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Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Sep 1953, p. 14

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© TIEN DAY TIMES-GATETTE, Wednesday, September 28, 1953 Passengers Waich Epic Sea Rescue PARIS (Reuters) Skipper night searching. We signalled a Franck G e of the French |number of boats in the vicinity and liner Ile de France told Monday |we constantly picked up fresh dis- night how he piloted his ship |tress signals from the Greenville. Shfough 24 of the 26 co storms to |The signals grew clearer and the 26 crew members | wreck hove in sight at dawn. pin sinking Liberian| "It was noon before we could freighter the a get a boat alongside and the crew, He watched the two other Liber-|all Liberians, began to come off. "We were none too soon |There were 26 of them. The first on the spot, " he said. . a ESCAPEE PILOT SAYS Reds Move Migs Into N. Korea By ROBERT B. TUCKMAN SEOUL (AP)--A young North Korean jet pilot who flew to free- dom in a Russian-made MiG sa'd today the Communists have flown jet fighters and propeller-driven bombers into Korea sinee armistice in violation of terms. The Bye pilot, a senior the truce Iii t in Red Air Force, mate was crushed to death by fall- py > a radio interview with Reut- ing machinery a few minutes be- ers, Garrigue told of the last hours |fore the rescue. He was trying to of the 6,323-ton Greenville, on its way from Montreal to Liverpool with wheat for. Britain. "She hadn't sunk when I last looked, but she is certain to have gone down by now," he said. "We picked up the S O S yester- day (Sunday) afternoon and spent the rest of the day and most of the get the rudder to work. "The other 25 piled into our boat and manoeuvred into the swell of the liner. As they were scrambling off the lifeboat, which was tossing like a cockle shell, one of the crew slipped and drowned under the eyes of hundreds of our passen- gers.' SCUGOG_ISLAND Mrs. 0. Heayn Hostess For W.A. Meeting SCUGOG ISLAND -- The last meeting of the Head WA was held at the home of Mrs. Orval Heayn. Opening the meetin? a hymn was Sung, followed by the Lord's Pray: . The 23rd Psalm was repeat City Workers Accept Terms MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal's police, firemen and white collar workers Monday night accepted a last-minute offer by the city to negotiate settlement of a contract dispute. At a mass meeting, a capacity attendance agreed to accept the city's offer, communicated only a few hours earlier hv Ln~isn Hetn, director of municipal services, to ts of the three unions ig unison. $6.58 was collected at | roll call when the ledies gave a penny per inch of their waistlines. "Grandma's Advice" a poem was | read and Mrs. John Beckett sup: plied a musical solo for the enjoy- ment of all. Mrs. Stewart Rodman gave two short poems. Mrs. Nelson Reader came up with four imprompiu speeches on varied subjects which prpved sur- prising to the givers and listeners. Mrs. Donald Gerrow gave a spice contest which had a tearful finish as onions were the reward for be- | ing smart. | The 1946 pennies were collected. rs. Nelson Reader is the winner of the famed cup and sucer. \the pr | involved. end | the union leaders to report jointly to members Oct. 27. Negotiations will start Oct. 5 and "on or about" Oct. 24, with Acceptance eared, at least tem- porarily, a strike threat by thre city's more than 2,000 police ofi- cers. | rejection by the unions of an ar- bitration board report that turned down most of their requests for wage increases and other benefits. The strike threat follo ed ANCIENT GAME The game of checkers, in one form or another, was played by ancient Greeks and Romans. Don' forget next month to bring fruit for the Hospital to the meet- ing at Mrs. Earl Heayn's, Mrs. James Wilson's group will be in charge. Mrs. Stewart Rodman's | group served lunch. TO SAVE TIME on your told a press conference he did not know the Allies had offered $100,- The plane he flew to Kimpo air- field, near Seoul, was definitely a MiG-15 and not some other type as had been rumored in some quar- ters. «For personal protection the pilot declined use of his name. A South Korean newspaper earlier identi- fied him. as Noh Kuem Suk. A senior lieutenant in the North Korean Air Force, he flew from |3 an d base near the North 000 for a MiG when he landed his swept-wing fighter at a base near Seoul Monday. He said he fled from Communist Korea because "I did not want to stay there." He voiced hope that he could study in the United States. The pilot also told reporters: He knew Russian pilots flew MiGs in combat against pilots of the 5th U.S. Air Force in Korea. Russians also were his advanced instructors, said, but made no combat misSions with Korean fliers. Korean capital at Pyongyang to Kimpo, waggled his wings as a signal, and landed. He had no Al- lied escort. He said he made the flight to get away from com- munism and had been wanting to escape since 1945. The pilot said he did not know how many MiGs the Reds had moved into North Korea since the armistice, arrived about 40 days ago, about two weeks after the