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Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Nov 1953, p. 10

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1" THE DAILY TIMES-GAUETTE, Wednesday, November 25, 1803 " Women THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This day's vibrations advise against the experimental. Follow routine procedures and defer ac- tion on new projects until a more propitious date. Considerable re- straint may be required to main- tain budgetary restrictions. There is a tendency toward extrava- ance which, if encouraged, could - To be Well-Dressed Avoid Baubles ' - Strive for Simplicity Says Designer |: plicated detail, the dress must have a simple line and not too strong a Even though our clothes budget may be I you still can be well dressed, if you apply some of the principles of famous dress de- signers to your own clothes. For instance, here are several helpful ters from Balenciaga, famous aris designer from an article, "The Secret of Dressing Well". "Balance is the key word in Bal-- enciaga's fashion philosophy. He belidves that it is the secret of all harmony. To him a costume three ingredients -- color, cut and ornamentation. The three together represent a hundred per cent -- fhe question is the way to divide m / For instance, Balenciaga put a brilliant red suit into his collection used up almost all of his hun- dred points in color, so he pared down the cut to the simplest pos- sible line, used no trimming. On the other hand, when he choses a softer color he uses up fewer color of trimming or embroidery or com- color. is becoming to her. She is woman who carefull, to date. Balenciaga does not like gadg accessories or lots of fas baubles . And most important of all, own personality. And here are a few more of Bal- enciaga's ideas to help you in your | fully. wardrobe Planning: An elegant woman is not neces- sarily the one who wears the latest fashion, but one who wears what e selects a suit in good material, without an exag- has | gerated line, and wears it for sev- eral years, choosing new accessor- ies from time to time to bring it up ty jon |; ©! . . A truly elegant woman 'is never conspicuous in the sense of wearing something eye-compell- . She is conspicuous for her sim- plicity, for her harmony' of line and color and for her sense of the right dress for the right occasion. a units, has more points for cut and | woman should not be dominated by trimming. If there is a great deal fashion but use it to express her ag ead to serious financial difficulty ater. | Domestic affairs, romance and | cultural activities are favored and new friendships should be encour- ed. The lunar aspects are ex: cellent for matters concerned with the home and plans made now for long-desired improvements, for re- furnishing or interior decoration of any sort should culminate success- FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, the months ahead should be ng- table for singular accomplishment on your part. A daring or novel idea could attract the attention of superiors, bringing with it rich financial rewards and a specta- | cular increase in prestige. There is even the possibility that a clever | venture may thrust you unexpec- tedly into public life and result in fine publicity for your en- deavors. Late spring should find you in the throes of some interesting ex- periences, either social or roman- tic and there is a likelihood that you will receive news regarding an inheritance or the satisfactory conclusion of some long-pendng property matter. Travel is favored during the same period. Christmas Decorations are Simple With Air-Blown Synthetic Snow It's pf co-operates or not. Instead of counting on the fickle forecaster to provide a Christmassy atmo- sphere, homemakers are planning to create wintery settings indoors with handy decorating aids that Spray synthetic snow at the touch a finger. Some are even out- doing nature by ordering their Christmas snow in bright shades of red, green, pink or blue. Packed in pressure-powered me- tal containers, these push-button aerosols can be used with striking results on Christmas trees, holly wreaths, parcels, table decora- tions, window panes and mirrors. And there is no danger from fire. . Any stul to surfaces rvious to water can be het aged with a damp cloth. anned snow storms are just one of a long list of recently developed self-dispensing products that spray on eve