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Daily Times-Gazette, 1 Aug 1953, p. 18

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48 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, August 1, 1953 No Wonder Many People Believe In Times Ads -- They Can't Be Beat For Resulis! Sold After The Ad Appeared In The Times-Gazette. For Results Like This Dial 3-2233. . I> 2%, GOOD 3 '40 REO, BODY 6 x 8 x running condition, $125. Dial -- (1676) Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 8--Building Trades 18--Lost & Found FLOOR 'SANDING AND STEADY janitor 'service. No Jocal competition. Write Box 712, Times-Gazette. (176d) LOST--GOLD DINNER RING, VICIN- STRICTLY BUSINESS meutten ity post office, King St. Reward. 5-5883. an FURNACES -- PIPES, CHIMNEYS VA- cuum d. Phone 2770, Whitby, 419 la--Accountants, Chartered NTEITH AND MONTEITH, CHAR: tered Accountants, 37 King St. E., Dial 85-4662. R. Gordon, W. Riehl, CA, Resl- dent Partner. (Aug.9) 2--Auditors Ajax. (Augl?) FOR SIDEWALKS, CURBS, CEMENT, LOST--WALLET CONTAINING PER- sonal papers, license and sum of money at C.N.R. Station, Friday morning. Finder please phone Pickering 294W. Reward. (1792) porchs, etc. Dial 5-1474 evening (Aug6) CONCRETE WEEPING AND vert tile. Dial 5-4052. CUL- (Aug.6) LOST--GENTLEMAN'S SIGNET RING, initials "WAG". Tuesday night, keep- sake. Apply 59 Celina St. Dial ak y (178¢c EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING AND repairs. Dial 3-4373. (Augll) ANTS. AUDITORS, 8. T. HOP- ig hed General Accountant. 172 King St. East. Dial 5-3509. (Aug2) 3--Barristers , TOUS S. HYMAN, QC, BARRISTER, 100 Alger Bidg., 37 King Street East. Mortgage Loans Arranged. Phones: Of- fice. 3-4943; Residence 5-0254. (Aug3) SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SANI- tary way. Dial 5-3986. (Aug2) BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING. Dial 3-3831. Taylor Bro. for free estimates. (July30) CARPENTER WORK, NEW HOMES built. Contract or hourly. Also trim. Dial 5-1971. (Aug.8) LOST--WALLET CONTAINING MONEY and business cards. Reward if returned intact. Dial 3-8433. (178¢c) 19--Money To Loan MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND AR- ranged. Donald Scott, Real Estate, 25 Prince St. Dial 3-2612. (Aug2?) FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Sale Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick & Hennick, Barristers, 31 King ANNIS, JONES AND CAMERON, ' 18% A Streot East. Dial 3-2269. Ralph S. Jones, B.A., John A. Cameron, B.A. Money to loan. (Aug!) HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN, BARRIS ters, solicitors, 6 King West. Phones: Office 5-1177; Residences 5-4604,° Whitby 2761. Money to loan. (Augh) IBBON & BASTEDO, BARRISTERS Mey Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe St. N. Phone 53566. Charles C. McGibbon, QC, Edgar F. aBstedo. (Aug24) CONANT AND CONANT. BARRISTERS and Solicitors, Roger G. Conant. B.A.. offices: Oshawa, Ont Vig incce St 8. 2227; , Ont. one 25. Dil Su: Ajax ? (Augis) A. W. S. GREER, QC, BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc., € King Street Easi. Dial 5-4717. Residence 3-4759. John M. Greer, B.A., St. Resident 5-3368. (Augl0) . SALMERS, B.A. BAKRISTER, Z ior. ston 13% Simeos Street North, Dial: office 5-3741, residence 35-5542. (Aug2d) OSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., BARRIS. Fa Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence. Dial 5-3405. (Augl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SO- iv 11 King East, Room 2. Dial Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325, (Augl) ILL 'AND J. A. YANCH. Mostgage bans He Prat 35461. Res. 3-2417. MANNING F. SWARTZ BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, Suite No. 4. Dial 3-4697. Residence 3-4029. (Augl) HTON, FRASER AND DRYNAN, ey Solicitors, Notaries, Bank ce Bldg., 5 Si St. N. Dial 39-3446. T. K. Creighton, QC, N. C. Fra- ger, QC, G. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch (Augl) &--Chiropodists JAMES A. BRITTAIN, Sargon Chiropody. Specializing in foot and leg diseases. Foot orthopedist, X- ray diagnosis. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-5621 (Augl) S--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, OSH- awa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 daily Saturday mornings. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (Augl) €. R. COLLARD, DENTIST, 24% SIM- , Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Saturday BE Dial 5-4832. (Aug24) 6--Nursing Services RELIABLE CARPENTRY WORK, CUP- St. E. Dial 3-7232. (Aug26tf) boards, remodelling, roofing. new homes and lay out o (] REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT you are building your own home. job too big or too small so give us a call. All work guaranteed. For free esti mates phone Don Brooks 5- . (Septld) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, SANDED, FINISHED OR REFINISHED LILLEY'S MODERN FLOORS DIAL 5-4902 DIAL 5-4851 (Augll) Pre-Cast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS Delivered and installed Sizes 300 gallons and up BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Brooklin -- Phone 155 * (Augl9) BULLDOZING EXCAVATING GRADING SAND AND GRAVEL PROMPT SERVICE LILLEY BROS. OSHAWA DIAL 5-4902 (Augs) PAINTING AND DECORATING For lastest papers, Finest paints, Best workmanship. S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE (COLLECT) BOWMANVILLE 912 or 2417 (Augitf) MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME. Phone Bowmanville 2974, Vi ! omen. Good care. meén and wi (Aug2®) SUNNYLEA REST HOME HAS ACCOM- on for ladies, convalescent, semi- invalid or elderly. Phone Newcastle 2496. (Augl?) 8a--Sharpening Service AUTOMATIC SAW FILING, SETTING retoothing and gumming. All types of saws lawnmowers, shears, etc., shar- pened. Stan's Sharpening - Service, 227 King West. (Aug22tf) 7--Optometrists H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, DISNEY 5 , opposite Post Office. Daily 9- 8; Mon., Wed., and Fri. evenings, 7-9. Contact lenses and plastic eyes. Dial 5- 6143. (Augl) 7a--Surveyors G. T. HORTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR- 11--Dressmaking sengers. or . North Shore Realty Com- pany Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. Dial 5-3568, (Augl) CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON first mortgages. Mortgages and agree- ments for sale purchased on favorable terms. Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers. (Aug2?) MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barristers &c., 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3-4697. (Augl) CLIENTS" 20--Personal LEAVING FOR MONTREAL AUG. 10, returning Aug. 16, room for 1 or 2 pas- Phone 3-77W, Pickering, Mon- day evening after 7 p.m. (179a) WILL JACK WATSON, HUSBAND OF Delores Watson, formerly of Windsor, Ontario, or anyone having any knowl- edge or information concerning him or his present address, please communi- cate with 'Maxwell Schott, QC, 7 Palace Theatre Building, Windsor, Ontario. (Augl,8,15) MADAM MARCH WILL BE AT 78 Church St., Friday and Saturday, from 7 - 11. Side door entrance. (178b) GOING OUT? WE .HAVE EXPERI enced baby-sitters, reliable middle- aged women. Phone Baby-Sitters Club, 5-4310. Mrs. Weeks. (Aug?) UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated from any part of the body with Saca-Pelo, a remarkable discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo contains no harmful in- gredients, and will destroy the hair root. LOR-BEER LABORATORIES 679 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. (Augl,8,15,22,29 20a--Cartage WE MOVE ALMOST ANYTHING ANY- time. Dial 5-2621. (Augd) 21 Personal Service PHONE 5-5854 DON SMITH Formerly of Cooper Smith Co. Now Representing CORONET T.V. OSHAWA (Aug1s) 22--Radio Repairs RADIO SERVICE -- CAR INSTALLA- tion, small appliance repairs. Ten years experience 5-4311, 102 Wilson. South. (Aug3l) EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS, AERIAL installations, television and