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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Nov 1953, p. 2

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2 TEE DAILY TIMES GAZETTE, Wednesday, November 18, 1953 BIRTHS thony are happy to announce the birth of a son Paul Herbert, on Sunday, November 15, 1953, at the Oshawa General Hospital, ORMAN--Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Gor- hp (nee Carole Ann Turpin) are de- lighted to . announce the arrival of their son, Gerald Paul, (9 lbs., 7 02s.), | on November 16, 1953, at the Ushaw General Hospital OE--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pascoe PASC happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Lynn, 6 lbs., 9 ozs. at the Oshawa General Hospital on | Monday, Nov. 16, 1953. A sister for Michael. | SEMENIUK--Mr. and Mrs. George juk (nee Natali ) wish to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Daria Marie, 9 Ibs, 13 ozs. on Monday, November 16, 1953, at the Oshawa General Hospital. DEATHS. | we int st in Port Ar-| BAR ners Monday. ovember 36.1 RE-ELECTED 1953, Raymond Boni , belov h husband of Georgina Fowler, In his | be orman Down of ahaa has An onal service in the Armstrong Ontario County Vegetable Grow- Funeral Home, Oshawa, Saturday, No- erg' Association. vember 21, 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. Friends will be able to call at the Funeral Home commenc- 48 when he was forced to retire ing Friday afternoon. | due to ill health. on Wed-| Surviving besides his wife, for-- arriet E. 'merly Mary Meldrum, are three Wootlegek, beloved wife oh tie late sons Charles, Oshawa; Hubert, John mother Gr !London and Francis, Newmarket Catfrey (Florence), Mrs. F. Mhewe, and one brother, Perth who were Roy of London, in her 91st year. | all in attendance. There are three Service at aian evening, November | Sandchildren. 4 Home on Thursday evening, 'embe Other ministers who attende: co A vy ollowed hig peice 12 the service were Rev. Richard R. a Cemetery. |B teel, Stirling, former of mm. erment Nor sion Odessa, Rev. C. D. McClelland, Napanee, Rev. H. M. Servage, IN MEMORIAM Queen St. United, Kingston and Rev. Walter Merrick, Belleville. - Burial was at Athens and the CLARK--In loving memory of a dear pall-bearers were Milford Love of aunt, Lil Clark, who passed away No- vember 18, 1049. and kind in all her ways, | Wilton, Joseph Rogers, Fraser Loving {Allen, Irvine * H. Burley, Alfred Upright and just to the end of her days: | Babcock and Wm. A. Smith all Sincere and true in her heart and mind, 'of Odessa. Beautiful memories she left behind. Relatives were --Sadly missed and ever remembered in attendance by Dorothy and Douglas Phillips. (from Buffalo, N.Y., Toronto, Corn- | wall, Oshawa, London, Perth, CLARK--In loving memory of a dear | Athens and Newmarket. mother and grandmother, Lily Clark, Who Passed away November 18, 1949. RAYMOND BOND BLAIR You hold 4 4 deep in my heart, The death occurred as the re- For there never will be another to me Sult of a heart attack, at Port Like that wonderful mother of mine. | Arthur Ontario, on Monday, No- God gave us this wonderful mother, vember 16, of Raymond Bond ae Til Lever Ee ene; | PII. He Iashiohed Hor Sunt of pure sola. | A Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Still He needed § new star in heaven. | George Blair, the deceased was o Wig ugh to Shine. {born at Taunton on April 19, 1906 WO! sorTOW a ol i nC of id was fai in Oshawa on ,|_ A lifelong resident of Oshawa, Mr. Blair was formerly an em- ployee of General Motors for 18 years. Besides his wife, the Georgina Fowler, he leaves a daughter, Miss Diane Blair of Oshawa. Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. R: Bamblet (Alma) of Cal- gary, Mrs. E. Davidson (Ruby) of Edmonton and Mrs. C. Colwill (Lila) of Bowmanville and one brother, Ernest Blair of Bowman- ville. Rev. M. A. Bury, minister of King Street United Cburch, will | conduct the funeral service at the Armstrong Funeral home at 2 p.m. on Saturday, November 21. Inter- ment will in the Oshawa Un- ion Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home afternoon on Friday. FUNERAL OF MRS. WILLIAM G. JARVIS Tg of ee J e's can Church at 2 p.m. on Tuesday for Mrs. William G. Jarvis who died on Simaay last in General Hospital. The services were conducted by Rev. Canon D. M. Rose. Inter- ment was in the Oshawa Union allbearers were Al Plow- right, illiam Rodman, Thomas Rodman, Ward Rodman, Peter Babcock and Murray Short. MRS. JOHN LEWIS .