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Daily Times-Gazette, 9 Nov 1953, p. 8

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8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, November 9, 1958 VOMEN JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3-2233 LITTLE SISTER HAS A BIRTHDAY Proud of her baby sister is Janice Louise Walker. Janice is five and a half years old and Judith Marie is one today. The little girls are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Walker, Verdun Road, and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McCann and Mrs. Arthur Walker, all of Oshawa, and Mrs. E. Frank Neal is their atgrandmother. hoto by Bert Boorman. St. George's W.A. Has Annual Supper The annual pot luck supper of the Woman's Auxiliary, evening branch, of St. George's Church on Thursday evening was a well at- tended and very pleasant occasion. At the 'conclusion of the supper, the Rev. Canon D .M. Rose, rector, | Fis spoke briefly but very interes to the group. The monthly busi ness meeting followed with the / Jean Anderson, JheE-EgN) their favorite cookie recipes, wi will be made into a small cook . book An invitation was received to at- tend a meeting of the evening branches, WA, for the Diocese of Toronto on Monday, November 16, at the Church of the Messiah, to- ronto, when Miss Catherine Heaton of the Downtown Church Workers would be the speaker. A letter was read from the secretary of the Sun- day School Caravan Mission re esting that a reresentative be osen from each auxiliary in this diocese to assist the Van Workers. Mrs. Sidney Sharples was chosen as representative. Donations were voted to W.A. House, Humewood House, Bishop's Emergency Fund, Diocesan Social Service, Expense Fund, Cartwright Cottage, Anglican Women's Train- ing College and towards two jeeps for use in India. Coffee was served at the conclu- sion of the meeting. Harmony WA Holds First Fall Bazaar The first Fall Bazaar ever to be held in the Harmony United Church was marked by the sea- son's first snowstorm. But de- and unceasing efforts on church's behalf. Mrs. Bury was introduced to the gathering by Mrs. Howard Stacey, president of the WA. Before offi- cially opening the bazaar, Mrs. Bury dwelt on the important place that women had in the church and their great contribution to the scheme of things. Last year four million dollars had been raised by the WA's alone within the denom- inations' churches throughout Can- ada. She brought Erestings from King Street and wishes for success in the major undertaking new go- on. . he two groups, the Willing Worker group, with Mrs. Leo Kemp as leader, and the Onward group led by Mrs. Ronald Ogden, d most effectively displaye their booths on the up-stairs floor. were nicely made gay print aprons and wearables for children and adults; hand-knits and gay seasonal corsages; a country store where one could buy the makings of a full-course meal; home-made candy; home baking, with a tempt- Lodge No. 97 held from costume jewellery to bath- salts; and a most fascinating s for the young set at least, a and doll-counter. The various booths were presid- ed over by the following: ling Worker group: Aprons, seph Arvay, Mrs. Well. Trainer, Mrs. R. J. Juke, convener; home- cooking, Mrs. Frank Michael, Mrs. Harold Winter, Mai" Donald Har- Mrs. Jo- er; white elephant, Mrs. Lees, A ank Fleury; Mrs. Leo Kemp, Mrs. K. cher. , Mrs. John Harris, Mrs. Mi Lambe, Sovendr; home. an coun store, Irs. A Mrs. Alvin Scott; Mrs. Edward Blakely, Mrs. George h; les, Mrs. J Van Courte; toys and dolls, Mrs. Kenneth Whiley, Mrs. Jack Neill. Tea-room -- Mrs. Gourge Mat- thews, Mrs. Stewart Mackie, Mrs. Mrs. Donal . | Jonah; Kay, Mrs. . Gordon Robinson, Mrs. E. W. Reynolds, co-conveners. Tea - room hostess, Mrs. William Roser. CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Ritson H and 8 Assn Cedar Dale H and 8 Lend-a-Hand Club Lyceum Club Simcoe Street CGIT Horticultural Society Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club IODE (Jubilee Chapter) St. John Amb. Division Harmony H and S$ Assn. King St. H and § Assn. Woodcrest H and 8 CGIT Auxiliary S. A. Home League Christ Church W. A. King St. Jr. W. A. Canadian Legion Aux, Golden Links Class Holy Trinity W. A, Holy. Trinity Eve. Guild Court Oshawa, IOF. Calvary Baptist YWMC North Oshawa Jr. W. A. Women's P. C. Assn. St. George's W.A. (Ritson Grp.) WEDNESDAY S. A. Prayer Meeting University Women's Club Victory Lodge, LOBA Knox Presbyterian WMS Cedar Dale Sr. W. A. Oshawa Rebekah Lodge Cedar Dale Jr. W. A. St. John Nursing Div. Parent-Teacher Assn. Northminster WMS South Simcoe H and 8 Thornton's Corners H and 8 THURSDAY St. Andrew's WMS St. George's Eve. W. A. King Street Aft. W. A. 5th Scout Mothers' Aux. Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild 6th Scout Mothers' Aux. St. George's Eve. Guild St. George's Aft. W. A. Mary Elliot Smith Aux. 10th Grp Committee Silver Cross Women . '(East Grp) Entreprise 1.0.0. 2167 » LODGES AND SOCIETIES QUEEN MARY LODGE The members of Queen Mary eir regular goodies; a fish-pond meeting recently in the Orange array for the smaller visitors; a white elephan! one could t Ww. purchase for a few. cents anything | Gardner \ {Temple on Bruce Street. Worthy Mistress _ Sister Cora presided. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES SIMCOE STREET WMS At the last Ineeuing of the WMS ni of Simcoe Street ted Church, Mrs. O. G. Mills gave a charming- ly told story of India. She brought out the facts that India had re cently come to the forefront ically world-wide notice. India Bridge between the East West. E. A. Mrs. with a cis. The worship service was by Mrs. Orville E prayer by St. Fran : | Christmas tree an |The December meeting * (Guild on December 1 will take Mrs. which Mrs. story of Jesus he Jor ok meyine y oy of obeying Jesus prom Mrs Cro . A. A. wile sng, of God," gl ovmpanied CA School at Kakinada, India, for the Care parcel sent by the WMS. F. AND L. WORKERS' AUX. Ladies' Auxili 101 of Local 205, Fur and Leatherworkers. held its November meeting at the UAW : [Hall with Sister Mary Witwicki presiding. Plans were completed for the final arrange- ments were made to entertain 30 women from Fairview Lodge, Whitby. They were taken for a 50- mile bus tour circling the suburbs, and brought back to Oshawa where they were served tea and Street South. Reports ed immensely. At the meetin, sed a banquet the group discus- or the ball team. cember CANADIAN LEGION AUX. Clifford Pilkey presiding. and welcomed into the Auxiliary. ed in held on Tuesday November 17. Mrs. George Cavey, Mrs. C. W. Hewett, Mrs. Benjamin Jacklin volunteer- ed to pour tea at the bazaar. Cards and letters of thanks were read by Mrs. Eric Jacklin. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD The Women's Guild of St. the parish hall recently. ber 26, in the parish hall ed to hold a combined rummage sale on Friday, November 18, in the parish hall. an evening of colored slides would be presented on February 18 11 of a dinner meeting in the parish hall. Mrs. J. A. Marshall gave a short the Consumers' Association at W. R. Walton, Jr. was aker. Tea was served by Mrs. J. 0. Coldrick's group. ALBERT STREET WMS Albert St. United Church WMS held its November meeting in the board room of the church on Wed- vice presi- lit- . Also in the Group for Inter- national Culture, were many In- dian writers, who were attracting was the and the Henley opened he he. taking the e ing the ' re Zaccheus to | of kindness and / sandwiches at Ritzie's Snack Bar : {on from Mrs. D. E. Coates, superin- tendent, that the trip was enjoy- The mext meeting will be on De- The Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary. held its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 8 with Mrs. One new member was initiated A la1ge amout of goods were hand- or 'the bazaar which is being Mrs. James Lovell '.and George's Anglican Church met in Mrs. J. 0. Coldrick consented to convene the fall bazaar and tea to be held on Thursday, Novem- Four groups of the Guild decid- A letter was read stating that account of the recent meeting of | | CONVENER Mrs. R. J. Ross is acting as general convener of the fourth 'annual Birthday Ball of the Gol- den Jubilee Chapter, IODE, which is taking place on Friday night in the recreational hall of the Ontario Flying Club. ~--Photo by Hornsby Studio. Reports and Plans Feature Meeting Christ Church Guild Mrs. P. Y. Davoud, Parkside Drive was-hostess to the Afternoon Guild of Christ Church on Friday for its November meeting. Mrs. S. A. Wilsen was co-hostess. Following the devotional, the President, Mrs. H. A. Lawrence, welcomed Mrs. A. F. Soutar as a new member. The minutes of the