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Daily Times-Gazette, 31 Oct 1953, p. 15

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, October 831, 1953 15 set Your Oil Burners & Fuel Oil. NOW! eating Unit ow Smaller Home heating comfort comes in rprisingly small packages these ays, Not many years ago, the home yner surrendered a good part of lis basement to the furnace 'and s sprawling arms. It's a difrerent story today. with pme heat: upits designed and hsnlated so that they can be tuck- d into a closet safely with "zero" arance between furnace and ad- cent walls. It's not the turnace alone that as been streamline, Instead of the uge warm dir 'ducts of a few often as big around as a bushe "basket, it's now sible to get warm pes only 3% inches in diameter. These tiny ducts fit right into the stud spaces in walls and between the oor joists in the basement. Use of such small pipes is made | possible by the new 'blended air" principle of hating. Instead of being released direct- ly into a room, the heated air: in this system is mixed with room air | in blending chambers which are re- [Robe cessed in the walls and take the place of conventional warm air re- gisters. When a central cooling unit is hymn, added, cooling action is substituted for heating action, and the result is summer air conditoning - us! the same ducts and blenders use FORCED for heating in the winter time: AIR FOR EVEN HEATING Enjoy. your home oll. year long. Get § even in rooms fathest from your furnace. Let us call now and estimate your needs. Phone todoy and be ready for | mon, winter, . Oil Space 337 SIMCOE ST. § é hg Buy Fairbanks-Morse Furnace Today at HARRISON & KINSMAN - Heater or DIAL 3-4425 'Home Owners! Look! onLy$ 50 00m = - and - $10.00 MONTHLY . - will - COMPLETELY INSTALL IMPERIAL "ESSO Complete with ©® 200-GALLON TANK o AL CONTROLS @ | YEAR GUARANTEE & SERVICE For Futher Information Contact ALF HARRELL & SON 1072 SIMCOE STREET NORTH PHONES: Days, 5-G_38; Nights, 3-8142 RAGLAN Complete Plans For Bazaar MRS. H. THOMPSON Correspondent RAGLAN -- The Woman's As- Soclation met at the home of Mrs. Bryant on Wednesday af- Robert with- a good number pre sent. The Heating opened with the Me. Not, O Gentle [the Saviour", nd by te Lord's Prayer. "The scripture, read by Mis, ea e Luke, was taken from m. The topic of the les- pe nr ry nw fi aaghip". d Te] were heard an adopted. Pinal plans for the ba- zaar, which is next Wednesd: | ovember 4, were made. Mrs. | Wylie of Port Perry will n the bazaar at 2.30 p.m. The ladies are hoping for a good turnout as there are many ovary ly aprons, hand-work ed pillow cases, tea towels, etc., to be sold along with the country store and home baking. Of course, we always look forward to seeing yop all in the tea ove vy Siaging meeting close y Si pd the Cross", and the benedic_ Ho: cious refreshments were sbrved 'by the hostess and com- mittee in charge. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Luke. coi mEregation was smaller a usual on Sunday. The scrip ture was taken from the 28th chap- ter of St. Matthews, verses 16-20, S. G. ll chose for his ser- "Generosity, Love an dUn- selfishness." The choir san | "Brother James Air". Service wi be at the usual hour of one o'clock next Sunday. PERSONALS ar Creek, were Friday evening guests Mr. and Mrs. Gordon orner = Evelyn. L. Davidson and Ronnie ac- companied her sister Mrs. G. Free- man, and daughter of Oshawa, to , to visit Mrs. T. Howell, for week hL Mr..and Mrs, Joe La Rocque and Judy of Oshawa were Sunday sup- Jer Fuests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl and: family. am Roy Brown Syn spent Tuesday oon with Mrs Sharman ot What Mr. and Mrs. W. 3 ut Trenton, ere "weekend Mr. and Mrs George "and | Mrs Mrs. Ivy Ormiston has returned home after spending a | few days with relitves 1 Mrs. Earl Siute, ghd of North Oshawa. Mis Flossie Spencer and John t Wednesd of Scugog Island; a Mrs Manns and of Port Perry; Ms. Lioyd Mahatly and boys wep oy ly an were Friday eve Suests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Mrs. George pr were Sunday evenin, Mr. and Mrs. James Nas! Christin of Oshawa. Christine ad celebrating her 3 sixth bi Mr. rs. Gordon Hambly and Lyn spent the the weekend with rela- Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. Corner and Eve- evening guests 1d Corner and ests Oshawa were Sunday evening visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Notting- in and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Steele, Ced d Dave Batol aed fo oI and ay Far Hote and BR SR [awa were Fria Friday evening supper Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sloman. ana Mrs. Roy If periodic attention is given to maintenance of the heating system sonable care and is not overtaxed -- it should not give much trouble. When your heating system was selected, "its rating capacity was checked with the manufacturer's (be Specifications to be certain house could be heated to a comfortable 70 degrees when gatside temperature is minus 20 to Crh 20 degrees. " ds leasing range is consider- adequate for aver- ih gn conditions. The national home builders' as- » | sociation recommends that, im- mediately upon title to a new home, you should learn every- thing possible about the heating system installed. MANY DIFFERENT TYPES . There is a wide variety of heat- systems, methods and ins lations, the association points out. Learn yours operates, how it functions at maximum efficiency and what kind of fuel to use. The heating contractor can provide you with this vital information. Read the manufacturer's operating in- structions carefully. Almost all warm air furnaces have built-in filters. The filter is usually found close to the furnace where the sda, = ori to the furnace from t Made of I Ay a filters of your new home -- if it has rea- be tal- |as the oil Periodic Check Ensures Efficient Heating System are intended to cdllect dirt and dust and for efficient heating should replaced at the beginning of each heating season, and again guting the season if necessary, irty filters permit dust to be ay ted through the system, to et eeten on carpets, drapes, t i and furniture. Usual replacement consists of re- moving one or two metal screws, pulling out the filter and inserting a new one obtained at a hardware or department store, AVOID OVEROILING Forced warm air heating systeltis contain an electric motor and fan within the furnace enclosure and require periodic oiling at the be- ginning and during the heating sea- 30, Front or side panels can gen- be removed, thus exposing an and or oatri motor, as well cups. Avola overoiling the electric motor, and, as an extra precaution, wipe the motor with a clean cloth when oiling or changing the filter. Filters on the oil lines to oil fired furnaces should also be changed periodically, Always use the proper grade of fuel. Some owners of gas fired fur- naces will want to turn off the pilot light during the summer. Removal of the front panel of the furnace will expose shutoff valve for the pilot light. 'the Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller, Clagia and Betty were Mr. and Bruce Mrs. T. J. Mason of Pot berry and Mrs. Ada Dobson of Manches- ter in honor of Gloria's ninth birth- "Nis. Minnie Stone, her niece Miss Joan Guthrie, and Mrs. Walter Peterboro were weekend guess of Mr. and Mrs. James Lat- Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ferguson of Columbus were Sunday tea ts . and Mrs. aM | on Tuesday eve: Enh EAN cox Greenlee and Cal, Mrs. G. , C. Slute and girls, Corner: 20 Solomon and boys, were Thursday afternoon tea guests of Mrs. R. Bryant, the sccasion being Hy "Slute's birthd Mr. | dh Aselstts Susan guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tack Bright Mr. and Mrs. Ray H Carol of Oshawa + 4g guests of ad jurday Mrs. G. Freeman of Osh dson kd ie. Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, of Detroit, Mr. E. P. Collins of Whitby were Saturday guests of Mr. and Brown and f: Ci atulations to Mr. 'Mrs. Ross Latimer of North Oshawa on and | the birth of a daughter on Tuesday» October 27, at the Oshawa hospital. Mr. and Mrs. ng goests of Mr, were Sunday evening gues! and Mrs. James Nasi and Christin Wa. " Mr. and Mrs. N. Birkett and fam Frid vening visitors of a airs. . Porter and family Mr: and Mrs. pe Jamison of {| Nastieton and Mrs. Harten were Saturday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Ferguson and care-free, longer service, VIGOR OIL 78 Lond St. West Prepare for Winter NOW ! Let VIGOR OIL CO. LID. -- INSTAL -- Installed Complete With All Controls and 200-Gallon Tank PESS--leading in oil burner popularity for over forty years--now offers more for your money than ever before--more economy, more efficiency and "It still costs less to