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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Sep 1953, p. 19

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Lawvers Make Up Third | Of All Canadian MP's By JHN E. BIRD Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- A survey of nomination papers of the new members of the House of Commons discloses fhat the men and women elected in the Aug. 10 election rep- resent almost every walk of life, job or profession. There are 10 who have retired from the business or professional world and four who describe themselvés as gentlemen. The pursuits of the 265 members are so varied that the government will not lack advice on any prob- lem arising during the next four or five years. For legal. help the government can rely. on the abilities of 77 men and one woman, many of them distinguished members of the bar. The woman lawyer is Sybil Ben- nett, Progressive Con ser vative member for Halton. LARGEST GROUP The lawyers are the largest group 'represented in the new House, accounting for nearly a third of all members. Every prov- ince has at least one lawyer, but the bulk of them are from On- tario and Quebec. The two central provinces each have 30 lawyers; Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and Al- berta one each; Nova Scotia, Man- itoba and British Columbia three each; New Brunswick four and Saskatchewan two. There will be a butcher in the Commons. He is Charles Yuill, So- cial Credit member for Jasper-Ed- son. He defeated John Welbourn, Liberal member in the last Par- liament. Colin Cameron is a pipefitter from Nanaimo, B.C. He is the new member for the Nanaimo constitu- ency held in the last Parliament by Maj.-Gen. G. R. Pearkes, listed as a retired soldier. Gen. Peackes in the new British was elected Esquimalt - | Columbia riding of Saanich. The House's four gentlemen members are Leonard T. Stick (L -- Trinity-Conception); Joseph Lafontaine (L--Megantic); J. W. Murphy (PC--Lambton-West), and G. K. Fraser (PC--Peterborough). Their nomination papers list their occupation as "gentleman.'" 25 FARMERS Farmers are the second largest group. There are 25, representing all provinces except Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Two thirds of the farmer repre- sentatives come from Ontario and Saskatchewan. Ontario has nine and the wheat province eight. There are two from Prince Ed- ward Island, one from New Bruns- wick, one from Quebec, two from Manitoba, one from Alberta and one from British Columbia. Merchants and business men come next with 21. They are fol- lowed by agents, salesmen and brokers with 18, teachers with 14, and editors, publishers, journalists and advertising executives with 13. The remaining members repre- sent just about every other walk of life, including that of the house- wife. The women's viewpoint will be injected into parliamentary de- bate by four Ontario members-- Miss Bennett; Mrs. Ellen Fair- clough (PC--Hamilton West), an accountant; Mrs. Ann Shipley (L-- Timiskaming), a secretary, and Margaret Aitken (PC--York-Hum- ber), a journalist. There are eight doctors, one of them being Revenue Minister Me- Cann. Four come from Ontario, three from Quebec and on freom Manitoba. THREE DENTISTS The dental profession is repre: sented by three members, Wil liam Buchanan (L--Cape Breton North and Victoria); W. A. Pom- mer (L--Lisgar), and J. L. Mac- Dougall (L--Vancouver - Burrard). There is one druggist, S. R. Bal com, one of the two Liberal mem- bers from Halifax riding. Besides teachers, the world of learning is represented by four professors, two educationists in- cluding Labor Minister Gregg, and four clergymen. In the professional field there are engineers, an archi- tect, brokers, two civil srvants, one surveyor and an agronomist in addition to doctors, dentists and lawyers. The agronomist, a profes- sional agriculturist, is Leopold Demers, (L--Montreal Laval). The business world has sent managers, directors, contractors, industrialists and manufacturers to the House. Tre white collar worker is represented by clerks, account- ants, stenographers and salesmen. The small business man has strong representation. His spokes- men are merchants of various types, lumber operators, garage owners and one jeweler, J. C. Nadon (L--Gatineau). The working man is also well represented. Besides the butcher and the pipe fitter, there are two miners, Clare Gillis (CCF-Cape Breton south), and J. A: Byrne (L--Kootenay East); one fisher- man, A. Wesley Stuart (L--Char- lotte); a millworker, Thomas Bar- nett (CCF--Comox - Alberni): an electrician, Harold Winch (CCF-- Vancouver East), and a street-car motorman, Angus MacInnis (CCF --Vancouver-Kingsway). And the House membership even includes a hockey coach, W. K. (Bucko) McDonald (L -- Parry Sound-Muskoka). Mr. McDonald is a