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Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Sep 1953, p. 19

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, September 28, 1058 99 An old Story But It Always Has A Happy Ending -- 'Sold Tafa Night" This Ad Brought Results After only one insertion. oy J DELIVERY furnished, 5-day Bot VER 1s, (204tf) 39---Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale &1--Articles Wanted 43--Male Help Wanted "| 47--Legal Notices Pots and Livestock Phos SOL between 88. (2316) (231¢) ZEALAND WHITE RABBIT meat, bréd, , §00d strain, JH. frets RR. 1 hesie AND TAMSWORTH . Phone i op armers' Column 1 OW MASSEY-HARRIS HORSE- oar) excellent condition. Phone Brooklin 3rid. (222a TIAN - Moved type. The moat USED BICYCLES, BOYS' SNL good MAN'S dition. Dial 5: CLE, GOOD CON- CCM B after 5 pm. (282¢) 2 FORCE PUMPS WITH TANKS, must i good. condition. , RB Ir 81 BF gondition, Be loct's) LARGE trie stove, 4 - BURNER 'ELEC- - SIZE, $35, Phone 5-371, 2220) Eevee MASON-RISCH PLAYER PIANO WITH 100 rolls, h Park . 8. cheap. Apply 98 P Rd. 5 Players sd 133 up. Apo 8 "oF Gant Blob Stores. Dial LADIES' BALLOON TIRE BICYCLE, ood sondition, Dynamo lights -- hone (2220) DERS TAKEN FOR So SASH mates free ial same ""(oet1s) EA . 3. 308 RIFLE 3174. Apply 24 King St, in good Sopditian, na » Apt. aie) BLINDS-THE ihe develop in CHINA CABINET, $20. DIAL 3.8176. (221b) will os enthusiasm. ie (ld Co! PLETE DINING ROOM SUITE, ut, very good condition. bat > WANTED--A COAL-BU! RNING cont en annex, in good tion, Dial 5 6017. 3 Fane ), 3 42--Female Help Wanted C...s OR YOUNG WOMAN R lunch counter, 2 to 8 for 5 days, +30 to 10:30 gay morning. 86! William YOUNG LADY AS SALES CLERK, 18 years or oldef, with school; education, 0] protupty. for right (ag0n)! girl. Apply E Moder STENQ - TRIST REQUIRED WITH (Oct) on, BURNER. USED 3 Colborne East. (221) COLEMAN months. Apply 33 . Wi COMIC BOOKS, "0 coc JOS Ton hinges Book Exchange. way Open every evening Hine Senize) MOFFAT ELECTRIC STOVE, 4 TOP |F oven control. In good condi- WILL FRESHEN IN ONE h. Good milker. Small separator, churn. Phone 5-4089. (2210) BNE SOW AND LITTER. REASON- > + 'offer. J.. Penuright, Trulls Road, North; Courtice. . (2210) DEAD STOCK, PICKED 'arm, Tyrone. c Wearin Apparel BIRL'S WINE INTER COAT, d condition. Dial 3-433 14x, (2292) RQWNIE UNIFORM; SATIN COAT, "suit; skirts, size 8; red station coat; dresses size 10. Reasonable. 31 Buckingham Ave. (222a) IRE NEW, MAN'S BLUE OVERCOAT, .. 38, Eisenhower jacket, ladies' t. For particulars phone 3-2670. (221¢) tion, $25. Phone 5-5139. (221¢) CLEAN WOODEN BARRELS. DIAL 3-3372. a1) heater, trailer, Ketse and gander, lawn mower, straw; strawberits bones Phone R6 5 p.m, JACKET INDLAY COAL ANNEX, stakes, 2 snow fence, crates, ) | ey Ty lin, after 2814 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD, BROWN MO- hair, cheap for quick sale. Dial isl. (221¢) CITY - APPROVED SEPTIC available now at Fabricated pings Ltd., 249 TANKS Metals, Second Ave. (Oct.6) some experiehce eb Tab) he, nore aon) Specialty - Paper 'Produ aa CHAMBER MAID, TCH- |. Ap 1d); JOUNEYMAN PLUMBER. APPLY 'Wilson. Rd. Seuth. Dial 5.5132, ah ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, Sept. 38, 1053, I will not be responsible for any debts in my name without REALESTATE "SALESMAN We'have an opening for one eb! my Witten. onsen ALFRED HUMPHRIES, 83 Simcoe St. 8., Osan, 48---Auction Sale fenergetie' mon of neat app 'ance, 'in aur active Oshawa 1office. Experience' preferred, but not: essential. Late model fear" htossary. For interview _ appointment eall dur Oshawa Tanager, M. O. Tindall, at 5-04 evenings 5-6366. David 'McLean Ltd., Realtors, 43 Bond Street W. 45--Agenty Wanted (221b) perance St., Bowmanville, Ont EXPERIENCED one able to act as waitress, steady po- sition. Apply Mrs. McTaggart, Queen's