/ 7 * www WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS mu 4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, November 7, 1958 Will Commemorate ~ Canadian Cartoonist Honourable Jean Lesage, Minis- ter of Resources and Development, | t announced today that the memory of John Wilson Bengough, Cana- dian cartoonist and poet, will be honoured by a bronze tablet erect- ed in the William Lyon Mackenzie Homestead, 82 Bond Street, Toron- 0. The tablet has been provided by the National Parks and Historic Sites Division of Resources and Development on the recommenda- tion of the Historic Sites and Monu- Elections and that such list r TOWN OF WHITBY Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List, 1953, Municipality of the Town of Whitby, . . County of Ontario Notice is hereby given that | have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act ond that | have posted up at my office at the Town of Whitby on the 4th day of November, 1953, the list of oll persons entitled to vote in the said M icipality of Municipel there for i cti And | hareby call upon all voters to take immediote proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the lost day for appeal being the 18th day of November, 1953. Dated ot the Town of Whitby this 7th day of November, 1953. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, BROC WHITBY HONE 618 Town of Whitby. K id Evening Shows 7-9 p.m. Saturday. Matinee 1:30 p.m. ALSO -- "UPSWEPT HARE" -- "ARE ANIMALS ACTORS" "LOST IN A TURKISH BATH" : COME ONE -- COME ALL -- PLAN TO ATTEND BENEFIT SHOW IN AID OF YOUR WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA THURSDAY NIGHT, NOV. 12TH EVENING SHOWS AT 7 AND 9 P.M. ALL SEATS 40c 1 | | | | | | roll, WHITBY DAY BY DAY Accounts of social events and news items of local interest and names of visitors are ap- preciated. PHONE 703 The Evening Group of the WMS of the United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Tutt on Monday, November 9th, at 8.15. UNITED CHURCH WMS The November meeting was held Tuesday afternoon in the church here. Mrs. A. W. Richardson pre- sided over the opening exercises and business part of the meeting. Mrs. A. Sturgess thanked the members for their generous sup- port of the church fair, reporting | that once again it had been a suc- cess. Mrs. A. Whittle's group were in charge of the program. Mrs. W. Carroll and Mrs. W. G. Augus- tus conducted an impressive wor- ship service. Mrs. Ross Hall san "Altar of Prayer" accompani by Mrs. Vernon Rowe. The second chapter of the study book was reviewed by Mrs. Car- Mrs. Lorne Kemp and Mrs. H. T. Fallaise. Mrs. Richardson's group were tea hostesses at the close of the meeting. WHITBY DUPLICATE BRIDGE At the weekly Duplicate Bridge game held on Tuesday night the following were the scores of the first four couples: Nerth and South, Mrs. Spratt and Mrs. Wil- son, 107%; Mrs. Erwin and Miss Richardson 92%, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. MacLeod, 86; Mr. and Mrs. Winter, 85; East and West, Mrs. Freenfan and Mrs. Odlum, 94; Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Mrs. Wells, 83. ST. ANDREW'S WA At the regular monthly meeting | | of the WA of St. Andrew's Church, | held at the home of Mrs. David | Kent Street, plans were | Mowat, completed for the St. Andrew's con- cert and social, and for a Christ- mas bake sale. The election of of- ficers will take place on Thursday evening, December 1st. ments Board of Canada. It will be unveiled on Friday, November 6, by E. J. Bengough of McMaster University, a nephew and the near- est surviving relative of the car- toonist. John Wilson Bengough was born in Toronto on April 5, 1851, the son of John Bengough and Margaret Wilson. He received his early edu- | cation in the Whitby district and grammar schools, and later be- came a printer. In 1873, he found- ed a humorous weekly entitled Bird, 93; ! Mr. and Mrs. King, 90%; Mr. and | | Grip, in Toronto, and his cartoons 1in this journal became widely | known, Selections were twice pub- | lished under the titles of Grip's { Cartoons (1875) and Caricature his- {tory of Canadian Politcs (1886). In | 1892 he severed his connection {with 'Grip and was successively | cartoonist with the Montreal Star |and the Toronto Globe. An ardent | advocate of single tax, prohibition, land free trade, he published sever- al political brochures. The Up-to- Date Primer, a first book of les- sons for little political economists (1898); The Gin Mill Primer (1898), and the Whole Hog Book (1911). He also published two books of | verse, Motley (1895), and in Many | Keys (1902). All these works were | published in Toronto. He was well | known for his humorous lectures | |and cartoons of local celebrities. | { | He died in Toronto, October 2, 1923. Professor Fred Landon, Chair- man of the Historic Sites add Monu- ments Board of Canada, will re- present the Board and the Re- sources Department at the unveil ing ceremony. SLICHTERS LTD.