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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Sep 1953, p. 21

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, September 24, 1953 21 Imagine! Maximum Response For A Minimum Cost With Times Classified Ads. After The First Insertion Mr. Y--Was Able To Cancel This Ad_ >> WAITRESS WANTED, ApPry -- XI son Rd., or phone 3- Business -- Professional DIRECTORY Ya--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH AND MONTEITH, CHAR- tered Accountants, 37 King St. E. Dial R. Gordon, W. CA, Resl- dent Partner. (Oct. 2--Auditors UNTANTS, AUDITORS, 8. T. HOP: CO aeiitied General Accountant. 173 Kipg St. East. Dial 5:3509. (Oct2) 8---Building' Trades 14--Instruction PLASTERING, STUCCO, BRICK WORK, by contract or bill. Start immediately. Dial 3-7642 evenings. (2226) HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID, SAND- ed, finished or refinished; waxed and polished at no extra charge. Floors also cleaned, waxed and polished. Dial 5-4851 after 6 p.m. (Oct22) LEARNING TO DANCE 18 EASY AND STRICTLY BUSINESS # Menem fun at the Oshawa Studio of D. 47 Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or Residence 5- 1860. (Oct.10) LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., DANC- ing school, ballet, tap, pre-school, Sat- urdays, Masonic Temple, 3-7233. (Jan18) INSULATE NOW, WITH ROCK-WOOL, blower method, free estimates. Phil Harper, Green St, Whitby, Phone 2277. (Oct22) ROOFING, INSUL-BRIC, ALL TYPES of masonry, fireplaces, chimneys, stucco, sidewalks, blocks. Estimates cheerfully given, Gordon May. Dial 3-9911. : (Oct16) 3--Barristers 8S. HYMAN, QC, BARRISTER, Fay Bidg., 37 King Street East. rtgage Loans Arranged Phones: Of ce aoe; Residence 5-0254. (Oct3) | ANNIS, JONES AND CAMERON, 18% A Eaest. Dial 3-2269. Ralph Ss B.A. John A. Cameron, B.A. loan. (Octl) | Jones, {| Money to BOYCHYN, gh ' King West. Phones: Office 5-1177¢ RA 5-4604, Whitby 2761. Money to loan. (Oct) & BASTEDO, BARRISTERS Mek RE eators. Clients" funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe St. N. Phone E36. Charles C. Edgar F. Bastedo. (Sept24) CONANT AND CONANT, BARRISTERS and Solicitors, Roger G. Conant. B.A. offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. S. nt., Phone 25. Dial 3-2227: Ajax, Ont. OR) A W. 8S. GREER, QC, BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, ¢ King Street East. Dial 5-4717. Residence 3-4739. John BL. Greer, B.A. Ss. Residence 35-3368. (Oct10) . MERS: B. A., BAKRISTER, Eotieis Sala 13% Si Strent North 5 "33741, residence Dial: office oI ' JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., BARRIS ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1414 King Street East, Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Residence. Dial 5-340 (Octl) RNEST MARKY: ate BARRISTER, SO- Eor. 11 King East, Room 2. Dial Office 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Octl) BH A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers, Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans, 26 Simcoe North, Dial 3-4619. Res. 3-2417. (Octl) MANNING F. SWARTZ BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary." Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, Suite No. 4 Dial 3-4697. Residence 3-4029. re (Octl) I CREIGHTON, FRASER AND DRYNAN, Ni Bank of | Commerce Bldg., 5 Simcoe St. N. Dial l 3.3446. T. K. Creighton, QC, N. C. Fra- [i ser, QC, G. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch (Oct) | 4--Chiropodists JAMES A BRITTAIN, DOCTOR OF in foot CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES BUILT and repaired. Brickwork, blockwork. Free esti Call Lou Rasi 5-1474 after 6. (Sept25) NEW PLASTZRING AND REPAIRS, archways, remodelling, water proofing Tee Phone 3- 8912. A. Woods. PLASTERING Imme- Repairs and Stuccoing. diate attention, PHONE 5-4382 (Oct15) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, SANDED, FINISHED OR REFINISHED LILLEY'S MODERN FLOORS DIAL 5-4902 DIAL 5-4851 (Oct9) CANADA WINDOW CLEANING AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY FACTORIES--HOMES STORES--OFFICES DIAL 52133 (Oct) 8o--Sharpening Service AUTOMATIC SAW FILING, SETTING retoothing and gumming. All types of saws lawnmowers, shears, etc., shar- pened. Stan's Sharpening Service, 227 King West. (Aug22tf) 9--Business Opportun ies LEARN TO WELD. REASONABLE rates, private or group instruction, day or night. Westmount Welding Works. Phone 5-2443. After hours 3- 7106. (Sept27) Clarke's School of Safe Driving. Dual controls and reasonable rates. If you have the will, we have the way so dial 3-3333, or call at 173 Celina St. today ! J (TTSOct22) 15--insurance McMURTRY INSURANCE, FIRE, auto, burglary, life. (Rep., Imperial Life) -- 21 King West. Dial lr 7 © WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE think of Murdoch--fire, automobile, life, accident, jewellery and fur floaters, outboard motors, burglary, liability. Now is the time to act. Murdoch Insur- ance, 124 Simcoe South. (Oct10) 18--Lost & Found LOST -- MARATHON WRISTWATCH (pink gold). Reward. Dial 3-3712. (223a) LOST -- LADY'S YELLOW GOLD wristwatch on Simcoe or King, on 15th. Reward. Phone 5-5881. (222¢) LOST -- BACK DOOR OFF STAKE truck on old highway. Phone 377W, Pickering, (221¢) 19--~Maoney To Loan FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Sale Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick & Hennick, Barristers, 31 King St. E. Dial 3-7232. (Aug26tf) {CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON first mortgages. Mortgages and agree- ments for sale purchased on favorable terms. Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers. (Sept27) BOUGHT AND AR- ranged, Donald Scott, Real Estate, 25 Prince St. Dial 3-2612, (Sep27) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Builders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F. Rwartz, Base 3 MORTGAGES LUNCH ROOM SEATS 20. APPLY 344 Simcoe South good lease, 7 rooms, good income. $2,000 down. Total price $4,000, stock at invoice. (2231) a" ' AND 10" BLOCK- CEMENT with 150 pallets. and X- an Site ry a ph St. Dial 5-5621. (Oct) S5--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, OSH- awa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 daily .Saturday mornings. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (Octl) C. R. COLLARD, DENTIST, 24% SIM- coe N. Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Saturday mornings. Dial 5-4832. (Sept24) 6--Nursing Services MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME. Phone Bowmanville 2974. Vacancies, men and women. Gord care. 7--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, REG'T. OPTOMETRIST. Examinations in your home for invalids only. Open Mon.,, Wed., and. Fri. even- ings, 6:30 - 8, Dial 5-6143. Disney BlMg., 31 King E. (Sept28) (Octd) '7a--Surveyors DONEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTAR- fo Land Surveyors, and professional en- gineers. 215 King St. E. Phone bn ct. 8--Building Trades . H. HENDERSON--CONCRETE AND er blocks, large stock on band. Dial 3-412. (Oct12) BULLDOZING, EXCAVATING, GRAD- ing, sand and gravel, prompt service. Lilley Bros., Oshawa 5-4902. (Oct.14) CARPENTER WORK ALTERATIONS, kitchen cupboards. Free estimates. Ask about time payment plan. Jas. Clarke-- Dial 5-1754, (Sept29) FOR SIDEWALKS, SURES. CEMENT Dial 5-0392, ce) YOU Can own 'and operate a DRIVE-IN THEATRE in your district consult Constellation Theatres Ltd., 2487 Bloor St. W., Toronto Telephone Murray 0875 Blueprints » Construction « Operation - Picture Contracts. All arranged by Canada's most experienced Drive-In Theatre Builders... Investigate this new and profitable business while _ locations are still available. Contact us now and you can OPEN