appliances, sales and service. Parkway Television. Phone 3-3043. (Augl6) ALL TYPES DRESSMAKING, ALTERA- tions, specializing in wedding, brides- maid's gowns. Prompt service, expertly done. Dial 3-7947. (Aug26) 11a--Tailoring TOP TOWN TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' and gents' made-to-measure veyor, Civil Crescent, Ajax. Phone 247-R, Ajax. (Aug2?) ONTAR- sional en- AND. RICHARDS, DONEVAN clothes. All materials of the finest British a Si North, Dial 5-0632. Radio -- Television repairs, installations; top technicians. Call for and delivered. Aerials installed, car radio, portable, etc. FOWLER TELEVISION 16 BOND ST. W. DIAL 5-1685 (July28) 23--W 's Column (Aug2s) 12+--Gardening & Supplies fo Land Surveyors, and gineers, 215 King St. E. Phone 5-5632. (Aug.6) 8--Building Trades CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES BUILT and repaired. Brickwork, blockwork, free estimates. Call Lou Rasicott 5-1474 after 6. (Augd) J. H. HENDERSON--CONCRETE AND cinder blocks, large stock on han. Dial 3-4412. (Augl2) GENERAL MASONRY WORK -- CEL- lars dug and completed. Cement blocks and bricks laid Dial 5-2621. (Augd) ALTERATIONS AND REMODELLING, attics: and = bathrooms modernized; kitchen cabinets built and installed; general repairs, Floor and wall tiling. Work guaranteed. G. Parks 2B i ug. YOUR LOCAL PAINTER BY - CON: tract or by the hour, reasonable rates. W. J. Howard. Dial 3-8700. (Aug22) FRAMES, DOORS, WINDOWS AND k- ing service. Tiling kitchen bathroom. All work guaranteed. Free estimates. Alex Vajda, Modern Woodworking Shop. Phone 3-9851. (Aug2s) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER--SHINGLING, insul-bric, flat roofing, flashing, eaves- troughing. Free estimates guaranteed. Terms. H. Tucker. Dial 5-6161. (Aug29) PLUMBING AND HEATING PIPES, fittings, fixtures, new and used. Instal- lations at reasonable prices. Dial 5- 4241. (Augl0) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINT- ing and decorating, free estimates. Dial 3-9313. (Auglo) CARPENTRY SERVICES AVAILABLE, cupboards, roofing and remodelling. Also contracting for new homes, all or part. Layout assistance for people building own homes. Phone 5-0650. (Augll) CARPENTER WORK ALTERATIONS, kitchen cupboards. Free estimates. Ask about time payment plan. Jas. Clarke-- Dial 5-1754. (Aug29) BUILT - UP ROOFS, ASPHALT, shingle, eavestroughing. Apply J. R. Pigden, 319 Gibbs Ave. Phone 5-3224. (Aug NEW CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS, regulation size, work guaranteed. Dial 3-8012. (Augd) ESTI- 5-1286. (Aug24) EAVESTROUGHING ~ FREE mates. Guaranteed work. Dial Murray Holliday. NEW PLASTZRING - AND REPAIRS, archways, remodelling, water proofing basements. Free estimates. Phone 3- 8912. A. Woods (Augl0) ROOFING, INSUL-BRIC, ALL TYPES of masonry, fireplace, chimneys, stucco, sidewalks, blocks. Estimates cheerfully given. Gordon 'May. Dial 3.9911. (Augs) Specializing in block founda: tions, general cement work, plastering, footings and tloors, etc. Call for estimates. Prompt service, LILLEY BROS. DIAL 5-4902 x (Aug2n) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- Sodding, stonewall, rockery, lawn main- tenance. Low price. Will take care of your garden while v ioni Thie- SPENCER INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED supports for style, comfort and health. Guaranteed fittings. Registered corset- ierre. Mrs. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Rd. N. (Augll) 28--For Rent 32--Automobiles For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR two, good single beds, In modern home. Central. Dial 3-4031. (1796) BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS and trucks. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. al 3-2256. (Aug28) A REAL BUY--'49 PONTIAC SEDAN, Fleetline. Apply 127 Fernhill Bled. evenings. 