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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Oct 1953, p. 12

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Q3JIW 42 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, October 16, 1053 Build, Repair or Remodel Your Home CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ALTERNATIVE TO BRICK HOME PLAN No. B-80 The choice of this plan be- tween brick construction, which is shown above, and the alterna- tive use of concrete block will be difficult, since each has its own advantages while offering the ut' most in beauty. The plan in- cludes three bedrooms, one of which is ample for twin beds. The bathroom is easily accessible from the kitchen. DATA: Living area, 1260 square feet; cubage, Plan 1, 23,725 cubic feet; Plan 2, 16,165 cubic feet; Ceiling height, 8 feet; basement ceiling, 7 feet. For further details and blue- prints, write to the Harry Loder Home Plans, 84 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. ! RAGLAN MRS. H. THOMPSON Correspondent RAGLAN -- The Sunaay service was very well attended. The scrip- ture was taken from the tenth chapter of The Acts, verses 34-43. 8. G. Saywell chose for his sermon "., The choir on Wednesday afternoon, October 14. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins and BE , called on her uncle, Earl and . Free, recently. ussell Davidson spent a ys in Galt visiting her fath- . Collett. Mrs. N. Birkett, and nt Sunday evening with . and Mrs. Richard Manns and family of Port Perry. Quite a number from this dis- LA H Cathy 'of Oshawa. Miss Ethel Bright was a Sunday MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE ~ ANNIS, JONES & CAMERON 182 KING ST. EAST PHONE 3-2269 .| Jones. . f|girls were Sunday guests of the . [latter's aunt and uncle, Mr. and |Col o bo McAvoy, Mr. McAvoy and fam- ; boys visited Mr. and Mrs. . |Mahaffy of Port Perry recently. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCulloch of Columbus. Mr. Lorne Garrow of Oshawa was weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierson. * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holliday and Gordon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Chatten of Lindsay. Barbara and Gary _ Slute are spending a week with Mrs. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grant and family of Oshawa were Saturday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bright and Mrs. A. Stagg of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Manps and fa- mily of Port Perry were Sunday tea guests of the former's parents ip 2 Mrs. Walter Manns. . om; is spending a few with DO Mrs. Nor- of n. Mr, Mrs. Geo. Solomon and boys were Sunday dinner guests of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffy and arvey Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Latimer were weekend guests of the latter's cou- sins, . Minnie Stone and Mr. Thorpe, of Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele of Ced- ar Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Corner and Evelyn, Linda = and Sandra Slute were Wednesday eve- ning visitors at the Birkett home. Mr. and Mrs. Verland and sons, and Charles Collett of Galt were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bruce and Mrs. tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller and girls. Mr. and Mrs. E. Manns and Douglas of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. W. Manns were Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. Manus fo Scugog Island. Mrs. Ralph Lee and children of Brooklin were Tuesday dinner guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. . Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Bright and family of Oshawa were Sunday evening din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson and family. A number from this district are aliending the ploughing match at urg. ; The frost has been quite heavy this last couple of nights. It makes one think winter is not far away. Don't forget the quilting bee in the hall on October 15 by the Women's Association. All ladies are invited, PRINCE ALBERT F. E. SMITH Correspondent PRINCE ALBERT---Mrs. George Luke and her sister, Mrs. E. Mec- Kerihen, spent a couple of days last week in Hamilton and Brad- ford with Mrs. Lukes son Murray and other friends. Mrs. W. Harper and her son, Tom Harper of Toronto, were guests on Saturday with Mrs. Jonas Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith. The sympathy of their many friends in the Prince Albert com- muflity goes out to Mr. J. F. Vickery and family in their recent bereavement. : Mr. Turner, brother of Mrs. Snel- grove Sr., passed away on Tuesday Mason of Port Perry were Sunday after a long illness. Sympathy is )) "7 save time, steps and town prices, -- (( (f >of ed Got a One-Cabinet Kitchen? Free yourself from the slavery of a