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Daily Times-Gazette, 6 Nov 1953, p. 23

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-- in Old Story But It Always Has A Happy Ending--"Sold The First Ni Mr, C. -- William W., Was Able To Cancel This Ad After The First Insertion THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE, Friday, November 8 1953 => ght" FINDLAY SPACE HEATER, LARGE . size 2, With 200-gallon storage tank. Dial 3 (219g) For Rent | 32--Automobiles For Sale 32-- Automobiles For Sale EY For Sale | 33--Automobiles Wanted 37--Farmers' Column 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale [ ia HOURLY ROOM. APPLY Albert 8 (25% ! FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING OE Tu reasonable. Dial 3-2164. OOM APARTMENT, BATH, GAR- heated. Meo large furnish 8 hed room, th, arage, e Shite Daly, Savas (25%) AN FURNISHED ROOM FOR htleman. Central. Dial 3-9225. 5%) c TWO GIRLS. ATTRACTIVE ished room, central location, light hisekeeping if desired. Dial 3-3278. (259¢) ¥ DUPLEX, X, LARGE "LIVING n-dinette, bedroom, kitchen, bath- and sun-room. All newly decor- , Dial 3-2653. (25%¢) UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ms with sink, private entrance, oil Immediate possession. No chil- | ty 212 St. Julien. + URNISHED ROOM, GENTLE- n preferred. Close to Fittings and . Apply 168 Arthur St. (259a) ¥ RNISHED BEDROOM, VERY CEN- | 3-8644. (258¢) GLE FURNISHED ROOM IN PRI- te home, board optional. Phone 320% XTRA LARGE "ROOMS, ONE CHILD come. Reasonable rent. Corbett's nt, south new highway. Ted b 2 (258b) of NISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM | new home, business girl oy, oa RGE PURNISHED BEDROOM, M, TWIN ds, would suit ome or two. Dial 5- Aah (258¢) RGE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, MOD- , 2 bedrooms, garage. Dec. 1. Dial 197. (258¢c) 00M FURNISHED APARTMENT. arate entrance, heat, light, water plied. Adults preferred. Dial BI ) GALOW oil heating, dern, good locality, references. Write 129 Times-Gazette. (258¢) UNFURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY 531 East. (258¢) 00M FURNISHED APARTMENT, ferably to business couple. Dial 3- between 6 and 9 p.m. (258¢) SINGLE BEDROOMS, PRIVATE EN- nce, gentlemen only. Dial sam 4 (258b) FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR 4 MEN. 3-4959. (258b) 6-rooms, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ADULTS. Park Rd. § (258b) [INGLE ROOMS FOR MEN OR GIRLS. Warren Ave. (258¢) ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFUR- shed. 'Apply Gordon Miller, Kendal- pd Rd., last house on North View, Whitby, 1 mile west of Oshawa. (258¢) IFTRACTIVE BEDROOM, SUIT 1, 2; | tinuous hot water, private ntral. 101 Ontario -- 3.4917. (258f) | FTRACTIVE ROOMS, ALL CONVENI- s. 22 McLaughlin Blvd. (258c) | LARGE TILED. HEATED BASE- rooms, children, occupancy [ gcember 1. pial 3-3503. (2580) | 'ROOM, SUIT GENTLEMAN; } BREAK- st if desired. Apply 199 King St. hid } | | | | | LARGE _OUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ar hospital on Greta. Dial 3-7800. (258¢) | NISHED ROOM AND KITCHEN couple, unfurnished room and kitch- for family. Small baby welcome. | 63 McMillan Dr. Dial i | ( ic) LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- rooms for 1 or 2 adults. Apply 28 | julalie Ave. (2351) | E BRIGHT FURNISHED HOUSE- room. Near Nodpital and Mo- | . Reasonal al 3-4997. (2556) | 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Furnished with chesterfield suite, television, fridge, stove ond chrome kitchen set. Heat- ed. North Oshawa, $130 monthly, Write BOX 536, TIMES-GAZETTE (258¢) APARTMENT FOR RENT Good residential district, close to school and shopping. Available De- cember. 