1756) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR ONE gentleman, day worker, central, only clean quiet type apply. Dial TR ames SEE "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEW or quality used car, at Belmont Mo tors, 137 King West. Phone 5-0732. (Aug18) '47 CHEV. FLEETLINE, RADIO, HEAT- er and sun-visor, $350 cash, take over payments. Apply 96 Burk St., after 5. 77¢) CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent. Central. Dial 3-9225, (179a) 2 - ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. separate entrance, heat, light, water Adults d. Dial (179¢) NEWLY 1 Motors, col- 5-3447. 179) FURNISHED BEDROOM, d close to G legiate and hospital. Phone FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675: evenings 5-5706. (Aug15) FOR A NEW OR GOOD USED CAR contact Bill Haynes of Cliff Mills Mo- tors Ltd. Phone 3-4010. (175) '52 FORD WITH OVERDRIVE, STORED 10 month, not driven in winter, used only 4 months. Sold to clear estate. Very low mil Apply 15 Pine St., 'Ajax. 2 FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, continuous hot water, very central, bus stop at door. $15 per week, adults only. Dial 5-5227. (1792) Phone 655). (177¢) '52 PONTIAC 2221 2-DOOR SEDAN, blue, air conditioning heater, radio, er, other extras, ex- SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM, FOR couple or two gentlemen. Apply 2 Second Ave. Phone 3-4488. (170) 3.ROOM APARTMENT, SEPT. 1st. AR- thur Street, suit 2 nurses or bygsiness wa: cellent condition. Dial 5-2736. (177¢) '51 ROCKET OLDS. SEDAN, BLACK, white wall tires, hydramatic, radio and heater. Would take trade or half-ton pick-up. Terms. Phone 35-6229. (178b) couple. Write Box 722, Ti (178¢) '50 PONTIAC, PRIVATELY OWNED, FURNISHED BED - SITTING ROOM with kitchenette, ground floor, suit two adults, very central, 96 Centre MY (178¢ MODERN, COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2%-room apartment, central. Dial 3-8378. (178b) very low mileage, white walls. Reasonable. Fin- ancing arranged. Dial 3-8067. (178b) 51 FORD SEDAN, IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Approximately 40,000 miles, new paint job. Must sold to close estate. Dial Ajax 643, mornings or between 5 and 7 pm. * (178¢) FURNISHED ROOM, SINGLE OR double, near bus line. Dial 5-0360. (178¢) 51 CHEV. SEDAN, 2-TONE GREEN; reasonable. Apply 32 Charles Street. (178¢) LARGE SINGLE ROOM FOR REFINED "Television's a hobby with Argyle!" If television is a hobby, The Times-Gazette Classifieds Ads are the place to buy or sell used sets and parts. Call 3-2233. 25--Real Estate For Sale 6-ROOM INSUL-BRIC HOUSE ON high- way, village of Claremont. Gopd well, hardwood floors, low taxes. Bus at door. Phone Brooklin 18R23. (179¢) 6 ACRES, %% MILE NORTH OF NICH- olls Garage. Dial 3-9039 for information. a7sf) 25--Recl Estate For Sale 5-Room frame bungalow, $6,- 500 with $2,000 down, in west end of city. 4-Room frame bungalow, $5- 500 with $1,500, west end of city. 2 acres land with 7 -room house, also other outbuildings, between Oshawa and Whitby, $7,000. Terms to be arranged. More land available, W. E. HOLMES Broker DIAL 5-2363 Salesman New fast-moving registered sub-division, large lots, elec- tricity, new street open, excel- lent drainage, West side of National Stud Farm, RR 3. Oshawa, Ont, Write Richard Bickle Cavan, Ontario (Aug® $5,000 Down--10-room house, large shady lot -- Thomas St. Only $10,000. $4,500 Down--Modern 5-room brick bungalow, oil heating, E. IRISH 3-3301 (179¢) Rusco aluminum doors and windows, awning. A good home at $11,000. $2,100 Down--4-room frame house, V2 acre land, west of Bowmanville, at $2,500. $1,400 Down--4-room cot- tage North Oshawa, at $3,700. See W. McAULEY Realtor 13 PRINCE ST. DIAL 3-2512 ED. HINKSON, Salesman 3-8228 Evenings LESS THAN RENT $25 MONTHLY $2,300 down for this 2 bed- room Ajax bungalow. Excellent condition. . Full price $5,300, $2,500 down for this newly- decorated 2-bedroom bunga- low. Full price $5,400. J. P. ALLAN Real Estate Broker AJAX 139 - PICKERING 42 - AJAX - 704 OPEN EVENINGS (178b) 6-room brick house, 3 bed- rooms, sunroom, all modern . conveniences, garage, large lot, in good residential section of Bowmanville. Immediate