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Daily Times-Gazette, 14 Nov 1953, p. 11

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LOCAL BOWLING LEAGUES ENJOY PLENTY OF ACTION A ef ; iF ; } : i i : i I I it i 18 Ei i : 5 i Pf Ee x 5 H g . Le h ; ¥ : i ut i § , Bob Sennott Macanerin 301, Art Sheridan , Floyd Gavas 265, Bill Evans H Hutcheon 255, Davidson Joe Spencer 252, Joe Thieman 252, Ivan Gray 251, Mike 1. Men's triples Gar. McAnerin 702, Ramp Hutcheon 685, Bob Sennott 688, Walter Harmer 661, Ivan Gray 661, Frank McKenzie 656, J 656, Jack Bent 646, Joe 643, Flav Gavas 638, Lawrence McConkey 636, Mike Yourkevich 635, Art Sheridan 634, Bill Evans 618, Ken Hockin 615, Gord Johansen 612 E82 8 Bruce Jackson $09, Lorne Mitchell 0 Don McDougall 601, Chuck Gi ley 601. Lemon Jean Black 71, BT ER A 9. ' il B's took four points from the Nitwit's, the Short-Bot- toms four from the Jets and the Esopy three the Hopefuls. Over 200: B. Hollyhead 253, J. Alexander 248, H. Longbottom 245, L. Wilson 243 and , D. Sager 236 and 229, L. Ferencz 235, A. Goyne 235, G. Wilson 221, H. Hart- shorn 221, B. Colvin 221 and 202, E. White 220 and 213, K. Hutton A. Lazar 203 and I guess we B. Tkaczuk th 200. taken permanent possession of these titles. wok, Meh single: Harry Hut: Men's h : Bud Moore 2, 347, 10 (i Lemon League: Rose Ferencs 81. STANDINGS esses ssscnene sssscane 9 MOTOR CITY RE LEAGUE With only two more weeks this section of le's still ee Toad ont "Fred's biiveln the points from Stacey's Flyist. Ji and Lovell took two, leaving ock's one and Willman Motors treated Shephard's in the same manner. There were only five girls to make the 400 class this week: Cis Rochect 453, Ede Reading 442, Ella Long 419, Did Hobbs 407 and Aud- 124 Brandon 404. 'ANDING People's Clothing Fre: Drive-In . Jury and Lovell Stacey's Florist Fowler Electric Wellman Motors Shepherd's Kinlock'a 218, J. Moore 214, J. Lowe 208, A. 47, C. Fe Shaw 207, B. Bull - son 207 and 204, M. Burrows "205, Scott's Record Bar ... Gold Medal Cleaners .. , | night punched Johnn; CHICAGO (AP) -- Welterweight champion Kid Gavilan, who Friday Bratton as e were a rag doll, is ready to und business before shooting at Bobo Olson's middle- weight crown. Gavilan won an unanimous 15- round title decision from Bratton, who finished with a face like a worked over with an iron win Chicago Stadium, the would abandon the welter class and try to emulate Sugar Ri Robinson in graduating from 147- ad jo 160. pound boxing king. But the Gavilan who threw count- less searing punches at a befuddled and helpless Bratton mow is re. if do more 1474 or lose ed wanting to meet Carmen (Bas ilio or Gil Turner again in a couple of welterweight - efforts be- from | fore taking on Olson next spring. This was a.change of heart whic! may be traced to the Indernati ho | Boxing Club's reaction to the Kid's , who will don Ranger uniform for the first time in Detroit Sunday. Boucher use him on right wing Max Bentley and Ron Mur- 's two hottest clubs-- aple Leafs and Boston Bru their series in Maple Leaf Gardens tonight. Leafs are unbeaten in their last six games, winning four and tying two to them second place, four points behind leading Montreal Canadiens, The Bruins have won five, d For sheer Yillainy there's referee a pare ans stoppe os Any Voy Pp Black Hawks game six times by throwing papers on the ice in expressing ir feelings over Udvari's de- cisions. Bernie Geoffrion, Montreal forward, slammed the referee into the boards. He was given a game misconduct penalty and Frida NHL president Clarence Campbell fined him $250 conduct." Sid Abel's Black Hawks are look- ing for a win. They've. won only two and tied two in 17 starts, a record that 'leaves them deep in the league cellar. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Chicago--Kid Gavilan, 146, Ha- vana, outpointed Johnny Bratton, 145%, Chicago (15) (for world's welterweight title). , Australia--Jimmy Car- rut , 117%, Sydney, outpointed Pappy Gault, 117%, Spartanburg, S.C. (15) (for world's bantam- weight title). TOM FOOL CHOSEN NEW YORK (AP)--Tom Fool was named horse of 1953 i pe Telegraph and Daily Rac- ing Form. Tom Fool, unbeaten in 10 year Tr ,355, also was named the bet p horse and top sprinter of the year. = for his "inexcusable |S1¢ of |lost defenceman flaming go here. Gavilan was floored for the sec- ond time in his c and had to scramble desperately for a 15- round decision over Basilio at Syr- acuse in Se ber. The talk then was that the Kid was rusty, incapable of making the welter limit. But Gavilan's seventh defence of his title last night beford a sur- Kid Gavilan Wins (By Wide Margin a gross gate of $176,390 was one of his most artistic performances in a career of 113 pro fights. Bratton, who dropped ti Na- tional Boxing Association version 1951, never had a chance after the eighth round, in which the champ cornered Johnny to admin- ister a terrific pasting. BADLY BEATEN After it was over Bratton lay huddled and weeping beneath blan- kets in his dressing room. He could not talk. He was still lying there--both eyes swollen shut, a jagged cut over one of them, and nose like a lump of clay--1% hours after the brawl was over. Dr. John Pribble of the Illinois Athletic Commission said Bratton had no broken bones. The actual count of Gavilan's furious attack was 53 blows, all to the head. After the blistering eighth, Gavilan worked like a man who wanted to break a crate of eggs, one at a time. In the Closing 15th, Gavilan whaled away with his bolo punches ainst a weary, helpless Bratton who ref to fall and got an ovation from the crowd for his 148, collected 40 cent of the net gate of $134,739, a slice of $53,895, plus $20,000 from TV, for a total purse of $73,859.60. Bratton, 145%, received 20 per prising crowd 19,260 ch paid cent, or $26,947.80, plus $10,000 Ifrom TV, for a purse of $36,947.80. Underdogs Have In Junior Series By THE CANADIAN PRESS It was a lucky Friday the 13th for most of the underdogs .in the Ontario Hockey Association Junior A series Friday night. In three of the four games the lesser teams came up with victories. In the other game a carton of rabbits' feet couldn't have helped the last-place Quebec Citadelles as they were crushed by the in- vading St. Catharines Tee Pees 11- 2 in St. Catharines. In Toronto, St. Michael's College Majors moved from eighth to sev- enth place by defeating the Marl- boros, who remained in the third ot. Guelph Biltmores moved up two notches into a four-way tie for third with a 5-4 home-ice decision over the second-place Galt Black Hawks. The two points gained by Barrie Flyers with their 4-2 victory over Hamilton Tigers in Barrie vaulted them into a share of third place with Hamilton, Marlboros .and Guelph. Cec Hoekstra scored three goals to lead the St. Catharines runaway over Quebec. Brian Cullen fired a air and Hugh Barlow, Wimpy Roberts, Hank Ciesla, Jack Arm- strong, Bulloch and Danny Polizi- ani added the others. Mike Ratch- ford and George Falkner scored for the Citadelles. Walt Para tallied , twice for Guelph Biltmores, who had to sup- Pets a Galt rally after taking a lead into the final period. Harry Seott, Bob Attersley and Bill Mc- Cre rounded out the total. Neil McDonald scored three of the four. Hawk goals in the final period. John Sleaver notched the other. The Barrie victory over Hamil ton was a costly one. The Flyers Bill Hope in the od when he was taken seco off the ! injurie