--FLORIST 124 DUNDAS W. WHITBY DIAL 324 pT ---- dl TT " stairs room finished and furnished. | ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE In 1872 Trafalgar Castle, then the resid of the Sheriff N. G. 1.0.D.E. Education was given a very im- portant place in Whitby in the years prior to and following incor- ration as a town in January of 855. A perusal of such papers as the Whitby Freeman and the Whit- by Reporter, both published 103 years ago, reveal little or no refer- ence to Whitby village schools, al- thought here must have been at least three. Whatever references we can find stress the importance of education, and then as now, the cost was an important factor. In the issue of the Whitby Chron- icle of January, 1859, four years after incorporation, reference is made in the minutes of a meeting of the Board of School Trustees to Anderson Street, Henry Street and John Street Public Schools. The late Col. J. E. Farewell, county clerk and solicitor and Crown Attorney for many years, in his brief historical notes on Ontario County, published in 1907, says that the first school was es- tablished in Whitby town limits in 1811 by Miss Cross, and that it was probably the first. The coun- ty school records that among the early teachers of the Common Schools in Whitby were Rev. Dr. Ormiston, Robert Milne, G. Y. Smith, who later became judge of {the Surrogate School, Ross John- | ston, later county registrar; J. H. | Greenwood; Miss Alice Hickey, | John Dundas, Chas. Bannister. One of the first separate school Whitby Classified NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this || column must be in the Whitby office by 5 p.m. the day preced- ing publication. INSULATE NOW, WITH ROCK-WOOL, | blower method, free estimates. Phil | Harper. Green St., Whitby. Phene 2277. (Nov26) EARLY DAYS IN WHITBY teachers was J. J. Murphy, and later Miss Lillie Droogan. While we can find no reference in an yof the published records we have examined of the exact date of the establishment of a separate school in Whitby, it is believed that there was one here at the turn of the century for the parish dates further back. than that. The present modern school is the fourth building. It replaced one, now used as a residence, close to the church on Palace Street. We hope, in the near fu- ture, when a complete chapter is given over to churches, to get from Rev. D. V. Hickey whatever records are available of not only of the church of St. John the Evangelist, but also the school so closely associated with it. JTHE HIGH SCHOOL According to records kept by the late Dr. Chas, F. McGillivray, for half a century secretary of the Board of Education, the High School was started in 1846, as the Senior County Grammar School, under the Act of 1839, which pro- vided for the establishment 'of grammar schools in the several county towns of the province. It subsequently became the Whitby High School, then, in 1880, it be- Reynolds, was purchased for the purpose of establishing a ladies' college, now the Ontario Ladies' College as we know it today. One of the prime movers in the pur- chase was Rev. J. E. Sanderson, an active promoter. Associated with him were James Holden Wal- ters Couthard, J. S. M. Wilcox, G. Y. Smith, Richard Hatch, Josh- ua Richardson, William Blow, H. B. Taylor, J. B. Powell and Aaron Ross. - The building, of course, has been greatly enlarged. Rev. Dr. Hare was the first prin- cipal, and it now includes a resi- dence for the principal. MANY INSTITUTIONS Some of the institutions flour- ishing in Whitby in the early days are noted in the County of On- tario Directory 1865-1870;. publish- ed by Connor and Coltson, are two Anglican churches, one Ro- man Catholic, Canada Presbyter- ian, Weslean and Primitive Meth- odist