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Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Nov 1953, p. 5

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- \ APPOINTMENTS MADE BY CNR New Wells [Are Dug At Audley AURLEY --Urban Blake struck water at 30 feet in the new well lhe has just dug near his barn. This water question has been seri- {ous with many farmers this year. Basil Churchyard also dug a new well recently and has a good flow at 20 feet. At the Bazaar in the Baggots- ville school on Friday evening last there was a full house with sev- eral from the Pickering United 3 Saurek present. The quilt sold for lL George Bently, of Oshawa, was a visitor with Bert and Mrs. Guth- rie on Sunday. Bert Guthrie has returned from his deer hunt and "secured o deer. Maryin Barlow and Art Hedge were also North. The Club meets again in a euchre party in the school house on Saturday evening next. Every- one is welcome. You will enjoy these friendly games. A J. R. and Mrs. Davidson have been helping out their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of Ajax, during Mrs, Cameron's illness in the hos- pital. E. R. DALRYMPLE.& appointed freight traffi janag-- er, CNR, Toronto, effitite De- cember 1, it was anpnced to- day. A lyongtime resiat of On- tario, he was travel freight agent at Hamilton in934, dis-- | trict freight agent atondon in 1940 and division fr¢ht agent at Ottawa in 1946. Hoyas made general freight agemt Toronto Belleville Staff i ent we | Come to Whitby amen is vo * |For Sun. Meeting " : NR Photo. A CNR Photo. ------ | Lieut. Fife, the Army, at Whitby, has announced that staff members from Belleville ear rave ogwe {will be in the Pickering, Ajax {and Whitby district this weekend ® 'to conduct the meetings. Lt.-Col. | {W. G. Effer and his staff will A TOO 111 'S 3) {be here from the Belleville head- | | quarters .S the Salvation Army, | | ay evening t Fairview | Lieut. Fife observes that 1953 | MRS NLA DYFR | Fhursd Whitby ¢enjoyed the has been selected as Youth Year ROOKLIN--The regular month- performance. After 1s popular fond ayalion Army, the year eeting of the Woman's Associ- play was over mepers of the-| 1% te Coe e Sa vation Army fmol, h of the Brooklin United Church ' Whitby Chapter, Etern Star To zh : op 0 me in '53. s held on. Wednesday afternoon, Lodge, served a daty lunch of | niroug up the Sear he says, ember 11 in the Sunday School |cake and ice creamy all. | Meetings ; ave een held fo en- Lh with an attendance of 20 TO HOLD BAZAAR bi ge youth, as well as adults Plibers and two visitors. Mrs.| The Woman's Adiary of St. 16 consecrate themselves to God. Pinan Alves, president, was in! Thomas Anglican furch, Brook- t is part of this Youth Year bchair. (lin, are holding th¢ apnual ba- | Program which brings Lt.-Col. Ef- 'rs. E. Acton, leader of the Sun- zaar in the Sunday *hool room) of Ie ere Jrom Belleville to con- se Gro d : - : i on e Group, opened the devotional the Church next furday after Sunday morning and at pind and ting n. Mrs. Harold "wnsend presi- 1 3 od Felatin , the Hoey of the dent of the Auxilig, has invited | Whitby on Sunday evening. 3 "Lead Kindly Light" 'nd nis | Mrs, J. H. McKinn, of the Wom- | Next year has been chosen by ' iss} Het f the the Salvation Army as Family afterwards sung in unison. (an's Missionary Sicty © Year to follow the program un- A. RYDER, freight traf- manager, CNR) Toronto, become assistant general ght manager at system head- rs, Montreal, effective De- ber 1, it was ansbunced to- sie was traffic manager for Atlantic Region before his pintment to Toronto in 1951. ailway officer of vast ex- ence in rate matters as well export and import traffic, Ryder, is on the advisory neil of La Salle Extension