 2 new homes on same location. Easy terms, F. J. CLEMENS RR 2, OSHAWA (Jly15,18,25) immediate 25a--Summer Properties For Sale SCUGOG -- NEW COTTAGE, well built, modern, lovely view. Quiet, convenient. Inquire C. Coulter, Highland Beach, beside Port Perry on Seagrave Road. (166b) 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL cash or your equity. For quick results and satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512. Resi dence 5-2133. (Aug.8) WE ARE 7-3 7-YEAR-OL OLD TWINS. OUR daddy would like to purchase a home, $1,700 down, Oshawa vicinity, with 6 weeks possession. Dial 5-6204. (166¢) 'BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker LISTINGS WANTED PERSONAL SERVICE 16 BOND ST. EAST -- DIAL 53692 100 WILSON RD. N. LAKE -- DIAL 3-3800 (July30) Would You Like to Sell Your Property delay, sacrifice Then call toaay Dial 3-3822 KH. GOLDSTEIN, Broker 13 Bond St. E. J. Penicka -- Dial 3-8288 J. Barnoski -- Dial 3-7086 (July20) JOHN SQUARE REAL ESTATE BROKER PICKERING VILLAGE You are invited to come ° without bother? or in and list your Real Es- tate Requirements. PHONE GLADYS NEWELL PICKERING 35R2 PHONE OFFICE PICKERING 237) : (J1y14,16,18,25,28,31) 28--For Rent LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING front room, main floor, unfurnished, children welcome. Apply 305 Verdun Rd. (167a) YOU SECURE Greater choice, a better buy and courteous co-operation from our qualified sales repre- sentatives who are pleased to serve you. YOU SELECT from our. large representation of every type and location YOUR CHOICE OF HOME OR LOT. YOU ASSUME no obligation when you use OUR SERVICE. OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Saturday Inclusive DIAL 3-2265 SCHOFIELD Mmsurance ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE Realtors = Appraisers (1672) home. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, BUSINESS couple only, abstainers. Dial 3-9313. GARAGE FOR RENT, VICINITY OF Central Collegiate. Phone 3-8707. (166c) 3-ROOM APARTMENT AND garage if desired; possession Sept. Write Box 531, Times-Gazette. (July11,18) BATH; L SUITABLE FOR Central. Apply (167a) FURNISHED ROOM gentleman, $6 weekly. 109 Colborne E. 29--Wanted To Rent WANTED BY YOUNG ENGLISH COU- | ple, abstainers, first baby expected Sep- tember, unfurnished apartment, prefer- ably downstairs, or small house in Osh- awa or Harmony. Husband steadily em- | ployed at GM. Write Box 618, Times- Gazette. (166¢) YOUNG MAN WITH FAMILY RECENT- ly moved to Oshawa, require 'house or apartment. Careful tenants. Please phone 3-7837. (165tf) 4-ROOM APARTMENT WANTED, IM- mediately, 2 adults. Dial 5-3501. Apply Alger Press, Charles and Athol. (165¢) FURNISHED APARTMENT BY JULY 20, suitable for 2 or 3 adults, Central. Write Box 528, Times-Gazette. (Jly10,11;17,18) 3 OR 4-ROOM APARTMENT BY AUG, 1, newly wed couple, steadily employed at Whitby County Gaol. Abstainers, pre- ferably Whitby. Dial 3-9418, after 4. (165¢) HOUSE WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Kirby, 47 Moore Park Ave., Newton- brook, Ont. (165¢) MIDDLE- AGED, ( QUIET COUPLE RE- quire .three-room apartment. Dial 3-8948. (164d) URGENTLY NEEDED 4 or house Steady énces. 5-room apartment or in or near Oshawa. employment. Refer- DIAL 3-7837 (165tH) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men, very central. Dial 3-9895. (165¢) 31--Room & Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY MAN and 2 public school children. Write Box 613, Times-Gazete. (166¢) COTTAGES FOR RENT ON MAPLE Lake. Reasonable. Phone Lindsay 3722 (colect). (1650) 31a--Summer Resorts ATTENTION PARENTS, LET YOUR children spend their vacation on farm. Supervised playing and swimming. Chil- dren between 4 and 7 preferred. Dial 2356, Bowmanville. (1671) ARCHER : MOTO 2679 Also live horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. (July28) 38a--Market Basket RASPBERRIES, BEANS AND NEW potatoes freshly dug and delivered. 