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Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Aug 1953, p. 7

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[LD GUIDANCE Great Value can be Gained From Grace Said at Meals G. CLEVELAND MYERS ery minister, priest or rabbi rages religious ceremonies in home. He knows such home iice is not so easily cultivated r as it was in the pioneer ». True, there is more leisure today, but there are also + places to go and more things outside coming into the the growing family, some or f its members are going some .~--the parents to their clubs ther organizations, the older ren to their meetings or just or fun, It's not easy to find a lar time for family prayers in modern home. . ge one or two times a day | the whole family may be to- or is at mealtime. Even so, ral. members of the family rush off for an engagement. ., those who work may have rent times® for leaving or re- ng. yway, more often than not, time affords the best oppor- y for a brief religious cere- 7. and most families with g children can have one or meals together daily. Perhaps HALF-SIZER! y grace said at the beginning of the the simplest mealtime ceremony is meal. It isn't easy to win co-operation of the children in any religious ceremony at home after they are six, twelve or older, if they have not shared in such from the time they began to eat with the family. Some of these older children, not mean! to be irreverent, may feel a bit embarrassed if a play- mate is present, unless they feel the ceremony is a precious family tradition. So. the earlier family Bible reading, prayers and graces are begun, better, as you can: see. IMPORTANT PRACTICE There can be great moral and spiritual valve gained from grace at meals, when even the youngest learns to wait, bow and be silent for a few moments and get the impression that gratitude expres- to Almighty God for the food is an important practice. While . it may be best for the child to make up his own prayer or grace, most young children like to memorize a short one. For this reason I have prepared a new bulletin offering a number of pray- ers and graces; some of which I have composed (to be had by send- ing a.self-addressed, stamped en- velope to me in care of this news- paper). You might, however, prefer to have a different selection from your rabbi, priest or minister. Tasty and Tempting Rice, Fish Chowder! Make this "meal in a kettle" often, but especially when minutes are short and the family is de- mand! something to eat in a THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Quick and profitable results can be expected this day if you work with initiative and enterprise. As- sociates are in a cooperative mood and the configurations are excel- lent for ideas that are novel and daring. The lunar vibrations also favor entertainment for business reasons and large-scale social ac- tivities. The evening hours are fine for plans involving future security, travel and community projects. A good period, too, for seeking pro- fessional advice, arr i a fall social program and catching up on long-overdue correspondence. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, the coming months may find yi faced with some intriguing prob- lems but, if you will regard them as challenges rather than obstac- les deliberately set in your path and tackle them from that view- point, the results should be emin- ently satisfying. Your innate wca- pacity for hard work plus an un- usual intuitive sense, should point the way toward resolution of all problems and result in a feeling of achievement and a deeper sense of security. Career advancement is definitely in the offing and by mid-fall there should be a considerable improve- ment in your financial affairs. Ro- mance and courtship are favored, but do not yield to jealous im- pulses. SWEET AND SMALL GLAMOROUS SAILOR Big beautiful hats are a flatter- ing frame for faces this season. Here is an example of what this type of topper will do to enhance an important afternoon or lunch- eon costume. This large sailor has a wide brim trimmed with pheasant feathers in a scalloped motif over the edge and facing. The crown is a rounded mush- room type and is in a contrasting | shade. -- By TRACY ADRIAN. Political Field Still Closed To Non-voting Egyptian Women By JOAN BARBERIS Canadian Press" Staff Writer TORONTO (CP)--The new gov- AminUd-In and the Begum Hus- sain Malik, both of the All-Pakistan Women's Association, at a press Molded Salmon |Pleases The Eye Excites The Palate Would you like to spend more time outdoors on these nice days and less time in the kitchen pre- paring meals? That's easy - serve a salmon salad mold. Today's recipes are just two of the many luscious salads you can make so easily with canned salmon. You can make one of these cool, sparkling salads in the mocning - relax all day knowing that supper is ready and waiting in the re- frigerator. Imperial Canned Salmon Salad 1 package lemon gelatine 2 tbls. lemon or vinegar 1% tsp. salt. 1 thls. sugar 2 half 1b. cans salmon flaked 1 cup diced celery 3 red pimentos, cut