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Daily Times-Gazette, 6 Nov 1953, p. 4

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www WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS 4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, November 6, 1953 Whithy Twp. Council Told New Subdivision Given OK A regular meeting of the Coun- ( cil of the Township of Whitby was | held in the Council Chamb-rs;| Brooklin. on Monday, November 2nd, 1953, at 1.30 p.m., with the | following members present: Reeve | W. Heber Down, Councillors, Wm. | A. Heron and N. J. Anderson and! Deputy Reeve Morley M. Ross | The minutes of the October] meeting were read and adopted. [that the Clerk be authorized | write to Mrs. Lick and family ex- CORRESPONDENCE A certified copy of County of | Ontario By-law No. 1756, confirm: | ing Township of Wthiby by-law No. ! 1621, was received and filed. The minutes of the Joint plan- | ning Board for October 2nd were read and filed. r A letter fro Mr. R. E. Sims, | Engineer for the County of Ontario | expressing appreciation for past co-operation between this town- ship and the county was read and filed. Notification was received that the second part of the Pine Hills subdivision has ben approved for registration. DEPUTATIONS and INTERVIEWS Mr. Vince Beaton, Mrs. O. Gra- ham and Mrs. J. Aldred appeared re; drainage the Surburban Road | east from Queen Street on the north side. The site was viewed but no decision arrived at. . Mr. Wilson of Bolton asked to rent the heavy roller from the Brooklin Community Field and on payment of a $50,00 deposit per- mission was granted. Mr. F. W. Airey of the K. Beam- | ish Construction Co. was present | and gave the Council information on preparing roads for oil surfacing and the approximate cost of same. Whitby Historical Series RESOLUTIONS Moved by Merley Ross, second- ed by N. J. Anderson that this Council wishes as a body to es- press our regrets and to offer our sympathy to our Reeve in the loss of his wife. We also wish to express our colleague Mr. H. T. Lick and to pressing these sentiments and of- fering-our sympathy. Carried. Moved by N. J. Anderson, sec- onded bv Morley Ross that Mr. G. I. Wilson Nobleton be rented the roller in the park for the term of six weks at a price of $25.00 On Monday night the Transriver | { plus a 'denosit of $25.00 return in good condition, Carried. Moved by Morley Ress, second- ed: by N. J. Anderson that the Reeve and Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to issue cheques on the account of the Township of Whitby in favour of the several persons whose names appear on Road Accounts Sheet No. 11, numbering 1 to 24 inclusive, amount of accounts $2,265.80. and {on General Accounts Sheet No. 11, numbering 1 to 20 inclusive, amount of accounts $1,426.90, and on. Relief Accounts Sheet No. 11, numbering 1 to 1 inclusive, amount of ac- counts $36.83. Carried. Moved bv Morley Ross. seconded | by N. J. Anderson that the Reeve and the Clerk be authorized to proclaim a Civic Holiday on Wed- nesday, November 11th, 1953. ried. Moved by N. J. Anderson, conded by Morley Ross this Council does now adjourn to meet again on December 7th, at 1.30 o'clock. Carried. sec- Arouses Keen Interest Interest in the series of articles appearing every Saturday in the Whitby section of the Times-Ga- zette is' gathering momentum if the many enquiries and favourable comments heard so far are any | criterion. As one citizen remark- ed, "it is something Whitby has needed for many years from a| newspaper standpoint." There are! several books in existence with historical records of Whitby, and | it is from these and other sources - that information for these articles have been obtained. The help of not a few citizens of today has been appreciated, and will contin- ue to be so. : So far in the series reference | has been made to Whitby as a! village; the days of Windsor Bay, | now Port Whitby, the great vol-| ume of shipping. at the harbour; | the extension of the business sec- tion from Hamar's Corners; some of the early business men; stage | coach days and the numerous ho-« tels in town before the advent of the railway; the creation of Whit- by as the capital of Ontario Coun- ty in 1851; the proposal in 1859 to establish the Whitby and Port Hu- ron Railway which the town later | bonused, to the extent of 35.000! pounds; the arrival of the' first train in the fall of 1856; passing of a bylaw by council in 1859 of | a "Free Fairs" and marked bylaw which meant much to the town from an urban. trade stand- point; some early church activi- ties; the great boom which struck the town after incorporation in 1855 and its later period of hard CARD OF THANKS In appreciation to all those who were 80 very kind to me during my recent illness in the Oshawa Hospital, for cards, flowers and gifts which 1 received also thanks to Dr. Ruddy and Lindsey and nurses In A-1, and to all those at » times; and