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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Aug 1953, p. 16

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46 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, August 11, 1958 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 41 --Articles Wanted 47--Legal Notices stoves, heaters, - kitchen sets GOnl» USED FURNITURE WANTED, dressers. Crysler Furniture, 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. (Aug23) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS THE ESTATE OF RICHARD IN BILLINGSLEY REED, DECEASED. Ar having claims against CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local ond out-of-town calls pick up free 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5-4159 ; (Augls) 42--Female Help Wanted KITCHEN HELP IMMEDIATELY. Children's Camp. Phone 5-6092. (186¢) GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK or mothers' helper, new home, live in. Rossland 'Rd. area, start Sept. 1. Dial 3-8844. (186a) REQUIRED AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED switch board operator. Apply siating experience and references. Write Box 704, Times-Gazette. (185¢) BAKERY HELP REQUIRED -- FULL time. Apply Home Dairy, 24 Stmeve > 85b) RELIABLE WOMAN TO MIND CHILD in own home while mother works. Phone 3-3114. ' (184c) JUNIOR OFFICE GIRL 18-20 ABLE TO pe good and ty 5 pleasant personality to meet the public, experience not necessary. Write Box 738 Times-Gazette. (182) 43--Male Help Wanted FULL OR PART-TIME MAN WITH car desiring extra income. Apply Mr. Hornick, Genosha Hotel tonight. 5:30 to 7:30. No phone calls, please. (186a) BARBER WANTED -- FULL OR PART time, good wages. Apply C. Pascoe, 329 Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa, Ont. (186b) WANTED -- FULL TIME SALESMAN and two part time salesmen for Osh- awa. Good wages. Write Box 845, Times- Gazette. (184d) YOUNG MAN TO WORK WITH SALES. man as door-to-door canvasser, trans- portation supplied, commission. Write Box 630 Times-Gazette. (181) WAITER FOR BEVERAGE ROOM. must be experienced and able to supply character references. Apply Commercial Hotel, Oshawa. (184f) PLUMBING INSPECTOR Applications will be accepted for of rt Qualifications--journeyman's papers. Salary $3,200 to $3,800. Pension plan. | Car allowance. When applying state qualifications and experience. Direct applications to DR. C. M. HORNER, Director Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Cobourg (Aug. 12, 19) 45--Agents Wanted EARN EXTRA CASH Make more money easily in spare time, just show our beautiful Christ- mas and Everyday Cards to your friends. Imperial Vellum Stationery, Facil Fab Ribbons, Gay Folds, Red Velvet Assortment, and many more high quality items. Liberal commis- sion. Just write for beautiful free album, showing personal cards, and other samples, subject to approval or return. It's easy, it's fun, it's profitable. Write today. Douglas Greeting Card Company, 50-T Bleecker St., Toronto. ' (Aug.6,8,11,13,15,18,20,22,25,27,29) CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS You can easily make extra money showing our unexcelled Christmas card assortments to friends, neighbors, and at work. Wonderful line to choose from. Feature assortments, Gift Wraps, purse lights and chil- dren's books. Special plan for clubs and church groups. Send no money--write today for samples on approval. You run no risk but hurry, be ahead of others in your