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Daily Times-Gazette, 8 Sep 1953, p. 15

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RADIO LOG WGR 550 © CKEY 580 @ CBL 740 @ CJBC 860 © CHML 900 WBEN 930 © CFRB 1010 @ CHUM 1050 ® CKOC 1150 CKLB 1240 © WKBW 1520 e CHVC 1600 information 8 vedio PrOgTams 18 supplicd hy the individual siations, The Times Gazette prints program eorrections snd changes as submiited and does net assume responsibility for naceurate listings. TUESDAY EVENING catcoutter Tatty CF) wa stra WHEN Two For The Money CBL Lelcester Square WGR-People Are Funny Box : Ameche SET am i R-News; C, Adams na SE GLE Aine Te ve Sv News: WBEN:-Kor Has. lub Date ¢ 0 -Whe's Hid Singing Wel Les, Paul and 7.30 P.M. x EL Time CKEY: B. Kennedy; WBEN- News iu: CJBC-CBC-Con Hi CFRB-Hallmark of Fame CBL-Crime is our Business WGR-31st ot ihe CBL-Here Comes Band CJBC-Prelude to cra NIGH? CKLB-Man t Mugle CREY. CRRY News: House WBEN-Cousin 0.0 PM CKLE News: Cavalcade of a ™ For = co "x Sporis Parsons ows; WEDNESDAY MORNING womnr FRA Adm wily 10.8 AM. Comer CFRB-Who Am 1 10.45 AM. CBL- § CIBC RI ers of the Purple Sage BFRE-What's On Wally's WBEN-It Pays to be Mi Breakfast with Jeeves €KEY-Musieal Clock; ne AM News; » With sie o WR seen: News: Ballons CKEY. June Dennis; Mars in Forse A at Pays second Li Cote Glee Club - r te! WGR-Helen Neville WBEN-Right to Happiness 4.00 P.M, WGR-News; Keaton CFRB. B News; Hollywood SET HY News: iy net few Wiis CFRB- Ant =. Sed Seis pare 4.30 P.M, @FRB-Manhy and Widder Bro Bier od WEEN Woman \ § My [2 cMusle asi Date CKLB- Neo CBL- Val or Club 'Your Program; Stock News. Lhe! dr uce = os L-Messer"s Felanders WEDNESDAY EVENING Ee TN TELEVISION PROGRAMS | iE ay. hea heavy emphasis on helt * |lievabl have CBLT, Channel 3 7:00- Superman 3 oor Camera TUESDAY 7 Caravan Film 8:00--~Arthur Godirey Bx ly Theatre Bo: apa 3;30--Feature ™ 5 Sppot 7, Spor: Weather §148--Uncle Chismus 1 7:3 Film 30) ¥ 30--Playbill | 9:00 10:00] eb 13: {08--Playhouse WHAM Channel 6 TUESDAY EVENING 6:00-Western Theatre 6:30--News Almanac 6:45--8peaking of Sports 7:00-Life Begins at 80 7:30--Eddie 7:45--News Caravan 8:00 8:30---W WEBNESDAY 2: Ji0-Paaiire im 4 0 Fim" 8 boy Cerner 4 usic 148 nele Chicimug 'abloid 2:00] 11:00--Little Show WBEN Channel 4 TUESDAY EVENING 6:00--Sagebrush Trail 6:30--News ris Tiso--He a he Wonk 7:45=News Caravans 8;00---TBA 9:00--Fireside Theatre ol 130-Circle Theatre ee For YourseM rk Playhouse Weather: Sports te ce WhO EenAY a + Pave Gawowap 9;30--Children's Theatre 9:45--Garry Moore Show 10:00--Ding Dong School 10:30--Arthur Godfrey FR Flan and Fancy Cooking 1;30--Strike It Rich {2:00--News--Bob Tennant Life :30--Search For Tomorrow 12:45--Guiding Light J:so-Matines Playhouse 3 06--Doubla os Nothing or yg the ore Pay ide and Groom come Trav. Your Acco =f atier Choice Crags 5 + Tioaury WEDNESDAY RVENING em 11: 11:15--Film WEDNESDAY 7:00--Today 8:35---News ' 8:30--Today 8:85--Thought for the Bay 9:00--Take It Easy 9:30--Home Cooking H Pong School amour Girl awkins Falls 15 ennett Story i Vows; ate b--Ladies Fair o-Big Pay! lcome Travellers our Aceount "A.--Lagdi»' 5:00--Atam i1=--Gabiy (aves :30--~Howdy Doody WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:00--Western Roundup 6:30--News; Almanac 6: peaking of Sports 7:00--Bob Considine 7:15--Travel Time 7:30--Fisher-Ameche Show ~~ 7:45--Camel News Caravan 8:00--Bostan Blackie 8: Rristophers Program 8:45--Sportsmen's Club og 90-Tralt TV Theatre x 45--Sports Spot 11:00--News 11:10--Aimana¢ 11:15--Montgomery Presents 0 000008 ere BS ESES ~e ? g (hoice iE isfactign of the Canadian with his own "very fine" way of life as compared with a Briton's. Noted, US. Schoolboys | x tea, i ditioning, 8 Men- Pr alse Canada Joo, Wete air Sandjsienin a ROME (AP) --Angry and wor- the bitterly disputed Trieste ques- tion back intp the laps of the Big Three Western powers. Premier Giuseppe Pella's tem- porary government kept a tight. lipped public silence over Pres- dent Tito's speech Sunday in which he proposed that the strategic Ad- riatic port city be internationalized and agosto a get the rest of the Trieste territ: oy claimed by Italy. But