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Daily Times-Gazette, 8 Sep 1953, p. 19

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Make It A Habit-- When You Have Vacant Rooms--Place It's So, Easy To Do And The Results Are So Gratifying. This Room Was Rented Quickly By Mrs. D. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday September 8, 1953 49 Ts A Times Ad. CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR 2 gentlemen or working couple. Very central, Light housekeeping if desired. Apply Ontario. (170¢) 39--Articles For Sale 39a--Fuel Wood 45--Agents Wanted 4-BURNER TABLE TOP GAS RANGE, rug with pad, 9° x 12'. Apply 174 Church Street, (206¢) ONE WOOD AND ONE METAL ICE- box, large capacity, good condition. Apply 43 Richmond W. Dial 3 MOVING. OIL HEATER AND DRUM, jce-box, table and 4 chairs, 2-burner (oven), 4-burner wood stove, 2 double bed frames. Dial 5-5181. 206 . (208¢c) STROLLER CHAIR. DIAL §5-3423. nto BICYCLE, BEDROOM SUITE, RUGS, drapes, odd tables. Excellent condition, best offer. 3-9819, (208¢) KYAC BOAT, MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD condition, Dial 3-7096 after 5. (208b) CONSOLE RaDio AND REC ORD ayers, used. up. Apply Good- 4 Dial 54543. C145t0) TELEVISION AERIALS INSTALLED, relutionary all-station one-wire sys tenes eliminates switching and messy bry 3 Guaranteed 1 year In writing, $59.50 up. Kelly T.V. and Appliances, SUNBEAM Sept29) SHAVEMASTER AND spare parts for same. Cut neads, cords, etc. Meagher"s, 5 King St.» West. (Sept28) B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries. Hotroint and Addison appli anves, 'elevision. Thrifty budget plan Dial 5-4543. (Sep28) $5 PER WEEK INSTALLS A NEW '53 Admiral television, refrigerator or range. Full selection at Kelly's T.V, and Ap- pliances, 81 King West. (Sept29) BATHTUBS, TOILETS, WASH BASINS, sinks and cabinets, water tanks, septic tanks, fittings. pipes threaded. Call Harry Chinn, 460 Montrave. KELLY T.V. AND APPLIANCES OF: fer used television sets, radio-phono machines, ranges, vacuum cleaners, floor pol Make us @ offer. New store, 81 King West. (Sept29) CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS at Fabricated Metals, Ltd., 24 A ve. (Sep) Ww WANTED Open every evening. AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Folding chairs, card and ed tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Sept.14) A REAL BARGAIN. MAN'S BICYCLE, perfect First $28 takes it. Dial 3-9682. (207¢) PLAYER NEW, $20.95. Terms. Meagher's, .5 King est. p16) FULL-SIZE BED, SPRING AND MAT- tress, all clean and good condition. 286 Elgin West or dial 5-2915. (207e) VENETIAN BLINDS QUE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling elop- rient in venetian blind history. Flat. tened S-sha slats give better and more gra enclosure. We are sure these blinds will mot only satisfy but ations. George Reid. Dial 5-0633 -- | 8 2 Bond St. West. (Sept.12) ? | PIANOS, now. Wilson SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTHS, $5, single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 single cord. Also body hardwood. al 5-2490, (Oct) 41--Articles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR PIANC & Lee 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (Sept23) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATH- ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat: tresses. Dial I. Turner. North Oshawa, 3-2043 collect. (Sept.12) COND USED FURNITURE WANTED, dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets Crysler Furniture, 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. (Sept23) M. GREENBERG & SONS WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Etc. Highest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 = 308 Bloor E. (Oct2) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free. 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5-4159. (Sept15) SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses, ete, Factory accounts appreciated 89 BLOOR ST. E. Dial 5-231) -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 42--Female Help Wanted 3 irimeiia PART-TIME 2 - DAYS WEEKLY, + | bookkeeper, typing, some experience nec- essary. Write Box 938 Times-Gazette. (209¢) IMMEDIATELY, EXPER- ienced cashier for self-serve groceteria in Oshawa. Please state full particulars to Box 941 Times-Gazette. 