NEXT SPRING 'ud 11--Dressmaking PROFESSIONAL DRESSMAKING, 48- hour service on alterations, weddings, bridesmaid gowns specialty, Mrs. Dunn. Dial 3-7947. (Sept28) 11a--Tailoring TOP TOWN TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' and gents' made-to-measure clothes, All materials of the finest British woollens, 18% Simcoe North. Dial 5-0632. (Sept25) 12--Gardening & Supplies FIRST GRADE SODDING, SEEDING, tree pruning, roto-tilling any place. R. Thieband, Landscape Gardener, Al- berts Rd. W. Dial 5-5047. (Oct9) PLAN NOW TO HAVE YOUR GAR- den well cared for. We do all kinds, stonework, etc. Place porches, etc. Dial 5-1 ng (Sept25) FREE ESTI- EAVESTROUGHING mates. Guaranteed work. Dial 5-1286. Murray Holliday. (Oct1?) CONCRETE WEEPING AND CUL- vert tile. Dial 5-4052. (Oct.6) SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE San] tary way. Dial 5-3986. Oct2) CEMENT BLOCKS LAID, FOOTINGS "poured. Phone 5-4040. or Whitby 2310, (Oct1l) RELIABLE CARPENTRY WORK, CUP: your orders early for fall delivery of nursery stock, bulbs, etc. George Hardsand. Dial 5-1721, (Sept24) 13--Household Repairs REFINISHING AND REMODELING all kinds of furniture, modern or an- tique styles. Also building cupboards. free estimates. Phone 2772, Bowman. ville. (221) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE upholstered. See our materials for re- covering. Bruce R. Daiton, 756 Charles St. Dial 3.7212, (Octd) boards, remodelling, roofing new homes and lay out assistance if you are building your own home, No job too big or too small so give us a call. All work guaranteed. For free esti: mates phone Don Brooks 5-0650. 1 (Octl4) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOV: ered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up holstering Co., 10 Bond St. West. Dial 5-0811. (Oct.10) YOUR LOCAL PAINTER BY CON: tract or by the hour. Reasonable rates. W. J. Howard. Dial 3-8700. (Sept28) ALTERATIONS AND REMODELLING, attics and bathrooms modeynized; kitchen cabinets built and installed: general repairs. Floor and wall tiling Work guaranteed. G. Parks 3-2631. (Oct. WINDOWS AND woodwork. ing service. Tiling kitchen bathroom. All work guaranteed. Free estimates. Alex Vajda, Modern Woodworking Shop. Phone 3-9851. (Sept28) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER--SHINGLING, insul-brie, flat roofing, flashing, eaves troughing. Free estimgles guaranteed. Terms. H. Tucker. Dial 5-6161. ' (Sept29) CARPENTER WORK. ROUGH AND trim. Free estimates R. Nolin, 105 Col- borne E. Dial 5-1663, (Oct15) PLUMBING AND HEATING PIPES: fittings, fixtures, new and used. Insta lations at reasonable prices. Dial S 4241. (Oct. 10) EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING AND chimney repairs. Dial 3-4373. (Oet.11) BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING. Dial 9) FRAMES, DOORS, EXPERT REFINISHING, TABLES, St. S., Oshawa. Dial 3- (Oct.1) REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT or arranged. North Shore Realty Com. pany Limited, 112 Simcoe, St, North, Oshawa. Dial 5-3568. (Sept.4) 20--Personal WANTED--TRANSPORTATION FROM Toronto to Oshawa, 5-day week, armv- ing Oshawa 7 a.m. Write Box 110, Times- Gazette. 23¢c) WANTED-- A PARTNER, SILENT OR active, that will invest $4,000. Invest- ment will be returned in one year. No triflers, please. Write Box 107, Times- Gazette. (223) WANTED -- RIDE DAILY TO AND from Whitby. Phone 2580 Whitby. be- tween 4 -. 