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Daily Times-Gazette, 26 Oct 1953, p. 7

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» AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative Phone Ajax 426 NEW PLANT TO BE ERECTED IN AJAX This is the architect's concep- tion of the new Fisher-Ludlow plant which will soon be under construction. in Ajax. The first | building will contain 12,000 square fest of floor space, and the five- | acre site will provide ample room for expansion. Fisher-Ludlow Ltd. recently celebrated their cen- tenary year in England and have been located in temporary buildings in Ajax for two years. The new plant will be in oper- first products will be pallet boxes, overhead and belt con- veyors, and steel and aluminum floorings. ation by the year end and the | | The Fisher - Ludlow Company has built up an enviable reputa- tion in the industrial life of Eng- land. The selection of Ajax as the {site of its first Canadian branch | is an indication of their faith in the future of the new town. | --Reproduction by John Mills Seyi EEL 3 402 Lal neha KINSMEN PREPARE Willing hands make light work | distribution at the Ki I | Lan. FOR HALLOWE'EN a. PARTY | the Ki are seen at work on of the task of filling over 1,000 | Hallowe'en party in Ajax Rotary bags of candy and nuts for free | Hall next Saturday evening. Above this big job. --Photo by John Mills Rotary Hall Will Be Fully Utilized AJAX -- (Times-Gazette Staff | floor has been refinished for the Reporter) -- Present indications | first time in many years, other al- are that Rotary Hall Jill be used jietations will Brake the building ore extensively this year | much more useful. than last. Time allocations have | PLAN POLICE CLUB been arranged, so that the Boy | Harry Brock, who operates the Scouts, Girl Guides- and kindred | bowling alleys has offered the use groups will have a place to carry | of ths east room to a proposed on with their activities. Junior Police Club. This club which The Baminton Club has arrang- | is being considered will be for boys ed a playing schedule which will [six to sixteen and will provide an not interfere with the full use of | outlet for their energies and direct the hall Muning week Highs. | them in to some constructive "ef- : ort. The Rotary Hall committee has The Ajax Police Foree under indicated that it intends to co-op- | Chief Traves will give leadership erate to the fullest extent in. keep- {in this venture similar to the Jun- ing the building in good shape and |ior Police Club recently started in while attempting to make revenues | Pickering Township. balance with operating costs will |. The Rotary Club of Ajax is to make the facilities available to the | be commended on the work it is Sommny as Jublic Service. | Somg End under 2 good manages s on the wes e pre- | ment Rotary Hall can yet become viously used for storage are now (a comm_nity asset rather than the being remodelled to provide dres- | "white elephant" it has been this sing rooms and a kitchen. The past few years. AJAX PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonnell, of Judique, Nova Scotia, who spent a week with their daughter, Mrs. Dan Batherson, and family, are {now visiting other members of their family in Detroit. Pte. Martin Batherson, PPCLI, Calgary, arrived home on Friday | | morning to spend a month's leave {with his parents and family, at 42 | Cedar Street. Mr. and Mrs. Arne Jansen ar- rived back in Ajax last week from Saskatchewan where this year. é Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson celebrated their- 25th wedding an- niversary on Tuesday, October 20. Mr. Geo. Finley and Mr. John Mills attended the three-day con- vention of the Ontario Public School Trustees' Association, held in Niagara Falls last week. Their wives accompanied them, Mrs. Finley going on to the CWL con- vention in Kitchener on Tuesday. Cooking School Kinsmen Plan Party | For Hallowe'en Opens Tonight AJAX "-- The popular cooking school, which has becom> ~n an-| ; nual event, will be the ¢ § » of| AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re- attraction in Ajax Rotary nall to-| porter) -- The Ajax Kinsmen are night. . holding their annual Hallowe'en The school is sponsored by Ajax Rotary Club and the proceeds will be used to finance community | proj:cts. | Miss Joan Fielden, dietitian direc tor of tae Brenda York Food Clinic, will be in charge of the school. ' The school will be held on both | Monday and Tuesday. Thirty-five | prizes will be given away each | evening, in addition to a grand prize draw both nights. | Housewives will have a splendid | opportunity to improve their cook- | ing technique and husbands too, | can acquire some valuable tips for those occasions when the cook is away and mere man is left to | fend for himself. | | WEEKLY EUCHRE CLUB | The Weekly Euchre Club was | entertained at the home of Mrs. | E. McAllister, on Wednesday eve- ning. Prize winners were 1. Mrs. W. Hannon. 2. Mrs. D. Galley. Con- | solation went to Mrs. S. Wilson. Next Wednesday the club will meet at the home of Mrs. DD. Milne, 2 Glynn Ave. SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT AJAX -- The Annual Commence- menf of the Pickering and Dis- trict High School will be held on Friday, October 30, in the school | auditorium at 8.15 p.m. A recep- | tion will be held afterwards for graduates and their parents. CLOSE NEIGHBOR Volume of travel between Can- | ada and overseas is normally less | than one per cent of that between Canada and the U.S. : Party tor Ajax children in Rotary Hall, Saturday, October 31, at 7 p.m. Music, songs, films and other enteridinment including a one-man band act, are planned with skits by some ghostly Kinsmen adding a weird and exciting touch to the evening. Free bags of candies, nats and fruit will be given to each child at the end of the show. «* CHILD DIES IN FRIG HIGHLAND FALLS N.Y. (AP)-- David Allan Bowdoin 4 suffocated in an abandoned ice box Saturday becoming the 15th known victim of such a tragedy in the United States this year. Three other children have died in a similar manner in Canada. The Bowdoin boy had been playing in the back yard of his home with a brother 9 and a cousin 7. OF ECONOMY All Ajax children are invited, there is no charge. Everyone will be expected to dress up for the occasion in time-honored fashion. | It has been decided this year | that the judging of costumes will | be dispensed with, due to the fact [that the entertainment provided (will take up the whole evening. i A production line of Kin workers |spegt several hours this weekend filling over 1,000 bags of good things for distribution to the , oung- sters. Mothers are asked to see that their children get to Rotary Hall early, as the show will start at.7 p.m. sharp so that the wee ones | they | § | went following their marriage early | 8 Stroke Fatal After Fall MRS. MARIE MANNING * Correspondent PICKERING BEACH Mrs. Flora Porter passed away in the Oshawa General Hospital on Wed- n2sday, October 14, following a fall earlier in the week in which she sustained injuries to her forehead, and latterly a stroke which over- caltie her some time on Wednes: ay. Mrs. Porter, in her 74th year, was born in Langley Mills, Not- tingham, England, and was prede- ceased by her husband Charles' Patrick Porter in 1951. Mrs. Po has been living with her daughter - |and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Browell (Frances) of Poplar Av- enue for a number of years. Our sympathies are with the Browell family at this time of bereavement. The school children have decide- ly mixed feelings concerning the innoculations that are due to be made early next week. Diptheria and Tetanus injections will be given those who receive parents consent. Parents may also take advantage of this opportunity te have their pre-school youngsters innoculated at the same time...the School House, Monday afternoon, October A sincere welcome is extended to the Reed family who will be moving into the "Robin's Nest" on Poplar Ave. this weekend. An executive meeting of the Pick ering Beach Home and School As- sociation will be held at the home of the President, Mrs. Donald man- ning on Lakeview Blvd. Monday evening, October 26. Tom Fool Wins Pimlico Special Sets New Record BALTIMORE (AP)--Tom Fool ran one of his most magnif cent victories of the 10 straight he has scored this year by gliding to a track record in the Pimlico Special Saturday. His only two competitors, E. P. Taylor's Navy Page and Hampton Stable's Alerted, never threatened him for the mile and three six- teenths and he finished eight lengths in front. The