'Dial G. Fish 3.4953. (166£) SEE "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEw | 39--Articles For Sale or quality used car, at Belmont Mo | -- = -- tors, 137 King West. Phone 5-0732 (Augls) | 1953 CHEVROLET GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGN ment wheel balancing at Moring's Gar age, 1084 Simcoe St. N (Augl0) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675:, evenings 5-5706. ' (« Augl: 5) } SUITE SI chest and bed. Complete. Apply 633 Masson St. (165¢) N WHEELS, SMALL equipped. Apply 85 (165¢) COMPLETE in good . con- (165¢) MASON &. RISCH, vanity, after 7 p.m. two New car, - tone, white wall tires. Phone 5-1289 after 5 p.m. (166b) cabin trailer, well Fernhill Blvd. CHILD'S FIRE ENGINE, with ladder and garage, dition. Dial 3-9115. | PIANO; UPRIGHT, in rosewood case' Good condition. Phone Pickering 96J4. (167b) GOOD TIRES, DIAL (167¢) CTRIC RANGE, NEW . _All-steel box trailer, §75. Dial 3-91 4 PCS. EK condition; Monarch ice- box, 75 Ibs. Dial 3-8410. (167¢2 VACUUM CLEANER (ELECTRIC HY giene), complete witn polisher, only 12 months old. Sacrifice for quick sale, Dial 3-3692. (166b) PREMIER VACUUM CLEANER WITH attachments. Dial 5-2359. (166¢) SLIP COVER CENTRE Latest patterns, ten dollars up. FREE CAR 5-2887. TRAIL E R, DELUXE ELI condition, good condition; | BEDROOM SUITE, | veneer, good | SALES PORT PERRY 52--BUICK 4-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN 51--PONTIAC 4-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN 50--CHEV. DELUXE COACH 50--CHEV. STANDARD COACH 50--PONTIAC 4-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN 50--METEOR 48--PONTIAC DELUXE COACH 48--PONTIAC STANDARD OACH 47--PONTIAC DELUXE COACH 47--CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN 47--MERCURY 15-TON PANEL TRUCK 46--NASH 38--CHEV. Complete line pliances on show room. Phone PORT PERRY 57 (166b) Covers installed and car vacuumed. WILSON BATTERY, Cor. Church and Bond Streets DIAL 3-3512 Guy) YOU CAN GET -- $10000 For your Ice-box (no matter what condition) On a new refrigerator EASY TERMS BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. "(Jly19y" LADDERS Aluminum Ladders kinds, Light yet strong. Also Aluminum folding Clothes Dryers. KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (Augl0) of all DON'T PAY MORE?! 21" CONSQLY TELEVISION $249.95 (all'channel aerial extra) Largest Selection of T.V. at lowest prices . BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426. SIMCOE ST. 8. (Jly19) Frigidaire ~&p- display in our FOR SALE 4" Heavy Steel Tubing Pipes 33--Automobiles Wanted LAKE DALRYMPLE, 3 rooms, accom- | modate 4, electric refrigerator, oat, $25 | weekly. Apply Mrs, G. Sngddon, 56 El- izabeth St., Orillia. (166¢) 3-ROOM "FURNISHED COTTAGE AT AT Caesarea, Lake Scugog, close to lovely, sandy beach. Dial 5-0786 (166b) ALPINE INN We have accommodation still open for the opening of fishing and for the last part of August. lodge ov the falls. » din- ing room, and all forms of recrea- tio including shuffleboard and tele- on. Make reservation now to BOX 190 or phone 107 FENELON FALLS. Wly25) UPPER 'STONEY LAKE Wooded Lakeshore Lots with and without .beach JACK BEDWELL c/o WHETUNG'S STORE CROWE'S LANDING, ONT. PHONE WARSAW 13R4 (1666e. 32--Automobiles For Sale (167b) 5-ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY FURNISH- '36 CHEV. COACH; GOOD CONDITION. Apply 238 Eulalie. (166f) Approx. 