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Daily Times-Gazette, 6 Aug 1953, p. 17

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Make It A Habit--When You Have Vacant Rooms--Place A Times Ad. It's So Easy To Do And The Results Are So Gratifying. This Room Was Rented Quickly By Mrs. D. THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Thursday, August 8, 1958 417 = CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR 2 gentlemen or working couple. Very central. Light housekeeping A Ontario. (170¢) Automobiles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 43--Male Help Wanted CHRYSLER, CLEAN THROUGH- Dial 33106. (181c) 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, good condition. Phone 3-8896. (181 .22 COO! RIFLE REPEATER, G20) | cou EY ¢) | ONCE, $17. Phone 3-3540. « RITSON MOTORS Pays Highest Pri -, For Hood, clean bb cars ¥ to 52 Models 506 Ritson Rd. S. [pia 3- "851, Cia Evenings 19 ~ (Aug9) SLIP COVER CENTRE Latest patterns, ten dollars up. 8 FREE ers Installed and car "vacuumed. © WILSON BATTERY, For Church and Bond Streets DIAL 3-3512 (Augl9) wtomobiles Wanted CABIN TRAILER TO BE REPAIRED, cheap. Apply 128 Liberty St. N., Bow- manville. Dial 3074. (182) CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD players, used. $35 up. B.F. Good- rich Stores. Dial 5-4543. (1458) AIR-COMPRESSOR, NEW, WITH ELEC- tric motor, hose and paint sprayer. Also air-compressor, new, with paint sprayer. Best offer for quick sale. 309 Gibbon St. (182¢) LEAVING CANADA, MUST SACRIFICE small tables, needle point chairs, lamp. $10 each. Phorte Brooklin 161R before ve (182b) WALNUT CUPBOARD, WALNUT CON- sole table, in good condition. Dial 5-1562. (182b) BATTERIES FOR ALL MAKES OF portable radios, fresh stock and guaranteed. Meaghers, 5 King St. W. (Aug. © USED METAL ICE BOXES, 50 AND BATH TUBS, TOILETS, WASH basins, sinks, $5; modern pis 0 bath taps arry Chinn, . rere 'South. (Aug.10) USED TIRES, MOST ALL S » $3 UP. B.F. Goodrich Stores. Phone 3. 1430) "CLIMATITE"" Aluminum combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Sept?) 75-lb. capacity. Used 3-piece field suites, studio suites, "and single kitchen at Dodd's Car k Road yDial 3-9421. ® soot) ISHORE AUTO WRECKERS. pot Sars for wrecking, highest prices Dial 5-0533 or 3-2924. (Aug.7) SELLING YOUR CAR? 3. CARS BRING MORE 0a CASH FOR For quick sa'e place your car with us. All cars insured. We handle all financing. You are paid in "cash. For further information dial 3-4851---open till 9:30 m. P ' (Aug9® 6--Pets and Livestock SH SETTER PUP, REGISTERED, es by Oshawa's famous O'Seaton ennels Gallant Gael, out of champion jock for bench and field. Phone Oshawa 092 or Bowmanville 2468. (182¢) | UTIFUL REGISTERED COLLIE and grown stock. Stud service. oh ch Collie Kennels, 1000 Byron . South, Whitby. Phone 2786. (Aug29) 5-piece natural suites," All in good condition. Ruther- ford's, 156 Simcoe South. (1346) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns, gay stripes, solid col ors, Can accept a few more orders for early delivery. Free estimates Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for vent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Augld) B. . GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries, Hotroint and Addison appli ances, 'elevision. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. (Aug2s) FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON loam. Phone 5-5650. (Aug.10) ORNAMENTAL PORCH IRON RAIL ings, free estimate. Air Shade Aluminum Awnings of Oshawa, 110 Verdun -Road. Dial 5-4332. Bh (Aug5) VFNEIIAN BLINDS--THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop: rient in venetian blind history. Flat. tened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful cnclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create 'enthusiasm. Estimates without obligations, George Reid. Dial 5-0633 -- 66 Bond St. West. (uAg12) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD rugs and clothing. Reversible and seam- less broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide without a seam, any length. Solids, and patterns. For informa- DCKER SPANIELS, ALSO BOARD- , trimming, bathing, defleaing. Wau: na Belthela, new highway near Drive- Theatre (Sept6) tion dial 5-1553, Continental Rug Co., Ltd. (Augils) SELEVISION AERIALS INSTALLED, OVING--MUST SELL FEMALES, 1! p ket, 1 beagle, 2 springers. Gordeene , Highway 7, Brooklin 18R1S. (Aug2l) y all-station one-wire sys- tem, eliminates switching