four - year - old Greentree Stable colt skimmed around Pim- lico in 1:55 4-5, a fifth faster than Capot's record set May 14, 1949. Alerted ran second most of the way, but the closest he could get to the smooth-rolling Tom Fool was three lengths at the three-quarter mark. The Toronto industrialist's Navy Page came on in the stretch to nose out Alerted for second place. The $30,000 special first prize boosted Tom Fool's total ear "ings to $570,165 and elevated him from 10th to seventh in the all time standings. HIALEAH CLOSED _ MIAMI -- Hialeah race track is closed to the public this sum- mer for the first time since 1932. Hialeah is building a new $2,000,000 clubhouse and 'adding other im- provements for its 1954 seeason -- Jan. 18 - March 6. HEAR BETTER! NOW. ..TODAY! Try a Zenith Hearing Aid at home, work, church, theater. You hear better, right from the start, or your money is refunded under Zenith's famous 10-day money-back Guarantee. AND FOR YEARS TO COME! Enjoy the assurance of continued satisfaction! Your Zenith Hearing Aid Dealer will be happy to give you all details about the written 1-year Warran- ty and 5-year Service Plan. Visit your local Zenith dealer right away. He is list- ed in the classified telephone directory. Or write for free literature and list of Zenith Dealers: Zenith Radio or- poration of Canada, Ltd., anada Trust Building, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. ENITH: HEARING AIDS 3 Great Models "ato By the Makers of Zenith TV and Rodio Sets Zenith Hearing Aids ore aveiloble ot IMPERIAL OPTICAL '60. LTD. 22%; SIMCOE SOUTH Above the Home Dairy DIAL 5-1741 Zenith Hearing Aids are available ot WHITTINGTON RADIO AND APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 5 BOND ST. WEST DIAL 5-5633 can get home before the curfew hour, 9 p.m. . | DISTRICT will sit at the AT ALL FINE SHOE REPAIRERS \ decide the same. THE CORPORATION OF THE IMPROVEMENT TAKE NOTICE That the Court of Revision Municipal Board Room, Buildin King's Crescent, Ajax - on the - Sth Day of November, 1953 AT 8:30 P.M. To hear appeals against Assessments made for 1953, and appeals against certain taxes for 1953, and to OF AJAX g 2001, rter | Wings, BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT Representative--Donald Hendry, 77 Ontario St., Phone 881 a THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, October 26, 1953 7 Legion To Hold BOWMANVILLE -- The second round of Bowmanville's minor hockey league was played 'Satur- day morning with three Peewee games, and two Bantam matches. In the Peewee division the Rangers met Canadiens for the first. morning game, Hawks vs. and Leafs against the With the Bantams, the Tigers met the Lion's Cubs, while the Comets tangled with the Huskies. In the first Peewee game of the morning, the Rangers rode down the Canatjons to a 4 to 1 defeat. Clarke was the only Canadiens marksman, scoring one on an un- assisted effort. For the victorious Rangers it was Hughes from Goode, Crossey from Hughes, Hughes from Crossey, and Turner by himself to complete the scor- Bruins. The Hawks were grounded by the Wings in the second contest, with the Burgess-Bagnell combo working heavily to bring home the markers. Burgess from *Balson began the scoring, and then Bur- goss dented the twine by himself or an unassisted goal. Bagnell also scored on a lone effort, and assisted sharpshooting Burgess on the fourth and final tally. Wise- man and Thirtell combined for the only Hawk counter to end the game at Wings 4, and Hawks 1. There was one penalty in the Keen Games in Town's Minor Hockey League ~~ Annual Banquet BOWMANVILLE The Bow- manville Branch of the Canadian Legion met Thursday evening in the Legion Hall to discuss pre- parations for their annual Armis- tice Supper, which will be held this year on Saturday, November 7, beginning at 6.30 ra Following the meal, M. Mcln- tyre Hood, managing editor of the Oshawa Daily Times-Gazette and ardent legionnaire 'will address the group. On Sunday morning, November 8, a special church parade will be held and members wishing to attend the services are asked to form up at the Legion Hall at 10.15 a.m. ? - A brief portion of the service will be held at the cenotaph, and then members will march to Trinity United Church for regu- lar worship. Another parade will be held in Orono