ce with undetermined leg 8. Ik rn? Use Our Insiall-Now-Pay-Laier Plan 1; DOWN -- Balance April 1, 1954 Without Interest or Carrying Charges FOR FREE ESTIMATES DIAL 54632 - KOOLVENT AWNINGS OF OSHAWA 94 BRUCE ST. KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS DIAL 5-4632 Day Play Johnny Martan, Arnold Smith, Bob White and Jim Robertson shared the Barrie scoring. Val Mitchell and Real Larouc re- sponded for the Tigers. Guelph returns Galt's visit and Kitchener - Waterloo Greenshirts welcome Barrie in tonight's action. Quebec Citadelles clash with St. Michael's and St. Catharines plays the Marlboros in a Sunday doublfe- header in Toronto. Fine Geoffrion For Misconduct . MONTREAL (CP)--Bernie Geof- rion was fined $250 Friday by President Clarence Campbell of the layer's 'gross misconduct" in hursday night's game. There is no suspension from play. The $250 includes the automatic oD Sige which, accompanies a isconduct pen e - cad given Goottrios by Ret Shovel' Ti tha ys ey 2 0 Montreal player. 5 by The incident occurred late in the third period of the game here with i > Black Hawks, foiowing on a or Geoffrion for hooking. pengiy Campbell said Geoffrion followed a Fowler Electric took all ("™ of the 147-pound title to Gavilan in | righ National Hockey League for the t ef- |C ting ueeze in wi eaten : | acquired the Me are S01 230, 305 (80), It looks like Mrs. Hartshorn has |bee re. travel ses air from Richmond and to ve guaran an al 12,000 a game. The Havana stad- fum sets 32,000. Ferguson Wins Cross-Country CHICAGO (CP) -- Toronto-born Rich Ferguson, Tepresenting Towa University, retained his individual ate cross-country meet Friday. He was clocked at 19:43.2 for the four- mile course. finished up with the John Cook of London, Ont., run- ning for Michigan State, placed third behind Indiana's Francis Zel- lers. John Ross of Oakville, Ont., Jopiesenting the University of Michigan finished fourth. The Big Ten crown went to Michie gdh AR third year as the ans com- piled 39 points. TO CHALLENGE ~ RELEASE RIGHT NEW YORK (AP) -- Baseball's t to release players with 30 days' notice will be challenged when the major league club own- ers meet here next month, says lawyer orman Jews. L the , engal 0_ represen players re dealings with the owners, said Friday: "The stand- ard contract which permits a player to be dismissed after anded g month's pay but does ni give him the right to quit a club and seek employment elsewhere in baseball after giving similar no- Hee 8 hi i mi "If a rs or a year faithfully y +o up to his obliga- tions, he wants to be paid in full for the period. He doesn't want to be fired, say, at the start of the season for no fault of his own and then receive only 30 days' pay for the year." Rangers Recall Andy Bathgate NEW_ YORK (CP)--New York Rangers announced Friday they are calling up Andy Bathgate from Vancouver Canucks, their farm jean il the Yestern Hockey ague, in exchange for (Hard Rock) Dea. 4 Both are Teft-wingers but Bath- gate, former Guelph, Ont., junior who played briefly with the Ran- ers in the National Hockey ague last season, bably will play right wing on the line with Max Bentley and Ron Murphy. Dea, a promising rookie, has scored a goal and an assist to date and is being sent to the Canucks for more experience. Duguid Head of Hockey Old-Timers TORONTO (CP)--Lorne Duguid formerly with Boston Bruins and Montreal Maroons, was elected resident of the National Hockey ague Old-Timers Association Fri- day night. Other officers: Honorary presi- dent Lionel Conacher; first vice- president, Charlie Conacher; sec- ond vice-president, Yank Boyd; secretary, Bert Bowsfield; treas- Bo are dns that during owsfield re he 1952-53 season the old-timers had played