in narrow strips 1 green pepper, cut fine 4 hard-boiled eggs, sliced Dissolve lemon, gelatine in'1 pint boiling water. Add -lemon juice or vinegar, salt and sugar. Just as|2 gelatine begins to set, add the canned salmon, celery, red pim- entos, green pepper and hard-boil- ed eggs. Canned peas can also be added. Mold in one large mold or individual molds. Chill and unmold on lettuce. Garnish with parsley, tomato wedges and serve with mayonnaise. Serves 6. Thrifty Canned Salmon Salad Mold 1 package lemon jelly powder 2 half 1b. cans salmon cooked peas sliced tomatoes Dissolve' lemon jelly powder in pint of boiling water. When cold put a shallow layer in bottom of mold. When partly set, place in sliced tomatoes. Fill mold with al- ternate layers of canned salmon, flaked peas and jelly. Chill and serve on lettuce leaves. Garnish with tomatoes, cucumber and may- onnaise. Serves 6 } ) THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, August 13, 1953 7 A Simple Recipe For Those Who Like To Make Candy It may be a throw-back to the days when the taffy pull was the big social event, but actually most everyone likes to make candy! It's" an especially nice rainy-day occupation for youngsters, and wise mothers will use a never-fail recipe, such as puffed corn sur- prise squares. Three ingredients are uséd in this unbelievably simple recipe. Semi-sweet chocolate is melted and a layer is poured into a square pan which has been linedg with waxed paper. Marshmallows and pre-sweetened puffed corn cereal are spread over the . chocolate. Then another layer of chocolate goes on top. The mixture is set aside to cool. As quickly as this, you have a delicious cereal sweet to serve as a radio or TV treat. PUEFFED CORN SURPRISE SQUARES cups (12 oz.) semi-sweet choc- olate, thopped or bits marshmallows, cut in pieces cups (pre - sweetened puffed corn) Melt chocolate over hot not boil- ing water. Line 8x8-inch pan with waxed paper. Spread about half of the chocolate in pan. Cover with marshmallows and pre-sweetened puffed corn. Spread remaining chocolate over top. Set in cool place to harden. Cut into squares when cool. Yield: 64 l-inch squares. TEETHING TROUBLES At teething time, baby is often fretful and eevish because of rregularity or an upset tummy, Try Baby's Own Tablets, These sweet little i tablets have been used by | mothers for over 50 years to overcome this condition. Equally effective for constipation, digestive upsets and other minor infant troubles. No "sleepy" stuff -- no dulling effect. Get a package today at your druggist. BABYS Ow "SALADA TEA BAGS Sree During the first four months of p de 1t | conference stressed the need for | I 4 ernment of Egypt has made 1 this year, Indian internal airlines {women in Pakistan to do social hurry. With inexpensive rice, a easier for women in social service | marvelously delicious and really - 4624 By ANNE ADAMS \ZY DAISY frosting. for your midseason runabout It's a ty touch of color to point up smart details of this style. y to do, too! This style is de- ad especially for short, fuller 'es -- no alteration problems. wroidery transfer included. ittern 4624; Half Sizes 14%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 24%. Size takes 4% yds. 35-inch fabric. iis pattern easy to use, ple »w, is tested for fit. Has com- + illustrated instructions. nd THIRTY - FIVE CENTS ) in coins (stamps cannot be pted) for this pattern. Print ily SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, LE NUMBER. nd order to ANNE ADAMS, of The Daily Times-Gazette, ern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. 14Y2--24%2 quick meal is easy-to-fix as boiling water. And that is just about all that is necessary in 'this "fast" rice and fish chowder. The ingre- dients need absolutely no special attention before they are cooked and a dish to make a "family feast" 'is ready while the table is being set. INGREDIENTS 1 cup uncooked rice 1, 8 ounce can tomato sauce 14 cups uncooked mixed vege- tables 1 pound frozen fish fillets, cut in pieces (do not thaw) 3 teaspoons salt 14 teaspoon paper desired) 3 cups water METHOD: In a large saucepan or soup kettle, mix. the rice, tomato sauce, mixed vegetables, frozen fish fillets, salt, pepper and water. Bring to a vigorous boil. Turn the heat as low as possible. Cover with a lid and leave over this low heat for 20 minutes. If a thinner chowder is desired, add additional water. This recipe make 10 servings. (or more if WIFE PRESERVER A trick to remember when laundering a coat is to remove any non-washable trimmings or By ALICE BROOKS Just the right size for your Todd- ler to hold! Little 7-inch doll is made of child's size 8% Scraps for the wee clothes! Doll and complete outfit! Pat- tern 7335; seven-inch doll direc- tions; and patterns for sew-easy wardro-be. » Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not 'be accepted) to The Daily Times-Gazette, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- TERN NUMBER. sock. to sew, embroider, crochet--print- ed right in the Alice 'Needlecraft Book! Plus more patterns to send for -- includ- ing