the slow and gradual progress for tep years afterwards, some of the early prominent citi- zens as chronicled by W. H. Hig- gins, of the Whitby Chronicle; a second list of men prominent in town and later on in other parts of the world as compiled by the late Col. George Ham: brief ref- erences to early council meetings; establishment of the Mechanic In- stitute, forerunner of the library; and briefly some church history. Much has had to be omitted for lack of accurate records and no attempt has been made to go far afield in any one historical in- stance. This policy will be contin- ued in future articles. On Saturday the entire article will be devoted to early education and school history, and on, the fol- lowing Saturday, some of the ear- liest civic issues which have some bearing on those of today. Further Work Has Been Completed at Coronation Park Work on the new Coronation Park has been going ahead steadily recently. ' All the seeding has been done and in, some spots the grass is beginning to come through. The park has been rolled and all stones picked off. The fencing is completed with the exception of the gates. Footings have been poured for the huge steel gates and the stone work should be done shortly. The Committee has taken ad- vantage of the fine weather to get as much work done this fall so that the park will be ready for use next year. The Whitby Base- ball club expects that all games | our | regrets at the sudden passing of uso) Car- | that | WHITBY DAY BY DAY Accounts of social events and news items of local interest and names of visitors are ap- preciated. PHONE 703 The Young Women's Group of St. { Andrew's Presbyterian Church will {meet on Monday evening at 8.15, {in the Sunday School. Assessment roll for the year 1953, ay} 0) ¥oam Sy} pauInial clerk by Assessor Gordon Davis, shows 382 dogs in town, a few more than last year. HARBOUR NEWS | The Transriver, carrying fuel for the Trinidad Leascholds tanks at Whitby harbour, has made two trips into the harbor this week. tied up and unloaded, leaving the following morning for Port Credit again where it tcok on another load of gasoline. This shipment arrived in Whitby on Thursday morning. Captain Dionne is in command of the Transriver. EXECUTIVE meeting of the Eexecutive of the Chamber of Commerce has been called for next Monday evening at 5 o'cloc.. in the li- brary. PRIZES APPROVED Whitby District High School Board this week approved of the purchase of the Board's por- tion of the Literary Society prize to the students who. obtained the highest aggregate marks in any of five Upper School papers. Presentation of these and other | awards will be made on No- vember 13th. T- VALUABLE ¥ARM SOLD A valuable farm owned by Charles Fothergill, within the town's western limits, has been sold to Steve Liptany, of Islington, | Who, it is believed will utilize it for farming and market garden- {ing. The price was-not disclosed, but it is understood that a top figure per acre was obtained. The farm has a fine home and sub- stantial Lorn and other buildings all in good condition. The farm originally had 100 acres but eight were taken by the Department of highways and eight as part of the Fairview Lodge property owned CALLED A by the county. Mr. Fothergill dis- | «posed of 84 acres. He said that his father originally bought the farm for. $200 per acre. Commencement at The High School On November 13 Report Increases Town | | 7sShowing a total assessment of, Of the total amount of $2,814,290 1$8,752,935, an increase of $526,150 the roll shows, $54,000 is assess- lover last year. Assessor uordon able for sewer rates only. Total {Davis has returned his roll to the amount assessable for school rates | clerk and' treasurer." Broken dowu [only is $116,630. - jhe assessment figures are: | Total assessment on which taxes Land ................8 994570 can be collected next year, subject Buuldings 37,185.55 | to changes that may be made b: Business 99,850 the Court of Revision, is $5,822,01 POPULATION 1S U7, LAND ASSESSMENT [: Population of, Je Town proper | Ass@ssment figures on land i Rod 00 aot" as. ComPATEd | how $109,340 exempt; $9.950 liable 4 fg : : : for school rates only and liable for (crease of 537. With 195 residents all. rate $9.945.70, or a' total at the Fairview Lodge, 82 students |} © Sameer of $994,370 at the Ontario Ladies' College and On buildings assessment fii ures 1713 patients at the hospital, the Shor $2 pi pn 2.805 |total population is 8,222. c for school rates only, and $4,461,- EXEMPT PROPERTY 740 liable for all rates, or a total i Total amount of exempt proper- | *\ ty is $2.814,290. This includes the buildings assessment of $7,15,585. buildings of the Ontario Hospital [BUSINESS ASSESSMENT : the federal and provincial govern-| Business assessment total' is ments, the County of Ontario, |$399,850. got this amount $34,145 is Town of Whitby and the Ontario for school rates only and $365,703 