inform Pella's cabinet said Italy would atk ur already has asked--the nited States, Britain and France for concrete information on what they Ring to do about Tito's new- As the Rome press screamed CORN ON coB oso regan Capit markets is Norwegian capital were wel stocked wi yA corn this sum : mer, most of it ih g to American families, More and more Norwe- ans however are pearning ee en- oy corn en the col AUTOMOTIVE HINT Windew glass may be broken if the door of the car is slammed when the glass is only partially open. If the window is fully open or fully closed, there is less danger of this occurring. DEVIZES, England (CP)--Exca- revealed the remains of a 'Bronze Age" man with a disc cut out of his skull--earliest evidence found | in Britain of prehistoric surgeons whe operated on the human skull with flint instruments. ried, Italy prepared today to throw |leader, sources close to pe Italy Calls Big 3 Into Trieste Row "madness--folly" at the Yugoslav the independent Giornale |v d'Italia demanded in a front-page editorial that the Big Three issue a new, plain - worded statement of policy. Pella was expected to answer Tito in a speech next Sunday. It appeared certain he would reject flatly the Yugoslav proposals. The Western Big Three in a de- claration before the 1948 Italian elections said all of Trieste should returned eventually to Italy. Since then, however, Tito and the Kremlin have split, and Yugosla. via and the est have grown steadily eloser. THEATRE GUIDE Regent -- "Off Limits," shown at 1.40, 3.35, 5.30, 7.30, 9.25. Last complete show, 9.00. BRiltmore-- April In Paris," (Tech- nicolor), 12.30, 3.45, 7.00 and 10.15 p.m, "San Antoine," 2.15, 5.90 and 8.45 p.m. Last complete shew at 8.45 p.m. Marks -- '"'Return of The Frepi- iersman," 12.45 3.08, 5.25, 7. 10.15. "Feudin' Fools," 2.00; 4.90, 6.40, 9.10. Last complete show, 9.10 p.m. vations ip this Wiltshire district | Plaza -- "Thunder Bay," 1.15, 3.17, 5.19, 7.19, 9.19. Last complete show, 9.00 p.m. | Drive- In -- Starting at 8.13 p.m. "Here Come The Nelsons," "Mu- tiny." Last complete show at 9.30 p.m. Weekly Rates for Permanent Guests LEEDS, England (CP)--Canada [a free taxi ride home for persens comes in jor some complimentary | | purchasing more than statements from a. group |of goods and the large number British 1S Shoo) hays whe, pent ® of Montreal and Toronte ehurghes on yn ul a Saris Jt completed or being built. mn letters to the Yorks. ost, The group was drawn from E Bradford, ores, Students long on Of lish and Scottish cities under " { tour Stedito ae ans auspices of the W. H. Rhodes Sey a Fs eep way Se Canada edueational trusts, started Suacn a Se orwealth. ight and Bradford businessman WwW. H. independence. os in 1988 On the debit side we. bly slow" store service and high prices, the latter criticism temp- fred by JekBowledg 1 e 8 4 of high wages and standard br) ving. One youngster advised Britons to forget any notions they might have that Canada favers closer ties with the United States, at the expense of the Commonwealth. In fact, he added, Canadians think the should spend mere time in Canada, and they de- for more emigrants fr the United Kingdom. Hospitality was almest "unbe- as illustrated by the Vancouver pen pal whe travelled to Toronto see his English eounter- part. The distance involved im- pressed the party. Also remarked on was the sat- Better Too Hot Than Too Cold AL (CP)--Delega ge 19th REAL wo) Phys ates io Cangress, sweating out one of the Rotiest weeks in Montreal's hist ere told Friday it's better to ot t mie! be Sod oe Medical eal College, Dubois. ry sald ow man ada him- = beer ..] heat than to eold. a symposium on the myrlas 8 told Br as said humans in pera ical countries are blessed by their ability to get rid of large amounts of heat by sweating. But sweating in the Arctic, where water freezes Suickly, is a Sitter. ent matter. There it is a rather than an aid, he Ay In fact, because man hasn't a bv: Lm THE THUNDERING SAGA OF STEVE MARTIN AND THE BAYOU WOMAN HE LOVED! # ornell $10 worth | skin be ak to die him. up in awkw:. to fo ke warm ppl to protect him- Dr. 0. G. Edholm of the Na- tional Instit for ical Re- leads te , said cal .