Pets and Livestock --Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 42--Female Help Wanted MALL WINDOWS, SUITABLE FOR } UP -- HOOVER, ELECTROLUX, ral Electric, Filter Queen, Airway ir Sales. Dial 5-5121. (Oct29) 00KS, POCKET er sold or exchanged. - Book Exchange, 561 King oa every evening. DA'S FINEST, THE ALL-FLEXA- venetian blinds with washable Hastie tapes and cords, by Met- Industries. Free Ssiiinates and in- tions anywhere. J. W. Melley, dial 1. (Novl) GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, iis Addison appliances, Television. + plan, Dial ty. Dudges p (Oct28) ELECTRIC RAZORS, ALL Iso parts for same in stock g 5 King West. (Nov16) HINGS MADE TO MEASURE. bly patterns. Free estimates. Folding rs, card and banquet tables tor rent e Fox, Oshawa. Nove) SOLE RADIO AND R ECORT RD rs, used. $35 up. Apply B.F. Stores. Dial 5-4543. as BEAM SHAVEMASTER AND r Sime, beads, e parts fos Sutting, 9, ads, (Oct28) 5, etc. Meagher's, RES, MUSHROOM AND COW, en and sandy Sam, sand, gravel, and cheap ers (Oct28) 4 8 kitch bathroom, etc. 1 regular-size window. Chestnut trim for same. Pair of lined glazed bedrgom drapes to fit single window. Aluminum vevetable juicer. Apply 14 McLaughlin Bivd, ase) a EXPERIENCED OPERATOR. APPLY The Vogue Beauty Salon. 9f) HAIRDRESSER EXPERIENCED. AP- ply Mrs. Sainsbury, The Modern Beauty Shop. Dial 5-3630 or Res.: 5-3053, (243¢) GENERAL ELECTRIC VE rch Plate and oven. Dial 5-2787. (242b) RANGETTE, , QUEBEC COOK STOVE. Dial 5-1942. (2422) WESTINGHOUSE CONSOLE RADIO, double-size bed spring, record player. ivory venetian blinds 90" wide, floral pattern drapes, 2'%-yds. long, white roy size 6%, white figure skates, size 7. Dial 8-3460. (242¢) OIL SPACE HEATER, SU SUPERFLAME, 15-ft of 6-inch pipe, A-1 condition. Rea- sonable, Dial 5-1425. (242¢) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR oLD rugs and woollens, reversible and seamless Yroadioons any size or color. fare up to Continental Rug Co. , Dial 5.1553, (Oct28) FLOOR COVERING Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 potterns for every rocm in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, - Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (166) D TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP. Goodrich Stoves. Phone 54543. PERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASHES, 1 quality, measurements and esti- les free. Dial (Oct18) APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS ble now at Fabricated Joetals, Second St. mpings 49 Bru * (Noves A beautiful selection of drapery ond slip covering materials shown in your own home on request. All types tracks, rods, venetion blinds, window shades supplied and installed. V. L. MONTGOMERY. Phone 122 Brooklin, Phone 475 Ajax. (Nov?) ETIAN BLINDS--THE ADVANCED h type. The most startling devsiop- t in blind d S-shaj grace blinds will not only te gnipusizem. BL (Nov12) EY COOK STOVE, LIKE NEW. ly 1347 Simcoe North. (2386) E FOR SALE. DIAL 5-6028. (241¢) GLE BED AND CHILD'S PEDAL truck. Like new. Apply 352 Glidden e) : BSURE SYSTEMS, BATH TUBS, wash basins, sinks, laundry tubs, ng pumps, piping and fittings. Harry hn, 460 Montrave. (Nov16) Semis [P PUMP, GOOD CONDITION, 13 hours. Also girl's Bicycle. ia) x c AUTIFUL FRUIT - BEARING and apple trees, also grapes, ns, Chinese elms, privet, ce- hedging. Dial 5-4274. (Geta) DROOM SUITE, GREEN LEATHER h, 2 end tables. Apply 105 Colne t. e) ECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, ; end table, pair lined drapes, 7 ft.; azine rack. Dial 3-7251. (243¢) pee the new McClary oil pace heaters at Rutherford's, Hependable, efficient low-cost ating for your home, Stream- ined, modern styling, two ew models to choose from. Budget terms. See them today bt RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (216th Sale Refrigerator Clearance Up To $120 OH BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE SOUTH DIAL 5-4822 (Oet2d) "CLIMATITE"" luminum combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 ow Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 11 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Novd) (Novid) NEW AND USED GUNS