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Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Sep 1953, p. 8

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Wed In Peterboro § THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, Sepiember 24, 1008 OMEN To Live In Oshawa Following their marriage which was solemnized recently in All Saints Anglican Church, Peterbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Her- bert Pass will live dn Oshawa. The bride, the former Miss Wil- ma June Deyell, is the daughter of Mrs. Warde Deyell of ter- borough, and the late Mr. Deyell, and bridegroom is the son of JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3-2233 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Pass of fd PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY Following their marriage re- cently in Grace Lutheran Church Mr. and . Louis Cornelius Sweighkofier -in Ajax. Formerly Miss Ethel Aletha Maschke, the bride is the daugh- Lindsay, Ontario. Pink and white gladioli and ferns formed the background for the ceremony performed by the Rev. Maurice Poole. Miss Margar- et Flowers played the mu- sic and accompanied Mr. William Perry who sang "The Wedding Hymn" during the signing of the register. The bride was 4 her cousin r gown was of white slipper satin with the bodice of Chant lace trimmed with seed pearls. She wore a floor-length veil em- broidered with satin and a pleated satin headdress trimmed with pearls. Her bouquet was red roses and stephanotis. As maid of honor for her sister, Miss Wanda Deyell was gowned in royal blue taffeta. The other at- tendants, Mrs. Harry Ward, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Es- ther Borland wore floor-length gowns of periwinkle blue taffeta. Their headdresses were of pleated taffeta and they carried matching muffs trimmed with chrysanthe- mums and roses. Mr. Donald Reeds was best man and the ushers were Mr. Garnet Powell and Mr. Donald Jardine. A reception was held at the YWCA where Mrs. Deyell received wearing blue faille with a pink felt hat. The bridegroom's mother who assisted was in coffee brown with a matching felt hat. Both wore corsages of roses. Mr. and Mrs. Pass left later for a honeymoon 'in Vermont. For travelling "the bride wore a Wind- sor rose' suit with chocolate brown accessories and a corsage of gar- denias. ter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H, Maschke of Oshawa and the Post-Nuptial Events bridegroom is the son of' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sweighkofler. : 'Honor Bridal Pair Photo by Mary's Studio.| Mrs. N. Gimlett 'and Mrs. Thom- Eleanor Dyer, Gl Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony id chrysan-small hat of autumn brown velour. White baskets of themums banked with ferns, with white bows on the pews formed the Mr vases decorated the tables for the in marriage Sitter Glaspell, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. €. Glaspell of Taunton, Ontario. Mr. fan. Mrs. Gerald Lesli~ Dyer was maid sister. Miss Kath- . They each wore a single arls and carried a nose- ay of ye and bronze chrysan- umums and tulle florets with blue satin ribbon ties. Miss Elizabeth , small sister of the bride, was flower wear- ing a long frock of yellow nylon tulle over taffeta. The full skirt sleeves with short mittens. matching headdress was styled like those worn by the senior attend- ants. Her ewellery was a single strand of pearls and she carried a nosegay of mauve and yellow chry- santhemums with narrow ribbon streamers, Mr. Neil Gifford of Taunton per- formed the duties of best man. The ushers were Mr, Keith Peters of Toronto and Mr, Donald Anderson of Bowmanville. The reception was held in the church parlors, decorated with a variety of late summer flowers. To receive the guests the bride's moth- er wore an afternoon dress of In- termission French crepe with a T You'll Enjoy Eating Lenhaven Lodge No. 2 Highwoy NEWCASTLE We Specigiize in Steaks -- Chops Fried Chicken POR RESERVATIONS DIAL NEWCASTLE 2701 > Street, East. Mr. and Mrs. GI 1 party held recently in the lower hall of Columbus United Church when Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice (the former Miss Marion Faye Gil- roy, Reg. N.) were guests pf honor at a presentation. The honored pair were escorted to decorated chairs by Miss Marg- aret Ratcliffe and presented with a corsage and a boutonniere. The Rev. Roy Rickard was master of ceremonies. After a short program consisting of ajsolo by Miss Dianne Gimlett; two violin solos by Mr. Allan Scott accompainted at the piano by Mrs. 