versity, Chicago. of Salvation . James Ormiston read verses Lamps'. Mrs. MacNeeley gave ading "Heavenly Arithmetic" ! Mrs. MacNeeley also read the ptures "The Parable of the Tal- 3'. Mrs. Percy Maynard follow- this with a meditation on "The nts" sa "To everyone is Pon according to his talents, let use them wisely lest they be en from us." rogram as arranged by the jable Group was a delightful interesting travelogue given by . Orval Jackson on the trip Mr. Mrs. Jackson and family en- ] I | Brooklin United Cheh to open the | |tea and sale of ho? baking, sew- ing and the usual)ivel white ele- phant table at 3 m. |OPEN MARKETHA | Congratulations e being extend- {ed to Mr. and ¥. Fred Brown who took over W Piatti"s store {from Mrs. Browr parents. They {closed their dooms Piatti"s last | Saturday week d on Thursday, November 12 there-opened their |door as Brown"slarketeria. Mrs. {L. MacNeeley, a:nior member of | the village, had t honour of open- |ing the door at a.m. Thursday {morning and M Thomas Greer, dertaken 'this year. COUNCIL (Continued from Page 4) 'own hall for thes meetings. He mentioned that it would cost the own som "hing to heat the hall. "That will be money well spent," | repli~d Ne-tv-P-oeve Ken Lee as he m-ved that permission be | granted. Councillor Don Bryant | seconded the motion. * 'CHRISTMAS SAV Gift Savings Galore NER 88. 3 pairs 29 ' * \ { Shopper | i Makes \ the Best BUY! LAY AWAY A 2d in England. A representative | op" oc "the fig customer, was NO SALVAGE CREW Lach group reported activities of | presented with youcher for groc- An application was received by | Lead = eetings he oi |eries to the val of $5.00. A one- council from a Whitby resident PY | pound package Pride of Brook- asking permission to remove the | smperance Essay Contest" dis- |]in coffee was Jeented to each of salvage from the town pump. Fol- | {tinued and told films could be |the next ten ctomers. | lowing recommendati- @ from the ained and used if desired. Mrs. CLAREMONT I ARE GUESTS | committee in charge, council de- Sonley read an article on peace | The regular onthly meeting of | cided to leave the dump as it is, | offered a peace prayer. Mrs. | the Brooklin When's Institute will | that is in charge of the works ik . Patterson . reminded the pe held in th Whitby township | department, until the end of 1953. EE ey Lr La a rr .es"' nicley pac cellaphane, | liam Medlan ublic Relations » I wing pictures of Brooklin Unit. and Communi Activities is in| cori pb ree oman Church. They may be ordered | charge of thgmeeting. Roll call | the swimming pool ommitice m Mrs. Swanson or group lead- |will be answed with "What Ire rted that Whitby's swimming |. Brief reports on Woman's As-|find most heful in Women's In- | 2 hed toy ame liation Presbytery, held in Osh- |stitute Work! Members of the | or oo Type ih Bgl vpn a were given by Mrs. Norman Claremont When's Institute have | pogo ry af the i 'es and Mrs. Harold Mowbray. charge of t] program and the of Bg) ft Loi it mn un fiss L. Mowbray sent a request | lunch commpe are Mrs. William | could | i 0 or ere ne names of "Shutins" and dona- ner, Mrs. C. Day- | committee to enable the commit- 18 towards contents for filling s Hall. tee to get 'started next year. He se bags would be raletully ac- AL! expressed the hope that the pool sted. Mrs. Acton, leader of the | The manyriends of Mr. A. C. would be able to support itself 1shine Group, reported bags Elliott will *gret to 'learn of his with a narrow margin of profit | re being made. These are given | passing at je Oshawa General | annually. The balance was left | Christmas time to "Shatin" | Hi het a luxurious Gwe mbers. The committee for beau- | liott had be in the hospital since ving church grounds gave a re- Tuesday ofast