Bouaht and Sold Hunting Licenses Issued Open Evenings PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS 589 ALBERT ST. Oct18) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Dn good quality edar clothes poles. DIAL 5-5650 loom and Octa) ! 'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE less you get the right one. We ry the largest seltction In new d reconditioned Sewing Macchines. om $20 up. Easy terms -- no erect charges. MUNITY SEWING CENTRE Dial 3-4840 (Nov18) EXTRA SPECIAL 21" Console Television Wooden Cabinet $329.50 RONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 42 SIMCOE SOUTH DIAL 5.4822 (Oct24) WRECKING B beautiful buildings at Ajax, Ontario on Parry Road. Lumber just like ew, 200,000 ft. of Eheeting, 200, 000 ft. of R x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x8 2x 0, 6 x 6, etc., 75,000 34" of hardwood flooring. doors, win- ows, plumbing, 400 odern rads, Y00,000 t. of gyproc, all kinds bf pipes; 10 500-gallon anks. Must be sold. irewood tree, Salesmen pn job incluling ali day stray, Phone Ajax (Octal) "NASH" ALUMINUM COMBINATION Windows, Screens 'and Doors. The world's finest. Made in Oshawa. For free estimates phone - KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (Nov10) JOIN RUTHERFORD'S CEDAR CHEST CLUB Dozens of beautiful designs and finishes. Lane Red Seal, Heirloom. The largest selec- tions in town. Make your choice now while selection is complete. A small deposit holds. Lady's beautiful mirror, brush ond. camb set 'Free' with every chest. RUTHERFORD"S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (229) M. GREENBERG & SONS FOR SALE: New and Used Lumber Angle Iron 4" Heavy Steel Tubing 45 Gallon Steel Drums For your convertience we are open Saturdays. Phone 3-7333 308 Bloor St. E (M,W,Ftf) 39a--Fuel Wood BODY HARDWOOD, HARD AND SOFT slabs, 4 ft, or 12 ins. Phone Bethany 37r3s. (2424) HARDWOOD, 4° LENGTH, $21; FULL cord foot-lengths, $24; also soft and hardwood slabs, foot lengths, $15-520 full cord. Phone Port Perry 54J. (Nov?) SOFTWOOD' SLABS, FOOT-LENGTHS, $5, single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 Migls cord. Also body hardwood. Dial ardw (Novs) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR rnace range or jacket heater, $5 or H lots delivered. Dial 3-7391. (Oct21) 40--Articles For Rent Rent A Television Only $1 A Day BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC First With Television In Oshawa 426 SIMCOE SOUTH DIAL 5-4822 (Oct24) 41--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, dreasers, stoves, beaters, of Furniture, CONTACT MAN, FULL OR PART-TIME good man can supplement present in- come $35 to $75 working 3 or 4 even- ings week. Car essential. Write Box 333 Times-Gazette. (240c) WANTED TO BUY----USED POPULAR magazines, comics, Romance, Detective, etc., any quantity. Dial 5-4295. (Nov8) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson & Lee 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (Oct23) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEA ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat tresses Dia) L Turner. North Oshawa, 3-2043 collect. (Nov12) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick-up Open Saturday Dial 5-3432 Res. 5-4159 Nov15) SHAW RAG and METAL prices paid for scrap iron, Highest metal, rags, batteries, mattresses, ete. Factory accounts appreciated. 89 BLOOR ST. E. Dial 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Nové) M. Greenberg & Sons WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Etc. Highest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 °-- 308 Bloor E. (Nov16) 42--Female Help Wanted NATIONALLY - KNOWN COMPANY IS expanding its sales staff in this area. Here is an opportunity for an ambitious woman who needs to earn money. Pre- vious sales experience not essential, There is no investment. No canvassing, no deliveries. Earnings are excellent, ranging between $25 and $75 per wee, depending on effort expended. Appli- cants should have high school education, a pleasant personality and smart ap- pearance, and be between 25 and 45 years of age. A car is an advantage. For personal