locality, Monarch Greeting Card Co. Dept E., Hamilton, Ont. (Augl9) 46--Employment Wanted FURNACES -- PIPES, CHIMNEYS VA- cuum cleaned. Phone 2770, Whitby, 419 jax. (Aug1?) MAE'S MENDING SERVICE, CLOSING for holidays until Aug. 17, when we again hope to serve your mending needs. ° (Augl5) the estate of the said RICHARD BILLINGSLY REED, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of June, A.D., 1953, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned execu- tors of the last Will and Testa- iment of the said deceased on or before the 25th day of August, A.D., 1953, after which date the said ex- exutors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. ; DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 30th day of July, A.D. % THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, and MORRIS BENNS REED, Executors. By: CREIGHTON, FRASER & DRY! Their Solicitors herein. (Aug4,11,18) TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS For Arrears of Taxes Corporation of the City of Oshawa County of Ontario To Wit: By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Mayor of the City of Oshawa, under his hand and the seal of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, bearing date of the 15th,day of June, 1953, a sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the City of Oshawa, will be held at the Assembly Hall, Centre Street Public School, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon on Wednesday, the seventh day of October, 1953, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, has been published in the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of July, 1953. Copies of the said list may be had at the office of the City Treasurer. Dated at Oshawa, this . 7th day of July, 1953. H. E. TRIPP, City Treasurer (Aug4,11,18,25) Reds Gain Control Of Iran Gov't WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Ltd., announced Monday that 3,500 employees will be laid off for an indefinite period because of a| change in plant facilities: "Engine and passenger car | plants," the announcemet said, "will commence to curtail opera- tions.commencing today." "At that time, the corporation will begin to lay off men for an indefinite period while changes are made in plant facilities and pro duct. A portion of the layoff period will be absorbed by the company's normal two - week vacation shut- down which commences Aug. 16." Sleepy Sickness Hits West Horses WINNIPEG (CP) -- Manitoba's first outbreak of sleeping sickness among horses since the end of the war has struck at least half a dozen animals at widely-separated points in the province. A scarce serum for v tion ALL 265 OF THEM These Are New MP's From Coast To Coast By THE CANADIAN PRESS Following is the Canadian Press list by provinces of members elected, majorities being approxi- mate in many cases (x--member of last House): ' NEWFOUNDLAND Bonavista-Twillingate--Hon. J.W. Pickersgill (L) 6,056. Burin-Burgeo--xChesley W. Car- ter (L) 7,502. Grand Falls-White Bay-Labrador --xT. G. W. Ashbourne (L) 1,740 Humber-8t. George's -- Herman M. Batten (L) 2,976. St. John's East--Alan Fraser (L) 1,565. St. John's West--James A. Power (L) 608. Trinity-Conception--xLeonard T. Stick (L) 2,562. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Kings--xThomas Kickham (L) 354 Prince--xJ. Watson MacNaught (L) 1,171. Queens (two members)--xJ. An- gus MacLean (PC) 114; Neil A. Matheson (L) 342. NOVA SCOTIA Antigonish - Guysborough -- xJ. Ralph Kirk (L) 3,252\ Cape Breton North and Victoria-- William Buchanan (L) 2,884. Cape Breton South--xClarie Gil- lis (CCF) 4,779. ColcheSter-Hants -- Gordon. T. Purdy (L) 189 Cumberland--A. .R Lusby (L) 476. Digby-Annapolis - Kings xGeorge Nowlan (PC) 1,135. Halifax (two members)--xS. R. Balcom (L) 6,020; xJohn Dickey (L) 6,091. Inverness-Richmond--A. J. Mac- Eachern (L) 3,544. Pictou--xH. B. McCulloch (L) 1,744. Queens - Lunenburg--xHon. Rob- ert H. Winters (L) 2,957. Shelburne - Yarmouth - Clare-- xT. A. M. Kirk (L) 4,126. NEW BRUNSWICK Charlotte--xA. Wesley Stuart (L) 4. - GlouceSter--H. J. Robichaud (L) 3,771. Kent--Herve Michaud (L) 3,346. Northumberland--xG. Roy Mec- William (L) 5,383. Restigouche-Madawaska -- J. G. Boucher (L) 4,293 Royal--xA. J. Brooks (PC) 1,768. [5:51 Saint John-Albert -- Thomas M. Bell (PC) 758. Victoria-Carleton--xG. W. Mont- gomery (PC) 609. Westmorland -- Henry Murphy | (L) 4,386. York-Sunbury--xHon. Gregg (L) 2,367. QUEBEC Argenteuil - Deux-MONTAGNES (Ind) Milton F. | xPhilippe Valois (L) 5,809. Beauce -- xRaoul Poulin 2,558. Beauharnois-Salaberry -- xRob- ert Cauchon (L) 9,754. Bellechasse -- xPhilippe Picard (L) 2,124. Berthier-Maskinonge - Delanaud- jere--xJoseph Langlois (L) 2,426. Bonaventure -- xBona Arsenault (L) 2,219. Brome - MissiSquoi Deslieres (L) 4,843. Chambly-Rouville--xRoch Pinard (L) 4,724. Champlain -- xIrenee Rochefort (L) 5,052. Chapleau -- xDavid Gourd (L) 4,136. xJoseph Charlevoix -- xAuguste Maltais |2 (L) 3,158. Chat y - Hunti - La- prairie--Jean Boucher (L) 2,207. Chicoutimi--xPaul Gagnon (Ind) 7,860. AA a x]; against the disease was flown to Winnipeg Monday from Indian- apolis and will be used to vaccinate at least 200 horses in the Winni- peg area. Two or three cases have also been reported in the Swan river area. None of the cases reported have resulted in deaths. CUSTOM BAILING DONE. SPRING tooth harrows for sale. Dial 5-4006. (Aug9) Among the horses affected in the Winnipeg area was a thoroughbred colt belonging to the R. J. Speers MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN- ing, patching, zippers, button holes, pant cuffs, shirt collars turned or remade. Free pick-up and delivery, Dial 3-4840. (Augl2) 47 --Legal Notices FOR SALE BY TENDER Stan Cowling farm, part of Lot 13, Con. 6, Darlington Town- ship. Tenders will be received by Harold G. Macklin, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, up to August 20th, 1953. Highest or any lender not necessarily accept- ed. (186¢) racing stable. Veterinarians here said they do not consider the outbreak serious. SPEEDY OUTPUT LONDON (CP)--Associated Port- land Cement Manufacturers Ltd. has announced a record-breaking year in which five bags of cement Compt ront Blanchette (L) 4,837. Dorch 149. Dr d- mand Cloutier (L) 2,481. ter--Robert Perron (PC) {336 -- XAr- Gaspe--xJ. G. Leopold Langlois 2,51 (L) 1,824. Gatineau--xJ. C. Nadon (L) 4,534 Hull--Alexis Caron (L) 15,209. IleS-de-la-Madeleine -- xCharles Cannon (L) 39. Joliette-I'A p - --xMaurice Breton (L) 8,675. Kamouraska -- xArthur Masse (Ind.