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Daily Times-Gazette, 27 Oct 1953, p. 4

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) mew WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS mem To Hear of Sewer Proposal At waITsY Six Indictments . 'Ratepayers' Public Meeting DAY Bh Before Grand Jury Accounts of social events and ; le th but 4 d a i news items of local interest 8 To consider from every angle the [to bu ime does not permi 3 sewer construction bylaw which [any lengthy discussion of it. Lin Rodney of and names of visitors are ap AY ASK QUESTIONS preciated. : the ratepayers of Whitby will vote iy Sy meeting cards will be PHONE 703 Wesley Prymac is charged on | on, at the. forthcoming civic elec-| passed out to the ratepayers by August 27 with breaking and en- tion, the Whitby Chamber of Com- |ushers on which can be written te the home of Mary Davies , merce is sponsoring a public meet- | questions which will be dealt with on Altona Road in Pickering Town-- ing in the Town Hall on Thursday |by the appropriate official. Mayor ship. He also faces a count of evening of this week. Harry W. Jermyn at the outset carrying offensive weapons, a On.the platform will be experts | Will outline the entire proposal, and knife and steel billy and a wooden - from the town and the Killbour the town treasurer, John R. Frost, billy. alicia} 2% Engineering Company who will |will deal with the financial side A short lesson on the jul Sicia rg outline the plan for the construc-/and other experts will furnish any sradition was Lang A His ra 5 tion of trunk sewers: in sections ship members Of e bp at required information. ; RE > the towh where no sewer service | BY means of tenders receited lined PE a few words the respective Whitby Town Council last week ®as A A Presidént Robert @. Langford, |2dvised that the monster sewer duties and functions of judge and ; | of al of hte will (plan could be put into operation wy is dest "| BE AR sel r, Wi [for considerably less than ,000, fhe grand jury, s the i est. | preside, lg bn obit Bh pi At last week's meeting of council, institu on in 2 ministra 8 i ® ale its | members studied tenders submit- | | justice," said His Lordship, "It regard social and health benefits |, by various contractors for the |Suests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.| Vincent Russell of Pickering |is a bulwark against the possibility , and also deal with the cost. job of installing a main sewer sys- | Vickett, Anderson Street, and while | Beach is charged with motor man- | of false charges being Jaid against . To give information to the meet- here attended the IOOF open in- | slaughter and alternatively with innocent eitizens. Therefore it be- ing there will be present Mayor 4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, October 27, 1958 Six bills of indictment against Rodgerson three persons were considered by |a grihd jury in. Whitby yesterday The October meeting of the Hill- |at the opening of the fall assize crest Home and School Association court, with Mr. Justice D. P, J. will be held in the school Thursday | Kelly presiding. Henry Childhdtise evening October 29th. An interest- as foreman of the grand jury. ing feature of the programme will. Roger John Corbett of Uxbridge, be a travelogue titled "Around the is Charged with murdering his World on a Thousand Dollars." brother Ted by shooting him during All parents and friends are most an altercation in their home on cordially invited. | July 23rd last. Alternatively he is s charged with manslaughter, De- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Montgomery | fining the meaning of the findict- and son Douglas, of Buffalo, N.Y.; | ments to the jury, His Lgrdship Miss Margaret Kay of Hamilton, | pointed out that murder is culp- Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R.| able homicide and that lacking in- Hill of Little Britain; Mr. and Mrs. [tent to kill it becomes man- W. H. Chester of Oshawa were |slaughter. TUMBLING WATERS The Guaira waterfall in Para- guay has an average flow of 470,- 000 cubic feet per second, from a height of 130 feet. : WHITBY TWP. COUPLE WED 50 YEARS en in a the Sova, Prices stallation at the Town Hall on dangerous driving. It is alleged he | hooves us to guard jealously . . . Jermyn, to deal with the overall | $i50000 to slightly over $200,000. October 24th. {was the driver of a car on Feb- the bulwarks of our liberties. da, to speak on the social welfare {The ' tenders were turned over to The Dun das 'Home and School EY 27 which was in Sollision Crown Attormey Alex Hall is ¢ | int; i - , 0! 