interview, write, giving Yualisications and telephone number. Box 236 Times-Gazette, (242¢) WOMEN TO GO OUT SELLING COS- tume jewellery. Full or part-time. Turn | your spare time into money, either door-to-door, friends, neighbors, parties or factories. Excellent commission. For further information come to 132 Cen- tral Park Blvd. (2410) 43--Male Help Wanted WANTED--2 PLASTERERS. MUST BE | first-class men, highest wages and steady | employment. Dial 5-6225, (243¢) JANITOR FOR NORTHMINSTER | United Church. Dusting and cleaning only. No furnace or ashes, new building, about 12 hours work weekly. Dial 3-2161 or 52767. (243¢) 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE, _STIRTEVANT'S AUC- tion Room, 33 Hall St., Monday evening, October 19th, at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45. 2-plece chesterfield suite, Quebec heater, dropleaf table, oil space heater, 9-piece dining room suite (walnut), dres- ser (walnut); 3 men's bicycles, 4-piece room suite (mahogany), Trollaway bed and mattress, end table, tricycle, child's rocker, full-size metal bed and spring, floor model radio, ice box, single bed and spring, rug, '9 x 12 (grey) baby carriage, dining room table, gas engine, medicine cabinet, rockers, 'odd tables and chairs 2 wardrobes, kitchen chairs, hose, rug and pa, table lamps, trilight lamp, high chair, combination door, coal oil heater, quantity of linens drapes, cooking utensils, dishes and a great many other articles too numerous cash. Frank Stirte- to mention. Terms vant, Auctioneer. Dial 35-5751. SIMCOE HALL (242b) RELIABLE BOYS FOR GLOBE AND Mail paper routes. Earn $3 to $6 weekly. Dial 35-3438. (Sept28-Oct5,12,19) DELIVERY BOY WITH BICYCLE for grocery store, 8 am. to 6 p.m. G wage. Phone 3-8222. (Oet16,19,20) JANITOR, PART-TIME," GOOD SAL, ary, sleep out, Write Box 306, Times- Gazette. (2410) on sheet metal products, good future for right man. Apply Kitchen Installa- tions Ltd., Ajax. (2410) MALE HELP WANTED - EXPER ienced sewing machine mechanic. Apply stating full particulars to » Box 314 Times-Gazette. (227th) EXPERIENCED TINSMITH FOR FUR- nace and air conditioning work. others need apply, 21 Church Street. (236tf) 45--Agents Wanted A SPLENDID TERRITORY IS OPEN in your surroundings for a person inter- ested in the sale of household necessi- ties, cosmetics, tonics, etc. Our prod- ucts are the finest and easy to sell. Small capital will start you on the road to success. Write now for information. Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. C., Montreal. (2432) WANTED IMMEDIATELY Registered Pharmacist, full or part-time. Write Box 338, Times-Gazette. 1 (241¢) 46--Employment Wanted RELIABLE WOMAN REQUIRES housework by the day. Dial Se y (2432 PART-TIME HOUSEWORK IN PRI- vate home. Dial 5-3747. (243¢) YOUNG MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN | 10 A Red Feather Agency . Nursing . Cadets -- 7 to 9 p.m. Girls 11 - 16 years. and drum band. t. Course -- 7.30 to 9 PT TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 Nursery School a.m, Children 4 years of age. to 5.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m Piano Lessons -- 4 to 6 pm. p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Children 5 years of age. to 5.30 p ey -- 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. Piano Ds -- 4 to 6 p.m. tion vs. Jaycee Whites. Oshawa Police Boys' Club' --floor ood | hockey, movies, gym games, pipe John ASbY) guce First Aid Weight Lifting ph -- 7.30 to -- 9 to 11.30 Children's Public Library -- 3.30 Boys' Basketball -- 3.30 to 5.30 po Boys' Woodworking -- 3.30 to 5.30 or |B Boys' Games Rooms -- 9 to Industrial Basketball League --- 7 Welgnt Lifting Club -- 7.30 to 10 Nursery School -- 9 to 11.30 a.m. Junior Sine' Gym Club -- 3.30 Boys' Tpasketball and Floor Hock- a Teenage Club -- i to 9 s PO ncoe Hall Grads Basketball -- 7 Ld eight Lifting Club -- 7.30 to 10 pm. | Simcoe Hall Minor Basketball League -- 7 p.m. Police Associa- A fashion show for 'children was one of the features of the Children's Fair held by the Kin- ettes at the Armories Friday night. In the picture to the left, Jo-Anne Densham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Densham, 