five games' in various Ontario centres and raised $20,000 for welfare work. this up by 'grabbing the referee with Bis hand and subsequently harging him into the fence as the referee reported the penalty to the official timekeeper." almost | 3 EDMONTON (CP)--The combin- ation which could easily settle to- ht's game between Edmonton and Winnipeg Blue Bomb- terprovincial mos, mulling over of rs through injuries, won't hazard a ss as to the final result while Blue Bombers emphasize they are not in Edmonton to look at oral i bis Esks through ul ugh a light ht Friday in an effort to iron out the creases which showed up during the 21-17 beating the team absorbed Wednesday in title in the Big Ten intercollegi- | Winni peg: WILL SEE ACTION ia men are on the ailing list, oy! al said, but he expects to use the same starting line-up as he did in Winnipeg. Oklahoman all- Weather Big Factor = In Western Fin star halfback Billy Vessel ever, will be seeing action start 'although the long Ve Vessels suffered an A year. Added to Royal's injury probistus Fullback Mo , all whom will see as much action as yi ries will stand, Bln outon plase i] train fel Their last Sorat was di Winnipeg. urs- : | Nov. 2 toi here to lose tonight's game--. don't like Edmonton 1 that much," A full team of 30 players will be dressed. The team is in excellent condition with only fullback Lorne Benson and halfback Tommy Ford of the lineup with injuries. " st. line-up will de- pend on the field," Trafton said. Wianipeg tackle Buddy Tinsley will probably use sweater No. 41-- former centre John Brown's old number--{for luck. Tinsley used it instead of his own No. 66 in the last game with vitalizing results. "I'll let Tins! wear two 41s if it'll do any good," coach Trafton declared. Coach Darrell Royal of Eski-|he said playe: Niagara Falls Cataracts won a game last night--their second the season. The Cataracts, in the Ontario Hockey Association Senior A cel- lar, squeezed out a 7-5 home-ice victory over Sarnia Sailors, their closest competitors for last place. Kitchener - Waterloo Dutchmen retained their blistering pace with a 2-1 decision over Stratford In- dians in Kitchener, It was the sev- enth victory for the Dutchmen in their eight games so far. Chatham Maroons into first place over Owen Sound by de- In the Northern Ontario Hockey Association Sudbury Wolves ce- mented their second-place position with a 5-4 victory over North Bay Brappers before 6,562 fans in Sud- ury. MANTHA TRADED A od eiday. that defenceman announc ay tha en: Maurice Mantha has been traded to Quebec Citadelles. Both teams of the Ontario Hockey Association junior A series. Black Hawks officials said the Cits have until Dec. 15 to com- lete their end of the bargain, de- of which were not disclosed. It is believed the Galt club will, during t time, receive the ser- vices an experienced, but as yet unnamed forw. from Quebec. Mantha, a product of North Bay, was in his second year with the Hawks, although he saw only lim- ited action last season. ORHA TO MEET WELLAND (CP) -- The Ontario Rural Hockey Association will hold its 23rd annual meeting in Galt Wednesday. Among several amendments coming ore the committee will be the intermediate A., B. and C. series population. At the executive meeting held in Hamilton acclama- tions moved all nominees into of- fice, including: President G. R. Stewart, Barrie; 1st Yice president, R. Fewster, Ingersoll; 2nd vice- Jresident, J. G. Feasby, Kitchener; vice-president, D. A. Beer- Brougham; secretary treasurer, H. D. Ovenden, Wainfleet. PANTHERS TRIM CLIPPERS WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A single two minutes before the end of play gave Patterson Collegiate Panth- ers a 6-5 victory over