209¢) HOUSEKEEPER TO TAKE COMPLETE charge, motherless home, 2 children 7 and 2, electricity throughout. Jim Moore R.R. 3, Pontypool. (209b) WOMAN, 20 - 35 YEARS OF AGE, FOR lunch counter, state where last worked, how long. Write Box 922, Times-Gazette. (Septd,8- BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER FOR small office, 5-day week. Benefits. Dial 53732, (208¢) WANTED--DESK CLERK AND ALSO glass washer. Apply Cadillac Hotel. (208c) GIRL TO RUN LAUNDRY STEAM press. Apply in person. Star Laundry, 13 Celina St. (207¢) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED, ood wages. Apply South End Grill. Dial 5-3433. (2041) A CONTINENTAL BED, NEW CONDI- tion. Phone 134J, Ajax. (208¢ USED METAL ICE BOXES, 50 AND 75-1b. capacity. Used 3-piece che: field suites, studio suites, and single [davenos, S-piece natural kitehen suites. All in good condition. Ruther- ford's, 156 Simcoe South. (134t6) "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows ond screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Esti EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED, good wages. Apply South End Grill. (2041) .|43--Male Help Wanted WANTED -- DESK CLERK AND ALSO glass washer for bar. Apply Cadillac otel. (209¢) SMART TIDY DELIVERY BOY WITH bicycle, hourse 8:30 to 6:30. Phone 3-8222. (209¢) PIN BOYS WANTED. APPLY MOTOR City Bowling 52% Simcoe North. 'Phone 3.3212, (209¢) TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Oct) Cutboard Motor Rental and Sales DIAL 3-3553 (Sep1®) VENETIAN BLINDS Beautify your home today with our Super Klostop model. Canada's finest custom made venetian blinds steel of aluminum. Estimates without ob- ligation. Open from 9 to 6 including Saturday. ALLEN'S VENETIAN SALES Dial 3-9662 or 598 King East ' (Sepl0) NASH Aluminum Combination Windows, Sereens and Doors. The world's finest, Plade in Oshawa. KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST, DIAL 5-4632 (Sept. 10) RAMODE Canada's most attractive all- aluminum awnings, canopies, patios. Lets the light in, keeps the sun out. FREE ESTIMATES DIAL 3-3553 (Sept28) SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 LADDERS Aluminum ladders of all kinds, light yet strong. Also Aluminum folding Clothes Dryers, KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST, DIAL 5-4632 (Sept. 10) KOOLVENT Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies made in Oshawa, KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST, DIAL 5-4632 (Sept. 10) " Sept.13 Immediate Delivery on good quality loam and cedar clothes poles, PHONE 5-0392 (Sept21) PON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE Yilen you get the right one. We carry est in new and Jeconitioned Sewing Macehines. interect acres, if rh OMMUNITY SEWING CENTRE ial 5-3793 ' (Sep18) *» .| cued EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR young man who likes outside work. Must be industrious and not afraid of work. Good rate of pay. Apply Fowler Tele- vision, 18 Bond St. West. . 208c) MAN FOR EVENING WORK. DIAL 5. 6452 between 6 and 9 p.m. (208a) COOK WANTED, ALSO DISHWASHER. Apply Stover's Restaurant, Cobourg, Ont. (204f) Delivery boy, over 15, with bicycle. Hours 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Karn's Drug Store Dial 3-4601 (207¢) STOCKKEEPER WANTED For branch store of large tire organization. Young man between ages of 21 and 30. Good appear ance, good conversa- tionalist, Permanent position, all company benefits. Experience pre- ferred but not essential. For interview Write Box 904, Times-Gazette (200t1) (Sept6) AGENTS, 'CLUBS, CHURCH GROUPS! Make friends and profits easily showing Canada's finest Christmas cards. 75 items including feature, religious, scenic, humorous, French, personal and every day cards. Many novelty items: ribbons, wraps, seals, purse lights and books. prompt service. Liberal commissions. W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 86 K, North, Hamil t. (Sept17) Record Numbers Of Children First Conservative By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian children are returning to school this year in record-break- OSHAWA GREETING CARDS For prompt service, speedy delivery get your, Christmas needs from Oshawa Greeting Cards, large selec- tiog of special choice -- Christmas Cards, Gift Wraps, Seals, Tags. Highest commissions. 421 Mary St. PHONE 5-2003 (Sept27) EARN EXTRA CASH Make more money easily in spare time, 'just show our beautiful Christmas and Everyday Cards to your friends, Imperial Vellum Stationery, Facil Fab Ribbons, Gay Folds, Red _ Velvet Assortment, ond many more high - quality items, liberal commission. Just write' for beautiful free Album showing personal cards, and other samples, subject to approval or return. It's easy, it's fun, its profitable. Write today. Douglas Greeting Card Company 50-T Bleecker St., Toronto. (TTS-Sep29) | ing numbers. Most schools open Sept. 8. In some provinces they have already opened their doors for the fall term. New buildings have been erected, but some overcrowding is still anticipated. There is a general shortage of teachers across Canada and sev- eral education departments say they have little hope of obtaining them in time for the term opening. Few curricula changes will be in effect although some provinces have some definite plans. The sup- ply of text books is good,"a Cana- dian Press survey today