8 THE DATLY TIMES-GAZETTE. Friday, November 8, 1953 _ Mrs. I. M. Bl ack WoMEN Is Re-Elected by 'Albert St. H. & S. The Albert Street Home and School Association held its anoual |election of officers. on Monday evening, the results being:Pres- ident, Mrs. John M. Black; first vice-president, Mrs. William Dix- jon; second vice-president, Mrs. DIAL 3-2233 | JO ALDWINCKLE nanan A PRETTY FALL WEDDING At St. George's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church recently Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hyrcanuk exchanged nuptial vows in a double right ceremony. The bride, the former Miss Stephanie Kor- WOMEN'S, EDITOR 2 ".MRS. J. M. BLACK Allan Cooper; recording secretary, Mrs. George Lee; treasurer, Mrs. Vance Cooper; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Hayden Kemp; ex- ecutive members, Mrs. Gerald Darling, Mrs. Jerry Morden, Mrs. Melville Montgomery, Mrs. Lloyd Annis; "teacher represantatives, Mrs. Grace Kennedy, Mr. Wilfred Moncrief. 4 Mrs. Lloyd Courtice conducted the installation of the new exec- utive. Mrs. behalf of the association presented Mrs. Courtice with a gift. Norman Kritsch on | WED IN DOUBLE- Mz. David Allan Hutcheon and | his bride, the former Miss Joan | Edna Hepburn, whose marriage was solemnized recently at Ade- | laide House. The bride is the | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur RING CEREMONY Hepburn of Columbus and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hutcheon of Oshawa. Photo by Hornsby Studio. The principal, Mr. Arthur Korry, introduced the guest speaker, 5 A. S. Winters, principal of Ced- ardale school who Spoke on the { improvements in t Primary { lic Schools. Miss Margaret Hoy's room won the parent attendance prize and refreshments were served y- ! the | chynski, is the daughfer of Mr. jymothers of the pupils in Grade | and Mrs. Karl Korchynski and | VI. the bridegroom is the son of Mr. ramen | and Mrs. Peter Hyrcanuk, all of Oshawa. . by Hornsby Studio | November Reports Photo Letter from Social Worker Gives Heartfelt Thanks WMS Members i daiessa Si" SH highlight of the autumn rally of the eastern and western section of the Oshawa Presbyterial Wom- an's Missionary Society was a let- ter read from Miss Aileen M. Ratz, United Church social worker at the Port of Halifax, who spoke of her work at the spring rally in Oshawa. In thanking the WMS for a gift of money Miss Ratz wrote: "Words fail to express the amazement, followed by a dee] sense: of gratitude, I felt when saw the results, in cheque form, of your concern for the people who are coming among us as new Cana- ans, "One of the statements made by immigrants eoming to the Port of Halifax always strikes the depths of my being: 'How ean they (mean- ing you) do this for us whom they do not even know?' "That statement is indicative of the wonder and gratitude of these people's hearts for your kindness to them as they come new land, full of fears and y an indomitable hope in the future. To fail these people in their need would be denying the very Chris- tianity for which we stand. "I can show my gratitufe to you only by trying to use your gift wise- From Homemakers The regular' meeting of the Homemaker Service ommittee The regular routine business was conducted and Mrs. Parkhill re- | ported on the Ontario Division Aileen M. Ratz. | Committee meeting and stated The eastern section met in En- that a Supervisors Conference Biskillen United Chureh on Wednes- moa be he in Toronto later this day, October 28, and the western at | : Kedron the following day. Mrs. | Plans were made for the an- i nual Christmas party for EB orton, President, 'presided | ar LY Te as M. Sey- At Enniskillen Mrs. R. in_December. mour and at Kedron, Mrs. John Miss poria E Mudte; Sof. NN. Glover welcomed the gathering; Hg Asits made to Seryice Mrs. C. W. Slemon, spoke on stew. | OF OF esta Smon, Director Sidship: Miss Shirley Ellis and [0 Divis a iy of On. Mrs. E, A. Small gave a re tar 0 yd on assistant, on the school for leaders, and Mrs. | 08 tical an, ths L. Teported on progress io PO an on the United Church Raining 5 plember a 8 ay Jo School. ows: Number of cases carried The principal speaker was Mrs, | Over: 5; number