Hotel, 7:30-10 p.m: "- 221¢) CLERK FOR MODERN FOOD MAR- ket. Experience preferred but not neces: sary. Apply 'in person Stroid's Food Market, 54 Simcoe North. (221c) SEWING MACHINE OPERATO! wanted. SExverients an asset - but Form v, John and Ash Street, Whitby: C RANGETTE, KITCHEN So PBOARDS: table, wardrobe, wood, Apply 36 2 Gladstone. Dial 5-1980. " es AWNINGS MEAS( Lovey patterns. Free estimates. Fol Cleve Fox, Oshawa. MADE 10 ding Airs, card and banquet tables for rent 3's ADDISON CONSOLE WITH AER- ial, on town. 5 months old. Owher lating al 5 i (21c GAS STOVE, GURNEY WHITE TURN- ) {SCHICK ELECTRIC (Octid) RAZORS, ALL same in els; also parts est. (Oct16) éagher"s, 5 King (221t) WOMEN TO GO OUT AND SELL COS- tume jewellery, either door-to-door, to your friends and neighbours or at par: ties. Excellent : commission. ful ther information, come to 132 Cupiral Park Blvd. (221¢ DOOR-TO-] DOOR CANVASSER, Ron work with saléspan, good com: Plea. wen out: hi %, 'Himes Gazer sup- Suite (natural), Bunk Beds, Set! | Drawers, Bird Cage and INSU-| AUCTION SALE-STIRTEVANT'S AUC. tion Room, 33 Hall St, Thursday aves ing, September 24th at 7: 190, Doors at 7:15. Norge Gas Kitchen board, Dinipg Room able, Odd Chairs Baby. ' Cartiage, Dresser, Buffet, oll Linoleiim (new), Davenport and chairs Leather Upholstered. Odd Living R | Tables, Full-Size Bed Spring and Mat: Bed 8) and tress, Victrola, Wooden Mattress (antique), Kitchen 4 Chairs (blue), 6-plece Kitchenette tee, Arm rror, Chest tand, 8-piece |¢ ining Room Suite (Spool Legs), Kitchen Buffet (white), Tool Chests, umber of Windows and Door Frames, Step Lad: der, Heavy-Duty Electric Range, Cook- ing hair, Hall Rack and a (222f) OSHAWA GREETING CARDS For prompt service; speedy delivery get your - Christmas needs from Oshawa Greeting Cards, large selec- tion of al eheice -- Christmas Cards, Wraps) Dan Tags. Highest Commie. ary St. PHONE ' 5-2008 (Oct. 6) [URCH GROUPS! ts easily hfistmas ly ap scenic, every AGENTS, CLUBS, Make friends and Canada's finest iterns 1 down table top. offer. Also jacket heater with oil burner. Dial |3-2638. H <221b) | B. USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP Goodrich Stoves. Phone 5-4543. (143tf) F. ACCORDION, MUNDINGER, FULL 120 bas. few, used six months, JL e Brooklln S4r3 after 8. (221) FRENCH DOORS, KITCHEN TABLE, Jubsl B. TRE STORES: TIRES, Biers ddison 1} Aare: tan (Sep28) Roint sink, com- cupboard rocker sifter, i ING, SIZE 10, IN GOOD : 18 S30 RoaboRablS. Dial mis ; ' PEI oon Bee 10. Dist b-1007: Chal) erket Basket TOES BY THE BUSHEL, ao vered. Phone 5-5459. 220¢) MILK-FED CAPONS, Ese AND ah tel Order now for i IGETABLES -- POTATOES, BEANS, parsnips, De Ih 3.9910 or 5-3205. etc., in season. (Oot) 28 Aticles For Sale BABY € Ck ha -v IRNEY a wood stove, new, mi . machine. Girl's winter coat, 12, very reasonable. Dial i COOK STOVE, Nulre : with reservoir. Dial nor INETTR SUITE, HE oR easonable. Wo z ELD SUITE, DROP-LEA| can Phote Tables, end tABIEs, Ar table, kitchen sink and taps. gow, T) CHE! k8l birch, - OR WOOD WHITE EN- , kitchen table, 4. Dial 5 (2220) DINING ROOM iéé box, $30. AP 258 Hib- (223¢) REVERGIBLE, hei i AK ofl spice heater. (asic) BED, Dial ; eee "En RIGERATOR, 3 eT JARS OLD, NEW large . SOLID $95, also lon th good condition. RE HORS. ORD Nd argain. Dial 5- (220c) TRADE-IN DEPART, A velour davefio LE tenon Suite, MeClary table top oily 3 a Rithrtore s, coe South. (222t6) : ' Dil APPLY Ll (2220) JlonvR ACCORDION. PHONE (222¢) OR AUTOMA' WASHER, EX. iH] nt conditiod. eo WHE ) DY'S FUR COAT, CLOTH COAT. Soadition, #szes 4 - sonable. Dial 3.9295 fre TONE - ON - TONE SEAMLESS if, 6 x 9. Walnut cofféé table, Baby er. All excellent tonditioh. Rea- ble. Dial 3-2349. (222¢) ABLE MODEL RADIO COMBINA- cedar chest; résser, vanity, it several othér Articles. Apply Miid's wardrobe 4nd dresser, end t- Lodge, Cotbett's Post, JROME CHINA CABINET. Bigg x - rayburn Ave. DECOYS, WOOD. APPLY 53 SAR: 2223) EA CONSOLE RADIO, AUTOMATIC player, Scout uniform, large it. (221¢c) 5 Yili OR SS RNACHS, PIPES, CHIMNEVS VAL: " » éleanied. Phone . 