6 p.m. (223¢) WOOL BLANKETS FROM YOUR OLD woolens. For information dial 5-5800 after 6. (221¢) PASSENGERS WANTED TO TORON- to,. leaving Oshawa 6:45; leaving To- ronto 4:30 p.m, daily. Dial 5-0412 after 5:30. (221¢) DRIVING TO TORONTO DAILY leave 6:45 a.m., return 5 p.m. Phone 3-2092. (221c) GOING OUT? WE HAVE EXPERI enced baby-sitters, reliable middle aged women. Phone Baby-Sitters Club, 5-4310. Mrs. Weeks. (Oct?) TRAIL RIDING FALL GROUPS NOW Barling. Little Buckaroo Ranch. Dial (Sept28) CONFIDENTIAL. (Sep23) YOUR - CUP READ, Dial 3-3195. DANCE BAND Small group, available for en- gagements. Phone Ajax 216 days; Ajax 152 evenings. DOROTHY CROSS (Oct22) $100 REWARD $100 reward for any informa- tion leading to the prosecu- tion of the responsible person for deliberately knifing to death a little black dog, an- swering to the name of Prince, last Wednesday night, in the vicinity of Beatty Ave. and Drew Sts. Contact JOHN IHNAT, JR., 472 DREW ST. DIAL 5-5589 bedroom, chaire, our phone Oshawa aire 3 5-0311 10 Bond §t. W (June2étf) 14-- Instruction PIANO LESSONS MARGARET Spencer, L.T.C.L. Pupils enrolled 4 - 7 p.m. 871 Simcoe St. North. Dial 5-5755. (Octl?) INSTRUCTION | WILL 1 BE GIVEN BY qualified artist, in drawing and paint- ing -- evenings. For information dial 5-3016. (Oct16) DANCING--BALLET, TOE, TAP. REG- ister Thursdays or Saturdays, 87 Simcoe North. Irene Harvey. Dial 5-6122, (Junel) LEARN TO RIDE, INDIVIDUAL OR class Instruction. Little Buckaroo Ranch. Dial 5-6092. (Sep28) PIANO---CLASSICAL AND POPULAR. For information contact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk St., Oshawa. Dial 5.4587, (Sept25) dining room wien or CONVERSATIONAL H. vate tuitien, translation. Phone 103R, Brooklin. (2231) 20a--Cortage WE MOVE ALMOST ANYTHING any time. Dial 5-2621. Oct3d) 22--Radio Repairs EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS, AERIAL installations television and appliances, sales and service. Parkway Television. Phone 3-3043. (Oct16) Radio -- Television repairs, installations; top technicians. Call for and delivered. Aerials installed, car radio, portable, etc. FOWLER TELEVISION 16 BOND ST. W. DIAL 5-1685 (Sept26) 23--Women's Column SPENCER INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED supports for style comfort and health. Guaranteed fittings. Registered corset- lerre. Mrs. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Rd. N. (Oct.11) Pb 3-383L. Taylor Bro. for free (Oct30) Opportunities 9--Business Opportunities 0.24 / VR IMIINS = 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Resl Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale 5-ROOM MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW, stone front, hot water, oll heating, re- room in newly' land- scaped, $11,500, large down payment needed. Immediate possession. Dial 35- 0333. (220) "Everybody finished with the boss' newspaper and magazines before | give them to him?" Nobody's finished with The Daily Times-Gozette until they've read the Classified Ads. Call 3-2233 to place your ad. L VACANT--6-ROOM INSUL-BRIC, 3-PC. bath, garage, 3 blocks from business section. Full price $7,300, $2,500 down. Apply 780 Simcoe St. South. (222¢) ONE ACRE LAND ON ALBERTS RD. OSHAWA $7,500, 4-room and 3-pc, bath. Phone J. W. ASHTON Office Pick. 8 -- Res. Pick. 157 JOHN SQUARE Broker TORONTO GR. 9706 (Sept. 24,26) West, $600. Cash or best -offer. Dial 3.2118. (223b) SMALL DOWN PAYMENT, PARTLY | furnished insulated house at Bowman- ville East Beach. Furnace, heavy wir- ing. Immediate possession. Laverne Clemens, Hampton. Phone 2436. « y $100 DOWN -- IMMEDIATE POSSES- sion, concrete block house, near Hamp- ton. Good roof and floor, Waier. inside, wit interior not finished. Large creek. Laverne Clemens, ampton. Phone 2436. (223¢) BOWMANVILLE -- BRICK HOUSE, § rooms, 4-plece bath, full cellar, oil furnace, hot water, heavy wiring, sewer, Apply 23 Albert St. (2226) 6-ROOM, 2-.