001 | with ther, ing the death of prosecuting a ree cases. SP rion Davis, S558 Ie OE and ates. sine | Association will hold their meet. Wik3 20" er, SaUsng Tie te P ga Al | question which will be asked at the treasurer, who will explain the A. | election in December goer we. hi : Pil be th De nancial details; Dr. F. A. Cuddy, | ag already noted. : Es siawa) bhi the gues medical officer of health; Mr. M.|" The engineers estimate that an-| frenshin "Mise Joinre Strowser D. Stewart, of the Killborn Engin: ip ies Jozute Sthowger eering Company; Charles Chaylor, | additional pumps. will favour the members with piano or n argement ¥ The situation today in Whitby is i speak on the industrial angle, and | that many ey, oH Bay a Meeting Fefreshunants any 39 hour | ; : ae 3 : |James Ross, chairman , of the |gewer service have been paying for | CC onp W enjoyed. | Expansion of Whitby Public Li- sent serves the Chamber of Com-' Whitby Public Utility Commission. |i th h their t i i y brary service is plann>d by the merc. as an office for the indus-- AS PUBLIC SERVICE So Wiig on ox. Having, heen their supply teach | Board of Trustees | trial commissioner, and the Board y er, Mrs. Tom Beer, was pleasantly | S ] : + " The meeting is being sponsored years ago when Mayor Jermyn surprised on Sunday afternoon, | Yesterday at a special meeting |Will Jake no change there, it is' public service, and not with the [and this year much attention was | School, gathered at her home and |instructel by resolution to get in| Last year the library celebrated: idea of influencing the ratepayers |given to the project with the result | presented "her with several gifts. [touch with Angus Mowat, inspector | its centennial, an event which serv-,, in any way. The Chamber feels that consulting engineers have | She was much impressed by their |of libraries for the province of On- ed to focus public attention on the that the matter is so important | been called in and prices obtained | thoughtfulness. tario, and invite him to come to value of the library to the com- from a health and financial stand-- from a long list of contractors. | Whitby and consult with the Board. | munity. The establishment of a, point that every opportuniy should | There are many other angles to the | ; [ be afforded the ratepayers to get project, such ase industrial and| Attending the anniversary serv-|(he expansion programme a chil-- |doubt prove to be a popular and the complete details. The Chamber | health, together with the "steady | ices of St. Andrew's Presbyterian |qren"s department will be estab- | Progressive move. 7 is hopeful that the hall will be |growth of the town and the impor- | Church Sunday were several mem- | ished in the downstairs a bly | filled, as it should on an occasion |tant industrial announcement | bers from the church at Picker-|.oom which is now used for not a r : {8 4 few meetings by local "Grganiza- | the question might be referred 'the Dunlop Company. | with the local church under the te | pastorate of the Rev. David Mar- | gan 'j t ible with. th 4 shall. Now a separate church with | step Boni Poy eh be 0d | its own minister, the church con- la real effort has been made over 8 ers a tinues to make progress, and Te-|; period of years to provide such | facilities. ] JM HOGF | cil communications to the Israeli UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)-- | government in which he declared Well known and hightly re- , wedding anniversary. A dinner | cession of Whitby Township. Pic- - garded citizens of Whitby Town- was served to members of the | ture shows the bride cutting Mrs. Frederick J. Bird on Sat- which the couple were at home | years ago. urday celebrated their golden ! to their friends on the 7th con- Photo Scoot Studio, Whitby. ship for many years, Mr. and | family at the Hotel Royal after | wedding cake as she did 50 Mr. and Mis. F. J. Bird Celebrate |3 