Ladies' College. Buildings of the | for all rates. Whitby Public Utility Commission | Whitby, because it has the On- are no longer exempt, taxes are tario Hospital, has a larger now being paid on them as from amount of exempt property than last year. Keen Contest For Officers In Whitby Branch of Legion A contest for every office in!chaplain, a post he has held for | Whitby Branch 112 of the Canadian several years. Expression was | | Legion, with one exception, that given to an appreciation of his | | of the chaplain, is in the offing, | work for the branch and ex-service- | | indicating that the members are | men in general as his name was | | interested in all the activities of proposed. | | the branch and wish to continue The branch continues to grow | to place capable men in charge. |in numbers. At the meeting no | At the monthly meeting Wed- (fewer than eight new members | | nesday evening nominations for all | were proposed and accepted. For-| | offices were nymerous. For #the | mal initiation followed and the | executive committee alone, 23|new comrades were warmly wel- names were submitted. Unless|comed into the Legion fold. there are Witharawals: there will REMEMBRANCE DAY be contests for the office of pres-| ; i | ident, vice-president, financial sec-| Plans were completed for the | retary, recording secretary, treas- Poppy Day on Saturday for Legion dd : Ad ~ | welfare; the church service Sun-| jurer and the executive. day evening at Whitby Baptist 'most towns, yet the institution is | sions. Assessment, Population e a valuable asset in so many ways, | particularly its large pay roll. | Such properties as the post office, | the schools, the churches, county | buildings, the town hall, fire hall | and the civic garage on Mary St. | are not liable for general taxes. | Houses owned by churches and | occupied by clergy are. taxed the | same as all other houses. | INCREASE ANTICIPATED | The substantial increase in the | population proper was anticipated | owing to the new families who have moved in during the year. The | erection of mew homes and the | constant demand for houses and | apartments to rent in are a good | indication of the town's growth. | There is more work involved in the making of the assessment | and the preparation of the rolls | today than at any time in the | town's history. The assessor has a lot of territory too, as whole new streets have been opened up, | some of them in outlying subdivi- | the Rev. A. E. Kemp, of Port Whitby, will be the guest speaker: | the service on Wednesday, ember 11th at the cenotaph, and | same day. President Harold Augustus pres- | Nov-| _ 8 MORE WORK INVOLVED as At the nominatio 4 PADRE ACCLAIMED of officers of Whitby Br-~ch 112 of the Ca- nadian Legion this week, Rev. Dav many Marshall, years, id chaplain for was given unani- mous acclamation. good attendance. the banquet on the evening of the |ided at the meeting, which had a| PHONE 703 - URANIUM SOURCE About half the world's known de- i posits of uranium ore are in one great 'open-pit mine in the Belgian Congo. 3 W. G. Town & Sons FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY PHONE 410 $ SAVE MILK & MONEY GARGETEX "*" Multi-Antibiotic Ointment WILL STOP MASTITIS or Your Money Back! GARGETEX contains two penicillins, streptomycin and the new antibiotic bacitracin, in a letely milk soluble ointment, bringing the effect of four antibioties against mas- titic infections. GARGETEX works im- / mediately on the internal infected udder tissue, promoting fast safe re- covery and is guaranteed to give effective results. Get a tube of New GARGETEX today. Instructions for easy administration on every package. Made in Canada by Nixon Labora- tories Limited. ALLIN'S DRUG STORE: Whitby Now You Can Treat VAGINITIS in Cattle After extensive experimentation, Nixon Laboratories have developed on effective treatment for VAGINITIS IN CATTLE This new Nixon product is easy to use ond quite inexpensive. If you are having breeding troubles due to Vaginitis crop in and let us explain this new proven treatment that is so simple to use Available now a t Allin's Drug Store, Whitby { Rev. David Marshall was un-| Church under the auspices of the | animously returned to office as Ministerial Association, at which T WHITBY PAINT AND WALLPAPER 135 BROCK ST. N. First Class Pdinting, Decorating, Paperhanging Color Schemes and Interior Finishes a Specialty Authorized "Pittsburgh Paint" Dealer Empire Wall Papers ESTIMATES FREE . C. MYGLAND PHONE 488 S. F. RUTHERFORD | Plans are nearly completed for | the annual ercises Commencement of the Whitby Exer- | District | High School to be held in the Town | Hall on Friday evening, November { 13. The whole evening will be given over to the presentation of certif- icates and awards. secondary school graduation diplomas, com- mercial diplomas, secondary school honor graduation diplomas, | merit crestd§ and many other | awards including the IODE