'E. Scott; a reading by Mrs. J. Miller and a contest, Miss - Betty Scott read an appropriate address and Mr. Robert ett and Mr. Neil Smith presented the honored Justa with two walnut step end ables and a sum of money. The couple thanked the members of the community and invited them to their new home after which "For They are Jolly Good Fellows" was sung. Refreshments were served and a social half hour enjoyed. Prior to her marriage, Mrs Vice was guest of honor at a en Glaspell The bridegroom's mother who as- sisted chose a street-length dress of delph blue crepe with a small black velvet hat. Both wore cor- sages of roses. Gold chrysanthemums in crystal wedd! dinner arranged the Good Wat Group of the ae Association of Simcoe Street Unit- ed Church. Serving the guests were Mrs. Keith Peters of Toronto, Mrs. d Anderson of Bowmanville, Miss Helen Merill, Mrs. Bruce Nu. leanor Hinds. "1 Win Centering the table for the brid- al party was a three-tier cake nested in white tulle crested with pink delight roses and {lluminated with tall white tapers in silver candelabrg. Grace was Pltered by Me. Moffa io later ex- miscell us shower when M g aneo wi rs. Wishes to the bridal |g Millson and Miss Donna couple. Following the recept Vice were co-hostesses at the home ts were entertained at the of Mrs MU "0 Ee lvests yore e ride's parents, 4 graduates class parents, Athol nurses the Oshawa General Hospital, of which Mrs. Vice was a member, and close friends of the Solina community. ' The nurses of floor B.I. Oshawa General Hospital presented Mrs. Vice with a hammered aluminum tray and two glass relish dishes. Mr. and Mrs. David Beath en- tertained the members of the bridal party at their "ome, Beath in the early evening for ts north and on their return will re- side in Taunton. For the honey- trip the bride ch. to a navy-blue tricotine suit with a shrimp velour hat. Navy blue ac- Settokies and 3 corsage of white carnations and chrysanthemums completed her ensemble. The bride and bridegroom pre- sented their attendants with per- sonal gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Vice. Attention Mothers! "You're invited te visit our new Infants' and Children's Wear Department uPSTARS A ----_"--s A New ond Complete Stock of Clothing Needs for Infents, Girls to 12 ond Boys te 6x. ) } Make your "FIRST STOP" ot our "Young Oshawa" Children's Dept. Located wpstairs aot the Glory Ann Shoppes 10 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH DIAL 5-1531 given in marriage . Harold Rehill. |as Flett 'were co-hostesses at a. Farms, prior to the marriage of : | MR. AND MRS. GEORGE SAMOLENKO At King Street United Church recently Mr. and Mrs. George (Sammy) Samolenko exchanged nuptial vows. The bride; the for- mer Miss Marion Joyce Ireland, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Ireland of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. George G. Samolenko of Arran, Saskatchewan, and the late Mr. Samolenko. Photo by Russell Robinson. Toronto. PERSONALS Accounts of social' events and news of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the ial Department, Telephone 3-2233. Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adams, Orchard Avenue, were Sunday uests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey eatty, Ajax. Mrs. W. A. Weir of Winnipeg accompanied \by her daughter Wil- da, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Snape, Col- borne Street East. Mrs. B. Gore of Bolton, Eng- land, is spending a few days as the guest of Mrs. Fred Swithen- bank, Court Street, before return- ing to England on October 14. Mrs. E. Gendron of Bobcaygeon who spent the weekend as the Sues of her daughter, Mrs. Gordon atterson, and family, Harmony Road North, returned to her home on Wednesday. Miss Sybil Langmaid, worthy matron, will open the SSokjug school to be held in the UAW Hal Mrs. Frank Stirtevant, Betty Bay, Sturgeon Lake, where a chicken dinner was served. Mrs. R. J. Collison and Mts. Gordon Cra were presented with birthday cakes in honor of their birthdays Which they were celebrating this week. Out-of-town guests at the Glas- pell-Dyer wedding were Miss Ruby Gifford, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peters all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Anderson, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. William Grant, Lake. field; Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McMaster all of Hampton; Mr. Edwin Dyer, Prince Rupert, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Brooklin; Mr. John Cook, Zephyr; Mr. Rae Pascoe, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Keetch, Whit- by; Mrs. David Dyer, Miss Helen Dyer, Miss Mary Dyer all of Col- umbus; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Glas- pell, Mr. Hans Geissberger, Miss Joyce Gifford, Mr. and Mrs. H Gifford. all of Taunton. A small child should never be left alone in the family bathtub. It only takes a few seconds for him to turn on the hot water tap and scald himself seriously, or slip under the water and drown. B&PW Club Plans Fall Activities The Business and Professional Club opened its fall activities with a dinner meeting at Adelaide House on Monday evening. The President, Miss: Jennie Pringle welcomed the club mem- bers and' pective members and talk on Attending a onvention." 