ideas for gifts, home caces- sories, toys, fashions! Send 25 cents shoulder pads. now! NM AImost Everybody in Can ----- Jo! val 4 ada Wears Clothes THE wt NW ...and also uses sheets, draperies, towels and hundreds of other textile articles. That's why Canada has its own textile industry, like every other major nation of the world . . . to meet these needs . . . day in, day out, year after year, in.peace or war. In normal times Canada supplies most of her own cotton textile needs. In wartime all of them. Foreign suppliers concentrate on serving Canadian customers only 'when their own mackets are flooded and goods have to be unloaded at any cost. Low Canadien tariffs invite the dumping of such goods here. Canadian textile goods . . . malch foreign materials in quality « + +» are compelitively priced ++. are designed for Canadian needs and tastes 3: . provide more jobs in manufacturing than any other Canadian industry For the best in cottons ask to see the Tex-made label CANADA LIVES BETTER... WITH Toi pots... PRODUCTS DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED TEN COMPLETE PATTERNS | Brooks | many work but not in the political field, | service work before entering the Mrs. Matilda Greiss of the Country | political field. Women Association of Egypt said | Wednesday. ' Mrs. number of refugees Malik said that with the in the mil- "There is a great need for Egyp- {lions after partition of 'India and tian women to have their religious | Pakistan there was a mammoth and political standing clearly sep- | housing problem. avated. and' defined," Mrs. Greiss | ------ told a press conference. Mrs. Greiss is here in connection with the seventh triennial meeting of the Associated Country Women of the World. Most Egyptians are Moslem, she said, and if a married woman of | this faith leaves her husband she can be compelled to return to him | if he so desires. | Egyptian women have not the right to vote but they hope to get the franchise. under the new con-! stitution, which would be completed | in about two years. The constitu- | tion is being written following the banishment of former King Farouk | by strongman Gen. Mohamed Na- | guib ad the establishment of |? Egypt as a republic. { Birth control is angther great | need in Egypt, said Mrs. Greiss. "Plans have been formed for edu- cation in birth control but are not yet in force." Two Pakistan women, the Begum | Vall AWK Cloans 16 with and so SOF "Oh so beautifully soft" are the new Purex tissues . . . so firm and strong . . . so gentle and kind to the skin they're perfect for baby, and grown-ups too. Here is éverything you look for in toilet tissue, brought to you at no extra cost! Now you can choose from two kinds of Purex--single and 2-ply. For facial soft single ply, reach for the néw, improved PUREX in the blue and green label. For the ultimate in bathroom luxury at only a few cents more, look for SUPER PUREX in the new, white label. 83-112 | carried 157,250 passengers. Win a Otior seniting prizes THESE GENERAL @ ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ULTRA-VISION 21" TELEVISION REFRIGERATOR - FOOD FREEZER [J AUTOMATIC WASHER LJ 5 FLOOR POLISHERS LJ 10 CLOCK RADIOS LJ 25 STEAM IRONS "I like Chuckwagon Dinner and other of Burns Canned Meats because hy (complete this sentence in 25 additional words or less)" : see your, grocor / eee €-1012 15 s0 easy to enton 1. Mail your entry, along with any Burns label or a reasonable facsimile, or a piece of the key strip from a Burns tin to Burns Contest #2, Box 1554, Toronto, Canada. You may use an entry blank from your grocer, the back of your Burns label, or a plain piece of paper. |g X SE GU SUE IO WW Whe UE ES SOUT OU BRN DIN DAE SNE SUNS RE varieties 1 Clip | All entries must be postmarked not later than August 15, 1953. Make su:c sufficient postage is used, as entries with inadequate postage do not qualify and will not be considered, 2. Contest employees o! decisions are final. 4. Be sure to print your name and address plainly on all your entries. Send in as many entries as you like but all entries should be accompanied by a Burns label. To qualify for $200.00 extra cash bonus with the car, simply enclose wo Burns labels with each entry instead of one. | TWO MEW imAROVED FUREX 77SSUES | 5. Winners will be notified by mail at the close ot the complete list of prize winners will be mailed contest upon request. Spen to all residents of Canada, except ] Burns & Co. Limited and its subsidiary companies, their advertising agencies, the organization handling and judging the contest and their families. 3. Entries will be judged on the basis of sincerity, general interest and aptness of expression. become the property of Burns & Co. Limited. Judges All entries | § (ENP Canned Meat Contest! I NR a A TRE BE MO DAES BN A BR # this coupon and mail TODAY! BURNS CONTEST NO. 2 BOX 1554, TORONTO, ONTARIO NAME ...coorrnenonnressancesnsssssrnarssssssnnsen ADDRESS ...covovvnennsgeanensannnssnnsnsrrnranas . «PROV... viva , Burns & Co. Limited PIONEER MEAT PACKERS OF CANADA

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