Kennedy Collegiate Clippers in a sudden- death game Friday night for the Windsor Secondary Schools Asso- ciation Football League champion- ship. Patterson now meets the win ners of a semi-final between Lon- don Central Golden Ghosts and Woodstock Red Devils for the ary 5 Association title. The game will in London next week end. CANADIAN STAMPS First Canadian postal stamps were issued in 1851, or about 11 years after the first stamps in Britain. feating the Mercurys 4-1 in Owen |p Sound alls Wins Secon Game of Season Kitchener overcame a Stratford of {lead with two goals in the second perid for their 2-1 victory over he Indians. Clare Martin tied the score before Charlie Brooker won it. Fred Pletsch had given the In- dians their first-period lead. Johnny Connelly bagged two goals to lead Chatham into first place. Jim Campbell and Ernie Dick fired the others. Bill Mec- Comb scored for Owen Sound. Niagara Falls had to come from behind for its victory over Sarnia. Ted Fauteux, Jim Johnson, Eric Unger, Billy Young, Nick Dubick, ete Pi ny and Bill Hartsburg shared the scoring for the Catar- acts. Chuck Glaab netted a pair for Sarnia. The others went to Vern Gardiner, Les Douglas and Ollie Haddon. Yacker Flynn, with two, Heale, Mike Bukacheski and Mauno Kauppi scored goals for Sudbury over North Bay. Owen Sound is at Sarnia, Chat- ham at Hamilton Tigers and Kitch- ener at Stratford OHA action tonight. Windsor Bulldogs are at home to Kitchener Sunday. Sudbury plays the Indians in Saul Ste. Marte, Mich., and North Bay is at Pembroke to battle the Lumber Kings in the NOHA to- night. Fhe Wolves remain in Sault Ste. DIGEST "lsh "DAPPING"" THE FLY OFTEN GETS Hf IS USEFUL IN BANK | FISHING. IT'S ALSO GOOD FOR SMALL STREAMS WHERE A CAST I8 NEITHER NECESSARY OR POSSIBLE. Locate a risiNG FiSH THEN PLAN THE MOST CAREFUL STALK» KEEPING OUT OF HIS SIGHT AND CRAWLING WITHIN ROD'S LENGTH TO PREVENT FOOTFALL VIBRA= TIONS. LOWER A DRY FLY TO . THE WATER> DIRECTLY ABOVE. THE FISH. DAP IT UP AND DOWN AND LET IT REST LIKE A STRUG~ BLING INSECT BUT KEEP THE LEADER OFF THE WATER. ---------------------------- AAI. ® NOTICE eo by the. NEW TO THE CITIZENS OF OSHAWA ® © ® Within the next few days you will receive in your mail an interesting and colorful catalogue. | ® © ® Due to an unpreventable error, there is not any business name on the cover of this catalogue which hes been sent to you WESTERN TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY, ASSOCIATE STORE MANAGERS: G. F. WILLIAMS AND NORMAN E. WARD 79 Simcoe St. North Directly Opposite the Onterio Liquor Control Board Store WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING! Marie for another game Sunday. |i, SPORTSMANS | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, November MM, 1908 14 Junior "B" Schedule Out fixe Sows in the OHA junior DU p! area indsay . | commence sho! being at Peter YN ay 16, to open the schedule. These teams and Port Perry) are "B" clubs, the top two at sche. dule's end meeting in a best-of seven f i The other a and Port Perrys and in the January 22 game wi Petes at Lindsay. OHA fir dent Frank Buckland of Peterbor Nov. '16--Lindsay at Peterborough . 17--Port Perry at Linds, 1--Peterborough at Fort " 25--Port Perry at Peterboro 27--Lindsay at Port Perry 28--Peterboro at Lindsay 1--Col ood at Midland 2--Port Perry at Peterboro 4 findsay at Port Perry TS Toamorn. i Comagwood el at 7--Lindsay at Peterboro 8--Collingwood at Lindsay 10%. Perry at Collingw . Perry at Collingwood 12--Midland at Pt. Po 15--Port Perry at Midland 1 Selerbary at Lindsay 6---Collingw t Pt. Perry 15 Midland at Peterboro ay at Collingwood 22--Pt. Perry at Lindsay 26--Peterboro at Pt. Perry Ealing ond a en 0) at Peterboro 2--Midland at Collingwood 5--Port. Perry at Lindsay 5--Collingwood at midland 6--Lindsay at Peterboro 7--Midland at Collingwood . 