-STOREY BRICK, AL- most new, substaptial down payment. Immediate possession. Phone 5-0706. Beautiful S-room bungalow consisting of large living room with open fireplace, large re- ception hall, full-size dining room, nice kitchen, two large bedréoms and bath. This home is located in north end on well - landscaped lot. Only $11,500 with $5,000 down. Contact exclusive agent. G. BARROW Broker 25 BURK ST. DIAL 5.3852 (2232) 221¢) 2 LOTS, KENDALWOOD SUBDIVISION, 75' x 208 each. Dial 5-5096 -- 5-1 San BRICK BUNGALOW WITH breakfast nook, room in basement, oil, heating, laundry tubs, screens, storm windows, awnings, garage with cement floor. Large landscaped lot, many extras. Immediate possession. Dial 5-1241, r (2200) 4 - ROOM BUNGALOW, 5 walk from new Motors plant, newly decorated throughout, many extras, $4,500 cash, balance at $31 per month carries mortgage taxes and interest. Early possession. Dial 5-6254 after 5 for appointment. 2216) 4-ROOM LARGE minutes' 23--'Women's Column 25--Real Estate For Sale PAULINES BEAUTY SALON 543 RITSON S. Permanent Waving, Tinting, Bleaching, Facials and Manicures Pauline: Konopgcki Bus. 3-7355 Res. 5-4155- (Sept26) 25--Real Estate For Salen FOR SALE--3-ROOM HOUSE IN UTICA, half-acre garden, small barn, near school. Apply Joseph Ward, 331 Centre North, Whitby, or Mrs. Harold Kerry, Port Perry. (223c) NEW MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW, 4- piece bath, hardwood floors, tiled kieh- en and bathroom, air conditioned, oil heated and all conveniences. Apply 522 Eulalie, Anytime. (2186) $1,000--Buys 2 acres, close to store and highway. Terms can be arranged. DONALD SCOTT Real Estate 25 Prince St. Dial 3-2612 (223b) PRINCE ST. $11,000--Here is your op- portunity to get a first-class 6-room brick veneer home. Excellent decoration and mod- "ern kitchen, makes this place an ottractive buy. There is also a large attic which could be finished for two rooms. Automatic gas heat' combined with a new furnace gives first-class heating. The loca- tion is good, and you can have possession on Nov. Ist. Terms could be arranged, but vendor prefers cash. CEDAR ST. $8,500--Large 7-room frame house. Presently being used as Qo income property. Very ioe lot, chicken pen on property. Kitchen and bath- room both modernized. Hot- air heating. Terms--at least $5,000 cash down required. This is a good buy. Give us a call and make an offer, TOWN LINE N. $4,000 Cash -- Full price of frame home on two acres of land in Darlington Township. Small bgrn. Small stream on property. This place is for sale with early possession guaran- teed and the estate must be settled. The location is good and you could fix up the pres- ent house or use the site. for a new home or two, Give us a call. A. E. MURDOCH Broker MRS. OLIVE PETLEY -- Representative . -2332 3-3843 or 5-23 tite) Cadillac Ave. S. $13,000--%$5,200 down 6 room 1.V4 storey brick house, oil heating, base- ment has recreation raom and shower. House is now arranged as a revenue bearer. $12,500 75 acre farm.near Taun- ton, 8-room brick house, milk house, barn and pig pen. Good farm land with bush. $14,500 8-room brick, in excel- lent condition, within a few blocks of churches, Collegiate and hospital. $8,500 2-ACRE LOTS. IDEAL FOR V.L.A, building. Dial 5-0735, after 6. (2180) 5-ROOM RANCH-STYLE BUNGALOW, 3-room apt. in basement. Complete. Dial 5-3673. (221¢) Lovely new bungalow, Town Line East, near highway. Good location for Doctor, Dentist, Store, Druggist, Office, ete. Buy new. Finish to suit. Garage attached. A good investment. FHONE 3 3- 8066 ER EXCEPT FRIDAY - "SATURDAY (223¢) VACANT NOW , 6-room frame home, 3-pc, bath, garage, 2 blocks from main bus- iness section. Full price $7,800, $2,700 down. Dial .3-4783. (2206) Registered Sub-division, large lots, $100 down, balance monthly. Hydro, telephone, west side of National Stud Farm. Business hours at lots: Thurs, Fri., Sat.,, 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. R. BICKLE, CAVAN, Ont. (Sept26) MUST BE SOLD IN TWO WEEKS $9,200 -- Attractive 2-bed-s room bungalow on a lot, 70° by 135. Bright living room with an open fireplace. Mod- ern kitchen, 4-piece bath, ogk and rubber tiled floors, Forced air oil heating. For an appaint- ment call OLIVE HOWE, sales representative for Warren J. Mowat Real Estate & 115 DUNDAS ST, W. WHITBY 2601 or Raa, Insurance 10,900---$6,400 cash, mod- ern 5-room brick bungalow, Masson St., very reasonable monthly payments with inter- est at 42%, $9,000 -- $4,500 cash, 6- room, 2-storey brick on Clarke St., with garage. This home has income possibilities. 