1st. 'Write Box 229, Times-Gazette. (259b) 9--Wanred to Rent ALL SELF - CONTAINED APART. | ent for business girl. Central location ferred. Write Box 732 Times-Garntte. (259¢) OUSE--SUITABLE FOR 1 ™O0 FAM- 'es, 4 adults. 2 children, Oshawa or etnity. Dial 3-8680. (2359p) ANTED T¢ TO RI RENT_GARAGE N° THE | einity of Division and Rosedale. Dial | 258¢) | ANTED--GARAGE. OSHAWA DIS ct. Write Box 637, Times-Gazette. (258¢) | ARAGE--VICINITY | BOND ST, WEST | Ind Warren Avenue. Dial 54887. (257¢) 0---Room and Board OR ONE GENTLEMAN. ROOM AND | oard, willing" to share. Day worker | nly. Dial 3-4702. (239a) | ILL GIVE DAY CARE FOR CHILD | L # working moth Dial 5-6293, (259¢) DOM AND BOARD FOR CLEAN GEN. man, own private room, no other oarders. Apply 141 Park Road N, (259¢)- OOM AND BOARD 1 FOR SINGLE entlemen, central. Apply 18 Charles St. | (258¢) 00M "AND "BOARD FOR SINGLE | entiemen, single room and double | om, separate bath. 25 Quebec St. near imcoe. (258¢) | 00M AND BOARD FOR'MEN WILL. | g to share, parking space. Apply Willi We! 2576) | 00M AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE. | "en. Single beds in private home. Dial | 3889, between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. 2570) 00M AND BOARD FOR "GENTLE- en. Excellent meals. Very central, 3! inutes from Motors. Apply 3 Brock E (257¢) | 9 OOM AND BOAR! FOR 2 GENTLE- | » home-cooking. Dial 5-4693. (257¢) i BNE TOUBLE, SINGLE BEDS: ONE ngle. Close to 3 factories. 497 Albert | ts after 4 p.m. Dial 3-4646. (257¢) | AND BOARD, DIAL 3.3271, (257¢) | a home, | | "48 DODGE SEDAN SPECIAL DELUXE, only driven 3 years, like new $366 down. Seaway Motors, 138 King West, (Nov5.6,9) ' '46 PONTIAC SEDAN, HEATER, DE-,'52 PONTIAC COACH EXCELLENT froster, built-in radio, perfect condition, can be financed for quick sale. 30" 7h. bon, (asm) ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL ers--Buying e new car or selling vour old one lef us save you money ' op financing and insurance Phone 2.7863 (Nov) ALL OUR CARS ARE WINTERIZED Including Prestone, etc. at ARCHER MOTOR SALES 52--PONTIAC, model 2211 52--BUICK, model 4369D, Dynaflow--11,000 miles 50--PONTIAC 4-DOOR DE- LUXE SEDAN 50--METEOR 4-DOOR LUXE SEDAN 49--CHEV. SEDAN 47--PONTIAC COACH 46--MERCURY SEDAN 41--0LDS, COACH 34--PONTIAC 8-CYL. DAN DE- SE- 48--CHEV. uP LIMITED SUPPLY OF NEW CARS AND TRUCKS 53--BUICK, model 4369D 53--PONTIAC, model 2211 53--PONTIAC, model 2211 53--PONTIAC, model 226% 53--PONTIAC, model 2269 93--PONTIAC, model 2069W 53--VAUXHALL, 4 C & 6 C 53--GMC, model® 9314, ton 12-TON PICK- Va- (258b) Hackney! Motor Sales | Chrysler - Plymouth Fargo Dealer Sales and Service SEE THE NEW 1954 CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH Cars at our Showroom NOW USED CAR BARGAINS 53 CHEVROLET Special Sedan, radio, white wall tires, showroom condition, 12, 000 miles only. PLYMOUTH Sedan overdrive; like, new. PLYMOUTH Sedan, condition. CHRYSLER Windsor Coupe. . 48 CHEVROLET Sedan. 47 DODGE Sedan. 47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. 46 PONTIAC Sedan. 41 FORD Coach. 40 CHEVROLET Coach. 39 OLDSMOBILE Coach. 39 DODGE Sedan.' * 36 FORD Coach. 