former meeting were read by sec- retary Mrs. Avern Taylor. The treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Edwards presented her statement. The president reported on the Rummage Sale; also the lecture and demonstration given last Tues- day by Mr. Ian Davey in the par- ish hall. A cake, plate, a donation by Miss Maude Bassett, went to Mrs. E. Richardson in a lucky draw and following the pictures, the guests enjoyed tea and cookies with the Guild members. The Christmas bazaar is a joint effort for the Womens Associations and takes place November 25. This Group's sewing table will be in charge of Mrs. J. W. Edwards, Mrs. Gordon Summers, Mrs. Ray Hobbs and Mrs. H. A. Lawrence. Handling the baking will be Mrs. J. D. Elliott, Mrs. A. E. Johnson, Mrs. Eric Vesey and Mrs, D. Bailes. Mrs. Avern Taylor will sup- ervise the "Touch and Take" table and Mrs. Ray Day and Mrs. T. H. Orton the Sugar Plum tree. Mrs. Avern Taylor-gave a report on the recent meeting of the Cana- dian Consumers Association when accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Sum- mers they represented the Guild. A very successful affair was the recent Silver Anniversary of Christ Church when the three womens or- ganizations -- Woman's Auxiliary Evening Guild and Afternoon Guild combined to arrange a pot luck dinner in celebration and goodfel- lowship, with the "Merry Mates' handling the program. On Wednesday, December 2, Mrs. Edward Robson, Simcoe Street Group members and their friends a poem, 'Make Ford's Pray- in un Mrs. Arthur Howard, the secre- d tary, read the minutes of the last * |meeting and the treasurer, Mrs. Harold Creamer, gave her report. Mrs. Walter Cole, the supply sec- Telaly, gave her report. It was de- ci to pack the bale at the church on Thursday p.m.. November 12, and it was an- Sons ak, Sood Sloan, ned clo wou greatly appreci- ated for the bale. Mrs. Arthur Howard read the nomination re- port for 1954 in which a literature secretary is added to the slate of officers. Mrs. Roy Corbman led in t worship service with the theme fo! November, 'The Body of Christ". The seriptire was read by Mrs. Albert lcott, after which Mrs. Corbman gave a feading, e study period was led by Mrs. Albert Chilcott, Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Creamer in a skit. "Much Ado About Literacy and Literature". Refreshments were served by Mrs. Samuel Gibbs and Mrs. George Atha. ALICE JACKSON AUX. The Alice Jackson evening aux- illary of King Street United Church met in the church parlor recently with Mrs. Leslie Booth and her committee in charge of the even- ing. Mrs. Booth led in the worship service taking as the theme "The Church, the Body of Christ'. Mrs. C. R. Elliott read the seripture lesson. Miss Gwen Wilson sang a solo entitled "I Believe" accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. Mere- dith Moffatt. The book "'Where're the Sun' 'was taken by Mrs. Eric Mason, Mrs. R. Jones, Mrs. Walter Ritzie and Mrs. J. Briggs, the theme being "Chris- fats in Asia" and 'Christians in ndia". A report of the rally held at Ked- ron was given by Mrs. Henry Keys and Mrs. - Meredith Moffatt. Mrs. C. W. Sleeman spoke on "Christian Stewardship". A skit was present- ed by the Hampton Auxiliary. Mrs. William Marjoribanks of who was the guest speaker at the nly e on the United Nations. e business of the evening was conducted by the president. Mrs. Cyril Powell and refreshments were served by the committee in charge. KARACHI (CP) -- A five-man goodwill mission from East Pakis- tan is touring Indonesia, Burma and Malaya. Among the group is Dr. Sajjad Hussain of the English department at Dacca University. 'oronto for the Di ber meeting to be ollowey by a' Plastic Co Thay Refreshments followed the ad- Journment of the meeting with Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon pouring tea. -- 8 lea. King Street WMS Holds Busy Meeting The regular meeting of K Street United Church" WMS 3 {held on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. William Medland expressed, her pleasure in the large attendance, Mrs. Wilbur Harris offered pray- er for peace for those in high places and the United Church Mis- sionaries. Mrs. Cecil dall read e. scripture lesson. Mrs. Bruce Wilson took lessons from the life of Paul and showed how people could be helped by taking Paul's |pattern. Mrs. Tyndall closed with