prizes, Viscount Greenwood Chapter War Memorial Scholarship, Kinsmen and Rotary Club prizes, the Fred W. Browne Memorial prizes, the | Graydon M. Goodfellow Memorial prize, the Literary Society prizes, the Whitfield Trophy and others. Whitby Classified NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this column must be in the Whitby ing publication. | | office by 5 p.m. the day preced- | INSULATE NOW, blower method, free estimates WITH ROCK-WOOL for a new driving thrill | ry ROYALVS -- with POWERFLITE® under its jurisdiction will be played there in 4954 and the park will );>'°c. Green St, Whitby. Phone also be available for school sports. | =" CE xx Howe) en ---- ---- - | ROCKWOOL INSULATION, F IR RE ! proof. Cool in summer; warm In winter Free estimates. Walter Ward, Insulation | Contractor, 204 Chestnut West, phone | 2563. (Dec25) WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED. SEP-! tic tanks installed and cleaned. Phone 2961. Don Ferris, 639 Brock St: North, Whitby. (Nov20) WANTED TO RENT-HOUSE OR $ or 4 rooms, in Whitby, suburbs or countryside, for young couple. Write Box 404 Times-Gazette, Whitby. { (Nov1l) the Whitby Dairy Bar. Thanks a million ~Betty Church (259) Phil | BROCK . Evening Shows 7-9 p.m. Aon 72% Gig Saturday Matinee 1:30 p.m. wprough! WHITBY HONE 618 Come in and drive the most powerful and luxurious Dodge of all -- the Royal V-8 for 1954. Feel the velvet-smooth driving ease of PowerFlite -- the thrilling response of the V-8 engine with the dome - shaped com- bustion chamber design -- in the lowest priced car that offers you both of these great engineering triumphs! And you'll find thrilling new beauty . . . gracious elegance . . . to give even greater meaning to the superb Dodge Royal performance. A road- test will convince you that the Dodge Royal offers you more~of the finer qualities you want -- unequalled at the price . . . plus traditional Dodge [4 SAWS -- ALL KINDS, SHARPENED, | filed, set. It it's dull we sharpen it. Rear of George Hamers, 212 Brock S., Andy Anderson, (Dged) HOUSEKEEPER GENERAL > F 0 R small rest home, sleep in. Rouge Hills. ATlantic 2.0721. (257¢) WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK for Nov. 2. Boys 1 and 2. Counrty home or permanent. Phone Pickering 180. (250) A. PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE: | also baby-sitting. Apply Mrs. L. Foster, 700 Centre South. 516) ! FOR SALE-NEW QUEBEC HEATER never used, also jacket heater. Phone | Brooklin 45, after 6 p.m. Dependability. INSULATION--USING PAL-O-PAK IN. sulation, made in Whitby, you will get the best *for the Jeast money. Call H. H. Goode and Son, Lfd., 2917. Free | i estimates (Deck) | Starring Vass | RICHARD BURTON ROBERT NEWTON with Robart Dougias » Torin Thatehes and JAMES MASON 2s ROMMEL 7 PRODUCED BY DIRECTED BY WRITTEN BY ROBERT L. JACKS * ROBERT WISE - RICHARD MURPHY ALSO -- "UPSWEPT HARE" -- "ARE ANIMALS ACTORS" "LOST IN A TURKISH BATH" COME ONE -- COME ALL -- PLAN TO ATTEND BENEFIT SHOW IN AID OF YOUR WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA THURSDAY NIGHT, NOV. 12TH EVENING SHOWS AT 7 AND 9 P.M. ALL SEATS 40c - -. | FOR SALE--MISS CANADA WASHING Machine, nearly new. $80. Phone 2532, (259b) pe FOR RENT. heated, 405, 3 ROOMED APARTMENT, suitable for couple. Write Box Times-Gazette, Whitby. (259¢) _ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom bungalow, frame and stone, recreation room, oil heating, garage. Make an offer NEWEST AND FINEST IN "NO-SHIFT" DRIVING Fully automatic PowerFlite lets you move in one smooth, effortless motion from starting to high- way speeds -- without lifting your foot from the accelerator. Its built-in fluid torque drive gives extra acceleration for fast, oil-cushioned starts. While there's no clutch, the simple operation of the selector lever allows you to rock out of mud or snow with ease. ~L 150 H.P. RED RAM V-8-ENGINE It's the only engine in the Dodge Royal price class with the triple design advantages of "dom e-shaped" combustion chambers -- short stroke pistons -- high-lift lateral valves. Red Ram packs more punch per cubic inch of dis- placement -- delivers full 150 H.P, on standard fuel with surprising economy. OWNER MOVING AWAY 8-room solid brick, modern home with low down payment, and let apartment income pay the Extra large 5- room living area, 'garage. Act quickly on this one Coll Olive Howes, sales repre- sentative for WARREN J, MOWAT Real Estate and Insurance 115 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY 2601 Until 5 30 p.m. 2527 After Hours FULL POWER STEERING Takes all the hard work out of steering -- leaves all the pleasure in. It does 4/5ths of the work for you-- oll the time. You can park, turn, steer through traffic, hold the car on rough roads, with effortless ease and much greater safety. balance. ' test DODGE ROYAL V-8--Lowest-priced car with PowerFlite #4 49592)

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