52 with 52 good 5 Club USED TRUCKS |, FARGO 'V2-Ton Express, with heater, in use by our- selves at front end. MERCURY 3-Ton Chassis and cab. FORD 1-Ton Stake, Don't Miss These Bargains : Our Motto is: Keep Our Customers Satisfied USED CAR LOI Opposite Brewers' Warehouse Open Evenings White Rose Showrooms and Garage at 149 KING ST. W. DIAL 5-3557 (258h) | Walker, "38 BUICK SPECIAL. BODY GOOD, tires perfect. Price $125 or nearest of- fer. Apply 91 Arlington Ave. (259¢) '50 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN -- POSI- tively like new, $535 down, 138 King West. (Nov5,6,9) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. Want cars for wrecking, nighest orices Dial 5-5220. paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2024. (Nov?) (258¢) a DODGE SEDAN, RADIO, HEATER, 5 mew tires, good condition. You'll like this oy Apply Bruno, 217 Oshawa Blvd. al 3-7869. (259¢) condition. Cash 'or terms. 36--Pets and : Livestock GOATS--COMPLETE STOCK TO BE sold; also goat house, 10° x 12'. Apply H. McClure RR 4, Bowmanville. nr c EY CHEV, GOOD RUNNING CON- dition, cash, Heater and Prestone. Phone Whitby. (259¢) oA AUSTIN SEDAN, DARK GREEN, y $795. Motors Limited, 138 King St. West (Nov3)6,9) est. '48 FORD DELUXE, 2-DOOR, HEATER, tires like new, wenierizea@, excellent con- dition. Dial 3-7177. ) 51 PREFECT SEDAN, FULL GUAR- anteed, blue, $199 down. Seaway Motors Limited, '138 King West, Oshawa. . p (Nov5,8.9) EXCELLENT CONDITION. '49 FORD, Terms or cash. Dial 5-1830, or apply 289 (256¢) Festubert St. '50 MONARCH COACH, FULLY COVER- ed by 30-day guarantee. Owner town. Radio, heater, $1345 to clear. Seaway Motors, 138 King West. (Nov5,6,9) '51 METEOR SEDAN, BLUE, AIR CON- ditioning. 30-day warranty, $1395. Sea- way Motors Limited, 138 King West. (Nov3.6,9) PRICED RIGHT -- '53 MERCURY RA- dio, heater, W.W. tires, under miles, trade accepted. Call J. Heayn, Phone 74 Port Perry. SEE DOUG AMEY FOR THAT NEW or used car or truck, Ontario Motor Sales. Dial 3-2256. (Nov24) 49 FORD SEDAN, ( CUSTOMLINE, 30- day warranty. Brand new tires. Seaway Motors, $995 King St. West. (Nov5,6,9) GET YOUR FRON: ment wheel balancing a! Moring's Gar age. 1084 Simcoe St. N. (Novi) FOR A SQUARE DEA} SEE JOHNNIE Bramley Motors Limited. New Dial 34675: evenings (Novis) SEVERAL and used cars. §-5706 "38 OLDS, BEST OFFER; antique _8uns, Phone 5-5649. | 50 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, 20,000 Excellent condition. Dial 3-4887. (259¢) '48 PONTIAC SEDAN, ABSOLUTELY perfect six-cylinder hydramatic. Radio, original finish. Tires like new, $366 down. miles, | Seaway Motors, 138 King West, Oshawa. | miles or call at 543 Ritson Rd. South, | | | (Nov.5-6-d) 52 METEOR CUSTOM LINE, $1,700 or best ofier. New engine, 2,000 Heater, slip covers, windshield washer, directional signals, Dial 3-7355, PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks a Cliff Mille Mn tors. Dial 3-4634. (Nov15) '48 Chrysler Sedan. Radio Perfect condition $850 or best Dial 3-2924; evenings and heater inside and out. offer 5-0150. '46 Nash Sedan. - Radio and A-1 $600. Must sell, Dial 5-0150 after 6. Ux- Spring "Sale- Buys" All Our Used Cars & Trucks Warrant- ed 6 Months or 6000 Miles In Writing air-conditioning heater, condition all round, (259¢) May Be Repaired By Any ° Authorized SEl. Warranty Dealer in the United States and Canada 52 PONTIAC STANDARD TUDOR 51 50 METEOR FORDOR PONTIAC DELUXE TUDOR 49 49 48 47 43 METEOR FORDOR AUSTIN FORDOR FORD TUDOR PLYMOUTH TUDOR CHEV. TUDOR