419 Ajax tw Oct.22 (Oct. 22) 1s : odérn. Ea months; | doors. Dial FAT 4 EN (2216) EL FOUR - BURNER, ORNAMENTAL PORCH [RON RAIL EE iste, 4 ir fighate rds ota WHITE table top, M ary gis stove, oven con- trol. Phone 5-5162. (221b) i WEEK INSTALLS A igh '53 Full selection al WALNUT LAMP TABLE, LAMP WITH vagy + ht erator e. Rota} ™V by est. (Sept29) shade, 4 chrome kitchen Shale, tuxedo Suit, size 38 to 40. A-1 condition. Phone 3.0489. (22 la) | B WHITE STRAND RANGE, COMPLETE tanks, Harry Chinn, 460 Montrave. BATHTUBS, TOILETS, WASH BASINS, sinks and cabinets, water tanks, septic fittings. pipes threaded. Call (Sep28) with burners. Roll fim bath tub, Uke féw. Dial 3.7926. (28ic) SUNBEAM = MIXMASTER LIKE new. Also lady's fur coat, good con- dition. 'Apply 162% Olive Ave. (2218) supplies, and steel cabinets, pressure oi i board motof. Call Harry Chinn, Mont rave South. AGE FURNITURE, Fhe fittifigs, pipe threaded, NEW 'AND USED A + GUNS Bouoht and Sold Hunting: 'Licénses Issued in Evenings PAUL'S SPORTING 30008 589 ALBERT ST. (Oct18) "NASH" ALUMINUM COMBINATION Windows, , Sereens and Doors. The world's. finest. Made in dybtem, sink and steel machine, larg MATIC STOKER, PRESSURE eel cabinet, was Saleh trick, hoist, box. (Oct9) Harry C 460 Montrave. ~ PKOOLVENT" Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies. Made in Oshawa. For free estimates phone KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (Oct10) TYPIST Age 20 to 30, with clerical experience, for sales order Dept. of Furniture Manufac- turing Co, 5-day week. Phorie Mr. Reid, 3-345]. in tam) WANTED Stenographer for lo cal office of Belle- vue Finance Corp. Ltd. Dictation not necessary. See Mr. Wilson 9 - 5, 2914, Simcoe St. South. (221¢) 43--Maie Help "Wanted LICENSED MECHANIC -- SPECIALIZ- ing in carburetor, and ignition for autd electric service station in .Peterbor- ough. Write Box 501, 'Times- Ganette, | a C 1 HAVE AN OPENING FOR ONE MAN part or full" time to take over well LS Oshawa, For free estimates phone 5 Bmoce Sh By 4 (HY 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL §- 483 RAMOTE M. GREENBERG & SONS Scrap wood for sale $5.00 per truck 'lead Phone 3.7333 308 Bloor SE, Conada's . mst attractive all aluminum &wnings, eanopies, patios. Lets the light in, keeps the "at Wpaae (Bepth® scorTTs "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows and "Maloney" Aluminum ( Sombinatinn doors, 3.50 tablished yatuine route. Apply 4 sane 7 and (321b) 9 pm. YOUNG MAN, UNDER 30, REQUIRED and Many novelty items: ribbons, purse ts and books service. Liberal Sommissians, Jeandron Greeting Card Co. Ont. (Sept27) CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS Get Free Purselight The 'sensational novelty item, with agtly sales, Our complete lime Christmas cards in- he hg everything néeded for fast sales - and big profits, Highest - quality and liberal comi-fnission. Make up to 55¢ profit on Feature Box. Hurry, limited: time only. Free purse- light. Write today for samples on approval and particulars of amazing bargain sample offer. Mélex Greéting Card Co., Dept. o To Hamilton. | (Sept23) CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS day cards. wraps, seals, wo w Kensington: North. Hamilton, can "easily 'ntake more money show- ing our: unexcelled Christmas eared assortments. to: friends, neighbors, and: at. work. Wonderful line to chobiss 'from. 