truce was signed. GRAND-DAD SHOWS HOW DRAYTON (CP)--A dozen of the best female cooks in Wellington |county Monday found out that you can't beat an old connoisseur when it comes to chili sauce. George Awde, an 80-year-old grandfather, showed his heels td the ladies and captured top award in the chili sauce contests at the fall fair. + POLICEMAN ACQUITTED BRANTFORD (CP) -- Thomas Jordan, for 13 years a member of the Brantford pplice department, was acquitted onday of motor manslaughter ih the death of Brantford fireman Jack Wilkes. The fatality occurred while Jor- dan was driving home from Paris after an "old-timers" ball game. but adtled that some Tunnel 10 Miles In Rock TORONTO (CP) -- Two of the largest tunnels in Canada, part of Ontario's huge additional power development at Niagara Falls, are nearing completion. ; The tunnels, 5% miles long and 51 feet in diameter, are driven through solid rock to divert part of the Niagara river for On- tario hydro's new 1,200,000-horse- power Sir Adam Beck-Niagara No. 2 development. Hydro chairman Robert Saunders announced Monday that all the rock has been excavated from the No. 1 tunnel and about 74 per cent, or some 1,525,000 cubic yards of rock, have been taken from No. 2 tunnel. It is expected that the - second tunnel will be completely excava- ted by December. This will mean (that the job will be completed in 18 months, Mr. Saunders said. BROADCASTERS GATHER TORONTO (CP)--Some 250 rep- resentatives from more than 50 Ontario and Quebec radio stations gathered here Monday for the 49th radio clinic of the Central Canada Broadcasters Association. A panel of radio executives and broadcast- ers spoke on various phases of the industry. A question forum fol- lowed. being | family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold HAMPTON M. HORN Correspondent HAMPTON -- Mr. and Mrs, Charlie' Gerrard and and Mr. and oe. Alfred Houseman, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. R. Sitbext, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. ron Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemens, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. Laura Ranton. Mrs.: Robt. Thomas and daugh- ter, Alberta, of Sunderland, were | guests of Mrs. E. H. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and 1 Salter visited Rev. and Mrs. Wal. ter Rackham of Lindsay recently. Mrs. Rev. F. J. Reed spent a few days with her daughter and son-in-law at Bracebridge. Miss Norah Horn spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Louie Hewson visited her sister, Mrs. Isaac Bulmer, Osh. awa, and since enjoyed a week's holiday visit with Rev. and Mrs. Empey and girls at Highland Creek. Alan Reynolds, Toronto, was a recent visitor with his aunt, Miss Lulu Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons and Lloyd, Toronto, visited their son Jack and Mrs. Lyons. School re-opened on Tuesday, September 8, with our new prin- cipal Mr. Poulter of Toronto, and Mrs. Hazel Ruttan of Gravenhurst | in charge of the Junior room. There are nineteen new beginners, | Our former principal, Mr. Ray- mond, is now teaching at Conlin' | School, North Oshawa. Donald White, who has been teaching at Indian River near Peterboro, is now at Oakville. Glad to know Miss Nancy Johns is much improved also Mrs. Fred Honey, after their recent illness A number from here attended the funeral of Mr. Milton Werry, Oshawa, formerly of Tyrone; bur- ial was at Bethesda on Monday afternoon. Aad ed Orono fair on Saturday and a large number have takem in t'e Toronto Exhibition many toting advantage of the Garton bus. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Kei h Billett, Mary Jean and Jerome, from our village, they haying m v ed to Bowmanville. They will be missed in Community and Church activities, Miss Wilma Leach att the funeral of Mrs. R. H. Lockwood, Oshawa' on Monday. A number from Hampton attend- The historic English sport of bait- ict bulls by dogs was abolished by-law in 1835. A bliciovs CHOCOLATE CREAM SANDWICH BISCUIT PEEK FREAN'S " BOURBON 8 OZ. PACKET é12r P. F. ENGLISH QUALITY Serve it with afternoon tea... for a sweet to top off a ' dinner or bedtime snack . . . when you pack a lunch. PEEK FREAN'S Homans BISCUITS Look lovelierin10 days a. Oki Spetialists Facial \ 3 Competitive Prices, Plus Personal Service Special Values & Reminders for Thurs., Fri. and Sat. I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS Sold With a Money-Back Guarantee ALMOND LOTION . ... ..,. «. 