CHRYSLER FORDOR PLYMOUTH FORDOR BUICK FORDOR CHRYSLER FORDOR STUDEBAKER FORDOR FORD FORDOR GMC PANEL TRUCK MERCURY PICK-UP TRUCK FORD 3-TON DUMP TRUCK MAPLE LEAF CHEV, TRUCK Ux- Spring MOTORS LTD. MERCURY - LINCOLN METEOR DEALERS Junction 12 and 47 Highways UXBRIDGE, ONTARJO (2593) left | 1,000 END ALIGN | (257¢) | 1258¢) | | 2-DOOR, | (257¢) | PONIES FOR SALE--O, E. CROXALL, Port Perry, Highways 7 and 12. Phone Port Perry I53R3. (258¢) FOR SALE--BLACK AND TAN FOX hound, male, 6 months old. Dial 35400. c '48 CHEV.' EXCELLENT CONDITION. Radio, heater. Apply 630 Carnegie. (259) '51 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, 9,000 miles. In new condition air conditioning, heater, ofl filter, undercoated when new. 1600 Street, Port Whitby. (259) 33--Automobiles Wanted '46 STAKE G.M.C. TRUCK. GOOD condition. Will exchange and 2a dif- ference for combination truck, "47 to 49, BABY BUDGIES READY FOR TRAIN ing, talking strain. All colors, 114 EI- gin East. Dal 3-9767. (Nov®) TERRIER PUPPIES (SMOOTH) dachshund, male, cocker spaniel, female, Knowlton Kennels. Dial 3-8932. BvD ov MASSEY-HARRIS FONY b TRACTOR & ROGERS MAJESTIC radio, t: tic change floor model, garden tractor. Both also Ithica feather-weight 12-gauge pump 22. All in good SondiRon. « ) just like new. Clearing $99. Barons' Ra- dio and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. . (259¢) ATTENTION ! DAIRYMEN & BEEF CATTLEMEN Contact us before you buy your fall and winter require- ments of beet pulp, oil cake, mill feeds and molasses. We can also quote you new low prices on Western oats and barley, for future fall delivery. PHONE 3-2229 MASTER FEEDS -- OSHAWA Fri. .Nové) in good condition, Dial 37877. (258¢) PRIVATE PARTY WILL PAY CASH for good late model car. Dial ha > COCKER SPANIELS, ALSO BOARD Wau bena Kennels. new highway near Drive in Theatre. (Nové) '41-'53 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR you at Dodd's Car Lot. 300 Park Roa S. Dial 3-942h (Novl) SELLING YOUR CAR? For quick sale place vour car with us. All cars insured. We handle all financing You get paid cash. For further, information Open till 9:30 P.M. Dial 3-4851 37--Farmers' Column BARN FOR RENT, WITH 10-TONS OF hay and 10 tons of straw, from Nov. till April, up to 25 cattle. $350. Carl Dennis, R.R. 1, Columbus. 35-4048. DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly Phone: collect Bowmanville 2679 Also live horses Margwill Fur 4 arm, Tyr rone (Oct28; | 32--Automobiles For Sale (2510) 32--Automobiles For Sale 3rd Anniversary SALE Dear Customers and Friends: THANKS -- to our many customers and friends. We have sold over 1,100 good used cars since going into business, and are now stronger than ever. Why? Our customers, bless them. are our best advertisement. When one person tells another about our good deals, that is good advertising! ! In the future, as in the past, our aim is sat- isfaction and to honestly sell. NOTHING BUT THE BEST 53 BUICK 4-Door Coach--Gleaming black, very low mileage, whitewall tires, way below list price. CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan--Spotless black in extra condition, Just look at the price! CHEVROLET 2-Door Coach--Immaculate inside and out, in popular Minerva blue, air conditioning with automatic back up light, deluxe extras, etc. Very special job. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedanetfe--Fleetline, completely reconditioned, with custom built radio and air conditioning. New seat covers, etc. Our sale price. ONE OWNER CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan--Owned by one lady since new, (name on request), beautiful original beige finish. Just like a new car inside and has really had the best of care. 51 30 FLEETLINE PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan--Original black finish, amazingly clean inside and out. New tires, radio and heater. One in a million. BRITISH CAR BUY VANGUARD 4 - Door Sedan -- Metallic green with good motor. A standout for value. DESOTO 4-Door Sedan--Flawless maroon finish, really something. Motor, fluid drive, inside, is tip-top. Very clean. HUDSON 4-Door Sedan -- A-1 condition throughout. CHEVROLET 2-Door Coach Good rubber, A-1 motor, 'new paint, true value. SOMETHING SPECIAL CHEVROLET Deluxe 4-Door Sedan--2 ac- tual owners since new. Original Oshawa blue. You'll never see a better one, radio, heater. If you want a car out of the ordin- ary, this is it. PONTIAC Deluxe Coach--Original green finish, new Saran seat covers) 2 actual owners, rubber nearly all new, no rattles or squeaks. You won't find a better one any- where. Just the thing for winter. You will realize same money on this one in the spring. 50 FORD 2-Door Coach--Completely equipp- 47 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door Sedan--Motor Good. $ 595 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT KENNY VAN COURTE MOTORS 83 RITSON RD. S. -- DIAL 3-4331 CONSISTENTLY A GOOD PLACE TQ DEAL (2596) | 38--Wearing Apparel QUEBEC HEATER. APPLY 128 NAS- sau Street. (259) PIANOS--3 ONLY AT THE OLD PRICE of $549 including bench. Save money, COMBINATION | QUEBEC HEATER; 9-PIECE DINING room suite and a Whizzer motor cycle. Dial 5-3177. (257¢c) | YOUNG CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES. Dial 35-4024. (257¢) SCRAPS FROM DISMANTLED BUILD- ings in Ajax. Lots of handy odds and ends. Large truck load, $8 delivered. Diul 5-3422, (2560) buy before the price is i d. Small size, only 40" high, excellent tone, art walnut finish only, Terms $54.90 down, $17.44 Wontbly; Wilson & Lee, Ltd., 87 Simcoe St. » dial 5-4706. (259¢) PAINT, INTERIOR, EXTERIOR, colours, every gallon guaranteed, $2.95 Sallon, Oshawa Hardware and Eleciric, 8 Church St. (Nov30) ALL 2 RUGS, MUSHROOM AND 1 BEIGE. Dial (259) CHEST OF MOTOR MECHANIC'S Snap-On Tools. Apply 132 Annis St. 2500) MANURE FC FOR | SALE. DI DIAL S602, (259¢) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR CLEAN, good condition, $89.50, easy terms. SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER A NO spare parts for same. Cutting neads, cords, etc. Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (Oct23) $19.95 UP_--~ HOOVER, ELECTROLUX, General Electric, Fiiter Queen, Airway Rexair Sales. Dial 5-5121. (Nov29) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASHES, No. 1 quality, measurements and esti- mates free. Dial 3-4989. (Noy18) Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Si St. 8 (259¢) GIRL'S DARK GREEN WINTER COAT, size 14. In good condition. Dial Tal (259a MAYFAIR POLISHER. GOOD CONDI- tion. Used only 1 year, Dial 35-4851. (238¢) SKI SUIT, $5.12. DOG CARRIAGE AND stroller, play pen and verandah rate. Dial 5.2425, (2590) TADY'S GREY CLOTH COAT, FLUTED back, size 18 to 20, $20. Pink, Lady Anne Suit, size 14, like new. Dial 3-9621. (259 1 MUSKRAT COAT, 1 PERSIAN LAMB | coat, % length, Both in perfect condition, i and reasonable. IV al 5-1615. (259b) CHILD'S 3.PIECE. "WINTER ER_ OUTFIT, | light green. Fur trimmed. Good covet. tion. Size 3. Dial 5-1618. (2502) LADY'S SEAL JACKET, MEN'S suits, small size. Dial 3:2034. (259a) | | LADY'S WINTER COAT, SIZE 20. NEW | condition. Reasonable. Dial 32620, 259a) BLACK PERSIAN TRIM "COAT, "SIZE | 18 short person: girl's. coat, 12 yrs.; dinner set, canister set, antique table. Dial 5-2763. 