pos- session, Price $10,800 with $2,000 cash. Balance on easy terms. H. C. PEDWELL NEWCASTLE PHONE CLARKE 38-SSL Agent for W. J. WARREN Real Estate AGINCOURT, ONT. (J1y28,30-Augl) (179a) BOWMANVILLE 7-réom insul-bric cottage, Viewlake, good roads from Toronto, screened, basement, well, beautiful cottage. Excep- tionally good value, Price $4,500 -- terms, 6-room insul-bric: bungalow in Tyrone, ¥% acre, hydro, gar- age, built-in cupboards, storms and screens, newly decorated, small fruit, close to school and church. $6,000. Possession ar- R. baud Gardener. Dial 5-5047. (Aug.8) PRENTICE'S BEAUTY PARLOR----NEW PLAN NOW TO HAVE YOUR GAR- den well cared for. We do all kinds, ddi d etc. Place , 72 Church St. Opening Special: $10 cold wave for $7.50. Dial 3-4521. (July30) x, your orders early for fall delivery of nursery stock, bulbs, etc. George Hardsand. Dial 5-1721. (Aug24) MACHINELESS PERMANENTS, 3-2651. Clarke's Beauty Shop. 182 Gib- $3.50 up; Cold Wave, $5 up. Guaranteed. Dial bon St. (Aug19) FOR YOUR' GARDEN AND LAWN. We feature a complete line of sprays and dusts to protect your lawn from the ravages of blight, insects, and weeds. King Bug Killer - CIL and Green Cross Sprays and Dusts- Weed Killer Fertilizer Garden Tools. For Fast Fair Friendly Service. Phone 3-2229. MASTER FEEDS 54 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA (Wed, Sat,tf) 13--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See our materials for re- covering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles St. Dial 3-7212. (Aug.3) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOV- ered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed, Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- holstering Co., 10 Bond St. West. Dial 5-0311. (Augl0) EXPERT REFINISHING, TABLES, bedroom, dining room suites, antique chaire, our specialty. For free estimates phone Oshawa Uphalstering Co. 5-0311 10 Bond St. W. (June26if) Expert assistance with your decor- ating and drapery problems. A wide selection of drapery, slip covering and upholstery material shown in your own home without obligation, All, types of tracks, rolls, venetian blinds and window shades supplied and installed. For appointment call V. L. MONTGOMERY Phone 122 Brooklin, Ont. (Aug.? 14--Instruction LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence 5-1860. (Aug10) 15--insurance McMURTRY INSURANCE, FIRE, auto, burglary, life. (Rep. ~~ Imperial Life) -- 21 King West. Dial 3-3722. (Augl?) 18--Lost & Found DISAPPEARED FROM BALL DIA- mond, Alexandra Park, Tuesday night, ladies' CCM bicycle, cream and. blue. Phone 5-2990. (178¢) 25--Real Estate For Sale $700 DOWN 4-room frame, basement, con- veniences. Terms arranged. Immediate possession -- Gibbs Street. DIAL 3-3822 H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 13 BOND ST, EAST Salesmen J. PENICKA J. BARNOSKI (179a) NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Completely finished, No, 1 oak and Jaspe linoleum floors, 4- pc. bath, living room 16' x 127, kitchen-dining, 9' x 22', All newly decorated, with one acre of land. 10 minutes east of downtown Oshawa. Full price $10,800. Cash deal re- quired. Possession arranged. Phone Richard Mosscrop BOWMANVILLE 2137 £1770) ACREAGE $300 DOWN -- 2 acres or more between Oshawa and Whitby, Just off highway on good road. $600 per acre. BalaMce easy terms. SMALL FARM $4,000 Down ~~ 7-room, 2- storey brick house with 3-pc. both. Has 6 acres of good garden land, chicken coops and extra buildings, very close to Oshawa just off No. 2 High- way. Will consider trade for Oshawa property. DIAL 3-3822 H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 13 BOND ST. E. 7 Salesmen J. PENICKA J. BARNOSKI (178b) ranged. OSHAWA HOMES SPECIAL LISTINGS $5,000 Down--Nicely located on residential street is this sturdily built seven-room rug brick home with natural fire- place, beautifully kept quarter- cut hardwood floors, sunroom, three-pc. bath, four large bed- rooms. This home is con- structed on a lot, 