Divorces the engineers to study 'before mak- HE trasure r,who Iw elii nhtefi-p xal ing on Wednesday evening, Oct- P 13 Li Pl } ublic ibrary an other $12,000 will be required for industrial commissioner, who wil selections. At the close of the The matter came to a head two by the Chamber of Commerce as a brought the matter before Council, | when grade 5 pupils of King Streef | the secretary, John R. Frost, was |learncd. y | ATTNEDED ANNIVERSARY | 1; ig understood that as part of | children's department would no of this kind. On nomination night made last week 'with respec to | ing which was for years affiliated tions. At the present time such a! cently installed an electric organ. The library membership is grow- TENDERED RECEPTION A t the close of the evening service in All Saints' Church Sun day. evening, the congregation met |ing, and more and more books are | being purchased to meet the var- ied Jastes ou the reading public. d ; ven with its crowded 'condition, in the parish hall to extend a the jibrary is recognized as being ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewinding - Repairing Sales and Service 30th Wedding Anniversary Surrounded by the members of | their family and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Bird, well known and highly esteemed resi- dents of Whitby Township, on Saturday celebrated the 50th an- niversary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Bird have lived for thirty years in the Township of Whitby. They had a farm for 18 years on the 7th concession, which they sold, purchasing a smaller farm of 21 acres on the 'Are Heard In | Fall Assizes | Mr. Justice Kelly, on the opening The United Nations Security Coun- cil called an extraordinary double session today to take up the ex- plosive Palestine issue -and study possible ways of ending'the Israeli- Arab border killings and disputes. To make way for these urgent council deliberations, the General day of the fall assizes at the On- Assembly's political committee put that investigation had shown there has been interference with normal civilian life in the demilitarized zone where the project is being carried out; and that the diversion | of the river waters into a canal for power might cut off the Supply of water to Israel's neighbors dur ing the dry season. | the reception on his work in Ja-| welcome to Canon and Mrs. P. one of the best to be found in t i / itby | owns Chaperlin, who moved to Whitby | ¢ Whitby's size. during the week, the Canon taking | "wpe room in which th ie b e Board the Sunday services. He spoke at |po14¢ its monthly meetings at pre- PORT . WHITBY ELECTRIC 1600 Brock Street South maica, where he spent 40 years. OCTOBER RASPBERRIES Raspberries in October, and good | ones at that, were picked by E. J. | VILLAGE HOME -- $1,800 DOWN 4-bedroom with four-piece bath, living room, dining room and kitchen. This insulated insul brick home is The celebration began with alisame concession from the Sebert | dinner served at Hotel Royal, Whitby, when many offered their gifts, congratulations and good wishes. History of 50 years ago repeated itself when the bride cut a huge wedding cake Estate, which they still own. Mr. | tario County Court, has heard three | Off until Wednesday continued de- Bird works for "a construction divorce actions. Judgement was | pale on Terican CIarges Bo fompany iu Oshawa but finde time | reserved by His Lordship on two centre to wring from captured | Mr. Bird likes to tell of Sia First | the actions, and a decree-nisi | American soldiers "confessions' experience in Canada when he |Was granted in the third. | that they participated in alleged The main spotlight, however, was on Bennike"s afternoon report | on the border incidents, which | brought bitter protests to Israel | from the U.S., Britain and France. | The Big Three asked that Bennike Humphreys, Byron Street North, | on the farm of Ray Wilkins, 7th | concession of Whitby township | yesterday ' afternoon. A sample | was brought to the Times-Gazette office, and Mrs. Humphreys report- germ warfare in Korea. The new | lots of them | prepared for the event. Later the couple were at home to friends at their home on the 7th concession of Whitby township. + The bride and groom of fifty years ago