239a) LADY" 'S "WINTER DARK | | green, squirrel collar, nearly | new. Dial 3-9885. (258¢) | | LADY" S BLACK "CLOTH "COAT, PER- Ia sian trim Excellent condition. Size 2014, $10. Dial 5-3479. (237¢) COAT, size 18, 38a---Market Basket FLEMISH BEAUTY PEARS FOR PRE | | serving or eating, $3.95 per bushel; basket 89¢c. Glecoff's Supermarket, Rit- | son § (2596) | COME AND GET THEM WHILE THEY last, potatoes, carrots, turnips, onions, | MacIntosh and other apples, also fresh | eggs at Jean Goodells Farm Gardens, | | Simcoe St. North. Phone 35-3978, (Decd) | | CARROTS, EXCELLENT QUALITY. (Nov) | 3; delivered. Dial 3-9940, NO. 1 MCINTOSH AND DELICIOUS | apples. At wholesale prices. Bring con tainers. Black's Orchard Athol Street. | (Nov. v.7) (South End). Whitby. 39--Articles For Sale ss ------ vio RRS USED TELEVISION SET 'COMPLETE- ly installed, $89.50 on wooden cabinet, excellent condition. Easy terms. Barons' | | Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. | (259¢) | --= | WALNUT TABLE, . CONSOLE RADIO, Victrola with lots of records several painted cupboard doors. Apply 467 Mas- | son Street. (2592) | le STOKER--AUTOMATIC, TANK, | HEAT- ers, boilers, radiators, bath tubs, toilets, wish basins, showers, sinks, laundry | tubs, fittings and piping, - pressure | cystems, sump vump, space heaters, ! | new and used. Phone Harry Chinn, 460 Montrave. (Dec6) STUDIO COUCH, GOOD CONDITION. ! Dial 3-4318. (259¢) | gui ----s Erin See i USED DAVENPORT. GOOD CONDI- | tion, used piano, large pressure cooker. ! Dial 3-2511. (259b) 1 WATER PRESSURE SYS SYSTEM. BEEN | used for 2 years. Dial 5-4372, (259) | USED AUTO 1 RADIO, "COMPLETE with antennas 2 with under-dash kits. 1 for 52 Chev. New warranty. Priced | to clear. B. F. Goodrich Stores. as, | ) 0 ee ieee i i res sian esmteees | ONE HALL TREE, $4,50. MAHOGANY | | swivel office chair $10. Dial 24920 259%) | MODERN R ROGERS} MAJESTIC amie t tie 10" 12" records. tone volume controls, good condition, $89.50. Phone 35-0388. (239¢) | BICYCLE -- ENGLISH ROAD RACER, $25, typewriters, Underwood, Reming- ton, perfect condition, $28 each, also | automatic record player; 309 Gibbon (2591 ENTERPRISE OIL HEATER, LARGE with pipes used 2 months. Apply side door, 329 Arthur St. (23%) | DOUBLE BED, SPRINGS, MATTRESS, 3. bed, springs, $25. Good condition. Write Box 833 Times-Gazette. 5 (259) 2-WHEEL TRAILER IN PERFECT CON- dition, with 2 new tires. Apply 325 Sim- coe St. South. (259b) SARAN GREEN PLAID SLIP-COVERS for '50 Chev. coach, $15.75. Dial Cs (259a) GARDEN TRACTOR AND AT- lke new, to sacrifice tor Top quality. Briggs and Stratton motor. Tractor is V-A-L. Dial 2332, Whitby. (259b) COAL OR WOOD CLARE-JEWEL CIR- culator heater, good ' condition, $8. Dial {E18 90 Rossland Rd. West. (259a) 2 CONTINENTAL BEDS, ROLL-AWAY bed, 2 chests of drawers 1 vanity table, 2 bed-side tables, 2 end tables, kitchen | table and chairs. 