18 ft. in Length Excellent Condition also Various sizes of angle iron in stock, new and used. 8' Cedar fence posts 16' Cedar poles suitable for clothes line DIAL 3-7333 M. GREENBERG & SONS 308 Bloor St. East (M,W,S,3uly29) *41'53 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR | you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road | S. Dial 3-9421. (Augl) | LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. | Want cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2924. (Aug.7) SELLING YOUR CAR? For quick sale place your car with us, All cars insured. We 'handle all financing. You are paid in cash, For further information dial 3-4851--open till 9:30 p.m. (Aug9 Index To Want Ad Classification Accounts (Chartered) ..... Automobiles Repairs Accounts Articles for Rent Architects Articles for Sale Agents Wanted Articles Wanted Auction Sales Auditors Automobiles for Sale Automobiles Wanted . Building Trades .. Money to Loan Barristers Real Estate Agents Nursing Services Optometrists Personal | Personal Services | Pets & Livestock Physicians | Radio Repairs | Real Estate | For Sale | Real Estate Exchange Wanted Room and Board Shurpening Service Dentists : Dressmaking Employment Wanted Engineers Farmers' Column Female Help Wanted For Rent Fuel Wood Gardening and Supplies Household Repairs Instruction Insurance | 19 im 3 24 6 7 >20 21 36 7A 2iedie ed for, rent, no children. Apply 16 Val- encia St. (167¢) LARGE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED for Cis) BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOM, SPRING mattress, all conveniences, close to bus Dial 5-6418. (167¢) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, COUPLE, no children. Apply 154 Warren Ave. (167a) FURNISHED BEDROOM IN PRIVATE Close to Motors. Dial 3-7145. (166¢) water. Apply 25 aren Ave. '51 FORD COACH, LIKE NEW, TWO- tone, air $1350. Teleph 5-0697. * (165¢) 52 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH, FULLY equipped, A-1 condition. Private. Dial 5-6407, after 4. (166¢) '49 AUSTIN, IN GOOD CONDITION. Radio and heater. Best offer over $700. Phone 5-4360. Apply 258 Highland. ( 166b) '46 CHEV. SEDAN, VERY GOOD CON- dition, best offer accepted. Cash or terms. Phone 5-6063. / (165¢) inh re Ru DELUXE 5-PASSENGER FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR gentleman, very central. Apply 235 Eu- green, radio, heater, pnts fi Doug Amey, 5-4836. (165¢) lalie Ave. (1690) FOR RENT OR FOR SALE, 5-ROOM house, Cadillac Ave. §. Write Box 617, Times-Gazette. (166¢) PONTIAC INN '40 MODEL, A-1 CONDITION, SEE IT and make offer. Dial 5-3815. (1676) '50 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, '52 ME- teor convertible. Phone 74, Port Perry. (167a) Single® furnished rooms in residential hotel, close to new GM; tele- vision lounge: 'Apply Pontiac Inn. Dial 3-3993. Wuly29) '4l. CHEV., GOOD RUNNING ORDER. Owner leaving for Vancouver. Dial 5- h (167b) '533 METEOR, WELL EQUIPPED, LOW | mileage. Phone 3489 Bowmanville. wy a REO, BODY 6 x 8 x 2', GOOp| nu condition, $125. Dial 3-991 £) | Room and Board Wanted | Summer Resorts Surveyors Veterinavies Wanted to Rent 43 | Wearing Apparel Women's Column 44 | Market Basket Lawn Mower Service Legal Notices Loan Wantea Lost and Found Male Help Wanted Male & Female Help Wanted CLASSIFIED AD RATES 20 words or les " Cash + large 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .... 1.50 1.65 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 240 2.64 If not paid within 10 days the charge rate will apply Opportunities Business Opportunities Wanted Chiropodists Chiropractors Coal-Coka-Fuel oil ... x pply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. nt insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. Above rates : Subseq -- : rofessional and Business listings, $5.00 per month for 20 words or less. "20c additional for "all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure, count as a word. Box charged 15¢ additional. Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am, the day of publication. Office.'hours: Daily, §35° Saturday. 8-12. errors in. adver- REGULATIONS The Daily' Times-Gazette shall not be respopsible for tisements submi otherwise than .in write. nor for more than one incorrect ins n of any advertisement, nor* beyond the price charged ) for "a single insertior. of the advertisements i» which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own | classifications.

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