and messy wires. Guaranteed 1 year In writing, $49.50 up. Kelly T.V. and Appliances. (Aug29) TERRIER ACHSUNDS, FOX nooth), L Retriev- $19.95 up -- HOOVER, ELECTROLUX, nels pple. bosrdi Gs Smit, 003. (Aug8) REGISTERED CHINCHILLAS > FOR SALE With a 30-day money-back guarantee. Write, phone or visit Leonard's Chinchilla Ranch RR 1, Oshawa - Phone 3- 4452 (Augé) EAD FARM STOCK, omptly. Phone collect Bowmanville 9. Also live horses. Margwill Fur n, Tyrone. (July28) 7--Farmers' Column IK THRASHING MACHINE, 22" ylinder, price $800. Phone 145W Brook: ) 8a--Market Basket OR YOUR HOLIDAY FOODS BE re to call at Glecoff's I.G.A. Super- garket, Ril South, for low prices very day, wide selection of finest ds. Open every night till 10 Pu. Aug30) BRING CON- RACTED HONEY. OR FRESH VEGETABLES---POTA- , beans, carrots, parsnips, in sea- , delivered, dial Mr. Fish 3-4953. (Augad) Articles For Sale DOUBLE BEDS, COMPLETE WITH ner-spring mattress, $20 each. Dial 3585. (181c) ATURAL WOOD DINETTE SUITE, cellent condition. Dial 3-8901. (181b) tric, Filter Queen, pray lec Rexair Sales. Dial 5-5121. (Aug29 Let us replace your old fur- nace with a new all-steel Gurney furnace and a well- known make of automatic oil burner. 18" furnace and burner stalled -- $500. 21" furnace and burner in- stalled -- $550. New pipes extra. Free estimates on completely new installations, 10% down, balance through UAC. ' HARRISON & KINSMAN DIAL 3-4425 or 5-4637 (Aug22) HOME FURNISHINGS. SECTIONAL furniture, end tables, lamps, combina- tion radio, magnificent rug. Phone 5-4701. (17 in- COTTAGE NRE PLUMBING sink and steel cab , in- RAMODE Canada's - most attractive all- aluminum awnings, canopies, patios. oi fhe light in, keeps the sun ou FREE ESTIMATES DIAL 3-3553 (Aug-25) DRIVERS WANTED MUST BE NEAT, eous and drivers. Apply aited Taxi, 143 Hing. St. East. (169tf) Greater Opportunities For MACHINISTS, TOOL GRINDERS, INSPECTORS Huge industrial expansion creating urgent demand in these key, highly paid posi- tions, All easy to master the S.E.I. way without interrup- ting present income. Send cou- pon now for complete free illustrated proof of opportun- ities. STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE © Box 725, Oshawa 'Times-Gazette ADDRESS 45--Agents Wanted WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY TRAVEL among consumers in Oshawa and Dur- ham Co. Permanent . connection with large er. Only hustler Rawleigh's Dept. Write 40--Articles For Rent WE RENT ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES By the week or month. Free pick-up and deliv- ery service. For REPAIRS on all SINGER sewing ma- chines. (some other makes too) FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Phone or write to: Singer Sewing Center 14-16 ONTARIO ST. DIAL 5-5443 asi) 41--irticles Wanted H-310-131, Montreal. CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS You can easily make extra money showing our unexcelled Christmas card assortments to friends, neighbors, and at work. Wonderful line to choose from. Feature assortments, Gift Wraps, purse lights and chil- dren's books. Special plan for clubs and church groups. Send no money--write today for samples on approval. You run no risk but hurry, be ahead of others in your locality. Monarch Greeting Card Co. Dept E, Hamilton, Ont. (Aug19) EARN EXTRA CASH Make more money easily in spare time, just show our beautiful Christ- mas and Everyday Cards to your friends. Imperial Vellum Stationery, Facil Fab Ribbons, Gay Folds, Red Velvet Assortment, and many more high quality items. Liberal commis- Just (Aug6,13,20,27) return. profitable. Company, WANTED--USED JUNIOR SIZE GIRLS bicycle, also tricycle, good condition. Dial 5-0407. (182¢) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATR- ers, scrap tron, metal, rags and mat. tresses. Dial Turner. North wa, 3-2043 collect. (Augl2) 50-T Bleecker St., "Toront (Aug. 6.8, 1113,15,18,20,22,25,27,20) 46--Employment Wanted FURNACES -- PIPES, CHIMNEYS VA- cuum cleaned. Phone 2770, Whitby, 419 Ajax. (Augl?) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO gow, Wil & Lee, 79 Simcoe % Dial 5-2822. COO USED FURNITURE WANTED, dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets. Crysler ture, 56 West. Dial 5-0132. (Aug23) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free. 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432, board motor. Call Harry "Chinn, Mont- rave South. (Septl) FISH WORMS--AMERICAN RED WIG- glers are smaller yet the greatest known wigglers, active and hearty for bass, pickerel and tion, 83 Ritson Rd. South. (Augl0) SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER AND parts for same. Cutting beads, pe etc. Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (Aug2s' COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, magazines, sold or exchanged. Kings: way Book Exchange, 561 King St. W Open every evening, (Rug20) | RECORD PLAYER NEW, tone, with $3 worth of records, MALL SET WEAR-EVER WATER- cook ware; used baby carriage in ood . condition. Reasonable. Dial 35-3423. (18lc) OOK STOVE COMPLETE WITH OIL and drum, also electric rangette. 3-7480. (181¢) INDOWS, DOORS, RADIATORS AND arage doors and stairs. Also a single and cultivator. Phone Sms. 3 er ENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT ange, perfect condition, cheap. Phone 2164. (180¢) E BOX, 50-LB. CAPACITY $15. AP- Sam Cheresna, 51 Nassau. (180c) $29.95. Terms. Meagher's, 5 King West. (Augl6) $¢ PER WEEK INSTALLS A NEW '53 Admiral television, refrigerator or range. Full selection at Kelly's T.V. and pliances. 81 King West. SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Aug13) . | prospects, work from Old estatblished firm. Residence dial 5-4159, (Sept18) 42--Female Help Wanted SALESLADY Experienced only, La- dies better ready - to - wear. Must have suc- cessful sales record. Sal- ary $50 per week. Re- plies strictly confiden- tial. Write Box 728, TIMES-GAZETTE (181e) GIRL OR WOMAN FOR CASHIER PO- sition, experienced preferred, but 01 necessary. Apply 1.G.A. Phone Whitby. sid) WOMAN TO CONTACT FUR COAT your own home. Highest commis- sions paid. Write Box 708 Times Gazette ( JUNIOR OFFICE GIRL 18-20 ABLE TO type good and pleasant personality to meet the public, y. Write Box 738 ELLY T.V. AND APPLIANCES OF- 1° used television sets, radio-phono washing r chines, . ranges, vacuum cleaners, r pol Make us an offer. New ,» 81 King West. (Aug29) OY'S BICYCLE, CARRIER, LIGHT, ol bag and pump, excellent condition. pply 87 Bloor St. E. (182¢) 'S CCM BICYCLE IN GOOD CON- n, $12. Apply 1044 King St. E, (182b) HIZZER MOTOR BIKE, GOOD CON- ition. Phone 3-4012. (182a) EW EUREKA CANNISTER TYPE- cuum cleaner, very powerful, com- ete. with all attachments, $99.95, ns: $10 down and $7 per month, eagher's, § King West. (Augl6) ITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS jjvailable now at Fabricated Metals, d Stampings Ltd., 249 Second Ave. 5-1665. (Aug. 6) H RAZORS, ALL nodels; also parts for same in stock. agher's, 5 King West. (Augl® McClary Refrigerators See the new miracle capacity McClary 'with automatic flash defrost, new green and gold interiors, 75-1b, freezer capa- city, butter conditioner with cold control. Prices start at only $279. Liberal trade-in allowance: : Easy terms. See them today at RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (1666) 00 NASH Aluminum Combination and Doors. mads in Windows, Screens The world's finest Oshawa. OOLVENT SALES & SERVICE $4 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 Aug10) SCRAP WOOD $5.00 per Truck Load DIAL 3-7333 M. GREENBERG . & SONS 308 Bloor St. East . SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses, etc. Factory accounts appreciated. 89 BLOOR ST. E. Dial 5-231) -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Aug.6) LADDERS Aluminum Ladders kinds, Light yet strong. Also Aluminum folding Clothes Dryers. KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 S (Augi0) FLOOR COVERING Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 patterns for every rocm in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (166) of ali VENETIAN BLINDS Beautify your home today with our Super Klostop model. Canada's finest Susiom made venetian blinds steel nb- (182) FULL OR 894 Simcoe (182b) EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, ON coats, suits and dresses; excellent wages. Write Box 737 Times:Gazette. . (181¢) SECRETARY -- TYPING AND SHORT- hand essential; hospitalization benefits, 5-day week. Apply E. F. Drew and Co., Ltd., Ajax, or phone Ajax 55. 