from paint oh "a virtually non-toxic compound which acts as the cold- making agent in many mechanical refrigerators, provides the propel- lant pressure in most of these squirt bombs. The liquified gas propellant takes the place of AIDED WOUNDED Field ambulances for military purposes were introduced by the nch late in the 18th century. |can in liquid or foam form. A child born on this day will be alert, enterprising and cour- ageous in the face of all obstacles. HOUSEHOLD HINT If brown stains show up on arments after they have been ry cleaned, they probably were ing to be a white Christ- bulky, expensive air compressors caused b i y certain types of sugars year whether the weath-|to force the contents out of the commonly used in sweetening can- dies and beverages. Invisible when | Shortly to appear are a number fresh, such stains become brown of different preparations for re-| when heated in the cleaning pro- storing the lustre and color to ce- |cess. Sugar stains on wool usually {tain types of faded furs. Some ac- [cannot be removed, once set by tually dye the fur, specifically designed for restoring on the sheen to older furs. All, how- and other cellulose materials may. | others are heat. However, sugar-alkali stains | rayon | linen, cotton, acetate, ever, require the know-how of abe removed hy acid spotting form- professional furrier for best |sults in shading. re- | ulas, such as those used by dry+ana split, cleaners. SIGNING THE REGISTER Signing the register following their marriage recently in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mozic with the Reverend Paul Dwyer who said the nuptial mass. The bride, the former Miss Margaret Elizabeth Fer- encz, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mate Ferencz of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mozic of Yugo- slavia. J Photo by RayJohnstone KEEP IN TRIM Will Power, Not Pills, Curbs Overweights Desire for Eating By IDA JEAN KAIN Many overweights inquire wist- |tully if appetite curbing pills help to give a dieter more will power. The answer is NO. To strengthen will power, an appetite curber would have to help you change your mind wanting to overeat. No pill, depressant, diet aid or curber can do that. A cartoon, showing an overweight indulging in a ban- while waiting for the Iruggist to fill her prescription |for an appetite depressant, sums |it up. Think of will power as will- lingness. Only our mind can give this power. SOME GROW IRRITABLE Now about appetite depressants and curbers . True, depres- isants are completely different | from appetite curbers. The depres-- sants, which can be obtained only | by prescription, are known as ben-- izedrine and dexedrine. These drugs suppress appetite through action 18 t Vin. widel $4-m. iongl Oder sines lobed In chat bobow, Choice of 78 Sizes! 3 Lengths! 2 Colors! © Modern, durable all-metal construction from top to bottom! © Mexible metal slate! © Lustrous boked-on DuPont snamell Stays new! © Easy to install Easy-to-clean removable slats! © Se¥f-adjusting tiltor! Brake-action cord lock! ® Twe color choices: WHITE or EGGSHELL! Check this easy size chart for prices. Mowsure windows as shown ot right. Lengths ---- -- 54" 3.49 ~ a 72" ESEBUSVENRENEBREN ERNE BERR ERY For a pleasant climax to a family drive, you'll save more than enough to pay for your gas . . . BY SHOPPING AT GLECOFT'S IGA SUPER MARKET 174 Ritson Rd. South Open Every Evening until 10 p.m. WATCH FOR OUR IGA AD IN TOMORROW'S TIMES-GAZETTE IGA SUPER MARKET 174 Ritson Rd. South 4.49 5.49 4.95 1.95 ALLOW §S DAYS FOR DELIVERY FOR OUT-OF-STOCK SIZES! HERE'S HOW TO MEASURE / fnside Installation Mocwee with tope or yordstick from inside edge of window frome to opposite inside edge. Coloulote te the neorest orb DON'T FORGET OUR . . . FREE-MAKING DRAPERY SALE! Sale continues till Monday at 6 p.m. -- Any material selected from our stocks on hand will be made up FREE-OF-CHARGE -- All orders taken during this event can be delivered by Christmas. SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AT ATHOL WARD'S DIAL 5-1151 » on the central nervous system. However, they work for a limited time only, for the body builds up a tolerance, and then they are no longer effective. Many overweights cannot tolerate them at all be- cause of the secondary effects -- irritability and nervous tension, acadacties and sometimes insom- adi om deg ne visal using se drugs. e take the stand that it is