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Daily Times-Gazette, 26 Aug 1953, p. 4

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1. H. ORMISTON 'Editor and Manager PHONE 703 WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS -4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, August 36, 1053 SKELETON OF WHITBY ARENA All that remains now of the Whitby arena, for years a land- mark on Green Street, is the skeleton, shown above in a re- cent photo. The old arena is be- ing torn down to make way for | anew $100,000 artificial ice arena which, it is expected, will be ready for use this season. The old arena is being removed to Chatsworth, near Owen Sound where it will be rebuilt as the Chatsworth Arena. T. L. Wilson, of Cannington, has been awarded the contract of clearing away the old arena and building the new structure, ' --Photo by John Mills Nearly 200 Register For Leaders' School by MRS. AUSTIN PRESS SECRETARY Once again the halls of Ontario Ladies' College echoed to the sounds of welcome to the dele- ates to the School for Leaders. his is the 20th session of the Bay of Qunite Conference of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church School. The recep- tionist, Mrs. N. L. White, of Brooklin made everyone feel welcome as they entered the re- gistration room--and the largest registration for the first day was recorded--190. The Programme committee for the School is made up of--Mrs. Spafford, President of the Confer- ence Branch, Mrs. B. H. Soper, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. A. E. Blair, Mrs. J. A. Hawtin, Mrs. W.J. MacPherson, Mrs. A. M. Stewart and Miss Netta Brownlee--Miss Brownlee is also Vice Dean of the School, and Mrs. Harris, of Peter- boro, -is again the very capable Dean. The School is open to "All who are interested in the Mission- ary Program of the Church and Society, and ephecially those who are training in leadership." Following the very lovely dinner served in the di room by the staff of the college, Mrs. Harris welcomed one and all--She said "we trust it may be a very happy and profitable time. During the past 20 years", she said, "a great | F many have come tired and discour- aged, here they have found renew- ed spirit and courage, may it be the experience of those gathered at this time." She-then introduced the head table--Dr. Osborne, Princi- of the School and Mrs. Os- the Host and Hostess--Mrs. G. Watts, Sec. of Christain Stew- ardship on Dominion Board--Mrs. Spafford, Pres. of Bay of Qunite Conference Branch, Mrs. Ingham, , the new Secretary for Mission Circles--Mrs. H. Maxwell Loveys --a woman of many duties--a tra- veller from coast to caost and Home Missions of Dom- inion Board; Mrs. May, new Mis- sion Band Secretary of the. Con- ference Branch; Mrs. J. I. Me- Kinney, first Vice president of the Branch, and Miss Aileen Ratz, one of the Missionaries from various home mission fields--now return- ing to Halifax as a Port Worker. Also in the audience, she introduc- ed Miss Miranda Brown and of the Home Missionaries, and stated that Miss Muriel Alexander, of Plevna, would arrive on Tuesday. Mrs. White, and unexpécted guest from London Conference Branch was also present and spoke briefly. The Staff met at 7.15 and talked over plans for the School. Mrs. Loveys asked that ,a report be sent to Miss Dorothy Young of 'the School and if possible some pic- tures and human interest, stories for use in the Observer in October. A period of prayer for the success of the School was conducted by Mrs. Harris who said *it must be informative, it must be inspira- tional--but it can be neither with- out the continuance of prayer and asking for divine guidance, Many of the executive led in prayer and it was with a feeling of the help and support of the Leader and Heavenly Guide that members Tells Rotary of The Value of Electric Energy A very interesting and informa- tive classification talk on the role which electricity plays today in the industrial, commercial and domes- tic fields was given by Jack Vick- ery, local electrical contractor, at the weekly luncheon of Whitby Rotary Club yesterday at Hotel Royal. He was introduced by Presi- dent Francis McIntyre. An electrician for over 25 years, and serving with several large concerns in the United States and Canada, including the provincial Hydro before setting up business in Whitby, Mr. Vickery gave some technical details of