3 It was announced that the years' programs would include some din- ner meetings and that coffee would be served after the evening meet- ings; that the Business and Pro- fessional Professional Club week would be observed the week October 11 \with a display of pos- ters ending! with an autumn tea in the lower hall at Northminster United Church on October 17. Miss Mildred Price gave her in- ternational report and Mrs. G. D. Conant gave a resume of her work on the dominion board. The pro- am was in the charge of Dr. elma Blair who had planned an eve! of Holiday Highlights." Mrs. Olive Petley spoke on her trip to Butte, Montana. With a few colourful films the group were shown highlights of Scotland, Eng- land and Paris by Mrs. Thomas Grossart. Mrs. Conant stated that her summer was most varied -- the Cornation via television, a new grandson, a national board meet- ing and a meeting at the Royal women of the World. She also an- nounced that she had opened her real estate office that day. ph With Miss Irene Pawson the group flew on a 12,000 mile jour- ney overseas. With coloured slides it enjoyed the castles and cottages of Scotland, the lakes of England, the windmills of Holland and the old streets of Brussels. With sev- eral beautiful scenes in Paris and Switzerland. Thanks to the speakers and Mr. Peter Blair who showed the slides was expressed by Dr. Thelma Blair and Miss Jennie Pringle. LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKAH Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. 222, held its second meeting of the autumn season on Monday evening in the local lodge rooms with a good attendance. Noble Grand Sister Lillian French was in the chair conducting the business assisted by Vice and Sister Victoria MaGee who repért- ed on the members who were ill. The highlight of the evening was the conferring of the Rebekah de- gree on two new candidates. Sister Victoria MaGee, was of- York of the Associated Country- | «in October. | An hon est was Past Noble Grand Sister Flossie Ball of Osh awa No: 3 Rebekah Lodge, who ex- good wishes to the lodge. ficially elected as noble grand for gular m the ensuing term, and hater Ann | Coakwell as vice gramd; Sister | Ruth Leavitt will be the new re- | cording secretary, with Sister Maud | rested {Mann as treasurer, and Sister Cora | ge closed in regular form, and | B tt -- fi ial secretary. |all adjourned to the banquet hall | These officers will be officially in- for a buffet lunch. An arrangement st by the District Deputy of zinnias in autumn tones center President and Staff at the next re- ed the table. For the Lovely | AUTUMN BRIDE A Distinct ely 70 --_-- Buch' IAMOND ENSEMBLE $18.75 DOWN $4.75 WEEKLY BURNS .:v 32 KING ST. WEST CREDIT | ELLERS LTD. | DIAL 3-7022 on Monday and Tuesday ev September 28 and 29 under the «au- spices of the Sunbeam Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Satr. The Elite Group spent Sunday at. the summer home of Mr. and Teenagers need especially nour ishing meals. The teenage girl who tries to skip meals in order to re- main slim, won't help her health or good looks. AT THE Y.W.C.A. KEEP FIT CLASS: Tuesday Evening SLIM AND TRIM CLASS: Wednesday Evening Classes Begin October 6th and 7th Dial 5-1322 NOW For Information REGISTRATIONS TAKEN AT OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, September 29, 1953 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Adelaide House 199 Centre Street JOIN THE "Y" AND KEEP FIT "A Community Chest Assisted Programme" You'll BLESS THE DAY YOU DISCOVERED GIRDLES BY LLY OF FRANCE You have to try it on to see how fabulous Enhance . . , with its exclusive petented design . . . can make your silhouette sleeker, smoother than you ever dreamed 'possible! Try Enhance today . . ; * you'll never go back to ordinary girdles, Now Lily of France Bra -- makes you fod, look beautiful. Long and short line, Junior, Medium and full cup in sizes 32 10 42. one means lack of comfort end ¢ lime. toad d figure FOR YOUR NOTEBOOK! Fit is most important with Foundation Garments. A You can be sure of setisfaction when yew have 'WARD'S ly dvise and fit you! . fitting on uncomplimentary re out- SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AT ATHOL x WARD'S Dial 5-1151 | ul a save. Come fill oll your dr SPECIAL ....... A.S.A. Tablets Get ready for Fall by getting your health ana beauty aids here and now . . . first-of-the season SALE! Preduets you need to feel your best and look your best--your favorite nationally advertised brands--are featured ot the lowest possible prices. Come shop. Come ELECTRIC NEATING PAD SPECIAL | | 3 heot, low, medium and high plus off switch. Regular value ianeees. OFF 84 49¢ 59¢ BRYLCREEM Free Comb .. NOXZEMA 3.Way Sheve Reguler 1.15 COLGATE 33¢ PASTE Tubes ETIQUET DEODORANT Reg. 1.00 JERGEN'S LOTION Free Dispenser PACQUIN"S Hond Cream Regular 75¢ .. VITALIS Trial Size FREE PIN WAVE PIN CURL FREE SHAMPOO . MENNEN'S SHAVE CREAM AND GEM RAZOR Qc Reg. value 1.59. Special RUBINSTEIN CONTOUR LIFT FILM AND ESTROGIC HORMONE oo value ....0u00. 6.00 59¢ 1.50 | and ot our store needs ot our FALL HEALTH AND BEAUTY SALE! BAYER'S ASPIRIN 00's 79¢ ond Children's Aspirin 29¢ Free 79¢ $4.98. DEER $3.95 Save on HOME DRUGS 100s (9c 300s 49¢ ABSORBENT A.B.S.&C. Tablets, 1 0s... ....... 1% COTTON Boraclc Acid, 16 oz. ............ 38¢ 1-Pound Roll 87¢ Cocoanut Oil Shampoo, a. 5:. 226 «5. 366 Epsom Salt, 1 pound, Reg. 25c -.... Te Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 100° Reg. 1.29 Mineral Oil--Heavy, 16-oz. Reg. 55¢ 4l¢ SPECIAL SAVE 1/3 FieLena ruBINsTEIN YOU SAVE "Medicinal Quality" 40 oz. Reg. 1.10 85¢ Bosed per ouned on smoller biznes, BEAUTY PAIRS OFFER UP TO 45% 10 Femous Beouty Pairs on which to SAVE -- (for example) For Blockheads -- Beouty Washing Greins ond Medicated Cream Combination Value $2:50, Both for $1.76 Save Your Beauty ond Your Budget. 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