| A resident of Oshawa for the -ipast 15 years Harriet E. Wood- . |cock, widow of John Lewis, died "lin the Oshawa General Hospital this morning. Mrs. Lewis, - 'ho was | Age |in her 91st year, had been ill for | *|two weeks. She made her home floral | With her son at 64 Russett Avenue. _ Born at Adolphustown, Mrs. Lew- is lived at Kaladar prior to com- ing to Oshawa. She was a mem- . | ber of North Oshawa United Church. 3 Predecefised by her husband in 1941, she leaves to mourn her ass. 'two daughters, Mrs. E cCaf} rey (Florence) and Mrs. E Hughes, : ; lla) > Oshawa and two , am shawa and Ro, of London, Ont. y Also surviving are 24 grandchil- reat-grandchildren. dren es 18 . G. Saywell, lay pastor of North Oshawa Church, will conduct a funeral service at the Luke- McIntosh Funeral Home at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, November 19. A further service will be held in Kaladar United Church at 2 p.m. on Friday. Interment will be in Northbrook 'Cemetery. LEWIS -- In Oshawa Hospital, nesday, November 18, 1953, H --In loving memory of a dear and loving mother, Anna Elize passed away No ner late Rev. C. Wesley Hollings- worth was held from the Jones Funeral Home to the United Church. The service was conducted by the Rev. H. 8. Cook of Selby who Bay of Quinte Conference, . E. D. Snelgrove, Sydenham and Mr. Stan] Sears minister of Odessa Uni Churéh. Mr. Herchel Snider sang 'The Holy City,"'a favorite of the de- ceased, Organist was Mrs. Rob- ert Cairns. Hollingswo TO MOVE EQUIPMENT Junk and contracting equipment piled on the boulevard of Fourth Avenue was ordered removed to- day by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs. He remanded contractor Thomas Siblock, 253 Fourth Avenue, until December 16 for sentence. Silblock said he had moved the offending equipment into his vegetable gar- den and would refrain from park ing it on city property. , served as tor at Maberly 1910 to 4, Pittsburg 1914-18, nanoque East 1918-23, Sydenham 1923-32, Marmora 1932-39, Odessa, #nd Wil- ton 1939-47 and af Dunsford 1947- ROOM AND BOARD JOVE "FOGHORN" YOURE AS WELCOME IN PUFFLE TOWERS AS A TAX REBATE !---AND YOU'LL SHARE MY ROOM / J JUST THINKS A TRIP TO , I'VE 60T MY TICKET N FOR FIRST MATE ON A BIG FREIGHTER MAKING THE SOUTH AMERICAN PORTS-+AN'I CAN FIX_IT UP FOR YOU TO TAKE A TRIP ANY TIME -- FREE, OF COURSE™IT'S ABOUT A 40-DAY RUN/-~-OH, SAY:--CAN YOU PUT ME IN DRYDOCK HERE, FOR A WEEK ? | Street, -| riage, 34, 883 Robson Street, re- OSHAWA AND DISTRICT WHEAT DOING WELL H. L. Fair, agricultural repre- sentative, reports fall wheat is looking well and has sufficient top to go through the winter. FINE TWO, DRUNKS In Magistrate's Court this morn- ing Daniel Kewley, 306 St. Julien and James Harney, 370 St. Julien Street, were convicted on pleas of Zuilty to being drunk in a public place last night. Each was fined $10 and costs with the option of 10 days in jail. MUSICAL 'PROGRAM R. G. Geen and Matthew Gould- burn delighted the large gather- ing at the Rotary Club Jestimonial for Col. R. 8. McLaughlin on Mon- day night, with pianoforte selec-| tions, Mr. Geen played two solo numbers and joined Mr. Goul- burn in a duet. Their numbers evoked well merited applause. CHARGE DISMISSED A charge of careless driving | against Myril Hepburn, 20, 381 Louisa Street, were dismissed | Tuesday by Magistrate R. P. Locke. The charge was laid after | a car which Hepburn was griving | overturned in a ditch at Park | Road North and Gibbs Avenue on | October 17. | | CHANGED ADDRESS | For failing to notify the Depart: ment of Highways in Toronto of | a change of address, Lyle Beal, 59 Rowena Avenue, was fined $10 | in Traffic Court Tuesday. Beal | testified that he had already paid | a fine for failing to have the ad-! dress on his driver's permit changed. Chief O. D. Friend re-| minded him that. the Department | of Highways