former National Hockey League star. > C.R.A. THURSDAY Strength and Health Club 7:00- :00 p.m, Boxing Club 7:00-900 p.m. FRIDAY Recreation office open all day 9.00-5.30 p.m. Lions Club Room for the Blind 9:00-5:30 p.m.. Boxing Club 2:00-4:00 p.m. Strength and Health Club 2:00- 4:00 p.m. Eastview Park Closing. SATURDAY Recreation office open 9:00-12:00 { noon. . Radio Park Closing. ROOM AND BOARD «+ AND BACK IN A CORNER OF THE ATTIC I FOUND THIS TIN BOX ON A CROSSBEAM ++AND LOOK. WHAT'S IN IT-+* >» GOLD COINS <--- IT'S FOREIGN MONEY-+* AUSTRIAN, I THINK ++ THE BOX WAS COVERED WITH DUST:--BEEN UP THERE A LONG TIME! I DON'T KNOW WHO ITD BELONG TO: ++-OH, SAY-++-THE PEOPLE I BOUGHT THIS HOUSE FROM WERE GOING BACK TO AUSTRIA AT THE TIME WHAT WAS THEIR NAME 2---. MR.AND MRS: AH:-AND HER FATHER LIVED WITH THEM=*-+ A MAN % penn Daa re Ww KIN / £ 2p AS BACK IN 19 , OUR FEATHERED FRIENDS HOUSTON, Tex. -- (UP) -- This ticket was strictly for the birds. Officer A. J. Crow gave a speed- ing ticket to Robert L. Peacock, whosé address was 2103 Eagle Street. U.S. Deports Lawbreaker To Canada CHICAGO (AP) - Isaie Aldy Beausoleil, 46, who was on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's list of '"'"most wanted men" until he was arrested June 26 in Chi- cago, is going back to his native Canada. He pleaded guilty Tuesday in federal court to a charge of enter- ing the United States illegally. Judge Joseph Sam Perry placed him on probation for five years, and warned him that if he sneaked back into the U.S. he would be subject to a two-vear prison sen- tence and a $1,000 fine. Beausoleil was seized by police June 26 while he was dressed in women's clothing. The FBI was seeking him at the time on a war- rant charging unlawful flight to MILD--COOL--EVEN BURNING CRYSTAL CLEAR PLU S.. JACOBEAN TUMBLER N3-21 YOU GET SERVINGS IN EVERY 8 QT. BAG i A 29° package of New, Flavoured Children's Size ASPIRIN ...Without cost when you buy 79¢ package of regular Aspirin! contains just half the amount of a regular size HURRY! Offer is for limited time only! Take advantage of this great introductory free offer before it expires! It's your chance not only to save money, but also to try new, Flavoured Children's Size Aspirin. It tastes like your child's favourite candy--is so delicious that whenever he needs it, your child will take it without coaxing, fussing or fretting. In addition, new, Flavoured Children's Size Aspirin is wonderfully convenient to use. Each tablet 100 TABLETS Aspirin tablet. This ends the nuisance of having to break a tablet in half in order to give your child the usually prescribed dosage. ASPIRIN TA. REG. IN CANADA avoid prosecution on a | murder charge. The FBI said this was based on the death of Rose Trahan, who was slain in Monroe county, Mich., in 1949. Assistant U.S. attorney Rich- ard Tobin said the Michigan war- rant had been dismissed. Pietermaritzburg, the Natal pro- vincial capital in South Africa, was founded by the Boers in 1839. AGILE, OLDSTER COURTENA tators gasped when they saw a man performing acrobatics atop a 100- foot 'spar. After toppling the seven- foot top section of the tree, the daring logger stood up straight and was recognized as Swanty Kyollen, 60-year-old grandfather, POOR SPORTSMEN WADENA, Sask. (CP)--Mr. and , B.C. (CP)--Spec- ! THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, September 24, 1953 19 Mrs. George Brice lost 15 tame of the new Norman Mackenzie Art white ducks on their farm, victims | Gallery here takes place Sept. 25. of ruthless hunters. When they | Dedicated to encouragement of art went to feed the flock they found in Saskatchewan, the gallery, free the older ducks had vanished, |to the public, is regarded as one while several of the younger ducks | of the most modern small galler- were dead or badly injured by |ies in Canada. shotgun pellets. = -- { Originator of vaccination was FINE GALLERY Edward Jenner, English physician REGINA (CP)--Official 'opening | who died in 1823. - SEE * the... GENERAL ELECTRIC BLALK- JUTE TELEVISION DON'T SPONGE ON YOUR NEIGHBORS . . . on Fight Nights or during the WORLD SERIES . . . when you can for very little cost . . . see these exciting sporting events right from your own living room . . . and besides you'll be giving your family a break too! Decide NOW to enjoy the long winter evenings with the finest entertainment in the world, GENERAL ELECTRIC TELEVISION. Come in and choose yours NOW! . . . PROMPT instaliation ! as low as o 17" $289.00 as low as o 21" 5369-0 . We Invite You To See Our Complete Line of . . . ® ELECTRIC WASHERS ® ELECTRIC RANGES © IRONERS ® VACUUMS, Etc. ® REFRIGERATORS Remember: We Service What We Sell! WY WY S-- OSHAWA APP 506 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH NCES DIAL 5-4331 a LIA

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