131d) EXPERIENCED GIRL 25 OR OVER, for snack bar; 6 hours daily--2 at noon, four at night. Write Box 733 Times Gazette. (181b) Times Gazette: EXPERIENCED CASHIER, pant | time, for Foodland, St. . LAB. TECHNICIAN Gir| for position as Lab. Tech- nician in Chemical Plant. Knowledge of chemistry not necessary but asset. Elemen- tary high school mathematics required. Apply in person or by letter to . DOMINION VISCOSE PRODUCTS LTD. AJAX, ONT. ) (183¢) Experienced Waitress Wanted Apply at the ROSE BOWL (183¢) 43--Male Help Wanted CARPENTER AND HELPER TO ER. ect full frame barn during holidays. Phone 875 Whitby, Russell Fleming. (182¢) AR Open from 9 to 6 i Saturday. ALLEN'S VENETIAN SALES Dial 3-9662 or 598 Kirig East (Aug20) OXFORD PAINT $1.00 quart ... $3.49 gallon . SUPREME PAINT $1.25 quart $4.49 gallon 29 Interior & Exterior Colors A & A STORE "B6 SIMCOE N. DIAL 5-4462 (Aug20) AWNINGS KOOLVENT VENTILATED Aluminum Awnings and Can- opies, made in Oshawa KOOLVENT SALES & 'SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. PHONE 5-4632 Angin CRUSHER OPERATOR WANTED. AP- ply Pleasure Valley Construction, RR No. 1, Oshawa. Phone 5-3652. (181¢) YOUNG MAN TO WORK WITH SALES- man as door-to-door canvasser, trans- portation supplied, commission. Write Box 630 Times-Gazette. asi) WAITER FOR BEVERAGE ROOM. Must be experienced and able to supply character references. Apply Commersial Hotel, Oshawa. 1780) SALESMAN FOR EVENING WORK, selling aluminum awnings. ) |in charge on Sunday, August 9. Top missions. Exclusive territory. Dia) yr A553 anvtime, ane MAE'S MENDING SERVICE, CLOSING for holidays until Aug. 17, when we again Shope to serve your mending needs. (Augls) CUSTOM "BAILING DONE. so NING tooth harrows for sale. Dial 5-4006. nen MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN. ing, patching, zippers, button holes, pant cuffs, shirt collars turned or remade. Free pick-up and delivery. Dial 3-4840. (Augi2) MIDDLE AGED WIDOW COULD TAKE full charge of house, adults only. Dial 5-6359. (182b) ASHBURN Church Hears Candidates For Call MRS. WES. ROUTLEY Correspondent ASHBURN -- Sunday School and church services were held in Burn's Church on Smads, Sgt 2, at 10.30 am. and 7.30 p.m Rev. M. C. Young, of Gananoque, and formerly of amebridge, had charge of the evening service He chose for his text St. Matthews, Chapter 6, verse 27, "Which of you by taking thought can add one | cubit unto his stature?' During the service Kenneth Heron sang "The Hem of His Garment'. Rev. Blakely of Hillsburgh, a candidate for this pulpit, will be We hope for a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Routley and Helen attended the Hamill re- union held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Risebrough, 'of Mark- , on Sunday. Mrs. Alfred Fisher, Harold, Diane and Margaret, are spending the week at a cottage on Lake Simcoe. We wish to extend aur sm pathy to Mrs. Russell hardson in the loss of her brothek-in-law, James Wilson, of Kingston. Mrs. Richardson is spending a few days with relatives at Kingston Mills. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Henry Leask, of Uxbridge, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Batten, motored to Detroit for the holiday weekend. Roy Parrott, of Windermere, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parrott. Mr. and Mrs. James McGowan, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Moase and family of Toronto were holiday . HAS WOMEN TO THANK Jose Figueres, leader of the 1948 revolution in Costa Rica, who was elected President with a clear majority in Congress in the recent elections, is shown in the centre of a group of women as he waited to cast his ballot. Near- ly 50,000 were women voting in Costa Rica for the first time. They appeared to enjoy the new exerience for the early queues at the polling booths were main- ly women. Figueres was the can- didate of the National Liberation party and may owe his victory to the support of women voters. --Central Press. Canadian BALMY ATMOSPHERE FOR ROD The mood is affable in this meeting at the Elysee Palace as French President Vincent Auriol welcomed the new Russian am- bassador to Paris, Sergei Vino- gradov, when the latter called to present his letters of cre- dence. At right is Foreign Min- ister Georges Bidaulit. -- Central Press Canadian visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Burroughes. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Slute and family of Raglan, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. H. Fielding. Mrs. Howard Stiver and family of Unionville, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kerr during the week. a a ronto is spending ays al the A Rer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw. ses Peggy Graham and Doris | Heron spent the weekend at Glen Mohr Camp, Beaverton. Miss Ruth Richardson, of Toron- Bo, id spe~'ng a few days at 'her yh Chas. Davidson, of Camp- bellford, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Routley on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Salmon, of Toronto, were Snday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble. BALSAM, MT. ZION Nurse Marries Oshawa Man MRS. LORNE JONES Correspondent BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION -- Congratulations to Miss Ruth Car- son, nurse in training at the Osh- awa General Hospital whose mar- riage to James Ferguson Halliday of "Oshawa took place' on Friday evening in the Mount Zion United Church. The reception was held in the basement of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and family spent a few days with the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Willison of Athens and family. Miss Luella on left by plane on Monday morning for Sudbury. Her brother Lorne was pilot to North Ba Mrs. lia Rogers of Brooklin visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones. Misses Erla and Phyllis Jones spent the weekend at a cottage at S adow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jones and family Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Baker and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Budd of Woodville. A new feature at this year's Canadian 'National Exhibition will be a mid-summer ice show with flashing blades 'and gay costumes adding color to the Coliseum events Aug. 29 to Sept. 3. ROOM AND BOARD ;. OF NINES, SO I'LL CALL HIM... I HEAR YOU USED TO BE AN AMATEUR BOXER!....IT SO HAPPENS'T ONCE WAS A CHAMPION AMATEUR BOXER .... FOUGHT UNDER THE NAME OF * PACKY PUFFLE"/. WE MUST DO SOME SPARRING TO fT 43 20 YEARS AGO IN THE BELGIAN CONGO A GORILLA FINISHED ME AS A BOXER BY DAMAGING MY ARM MUSCLES! ....HE WAS AFRAID TO LET 60 OF MY WRISTS AND PULLED MY ARMS AROUND A TREE TRUNK FOR 3 HOURS! RR vse AFT THE H-BOMB, SCIENTISTS waLL GIANT HELICOPTER A large, speedy helicopter, cap- able of replacing established fixed wing airplanes on inter-city flight, routes within Britain, has been or- dered by the British Ministry of |W Supply from a well known U.K. aircraft manufacturer. A 50-seater, rotatifig wing jet type, to be known as the yne, it will be power- ed by two Napier Eland propeller turbines and will have -a higher cruising speed than any helicopter to date. Large loading doors at the tail end of the fuselage will make the helicopter adaptable for car ferry services or freight duty. HAYDON HAMPTON MRS. HILDA CROSSMAN Correspondent HAYDON -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and (family, Burketon, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby visited at Norman Avery's. Jack Stuart, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. . Harry Mills, Pat and Peter, Montreal; Theron Mountjoy, Hamp- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Downey, Ann Marie and Marlene, Shaw's; Mr. George Kerslake, Hampton; Miss Mary Peters, Base Line; Mr. and Mrs. James Hay- man, Bowmanville, visited Mr, and Mrs. Don Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brown- riege, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Heard and family, Gormley; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moun and family, Ty- rone, were at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby's. Mrs. John Andersun, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson and Carolin, Downsview; Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson, Allin and Barbara, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee and | family, Gormley, were Sunday vis- -- |itors of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell | {and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ashton, To- | ronto, were at Henry Ashton's. Mrs. Bodnar, Oshawa, is visiting | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Liptop. Bruce Garrard, Islington; Mr. | Oshawa, visited at Charlie Gar-| rard's Mr. "and Mrs. Nelson Gage, Bil- lie, Mary and Rickey, Thornhill, -|were at M Bertrim's. George Bertrim, Oshawa, is at | his home for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker and Douglas, Walkerton, were a Walker's and Mr. and Mrs. neth Walker's. Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Burrows and family to Burk's Falls and enoyed a couple of weeks' holi- gays Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Blackburn and Mrs. T. Cowling attended the Blackburn picnic, at Orono Park, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and family visited- Mrs. Bell's father, L. Bell, at Kendal on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery and family were at Miss Knapp's, Burketon. . T. Cowling and Carol Black- burn visited at Bill Cowling's cot- tage, at View Lake, when they en- enjoyed a motor boat trip. Milton Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Slemon visited Mr, and Mrs. White and Miss Nancy Johns, at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thompson and family and Mis. W. Thomp- son att d the T picnic at Cream of Barley Camp, Bow- manville, on Civic holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John L.ptay and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J.ohn Jurko and family at Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and family and Mrs. W. Martin visit- Ken- | and Mrs. Harold Gay and Eleanor, | M. HORN Correspondent HAMPTON -- Mr. and Mrs. Don' Adcock, Ray and Stephen; Mrs. Gilbert Adcock and Miss Anna- belle Adcock were at Bala on Sat- urday. Annabelle remained there for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Clark, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mac- Millan, Oshawa, were visitors at W. W. Horn's. : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills, Pat- ricia and Peter, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pearce, Oakville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mountjoy. G. Adcock spent a few days at Appin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon, John- ny and Judy; Mrs. S. Kersey, Miss Grace Kersey visited Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey at Plainfield on Sunday. Mrs. Kersey remain-ed for a few days. Ed. Moyer and Miss Mary Moyer, of Kitchener, visited rela- tives in the Horn family over the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Goodman, Tyrone, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson on Sunday. Mrs. Gilbert Adcock and Harry Adcock visited in Toronto. Mrs. Laura Ranton spent | weekend in Bowmanville. There was a good attendance at {the Sunday evening Communion | service which was conducted by our pastor, Rev. F. J. Reed. The choir contribution was in keeping with the occasion also. Light showers were prevalent {most of the day on Tuesday, be- | coming heavy in the evening. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. {Grant Williams, nee Jean Cam- {eron, on their marriage on Satur- | day. Mrs. Eliza Storey, who has been | visitng Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodg- the | * | son, has returned to Orono. A number from here were in Bowmanville last week to see the Coronation picture which was very worth while and much enoyed. The Snowden picnic was held in our park on Monday afternoon. Some of our Hampton people took in the activities at Caesarea and Port Perry during the holiday weekend. In the absence of our pastor on holidays, there will be no church service on Sunday evening next, but it is anticipated on the follow- ing Sunday evening, service will be held as usual. ed Mrs. George Ferguson, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee and family, Gormley, wére Sunday vis- itors at Arthur Bell's. The August meeting of the WA will be held at the home of Mrs. Thompson on Thursday, August 13, at 2.30 p.m. Wayne Blackburn is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cowling and family and Leslie Cowling, Salem, called on Mr. and Mrs, George Tabb. SPECIAL CLEARANCE OFFER On All NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINES & CABINETS FLOOR MODELS and DEMONSTRATORS -- Also -- Reconditioned Electric and Treadle Machines complete for only WALNUT CABINET MODEL. Regular price $256.50 $209.50 cash or WALNUT CABINET MODEL. Regular price complete for only $216.00 cash or WALNUT CABINET MODEL. Regular price $282.00 complete for only $238.00 cash or FREE SEWING LESSONS -- SET OF ATTACHMENTS AND COMPLETE 5-YEAR GUARANTEE DOWN $21 » $24.00 ¥ Also Liberal Trade-in Allowance On Your Old Machine DELUXE SEWING CABINETS. Regular price $39.50. To clear at $29.50 cash or STANDARD SEWING CABINETS. Regular price $29.50. % To clear at $20.50 cash or ALL ABOVE STYLES REDUCED TO CLEAR 50 DOWN DOWN SINGER $ DROP-HEAD TREADLES. Only ¥ TRY THESE FOR VALUE ---- RECONDITIONED Take Your Choice 1 50/1 1 Only $5.50 Only $6.50 FULL PRICE SINGER PORTABLE SINGER PORTABLE SINGER TREADLE Reverse Stitch. Only 8.95 down or .. ALL FULLY GUARANTEED $44.5 3599 down or . down or . plat SINGER SEWING C 14-16 ONTARIO ST. .NTER DIAL 5-5443 ®

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