-L) 632. Labelle--Gustave Roy (L) 802. Lac-St. Jean--xAndre Gauthier (L) 2,012. ; Lapointe--Fernand Girard (Ind) 2,971. Levis -- xMaurice Bourget (L) 6,742. Longueuil--Auguste Vincent (L) ry tonal were produced every second. The [11,836 group is the largest cement pro- ducer in the world. VALUABLE ANTIQUE AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--An old- fashioned oak chest was sold at auction for $7 but the purchaser found it had termites and refused to take it. A week later the owner rushed in, tore open the bottom drawer, and sighed in relief. It contained $300 and all her jewelry. SALLY'S SALLIES A. Coprs 1953, King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved. =] A 3 8-1 "Um returning this. All he says morning js, You ought to see her in the Lotbiniere -- xHon. Hugues La- inte (L) 1,799. PMatapedia-Matane--Leandre Thi- bault (L) 1,658. Megantic -- xJoseph Lafontaine (L) 5,381. Montmagny-I'Islet -- xJean Le- sage (L) 4,073. Ee atraal Cartier--xLeon Crestohl (L) 11,409. Montreal Dollard--Guy Rouleau (L) 7,550. Montreal Hochelaga--xRaymond Eudes (L) 14,566. Montreal Jacques-Cartier-Lasalle . | --xEdgar Leduc (L) 10,477. Montreal .Lafontaine --xJ. G. Ratelle (L) 11,808. Montreal Laurier -- xJ. Eugene Lefrancois ,854. Montreal Laval -- xLeopold De- mers (L) 11,495. Montreal Maisonneuve - Rose- mount -- J. Deschatelets (L) 2,431. Montreal Mercier--xMarcel Mon- ette (L) 7,918. Montreal Mount Royal -- xAlan Macnaughton (L) 7,782. Montreal Notre-Dame-de.- Grace --William Hamilton (PC) 1,206. Montreal Outremont-St. Jean-- xRomuald Bourque (L) 7,239. Montreal Papineau--Adrien Meu- pier (Ind-L) 254. Montreal St. Ann--xTHOMAS P. Healy (L) 13,037. Montreal St. Antoine-Westmount --xHon. D. C. Abbott (L) 4,323. Montreal +St. Denis -- xAzellus Denis (L) 3,767. Montreal St. Henri--xJ. A. Bon- nier (L) 10,201. Montreal St. Jacques -- xRoland Beaudry (L) 8,243 Montreal St. Lawrence-St. George--xHon. Brooke Claxton (L) 4,344. Montreal Ste. Marie -- xHector Dupuis (L) 11,180. Montreal Verdun--xPaul Emile Cote (L) «939. Nicolet - naska -- xMaurice Boisvert (L) 1,878. Pontiac-Temiscamingue-- xHugh Proudfoot (L) 2,365. J orineut---xPieire Gauthier (L) "Quebec East--xRt. Hon, Louis St. Laurent (L) 19,737. ] Quebec South--xHon. C.G. Power (L) 12,315. fresne (PC) 2,467. Quebec-Montmorency -- xWilfrid Dufresne (PC) 2,467. LaCroix (L) 5,253. Richelieu-Vercheres -- xLucien Cardin (L) 12,066. Richmond-Wolfe -- xErnest Gin- gras (L) 4,309. Rimouski--Gerard Legare (L) Roberval -- Georges Villeneuve (L) 141. St. Hyacinthe-Bagot -- xJoseph Fontaine (L) accl. St. Jean-Iberville - Napierville xHon. Alcide Cote (L) 13,803. St. Maurice-Lafleche -- xJ. A. Richard (L) 8,142. y3aEvenay --xLomer Brisson (L) . Shettord -- xMarcel Boivin (L) "Sherbrooke -- xMaurice Gingues (L) 7,630 Roberge (L) 3,170. Temiscouata -- xJean Francois Pouliot (L) 2,792. Terrebonne -- xLionel Bertrand (L) accl. Trois-Rivieres --xLeon Balcer (PC) 1,877. Vaudreuil- Soulanges Rene Beaudoin (L) 5,773. Villeneuve -- xArmand Dumas (L) 7,637. ONTARIO Pearson (L) 3,616. Algoma West xGeorge E. Nixon (L) 4,463. Brantford -- John T. Shillington (PC) 1,429. Brant-Haldimand -- xJohn A. Charlton (PC) 631. Bruce--A. E. Robinson (PC) 310. Carleton -- xHon. George A. Drew (PC) 5,574. Cochrane -- Joseph Habel (L) 1,269. Dufferin-Simcoe--xHon. W. Earl Rowe (PC) 1,714. Durham--xJohn James (L) 261. Elgin--xCharles Coyle (PC) 1,762 Essex East--xHon. Paul Martin (L) 14,260. Essex South--xS. Murray Clark (L) 3,097. Essex West--xDon F. Brown (L) ,619. Font William--xDan Meclvor (L) Glengarry Prescott -- xRaymond Bruneau (L) 1,885. Grenville-Dundas -- Arthur C. | Casselman (L) 3,338. ris (L) 2,931. i Grey North--xColin Bennett (L) ,095. . Hlalin~-Mizs Sybil Bennett (PC) Hamilton East -- xThomas H. Ross (L) 3,853. Hamilton South~--Russell Reinke (L) 2,959. Hamilton West -- xMrs. Ellen Fairclough (PC) 3,009. Hastings-Frontenac--xGeorge 8. White (PC) 3,138. Hastings South -- xFrank S. Foll- well (L) 1,049. 