of new cases, 26 William Majoriebanks who spoke on the work of the United Nations. Outlining the achievements of UN Mrs. Marjoribanks said that one way In which the ple of Can- ada could support those who were striving for world peace was by ly and well. This I shall endeavour to do "Yours in the Master's service, of staff, 7; number of visits made by supervisor, 182; number of d worked by homemakers, 192. . The next regular meeting will be held on January 12, 1954. | Reading Programme in the Pub! Po vl NOVEMBER WEDDING PLANNED the | number of new children, 87; num: | ber of applications refused for lack | talking up UN successes and by the bazaar were placed on the | MISS MARY McCAFFREY Miss Mary Ellen McCaffrey and Mr. Ejgil Johansen, whose elfagement is announced today, will be married on Saturday, November 21, in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. Miss MR. EJGIL JOHANSEN McCaffrey is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mec: Caffrey, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Johan- sen, all of Oshawa. "SOCIAL NOTICES Waste paper baskets that can be rinsed out under a cold water tap are g the plastics industry's i ta on the onal conference hed a Bowmanville, Room prize was won by Mr Laurence Haisell, room VIII. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ernest - Vanson and Mrs. William Alexander assisted by mothers of room VIII pupils. YWCA Plans Events! Librarian Talks Fellowship Week To H. & S. Parents The Canadian YWCA is celebrat- On Child' Ss Books ing World Fellowship Week from Mrs. Ji h of the November 8 to 14. In tion ph Fi with this the local association is oghawa Public Library staff was holding two special events. On|gyest speaker at the regular meet- November 10 there will be a World [ing of the Queen Elizabeth Home and School Association. Fellowship banquet at which the fost speaker will be Mrs. JadWiE8| Mrs. Fetchison, who was intro- duced by Mrs. Glenford Taylor, ennich, the new program secre- spoke on children's reading. A ry on the national staff of the Canadian YWCA. Also at this meet- film, "Know Your Library," was shown. Miss Carol Alexander play- in, dhe, four local delegates who attende: e national convention 3 4 ed a piano selection and also play- in Quebec in June will give their ed a duet with Mrs, John Dick- son. Mrs. Gordon Tomlinson, pres- reports. ident, presided for the business On Saturday afternoon, Novem- ber 14, the Association is holding | meeting. Mrs. Dayid Hutcheon and . Tomlinson gave their reports WAREHOUSE of per Newsprint is made chi groundwood pulp with about cent sulphite pulp. DRAPES - CURTAINS VENETIAN SHADES ceeds of which will go toward the funds being raised to let the 1953 allocation for the World Service Fund. This fund carries the work of the YWCA into many countries including Pakistan, the Gold Coast, Sierre Leonne, Bur- na, Malaya, Korea, Suriname and India. Of particular interest to Canada are the last three countries where Canadian staff members have been appointed. Miss Marion Foster, formerly of Peterborough, goes to Suriname as executive direc- tor, Miss Jean Moore of Port Ar- thur, to India as training secre- tary, and M iss Barbara Broadfoot of Toronto, to Korea to work_ with children and girls who have been made homeless by the recent war. The Fair will include a penny circus for children, sale of gifts, craft shop articles, home made candy, baking and preserves and | | children's books. Tea will be served in the drawing room froin 3 to 5 p.m. by the residence and food service committees under the Joint chairmanship of Mrs. R. D. leck and Mrs. Neil Hezzlewood. The world service committee is in GENERAL @D ELECTRIC charge of the general arrange- ments for the fair under its chair- | | man, Miss Margaret Pellow as- | sisted by Mrs. A. F. Annis. REFRIGERATORS Buy Now and Save $95.00 REGULAR PRICE $319.00 SALE PRICE '224 TWO ONLY -- NO TRADE-IN 10% DOWN -- 24 MONTHS TO PAY COME IN TODAY -- DON'T MISS THIS WARNER WILLIAMS RADIO AND ILECTRIC ENERAL @ ELECTRIC parm DIAL 3-7752- Mrs. J. H Lyons Again Heads Holy Cross W.A. | The monthly meeting of Holy | | Cross Women's Auxiliary was held | {in the parish hall on Tuesday |evening. The