heat with FESS" FUEL OIL CONTRACT Canadas Pinest OIL BURNER PACKED WITH 12 EXCLUSIVE FEATURES 19, Ori Ormiston Mrs .E. Mathews, Diane and pand of Toronto were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryant. We welcome to the community Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hobden of Haliburton, who are tenants at the Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bell and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Manns, and ud girls. of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs Manns and Dougals of I were Sudly Svening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Man A number oo ag 'here attended the turkey verlag at Myrtle on Wednesday eve 3 i aportnien ave their guns ready tw hunt for pheasants which is Friday and Sat The' ghosts, Indians and all kinds of little cratures will be calling at your door on Saturday evening for the annual shellout on Hallowe'en. «=d B.C. Hits Out At 20 Careless Drivers rying to turn bad drivers into good ones, the B.C. Government in the past three months has sus- pended 58 drivers' licences, talked to 19 drivers about their bad re- cords and sent warning letters to another 352. Of the warning letters only five went to women ivers and no woman has had her licence sus- pended. All suspensions -- any- thing from a month to a year-- have been to men, according to Geo. Lindsay, superintendent of motor vehicles in Victoria. "It is not our intention to rule peo) le off the road," he said. t we want is to peo) le safe while they are on the roa B.C.'s plan for dealing with mot- orists who have bad driving re. cords went into effect May 1 and now is in general operation. Whole Mrs. | idea is to make good drivers out of bad before they cause serious damage, personal injury or death. Officials of the motor vehicle branch in charge of this "educa- tional pogram," stress that every case is to be considered individual- ly. Drivers under 40 are causing the most trouble on the highways and accounted for 92.2 per cent of those recelving warnings. Drivers 16 to 21 were responsible for 32.6 of the total. Those from 22 to 30 years of age, 41.6 per cent and drivers 31 to 40 made up 17.6 per cent. There were no drivers, over 60 on the warning list and those be- tween 41 and 50 accounted for only 5.4 per cent of the total and drivers 51 to 60 comprised 2.5 per. cent. Suspension of a driving licence in certain cases, Mr. Lindsay said is the only effective way of bring- ing bad drivers into line. In other instances a serious talk is all that is needed to make a careless driv- er realize the need for greater care. LOOK DOWN AT MOON The model of the moon at Grif- fith . Observatory, Los Angeles, Calif., is seen by spectograph, and spectators have = the - illusion of being in 2 position 600 miles above the satellite. Matches are a government mon- opoly in France and the average Frenchman has to get along with 1,350 matches a year. 500,000 SATISFIED USERS WILL TELL YOU SILENT GLOW Oil Burners Are Definitely the BEST For Ranges -- Heaters -- Furnaces CATS Gow, Glo Bail A ---- Silent Glow Oil Burners--Space Heaters--Stove Burners 160 King St. W. 24-Hour Service Dial 3-8214 HEATING UNITS Efficient - Attractive - Compact Ideal for utility rooms, low basements, off-the- floor installations. New design . . . new con- struction in the new Good Cheer "Low Boy" model. R.H. LOCKWOOD 288 ARTHUR ST. Heating - Sheet Metel Tinsmithing DIAL 3-2511 ow You'll Like McLaughlin's Careful, Courteous Drivers! No damage to your property when you take delivery of . .. McLAUGHLIN'S FUEL OIL® + + « And no danger of a ig house with "McLaughlin's" automatic weather- controlled delivery "Look for the big yellow and red trucks with the name 'McLaughlin CALL 3-3481 TODAY MLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. 110 King St. W. Oshawa 1290 Simcoe St. N. . SERVING OSHAWA AND DISTRICT SINCE 1922 FURNACES - OIL BURNERS - SPACE HEATERS - AIR-CONDITIONING UNITS - STOVE OIL - 24-HR. SERVICE (0. LIMITED Dial 5- 1109 OIL BURNERS - FUEL OIL GUARANTEED QUALITY EQUIPMENT AND OIL DELCO-HEAT OIL BURNERS BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS Listen to the "Guy Lombardo Show" Each Friday Night at 8:30 -- CKLB ERE Cl ll AA. Satisfaction Assured DOMESTIC FUEL OIL FOR FURNACES - STOVES - HEATERS CAREFUL COURTEOUS DELIVERY | ns 3 mn

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