12Y2-ACRE property between Whitby and Brooklin, 4-room insul-bric cottage, double ga- rage. A good buy at $8,600 with terms $6,500 -- $2,600 cash, 4- room cottage on large lot with garage on Farleigh Ave. The owner has bought a farm and is anxious to sell quickly. We also have V.LA. smoller lots, JONES Real Estate 6Y2 PRINCE ST, DIAL 5-6412 After 6 Call C. TYLER 3-8169 (223) and $14,000--Close to King St. East. 6-room new ranch-style, stone and brick front, attach- ed garage, large rooms, oil heated, thoroughly insulated. Possession 30 days Easy terms. $4,000 Down--Must sell 5- room rug brick, oil heated bungalow. Good residential section. Finished room in basement. Home is modern, 5 years old. Has beautifully landscaped lot. Quick posses- sion, $5,000 Down--A truly beauti- ful ranch-style bungalow. Completely decorated. Con- tains large living room with dinette, natural fireplace, 2 large bedrooms. Tall kitchen and bathroom, 3 rooms finish- ed in basement, plus utility room, oil heated, air-condi- tioned, thoroughly insulated; INVESTMENT POSSIBILITIES -- RUG brick, 5-room bungalow, extra room down, good location, permanent storms and screens, oil heat, gleaming oak floors, beautifully landscaped, large lot, Close to Schools. Dial 5-0129. (219) $500 Each--We have a few choice building lots, on the highway, 90' x 167'. Terms can be arranged, An ideal site for your new home, DONALD SCOTT Real Estate 25 Prince St. Dial 3-2612 (223b) $20,000--Large lunch room and gas pumps, on busy high- way. Doing good business. Owing to ill-health, owner is compelled to sell. Enquire at office for particu- lars and down payment. $10,800 -- Brick home on highway not far from Osha- wa. 3-pc. bathroom, oil heat- ing, oak floors, chestnut trim. This home is on a nice, large lot. See this to appreciate, WALTER R. SMITH Broker 18 BOND ST. WEST DIAL 3-2911 HENRY R. STINSON Salesman DIAL 5-2130 (223b) NEW BUNGALOW $10,500--VERDUN 1Va-storey brick and garage, on landscaped lot. Living room, 2 bedrooms up, 1 down, good-sized modern kitchen, 4- pc. modern bath. Basement is deep and dry with 2-room apartment for renting Hot- air coal heating, hardwood floors. This is a nicely-decor- ated home with many extras. $10,800--ALMA 1Va-storey brick end garage, on nicely landscaped lot. Good- sized living room, dining room, modern tiled kitchen, 1 bedroom down, 2-room apart- ment up. Deep dry basement, hot water oil heated. Nicely decorated, extras. REASONABLE CASH OFFERS WANTED 1Va-storey brick with garage, on large landscaped lot, fruit trees, gardens, COL- BORNE E. 4 large rooms with toilet down, 3 rooms and 3- piece bath up, equipped as flat, Hot-air coal heating. 7-room, Investigate these income homes today DIAL 3:2265 SCHOFIELD Sse ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE 6 SIMCOE NORTH AFTER 6 P.M. DIAL STEVE MACKO--5-0771 RONALD BAKER--5-2140 RALPH VICKERY--3-2005 BERT (Red) HARDIE--5-2531 REALTORS, APPRAISERS (2233) Brick and stone, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath, kitchen, breakfast nook, din- ette, large living room with beau- tiful stone fireplace, full basement with fireplace, copper plumbing, oil and hot water heating. Good location. For appointment dial 5- 1922. (Sept22,24) BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Eulalie Ave., Chadburn--water and sewer. Also Stevenson's Rd., Lowell Ave. and Gibb St. Price $350 up. Apply 165 Verdun Rd., Apartment 2. (Oct6) . NEWCASTLE $5,000 Full Price--For this 5-room, 7-year-old bungalow, on main street, centre of New- castle, has bathroom, hot and