a reports 0 re) were given of the Presbyterial Rally on October 29 at Kedron by the delegates Mrs. RY SHIT YL VENETIAN SHADES Modec-to-Measure FREE ESTIMATES WARD'S Dial at Athol North will open her home to the' PERSONALS Mrs. a es ana Mis. ; James Yo pour tea at ? "Come ph gM Tea" to be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Wil- liams, Ritson Road South, on Wed- nesday, November 11, under the auspices of the Afternoon Wom- en's Association of Cedardale United Church. Mr. Neil MacDonald has been elected president of the Young Adults' Club of Knox Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Nan Gowanus is vice- president; Miss Margaret Cor- mack, secretary; Mr. eson, treasurer. At the on evening Mr. Clark showed a motion picture on money 'For Good or Evil". Mr. Larry tors was in charge of the worship. Ronald Kelly Weds Beatrice I. Brown Yellow, Drone ne Wilts Shy. santhemums erns form setting in Greenbank United Church, Greenbank for a wedding recently when Beatrice Irene Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown of Greenbank was united in marriage with Mr. Ron- ald L. Kelly of Oshawa, son of Mr. L. J. Kelly of Norham, On- tario, and Mrs. L. Johnson of Osh- awa. The Reverend R. T. Chapin per- formed the double ring cere- mony. Mrs. Ernest Till played the wedding music and Mrs. George Bear sang "The Lord's Prayer" and ""O Promise Me." Given in-marriage by her father the bride wore a strapless gown of frost white nylon net over satin complemented with a matching jacket and mittens. Her finger tip veil of tulle illusion was gathered to a poke bonnet accented with seed pearls. She wore pearls, the bridegroom's gift and carried a white Bible crested with red roses. Miss Lorraine Brown of Toronto, was maid of honor for her sister wearing a lavender waltz length gown of nylon net over satin with matching headdress and carried a cascade of yellow chrysanthe- mums and roses. Mr. Thomas Clarke Kennelly of Oshawa performed the duties of best man The ushers were Mr. Thomas Brown, brother of the bride, and Mr. Ray Kelly, brother of the bridegroom. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. To receive the guests the bride's AT PARKWOOD is an antici- pated annual event. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin pose £ Miss Isobel McLaughlin greet Mr. and Mrs. Cheney Beekley of Hartford, Connecticut. --Times-Gazette Staff Photos beside one of the many banks of exotic blooms. Below the host and hostess with their two daugh- Above Col. ters, Mrs. Eileen McEachren and THE CHRYSANTHEMUM TEA | mother wore an afternoon dress of navy blue crepe with winter white accessories. They both wore cor- sages of pink roses. Centering the bride's table was a three-tier wedding cake. The toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. Chapin and the toast to the bridal attendants by Mr. Kennelly. For the honeymoon trip to Niag- ara Falls the bride wore a light blue suit with wine ies and Col. and Mrs. R.S. McLaughlin Receive Guests at Parkwood were at home on Saturday after- noon when they received some four hundred W. H. Stanley, Miss Ann Arm- strong, Miss Audrey English, Mrs. David Lander, Mrs. George Lind- sey, Miss Elizabeth McMullen, Miss Ann Baldwin, Mrs. Roderick Ross, Miss Nancy Burns, Miss Martha Jane Washington, Mrs. A. C. Morrison, Miss Ann Geikie, Miss Shirley Umphrey, Miss Betty McBain. mums to compliment their frocks. Receiving with Col. and Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin were their daughters; Mrs. Eileen McEach- Col. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin guests who found rare the famous a corsage of red roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will re- | side in Greenbank, Ontario. Guests were present from Oshawa, To- ronto and Uxbridge. in SIMCOE STREET WA The members of group 3 of the Woman's Association of Simcoe Street United Church met at the home of Mrs. A. E. Lovell, Sim- coe Street North, last Friday for the November meeting. There was a very good attendance. Mrs. Ed- gar Bradley conducted the busi- ness. The work of the year was re- viewed and final plans completed. group's annual tmas party will be held at the home of Mrs. Percy Canning, Drew Street, on December 2, the first Wednesday of the month, instead of the first Friday. a te Parkwood chrysanthemums. (the giant Japanese