190 ft. in depth which has two aquar- iums well stocked with gold fish and other aquatic life, two rock gardens which addi- tions add greatly in beautify- ing the lawn gives entertain- ment and pleasure in the even- ing while sitting in the cooling shade, plenty of space for croquet, or putting green. The unadvertised price will be slightly reduced for a larger down payment, 8 - ROOM STUCCO $9,800 -- Situated on Gor- don St, is a first-class revenue- bearing home, heated from forced air by oil furnace, hardwood floors downstairs, good garage, low taxes. Large lot, 49° x 150. Fruit trees good garden soil. SIX - ROOM INSUL = BRIC $7,500--This house is rev- enue-bearing. Situated on Bar- rie Ave., garage, is splendid value -- an A-1 working- man's home. 6-room solid brick, 2-piece bath, insulated, 3 bedrooms, double garage, on a good resi-' dential street close to school, churches and shopping centre. Immediate possession. $7,000 -- terms. 7-room solid brick dwelling, 4- piece bath, oil furnace, hard- wood floors, large sunroom, modern kitchen, garage, gar- den, on main street. Imme- diate possession -- $8,000. JAMES NIXON Broker 160 LIBERTY ST. N., BOWMANVILLE PHONE 682 (1792) 27--Real Estate Wanted WANTED -- 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, west section, cash. Dial 3-8058. ae c. HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL cash or your equity. For quick results and satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512. Resi- dence 5-2133. (Aug.8) 'BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker LISTINGS WANTED PERSONAL SERVICE 16 BOND ST. EAST -- DIAL 5-3692 July30) an, very central. Residential. Nice home. Abstainer. Apply 114 Elgin East. (1781) '47 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, RADIO, heater, defroster, good tires; low mile- age, good condition. Dial 3-9258, (178¢) 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, furnished. Dial 3-3094. (178¢) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY 540 Drew St. (178b) 28--For Rent FURNISHED ROOM, $6 WEEKLY, also housekeeping room, $5 weekly, for gentlemen only. Apply 109 Colborne E. (179a) JOS. E. SHIELDS Real Estate Broker 124 DUNDAS ST., WHITBY MR. J. E. JONES, Representative PHONE 2874 EVENINGS 2473 MR. JONES -- 2719 (1792) 215-ROOMS FOR RENT, PARTLY FUR- nished, no children. Phone 3-2104, before (179a) 8 p.m. 25 Real Estate For Sale $2110 DOWN Oil heated brick storey and half, near school and shopping centre in Ajax. J. P. ALLAN Real Estate Pickering 42 Ajax 704 Open Evenings Ajax 139 UNFURNISHED, THREE-ROOM BASE- ment apartment. Dial 5-1850, (178b) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR ONE girl or gentleman. Apply 32 Park Rd. North. (178b) LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, NO objection to one child. Apply 105 Col- borne E a77¢) FURNISHED BACHELOR APARTMENT built-in cupboards, separate stool, suit- able for business couple or two gentle- men friends. Dial 3-7931. (177¢) ACCOMMODATION FOR 3 MEN. AP- ply 181 Tresane St. 5-3068. 177¢) 2 LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- able for business or middle-aged couple. No chiddren. Vacant now. Close to bus stop. Dial 5-2770. (177¢) ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen. Apply 299 Simcoe South. (175) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR RENT. Single bed for gentleman, abstainer. Dial 5-3413, 504 Front St. (177¢) PONTIAC INN Single furnished rooms in residential hotel, close to. new GM; tele- vision lounge: Apply Pontiac Inn. Dial 3-3993. Tuly29) 29--Wanted To Rent URGENTLY NEEDED---3 - 4 ROOMS or apartment, 3 adults, baby, by Sept. 1. Dial 5-4995, Mr. Pickering. (179¢) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM FOR lady working in hospital. Write Box 724 Times-Gazette. (178b) 3 OR 4 ROOMS OR APARTMENT, couple with eight-month-old baby. Good references. ial 5-2564 or 5-1803, William Foreman. (178b) (178b) YOUNG COUPLE MOVING FROM TO- ronto, wish to rent 4-room apartment. Apply Alger Press. E. Weyrich. 