had no way of know- | ing that. e | i. SHOULD LEARN LAW | "Read your. driver's licence af-| ter you leave the courtroom," ad- vised Magistrate R. P. Locke to Dean Whitney, 20 Oak Street, who appeared before him on Tuesday. | Whitney apparently had not read | the fine print clause on his li-| cence, telling him to notify the Department of Highways of change of address within a cer- tain number of days after mov- ing. He was fined $10 and costs. STILL IN HOSPITAL | Still in hospital with serious injuries is Mrs. Robert Preston, | 302 Simcoe Street South, who was | in a car accident here Monday | afternoon. Her physician, Dr, H.| M. MacDonald, said today that] she may have a possible frac- tured "snir . X-rays are being taken ascertain the serious- ness of her injuries. She also has injured her right knee con-| siderably. "She's lucky she wasn't killed," said the doctor. 35-CASE DOCKET Traffic Court, under Magistrate R. P. Locke here Tuesday, was | the heaviest on record for some | time. The court sat until 12.40 | p.m. A total of 35 charges were | in restricted areas to deserted | officer. charges read, there were three convictions, two dismissals, and | three remands. Two men were | fined for failing to notify the De- partment of Highways of a change | of address. The Provincial Police | laid charges against three drivers who failed to place clearance lights on the cabs of their trucks. ORDER REDUCED A temporary order made one month ago for Harry Bickle, 528 Colborne Street East, to pay $18 per week to his wife Noreen tor the support of herself and their son, was cancelled today by Magis- trate Locke. Mrs, Bickle could not decide whether she wanted to live with her husband or her mother, while he was making ev- ery effort to have her return. The order was reduced to $10 per week for the son only. THIRD ACCIDENT Elbertus Pronk, Port Perry, was fined $25 and costs or 10 days, on Tuesday, for careless driving. He was involved in a collision on Oc- tober 26, in which the late-model car he was driving was completely wrecked. It was his first convic- tion since coming to Canada 1% years ago, but his third traffic accident since this spring. NOT CARELESS George Richards, RR. 2, Whitby, was cleared Tuesday of a care- less driving charge laid against him after an accident on October 18. He drove around a corner on Mary Street West, Whitby, and pushed a parked car some 1800 | feet after hitting it. He claimed he had a sore arm, which im- paired his driving. TRUCK RECOVERED { A Sharp Electric truck, stolen | November 4 from King Street East, was recovered yesterday in Chap- pelle, Quebec. Two men, Albert McDonald and Richard Hayes, were arrested in Trenton the same day in connection with the theft. Police reported that McDonald walked into the police station in Trenton and gave himself up. Hayes was subsequently appre- hended. The men will return to Oshawa to face charges. CORONET APPOINTMENTS BY Birth of Oil Field Shown Members of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club and their guests, at luncheon on Tuesday, were given a pictorial | insight into the birth of an oil H. R. McDONALD H. R. (Mac) McDonald has been appointed district manager for | Oshawa to succeed Mr. Camer- on. He has been on the Oshawa staff since shorly after the store opened, coming here from Bloomfield in Prince Edward County where he was reeve of the village, past president of the Rotary Club, former chair- man of the Hospital Board and a director of the Red Cross Society. Two Women Hospitalized ROBERT D. CAMERON Robert D. Cameron, district manager for the Oshawa Dis- trict for Coronet TV Corporation has been promoted to the man- agership of the Hamilton dis- trict and leaves today to take over his new duties. Mr. Cam- eron has been with the Coronet firm since its establishment and was for one and a half years manager in the Niagara dis- trict before coming to Oshawa to open the local Coronet store. Local Men "new DuPre The story of George DuPre of | | Calgary, the man who hoaxed |cidents in Oshawa on of espionage in France, amazed ber of accidents was five. everyone who heard it. ig Robert Preston. 