cold running water, attached garage. Terms. John F. DeWith Realtor Phone 3341 (223a) Newcastle $11,000 $5,500 Down--5-room solid brick, hot water heated with * oil, insulated Hardwood floors, recreation room, landscaped. Garage insulated, 'cement floors, cement driveway. | $4,500 CASH 5-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, garage, HARMONY $10,500--Idecl location for school, Owner's 5-room, 1Va2- storey bungalow, = Excellent condition. Large kitchen, nat- ural fireplace in living room. Garage. $3,500«cash required. MILLAR AVE. $12,500 -- A real family home of brick construction, contains 6 large rooms and a completely finished recreation room. Modern kitchen. Very efficient oil heating unit with air-conditioning. Half cash required. Possession Dec, Ist. DUPLEX $14,500--Very central loca- tion. Contains 2 lovely self- contained opts. with separate entrance, Brick construction. Hot water heated, About half cash required. PINE AVE. $4,800 Cash Price--5-room bungalow, f u | | basement, stove heated. A good buy. Early possession. W. E. HOLMES Broker BOND AT ONTARIO 5-2363 ANYTIME man 3-3301 (223b) Sa ED, IRISH stone in lot right on the No. 2 Highway i eet avd ad by, ce e wil cture Tied th pi Kitchen with lots of -- space. Tiled 4-pc. vain with charming rose pink matched fixtures. Two large bright bedrooms. you have no coverings to buy. Smart modern breakfast nook finished in rich red leather and chrome. Automatic hot water and oil heating. Completely landscaped with lovely lawns and- worlds of flowers of all kinds. This lovely home must been seen to be appre clated. Immediate PERCY F, HEWLETT 1355 Dundos St. E., Whitby i (225¢) WHITBY REAL ESTATE $15,900--Spacious 6-room brick bungalow with beautiful stone trim and attached large garage. This very attractive bungalow is about 6 years old. Large living room, large dining room, 'three bedrooms, 4-pc. bathroom and a beautiful large modern kitchen, divided basement with partially finished recreation room, hot water, oil heating, all newly dec- orated, Storm windows, screens. Central location. 5-ROOM BRICK $11,000--Don't miss seeing this lovely bungalow with beatifully landscaped grounds. This is an older-type bungalow with large rooms, 2 natural fireplaces. New oir conditioned oil furnace. Gar- age. . 6-ROOM BRICK $11,000--A lovely family home with 3 bedrooms on second floor, This house is in perfect condition and has a large modern kitchen, Garage. Terms arranged. $9,800 -- Nearly new modern 1Va-storey house with extra large fenced lot, living room, large kitchen, bedroom or dining room and 4-pc. bathroom on first floor and 2 large, bedrooms on second floor. Downstairs all new- ly decorated. High basement with space for recreation room, laun- dry tubs, oil heating furnace. Storm windows and screen, Im- mediate possession. Central lpca- tion. Terms. Bowman & Gibson Real Estate and Ins. Brokers WHITBY First Door South of Post Office MRS. P. R. MacLEOD Real Estate Representative Phone Whitby 521; Evgs, 544 (2232) 26--Real Estate Exchange EXCHANGE MODERN HOME WITH large income for smaller home and some cash. For details dial hi" 27--Real Estate Wanted 4ROOM BUNGALOW, GOOD CONDI. tion, for retired couple. Write Box 202, Times-Gazette. (2%%¢) 7-ROOM BRICK HOME, able down payment. Dial 5.3315. HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL cash or your equity. For quick results REASON- (231c) BERNEICE H, PATRICK Real Estate Broker LISTINGS WANTED PERSONAL SERVICE 18 BOND ST. EAST = DIAL 53623 DIAL 5-0457 (Sept30) 28---For Rent FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE home for one or two gentlemen; ga- rage if required. Phone after 6. Sa 3-ROOM APARTMENT, ALL CONVEN- iences, rent year in advance. Apply 137 Rosehill Blvd. (223¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT 1 GEN- tleman, central. Apply 235 Eulalie Ave. Ic FURNISHED BEDROOM, FOR BUSI- nessman or lady, private home, oil heating furnace, hot water, Also singie room. Dial 3-3937. (2236) ONE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, no objection to one .caild. Apply Jos Colborne East. (223¢) FURNISHED ROOM, TWO SINGLE beds, 2 gentlemen preferred, Dial 5-6304. 