|seareh, Lon oa, sal cold 3 a fall ol a | | drop -pressure in ar- News | LETES a owing down of . 'Edholm alse ee what rybody knews--that fat men oi feel the eel thin men. Not a" A lekly fat provide built - in 'insulation, but there is more skin tissue to lose heat before interior body temper- atures are affected. LYMINSTER, England (CP)-- Anejent tompslones n the church: his Sussex town, which inderipherabe 'ingeriptions, salvaged the TOE - TAP Register for Lessons Wednesdu), Sept, 9 witioN & LE BUILDING 7 Simcoe $t, No IRENIE HARVEY rep ACCM, RMT & CDTA Member belfry floor. B MY py 8] Reporters; WREN Mike Mearian 4 BM, WOR NLws | Choise WBEN-3- oe Bir kp thin Cnn, nd CKEY-News: Les Lye Show WGR-News Pp. GLB. News: Theatre of CBG Gasonka aie et Sagar ara A 5 k WER. et al Tar WBENG Grouchy Mary SREY hte ip cir y coun Rogers of alate WEEN. Tr "Truth er Gopse 10.00 P.M. Bh L-News RLB-News: Kim's ila P.M, CPEB. Ines Hat KLB- B- vs y Go Phone Whitby 2337 207 Dundes St. W. STOP AT THE WHITBY HOTEL COMFORT ---- CHISLEHURST, England (CP)-- Rev. J. G. Gillman, who became an autograph hunter in 1908, now has nearly 10,000 autographs in- cluding 1,450 bishops' signatures and those of all English monarchs fom George III to the late George : { THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday Septembes 8, 1853 18 LONDON (CP)--A youth whe was distovered with a fishing line at a rock pool near the Londen zoo's aquarium was quickly shown the way out by a keeper. His line was dangling near a shoal of carp and golden orfe. Production of gold is the chief industry in Nicaragua, which ex- ports more than $7,000,000 worth 3 The Grenadier Guards, formed as a bodyguard for Charles II in 1685, is the British Army's senior WHO WON A MAN- SIZE WAR! WITH A BAYONET... WITH A GRIN! HERBERT J, ive GENE VANS - ELEN ey fre PS ge! Bi. LASY DAY: THE FIGHTING KIDS STORMING EACH BEACH CHARMING EACH BABE wawoe JOHN DEREK - JOHN. BARRYMORE, Jr. - MONA FREEMAN The Shock-Filled Story of Gangland Today! Starts Tomorrow ! TMORI 5 IHL A IMG DY "April In Paris" plus "San oe CHRISTY - WARD BOND TS {od , 4% He AR SER SEAFORD, England (CP)---Al- though 4 . Eyes ht and hearin are still mas Funell, said he i: 2 up his aute drives od the country to safeguard his ecord of 48 years of accident-free driving. He has taken his wife on many trips from this Sussex spat. SCARBOROUGH, England (CP) Ossie the owl says "tweet tweet" instead of "to-wit to-wee" like or- dinary owls. The owl's owner has reared him alon ngside ¢4 canaries and hudgerigars, ani seems to have picked up their ge pms TORQUAY, England oP a - new generation of bellrin growin at All Sat {J whose Rellringers ha Chin, soon after the war, diame of a youth club Songteted ne cient arte are na hy " an- A * MICKEY ROONEY - Canada's National Art Gallery was founded in 1880 by the. Mar- i -House RN Gams ows; Beahorttn ine Hat Comesst Lup of Lorne, then governor-gen- MARILYN MAXWELL Eo "@HILD SOCKOLOGY* Pepay Color Cartoon TARITANNIAS, gS THLETIC S-- or Sports regiment. HANDS TIED? Becouse You Lack A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA You can get one at HOME in your spare time. If y you are 17 or over and have left school, wilte for Siting free booklet -- tells you how! duates Inte the High School Diplome of the Amerigen --o-- ------ ---- -- ------ S-- -- ---- ------ --_---- . -- AMERICAN SCHOOL, Set OTs, 165 Comore St. Suite 1, Send Me Your Free 44-Page High School Book NAME ...conviivansriracasrrvises Age Address annually, So ive a I SNE I SRI TSS PW SN I I A Shs eer ent an THE LAUGH SMASHOF EMALL EE I SS I SE SRT RES SNE A adventures ond rousing wp of Copt. Flogd: 1, Quirt and the oh Mam'selle, Charmaine! The New WHAT PRICE GLORY Speciol Added Attraction BUGS BUNNY All-Star CARTOON REVUE A FEATURE LENGTH LAUGH RIOT FEATURING MANY FAMOUS CARTOON STARS ® COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR o | TOMORROW OSHAWA DRIVE- I LLL -- "Return of oduond Frontiersmen" -- Plug -- "Feudin' Fools" 80x OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M, SED KIDDIES : FREE PLAYGROUND 2SHCWS NIGHTLY RAIN or CLEAR

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