'Feature assortments, Gift Wraps, purse lights and child ren's books. Special plan for clubs and chufch groups. Send no money --write today for samples on ap proval. You run no risk but hurry, be ahead of others in your locality. MONARCH: GREETING CARD (CO. Dept. B. HAMILTON, ONT. (Oct.14) 46--Employment Wanted '| eer. Dial 5-5751 to assist "fi factory. Mocpaal he] some supervisory or electronié exon: ence preferred. Apply Globe y on Limited, Ajax, Ont. &) WANTED YOUNG MAR FOR gent's furnishings jad clothil Apply 20 King St. Est. 2 CARPENTERS pM BIATELY, ply 23% Simcoe St South, 3 SMART APPEANNG. over 1%: 2 dans bicycle week. A Church 's Grocery, Col "Stréets. "oN De ed TY SECRETARY- ay A pTIONIST. AGE 22 requires work, P morningh, Svears experience. st Of- fice Box 415, Whitby. , . (2222) YOUNG MAN REQUIRES JOB AS janitor. Write. George Matthews, Gen. livery, Bowmanville, . . (222b. RELIABLE MAN, ABSTAINER; sires _jamitor work, or something of lar. Phone 35-6434. N WITH available for part-time work, evenings and week-ends, Dil 3-8410. 41-42208) erable Dx: 8 SEDAN Free "om oh BER RECORD BAR air Shop 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5:6245 Immediate Delivery on good quality leam and eddar clothes poles. PHONE §:0392 (Bape) DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE ae dr See Sills XY Baan interey COMMUNITY SEWING CENTRE Dial 3-4840 Oct18) JOIN RUTHERFORD'S 024 "WRECKING 8 beautiful buildings at Ajax; Ontario en Parry Road: Lumber just like new, 200,000 ft. of sheeting, 200, 000 ft. of 2x4,2x6, 2x8 2x 10, 6 x 6, ete. 75,000 ft. 34" 'of hardwood flooring, doors, win- dows, plumbin 400 modern rads, Yoo, 000 5% of gyproe, all kinds ipes, 10 500-gallon Eo s. Must be sold. Firewood tree. Salesmen on job including all day Saturday. Phone Ajax 439. (Bept26) CEDAR CHEST CLUB Dozéns of beautiful designs 39a--Fuel Wand and finishes. Lane Red Seal, Heirloom. The largest sélec- Sor SLAB WOO 4 FT. LEN 5-4018. GTHS, 30 pér cord. Dial fi tions in town. Make your choice fibw while' seléetion is complete. A small. deposit acket heater, $5 or (Oct2D) holds. Lady's b#@utiful mirror, brush and comb sét "Free" witly every chést, RUTHERFORD'S MUST ar 8. Apply 123 ve. (220¢) 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (222t0) an AND _ E. EXCELLENT pinion. Phokie ASE HEN IN OF SE SCIATICA, bAkL, ean bE Eommended i Jn AnK| AC I of oc W users. Ask your 3 (Bept23-Oct2,12,21,30) BURNER MOFFAT L ic je, $40 or best offer. Dial 59800 » (222¢) A King §t. (Septan) UP '--~ HOOVER, ELECTROLUX, al Electric, Filter Qu air Sales. Dial S-5121, LEVISION Azhidis IN EAM Sha EM) manners ting, T.V. Appliances. (Sept29) ¥ T.V. AND APPLIANCES OF- used television sets, radio- binations, refrigerators, wi éhines, . ranges, vacuum or New polishers. Make us an off , 81 King West. (Septz9) . GREENBERG & SONS FOR SALE: New and Used Lumber & Angle Iron 4" Heavy Steel Tubing 45 Qéllon Steel Drums For Your Convenience we are open Saturdays. Phone 3.7333 308 Bloor | FY See the TD '48 Dozer-shovel 3- Live _eouLTRY, FEAT , 5; rags and ma Turier. Nortb Oshaws, 2043 collect. (Oct12) 34-yard Buéyrus Erie , New rollers BEDS AND DRESSERS, CHEST OF drawers. i$ Dial 3-327 le) Genéral conditioh good Cash price $2,500 GOOD USED FURNITURE Sressers, W. stoves, heaters, kitchen sets Furniture, 56 King West. Dial (Sept23) Allis-Chalmers model M front PIANOS, CASH FoR YOUR PIANO . Wilson 79 Sim & Lee coe N. Dial (Sept23) end loader, %4-yd. Butkét. DIAL 3-9581 Smo Ta I A) FLOOR COVERING Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 sma 1953 patterns for en pve SHAW RAG and METAL MEAL FREE, ~SRNeHER matiresoes' ¢tc. Factory accounts appreciated 85 BLOOR ST. E. Dial 52311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Oet8) in the house. Congoleu, Feltols, Rexoleums, ih ng Marboleums, etc. RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (108) new MeClary y Oil Space heaters at Rutherford's, M. GREENBERG & SONS WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Ete. Highest Brice: Paid Phone 3:7333 --= 308 Bloor E. -(Oct2) dependable; efficient low-cost ) Juating fo styling, i models t6 ehoose from Budget térms. Sé€ them today at RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMEOE SOUTH . iA CIDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Ll Highest prices paid for iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free. 100 Afnis St. east of CNR , Station, Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5.4159, Oct15) 21) |, HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR furnace, range or J; $2 ots delivered. Dial 3.7891, 40---Articles For Rent CABIN TRAIL ER, Juex S 4. have own Riverside A1-<Articles Wanted WANTED, ers, tresses. Dil L greg fg be 1A Ein Than. ood Character ial. Apply Commercial | om To AEE fh EXPERIENCED. "FURNACE AND" "AIR - CONDITIONNG INSTALLATION MAN WANT- ED IMMEDIATELY. Apply '21 'CHURCH 5ST. EXPERIENCED Oil Burner Service Man Must bé reliable, Steady em- ploymént for right pérson. Write Box 36, Times-Gazette 222) Battery ry Radiator Repaifmen: Pérmanént position, good wages and working conditions, employee bénefits." Apply:-- DUNCAN BROS. LIMITED 84 CEDAR ST, SUDBURY. ONTARIO. : (Sept16,19,23,! 26,30- Oct3) Civie-mindéd person having confidence and . féspect of business people. To make crédit investigation and serve a8 local correspondent for leading credit. agency. Work is part-timé on. feé Basis, car an asset. Write, stating age ohd qualificatiohs, to Box 33, Times-Gazette, . / @21¢) OPENINGS For two ambitious ng men, ages 22 to 32, who 'want to make selling their career, ex- perience Bn 'dsset but not essential. This is an oppor- tunity to enter a field which produces earnings in the higher bracket®and affords a pleasant and dignified -éecu- pation. Apply bétweén 10 a.m. and 12. noon, Thursday, to Suite 5, Bassett Big, Simcoe = S.,. phone int 5-3311 fer appo ior ae BE A HEATING MECHANIC Top wages paid to meh skilled in installation and service of oil burners, stokers, and all their fully automatic controls; Don't interrupt present in- come. Earn right in your own home locality while learning. Let us show you how: Send coupoh for free descriptive information, STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE, Box 32, Oshawa Times: Gazette. ADDRESS CITY 47--Legal Notices NOTICE To EaEDrohs : In the Estate of rs 4h ormens 18te of the City of Oshawa in the County of York, Widow, Deceased. persons Lavine claims Auginal the "ot The 'Bly oF "Oihawa, County of Wa, dn ase, i x hered about the "16th » 1 ih al ©) up 0 Ramynierehter to the hog of October: ry 1950, Ru particulars of thel r the $hid daté, claims. Tmmedi the estate be s Bikirib uted; havi rd only te Rhe claims of whic 1983, AMER, elaide Street East; os 1, ts solicitors, for the Said Admihistra rein. CROWN TRUST COMPANY 302 Bay St, Toronto 1 (Sept5,12,19) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'matter of the ESTATE of CICELY ROSE WRIGHT, late of the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontaria, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Cicely Rose Wtight, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Housewife, who died on or about the 20th day of March, 1953, are herby notifiea 18 send such claims to the under- '| sighed, solicitors for the Executrix 'Bf the said estate, duly verified, on hi or before the. &th' day of October, 1953. After the last-hathed daté the as- sets of the said 'estaté will be dis- tributed. among thé pérsons en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of whieh the éxetutrir shall then have notice. DATED ot 'Oshawa, Ontario, '10th day. of September, 1953, CONANT & CONANT, Barristers & Solicitors, 7V5 Simcoe St. S. OSHAWA, Ontarlo, Solicitors for the Executrix. (Sept16,23,30) -the NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the fatter of the Estate of . CATHERINE SMYTH, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Married womans; - deceased. . . All prions having elaims against the estate of Catherine myth, married woman, . who died at the City of Oshawa on or about the 15t day of Sep- tember, A.D. 1953, are noti- fied to send -full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 3ist day of October, A.D. 1953, after - which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to cldimé 6f which "the undersigned shall them have had notice. Dated at 'Oshawa this 21st day of September, A.D. 1953. Albert Edward Smyth, Ethel Marshall, Marion Margaret Dudley, Executors, By their" Solicitor, Joseph P. 