joined hands im holy matrimony in West Walton, Nor- folk, England, and came to Can- ada in 1910. The bride was Clara Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, and groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bird. worked for a famer at Newton- brook for $25.00 a month and he had a wife and child to keep. Of the union of half-a-century ago five children were born, four boys and one girl. Joseph and Norman of Weston; Mrs. Alfred Harrow (Hilda) of Oshawa; Merv- in, RR 1, Brooklin, and Louis, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Bird attend the United Church at Brooklin. Sympathy, No Scorn For Modern Coward By DEREK JAMESON | LONDON (Reuters)--A man vol-' unteers to fight for his country | and then cowers at the bottom of | a foxhole whimpering in fear and panic as the enemy attacks. Is he a candidate for prison or psychiat: ric treatment? Many Britons are hotly debating the case of Fusilier Patrick Lydon, | 26, sentenced last week to a year's | detention and dishonorable dis- | charge from the British Army for | "cowardice in the face of the en- emy." Lydon, a volunteer said to have the mental age of a 12-year-old. refused to take up his Hie as 6,000 Chinese attacked his sector of the .Korean front Nov. 4, 1951. The young soldier returned home to the waiting arms of military police after spending 18 months in a North Korean prisor camp with some of the comrades he let down. Since he was sentenced last Thursday, newspapers have becn showered with letters, the major- ity of them sympathizing with Ly- don. Newspaper editorials havi been for him. "He will live with his shame for the rest of his life." said the Sunday Pictorial. "Surely this is punishment enough." The public outcry, which may end on the floor of the House of | Commons, reéflects a change in mood over they ears. In the First World War many British soldiers were executed on the battlefields for cowardice--and few people shed tears for them, The high brass at the war office BROC Judgement was reserved in the ! {action of Joyce Elizabeth Morrison, of Halifax, vs Lloyd George Morri- | son and Ada Porter, of Oshawa. This uncontested action was pre-- | sented by Z. T. Salmers, plain- | | tiff's solicitor, of Oshawa. { His Lordship also reserved a de- |cision in the action of Maxwell | Glen Bebee, of Oshawa, vs Mable | Bebee and Leonard Freeman Par- | The | | liament, 'of Peterborough. plaintiff's solicitor was W. B, Gor- | tine, Denmark's Maj.-Gen. Vagn | by affidavits from returned Ameri- don, of Peterborough. | A decree nisi was granted fo charges, made Monday, brought a | quick denial from the Russians. | The Security Council was sched- uled to hold a morning session to | discuss Syria's complaint that Is- | rael has diverted Jordan river waters illegally and to the detri- | ment of her Arab neighbors. | HEAR TRUCE HEAD At an afternoon session, the body was to hear a report from the UN truce supervisor in Pales- Bennike, on a series of bloody | border incidents that have reached | come here to make his report. SAY ARABS PROVOKED | Israel has charged that a long | series of attacks by armed Arabs on Jewish villages has resulted in | the loss of many lives, and finally | incited retaliation. | The bacteriological-warfare de- {bate was launched Monday by [ember 13th, in the Town Hall, it | U.S. delegate, Dr. Charles Mayo, | Was {the noted Minnesota surgeon, who | Principal Donald Tutt. The usual | charged in a lengthy report backed | can PoWs that Russians directed | and actually participated in the | Charles I. Tamblyn, of Oshawa, |a climax which, the Western Big | torture interrogations that forced | seeking a dissolution of his mar-- | riage with Doris Tamblyn. William ! McGuire was named correspon- | Three claim has threatened the peace in the Middle East. | The United States suspended vir- | some prisoners to germ-war claims. Russia's Jacob A. "confess" the | | Malik de- dent. The plaintiff's case was pre- | tually all economic aid to Israel-- | nounced the charge as "a lie and sented by A. W. S. Greer, QC, of an estimated $60,000,000. for the a slander which we repudiate." He Oshawa. year--after Israel ignored a UN | countered that the U.S. had forced ! | truce commission order to halt |the