electric power installations with special reference to generators large and small. He referred to electricity as the life blood of industry, its many uses in the commercial field and the great blessing it had brought in the domestic field as illustrated in our electrically transformed modern kitchens for lighting, heating re frigeration and making possible the suse of many electrical gad- gets. In the d ic field, Mr. Vick- again. returned to the Members were asked to pray for a girl attending who was feeling very discouraged and needed guid- ance, and another whose parents wished for her a chance to enter the college here at Whitby this 1 Very gratifying indeed was the attendance of so many teen age girls at the School--the swimming pool and gymnasium will be an active spot for them. The evening session was under the direction of Mrs. Harris, and Mrs. James e the new Secre- tary for C.G.I.T. on the Branch was introduced, as also Mrs. Waite, Secretary for Baby Bands, and Mrs. McMullen, the Literature Secretary. Mrs. H M. Loveys introduced the new study book for Afternoon and Evening Auxiliaries--"Where- 'er the Sun" by Samuel Moffatt --She told something of his life and background and how fitted he was to write of many lands, having a missi vy backgrouhd of China, W. C. Town & Sons FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY PHONE 410 and his father in Korea. He is at present a minister of the Meth- odist Church in the United States and will return to Korea to teach in their schools when the openings have agina come. The book shows how world wide christianity can transform whoel communities. He takes us to the islands of the Continued on Page §) BROC This Theatre is WHITBY PHONE 618 Air-Conditioned EVENING SHOWS AT 7:00 AND 9:00 P.M. «s FARLEY Hans Christian Directed by CHARLES VIDOR « Screenplay by MOSS MART o Words and Music by FRANK LOESSER Choreography by ROLAND PETIT o Dietribuied by RKO Radio Pictures, Ine. \ New Musical Wonderftim GRANGER iiasuss JEANMAIRE NOTICE -- COMPLIMENTARY AND GIFT TICKETS ARE SUSPENDED FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT Evening Prices For This Engagement ADULTS 75c - CHILDREN 35¢ | | Pickering ery said that in 20 years he had witnessed many transformations in the homes of Canada and the el- iminations through their use of ac- cidents affecting human life and property yet, he stated, he shud- dered when he went into some basements and observed the dan- gerous conditions of wiring. Mr. blessings of electricity and of his own experiences as an electrical contractor in which he has been very successful. He was tendered a hearty vote of thanks for his address by the Club. GOES TO GERMANY 'A Whitby son has left for a tour of duty with the RCAF in Europe, He is LAC Arthur Mun- roe, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Munroe, Perry Street, Whitby. LAC Munroe is a graduate of both public and the high school in Whtby and his parents state that he will take over operational duties in Germany. Photo by the MacKellar Studio. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slan announce the engagement of their daughter, Agnes Joyce Lambie, to James Augus- tine Mackey, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Mackey of TY 3) arrjage to take place n St. e Fvangelist Church, September 13th, at ' Whitby Classified NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this column must be in the Whithy office by 5 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. WANTED TO RENT---YOUNG COUPLE with family, desire a small house in Whitby or district by Sept. 30th. Phone 784, 196te) ROCKWOOL INSUFATION, FIR E- proof. Cool in summer; warm in winter. Free estimates. Walter Ward, Insulation Sontrastan 204 WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED. SEP: tic. tanks installed and cleaned. Phone 2961. Don Ferris, 639 Brock St. North, Whitby. (Sept12) APARTMENT WANTED TO RENT---4 or 5 rooms, or small house, Whitby or Oshawa. Apply Whitby. (198¢) Vickery spoke of the many | IT WENT FOUR GAMES Whitby Merchants Lose Series Lindsay Advances to Finals The Whitby Merchants Monday | to tie the game on two singles night were eliminated by the Lind- | and a triple. say Merchants who took the game | whitby managed two hits in their 7-5 and the series 3-1. The game, |g; which Whitby was winning 00 ia fifth but failed to score. Lowrey Tor carly Hee a inasey opened with a