'Mangan, QC, 14V5 King Street E., Othawa, Ontario, (Bept2d,30-0ct?™ DELIVERY Ased, small Dishes and a great Jany other articles tod numerous te m Terms. cash. Frama Stirtevant, gion BROOKLIN (Continued from Page 4) been on the staff for six years. Mrs. Ruth Gray, who has been a relief teacher on the staff for approximately eight years was next introduced by Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Gray teaches eighteen pupils in Grade 2 and twenty pupils in Grade 1, or thirty-eight beginners in all, Mrs. Mervin Bird who has joined 8 | the staff of Brooklin Public School this term as Kindergarten teacher was introduced and + was made known that for half of each school day Mrs. Bird has seventeen, five year olds under her supervision, This is the overall picture, Brook- lin Public School now has four well liked and respecte Fag teachers and 124 pupils. Mrs. Rogers re- quested that the same co-operation she has received with her staff and the parents would be appiec- iated during the coming and pres- ent term. One of the projects of the Home and School suggested by the Ex- ecutive fof this term, to see that suitable bicycle racks were install- ed at the school, was found to have been already taken care of as the school board had there racks in- Slalled during the summer holi- ays. request was recei for the projector suitable for use in the Kindergarten and Primary grades and it was decided to give $15.00 towards cost of same. It was decided to Rave members of the Home and School Assoe- iation have & booth on the séhool grounds on Friday, September 25, this date having been set for the Annial Field Day. Mrs. Walter Asling was named convenor. , Mrs. Bird had the pleasure of introducing Miss Wooghoush i of Whitby, as guest Shofker. Mrs. Bird told how Joist oodhouise {8 an experienced Kindergarten teach. er and would explain what is being," done with the wee tots. Miss Wood- house is at present engaged as a >{ Kindergarten teacher at Ajax and has previously worked in Montreal and in, the Old Country. She started her talk by saying she would tell of her. experiences in kinder- | b arten work and the basic ejdeas dren as she has found oA 3n the the Continent, Eng- Niirséry pre or kindergarten as we know it was really Hares during the last world war when ia need arose fo care for the many "¢ehildren bombed out or evacuated from their homes in the old country. She told in vivid story what had been accomplished dur- ing the war years and also how it # (had been found to be very bene- ficial in helping develop the per- sohality and find their ability and adaptability. In her opinion, the first seven years are t t im. portant years of a child's life, as r | these. are the formative years when habits are formed. Mrs. W. C. Dyer, on behalf of fhe Home and School Association, thanked Miss Woodhouse for her very instructive and interesting Mrs. G. Territt, yi is leaving Brooklin ih the neat future to make her home in Port Perry tended fer resignation as S Jneinbies of the executive and Mss. Walter Asling was appoiiited to act for the bal- 'ance of the year. ' The Home and School plaque' awarded for parent attendance was wol by Mrs. Gray's foom. Upon adjournment a dainty lunch was served by members of the Exec- utive aid all enjoyed & social