7 177¢) WE ARE TWO LITTLE CANADIAN girls looking for a home. Our mommy and daddy would like a small house in the country for rent. Would some kind people who love children please help us? Write Box 650, Times-Gazette. a7sf) FAMILY, 3 CHILDREN, REQUIRE house in Oshawa. Will trade house in Toronto. Please write Box 642, Times- Gazette, stating amount of rent present- ly paying. (1736) YOUNG MAN WITH FAMILY RECENT- ly moved to Oshawa, require house or apartment. Careful tenants. Please phone 3-7837. (165tf) Plant Manager of Ajax indus- try, with two children, is will- ing to pay up to $90 per month for house in Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering area. Prefer three bedrooms. Will accept short-term lease or assume un- expired lease. Phone Ajax 101. 177¢) URGENTLY NEEDED 4 or 5-room apartment or house in or near Oshawa. Stecdy 'employment. Refer- ences. DIAL 3-7837 (165t6) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men. Central. Dial 3-9895. (178¢) ROOM AND BOARD, FOR CHILD, from 3 to 5 years. Dial 3-2516. (178¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE YR two ladies in quiet home, north end of city. Write Box 719, Times-Gazelte, > (178b' PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Mo- tors. Dial 3-4634. (Augl3) ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL ers--Buying a new car or selling your old one, let us save you money on financing and insurance. Phone 3.7863. (Aug.8) 51 NASH, GOOD CONDITION, LOW mileage, a good, clean car. Apply 245 Kendal Ave., after 5. a75p RITSON MOTORS Pays Highest Prices clean used cars '52 Models 506 Ritson Rd. S. Dial 3-4851. Open Evenings Till 9 (Aug9) '53 Ford Coach, low mileage, air-conditioning, radio, 2-tone '53 Dodge Suburban '42 Buick, underseat radio. Reasonable price MORINGS' GARAGE 1084 SIMCOE N. heater, (178b) SLIP COVER CENTRE Latest patterns, ten dollars up. FREE Covers installed and car vacuumed. WILSON BATTERY, Cor. Church and Bond Streets DIAL 3-3512 (Aug19) YOU'LL BE PROUD TO! DRIVE ONE OF THESE | "SAFE-BUY" BEAUTIES! --DON'T BE LATE '52--PONTIAC STANDARD UDOR TUDO '52--CHEV. DELUXE FORDOR 'S1--METEOR CUSTOM FORDOR '51--METEOR CONVERTHBLE '50--PONTIAC DELUXE TUDOR '50--DODGE FORDOR '49--MONARCH FORDOR '47--CHEV, TUDOR '47--FORD FORDOR '42--PLYMOUTH FORDOR '41--PLYMOUTH TUDOR '52--MERCURY 12-TON PICK-UP TRUCK '51--MERCURY 15-TON PICK-UP TRUCK '51--FORD 12-TON PICK-UP TRUCK Mercury -- Lincoln Meteor Dealers Junction 12 and 27 Highways UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO Ux- Spring MOTORS LTD. '34 CHEV. STANDARD COACH. GOO condition. Phone 3-2621. ve '39 DODGE SEDAN. HEATER, RADI best offer. Apply Clark's Supertect, avs King West. a77¢) 51 CHEV. 2DOOR SEDAN WITH extras, very clean car, cash or Phone 5-4274. band '47 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE Outstanding condi- tion. $1,100 or best offer. Dial 3-2924 (176d) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS has these bargains to offer. 48 DeSoto Sedan Al condition all around .... $995 47 Plymouth Con- (vertible with new motor, paint and slip covers . $975 46 Olds Sedanette wth rebuilt motor $775 51 Buick Riviera Sedan, whitewall tires, fully equip- ped. Al condition all around. $2,000 or best offer. Will accept trade Dial 3-2924 Evenings 5-0150 (179¢) 33--Automobiles Wanted WANTED -- %-TON PICK-UP, WILL pay $125 cash or best offer. Phone 8 onl (179a) *41'53 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road} S. Dial 3-9421. (Augl) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. Want cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2924. (Aug.?) SELLING YOUR CAR? For quick sa'e place your car with us. All cars insured. We handle all financing. You are paid in cash. For further information dial 3-485}--open till 9:30 p.m. (Aug?) 36--Pets and Livestock BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED COLLIE puppies and grown stock. Stud service. Loch Rahnock Collie Kennels, 1000 Byron St. South, Whitby. Phone 