returned prisoners to repudiate still has to confirm the sentence. There is hope at Lydon's home in Middlesbrough that the public sympathy will bring a reversal of the verdict. . Whitby Classified | NOTICE: : Classified advertisersents for this column must be in the Whitby office by 5 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. INSULATE NOW, WITH ROCK-WOOL, blower method, free estimates. Phil | Harper Green St. Whitby. Phone | 2277. (Nov26) | | ROCKWOOL INSULATION, F 1 RE | proof. Cool in summer; warm in winter fw Zing With her a man runs ...but he never run HOWARD HUGHES presents | JANE RUSSELL VICTOR MATURE i co-storrin 4 4 VINCENT PRICE. ------ Evening Shows 7:00 p.m. Last Complete Show 8:20 K WHITBY 9 PHONE 618 a risk s far! Joho onel Ie fight Hho « mon bodore doe contd how 20 foe t: Walter Ward, Insulation Contractor, 204 Chestnut West. phone (Nov.21) WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED, SEP. tic tanks installed and cleaned, com- pressure work done, Phone 2563. W. Ward, 210 Chestnut West, (Nov3) WELLS DUG 2, DEEPENED. SEP- tic tanks inst'fed and cleaned. Phone 2961. Don Fewris, 639 Brock St. North, Whitby. (Nov20) FOR RENT -- ROOM IN PRIVATE home for refined gentleman, two blocks from four corners. 304 Brock North, | Phone 2571, (2458) | LOBT--A BOY'S BROWN GABARDINE | Jacket, red flannel lining. Finder please phone 687 Whitby. Reward. (2502) SAWS -- ALL KINDS, SHARPENED, filed, set. Rear of George Hamers. 212 Brock South. Andy Anderson. (Nov3) ROOM AND BOARD OR 2 GENTLE. men. Phone 2757. (2500) FOR RENT -- 2ROOMED, SELF-CON- tained apartment, suit single person or | | business couple. Write Pos! Office Box | 61. (250¢) FOR SALE_'46 CHEV. SEDAN, GOOD condition, $75 iash, take over payments, ! Phone Pickering 372wl. (2502) | FOR SALE -- FINDLEY GAS STOVE, | | good condition, propane gas space heater. Phone Pickering 372wl. (250b) = re | { WANTED TO BUY---CHESTERFIELD, | | 2 arm chairs and baby crib. In good condition, H. Kuenen, 917 Dundas West, Whitby. (250b) | DAY CARE FOR or 5 years of age. West. MALL CHILD, 3, 4 pply 705 Dundas St. (250b) | WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK | for Nov. 2. Boys 1 and 2. 'Counrty home or permanent. Phone Pickering 180. | 2506) | | MALE HELP WANTED--FOR GENER. | wood shop work, temporary, exper- | lenced. See Mr Harris, Wm. J. Ander | son Co, (2502) ! FOR RENT -- 3-ROOM APARTMEN1 | adults only, 312 Dundas St, West, Whitby. | (250e) {cess Margaret for the command | home Monday. He was the oldest Nn Michigan in 1906 and work on the Jordan project. | their confessions under threat of Bennike placed before the coun-'prosecution. TV Cameras Follow Queen's Chat To Stars | LONDON (CP) -- Something new was added to the royal motion pic- ture performance Monday night when the invited audience watched the Queen's arrival on large-screen television from their seats inside the theatre. They saw the Queen chatting in the lobby with screen stars, in- cluding Gary Cooper, Jeanne Crain and Gloria Grahame, before she made her entry into the royal box. The Queen was accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and Prin- performance of the new Walt Dis- ney picture "Roby Roy." Thousands of persons packed into Leicester Square, heart of Lon- don's movieland. Hundreds of po- licemen had to link arms to hold back the cheering throngs as stars and royalty made their entrances to the floodlit theatre. MET CHILD STAR The Queen received a bouquet from child star David Douglas- Morris, and then, as television He Invented Compressors For Mining TORONTO (CP)--Charles Have- lock Taylor, 94, noted for his in- vention of hydraulic air compres- | sors used in mining, died at his| member of the Canadian Mining Institute. Born in Chatham, N.B. he in- stalled his hydraulic air compres- sors at the Victoria copper mines three vears later put them into the silver mines at Cobalt. WEDDINGS The marriage of Margaret Frances Vi- pond, daughter of Mrs. Helen Gierman of Whitby and the late Mr. Mark Starbird and Clarance Birrell Cook, son of Mrs Sarah Cook of Manchester and the late second | earlier this year. The Duke also | met band members during a visit | of the Rebeka Lodge and cameras relayed the scene on to| the movie screen, was