302 Sim- "i coe Street South, is in hospital ar ven more Sten after an accident involving gin it My employees now as driving on William Street. here ot the local airport lided, at Ontario Street with . a car driven by Dwight Dean of The two men, Benny Field and | Ashburn and caromed out of con- Allan Soutar, had a nodding ac-|trol across a lawn and into the quaintance with DuPre two years |front steps of house number 100] ago when they were at the Cal-|on Ontario Street. Dean's car was gary branch. DuPre was in Ed- a total wreck. Mrs. Preston's car monton at that time working for suffered extensive damage. Mrs. the Alberta Government, but he | Preston is in satisfactory condi- visited friends at Calgary's Kent- a than enting | Two women were injured in ac- | onday and | millions with his fictional account | Tuesday morning. The total num- | ing Aviation office occasionally. It was on one of these trips that Field and Soutar met the now fam- ed DuPre over a cup of coffee. The two never heard George's story direct from him, but they were told accounts of it by others. | The most they can remember is | that "The Canadian Who Wouldn't Talks truly wasn't very talkative at all. Suspend Sentence In Vagrancy Case A boy with no place to go and | read. They ranged from parking with no parents to help him, | Allan pleaded guilty in Magistrate's | wives 'and obstructing a police|Court this morning to charges of |The result of the col On eight careless driving |vagrancy. Seventeen-year-old Har- damaged fenders to both cars. | ry Drugomatz was picked up yes- | terday. He had spent some nights sleeping out of doors or in gar- ages and barns. Since leaving the Bowmanville Training School a year ago, held half a dozen casual jobs. If he "didn't like the job he would quit and if he didn't quit he was fired for insubordination 'or poor work. Yesterday afternoon he began another job with General Printers, on their new warehouse building at Waterloo Avenue and Ritson Road. A. R. Alloway, president of the company, appeared in court and offered to keep the boy on the job if the court saw fit to place him on suspended sentence. Magistrate Ebbs saw suspend- ed sentence as the only solution. The training school, whose ward he is until he reaches the age of | 18, seems to have failed in keep- | ing Harry on the straight line. | The magistrate felt that he would | have better supervision from the | Children's Aid, since he is also! their ward. An official of the Children's Aid Society, Stanley Mason, pointed out that Harry's foster mother is now married to her second hus- band, and the couple has not in- terest in him. He knows that he has a mother in Toronto, but he has never met her, and does not know what his real name is. Conditions of the suspended sen- tence were that. Harry take a job with General Printers, report to his probation officer, and be off the streets before 11 p.m. 8 Cosh 24 MO. | 24 MO. You Get 154.19 | 529.59 | 756.56 THREE COLLISIONS OF MINOR NATURE Traffic accidents here yester- day were limited to three slight collisions, with little property dam- age done. A Grey Coach bus, turning from First Avenue on to Simcoe Street at 3.20 p.m., collided with a car heading north on Simcoe Street. The car, driven by Lloyd Bar- ceived a dent in the right rear| fender. Driver of the bus was Edward Chapman, 48, 26 Seneca Avenue, Toronto. i Cars driven by William Musor- anehan, 42, 215 St. Julien Street, and Caman Barrett, 37, of Bow- manville, collided at Kenneth Av-| enue and William Street at 4.05 .m. The left front fender and Readuight of Musoranehan's car | were damaged, as was the rear bumper on Barrett's car. | A ¢ar owned by Norman Small, | 49, 102 Nasau Street, was parked | on Albert Street yesterday after- | noon, with a piece of. lumber pro- ecting 2% feet out a side window. he windshield of a passing car, driven by Wilfred Harrison, 23, 63 Hogarth Street, was smashed when it struck the lumber. No the $12 | $28 | $40 Above poymenis cover everything! Even § Payments for in-be on omounts are in proporiion, Con.) Repay Monthly » Employed people--married or § single -- enjoy friendly service here. No bankable security re- quired. Coast to coast credit es- tablished. MORE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU Pouonal and its affiliated companies are now the largest loan group in America----with, over 95 offices to serve you throughout Canada. Phone first for 1.visit loan. Come in or write Pouonal today! Loans $50 10 $1200 sYsTem sonal FINANCE COMPANY Ind Fl., 111, SIMCOE ST., N. (Over Bank of Nova Scotia) Phone: 3-4687 « Oshawa John P. Alexander, YES MANager OPEN DAILY 9 T0 5 © SATURDAY 9 T0 12:30 Loans made to residents of all surrounding fewns Personal Finance Company of Cenada tion. Her injuries, including a pos- sible fractured spine, have not been definitely determied. Struck by a car as she crossed the intersection of Simcoe Street South and First Avenue Tuesday morning was Mrs. A. Holman, 47, 552 Simcoe Street South. She was taken to hospital and released af- ter treatment for bruises. A dent in the front fender was the dam-- age done to the car which struck her. The driver was Donald Mec- Millan, 19, 234 Albert Street. Irwin Box, 43, of Whitby, park- | ed his car in front of 212 King Street West. Monday morning and went to pick up a parcel. He re- turned a few moments later to! find that a passing car driven by | Dearborn, 41, 509 Masson | Street, had struck the back of it. | lision was | A dump truck rammed into the! {rear of a stake truck on Park | Road South on Monday with dis- | astrous results to itself. The stake | truck, driven by John Barron, 36, | of Port Perry, had stopped for | traffic ahead of it and was un-| damaged. The other, driven by | Ronald Hodson, 30, RR 3, Osh-| awa, Rog 8 eonsiderable damage | ne to the front fenders, i hood S54 bumper, som '| ruck-car collision at Sime and Williams Streets early Tues. | day caused $50 damages to the | car and $75 to the truck. Truck | driver was Douglas Milligan, 33, 81 Dundas Street, Whitby. James | Matthews, 49, of Bowmanville, was | driving the car. | OSHAWA TRAFFIC TOLL Yesterday Accidents Injured Killed . Year to Date Accidents COMING ON? TRY "OSPRA' Already over 6,000,000 times a day ple all over the world use BSPRA' for the fast 3-way relief it brings from pain and the sneezing, feverish symp- toms of colds and grippe. Now you too can try 'OSPRA' right here in Canada. Here's how 'OSPRA' works: as an ANAL- GESIC to relieve pain quickly -- as an ANTIPYRETIC to dispel shivery, feverish feelings -- as a SEDA to soothe nerve strain. Give yourself and your family a chance to experience its new fast, soothing action. Join the millions all over the world who already know the service 'OSPRA' renders. Ask your druggist for 'OSPRA' today. 28 TABLETS for 33¢ Large Economy Size 100 for 98¢ (equals 4 packages for the price of } field. This presentation took the form of the showing of au inform- |ative film, produced by the Shell Oil Company, and shown by George Dowton, president of the Oshawa Film Council. / Showing pictorially and graphi- cally all the various steps in the boring of an oil well and the finding of oil, the varied methods by which it is brought to the sur- face, and its distribution to the refineries for separation into its many products, the film was of intense interest. Particularly were its viewers interested in the man- ner in which natural forces of gas and water were used to force the oil to the surface, and how these were implemented when their pressure had declined. The thanks of the club. and fits guests to the Shell Oil Company and Mr. Dowton were expressed by Murray Sparks on behalf of all present. : Reg. Lancaster, chdirman of the committee on agriculture, an- nounced that all Kiwanians were invited to be guests of the Brook- lin Junior Farmers' Club at a party to be held at the Brooklin Town Hall on Thursday, Decem- ber 3, and all were urged to be present at this event, a token of appreciation from the Junior Far- J. Bruce, General Organizer of Canada for the Association. EN M. P. Durkin Is Visitor Here | The man who resigned from President. Eisen rs" cabinet In addition to .the new plan: here, Mr. Durkin visited the Le side development on thé outsk of Toronto. \ . The harbor of Sydney, Australia, is crossed in one span by a 3,770- fool steel arch bridge erected in few months ago was in Oshawa this morning on a