United Church the same day. Evening worship will begin at 7.30 p.m. and it is expected many veterans of the local branch will attend this service also. contest when Balson of the Wings drew 2 minutes for tripping. In the Leafs vs. Bruins, the Leafs came out on top with a § to 1 count. Crombie scored first unassisted, while Vanstone teamed with Wallace to peg the second. Then Hughes, Masterson and Piper finished the scoring for Leafs with three solo runs on the Bruin net. There were three penalties handed out during the match, Webb of the Leafs, and Parks and Black of the Bruins, all 2 minute penalties for tripping. The first Bantam contest saw the Tigers eke out a neat 2 to 1 win against the Lion's Cubs. Cattran from Masterson early in the game counted the first Tiger tally, with Masterson coming in alone to beat Parker for the sec- ond and final goal. Dave "Lefty" Reynolds was the lone Cub marks- man. The only penalty in the tight match was drawn by Don elsh of the Cubs, 2 minutes for tri ping. 4 the final tilt, the Huskies trimmed Comets by a 5 to 3 margin. Crossey was the big gun for the winners, scoring three un- assisted goals and teaming with Cramp for the fourth. McKnight got one by -himself to complete the five count. Fox Comets it was Ross Williams, Pickard and Ma- jerrison scoring one each on lone Plays. and trailer driven by Lewis Bar- tiated during Thursday's meeting. He was Guy. Veitch. Car And Truck Badly Damaged BOWMANVILLE -- William J. Glanville of Orono and C. L. Frohlick of Hamilton, plus a truck Car Skids Into Highway Ditch BOWMANVILLE -- Highway 7A day night, at Crawford Lytle of Toronto narrowly escaped serious injury. was the scene of an accident Fri- [out of control. | Lytle was travelling south-when | ker. of Castleton viewed the New- | i y a vehicle in front of him pulled Castle Subway = ignvey. 2 at over sharply off the road in order Exercising due *care, Mr. Glan- to enter a lane. Lytle jammed on his brakes and spun around in the centre of the highway, going | ville and Mr. Frohlick stopped on the west entrance to the narrow "hole in the wall" to allow. an eastbound truck to pass through a with plenty of room. His car turned over once, and! skidded into the ditch on its side. ness of the mishap, but was un- Lytle was stunned by the sudden- | injured. One new member was duly ini- | All was well fintil Barker and his heavy trailer creeped up be- hind the two, brakes squealing, and administered a sound jolt to the two vehicles as they waited. Mr. Glanville received a $50 dent, but the worst was still to come. 'Frohlick, on the second combination, felt the bump and accelerated to pull away. The truck did the same and Frohlick was struck a setond time, now amidships. His car was squeezed into the wall of the subway with subsequent tearing of metal, while the truck made like a convertible, leaving half the trailer roof plast- ered against the curved wall of the subway. Total damage after a wrecking truck 'had cleared away the re- mains, $2000. Half for Mr. Froh- lick, and half for the truck. No one was injured in the accident. "COOKING SCHOOL sponsored by the ROTARY CLUB, AJAX under the direction of MISS JOAN FIELDEN ROT" "Y HALL | AJAX | s00PM. {| MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 ADMISSION 50¢ At Least 35 Prizes Nightly Plus Grand Prize Draw Each Evening Tickets available from any Rotarian, or Ajax Marketeria or Kemps Drugs w drain. B. C. FALBY, Sec.-Treas. Qoo Your For your Fall Changeover get complete cold-weather engine protection with heavy-duty Marvelube M.S.* . . . and with Imperial Esso Specialized Lubrica- tion (every point serviced by chart to manufacturers' requirements). Marvelube is the tough, free-flowing ofl that means fast starts on coldest days, helps prevent money-wasting battery- It's anti-acid--battles bearing corrosion. It's powerfully detergent-- combats gummy engine sludge. For all-round engine protection in every kind of weather, ask for Marvelube-- Canada's largest-selling motor oil. | 1 MS (Heavy | - Canada's Bl largest selling - Motor Oil IMPERIAL Esso DEALER ®MS--new American Petroleum Institute classification denoting the most severe service meets all for this type of service: MOTORISTS Duty) velube praca TT ONE IMPERIAL QUART

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