2786. (Aug29) COCKER SPANIELS, ALSO BOARD. ing, trimming, bathing, defleaing. Wau- bena Kennels, new highway near Drive- in Theatre. (Aug.6) MOVING--MUST SELL FEMALES, 1 cocker, 1 beagle, 2 springers. Gordeene Kennels, Highway 7, Brooklin 18R1S5. (Aug2l) BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN. ing, talking strain, all colors. Mrs. T. Broad; 114 Elgin East. (Angd) DACHSUNDS, FOX TERRIER (smooth), Samoyeds, Labrador Retriev i d Knowle 3-8932, (Augs) er ton Kennels, North Oshawa. Dial REGISTERED CHINCHILLAS FOR SALE With a 30-day money-back guarantee. Write, phone or visit Leonard's Chinchilla Ranch (178b) . -4452 RR 1, Oshawa = Phone 3 52 Accounts (Chartered) ..... Autonobiles . Repairs sesnesne Sharpening Service . ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- men, good, quiet home. Dial 5-1980. 26 Gladstone. 1756) 31a--Summer Resorts Wanted Architects . Engineers Articles for Sale .. Agents Wanted Articles Wanted .. Aucti Sales ..... CAESAREA -- COTTAGE FOR RENT by week or month (furnished), suit 2 or 3 people. Apply 182 Albert Street. (179a) NEW COTTAGE--3 BEDROOMS, SAFE sandy beach, Lakeside Beach, Scugog Island, only 25 miles. from Oshawa. Phone 5-4431. (179d) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, ELEC- tric refrigerators. Chemong Lake, Peter- borough, eight miles. Mile from No. 7 Highway. A Brotherstone, 562 Waterford St., Peterborough. 1776) VACANCY FOR MONTH OF AUGUST. Sunset Lodge, Lake St. Peter. (Jly25-Augl) 32--Automobiles For Sale 34 CHEV. 4-DOOR SEDAN, GOOD CON- dition, $125. Apply 1024 Brock South, Whitby. Phone 446. (179a) '41. CHEV. DELUXE, S5-PASSENGER club 'coupe, beautiful condition, push- button radio, heater, everything. Dial 5-4836 (1792) USED CARS FOR SALE -- MECHAN- ics chance. 3 only left from our stock of used cars. These are repossessed. Sold for balance owing. '41 Ford Coach $148. '37 Pontiac Sedan $59. '37 Ford Coach $45. After 6, 903 Dundas West, Whitby. Central Motors Limited. (178b) '3 PONTIAC, GOOD MOTOR BODY and tires radio and heater. Best offer. Phone 5-4693. 1 (178¢) GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGN: | ment wheel balancing at Moring"s Gar | age, 1084.Simcoe St. N. (Augl0) Auditors .. ....... Automobiles for Sale .. Automobiles Supplies Household Repairs . Instruction Insurance Service Cartage .... Chiropodists .. . Chiropractors ..... Coal-Coke-Fuel Of] .ovevierinnns 9B Help CLASSIFIED Male Help Wanted 2 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ... 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .. Subsequent insertions ordered Index To Want Ad Classification Dentists ... Dressmaking Employdient Farmers' Column .. Female Help Gardening and Lawn Mcewer Legal Notices Loan Wanted oh Lost and Found .. Male & Female Wanted .... If not paid within 10 days the charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. ew original order. Money to Loan ... Barristers .. Real Estate Agents Nursinz Services .. Optometrists Personal . Personal Services .. Pets & Livestock . Physicians Radio Repairs .... Real Estate For Sale Real Estate teeanes «see BA 5 PETTITT Room and Board BESESSE SNR 8 BISEBLaE oF aj furs Suramer Resorts Surveyors Veterinaries Wanted to Ren .. 43| Wearing Apparel Women's Column .. Market Basket .. 38. AD RATES > 20 words or less Cash Charge 165 2.64 at a later date constitute a « Prof | and B 20 words or less. publicaiion. - Office hours: REGULATIONS-- The Daily Times-Gacette shall not tisements submitted otherwise than classifications. 20c additional for all wurds over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure, count as a word. Box charged 15¢ additional. Al Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am. for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price Sharged also reserves the right to classify advertising according to = $5.00 morth for 2 the day of Daily, 8-5: Saturday, 812. « be responsible for errors in adver in writing. nor for more than

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