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Daily Times-Gazette, 10 Oct 1953, p. 8

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§ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, October 10, 1953 Women WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3-2233 ---- JO ALDWINCKLE CLUB CALENDAR Alice Jackson Aux. Hold Thankotiering MONDAY Thanksgiving Day TUESDAY King St. H and 8. Assn. CGIT Auxiliary S. A. Home League Christ Church W.A, King Street Jr. WA, Canadian Legion Aux, Golden Links Class Holy Trinity W.A. Holy Trinity Eve. Guild Court Oshawa, IOF. Calvary Baptist YWMC North Oshawa Jr. W.A: Women's P.C, Assn. St. George's (Ritson Gtp.) Horticultural Society WEDNESDAY S.A, Prayer Meeting University Women's Club Victory Lodge, LOBA Knox Presbyterian WM Cedar Dale Sr. W.A.* Parent-Teacher Assn. Northminster WMS S. Simcoe H and § Assn. Thornton's Corners H and § THURSDAY Girl Guide ExCouncil Court Charlene, COF Maple Leaf, LTB St. George's Eve. W.A, Happy Doubles Club Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve, Guild Albert Street W.A. St. George's Aft, Aux. Kate McLaurin Aux. Juvenile Maple Leaf St. Andrew's Aft. W.A, Harvey Hunt Auxiliary Sunbeam Chapter, OES Storie Park Assn. : | Centre Street W.A. A CHARMING PAIR Shown above in this charm- | ing picture is William Gavin Watts who is one year old, and Ferrol May Watts, who is four. Gavin and Ferrol are the chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. William (Mike) Watts, Fairbanks St, and grandchildren of Mr. Thomas Watts, Oshawa, and Mr. Francis Brown, Pickering. --Photo by Baxter Studio, Toronto. David A. Hutcheon Joan E. Hepburn Exchange Vows In a double - ring ceremony eon- ducted by the Reverend R. H. Rickard, BA, MRE, in Adelaide House on Friday evening, Joan Edna Hepburn became the bride of David Allan Hutcheon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hepburn of Columbus and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hutcheon of Oshawa. and chrysanthemums formed the setting and Mrs. Wal- 'groom's sister, dressed similarly in yellow. The best man was Mr. Manford Hutcheon, brother of the bride- groom, and the usher was Mr, Murray Stacey, a cousin of the bride. For the reception that followed the bride's mother wore dusky rose givrette with navy blue ac- cessories and a corsage of yellow roses, and the bridegroom's moth- er was in surf blue taffeta with navy blue accessories and a cor- sage of pink roses. The bridal table was centered with a three - tier wedding cake set in pink tulle and lighted with tall pink tapers. Pouring tea were Challenger Group Hepburn, Oshawa, and Mrs. Wil- liam Gifford of Aylmer, Ontario, As the couple left for a honey- moon in eastern Ontario the bride was wearing a grey suit with light blue cobblestone topcoat and navy blue accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Hutcheon will re- turn to make their home in Osh- awa. The Alice Jackson evening aux- iliary of King Street United Church met on Tuesday evening in the Church parlor for its Thankoffer- ing. Mrs. Frank Michael who was the guest speaker brought the highlights of the School for Lead ers which was held in Whitby in August where there was an at- tendance of 111° women. For the worship service the theme was "The Bible". Mrs. Maxwell Loveys, auxiliary leader, stressed the importance of executive meetings and also start- ing the meetings on time. Mrs. chael also spoke on the first chapter .of the study book, "Where e're the Sun". The theme being and the Church around the world. Miss Marjorie Blewett led iit the worship service on "Thanks- giving". Several hymns were sung. Miss Isla Barker was in charge of the .program. Miss Marilya Booth Sung two solos, "My Task' apd 'The Sunshine of Your Smile", accompanied at the piano hy Miss Norma Booth. | The president, Mrs. Cyril Pow- tell, conducted the. business. Miss Flora Hawkins thanked the speak er. The room was decorated with autumn leaves and fruit. Refreshments, were served by Miss Barker and her committee, ' PERSONALS The Hutcheon - Hepburn bridal party was entertained by the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mys. Roy Jackson, Brooklin, follow- ing the wedding rehearsal. The Reverend and Mrs. C. T. Allin of Alton, Illinois, are