brief tour of the new GM plant at Park Road S. Martin P. Durkin, ex-Secretary of Labor for the United States and now General President of the Un- ited Association of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry for the United States and Canada. is in this country on a special visit to Toronto. € occasion is a testi- monial dinner there tonight for HUDSON COAL SAFEST HEALTHIEST MOST DEPENDABLE mers in return for the assistance given them by the Oshawa Ki- wanis Club. A county-wide Junior Farmer Public Speaking Contest, sponsor- ed by the Kiwanis Club, is to be held in the Uxbridge High School on Friday, November 27. Com- bined with it will be a contest for vocal quartets and trios. The Kiwanis Club will provide the judges for these competitions, the winners of which will be eligible for the provincial finals in To-' ronto early in January. Clean, Careful, Courteous, Prompt Delivery! DIXON'S }! The Robert Dixon Co. Ltd. | ° Dial 3-4663 STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS Memorials @ Markers 318 DUNDAS ST E.. WHITBY PHONE WHITBY $52 Oshawa The *'3-drop' dressing. plastic squeeze $1.15 60¢c - $ Competitive Prices, Plus Personal Service Special Values & Reminders for Thurs., Fri. and Sot. Specials on 1.D.A. BRANDS Sold with a Money-Back Guarantee CLEANING FLUID . 29¢ = §7¢ For Men luxury hair Handsome dispenser. Other Sizes Available IDOL-AGAR . . PENETRATING Quickly settles upset stomach 1 BEAUTY SHAMPOO For lustrous radiant hair. Made from blended vegetable oils that rinse out effortlessly. Now 68¢ only Tissues 23¢ "The Face-Ella in the Pin Box" Cushioned WAX PAPER Absorbent Cotton 1 pound (gross weight) roll hos- pital grade. Ask for "VYal-U"" Brand 89 * r : tidd [4 Creme Rinse After-Shampoo Conditioner 75 - $1.25 Here's how to be foot hoppy. Bathe fired aching feet in warm water, then massage with coel soothing 2 for 45¢ k More Women Choose KOTEX* Than AH Other Sanitary Napkins Black, Menthol, Wild Cherry EW. Medicated Menthol * with Chlorophyll I1 Timely tems For Coughs and Colds Bronchida Cough Syrup Relieves coughs due to colds. Big 8-ounce 75¢ bottle Thermogene Medicated wool . . . quick | relief from BO ¢ 4 23 | ALLENBURY'S HALIBORANGE . . chest colds $1, 1.75, 3.25 Groves Bromo-Quinine Check cold 39¢ He miseries fast Viek's Inhaler Carry handy Vicks inhaler for nose I . 49¢, 98¢, 1.65, Tube 65¢ An efficient cleaner used as directed. 4, 10 oz., reg. 35¢, 6%¢ Mineral Oil and Agar Compound -- 16 & 40-0z., reg. 79¢, $1.59 Fast-acting relief for musculor aches--4 oz. btl., regularly 45¢ STOMACH POWDER . 59¢ - $1.49 TINCTURE IODINE 22% strength--a 'must' for guarding against infection of cuts, scratches -- 1-o0z.. WILD STRAWBERRY Compound -- remedy for simple diarrhoea; 4-oz., regularly 50c 100-ft. roll of Heavy-coat paper in cutter-edge box. Regularly 34c 20¢/ 59¢ - $1.19 LINIMENT 33¢ -- 4, 16-02., reg. 75¢, $1.95 . 19¢ Powder Puffs Soit velour Ke ideal size; regular 2 1 Be | price 10¢c . . FREE $1.00 GEM RAZOR SET with each 59¢ tube of MENNEN SHAVE CREAM Por B9c FREE $1.25 SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR KIT Schick will refund the 1.25 | you pay for this complete | kit. Gold-plated razor end 20 blades in travel case. Ask your 1.D.A. Druggist for details, Cough Synp A prompt, so preparation that relieves ght of chesty coughs due to colds 5% 7 5¢ Product Tube 65¢ Rich in Vitamin A ond Sun- toe 0 18¢ 1.33 Vitamin D Henkscraft Vaporizers Combination bottle warmer and vaporizer for 3 95 . ope low, price DE VILBISS VAPORIZERS ...... Smith Bros. Cough Drops Black, wild cherry, menthol, package . . with chlorophyll Kaz Veporizers Choose from two models for relief of discomfort due to we 2.15 6.10 colds POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35 SIMCOE ST. N. (Next to Loblaws) We Deliver DIAL 5-4734 MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL 3-3431 Use oOD'S Deodorizer Blockettes - For efficient moth control and effect- ive banish- ing of un- pleasant odors. 15¢ 25 DLODORIZER KARN'S RUG STORE (Next to Post Office) 28 KING ST. E. Prompt Delivery DIAL 3-462% D other damage was done to yours, BAZAAY school,

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