showed. POLIO OUTBREAK The outbreak of polio in Mani- toba has held up school openings in Winnipeg until Sept. 14, but rural schools have already started. Although nbne is seriously over- dary schools, an increase of 60,000 over last year. About 170 pew schools have been built in the last year and 2,300 new teachers will start their careers. In spite of the teacher shortage, emergency measures have enable the province to meet the crisis and not one school will have to be colsed be- cause of a lack of staff. Some British Columbia schools will be operated on shifts as 10,- 000 new students swell the enrol- ment to a record 214,000. Suprly of teachers is tight, but no general | shortage is expected. Worst crowd- ing will be in the elementary schools as a result of the province's population growth and in a few years it is expected to swing over | to the secondary schools. Curricula changes are planned, but the edu- cation department is expected to set up a committee to chart them. Polio incidence has also set back crowded, several are on the bor- opening dates in Alberta to Sept. derline. They are also short of about 450 to 500 teachers. Ontario will haye its year i: History with 900,000 pupils enrolled in elementary and secon- 11. Some congestion is expected in lower primary grades and the biggest {brunt of the teacher shortage, ex- {pected to be more severe than last | year when 200 were needed, will fall on the rural schools. TEACHERS NEEDED About 1,500 teachers are needed in Saskatchewan, the province's education authorities say, and if they are not" available some 400 country schools will be forced to close. Pupils in these schools will have to travel by bus to larger centres. Enrolment is expected to be about 7,000. Most of New Brunswick's esti- mated 1,000 to 1,500 increase in pupils will be in rural areas. Con- struction of new schools amounts to about 50 new class rooms and | some 200 new teachers are needed. Nova Scotia has reorganized some textbooks and is introducing a new series of mathematics text books for elementary grades. More than 150,000 students will enroll, an increase of more than 4,000. Prince Edward Island's rural schools have already opened and officials say there are some seri- ous problems of overcrowding in early grades. In Newfoundland, most schools will be crowded. Teacher situation 'age last year. is uncertain, but there was a short- lg LONDON (AP)--The Conserva- tive party's first woman cabinet minister is a 64-vear-old Scot whose schoolmistress a p pe arance and horn-rimmed glasses hide a twinkle in the eye. Florence Horsbrugh's life has been one of service. Prime Min- ister Churchill brought her into the cabinet Thursday; the honor is an- other notable milestone in a pub- lic career of almost four decades. She is 'minister of education. For\ her work in' canteens and national kitchens in 1916-1918 she of. the British Empire). The Sec- ond World War found her actively helping the blitzed and evacuated families of Britain. She herself was injured in the air raids of 1944. She first went to Parliament in 1931 from Dundee. She became in 1936 the first woman in Britain's history to make the reply to the throne speech at opening of Par- liament. She became the Conser- vative party's first parliamentary secretary in the health migistry in 1939. She founded the highly success- Iful London Hostels Associations was awarded the MBE (Member |- Returning To School Tuesday [Woman In Cabinet for the youth of this area; while a junior minister in 1940 she helped Parliament pass the Old |Age Pensioners and Widows Act. FAITHFUL CHURCHGOERS WADENA, Sask. (CP)--Wedena bids fair to become known as the "town of churches." With a popu- lation of less than 1,300, the town now has eight churches represent- ing various Christian denomina- tions. COSTLY . HABIT \ CAMPBELLFORD, Ont, (CP)=-- Careless smokers tossing cigarets away, either from cars or while walking along, were blamed for three small fires on the town bridge. The cigarets landed in cracks in the tinder-dry planking. COWCLIFFE, England (CP)-- The 100-year-old Cowcliffe Mission Church has just been consecrated for the first time. The essential | Anglican ritual never took place {because of a mix-up in records in- this Yorkshire district, it was discovered. CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS GET FREE PURSELIGHT The sensational novelty item, with early sales. Our complete line' of Christmas cards in- . cludes everything needed for fast sales and big profits. Highest quality and liberal com-mission. Make up to 55¢ profit on Feature Box. Hurry, limited time only. Free purse- light. Write today for samples on approval and particulars of omazing bargain sample offer. Melex Greeting Card Co., Dept. O.T., Hamilton, (Sep1®) 1S YOURS! Everyday as- EASY EXTRA MONEY Sell Name-On Christmas, sortments for