THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, September 18, 1008 15 | It's Open House at Peacock Lumber!! | We Cordially Invite You To Attend | The Grand Opening of Our Newly - Constructed Office and Showroom From 7 a.m. -- Saturday, Sept. 19 -- 'il 5 pm. Above is a photo of the interior of Peacock Lumber's new office located at 328 Ritson Rd. North. The members of the office staff in the photo, from left to right, are: Bob Dunford, Roy Nesbitt, Oscar Richardson, Duaine Peacock and Mr. Peacock. It has been our great pleasure to give to the many resi- dents of Oshawa and surrounding district a service which we continually endeavour to make satisfying. We have enjoyed our job. a Now, so that we may continue that same service for many years to come we are proud to announce the open- ing of our new office at 328 Ritson Rd. North, where we can more adequately offer to you the unlimited varie- ties in building supplies. : In the above photo we have caught a general view of . . - the lumber yard and storage sheds located behind the We extend to all a hearty nvitaton to drop in and see us jew office building at 328 Ritson Rd. North. Members . Hr H # the working crew of Peacock Lumber are, from left soon; take a browse around our new office; let us aid you a a Sout. uticy a, From en : il in your building selection; we are truly proud of our new Hall, Arthur Haskill, Chos. Bilton, Jim Driscoll, Cecil . idi i . Smith, Wm. Woods, Gordon Dix.' Rear Row: Ward This is Peacack Lumber's new office building os seen office but we are also indebted to our many customers Bracks 7: Woodward, 3. Rh Wrich tke. Freese facing west from Ritson Road. Mr, Peaceck is stand. t . . ° ; ; ¢ has made its completion possible. John Strumbiski, Pat Ford, Benson Scott, Ron Cochrane, ing holding the doar apen fer off who wish to some in whose patronag P P Clarence: Brushett, W. N. Ford. and look ereund, Above is a general view of the Peacock Lumber mill yard located at King Street West opposite Mount Lawn Cemetery south of the No. 2 Highway. The mill and giant lumber yard has occupied this lot since 1945; has now become a familiar fixture of West Oshawa. It is here that Mr. Peacock has most of his lumber sawn from the choice of forest materials. : t ~ PEACOCK LUMBER 328 RITSON RD. NORTH OSHAWA ~~ DIAL 3.981