half- our, Last Saturday evening fis old Jones was hostess when five neighbors and friends fro Brooklin, Kinsale, Whitby, 8 froin and Toronto gathered at her home to shower with good wishes and worldly goods Mi Ada Banks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Banks who is to become the bride of Cecil Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gibson of Oshawa. Mrs. Jones had the hallway of her home decorated with pink, green and white streamers and over the two chairs placed for the appy couple, were" two hehe: When Ada was assigued er chair she was presented with a corsage of gladioli ahd C8Eil too was decorated with a beautiful buttonfiole boiighet pink and white geranium flowers. Mrs. Jones spole a féw words on Mrs. Lloyd Stanley who gave a reading ' oy anagement' ' written by Edgar Guest, & re ding all en- joyed. About thi§ tie Mrs, Martin Lee shook the bells gently and the shower of cohifetti that "ell oh Ada and Cecil kep them busy while a_ beautifully d orited ub of gifts was brought and placed before the bride-to-be. Jc -nhe Jack- son, Mary Stanley, Shirley Ofmis- toh and Mrs. Martin Lee assisted Ada, removing wiappih paper and placing the many useful ahd beaut- iful gifts on the table so that all might admire them. At this time the Brooklin community gift, a lovely tahle lamp was presented to Miss Banks. The evening was brought to a close with all enjoying the dainty lunch served by the hostesses and helpers. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The first regular meeting of Brooklin Horticulture Society ADA BANKS phy the fall will be held in the Sunday ) | ronto for films | will WHITBY NEWS Last night the Whitby Stokers g were defeated 1-0 by Toronto IBM. As the score Indicates it was a close, bitterly - contested game, tough to lose, but a good one to win, From the spectators' angle it was a terrific battle full of spue - pligling te tension right up Othe win gives the Queen City n a one-game lead in the 2 out 3 series in the Central Ontario Zone OASA Senjor "B" playoffs. Tonight the Stokers travel to To- or the second game which also promises to be a thriller. Toronto gto a man on second in the very first juping via a pair of free passes as Mel Meulemeester 'wag a trifle ittery. However, he gota settled down and struck out men. two bases. two men fanned. Knibb connected for the first sin- | gle of the night, slashing the ball past the firstbaseman and into | rightfield. Taffy Mayne sacrificed him to second but Knibby was nailzd trying to swipe third. Knibb hammered out his second hit of the evening in the sixth. He drove it between the shortstop and the thirdbaseman before they could move a muscle. He died there However, for Taffy Mayne watched a third strike slip by. The Stokers had been carrying the play to the Torontonians up Brooks dropped one over first that | to Dick Sundin at second. Dick tag- on the middle sack as the next J I, to the sixth inning. Gibson hit a | nier, ground single over second base. | meester, -p. 'a lon, Queen City Team Noses Out Stokers Brooks as he slid trying tyiss te mx the. hit into a double. the' meantime, Gibson went all the way around from first to score the only run of the ball game. Wright, the Toronto hurler, fly to leftfield to open seventh inning. Some shalt ing by Bill cunier and Jim Jordan resulted in him havin be content with a double. But Meulemeester again put out ; fire as he set three men down on strikes. Both teams pounded out a hit 8 « ° the eighth inning. 