3 ROOMS, BUSINESS COUPLE PRE. ferred. Apply 150 Burk St., after 6 p.m. . (2a) 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, no objection to one small child. Apply 203 Court St. (2%e) ONE LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, married couple. Apply 780 Simcoe St. South. (2232) $12,000 $6,000 down, 6-room brick, oil heated, hardwood floors, garage, landscaped. E. L. WHITELY Real Estate Broker 111 SUTHERLAND AVE. DIAL 5-3308 (223¢) 9-ROOM frame, town line east, bath, furnace. $7,000, down payment $4,000. 5-ROOM stucco, Harmony-- $10,500, $3,500 down, 7-ROOM brick, 2-storey, 4 bedrooms, large. $10,500, $4,000 cash -- Brock St. 5 - ROOM brick bungalow, tiled and hardwood floors. $10,500 cash $4,500. Ca- dillac, 7-ROOM stucco, 5 bedrooms. $11,000, $5,000 cash--North Simcoe, Index To Want Ad Classification Accounts (Chartered) Automobiles Repairs Accounts Atticles for | Architects Articles for Sale .. Agents Wanted ... Articles Wanted ., Auction Sales ,,,., Auditors Automobiles for Sale . Automobiles Wanted Building Trades . Business Opportunities ... Business Opportunities Wanted Sharpening sessases 32] Supoli Household Instruction Insurance Cartage Chiropodist: Chiropractors Coal-Coke-Fuel Ml seen anennans CLASSIFIED Service ... Dressmaking . Employment Gardening and Repairs Help Wanted .,. «+ Money to Loan .. Barristers Real Estate Agents Nursing Services . Optometrists Personal Personal Services . Pets & Livestock . Physicians 20 . 2 36. 7A For Sale .,....., 25 Real Estate AD RATES 20 words or less Soa Charge 2 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ..covenesesncensenssassse 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS . iu If not pald within 10 days the charge vate will apply $6,800 -- 4-room bungalow, Above Jun apply only to iy Orders mh Sontecutive, inserticam hardwood fleors, modern kitch= ubsequen ons ered at a la ate cons a en, 3-pc_ bath, electric water W. McAULEY Bow 0 original order. tank. A-1 condition through ' Realtor and many: extras -- terms. : 13 PRINCE ST. BERNEICE H. PATRICK Po rae REAL ESTATE BROKER 16 BOND ST. E. CLYDE L£560 J. E. HINKSON EVENINGS 3-8228 (b><] Pre-Cost Concrete 1.65 SEPTIC TANKS 44 Delivered ant installed Sizes 300 galions and up BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Brooklin -- os, 153 (Qct19) WELLS WE DIG, CLEAN, DEEPEN AND INSTALL WELLS AND SEPTIC TANKS EXPERT WORKMANSHIP FOR FAST, COURTEOUS SERVICE JAMES HUNTER BROOKLIN PHONE 72R 11 (Sept) attached garage. Very lovely -room stucco, oil heat- 3-100 landscaped lot. ing, newly "decorated with garage. West end of the city, E. L. DISNEY Real Estate 82 Simcoe St. S. Dial 3-2333 Salesman F. W. HALL DIAL 3-4584 HALF ACRE LAND--Lake- view Park, $700, cash $400. $5.00 per month for s or og 20¢ additional for all words over 20. Each initial sy abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure, count as 8 word, Box charged 15¢ additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am, the day of publication. Office hours: Daily. 8-5: Ssturday. 813. REGULATIONS " The Daily Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errors in tisemonts submitted otherwise than in wriling, nor for more than one incosrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error occurs, Foi also reserves the right to to its classifications. out, Specializing in block founda- tions, general cement work, plastering, footings and floors, etc. Call for estimates, Prompt service. LILLEY BROS. DIAL 5-4902 DIAL 5-3692 3-3800 (2233)

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