219 McKim Street, 1s shown model- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, 's So Easy To Fill A Vacancy With A Fast Acting Times Ad Just Ph. 32233 Mrs. L. Rented Her Room From The Low Cost Economical Ad , ling an attractive frock. In the right-hand picture. Sandra and Donna Buchanan, 582 Howard CHILDREN ENJOY MANY FEATURES OF KINETTES' Monday, October 19, 1953 15 BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR ONE central, all Apply ---- Bond E. Phone 5 «= - Pd Ld FAIR Street, are seen enjoying a ride in the merry-go-round. --Times-Gazette Staff Photos. » 0 SOMO § te A ¥ (J FERED IEG ¥¢ RI ROO 3 EI (AXA AT) AREA A § AXEL AER 0 0 OOOO AON ve AY 0X a PRES S ERE BEY yt, ASAXS ). he Y.W.C.A. HATO 0 AON AR wy xe BERRES BONO \ AXA 3 ) £ X AA ' YOUNG MAN, 29, MARRIED, CON- struction accounting, payroll, stock con- trol, bookkeeping, warehousing experi- ence, Good references. Seeks employ- ment in Oshawa or vicinity, Phone 3-7213 or Bowmanville 548, collect, for inter- view. (2420) YOUNG LADY DESIRES TYPING TO do at home. Dial 3-8748. (242¢) DUTCH GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK by day. Phone 2352 Bowmanville. 241e) YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE FULL OR part-time construction work. Dial 3-8390. 410) BUSINESS PREMISES CLEANED nightly and on week-ends. P.O. Box 98, Oshawa. (2386) ba.H WASHING TO DO AT HOME, CALLED for and delivered. Dial 5-1312. (Oct30) FURNACES, PIPES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. Phone 419 Ajax, 812 Whitby. (Oct29. 47--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of PHILIP MYERS, late of the City of Oshawa, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, retired gentle- man, deceased. y All. persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased who died on or about the 5th day of Sep- tember, 1953, are requested to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1953, after which the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall be had and to the exclusion of all others, Dated at Oshawa, Ont., this 30th day of September, 1953. Ernest Marks and Paul James McGuire, Executors, by Ernest Marks, 17 King E., Oshawa, Ont, their Solicitor, (Oct5,12,19) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of THOMAS HENRY EVERSON, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, retired gentleman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased who died on or about the 22nd day of Au- gust, 1953, are requested to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1953, after which the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice shall be had and to the exclu- sion of all others, Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 6th day of October, 1958. MARY ELIZABETH EVERSON, STANLEY F. EVERSON, EWART A. EVERSON and RONALD G. EVERSON, Exec- utors, by their solicitor, ERNEST MARKS, Esq., { Barrister &c., Eo 17 King St. E, ¥ Oshawa, Ont. el (Oct19,26-Nov2) ALMONDS WA. Supper Fine Success MRS. LOYAL POGUE Correspondent ALMONDS -- Mr. and Mrs, Loy- 3 Pogue spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garland at Walkerton. The pot luck supper held on Fri- MON. OCT. 19 BRIDE CLASSES: 8.00 p.m, STAMP CLUB: 8.00 p.m. CAMERA CLUB: 8.00 p.m. STUDIO CLUB: 8.00 p.m. p.m. TUES. OCT. NURSERY SCHOOL for chil dren 4 and 5 years old, 9.30-a.m. HANDICRAFTS: Leathercraft, felt craft, glove-making, weaving, etc., 2.00 - 5.00 p.m. 415 p KEEP. FIT CLASS: A rhythmic- al activity class of exercises for business girls and married ladies. Medicals required, 7.30 p.m, HANDICRAFTS: Leathercraft, feltcraft, glove- asking, weaving, ) | ete., 7.00-10.00 p. OSHAWA CHESS CLUB: p.m WED. OCT. 21 NURSERY SCHOOL: For chil- Leathercraft, am, HANDICRAFTS: weaving, feltcraft, glove-making, ete., 2.00 - 5.00 p.m SLIM AND TRIM CLASS: Weight reducing and weight normalizing class for Jarried adies. Medicals required, 2.30 UNIOR L ADERS' CORPS: Leadership course for teenage girls, 4.15 p.m. BALLROOM DANCING CLASS: 9.00 p.m. HANDICRAFTS: Leathercraft, feltcraft, glove-making, weaving, etc, 7.00 - 10.00 p.m. C.R.A. Adult -- Woodshop, Strength