week, 't on cost of plants and shrubs as| On Sundi Mr. Fife Innes enter- sgested by Downham Nurseries, |ed Wellsle' Hospital, Toronto, for wmanville. Reports on this mat-' at least fo weeks treatment. will be given at the next regular | Friends whing to brighten his eting. hours witkards address same to ominating committee was re- room 416. nded to bring in the new slate of | On Satay last Mrs. Ed. Love- licers to the December meeting (lock. retwed home from Oshawa d group secretaries their yearly | General Jspital, and is convalesc- rts. Meeting closed in the usual ing veryiicely at home. hnner and a social half hour was ecent returned home from To- joyed with a dainty lunch being ronto Geeral Hospital is John "ved by members of the Lend a|Blair, wo underwent a serious nd Group. | emergew operation and is feeling > PRESENT PLAY Imuch bger. he members of the Anglican| BruceMackey, son of Mr. and ung People of St. Thomas Angli- | Mrs, Hrard Mackey, who is at-- a Church, Brooklin, presented | tendingie Toronto University, was pir play "The Funny Brats" last ' home f the weekend. WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE O/T. HOSPITAL MNS BOWLING Secend Section, Thursday night,! Fig standing of First Section: unty Bowl "B" lead by M.|corniuskers *cson with 832 took three points |g Plugs »m the Orioles with a 3,738 to|>Par Flug hich team for the night. Sollers 'Roclts bk three points from Aces A's; Ramrs gion To. 2, 2, Slo Mo Shuas, 1; |All tars "es, 2, Whippers, 1; Credit Un-| Flys 3, 2, Legion No. 1, 1; Royal Defoyers okers, 2, Firemen, 1; Red Wings, Fine Dutchmen Dodgers, 1; Lucky Strikes, 2, bgion Old Swets, 1. ke. . Standing to date: | igh Single for season, J. Kad- Points Pinfall wil, 348; Singles for week, R. bunty Bowl "B" .... 3 3,738 (Cvling 265, 232; F. Hayes 256; llers SH 3901 |S Watson 243; A. Gillham, 236; bd Wings yal Stolers icky Strikes bedit Union 22622 20983 20711 21414 19731 1 14366 st Section winners, Corn Hus- 3.509 | 12 231; D.. Birbeck 229; R. Dy- 3,427 § : 227, 217; J. Bakker 223, 211; riple for season; J. Kad- 348, 281, 228 (857); Triples r week, R. Cowling T 7g emple _596; F. Hayes 590: K. 3.172 yhitney" 586; D. Birbeck 53; C. 3,2024cquilina_ 577; E. Bond 574: S \28lwatson 573; W. Moore 567; J. 03iBakker 555. Ten high averages; W. Moore 07209; G. Walsh 205; J. Kadwell es A's : Li 2,13.197; E. Bond 193; R. Cowling 190; [High Triples: M. Reeson, 82/|T. Semple 189; K. Whitney 186; Watts, 784; J. Patterson, 77/|T. Pisani 185; R. Dyer 183; Ross, 808; D. Adams, 608; ' Hayes 181. imm, 702; A. Hepburn, 696; agg, 690; J. Slesser, 676; rdan. 669; E. Barry, 664; larrons, 653; E. Patterson, Dafoe, 644; W. Watson, gion No. 1 remen gion Old Swets .... 0 Mo Shuns 1 ippers ioles 5 | ¢ [Moscow Calls Easel Canucks Slaves Other scores: T. Semple, B: Smythe, 223; B. Muckle, 51:1 non (Routers) -- Moscow | listeners | Fisher, 282; D. Crozier, 237; 3 Hawes. 239: W. Bick, 22( G.|radio today instructed own, 255: D. Thomas. 23 C.|that President Eisenhower's visit | nclair, 240; M. Quesnelle, 2. HISTORIC CANAL he first Lachine canal alog the to "sever the links bétween Can-! ada and Britain." The object, the broadcast said, ! 3511 |# Acauilina 294. 