one- cabinet kitchen. Remodel and add extra cabinets . . . an efficient work center . . . you how to get a luxury kitchen at home Stop In or Dial 5-4443 for a FREE ESTIMATE = 22h V4 - or energy. We'll show Terms as Low as $18.00 a Month--nothing Down. YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS 84 Simcoe St. S. ifN4 ' OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED OSHAWA Dial 5-4443 Some 8G per cent of new houses being built in Canada today are inadequately wired, according to a leading Canadian electrical wir- ing authority. R. E. Bailey, chairman of the Can- adian Electrical Manufacturers As- sociation's Adequate Wiring Com- mittee told wiring experts attend- ing the up's ninth annual meet- ing at Niagara Falls recently that "'altogether too many of our new homes are being planned according to minimum standards with little thcught given to the prospective owner's electrical requirrments. Much of the blame for this unfor- tunate situation is b ing laid on the doorstep of our builders or electri- cal contractors, when actually the responsibility for an adequately wired home rests largely on the shoulders of the prospective own- er." The solution to the problem can be found only through a large-scale educational program, explained Mr. Bailey who is also vice-chairman of the Canadian Adequate Wiring Bur- eau. "It is an unfortunate fact," he pointed out, "that the majority of our young married couples today have absolutely no conception of what an adequately wired home can mean to them in terms of con- venience and economy. As a result, thousands of our new homes are * Most Canadian Homes Are Inadequately Wired electrically obsolete the day they are completed." "When a yo couple plan thejr first house," Mr. Bailey stated, 'they invariably de¢ide on the num- ber of electrical outlets required for their present needs such as general lighting, radio, refrigera- tor, washing machine and other smaller appliances. This deter- mines the size of the main entrance electrical load, or the actual elec- trical capacity of the house. "Most young couples fail to real- ize that within five years or less the husband will undoubtedly be in a higher income bracket and so able to afford additional household conveniences such as an iromer, dish washer, freezer or television set and fail to make provision for these appliances in their initial wir- ing installation," he said. "While the resulting electrical capacity of the house may be suit- able for their immediate require- ments," Mr. Bailey further stated, '"'the young couple generally cannot increase their number of major ap- pliances at a later date without eithe. placing hazardous electrical loads on their wiring system or revamping it entirely. It has been estimated that it costs from three to five times as much to revamp the electrical wiring in a house after it has been built." also extended to the bereaved rela- Vi The school childen are happy these days at having won two base- ball games this week. The first one on Monday was won from Port Perry and on Tuesday they beat Greenbank. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davidson on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross and sons Gary and Wayne of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ben St. Martin and familly of Cochane have spent this week with Mr. St. Martin's sister, Mrs. J. Davidson and fam- ily. On Wednesday Mrs. Davidson accompanied her brother and fam- ily to Hamilton where they visited with their sister, Mrs. LeMaich. Don't forget the bingo next Fri- day evening in the schools. This is being held by the Good Neigh- bours Service Club in aid of com- munity Memorial Hospital Port Perry. 0) There will be a combined service this Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Thanks. giving will be the theme. Envelope production, at 3,500,- ness in Canada. U.S. Branch Gives Fortune To Ducks Unltd. EDMONTON (CP)--Col. W:F.W. Hancock, OBE, of Edmonton, Fri- day night was re-elected president of Ducks Unlimited (Canada) at the opening session here of the international waterfowl conserva- tion group's annual Canadian direc- tors' meeting. The meeting approved accep- tance of a record grant of more than $400,000 by the sister organ- ization in the U.S., Ducks Unlinmi- ted, Inc., for expenditure on Cana- dian projects during the 1953-54 season. Canadians named to the board of directors include Senator N.M. Paterson, Ottawa. LONDON (CP) -- Poodles are helping to bring dollars to Britain. As many as 20, selected from ken- nels all over the country, are 000,000, is a $10,000,000-a-year busi- | flown weekly to the United States for breeding purposes and as pets. ® Motor ® Control ® Switches TELEPHONE 3-2248 REPAIRS and REWINDING HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC LIMITED 50 PRINCE STREET ® Pulleys ® Belts ® Parts ---- eR Ce GEORGE MACKO . . . INVITES YOU TO MEET BILL DWELL Hi, Buster: . yn' Bill Dwell - © Watch for me such and every We° ; Geo. Mac onthe BY Page. ko's uds ilders Each week Bill Dwell, George Macko's silent partner, will in- troduce his weekly specials from his selections of finest building materials . . . Watch for Bill Dwell each and every week... see Geo. Macko TODAY for your building or repair materials. GEORGE MACKO LUMBER 473 RITSON RD. S. -- DIAL 3-2732 CEDAR CREEK G. A. KILPATRICK Correspondent CEDAR CREEK -- Mrs. Kilpat- ick spent Thursday afternoon in Port Perry with Mrs. Harry Ed- gerton. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele were Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett and family at Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. George Roser and Nellie Somerville of Toronto were Saturday visitors with Mrs. James Somerville and Ralph, Several from this community at- tended the funeral of the late Wm. Slute on Saturday afternoon which was held at the A. L. McDermott Funeral Chapel. Interment was in Pine Grove Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms at Enniskillen. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon at Haydon and called on Mr. Steele's niece, Mrs. Earl Trew- in, Mr. Trewin and family at En- niskillen on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Martin and family and Mrs. George Spencer, and Master Ronnie Gibson of Col- umbus were Sunday visitors with Miss Flossie Spencer and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corner and Gracie of Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Corner and Evelyn of Col- umbus were Sunday evening visitor at the Wm. Steele home. Sympathy is extended to the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Frank Vickery. Mrs. Vickery died sunday even- ing after a lengthy illness. She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Leslie Teacock, Grace, and Mrs. Laverne Dewitt, Mary and five grandchildren, Don- ald, Grant and Brian Beacock and Barbara and Neil Devitt. Funeral services were held from the A. L. McDermott Funeral Chap- el on Wednesday afternoon. The services were conducted by the Rev. Robert H. Wylie and pall- tyn, Ralph Somerville and Norman Wilson. Flower bearers were John Bea- cil Hil, George Kilpatrick, Ray Kir- by, Orval Kirby and Douglas Tay- or. Cemetery. Mrs. Schuyler J. Porter of To- ronto is visitng her cousins, the Kilpatricks. bearers were Albert Harper, Grant | Hunter, Lloyd Hunter, Earl Mar- | cock, James Blain, Cecil Flett, Ce- | Interment was in Pine Grove || There is No Substitule for the BEST! : BUY 2 KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS For Free Estimates Dial 5-4632 KoolVent Awnings of Oshawa 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (OCT. 6-10) THISLL FLOOR YA': *, + + Just like | told you--a real SOUTHERN EXPOSURE!™ Whether you want a home of great elegance or just a simple cottage, we con help you with money saving ideas, plans and materials. In building o house there are many places where number 2 or 3 grade lumber will do perfectly well and SAVE you money. We can advise you on the right grades of lumber for each use without sacrificing quality or construction. {J ERNIE CAY, LUMBER --- OSHAWA DIAL 5-0122 | | 53 ALBERT ST. THE FIRST cow ORDER YOUR BIN FILLED WINTER'S Suppry OF HUDSON COAL THE py; =2REECT pug NOW WITH A WHOLE OR 10 CAL WEATHER CONDITIONs Poms of Nationally looking, it transforms a acids and alkalis have > & b« B AT-107 Installing Miraplas home than papering a struction expense. 160 KING ST. WEST Beautiful Real Tile advertised Mrapdos x £ & QL J THE ORIGINAL STYRON WALL TILE 19 Fascinating Colors -- Harmonizing Trim Hundreds of pleasing combinations are possible . . . and Miraplas color goes all the way thru to the back and can't rub off. Look for the name "Miraplas' on every tile! Accept no substitute for a fine product! GUARANTEED IN WRITING -- two ways! Migpplas is guaranteed by its manufacturer as to materials and quality. Installation guaranteed when done by factory-authorized mechanic. HARLEIGH MFG. Walls for Old or New Homes-- at Low Cost! x You'll never believe the magic that beautiful Miraplas can work in a drab kitchen, bath, recrea- tion or other room until you see it. Rich and lustrous room into a colorful, pleasant place to live, work or play. Common household no effect upon Miraplas. No Muss, No Fuss -- Easily Installed is no more disturbing to a room. It can be installed on any clean, level, sound wall without additional con- Average Tub Recess Miraplos Tiled x Or do it yourself. Miraplas is easily installed by the average "handy man" Thousands have done so with . professional looking results. Simple instructions and tools are available, COMPANY DIAL 5-3012 /

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