variety, rang- and through the shades of mauve, with groups of pure white, were banked in greenhouse after green- house. Formal arrangements of the smaller varieties in delicate au- tumn hues lined the corridors, and the dining table was centered with green houges were 'shaggy' "varieties, begonias and flowering plants and the exquisite orchids. Laughlin was wearin, gown of black peau velvet at the Regency neckline and son, Mrs. Charles Robson, Miss wearing corsages of chrysanthe- | Jackson, Mrs. Everett Lovell, Mrs. re, in viewing Guests were present from Toron- to, Oakville, Whitby, Trenton, Port Hope, Owen Sound, Lindsay, King- ston, Hamilton, Guelph, Colborne, Bowmanville and Oshawa. ren, Miss Isobel McLaughlin. Pouring tea were Mrs. F. N. G. | Starr, Mrs. W. D. Ross, Mrs. E. G. | Baker, Mrs. H. F. Patterson, Mrs. |W. E. Gallie, Mrs. J. C. Fraser, Mrs J. J. Vaughan, Mrs. D. E. Robertson, Mrs. Roscoe Graham, all of Toronto; and Mrs. J. H. Beaton, Mrs. D. M. Rose, Mrs. W. A. Wecker, Mrs. Cyril Waite, Mrs. R. G. Mills, Mrs. H. P. Schell, Mrs. Hugh Hall, all of Osh- awa. Assisting were Mrs. Gordon |} Hare, Miss Louise Henry, Miss Joy Wecker, Mrs. E. R. S. Me- To receive her guests Mrs. Mec- |Laughlin, Miss Marilyn Green, a hostess | Miss Patricia Gordon, Mrs. George e soie with | McLaughlin, Mrs. Edward Rob- Now at the peak of perfection g from pale yellow to bronze PEARSON GUEST SPEAKER OTTAWA (CP)--External Affairs Minister Pearson will be the speaker at the annual Grey Cup aceful setting of pure white. is . y dinner in Toronto Nov. 27. Also attracting attention in the the unique the colorful Skill has been a tradition with us for over a quarter of a century. LEWIS... OPTOMETRISTS 3 KING ST. E. DIAL 5-0444 white orchid corsage. All the | Mary Mowbray, Miss Anita Weck- a hostesses and assistants were | er, Miss Joan Canning, Mrs. Philip Lorne 'Ferguson and Mrs. Harold Tiers. One fact was stressed. The WMS needs more willing workers and more sincerity in S work. Nineteen members attended the Rally from King Street. Mrs. Frank Michael reported the address given by Mrs Marjori- banks and on the school for lead- ers Mrs. Marjoribanks spoke on the League of Nations. Fifty-six nations were banded together in 1945 with one object to work for ace. The UN had helped in orea, Trieste and the Mau Mau situation, she said. The new UN building was the very latest thing in architecture, made of steel and glass. 6,000 em- ployees were needed, a large num- r of whom are secretaries. Mrs. L. H. Muldrew, friendship secretary, reported 29 hospital calls and 151 me calls. Mrs. Hales Barker, littrature secretary, stressed the need of reporting all books read. Mrs. Ernest Brown presented the study book chapter 4. Mr. and Mrs. Denis Pickard ac- companied by Mrs. J. Wilkins san two duets "In the garden" an "I shall understand". The morn- ing church service on November 15 has been chosen for the WMS thank-offering when the Rev. Hun- niset will be the special speaker. Seasoned Travelers CHOOSE modern, comfortable bers of Tyrone Unity LOBA were welcomed to the meeting. Four members of advanced to t Scarlet Degree, which was very well done by the officers. Several items of business were dealt with and at the.next regu- lar meeting RW Sister Lottie Ham- ilton, Grand Mistress of Ontario West, will conduct the election of officers for the coming year, Several mem-|mi Sister Beryl Elliott and her com- ttee served refreshments. A ueen Mary Lodge STONY ISLAND AT SIXTY SEVENTH Away from the noise of the loop--yet pod in I5 minutes. Chicago's hotel within 10 minutes, from ities for business and social GEORGE E. KNOY , Gen. Mgr, Chicago the airport. 600 rooms--complete facil. functions. CHICAGO PHONE FAirfex 4.5100 KENWOOD BLANKETS wot. the KENWOOD CLUB! All you do is choose the dreamy Kenwood colour you want, make a small deposit, then week by week watch the balance dwindle till the blankets are yours! Whether you're collecting a trousseau or wish to buy lovely 4ll-wool Kenwoods for your home or for gifts, this by-the-week plan is designed for your convenience. A personal Kenwood Pass Book will record your payments and show you how fast you can buy in this budget way. Drop into our Blanket Depart. ment for further information--and join now! WARD'S Simcoe at Athol -- Dial 5-1151

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