visiting the former's sister, Miss Laura Allin, Arthur Street, and other re- latives in the community. Several members of the Knox Preshyterian Young People's So- | ciety plan to attend the synodical | convention at Guelph over the [Thanksgiving weekend. Your Physician PRESCRIBES Your Pharmacist - DISPENSES Commi Drug | to Thomas Robert Hart, son of Mr. | and Mrs. Thomas Hart, all of Osh- | Go To Church Regularly 'Annual Dance Is Sponsored By Naval Veterans The annual fall danee of the Qsh- awa and District Naval Vefgrans' Club was held in the UAW Hall, Among those seen dancing to the music of Bernard Tierney's orches- tra were: Mr. and Mrs. James Norrish, Mr. SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE On Saturday, September 26, 1953, at 7 o'clock in the Free Methodist Church, Oshawa, the Rev. R. E, Dargas solemnized the marriage of Betty Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Holder of Oshawa, and Daniel Robert Trav- iss, son of Mrs, M. Traviss of Good- erham, Ontario, and the late Mr. Traviss. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Mate Ferencz of Oshawa wish to announce the -en- gagement of their daughter, Marg- aret Elizabeth, to Frank: Mozic, son of Mrs. F. Mozie (° Yugoslavia, andt he late Mr. Mozic: The wed- ding will take place at St. Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, October 24, at 11 a.m. MARRIAGE The marriage took place quietly on Friday, October 9, 1953, in St. John's Church, Port Whitby, of of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Purdon, Omagh, Northern Ireland, and Guy Colm of Ajax, sen of Mrs. E. D. Colm, Montreal, and the late Mr. Colm. The Reverend Albert E. Kemp officiated. MARRIAGE The marriage of Thelma Marion Alpin ®daughter of Mr. Charles E. Baxter and the late Mrs. Baxter, awa, took place on Friday, October | 9, with the Reverend George Tel- | ford, DD officiating. Betty Purdon of Oshawa, daughter | and Mrs. Wiliam Tymchuk, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chesebrough, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Forhyth, Miss Irma Roka, Miss Donna Homes, Mr. Al- fred Norton, Mr. John Plowright, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gutsole, Mr. and Mrs.. Oliver Martin, Mr, and 'Mrs. Gordon Whyte, Miss Maureen M McKenna, Mr. Anthony Laqzar, Miss Sylvia Copk, Mr. John Chap- pell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelimon. Mr, and Mrs. Dyson Brooks, Miss Celia Corneal, Mr. Craig Topping, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Monaghan, Mr. D. Bien, Miss Hilda and Mrs. Robert Panter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woodman, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. James Tullock, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith, Miss Barbara Plowright, Miss Marjorie Hopson, Mr. Victor Haire, Mr, Clace Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burkhart, Bickle, Mr. William Morgan, Mr. Jack- Hart, Mr. Charles Fudger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Campion, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Armstrong, r. and Mrs. J. R. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mc- Cullough, Mr. and Mrs. R. David- son. Mr. and Mrs, A.' R. Harrison, | Grace Lutheran Church 150 ALBERT ST. Rev. N. C, Kritsch, Paster SUNDAY, 'OCTOBER 11 THANKSGIVING 10 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL . 10:30 a.m.--T.V. "THIS IS THE LIFE." 11 0.m.~MORNING WORSHIP 0 GOD, WE THANK THEE ° oka, Mr. Di Miss Hazel Ross, Mr. James Stew- art, Mr, and Mrs. Currie Hender- son, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ferries, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonenfant, Mr. 8. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Gould ing, Mr. and Mrs. George Goulding, r. and Mrs. Douglas Scott, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hurst, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Linton, Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Osp ond, Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Siblock, Mr. and Mrs. James onne, Mr. and Mrs Roy Kehoe, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood, Misd Donna Montgomery, Mr. Donald Smith, Miss Mary Hall, Mr. Ronald Col- lins, r. Lloyd Haynes, Miss Mary Burtch, Mr. and Mrs. W. Matthews, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. William Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Parkin, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Corby, Mr. and Mrs. David Brown, Mr. and Mrs. William Nott, v Miss Grace Russell, Mr. Guy Bell, Mr. and Mrs. John Hosey, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Nagel, Mr, and Mrs. A. McEachern; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Monaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Pet . Tul- lock, Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell. Miss Betty Currie, Mr. Frank Grainger, Miss Greta an, Mr. William Calder, Mr. Robert L. Small, Miss M Flagel, Mr. and Mrs, Raymo Cowle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dupuis, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs, Meredith Howard, Mr. and Mrs. John How- ard, Mr. and Mrs. George Kirtley, Mr. and Mrs. George Stonebridge, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hudson and ers. ' wv PUTTY TTYYYYYTYYY How Christin Science Heals § "GOD CAN HELP YOU IN TIME OF EMERGENCY" | CKEY, 580 Ke. October 11th, 9:45 AM. Chureh of England in Canada (ANGLICAN) Centre and Rector, The Rev Canon PD ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH ® CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillcroft Streets Rector, The Rev H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5-5795 SUNDAY SERVICES 8AM. -- 11 AM -- 7PM. Bagot Streets M. Rose -- Phone 5-2386 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN; Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block cast of Albert RECTOR -- THE REV E, A. IRWIN, LS.T. Organist and Choir Director -- Mrs. G K. Drynan, Mus. B. (Tor.) CHURCH © OPEN BOOK Ley Pastor: R, B. WILKINS «tbbons Wn, North o Louse -- Formerly 11:00 AM--"IF GOD SO 7:00 PM.--MR. W. J. M THE PUBLIC 3:00 P.M --BIBLE SCHOOL CLOTHE THE GRASS" ANNING i INVITED A QUOTATION FROM ne human roce . . . ture. The well-being of mankind, boo | THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His 'eligion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of This is the stroight path, the fixed and mmovable foundation. Whatsoever 'is. raised in this foundation, the changes and chance of the world can never impair its struc- attainable unless ond until its unity is firmly established. . THE WRITINGS OF its peace and security are un- 8:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION 9:45 AM.--CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--SUNG EUCHARIST 11 a.m.--Miss Brevis (Drynan); Motet--0O How Sweet (Willan) 7 p.m.--Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis with Faux Bourdons Morley) | 7 P.M.--SUNG EVENSONG Lia 17 ERIE ST. DIAL 5-3872 REV. R, E. DARGAN, Pastor + METHODIST CHURCH DON'T FORGET THE SUNDAY SCHOOL GONTEST WE NEED YOU -- YOU NEED THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m.--Classes for. oll ages 1 a.m~"Thenk You . . . For What" 7 p.m---~Fellowship Servies Thanksgiving is good ~~ Thanksliving is better "® Maghify the Lord with Me, and Let Us lait Wi Name Together { two aunts of the bride, Miss Luella 4 --Baha'u'ligh. OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY Secretary: 136 Willingdon Avenue -- Phone 3-3281 THE SALVATION ARMY CORNER OF SIMCOE ond OAK STREETS MAJOR and MRS. G. DOCKERAY FILING PRESCATIONS 1 THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF OUR BUSIESS 28 KING E. DIAL 3-4621 lace Scott played the wedding mu- sic. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. Her gown of | net over satin waé fashioned om Order Now-- IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT --One Hardy White Orange Blossom Shrub for order- ing early. CHINESE ELM~--Eastest and Fastest Growing--100 for $8.50, 6-inch size: 9-inch size, 100 for $4.50; 15-inch size 100 for $6.95; 20" to 24" size, 25 for $3.98 or $15.00 per 100. GREEN BARBERRY---For a med- ium thorny hedge--briliant red in Fall; 9inch, 100 for $6.95; 13-inch, 25 for $3.98 or $15.00 per 100. PEONY ROOTS -- Red, white or pink, '3 for $1.89. FREE With Every Order Can- ada's Finest Colored Brookdale-Kingswav Nurseries PLANT A HEDG FRE a strapless bodice of lace com- plemented with a matching jack- et, and the floor - length skirt of | tulle was