1Va-oz. tube, ANALGESIC BALM Congratulations to Mrs. Jonathan reg. 35¢ Aldred who placed second in the | 'Over 50' Canadian National Exhi- | bition Hobby Show. Mrs. Aldred is | very talented with her unusual hobby of fish bones, scales, etc. made into pictures, jewel cases. Sympathy is extended to the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Cecilia Turner who passed away on Sunday Sept. 13 at Thornbury. Choir practice will be held at Grace United Church on Thursday at nine o'clock sharp. Members are urged to attend for the special service to be held at Prospect Church on Sept. 2 We wlecome Tl Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and family from Es- sex County where they spent three Mr. and Mrs, William Howe¥ | formerly Miss Norene Sweetman, were last week presented with a coffee table and a hostess chair as remembrances from their Scugog Island friends. The gifts were os appreciated by boty young' people. Sunday School continued to have good attendance in spite of the end of vacations, which means that several of our cottage friends have to the city. Mrs. Douglas Aldred and daugh- ter Beverly are enjoying their va- cations in Manitoba and Saskatche- wan where they are visiting with their relations and friends LONG DISTANCE 10) ALWAYS CALL BY NUMBER Keep a list of numbers you are likely to call --in your Buona, TELEPHONE NUMBERS OPEN JOURNALISM COURSE LONDON, Ont. (CP)--The Uni- |} versity of Western Ontario. this fall is inaugurating a one-ear gradu- ¢ ate course in journalism, open to anyone holding a degree from a recognized co ge or university. The course will lead to a diploma in journalism, but not to a mas- ter's degree. THE university has long-range plans to provide courses lead to a master's degree in 700! If you ne drop in at Bets Office or phone for a New beauty care helps skin look fresher, prettier... helps keep it that way! The success of this new beauty Ho hon N. Cleanse: Night and morning, with cloth care developed by a skin sp ist lies in greaseless Noxzema. It's a bination of soft and warm water, wash as if using soap! Skin feels so fresh and clean! soothing and. cleansing ingredi- ents offered by no other leading beauty cream. And it's medicated --aids healing! Try it for 10 days; if your skin isn't lovelier, return jar to Noxzema, Toronto; money back! journalism. Night Cream: Helps your skin look lovelier, smoother. Pat a little extra Noxzema over any blem- ishes to help heal them fast! Make-up Base: Greaseless Noxzema helps protect your skin all day. Made in Canada gn | SAVES | | NOXZEMA | oF' Limited ! time offer i Stock up! | | - Big 6-01. [| jar only A fa Save 3 over smaller sizes! any drug or cosmetic counter! Modern Borden Milk product-helps god CUT MILK COSTS IN HALF! Now you can enjoy all the worthwhile goodness of milk at half the price! Borden's Starlac is milk . . . contains all the vitamins, minerals and proteins of fresh milk. Only the water and fat are removed. You can use Starlac every way you use fresh milk . . . for drinking, cooking, baking. Very easy to use, and it keeps indefinitely without refrigeration! ask your doctor about Starlac. If you're diet eonscious, Why not start saving money this modern way. Cut your milk bills in half or better . . . buy Starlac at your grocer's. In 1-1b. or économy size 5-lb. cans (flavor is protected). STARLA( 7" CANADA _FIRST_GRADE LB. MAKES + ore OF DELICIOUS | SKM. MIR! CLOTHES @ Bankers Approve the great new Paper-Mate Pen. Leak proof ink can't smear, can't transfer. Only retractable pois p pen guar. | a clean point! s].98 Refills 69¢ BABY'S or CHILDREN' s COUGH SYRUP CASTOR OIL ... .., .. 30 oz., reg. 50c 25's reg. COLD TABLETS 50¢ STOMACH POWDE LAXATIVE Vegetable Tableis WHITE EMBROCATION reg. 45¢c . 33¢ TAD 59159 we 22¢ 37¢ 40z, 16 oz. reg. 29c¢, SPECIAL VALVE JEANETTE TALCUM Large 12-0z. Size 19 Fragrance PAPER NAPKINS 70 Napkins 17 27%33¢ Assorted Important scientific development An Ideal Family Laxative Clinical tests show, in 9 out of 10 cases, morning end night brushing . . . PROTECTS YOUR TEETH} FROM DECAY ACIDS | 15¢ and 33¢ only minutes eca; acids. ..only minutes. With rbd and only Antizyme, morning and aight brushing protects you for 24 hours . something never before possi! dentifrice history. VITAMINS F OR HEALTH FROSST'S NEO-C Fluid 1.55, 3.35, 5.90; Capsules 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 HEMICAL FOOD ALPHAMETTES CAPSULES 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Ole Percomorphum ... Magis Brewers Yeast Tablets .. Cod Liver Oil -- Plain 10-D Cod Liver Oil bb' 10-D Cod Liver Oil Soul : Plain Cod Liver Oil . id cial Formula Frost's Ostoco * Drops Lederle Vi-Delte Emulsion One-A-Day Multiple Vitamin Rybutol . Vita Diet Wempoles E t Waterbury's Compound One-A-Day A end D Vitamins Mulein Ascorbic Acid Tablats, 25 mg Idemalt, Malt end Cod Liver Extract . . .95 idk NIRA NAN NN ub Nonveonbon we sudan nyssnsanss fron and Vitamin IDAFER Compound -- Capsules Liquid B 1 Doz. 60's 240's 1.50, 4.50 YOU GET 25¢ For trying the new IPANA large or economy sizes. Save the corton and mail it to: IPANA, Box 144, Dept. Co., Montreal, Quebec. SAVE 31c On large size Lady Esther 4-purpose foce: cream. Regular price 1.50. EF SLEEP TONIGHT SEDICIN® $1.00 Sedative for Nervousness $4.95 tired, nervous, irritable, run- down, fry DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD 79c, $1.98 More Women Choose KOTEX* Than All Other Sanitary Napkins Box of 12 40c 2 for 79¢ 48's $1.53 POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 SIMCOE ST. N. (Next to Loblaws) We Deliver AS DRUG STORE (Next to Post Office) 28 KING ST. E. Prompt Delivery DIAL 5-4734 DIAL 3-4621 MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL 3-3431

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