triple for Lindsay ) p and Crawford came in to pitch, squad fight back to tie the score After he threw two balls he was an Jhon ke 8 Bad Josa Ielieved by Brown. Edgar walked, Brows 824 Blendubs a stv ac | iewart sna Hunde Hinged I there was no stopping the winners grive dn See Fung. DE Bois bop: Ce hey (Sot Tolling, Wes! ey right field to end the inning. of the series. The big hitters for a With one out, Ab MacDonald Whitby were Al MacDonald, Gord ou! ed but Hanna and Guye went Hanoy and Bumey' Turinsky 31 S001, sod lo fist te end the Iwo jor four with Al's being two, runs 2nd ne his. The Merchants went down in|. Ihe Merchants had runners on order in the first inning. With one | first aud Hird with two out but out, Edgar walked but was erased |€T® Kept off the score card. on a double play. | Lindsay went down in 1, 2, 3 Whitby scored nce in the sec- order. The Merchant scored 'once ond on Neal's single, a sacrifice on Al MacDonald's second double and Gord Hanna's single. Menzies | and Hanna's single in the eighth. opened for Lindsay with a walk, Bilenduke came in to pitch for was sacrificed to second but died | Whitby. there as the next two batters went | After Huntley went out, De Bois | out. |walked and went to third when The Merchants struck for three |Traux was safe on Bell's error, runs in their third. Copeland was De Bois was out trying to steal | the first out but Gavas singled and home. West went down third to| Bell walked. Turansky was safe | first, the third out. | WHITBY DAY BY DAY Accounts of social events and news items of local interest and names of visitors are ap- PHONE 703 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown and family, Athol Street, have returned Pembrooke 'and Norway Bay. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Athol Street have returned from a holiday spent at Chapeau, Que- bec, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Chaput. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells have returned from an extended vaca- tion through the Rockies to Van- couver then down the Pacific Coast to California and Mexico. The many friends of the Rev. Father F. K. Lee, chaplain at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, who has been ill in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto for some weeks, will be pleased to learn that his condition is much improved Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hutchison have returned home from a two | weeks' holiday at Port Carling, in the Muskoka district. TO ATTEND MEETING Several members of Whitby Ro- to load the bases. {in their ninth. Ken MacDonald fanned and Neal | Line score: followed with a triple to drive in | Whitby 013 000 010--5 10 2|the Rotarians of the Motor City. three runs. Al MacDonald went | Lindsay 002 230 00x--7 8 1|Yesterday at the ' luncheon the down second to first for the third | Whitby: Bell, 3b; Turansky, ss: | programme for the day was out- out. After one Lindsay batter was |K. MacDonald, 2b; Neal, If; Al lined. It is an anhual event . to retired West doubled and Lowrey | MacDonald, rf; Hanna, c¢; Guye, | which the Club has looked forward jolloweq hitting one hi Short that jf; Copeland, Ib Beageod in 7th; | with pleasure and expectation. unced over Turansky"s head and | Gavas, p; Crawfors , Brown in | between the fielders for a home- |5th, Bilenduke in 8th; Len Yuil], | OFFERED CONGRATULATIONS run. Edgar and Garvey went out |Ph 7th; B. Ward, ph 9th; Keith! Bob Collins, a popular member of to retire the side. | MacDonald, ph 9th. | the Whitby Rotary Club, was of- The Merchants had a man on| Lindsay: Lowrey, eof; Edgar, fered congratulations and good base in the fourth on Guye's single | 1b; Garvey, 2b; Menzies, ¢; Stew- | wishes at the club luncheon yes- but he was out stealing second. art, 3d; Huntley, If: DeBois, $8; |terday. He recently joined Lindsay scored two more runs Jewell, rf; Traux, 7th; West, p. | September 14 to attend the an- the home from a vacation spent at|p on an error to the first baseman | Whitby was retired on strikeouts | tary Club are going to Oshawa on! |nual Friendship Day sponsored by | R. L. ROBERTSON News Editor PHONE 703 Empire Life Moving Office to Oshawa A change in location has been announ by Willar Dodd, mem- manager 'of the Empire Life In- surance Company. Mr. Dodd an- nounces that the district manager's office, for three years located on undas Street W., Whitby, will