worn over a crinoline. | A pearl tiara held her fingertip | veil of tulle illusion and she car- ried a bouquet of Pink Delight roses. Her jewellery was the] bridegroom's gift of pearls. l The maid of honor was Miss Mary Hepburn, the bride's sister, | wearing a strapless, waltz-length | gown of blue net over taffeta, | worn over a crinoline, with match- | ing jacket and mittens. She wore a blue feathered headdress and | pearls and carried a nosegay of | Jellow roses and bronze chrysan- | hemums. The bridesmaid ~ was | Miss Shirley Hutcheon, the bride- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 79 KING STREET EAST Affiliated with the Baptist Convention of Onterio end Quebes Minister: REV. L. D. BEGG, B.A, B.Th. Music Director: Mrs, M. Joyce 11:00 A.M:--"THE KEYNOTE OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE--GRATITUDE" 7:00 P.M.--" THE CALL TO SERVICE" ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ON OCTOBER 18TH SUNDAY SCHOOL EACH SUNDAY AT 9:45 AM. WEDNESDAY 7:30 P.M.--B.Y.P.U. RALLY IN UXBRIDGE WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M.--SERVICE OF PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY We invite, you to worship with us. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER JOHN ond CENTRE STREETS MINISTER -- REV. R. W. WIGHTON, F.R.G.5 AT LAST... I'VE FOUND A SHIRT SERVICE THAT FINISHES JIM'S COLLARS EYACTLY THE WAY NE LIKES THEM! 1:00 a.m.--DIRECTORY (Y.P.) 11:00 a.m.--HOLINESS MEETING- 2:00 p.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL ond BIBLE CLASSES 7:00 p.m.--EVANGELISTIC MEETING MONDAY, 8 p.m.--YOUTH GROUP TUESDAY, 2:30 p.m.--HOME LEAGUE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST 9:40 A.M,--SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SERVICE 11 A.M. SUBJECT "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" , Special Thanksgiving Service Mon., Oct. 12, 10.30 a.m. Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonies of healing through Christian Science. The reading room located at the church, open Tuesday and Thurs- day from 2 to 4:30 p.m.. excepting legal holidays, where the Bible and Christian Science literature may be studied, borrowed or pur- chased and subscriptions placed for periodicals. Garden Guide Bowmanville, Ontario Phone Day or Night 3345 REV. ANDREW MacBEATH of Toronto Bible College 11:00 A.M.--" THE DARKEST MILE WE TRAVEL" 7:00 P.M.--"THE SECRET OF RADIANT LIVING" Sunday School -- 9:45 a.m. Mid-Week Bible Study -- Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting -- Saturday 8 p.m. * CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH MOST CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO BE PRESENT WITH THEM AT THESE SERVICES 'THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH canon ® rin free if we ST. PAUL'S negleet to replace missing buliens Minister: REV. B. A. MILES, B.A, -- 184 Simcoe S., Dial 3-2107 Ton: o Our exiva careful loundering makes 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP ; shirts keep that new-look longer. "ARE OUR THANKS SUFFICIENT?" Home laundering of shirts ean never duplicate 8 profess 2:00 P.M:--CHURCH SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS sionsl 'job. Try our personalized shirt service today your shisss will look snd fic and feel Hise new. 10:00 A.M.--KNOX CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP "ONE OUT OF TEN GAVE HIM THANKS . . .* 2:00 P.M.--SOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL ? "A LETTER FROM CHINA" 7:00 P.M.--Guest Preacher, The REV. A. G. SCOTT, Bowmanville THE LAST kt TIME i : TO HEAR REV. and MRS. F. R. DAVIDSON SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. and in a ] GREAT SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY at 10 a.m. Sunday night Rev. F. R. Davidson will tell of his trip behind the Iron Curtain into Poland. Russia and her satellites will be dealt with in the light of Bible Prophecy: Her origin, course and Destiny in the affairs of Men. 3 DON'T MISS THIS LAST CAMP MEETING WILSON & ROGER Trim calf pump with bow, high heel SIMCOE STREET N., AT BROCK Rev. Stuart B, Coles, B.A., Minister Devid Jenkins, Leader of Praise DANCEY'S "Footwear of Distinction" 18 Simcoe $. +» Dial 5:1833

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