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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Aug 1953, p. 9

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CROCHETED Teen-agers like their millinery tailored and trim. For those han- with a crochet hook, here's a white cotton hat with head-hug- ging crown and small peak that can be worn throughout the sum- mer months. A tailored gros- VISOR CAP grain _bow is the only timming. If you Would like to have direc- tions for crocheting this visor cap, send a stamped, self addressed envelope to the Needle- work Department of this paper ad ask for Leaflet No. CPC- " A New Producion Every Two Weeks In Spite of Chaos, Makeshift Measures By BERNARD DUFRESNE Canadian Press Staff Writer QUEBEC (CP)--It's a wonder the Quebec Summer Theatre meets jts schedule of a new production every two weeks. Rehearsals appear to be slightly chaotic, but there's a measure of order in the happy buzzing-round of the dozen-odd young men and women who make up the summer stock, group. For instance, producer Hal Walk- ley, 31-vear-old RCN officer on leave of absence for the summer, was a hard guy to nail down for an interview. He kept popping out to answer the telephone. "My public wants me," is the way he put it. The "public" in most cases was someone with a problem. ' CAUSE FOR HEADACHE Walkley, a native of Olds, Alta., cut his theatrical teeth in Hart House productions at the University of Toronto after the war and later appeared with Torono's village Players. One of his actors, Fred Dixon, 21, of Everett, Mass., came up with a dandy cause. for a produ- cer's headache. He had to report to his United States draft board July 29. But summer stock seems to breed wondrous ingenuity. Louise Mason of Ottawa walked in' for a rehearsal, swinging a cop- per chain that was needed for a prop. Her landlady did not know at the time the chain had been "borrowed." It had served to hold pe living room curtains to one side. MAKESHIFT MEASURES Then the printer announced he would not be on time with the post- ers for that night's opening of a produgtion of John van Druten's "I am a Camera." So Barbaro Boyle, a Boston girl who has ap- peared in theatres off Broadway, found some chalk: and drew a simple but eye-catching poster on a blackboard. Giancarlo Galassi-Beria, a citi- zen of San Mairona who has had wide experience with Italian tour- ing companies, directed the play and helped build the set, all at the same time. He dropped his hammer long enough to shout in- structions to players sitting in the balcony, running through a scene. Galassi-Beria now is studying play- writing at Yale University. Holding the book to see that the players had their lines right was 12-year-old Diana Russell of Que- A "Diana does everything around here, from runningerrands to help- ing build the sets," Walkley said. "I'm looking for a play with a part for a 13-year-old girl and I'll put her in it next year." ers, who get room and but no pay, perform four nights a week and work on He next production the rest of the e. NO ATTENDANCE RECORDS QST's second season isn't breaking attendance records for summer stock, but Walkley figures that with average nights of 60 paying customers he's far ahead of his freshman season. The tourist trade is about the same, but Quebecers who got their first look at summer stock in 1952 are coming back for more. They sit in straightback pews of a cen- tury-old former Methodist church that now is called "I'Institut Cana- dien." The institute, a French- Language cultural group, rents the theatre for a low fee. Forces, causing a great increase Royal Scottish Country Dancers Mark 30th Birthday The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, with 70 branches and many affiliated groups in Cale- donian Societies throughout the world, including Canada, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. When the late King George VI gave the society its Royal title shortly before his death, it was a tribute to the work of the founders, Miss Jean Milligan and Mrs. Stew- art of Fasnacloich, who by per-| severance and enthusiasm brought about such a revival of interest in the old Scottish dances that there is today a total membership of 16,000. The society was founded in 1923 when the dances were in danger of being forgotten. During the war they gained great popularity in the in the male membership of the so- ciety when the war was over. A refresher course for teachers is included in the summer school held annually at St. Andrews, this and other activities being financed by books the society publishes on Scottish country dancing. Further teaching is made possible through films. With the help of the Seottish Films Council, movies have been made of three of the dances, 'Mrs. McLeod", "River Cree", and "Rakes of Glasgow". During the recent royal visit to Scotland, more than 550 dancers from all parts of Scotland took part in a rally and display at Mur. rayfield, Edinburgh. ORANGE GRIDDLE CAKE 1 cup sifted flour 2% teaspoons baking powder 3 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg, wellbeaten 1% cups milk 3 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 1% cups Corn Flakes 1 tablespoon finely grated or- ange rind % cup sugar Sift together flour, baking pow- der, salt and sugar. Combine egg and milk; add gradually to dry ingredients, mixing only until smooth. Fold in butter and corn flakes. Spread tablespoons of bat- ter thinly on hot griddle and bake until golden brown, turning only once. Sprinkle cakes with mixture of orange rind and sugar, pile in a stack. Cut in pie shaped wedges to serve. 