and Health Club, Boxing Club, 7-9 p.m. Rundle Park N.A. Euchre Party, 8 p.m, WEDNESDAY Recration office open all day, Lions Club Room for the Blind, 9-5.30 p.m. Adult --Woodshop, Strength and Health Club, Boxing Club, Shuffle- board, 2-4 p.m. Children -- Woodshop, 45.30 p.m. Oshawa Public School Public Speaking Contest sponsored by Community Chest, 4:30-6 p.m. Adult Woodshop, Strength and Health Club, Boxing Club, 1-9 p.m. _ Fernhill N.A. Meeting, 8 p.m. day evening by the Women's As- sociation in the annex of the church was greatly enjoyed by good crowd present. Twenty-five dollars was realized to help defray our new kitchen expenses. Rev. Geo. McQuade was preach- ing anniversary services at a form- er charge of some years back at Baltimore. Rev. Luffman of Bal- timore took the service here, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bentley of Pet- erboro visited on Thanksgiving Sun- day with the former's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Ted Bentley. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee, Miss Carrol Lee and David enjoyed a motor trip through the states for a few days recently. Almonds anniversary services will be held on Sunday, November 1. Services will be at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. A turkey dinner will be served in the annex on Thursday, Novem- ber 5 Congratulations to Miss Carol Lee who is music director at a number of local schools. Mrs. Lorne Fran is confined to Oshawa Hospital undergoing med- ical treatment. Richard Coakwell of Saskatche- wan and his sister, Mrs. Maddford, were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clinton-Pascoe has returned home from Oshawa Hospital where she had an operation on her arm. Mr. and Mrs. Moase of Oshawa and Howard McBride were Thanks- giving visitors wth Mr. Bob Guy and Miss Birdie Wicketts. SENIOR GIRLS' COUNCIL; 7.30 SENIOR LEADERS' CORPS: A Jeathership course for teenage girls, 8.00 dren 4 and 5 years of age, 9.301 AALAEY ARAR) ULE) AAA $54 A 3 RCO i ¥ LA RU 1] Ys O00 R000 AA LU OL nn 000 OO $14 athens ACO O08 OOOO 000 RK 00000 OE CALA LIA it O00 0 Wy y 0 3 8° 0 Alderman Cliff Harman is shown here making the draw for- the Nnights of Columbus at the | UAW hall on Friday. The owner of the ticket he pulled, William ! I John Lywood, RR 2 Lindsay, thereby became the owner of a 1953 Buick sedan. Chairman of the car draw, Jack Bawks super- K. OF C. WINNING CAR TICKET DRAWN vises the procedure from directly back of the alderman. Grand Knight J. H. Smythe is on the right. Times-Gazette Staff Photo HAMPTON M. HORN CorresPondent HAMPTON -- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Cowling, Bow- | manville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur | Burnett, Orono, (sisters), who are | celebrating the 50th anniversary of | their double wedding. The recep- tion was held at the Lions' Com- munity Centre, Bowmanville, on Wednesday evening, October 14. A number from here attended Thankoffering services at Eldad on October 11. The Home and School Associa- tion held its first meeting for the fall and winter months, on Tuesday evening, with a good attendance which the executive hopes will be continued through the winter. Par- ents are urged to attend and help along the work of the association, WI AT COBOURG a number of our citizens attend- ed the plowing match at Cobourg last week.*Several of our Women's Sisters Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversaries |they enjoyed. The beautiful gowns Institute ladies were present on Friday. Those who assisted with the serv- ing of refreshments in the "Feder- ated Women's Institute tent were { Mrs. Jack McNab, Mrs. Noran {Horn, Mrs. F. Holroyd #nd Mrs. Will Champman. Among the many Women's Insti- | tute ladies from various places, who were attired in lovely old time costumes and paraded the grounds were Mrs. T. M. Chant and Mrs. Charlie Warren who also had the unique experience of being driven around in a 1910 Buick car which of the many ladies attracted much attention and interest. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields, To- ronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trull, Mrs, E. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Louis and Charles, Enniskillen; and Herb Hancock, SALLY'S SALLIES | Copr. 1933, King Features Syndicate, Inc., ---- World rights reserved, "Mind my turning that picture * nervi the other way. It makes me so Newcastle, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens. Lloyd Kersey, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, during the weekend. Mrs. Lottie McCutcheon, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. | Federation Honors Former Minister TORONTO (CP) -- Thomas L. Kennedy, former premier and for- mer minister of agriculture for On- tario, has been named an honor- ary president of the Ontario Fed- | eration of Agriculture. V.S. Milburn, secretary-manager, said Friday: 'Ontario farmers appreciate Col. Kennedy's contribution to agricul- {ture in this province and are hone {ored by "his acceptance of this in- | vitation." SOYBEANS FOR OVERSEAS PORT STANLEY (CP) -- Can- rb first overseas shipment of oybeans--which, dealers said, was directly responsible for a price rise of 21 cents a bushel to the farmer in the last 10 days--Ileft here Sun- day. Opening of a new era for Port Stanley and other Lake Erie north shore ports was indicated by the sailing of the Shirley D. Taylor with 90,000 bushels of western On- tario soybeans, Agriculture Minis ter F. B. Thomas of Ontario said. Toronto, spent thanksgiving with his sister, Miss Lulu Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren spent the holiday weekend with re- latives at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. H. Faulkner, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Petit and baby daughter, Sharon, and Miss Cecile Petit, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs and family, Tyrone, were thanks- giving Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, To- ronto, were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter and Mr. and Mrs. H. Salter. Mr. and Mrs Kal Braun, Osh- awa, visited at the Lockwood home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Osh- awa, visited T. Wray's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billett, Mary [Jean and Jerome were at J. W. Balson's. Miss Bertha Armour, Reg. N,, Elmer Williamson London, was with her parents, Mr. and Miss Mary Keith, Toronto, | and Mrs. Geo. Armour. visited Percy Dewell's, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy |Sandra, Carol and Sharon visited spent thanksgiving day at homes of Mr. and Mfs. C. Uxbridge, and Mr. Wilbert Pefferlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham and | daughter Alana, Fenelon Falls, | |spent thanksgiving with her aunt Gall, the [relatives in Bowmanville. Mr. and M rs. Merwin Mount. Lee, | joy visited the home of Mr. Geo. {Black at Cadmus on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quarry and Mrs. McMullen were recent visitors with relatives at Trenton, Michi- land uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harland gan. Trull, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Mrs. Ruttan spent. the weekend at her home in Muskoka. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 43. Marine fish Persian fairy DOWN . Rebound . Fragrance . Energy (Collog.) . Water-god (Babyl.) . Lean-to . City (Ger.) . Blunder . Once a week 11. Bow 12, Ascend 13. Throw 15. Retain ACROSS 1. Level to the ground $8. Merganser 9. Assam silkworm 10, Long- eared rodent 11. On top 12. Rue ' 14. Edge 15. Famous pirate 16. A knockout (slang) 17. Stops 4 19. Old measures of length 21. Head (abbr.) 22. Sheltered side . Purchases . Invalid"s food . Drinking cup 26. Fold in thread . Disfigure 29. Board of Ordnance (abbr.) Emmets Fished with hook and line 84. Mister (abbr.) 35. Real . Biblical name 38. Act of 40. 44. » 81. 32. burying Hebrew musical ** instrument' 41.11 42. Baking chamber, ' 18, Device used for comic effect . Haul with effort . Kettle horse's neck . Young sheep . Strong forward rush . Handle roughly Town (Un. of So. Afr.) 30. Smell Saturday's Answer 33. One who fails to win Garden tool Narrow inlet (geol.) Hail! Opus (abbr.) 36. 39. 29. 40. 42. ' EC a RR