and Congregational Churches, a grammar and two common schools, South Ontario Agricultur- al Society, Whitby Branch of the Bible Society, a musical society, Mechanics' Institute, Masonic and Orange Lodges, Sons of Temper- ance, St. Patrick's and St. An- drew's Societies, two "rass bands, Engine and Hose Company, two volunteer infantry companies, FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY BRIDGE AND TEA LEGION HALL Tuesday, November 17th, 2:00 p.m. For Reservations Phone Mrs. WH. T. Fallaise, 2671 Mrs. 8. Murdoch, 511 Please Bring Cloths and Cards Let Us Demonstrate To You The Automatic "HERCO" Hard Coal Stoker FULL INFORMATION FREELY GIVEN came the Collegiate Institute. How- ever, after 34 years as such, in 1911, it was forced by the govern. | ment to return to the status of a | High School, which status it now | holds. Apparently no records were | kept from 1846 to 1858, with the | exception of the fact that Mr. E. | Hodgon, former inspector of Pub- | {lic Schools for South York, was principal during that period. From 1858 to 1863, the schonl was a two- | | room building, with only the down- IN MEMORIAM | COURTNEY -- In loving memory a dear husband and father, William Courtney, _ who passed away November 7, 1951, Sometimes its hard to understand FIRE | proof. Cool in summer: warm in winter , Free estimates. Walter Ward, Insulation | Contractor. 204 Chestnut West. phone 2563. (Dec25) WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED. SEP- tic tanks installed and cleaned. Phone 2061. Don Ferris, 639 Brock St. North, Whitby. (Nov20) | WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE OR 3 or 4 rooms, in Whitby, suburbs or countryside, for young couple. Write Box 404 Times-Gazette, Whitby. (Nov11) | | SAWS -- ALL KINDS, SHARPENED, | filed, set. It it's dull we sharpen it. | | Rear of George Hamers, 212 Brock S., | | Andy Anderson. (Decd) | | WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK | for Nov. 2. Boys 1 and 2. Counrty home or permanent. Phone Pickering 180. (250f) | A PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE: {,also baby-sitting. Apply Mrs. L. Foster; #100 Centre South. (2516) INSULATION--USING PAL-O-PAK IN- sulation, made in Whitby, you will get the best for the least money. Call i H. H. Goode and Son, Ltd., 2017. Free estimates. (Dect) FOR SALE---MISS CANADA WASHING | Machine, nearly new. $80. Phone 2532. (259b) {| FOR RENT--3-ROOMED APARTMENT, | heated, suitable for couple. Write Box | | 408, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (259¢) | | FOR SALE -- Single bed, almost new. | | 408 Byron South, evenings only, not Sun- | day. (2604) FOR SALE --- CHOICE BUILDING LOT | for sale, near school. with sewer and water, extra good garden soil. Rea- sonable. Phone 2332. (260C) FOR SALE -- Cook stove, 20" warming closet and reservoir, coal or wood. Also furnace and heater. Several clean beds. Prices reasonable. Phone | 953 Whitby. (260A) | | ROOM TO RENT -- SUITABLE FOR working girl. Abstainer. Central. Phone | (260A) | oven, FOR RENT -- LARGE LIGHTHOUSE- keeping room, furnished, ground floor, private entrance, central, suitable for business couple or two working girls. | Phone 870. (260C) | FoR 'RENT -- Two housekeeping rooms, heated, child welcome, immediate pos- | session. 208 Starr Ave., Whitby. (260A) | 'WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED, SEP- tic tanks installed and cleaned, com- Phone 2563, W. pressure work done. (Dec.17) Ward, 210 Chesnut West. WASHER WORK GUARANTEED Complete check - up. Wringer end ear oll changed. rolls In k. Special price over- BUTT RADIO And Avplisnce 130 Brock St. N., Whitby Tel. 707 STROWGER'S FURNITURE CO. LTD. Authorized Dealers for Canadian General Electric Appliances 123 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY PHONE 611 TOWN OF WHITBY ONTARIO TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Whitby, Ontarle. To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Whitby, bearing the date of the 17th doy of August, 1953, ao sale of lands in arrears for | taxes in the Town of Whitby will be held in the Council Chamber at the hour of ten o'clock in the forencon on | Wednesday, the 16th day eof December, | 1953, unless the toxes end costs ore sooner paid. Notice is hereby given thot the list of lands for sole for arrears of taxes | is being published in The Ontario | Gozette on the 5th doy of September, | 1953, and thot copies of said list moy be had at my office. Treasurer's Office this 24th day of August, 1953. JOHN R. FROST, > Treasurer, ~ y have to be, But in His wisdom God has planned | Beyond our power to see; | A day of remembrance sadly recalled, Without farewell he left us all. ~Sadly missed and ever remembered COURTNEY -- - In loving memo William Courtney, who passed Todd | November 7, 1951. --Ever remembered by his loving Aunt Meg and family. (260A) by wife, Barbara, and sons Billy and David. > (260A) WEST . -- In loving memory a dear friend, Mrs. West, who passed away November 8th, 1952. ~--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowler. (260A) CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appre- ciation for the kindness shown me dur- ing my recent illness. Especially thank- ing Dr. Russell, Doctors and Nurses of the Oshawa General Hospital, friends and relatives, Miss Whiteman and staff of the Ontario. Hospital, Rev. and members of the Faith Church. Also many thanks for the lovely cards and flowers I received. : --Clara Powell REG BRYANT ELECTRIC Wiring & Repairs 213 BYRON ST. SOUTH . TELEPHONE 628 ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewinding - Repairing Sales and Service PORT WHITBY ELECTRIC 1600 Brock Street South | Co. (Continued on Page 5) | CALL 524 JAMES SAWDON AND SONS 244 BROCK STREET, SOUTH WHITBY, ONTARIO | Montreal and Canadian Express | telegraph offices. and two! newspapers, the Whitby Chronicle | and the Whitby Gazette. | Further reference to tary will be made later. the mili. Finland's merchant marine now has more than 600 vessels with! gross tonnage of about 650,000. ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS | YL. {4{"3 SAM j BY HARRY DONALD LTD YESSIR, cv, AY DOCTOR HAS TO| DO A LOT OF HARD DRIVING. | AVERAGE 30,000 IT'S NOTHING. | HAVE A PATIENT NEXT DOOR AND | FIGURED 'D KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE, | HAVEN'T A WORRY IN THE WORLD, THOUGH, BECAUSE MY CAR IS ALWAYS SERVICED AT IT'S 600D OF YOU, DOC, TO COME THIS FAR TO LOOK IN ON MY WIFE, Corbett | Baptist | NEGLECTFUL DRIVERS | MORNING is the time of day neglectful drivers stagger home if their cars decide to strike for better care. If you depend on your car for work or business transportation, and value your life and peace of mind to boot, DON'T SHIRK ON REPAIRS WHEN | THEY'RE NEEDED. Don't Shirk on Repairs When They're Needed ! HARRY DONALD vo. CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE WHITBY PHONES 304 and 305 OSHAWA IS YO IF YOUR NAME IS To qualify to vote a WHITBY MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Monday, December 7th, 1953 This information may be ascertained by examining the list at the places hereunder noted, dur- ing the hours specified or THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE - 601 Locations Where List May Be Examined Town Hall, Town Clerk's Office, Public and Separate School buildings, Public Library and Post Office (during regular school or business hours). Printed appeal forms for the correction of errors or omissions may be obtained at the Town Clerk's office, where a Voters' list has been placed. Any such appeals must be forwarded to the office of the Town Clerk, 201 Brock Street South, on or before Wednesday, November 18th, 1953. OR, TELEPHONE THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE -- 601 (ANY TIME BETWEEN 9 AM. AND 5 P.M, EXCEPT SATURDAYS) AND AN APPEAL WILL BE ENTERED ON YOUR BEHALF. Owner or Tenant; or Wife or Husband of an Owner or Tenant. NOTE: Those who occupy a domestic establishment of two or more rooms in which they sleep, pre- pare and serve meals, who are assessed for a sum not less than $300.00 and qualify as above are entitled to vote. ROOMERS AND BOARDERS are 'NOT entitled to vote. If you have changed your place of residence this year check and make sure REMEMBER: THE LAST DAY FOR FILING APPEALS UR NAME ON THE VOTERS' LIST? BY TELEPHONING Any time between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (except Saturdays) NOT ON THE LIST, AND YOU HAVE THE QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECT- t Municipal Elections, you must be -- 21 years of age; A British Subject; An your name is on the Voters' List. NOVEMBER 18TH i (Thereafter It Will Be Too Late) JOHN R. FROST, Town Clerk.