25; J "| Arctic Is Too |to Ottawa last week was intended (°F ospital onlonday night. Mr. El- with the committee. | ASKS NEW PLOW Councillor McNee, who is also chairman of the streets committee, asked council if it would be pos-| | sible to purchase a plow front for | the truck this' year. He stated |that the plow, costing $1,300, | would speed up the snow removal | {on the paved streets and would be much easier to manoeuvre than | the plow on the grader. Council! [filed the appeal until next year's | | council meets since there are no | {funds available for such an ex-| | penditure. TAX COLLECTOR ILL | Town Clerk John R, Frost has been appointed tax collector in Whitby, pro tem, during the ab-| sence of E. Helena Richardson | who is ill and will be unable tg| return to work for at least two | months. INVESTIGATE ESTATE Mayor Jermyn, Reeve Duncan Mcintyre and Deputy-Reeve Ken Lee have been named a committee to supply the information neces- sary to T. M. Moorem, town so- i licitor, who is bringing the Allin ! Will before the Courts for a defin- (ition. Councillors earlier in the | 19600 | year indicated that they wished | | permission to use the $127,000 in the estate, left to the town, for 'he reconstruction of the town hall since it would not now pay for the construction of a new | building. : GIFT u DAY! Unhappily Hot | CHURCHILL, Man. (CP) -- T {sun is shining on the north a the army and the Eskimos aren happy about it. | This Hudson Bay region 600 miles north of Winnipeg is where clothing and equipment are tested {under Arctic condition but the | military can't prove much in tem- | peratures averaging 40 above. i The Eskimos are running short {of meat and, lazing in the sun, (the caribou are in no hurry to migrate south to their winter feed- ing grounds. Hunting seals through holes in the ice is impos- sible when the ice 'hasn't yet formed on Hudson bay. An inch of snow has fallen dur- ing the last two weeks but it has melted into pools of muddy water. Native hunters predict the mild spell' will continue until Christmas. FAMOUS ISLAND Iron ore mining is the chief in- JUST ARRIVED! And still being unpacked! The loveliest selection of frothy Christmas lingerie you've ever seen! Crisply pleated nylon slips, gowns, petticoats and bedjackets! Luxury lounging pajamas! Cosy quilted dusters and housecoats! everything she'd love to receive on Christmas morn, and you'd love to give her Better see them now while the selection is at its very best ! "Your Christmas store" 29 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH \ Satisfaction \ guaranteed \ or money refunded! Sizes Smelt pt, i -- NOVEMBER' THE DAILY TTMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, November 18, 1953 § NGS for Enrly Shoppers! eaufify] SLIPS ; IW iron Nyon Tri wien a a Cun Give her b NYLon Luxurious pe. Plisse . , 4 (Sketched) Ny! i 35elete lace fis Snot ucks at bog Sites 32 to 4p rd te ection of First Q i dy Reitman's) oe nd at require the minimum af Acetate re slip, dee A ® Opaque nylon ig trimmed wish, nylon. em. White, fom a wide Y slips now illy ni hi ide assortme, ghts , | . nov, nt of tive pring, oly styles, in soligh ular Medium q d in Blue, min, o Paste] arge, nd Maize In kof Lime, Orchid, Red, Give her tubbable TEE- SHIRTS her skins and slacks) H Warm, soft 3 on NYLON CARDIGANS of fashion.sinte 2275 in a host Fria en hs 3 88 LJ We've o won, de. " novelty knjgyp i viscicn of 3 4 rlons, Weat Cashmere. finiyfy Ween eaters |, In pled Boucles, Plain and All-Wools, . oct tog swish, M-maty . wishing faffetq ski for Your blouses m, insuring lp quilted qf Wai el A avy and Blog, 0 WITHOUT or Ond " Sizes 1p po 18 €rinolines) 5.95 Other dregs 49510 5 oliday skirtg 95 SANTA'S HERE! With a sleigh full of precious pretties for "her"! She'll thrill to the luscioy lace trimmed blouses, dressy dancing skirts, sweaters plain and bead encrusted, beautiful boucle toppers! And how she'll |g, accessories! Daytime and evening handbags. cloudlike scarves, glamour gloves and so many more wonderful gift ideas! Be sure to see them SOON! ! YReilman,y was to "enslave still more the dustry on Elba, island made fa- Wg Prd Moutref was United States' northern neighbor." 'mous by Napoleon's bahishment. SEF LIL INE

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