0 Yield: 6 griddle cakes, 4% inches in diameter. (Stack and cut in 4 wedges). Write H. J. Heinz Company of Canada Ltd., Dept. S.P., 420 Dupont St., Toronto 4, Ontario, for A Tempting DisH If Appetite Jaded Appetites are apt to be a little jaded in the last days of summer. Canned salmon, chilled before serving, presents a variety of tempting possibilities. A good stock of canned salmon on your pantry shelf will stand you in good stead in the last hot weeks that still lie ahead. Here's one suggestion for a quick, tasty luncheon dish. MAGIC SALMON MOLD 2 cups salmon 2 pkgs.- lime gelatine 1% cups boiling water 1%cups gold water Lettuce Salad Greens 'Y cup mild vinegar 3 tbsps. lemon juice 14 tsp. salt 2 cups shredded cabbage 3 hard cooked eggs Tomatoes Mayonnaise Flake salmon, placing it in bot- tom of mold. Dissolve gelatine in boiling water, add cold water, vine- gar, lemon juice and salt. Pour half of the warm gelatine over sal- mon. Chill. When salmon it set, fill mold with alternate layers of finely shredded cabbage and the sliced hard cooked eggs. Pour over this the remaining gelatine, chill until set. Unmold on crisp salad greens and garnish with lettuce cups filled with mayonnaise, quarters of tomato and slices of |: hard cooked eggs. DRAPES - CURTAINS VENETIAN SHADES Mode-to-Measure FREE ESTIMATES WARD'S ot Athol Diol § td PLUS... coca runaien YOU" GET BIG SERVINGS IN EVERY 8 QT. BAG fo i yy THs il ay \ i No finer Salt ANYWHERE Talk of the Toun SPECIAL! REGULAR Margene Margarine :: 34- Oxydol a 31 or 61 Aylmer Choice Corn 2 .::. 23: SPECIAL! GOLDEN CREAM STYLE SPECIAL! CANADIAN PORK Luncheon Meat EX. 7 31: (2d of J: Y REET el Nl Ogilvie Cake Mix 2 ® Burns Products Burns Chuckwagon Dinner ........ => 30¢ Burns Spork .............ccccoemn.ee. 292 33 Burns Campfire Sausage ......... >> 47¢ Burns Weiners ....................... "2. §3¢ Mason Jarscou salt poz. Fo @3 42 00. 1.19 Ld Certo Liquid ............................ 2 27¢ Seal-a-wax snp ssn manana Hb 48 New! Smooth! Rich! LOBLAWS ICE CREAM Free Insulated Bags to Keep Your Ice Cream Firm While Carrying Home. Hostess Ice Cream -.....-........ 22 2Q¢ VANILLA, 3 FLAVOUR, BUTTERSCOTCH SUNDAE PINEAPPLE DELIGHT Royal Treat Ice Cream +. 25, VANILLA, FESTIVAL, NEAPOLITAN, cHocoLa oF Shurflo Motor Ol sa: 10.20, 30. oAL 89 Laco Mazda Lamps 2, a, 0 wan tac 0c Facelle White Face Tissue >= 20c Master Brand Dog Food 2 3X: 25¢ Cashmere Toilet Tissue 2 3: 29¢ Maple Leaf Toilet Soap 2 =. 15¢ Brofl re Gr 38 lvory Soap 05. De Breoxe WITH CANNON GIANT 79: - TEA TOWEL PKG. Lifebuoy Soap ....................... 2 13¢c SPECIAL! Mik Fed -- Choice Boneless Fronts Veal > 39: Cottue | Lean Peamealed i ottage Rolls . 57 | SPECIAL! eon Peamealed Buc Bacon 5 | END CUTS BY THE PIECE i 8. C 09: IDEAL FOR BAKING OR BOILING SEE OUR SELECTION OF THE FINEST QUALITY CENTRE CUTS OR SLICES Ld Delicatessen Foods POTATO SALAD - COLE SLAW FRUIT DESSERT AND A COMPLETE VARIETY OF DELICATESSEN MEATS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE! isesesesssecsvesssssssssesm GENUINE NEW SEASON'S SPRING LAMB ALL STORES WILL HAVE A PLENTIFUL NEW SEASON'S SPRING LAMB ATTRACTIVELY PRICED LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO. LIMITED THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, August 13, 1953 § ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 13, 14, 15 LOBLAWS FRESHLY GROUND Pride of Arabia * Coffee -... .2 97: LOBLAWS 100% PURE Pride of Arabia Instant Coffee *: 1.69 JAR COTTAGE BRAND, WHITE, BROWN, CRACKED WHEAT Loblaws Dated Daily Bread '~<- UNSLICED, 1 4 Cc EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! QUAKER GIRL 24-OZ. LOAF 16 PIECE DINNERWARE SET ® 4 Cups © 4 Maiching Saucers IN HANDY 2 89 ® 4 Fruit Desserts © 4 Dinner Plates _ CARTON CARTON 38¢ L] 1 4 Libby S Peas UNGRADED es @ oF TNs 37: Hpton s Purple Label > \c: reo: xo. 23, i-fone ................. ERACTRIRORIE TH © 1) Maple Loot Cheese I or ar 28¢ Kraft Sliced Cheese provision Py 31 Monarch Margarine .......... '* 34c 5% CTN. Monarch SPECIAL! WESTON'S BISCUITS -- ENGLISH QUALITY Rich Cream Sandwich ......... cis Numilk 29°20 eerie 188 yan Flour .............. 748, Appleford's Food Saver ">= 1» 31c Good Luck Margarine ....... '* 40 | : Ovadtine CHOCOLATE FAVOURED 3 OL. 73c cnscssvrens, \ 1.35 Oc IT'S NEWH LOBLAWS Jack and Jill Peanut Butter PAL Aylmer *);' Foods . Tilbest © Deal | 50s mt. "ar 59c Dyson's "2" Pickles 20 Sle Gerber's Baby Cereal 72.00 ro. 23¢ Freshie FOR REFRESHING DRINKS ASSORTED 6c Cadbury's ..\. Chocolate :> 34: Heinz White Vinegar ..........,7" . 16¢ Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea ... > 59c Golden Bar Cheese "2% ..... :* 26¢ Checker Choice Tomatoes 2 ,», 29: 52¢ PKG. Loblaws 5 White Cheese PACKAGE California -- Sweet Crisp i 2-35: For A Cooling Summer Drink Fresh @.. 25¢ LUTE EN ed Testy Spanish 9 15¢ Onions Ontaric -- Excellent For Pies, ofc. Fresh Blueberries ---- i @Q¢ NOW IN PLENTIFUL SUPPLY -- ONTARIO SALMON - FLESH CANTALOUPES FRESH DAILY! -- ATTRACTIVELY PRICED

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