Rev. Philip Coffey | |opened the meeting with prayer. | |. Mrs. J. H. Lyons presided. The { various reports were read and adopted. After the monthly bus- |iness was taken care of the elec- {tion of of President Mrs, J, ice-presidents in or- s. Stephen Collins, gdon and Mrs. secretary, Mrs. R. W. Brooks; treasyrer, Mrs. Wil- (liam Schocnau: social convener, |Mrs. James Allen, and sick list convener, Mrs. Leo Karnath. The newly elected officers [their chairs and the president | (thanked the members for re-| | electing her to office for a second | | term. Several major business prop- ositions were discussed. Mrs, | (James Allen and Mrs. Joseph | | Callahan gave a report on a meet- | {ing of Canadian Association of | Consumers, which they had at- tended as delegates. Membership [fees were collected, the meeting was adjourned and Mrs. J. H. | {Lyons served refreshments assist- {ed by the members. The next oard (party will be held on Tuesday ' |evening, Nov. 10, at the home of {Mrs. James Allen, Quebec Street. Ft ------ took | YOUR 78 SIMCOE N. i The major 'element in the econ- {omic development of Canada con- tinues to be pulp and paper. becoming members -of the United Nations Association. The Associa- | tion was organized to educate pub-- | lic opinion in support of the great table at the front of the room and all members were invited to view the presents at the close of the | meeting. PERSONALS Dr. Thelma Blair will address a meeting of the Nurses' Association on Monday at 8 p.m. in McLaugh- lin Hall. Mrs. Mervin A. Bury will open the bazaar to be held on Saturday, Nov. 7, in Harmony United Church under the auspices of the W.A. Mrs. Roy Pevere of Merrick- ville is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. K. J. McRae and Mr. Mc Rae, Elgin Street East. Miss Gertrude Moore, R.T., Bruce Street, recently sailed from New York aboard the Queen of Bermuda for Hamilton where she will be laboratory technician at King Ed- war VII Hospital, Bermuda. Among the exhibits the Cana- dian Crafts Display ing held at the Art Gallery in Toronto are a baby blanket in pale blue woven by Miss Mary Andrews and a sum- mer bag woven by Miss Margaret Wyman. At a recent meeting of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, lowing bers were poi to work on the ways and means committee in connection with the visit to Pittsburgh, Mrs. Or- ville MaGee, Mrs. Cyril French, Mrs. J. Arthur Wright, Mrs. Leo- nard C. Stoneburg and Mrs. Da- vid Kemlo. Ritson Home and School Asso ciation will welcome former mem- bers to the 30th birthday on Mon- day evening next when Mrs. Lloyd Courtice 'will speak on Home and School Miss Joan Matthews ARCT will sing. accompanied by Mrs. Geroge Fleming and others on the program are Miss Margaret Blears and Mr. Steve Zubkavick, Mrs. T. J. Wheeler, Brock Road, "| were appointed to assist Mr. Har- No. "222, the fol- | World organization, she said. -- |. Miss Margaret Powell, Mrs. Wil- lard Cook and Mrs. Fred Crome, three former Westmount School |Former Teachers | teachers were presented with Are Honored by parting gifts by Mrs. John Gaskell { on behalf of the association. 'Westmount H & S The corresponding Jocrerary. read a letter from the Daily mes- | The monthly meeting of West Gazette informing the meetin mount Home and School As- that Westmount ote a Schoo Association had won $5.00 as one sociation Was held $2 Monday of the first ten best contributions | Gaskell presiding. to the cook book contest. ] | Mr. Harold Pascoe reported on | Mrs. J.-A, Ward won the prize the Dlaque for the memorial clock 0 for the most mothers present. The iss Amelia Lear. Mrs. R. D. mothers of Grade 7 pupils will be Thomas and Mrs. John Gaskell responsible for the social half hour next month. h Mrs. T. D. Thomas introduced Frank and Edward Hagy who | played accordian and violin sel- ections. The visual-aid, convener Mrs. F. C. Parry introduced two films "Fitness is a Family Affair' [and "What Do You Think". Mr. Daniel Shutka operated the pro- jector and Mr. Robert Moses led the meeting in an interesting dis- cussion on majority rule based {old Pascoe in the purchase of the | plaque. { The members were reminde that all work should be ready for the bazaar which will begin at 230 p.m. on Saturday, Novem- ber 14. The shower presents for Kerr, Locust Hill, sang 2. gr0uD of songs. Fe hostess was ig vy by rs. John Ashton, wife of the } 5 Pickering fire chief, Mrs. W. R.