3 got his second hit othe wn Ci as did Brooks, the Meulemeester fanned 14 shortstop. Mel while walking 4 but Gordie 6g Jimmy Jordan got the first hit | fanned 16. and walked 2 better of the game in the third for the leven Mel's performance. Jimm Stokers. He drilled one down the'|Jordan led the Stoker fitstbase line that was good for |With 2 hits in 3 tries. Knibb als He was left stranded {got 2 hits but had 4 chances » offensive Wright's tricky Ssrings Brooks smashed out 2 hits for |ronto, one of them driving hom orig the winning run. Lione spark the visitors' defence. i RA Toronto IBM 000 001 000 --1 4 % Whithy Stokers ~ 000°000 000 --0 4 1 TORONTO IBM -- Gibson, 8 Brooks, ss; Lione; 8b; Wilso of; Wright, p; Scattalon, 1b; Sith, rf; Chequers, 2b; Bunn, If. WHITBY STOKERS -- MéEwen, c; Sundin, ss; Knibb, 1b; Mayhé, rf; with Loreno batting in the Oth; M. Jordan, 3b; Welch, 2b; ele If; J. Jordan, cf; The umpires were Braithwaité | Taffy Mayne grabbed and threw |behind the plate and O'Reilly, 6a the bases. school room of the Brooklin United Church on Monday, September 26, at 8 p.m. President Mrs. C. Davies in the chair and the com- mittee #4 charge of the meeting are Mrs. H. MacPherson, conven- Y Mrs. Allen Walker and Mrs. C. Dyer. Mfs. of Mr. J. W. Kaine will present their collection of slides taken on their trip to Florida and will include a number of interesting underwater pictures. W.I. MEETING The September meeting of the Brooklin Woman's Institute will be held in the basement of the Town- ship Hall oh Wednesday after He September 80 at 2.30 p.m. he Monto for this Mmeetiig is 'Advertise the harmony and blot ut the discord". Roll call will be #nswéred with--Recent knowledge I have gained. Also there will be an official visit of _ Je, district pre sident, Mrs. W. Heron, 'of Srocklin. The Ihei PL tee will . M. day, sident; Be .1C. a onge. ladies of the eommubity welcome at these: méétings. x PERSONALS i Mr. apd Mrs. Nofthan Whité have returned: home from a holiday in Montreal spent with Mrs. E. A. Harris, Mrs. White's sister. Mrs. J. Holdershaw, Mrs. Lloyd Bradley and Mrs, Norman White were guests on Thursday of the Little - Britaiii Woman's Institute, ont the occasion of their 50h an nivérsary. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stevens bf Campbellford and Mr. and Mg! John Sims of Vancouvef, British lumbia, visited Mr. #hd Mrs. . Gormley recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarénceé Richard son started their two weeks holiday trip this past week-end. They are motoring east and south as far as Penitiyvaiis where they will visit with relatives. Mrs. William Lamb and son Rodney, have left for a couplé of months visit in England. BOWLING __ WHITBY THURS WE 3 : Here we are again for £E banner year of bowling, what new scoring count and ta shape the alleys are in, should prove a lot of the boys' houd Is ere is the lineup for Th night 7.00 P. M. J 1 and 2 Orioles v8 Acés. A = bi {3 ut ar nion, § an A Dodgers. 7 and 8 Sellers v8 men Nai 1. 9.00 P 1 hoi 2 Legion No. 1 Lucky Strikes. 3 and 4 Red hod County Bowlers. B. 5 and 6 : men No. 2 vs Slo Mo Shuns. ¥ 8 Legion Old Swets vs Aces, Helicopters Reach Arctic THULE AIR BASE, 'Gréénland JAP) The US. ir Force and two hel op n the pole--the first Bins birds to the top of the world. The two twin-rotor JTiaseck y craft already have ong 1 ir ip shind, Ahem. Aug. 7 glin, Fla., air proving grown and with 14 int Yette diate" 1654 reached this a ad air base Sept Er ba Créws from the ground flew the he = test th hem out under Arctic condi: tions, 'then left them for rescue &nd othe r usé by the Thule base. he pole is about 900 miles f Thule, far longer than helicop n . even with extra fuel tanks these two could make in a single leap, so the plan is to 'stage " along the route with rel elise Stops at such places as fhe northernmost tip of licthere island (the last point of la the floating ice island T-3, dnd about 100 miles from the pole iy CROSSWORD PUZZLE dary 12. Despicablé i Single unit 5. Caress 16. Open (poet.) 17. Not crooked 20. Hebrew #1. The hoon : dest an Re fiotice of 24. Mats 26, Sandares trees 27. Indian of #8. A genus of

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