9--Peterboro at Port Perry . 12--Port Perry at Midland 12--Peterbore at Lindsa , 18--Collingwood at Pt. Feiny 13--Midland at Peterboro . 16--Lindsay at Collingwood 20--Port Perry at Peterboro 21--Midland at Collingwood . 322--Peterboro at Lindsay . 28--Lindsay at Pt. Perry . 25--Collingwood at Peterboro Bon Dery at Lindsay . eter at Port Pe: B 9-1 inasay at Midland ny . 1--Pt. Perry at Peterboro . 2--Midland at Lindsay . 4--~Collingwood at Midland . 6~Lindsay at Pt. Perry . 8-~Peterboro at Collingwood . 8---Lindsay at Peterboro . 9--Collingwood at Lindsay LI Perry at Collingwood . 11--Peterboro at Midland Feb. 13--Midland at Port Perry Nov. Nov. Nov. ti itititititiiit] Boog fog Bo Tong Bong Bong Bo Bg EEEEBBEEE 'ad Varsity Turns * id - * Individualistic TORO! -- of Toromias 2 3 Vuivessicy taken a new turn. Someone brick: Bute main entrance he Trim Ever since university president Dr. Sydney Smith called for more individuality and less conformity rool. 1h tip ot poe y e tel 0) S-0n creased. PO Soins bs Two weeks ago the engineers sta ed a pantie raid on St. Hilda's 8' residence. Then someone stole the architect's model of Trin- ty's new wing. The Trinity pro- vost, Rev. R. 8. K. ley, re- ported his chair missing. Campus signs surrounding Vie- toria liege and Burwash Hall disappeared. lhe bricks were blocking Trin- ity's entrance early ie hy No one knew who put them there. Dr. Smith declined to comment. BEATS RECORD AGAIN LONDON (AP)--Sheila Lerwill of Britain bettered the women's n- door world high jumpin, radon Friday Fignt for the second straight night. ss. Lerwill cleared five feet, six inches, considerably bet- ter than her 5-3% effort the pre- vious night. That jump,however, was g enough to beat the wo- igh world : cor Toco of 5-3% ean e the U States in' 1932. y Ritel TURPIN TO MARRY WELLINGTON, Eng. (AP) -- Randy Torpis, 25, former world midi swelg t boxing champipn and Gwyneth Price, 27, a Welsh farm irl, took out a marriage licence riday. Randy read an American comic book while his white fiancee answered the registrar's questions. Turpin is the son of a white Brit- ish woman and a West Indian father. They can be married any time after midnight tonight. LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- through the air and ny Rg A [i ty of con' Toronto Baby Blues defeated West- ern Colts 31-17 Friday to win the intermediate intercollegiate ball title in a wide ofen contest fans. The pli before about 1, vii was Toronto's fourth straight league win this season. Ll wis oft pita yockag® solve that KODAK DUAFLEX Flash Outfit Contains everything needed for indoor-outdoor snapshots, including the Kodak Duaflex i Camera, Kodet Lens. A real buy for $26.00. MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Dial 3-3431 RCAF. Recruiting at Oshawa Armoury December 9th 12 Noon to 7 p.m. Bg SEE YOUR SPECIAL CAREER COUNSELLOR F/O BILL McKENZIE For full details on pay, training and other benefits There are openings for young men and women in technical training and op- enings for young men in aircrew training. Write to 1207 Bay Street, Toronto Stating: Name Address Age Education Free information booklet available on request. "Which Triplet Trades At Lee Bishop Radiator Repairs? The one in the middle; thet's as obvious as on elephant in your bathtub. Our fast, economical service and, more important, our ability to please you always is your guarantee of profitable dealing. LEE BISHOP RADIATOR REPAIRS | ---- NEW AND USED RADIATORS CLEANING & RECORING 12 BOND STREET OSHAWA (01) BI dc [0] NV] IE FX KS

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