highest commissions. Over sixty sales-tested items, terrific customer appeal. Unequalled Christmas values including 25 Card Prize Assort- ment, Gold'n Christmas, Velvet Madonna Duets, Surprise, Currier and Ives, Cana- dian Scenes. Appealing Everyday, reli- gious,' humorous cards. Personalized cards, stationery, napkins, Gift Wraps, kiddies' Christmas stockings, pop - up books, Bible stories, paint books, rib- bons, gift cards. Write for c 1 1 NOW. Print name, address clearly. Name-On Stationery Company Limited, Dept. 14, Room F, Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. (Sept2) 46--Employment Wanted MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN: ing, patching, zippers, button holes, pant cuffs, shirt collars turned or remade. Free pick-up and delivery. Dial 3-4840. (Sept.12) 47--Legal Notices TENDERS WANTED For stuccoing the new Canadian Legion Hall, Queen St, Bow- manville. Particulars of this job may be obtained from Alex Mairs, 64 Wellington St., or by telephoning 3695 Bowmanville after 5 p.m. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. (2092) TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS For: Arrears of Taxes Corporation of the City of Oshawa County of Ontario To Wit: By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Mayor of the City of Oshawa, under his hand and the seal of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, bearing date of the 15th day of June, 1953, a sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the City of Oshawa, will be held at the Assembly Hall, Centre Street Public School, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon on Wednesday, the seventh day of October, 1953, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, has been published in the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of July, 1953, Copies of the said list ay be had at the office of the City Treasurer. / Dated at Oshawa, this 7th day of July, 1953. H. E. TRIPP, City Treasurer (Sep1,8,15,22,20) 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE---LIVESTOCK, GRAIN and impléments, the estate of the late Henry Ball, Lot 33, Cen. 6, Darlington 1%2 miles noth east of Taunton. Thurs- day, Sept. 10. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. James Hogarth, clerk, Ted Jack- son, auctioneer. (208¢c) OTTAWA (CP)--Several govern- ment departments here have ap- pointed a weather-watcher to warn when continued work during Ot- tawa's current heat wave might be dangerous to health. Mrs Elizabeth Orr of the de- fence scientific service takes tem: perature and humidity readings in the defence, national revenue and defence production department buildings and correlates them to give a reading above or helow a Weather Watcher Used In Government Offices red line on a special weather chart. The line shows when the temperature and humidity com- bination has become dangerous. It is left to department heads to decide whether or not to send their workers home. The earliest to leave are usually those. in the flat-roofed wooden temporary buildings which one department head calls "boiling infernos sizzling in over 100 degree temperatures' in the current heat wave. DALTON HOLME, England (CP) Another stately old home: on the list of this slated for demolition is Dalton Holme Hall, 30-bedroom mansion of Lord Hotham. It was built in 1780 by the seventh bar- onet, Sir Charles Hotham. FINE SWIMMER BROCKVILLE, Ont (CP)--Bud Crawford, 11, has been presented with a senior swimmer's certificate and crest by the Red Cross. Ear- lier this season -young Budy .res- a three-year-old girl in Charleston lake. CLEETHORPES, England (CP) Eel fishing may become a new {industry along the Humber river. |A fisherman in this Lincolnshire community started fishing for eels this year and reported "they seem very prolific in the Humber." FAMILY OF 12 HOMELES RENFREW (CP)--Fire Sat night destroyed the frame home of Mr. {Frank Mathieu and their dren while the family was at the movies. -- 2 a U.5.Ban ¥ | ot ae anconnrion COLORED rove. 8 hers App we APPROVED by U.S. Bankers! APPROVED by Teachers! APPROVED by 24,000,000 satisfied users! y// W. AVAILABLE PAPER-MATE INK REFILLS) : STRIKING COLORS ® PAPER-MATE RED ® PAPER-MATE GREEN © PAPER-MATE BLACK © PAPER-MATE BLUE 7hére 1s only (ne APPROVED", rus . BANKERS , = REFILL WITH INK SUPPLY 10 THIS LEVEL Writes Over 70,000 words... Several Months Average Use 69: COMBINATIONS BLACK with chrome top BROWN with gold color top GREEN with gold color top RED with gold color top BLACK with gold color top DELUXE MODEL EVERYWHERE Always a clean point= never needs wiping! Y"PAPER-M AT Distributed by . E of CANADA DIVISION OF GENERAL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 265 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO, ONT, genuine DUPER MATE PEN! »

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