1 Hyron -- xL. E. Cardiff (PC) ,194. Kenora-Rainy River -- xWilliam Benedickson (L-Lab) 1,017. Kent -- xE. Blake Huffman (L) 4,727. Kingston--xW. J. Henderson (L) ,363. Lambton-Kent --xHugh A. Mae- Kenzie (L) 1,969. Lambton West -- xJ. W. Murphy (PC) 2,446. 4 Lanark -- xWilliam Blair (PC) ,607. Leeds -- Hayden Stanton (PC) Lincoln -- xH. P. Cavers (L) 1,298. London -- R. W. Mitchell (PC) ,018. Middlesex East -- xHarry White (PC) 3,082. Middlesex West -- xRobert Mc- Cubbin (L) 2,846. Niagara Falls William L. Houck (L) 7,090. Nickel Belt -- xJ. Leo Gauthier (L) 5,413. Nipissing -- xJ. R. Garland (L) 7,053. Norfolk -- R. E, Anderson (L) 1,685. Northumberland -- xFred Rob- ertson (L) 1,908. Ontario --~xMichael Starr (PC) 1,284. Ottawa East -- xJ. T. Richard (L) 13,973. Ottawa West -- xGeorge MecIl- raith (L) 6,817. Bai -- Wallace Nesbitt (PC) Parry Sound-Muskoka -- xW. K. McDonald (L) 926. Peel -- xGordon Graydon (PC) ,186. Jon. J. W. Monteith (PC) Peterborough -- xGordon K. Fra- ser (PC) 3,048. Port Arthur -- xRt. Hon. C. D. Howe (L) 5,046. Prince Edward-Leanox--xGeorge Tustin (PC) 764. . Renfrew North -- J. M. Forgie (L) 484. Renfrew South -- xHon. J. J. McCann (L) 1,490. Russell --xJ. O. Gour (L) 9,029. Simcoe East -- xW. A. Robin- a) 0 xJ. H. Fergus coe' North -- xJ. H. Ferguson (PC) 569. . Stormont -- xHon. Lionel Chev- rier (L) 6,121. Sudbury -- Rodger Mitchell (L) ,090. Timiskaming --Mrs. Ann Ship- ley (L) 435. Timmins -- xKarl Eyre (L) 638. Toronto Broadview -- xGeorge H. Hees (PC) 4,124. Toronto Danforth -- R. H. Small (PC) 789. Toronto Davenport -- xPaul T. Hellyer (L) 1,909. Toronto Eglinton -- xDonald Fleming. (PC) 6,192. Toronto Greenwood -- xJ. M. Macdonnell (PC) 3,316. Toronto High Park -- xA. J. P. Cameron (L) 1,463. Toronto Parkdale -- xJ.-W. G. Hunter (L) 3,463. Toronto Rosedale -- xC. J. Henry (L) 246. Toronto St. Paul's -- D. R. Michener (PC) 521. Toronto Spadina -- xDavid Croll (L) 8,586. Toronto Trinity -- xLionel Con- acher (L) 2,051. Victoria -- xC. W. Hodgson (PC) ,466. Waterloo North -- xNorman C. Schneider (L) 5,343. Waterloo South -- Arthur White (L) 1,687. r 6 Quebec West -- J. Wilfrid Du-| Wi Quebec-Montmorency -- xWilfrid ; Stanstead -- xLouis Edouard |1 Algoma East -- xHon. L. B.|4 Yyshand -- xW. H. McMillan (L) king (L) 513. Wentworth -- xFrank Lennard ) 2,882. York Centre --A. H. Holling- worth (L) 2,379. York East -- R. H. McGregor (PC) 2,379. York-Humber -- Ken Thompson (L) 36 York North -- xJ. E. Smith (L) 1,614. York-Scarborough -- Frank En- field (L) 666. York South -- xJoseph W. Nose- worthy (CCF) 1,345. York West -- xRodney Adamson (PC) 1,848. MANITOBA Brandon-Souris -- xWalter Dins- dale | (PC) 5,501. 1 rchill -- xGeorge Weaver (L) : Dauphin -- Fred Zaplitny (CCF) "Lisgar -- W. A. Pommer (L) 684, 1,684. Marquette -- xHon. Stuart Gar- son (L) 4,805. Portage-Neepawa -- xW. G. Weir (L) 3,127. Provencher -- xRene Jutras (L) xLouis | 4,310 "St. Boniface -- xFernand Viau (L) 4,852, Selkirk -- xR. J. Wood (L) 137. Springfield -- A. B. Weselak (L) Winnipeg North -- xAlistair Stew- art (CCF) 5,925. Winnipeg North Centre -- xStan- i Kaowies (CCE) 10,779, nipeg South -- O. C. Trai (PC) 538. rahe Winnipeg South Centre -- xGor- don Churchill (PC) 2,807. Assi ASASRATCHEWAN niboia -- xHazen Ar (CCF) 3,318, sve Humboldt-Melfort -- H. A. Bry- son (CCF) 1,597. Kindersley -- oor Ju. ackenzie -- A. M. Nichol (CCF) 482. Sn Meadow Lake -- xJohn H. Har- rison (L) 964. Melville -- xRt. Hon. J. G. Gar- diner (L) 1,890. Moose Jaw-Lake Centre--xRoss Thatcher (CCF) 6,081. Moose Mountain -- E. G. Me- Gellough weer 105. nce ert -- xJ. G. Diefen- baker (PC) 3,116. on Qu'Appelle -- Henry Mang (L) Mervin Johnson Grey-Bruce--xHon. Walter Har-|1,282 Regina City -- Claude Ellis (CCF) 1,695. . Rosetown-Biggar -- xM. J. Cold- well (CCF) 5,588. Rosthern -- Walter Tucker (L) 215, askatoon xR. R. Knigh (CCF) 5,082. ie Swift Current-Maple Creek -- xI. W. Studer (L) 82. The Battlefords -- A. M. Camp- bell (CCF) 528. Yorkion -- G. H. Castleden (CCF) 3,362. ALBERTA Jeadia -- xVictor Quelch (SC) Athabaska -- xJ. M. Dechene (L) 1,339. } : Battle River-Camrose -- xRob- ert Fair (SC) 4,825. Bow River -- xC. 'E. Johnston (SC) 2,627. Calgary North -- xD. S. Harkness (PC) 10,839. Calgary South -- xCarl 0. Nickle PC) 4,041. Edmonton East -- Ambrose Holo- wach (SC) 1,088. Edmonton-Strathcona -- R. F. L. Hanna (L) 16. Edmonton West -- xHon, George Prudham (L) 3,151. Jasper-Edson -- Charles Yuill (SC) 975. Lethbridge -- xJohn Blackmore (SC) 3,890. Macleod -- xE. G. Hansell (SC) 4,172 "Medicine Hat -- xW. D. Wylie (SC) 300. Deace River -- xSolon Low (SC) 5 Red Deer -- xF. D. Shaw (SC) Vegreville -- xJohn Decore (L) Wetaskiwin -- xRay Thomas (SC) 1,265. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES oJ 2ckende River -- M. A. Hardie YUKON I hn -- xJ. A. Simmons (L) BRITISH COLUMBIA Burnaby - Coquitlam Regier (CCF) 2,142. Burnaby-Richmond -- xTom Goode (L). 531. Cariboo -- Bert Leboe (SC) 132. Coast-Capilano -- xHon. James Sinclair (L) 4,850. Comox-Alberni -- Thomas Bar- nett (CCF) 1,501. Esquimalt - Saanich -- xG. R. Pearkes (PC) 6,293. Fraser Valley -- A. B. Patterson (SC) 375. Kamloops -- xE. Davie Fulton (PC) 3,708. : Kootenay East Byrne (L) 1,219. Kootenay West -- xH. W. Her- ridge (CCF) 4,734. Nanaimo -- Colin Cameron (CCF) 2,413. New Westminster--George Hahn (SC) 138. Okanagan Boundary -- xOwen L. Jones (CCF) 683. Okanagan-Revelstoke -- George McLeod (SC) 261. Skeena -- xEdward T. Apple- whaite (L) 2,670. Vancouver-Burrard -- xJ. Lorne MacDougall (L) 1,843. 4 Erhart xJames A. Vancouver-Centre -- xHon. Ralph Campney (L) 2,675. Vancouver East -- Harold Winch (CCF) 5,274. Vancouver - Kingsway -- xAngus MacInnis (CCF) 4,345. Vancouver Quadra -- xHoward C. Green (PC) 5,145. Vancouver South -- Elmore Phil- pott (L) 3,534. Victoria -- Francis T. Fairey (L) 4,618. TRADE STIMULUS KARACHI, Pakistan (CP)--Bi- lateral trade agreements with Hol- land and Finland promise to step up Pakistan's trade balance with European countries. Pakistan will export jute, cotton and raw mater- ials in return for newsprint, ma- chinery and milk products. Charges CMA Is Failing In Its Duty OTTAWA (CP)--John F. Cauley, workmen's Compensation Board, charged today that the Canadian Medical Association has "fallen down terribly" in maintaining dis- cipline among its member doctors. Canadians hardly ever hear of the association taking disciplinary action against any doctor in con- nection with competence, Mr. Cau- ley told the annual convention of the Trades and Labor Congress. It is time the association put "its house in order" or have the federal government set up an independent board to license and cortrol the medical profession as a "public protection," he said. Talking Crow Unpegs Wash