512 Drew St. or Lia ; Ed Wilson Says "NOBODY BEATS OUR LOW PRICES" BOLEN tachments, quick sale, EXTRA SPECIAL 3-Piece Bedroom Suite, lovely blond Mr. and Mrs. bedroom suite, waterfall design. Excit- ing value, "Ed WILSON EXTRA" $99.00 WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. (259) | 4 i BURNER HEAVY | player, plays through your radio. | 3-4288. LADY'S FIGURE SKATES. GOOD CON- dition. Size 3.1 9. Dial 3-7522. (257¢? 3-PC. BROWN CI | CHESTERFIELD 8 SUITE. Cheap, Dial 3-394 (257¢) | CHILD'S S STATION "WAGON "PEDAL | | car, coal and wood space heater, good condition. Dial 5-4003. (238¢) LOVELY WINE BACKGROUND RUG 6'6"'x9' with pad. Kneehole desk; com- bination bed-daveno; 17" Moioroia T.V. All nearly new. Moving and must sell. Apply Apt. 5, 310 Elgin E. off Oshawa Blvd., evenings. (238¢) QUEBEC HEATER, GOOD CONDI- tion, $10. Dial 3-802. (258b) | 8-PC "DINING ROOM GOOD condition, 311 Jarvis St. (258b) DUTY ELECTRIC stove, good condition. Dial 3- 3923, 238¢) LARGE SPACE HEATER "NORGE", good condition, Dial 5-1931, (258¢) *52 MODEL, LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE, silver maroon, like new. Dial 3-8908. (257¢) WEBSTER AUTOMATIC RECORD Dial SUITE, Findlay, TWO 12.GAUGE SHOT GUNS. APPLY 140 Wilson Rd. S. (2537¢) ACCOUSTICON HEARING AID. REA- sonable. Dial 35-3103, as | MANURES ~ MUSHROOM AND COW; garden and sandy loam sand, cinders and cheap fill. Dial 5-4274. | USE ED pr IBSO BSON "REFRIGERATOR, first-class condition. B. F. Goodrich | Stores. Dial 5-4543. (236e) | ALL TIME ALUMINUM ¥ WINDOWS | (257¢) | | gravel, | i (Nov.13) | COMIC BOOKS. POCKET BOOKS, magazines sold or exchanged mings: wav Book Exchange, 56) King St WW Open every evening. (Nov20) USED "TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP. ' B.F. Goodrich Stoves. Phone 5-4543. (143th) a CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANS avaible now at Fabricated Iletals, 248 Second Ave. (Nov6) TF ROM "YOUR oLD woollens, reversible aud sea: nless broadloom, any size or color Save up-to 1. Continental Rug Co. Lid. Dial 5-1553. (Novid) VENETIAN BLINDS--THE ADVAN. LD ! wirsch type he most startling develop. rienl in venctian blind history © ¢lat- tened S-shaped slats give betier and nore graceful cnclosure. We aie suie these blinds will nat only satisiy but cleae enthusiasin imates witnout anventions Gr ve Dial sean 66 Bond Sr. West. (Novi) FRESSURE SYSTEMS, BATH TUBS, toilets, wash basins, sinks, laundry tubs, sump pumps, pipmg and fittings. Harry Chinn, 460 Montrave. . (Nov16) APARTMENT - SIZE 4 . BURNER range equipped with light and minute- minder, like new, used only few moniis, reasonably priced. Dial 55757, after 5 p.m. (256b) COAL FURNACE, CHANGING TO Oi. Apply 203 French St. 30 COFFIELD WASHING MACHINE: beds, complete; dressers; kitchen t -- | 3 chairs; coffee table; etc. Dial 3 SPECIAL Rose bushes tor tall planting, 6 named varieties, popular colors. Listed price $8.50, tall price $6 50. Joseph Sciraven. Phone Bowmanville 2461 Nov?) and doors. Awnings and door For free estimates or demonstration call Airshade Awnings of Oshawa. Dial | 5-43: (Nov20) | PHONOGRAPH | Siromberg-Carlson. Dial (258¢) PORCELAIN | 2 WALNUT RADIO - combination, | WASHING MACHINE, tub $39.95. Barons' 426 Simcoe St. S. (259%) CANADA'S FINEST, THE ALL-FLEXA lum venetian blinds with Radio and Elec.ric, | | "NASH" ALUMINUM COMBINATION Windows, Screens and Doors. The world's finest. Made in Oshawa. * For free estimaies phone KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (Nov10) vinyl plastic tapes and cords, by Met: ! Wo Industries. Free estimates and in Still ations anywhere. J. W. Melley, dial 3-2311 (Novl) B. F GOODRICH STORES, [IRES, batteries Addison appliances, Television. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. (Oct28) | SCHICK ELECTRIC models. also parts tor Meagher's, 5 King West. (Nov16) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE Lovely patterns. k'ree estimates. Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for reat Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Novld) CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD players, used. $35 up. Apply B.F Good rich Siores. Dial 5-4543 (1456) PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Agents for the famous Smith- Corona Portable . . . first choice of the people everywhere, Handy for home and student use . . . make a wonderful Chrismas pres- ent, Available for immediate de- livery from GENERAL PkINTERS LIMITED OFFICE SUPPPLY DIVISION 64-66 CELINA ST. PHONE 3.7733 (Nov23) RAZORS, same ALL ADDING "MACHINES CASH REGISTERS Agents for Burroughs ' i. top Models available delivery from stock. GENERAL PRINTERS LIMITED Office Supply Division 64-66 CELINA ST. PHONE 3.7733 | (Fri,Nov23) "M. GREENBERG & SONS FOR SALE: : New and Used Lumber Angle Iron 4" Heavy Steel Tubing 45 Gallon Steel Drums Canada's Ti immediate For your convenience we are open Saturdays. Phone 3-7333 308 Bloor St. E. (M,W,Ftf) Save $$$ $$ Save Overstock Sale of OIL BURNERS Six popular makes, all with Minn. Honeywell controls $137 to $157 While they last. Winter gir conditioning (forced air) furnaces complete with oil burner. $399 to $425 All-steel gravity furnaces $127 to $157 200-Gal, oil tanks $49 Shipped anywhere in Ontario All 1953 models new and carry year guarantee. Torid Heating Sales 66 FLORA STREET OTTAWA, ONT, (259f) GUARANTEED T.V. ANTENNAS INSTALLED DIAL 5-2133 (Nov?) in stock | | | | | | | l FLOOR COVERING Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 patterns for every rocn in the house. Congocleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (16610 © "KOOLVENT" Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies Made in Oshawa. For tree estimates phone KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 Body Hardwood Hardwood Slabs Mixed Slabs Soft Slags Foot-lengths Ya-Cord Lots, 75¢ Extra G. HEASLIP PHONE 37R33 BETHANY, ONT, (Nov23) A beautitul selection ot drapery and slip covering materials shown in your own home on request, All types tracks, rods, venetian blinds, window shadcs supplied and installed. V L. MONTGOMERY. Phone 122 Brooklin. Phone 475 Ajax. (Nov?) JOIN RUTHERFORD'S CEDAR CHEST CLUB Dozens of beautiful designs and finishes. Lane Red Seal, Heirloom. The largest selec- tions in town. Make your choice now while selection is complete. A small deposit holds. Lady's beautitul mirror, brush and comb set 'Free' with every chest. RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (222tH) INTRODUCING The new triple-track combina- tion and screen, windows, aluminum- doors and awnings, custom made. Free estimates. WEATHER GUARD SALES OSHAWA -- 3.2111 (Nov26) "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combinatian doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5.6245 (Novd) (Novid) DON'T. BUY A SEWING MACH!NEws. - Unless you get the right one We carry the largsst seltetion in new and reconditioned Sewing Macchines From $20 up Easy terms ao (nterect charges COMMUNITY SEWING CENTRE . Dial 3-4840 (Novid) (Continued on Page 24)

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