introduced | to Richard Todd and Glynis Johns, stars of "Rob Roy." Then she moved down a line of | assembled actors and actresses, | pausing to ~ exchange comments | with each. The Queen, resplendent in a | tiered crinoline-type evening dress | ofl avender organza tied with a | big bow at the back, wore a dia- | mond tira, diamond and emerald | necklace and a diamond bracelet. HEARS RCAF BAND | A feature of the premiere of the Scottish-setting film was Can- | ada's 16-man RCAF pipe band | which led actor Jack Hawkins. | who was master of ceremonies, on | to the stage. It was the band's appearance before the Queen and the Duke since its for- mation two years ago. Goi The band, under direction of pipe major John McKenzie of Ed- inburgh and led by drum major FO. Jack Oliver of London, Ont., played before the royal couple at a highland gathering in Scotland to the RCAF"s No. 1 Fighter Wing at North Luffenham, England, in May. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Violet D. Richardson and family | wish to thank the officers and members the many letters of | friends for the cards and ingland at the age of 96. |and athletic awards, ympath¥ in the loss of her mother in ih ed that. there are on a large lot in village of and they are as big and firm as the earlier crop. PLAN COMMENCEMENT NIGHT The annual Commencement night at the Whitby High School is to be held on Friday evening, Nov- announced yesterday by long list of diplomas, academic and other | prizes, will be presented during the evening. On No. 12 highway near 13 WHITBY 6-ROOM WHIT $11 A new home with open fi heating and top location. home is excellent and the pes = CROWN PROSECUTOR There are three criminal | actions to be heard at the sit- tings of the Supreme Court | which opened on Monday at the | Court House. The prosecutor in | all three cases is Alex. Hall, | Q.C., crown attorney for the County of Ontario. building job with excellent homey atmosphere Your REG BRYANT ELECTRIC Wiring & Repairs 213 BYRON ST."SOUTH TELEPHONE 628 W. C. Town & Sons | FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY PHONE 410 3 ecutive type family home @ 135 BROCK ST. N. T. €. MYGLAND Mr. William Cook, was solemnized ia Whitby on October 23rd, 1953. WHITBY PAINT AND WALLPAPER First Class Painting, Decorating, Paperhanging Color Schemes and Interior Finishes a Specialty Authorized "Pittsburgh Paint" Dealer Empire 'Wall Papers ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 488 Lacie 2 S. F. RUTHERFORD muting distance of Whitby and Oshawa. Taxes are low and terms easy. Full price only $6,900. 7 ACRES Small House, Highway Frontage small barn, garage and work shop. Heavy wiring, fur- {| nace and tap water in house. Make good market gar- den or greenhouse proposition. Down payment as low as $2,500 with $10,500 full price. Water at edge of property with good prospects of sewer available. Buy now and watch your investment grow. age. The builder has cut this home to the "bone" for a quick sale, so please, no offers. #7-ROOM BRICK $14,900 Again one of Whitby's top locations and a deluxe bedrooms and two bathrooms in this beauty. Plan to be in this cosy oil heated home before Christmas and you will delight with the open fireplace and the finer good here with neighbouring homes in the $20-$30,000 class and the modern school within one block. The builder says he will take the mortgage back himself: and the down payment is only $5,000. WHITBY RANCH HOME $18,500 With 3 large bedrooms, air conditioned oil heating, large open fireplace, attached garage and all the latest gadgets and fittings. Situated on a large lot, this ex- retire in but he now has the building "bug" and wants to build another. The landscaping is developing nicely around this.property, not much work to do, only mow the grass as it grows. The down payment is a little over $5,000 on this one but cash would be preferred. REAL ESTATE BROKER 922 Brock Street South, Whitby, Phone 2677 Claremont within easy eom- Whitby and Brooklin with LOTS $3,900 BY BUNGALOW ,900 replace, air conditioned oil The workmanship on this materials better than aver- fittings and materials. Four investment should pay off was built by the owner to y :

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