be moved to 87 Simcoe Street N., Oshawa. The move will take place on Monday of next week. Mr. Dodd, his wife and three children came tp Whitby in 1950 and Mr. Dodd was at that time appointed district manager of the Empire Life. Since that time, Mr. Dodd has shown a great interest in the town and was' this year elected to the town council. He is also a member of the swim- ming pool committee and has serv- ed as chairman of the Whitby Branch of the Red Cross Society for two terms and for one term as chairman of the Red Feather He is also a member of the Lions Club in Oshawa. He has been as- sociated with the Empire Life In- surance Company for 29 years and states that his company carries on a business of six million dollars in this district. A Recently his territory has beea extended to take in Peterborough, Victoria; Haliburton, Northumber- land and Durham counties. For this reason the district office has been moved to the more central location of Oshawa. Mr. Dodd states that he and his family will continue to reside in Whitby and adds that Whitby and distriet will receive just as good servee has in the past. Attached to his office are John Kusiar, of Pickering Beach, Roy - May, of Whitby, Don Christie, of Sunderland, Fred Alsop of Stouff- ville, LeRoy Hamilton, of Oramo, Hugh Grey, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Mabel Wood, of Peterborough. Mrs. Lorna Mesher, who has been sten- |pgrapher in his office for some time, is remaining in Whitby and will join her husband in their jew- ellery store on Dundas Street. Mrs. Jean Achmatowez will take her place. as it Francis McIntyre on the club's be- half presented him with a gift. OLD ARENA DISAPPEARNG ... The Kinsmen Arena building is disappearing rapidly, only the frame remaining and it will be taken down this week, it is un- derstood, after the necessary équip- ment arrives. It is understood that next week a start willl be made by the contractors on the new ar- tificial arena, the exact which has been chosen. When con- struction is started it will be on a big scale so that the structure may be ready for winter use. SEND CONDOLENCES Sixteen million shares changed hands on Wall street on Oct. 29, 1929, start of the great depression. {Stan Everson, of Oshawa, will re. | ceive from the Whitby Rotary Club this week a letter expressing sym- pathy with him in the loss of his (father, T. H. Everson, grand old site of | 'ranks of the benedicts. President | Past District Rotary Governor | man of Oshawa, who passed away last Saturaay in his 98th year. The club has previously forwarded a floral tribute. ADIITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE FIVE Box 305, Times-Gazette, | Don't spend more time day dreaming . . . this is the year for lh step up where you belong and take your rightful place among Buick owners! For this year's Buicks represent the crowning achievement in half a century of Buick -building! In low-slung beauty, in dazzling power and in smooth thoroughbred per- formance, they'll make your greatest expectations of luxurious motoring come true. In every SUPER and every ROADMASTER there's the world's most advanced V8 engine--the first Fireball V8, and the first in any passenger ear to bring you 8.5 to 1 compression. In every Buick ever offered in this series. ted includes Foam Rubb your Buick dealer! And remember, all this inimitable Buick beauty and power is amazingly easy to own! For only a few dollars more than many cars in the "low price" field, you can revel in the luxury and sparkling performance of a Buick CUSTOM --and the price q Seat Cushions, Deluxe Steering Wheel, Electric Clock and Underveat Heater and Defroster. Don't delay another day .. . see CUSTOM there's a newly designed Fireball Straight 8 engine with the highest horsepower and compression . is SOME-DAY car When Better Automobiles are Built BUICK will Build Them FEMALE HELP WANTED -- YOUNG woman part-time, for grocery store, Friday and Saturday. Write Box 306, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (198¢) WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- FAMILY from Holland wants farm of about (00 acres, price $10,000 to $15,000, with $3, 000 down. uMst be in Oshawa, Whitby, | a ,L district. Phone Stanley Mann, Ajax 500, (19a) | CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA WHITBY MOTORS WHITBY, ONTARIO

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