|on the film CW Bat Jo You Walton, jr., of Oakville, and Mrs. | Think". Soc all-hour Zol- Allister Grosart. Each guest re-|lowed. ceived a handicraft made .in Pick- gring as a memento . I] Edith Slaght, committee chairman, {who Feported von correspondence from all parts of the continent, was presented with a handsome umbrella in appreciation of he devoted work. PM'S HEALTH GOOD OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minister St. Laurent was given a routine medical examination about three weeks ago and was found in '"'very ood health," a spokesman in his Sfttce said Thursday. | WORK OF BLIND SALE THE ANNUAL VASILE Il CHR Of Articles ENGAGEMENT latest contribution to easy house- The Supagement is announced of | keeping, Moulded of flexible poly- Mary en McCaffrey, aughter | : of Mr. and Mrs. Bavard J. Mc. | thene, they will outlast most con Caffrey, to 1.jgil Johansen, son of] ventional types. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Joh all | of Oshawa. The wedding is to take | place on Saturday, November 21, | at 10 am. in St. Gregory's Rom- | man Catholic Church' ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allan Ennis | of Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement. of their daughter, Margery Maureen, to Robert Al- exander McCoy of Brooklin for- merly of Madoc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams McCoy of Ma- doc. The wedding is to take place in Northminster United Church on Saturday, November 28, at 4 p.m. CIVIC TRIBUTE WINNIPEG (CP)--A public din- ner celebrating appointment of Dr. A. Kravetz as chief rabbi of Win- nipeg's Jewish community is being held Nov. 22. The gathering is to be held at the YMHA eommunity centre. : See The New NECCHI Sewing Machine at HOME APPLIANCES 90 Simcoe St. S. Dial 5-5332 One of the six Australian states, the northern territories, covers 523000 square miles. Yes Sir. a Mothhole! BUILD A CEDAR CLOSET WITH A PAINT BRUSH CEDAR-LUX is pulverized, aromatic cedar wood. You simply add water to form a liquid of desired consistency and apply with paint brush or spray over wallpaper, paint, wall board, plaster or any smooth surface. Forms a smooth, hard surface sealing all cracks 4nd crevices where moths might breed. Removes that AN / aon Those Christmas Bells will sing oot @ song of delight for the one you love # you give her a Bridal Bel Diemond Ring. There's a Bridal Bell patter 0 suit every taste, priced om $37.50 10 $850.00, but see your Bridal Bell Jeweller now--his Christmas Club plon offers you an easy way lo pur chase your Chrisimas gifis on weekly Payments. with § diamonds as shown $200. $125. with engraved shoulders Wedding ring exira with 5 diamonds as shown $55.. with Y DIAMOND RINGS NN i ty smell and perspiration odors from closets and clothing. i to rk more protection and hold its fragrance many times longer than cedar lumber A 5 Ib. can is enough to cedarize the ordinary small closet and a 10 1b. can will amply surface a $ Ib. can 4.95 large closet. Pickering, was hostess to the mem- | bers of the women's committee of , the International Fire Chiefs' con- | vention. The 30 guests came from | Toronto by special bus. They in- | cluded Mrs. W. J. Scott, wife of | the Ontario fire marshal, Mrs. Joseph Waterman, wife of the To- ronto fire chief, Mrs. J. L. Arnott, | wife of the convention chairman, | and the wives of the metropolitan | . Toronto fire officials. Mrs. Thomas | { V ZELLER'S Friday and Saturday LEATHER LINK BELTS -- CALFSKIN WALLETS KNITTED and CROCHETED ARTICLES With other items -- unusual and Attractive Christmas Gifts -- may be purchased at the sale sponsored by the Oshawa Advisory Board to The Canadian National Institute for the Blind convened by Mrs. A. J. Parkhill. | 2 INT (IKE PRODUCT MAKES CEDAR CLOSETS |g OSHAWA PAINT & WALLPAPER 315 Simcoe S. WE DELIVER Dial 3-2472 Skill has been a tradition || with us for over a quarter || of a century, - OPTOMETRISTS ST. E DIAL 5-0444 20 SIMCOE ST. S. * HORWICH CREDIT JEWEL EWis KING