Irks Women STRATFORD (CP) House- wives here were warned today to keep a sharp eye on clotheslines because "Doc," a 12-year-old crow. with a passion for clothes pegs is on the loose. Owned by machinist apprentice Jim Jones, Doc got out of his} cage once before and unclamped' pegs on a neighbor's clothes line, dumping a morning's hard work on the ground. : The talking crow took off today from his eight-foot-long cage when | a newspaper photographer called ! to take his picture. "J One of his pet phrases is "I'm | caught" but nobody's heard Doc || say it today. | reserves are located in Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Kansas. Most United States natural | STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY PHONE WHITBY 552 Memorials @ Markers Quickly and Accurately Filled PRESCRIPTIONS MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Dial 3-3431 TYPE PROVIDE all le aml CIRCULAR AIRSHADE AWNINGS tection for your porches, doorways and steps. winter long they keep out snow, rain, and sleet and in the summer they protect you from the hottest sun. weather pro- All FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DETAILS PHONE OR WRITE 110 VERDUN RD. AIRSHADE ALUMINUM AWNING of OSHAWA 'DIAL 5-4332 » Here's MONEY. on your own signature FAST SAME-DAY SERVICE $50 to $1000 without bankable security. Up to 24 months to repay. Phone or stop in for fast, friendly service. 7, 7:9): J. Canada's largest and most OUSEHOLD FINANCE 25th year in Canada. C. H. Brook, Manager 11%2 Simcoe St. South, Och 5-1139 d floor, ph OSHAWA, ONT. B.F. Goodrich Tubeless Tire "2 1 HAS NO TUBE It may save your life... The B. F. Goodrich LIFE-SAVER Tubeless + dd skids, the h that frequently result in serious injury, and even death. It can save you trouble... The B: F. Goodrich LIFE-SAVER Tubeless Tire seals an P on r ae rotects against the annoying trouble caused y flat tires. It will save you money... The B. F. Goodrich LIFE-SAVER Tubeless Tire provides greater safety than any tire and tube, yet it costs less than the conventional PUNCTURE PROTECTION A rubber d under 3 Ji mtal inco an eliminated. Your B.F. Goodrich dealer now has the Tubeless Tire seals puncturing objects, and permanently seals the hole when the object is d I i delays are BLOWOUT PROTECTION Instead of a tube, the LIFE-SAVER has a pat- ented inner lining that's part of the tire. In event of damage there's no sudden blowout, only a small break in the liner, a s-s-s-slowout that lets you stop safely. the tread Accidents like the one above can happen when blowouts occur-- 0 that's why you owe it to tionin B.F. Goodrich LIFE-SA ourself to fin VER Tubeless Tires. Most blowouts ut about the extra protec are caused when the inner tube explodes through weakened or broken cords. But, because it has no hh dd A. hl inner tube, a LIFE-SAVER Tire t to a safe s-s-s-slowout-- allowing you ample time to stop your car safely, with perfect control. rR ele. See To: Tire Division, Kitchener, Ontario. Please send me The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company of Canada Lid., B.F. Goodrich LIFE-SAVER Tubeless Tire. SKID PROTECTION : The LIFE-SAVER tread is cross-cut into thousands of tiny grip-blocks. At 30 miles per. hour on wel roads, it stops you a car length quicker than' regular tires . . . and gives you longér mile- free literature on the B.F. GOODRICH STORES 453 SIMCOE ST. S., -- PHONE 5-4543

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