not quite fair to dieters, since re- on a crutch merely puts off day of real control. er doc- tors prescribe an appetite depres- sant for certain overweights, but for a short time only. The appetite curbers, which come in form of wafers, candy, or mineral and vitamin tablets and can be purchased without prescription, are not harmful, The ood and Drug Administration, however, seriously questions their value in lessening appetite for big eaters. MIND MOST IMPORTANT Some overweights, it is true, do report that a curber helps them to feel full on less f A they encourage you to leat less . . . fine. But do not lean on any- thing of the sort as a crutch. Once you make up. your mind to re- duce, and realize that is is chang-- ing your food habits that works he mage, you are on the right Science has found that it helps dieters to cut ahead of hunger angs by sustaining blood sugar el with a complete protein food at each meal, plus a protein pick- up to forestall the late afternoon let down. A glass of buttermilk or skim milk: or a cup of tea and three-quarter ounce of cheese at 4:30 or 5:00 is' an appetite curber --and gives an energy boost as well -- for a total of 80 calories. NEW BRANCH FOR OLD FIRM Toronto has been chosen as the site of a new Canadian company founded by the old established firm of John Goode and Sons, Birmingham, goldsmiths for more than a hundred years. The firm is one of the few left in Britain who still work only in gold. They in watch bands, other jewellery. specialize key | simple. When the tour was planned, 44 oy collarettes, bracelets and |the Queen insisted that the accent i tradition demands that straps be Simple Elegance Features Many Gowns For Lady-in-Waiting By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)--Some 26 gowns designed by Angele Delanghe, resi- dent couturier at a west end store controlled by Canada's Garfield Weston, (Fortnum and Mason) went into the wardrobe trunks of Lady Alice Egerton, the Queen's lady-in-waiting on her round-the- world ow. d ame red an le, sand gold, navy and coo floral prints were chosen by this elegant slender woman, so often seen walking be-- hid the Queen. "Many Soins must be remem- bered in the choice and fitting of such gowns," Miss Delanghe said in an interview. Colors and styles must always be less noticeable than those worn by the Queen. It|q lis also im rtant that all outfits look as well behind as they do in front and for such a long tour they must be almost uncrushable. SIMPLE EVENING GOWN All these points were kept in mind when Miss Delanghe de- signed a simple, flowing floral print organza evening gown with apple-gree background. It has camisole neckline and even the posies of matching flowers splayed | across the skirt from waist to hem | are crease-resistant. Each petal is | made from the dress material and | hand-stitched so that even if the | flowers are crushed they still look | well, | Lady Egerton picked more than one strapless gown from Miss De- langhe's fashion collection -- but added. These range from narrow cording to two-inch widths. ! Her brightest ball gown is a flame red chantilly lace semi-crin- | oline with simple, clinging lines and wide hem. An intriguing point is the deep fringe of match- ing suede velvet that fringes and weights the skirt two-thirds of the way round. The centre back skirt is all lace. making a perfect train. | Lady Egerton has also packed three of her Coronation gowns, in- | cluding a shaded purple crinoline | made from 75 yards of fine ruched nylon tulle studded with brilliants. Most of her gowns, however, are on Royal Tour state balls should be informal. Dinner jacket' and evening suit will not be: essential on most oc- casions and for royal garden par- tles the rule is "wear what you please." Lady Egerton finds, however, that formality in her dress is best. She has packed only one cotton style, Most of her gowns are in the light-weight French and Swiss materials favored by the Belgian- born couturier. An embroidered Swiss lawn in black and white has been chosen for a cocktail dress with Eton acket. A rich brown embroidered awn with appliqued seams and shoulder-wide "V'* neckline makes a garden party number, elegant in contrast to the pastel shades the ueen favors for such occasions. Lady Egerton has chosen much navy including a pure wool coat dress with long sleeves, slim lines and skirt fullness swinging from all-round inverted pleats that start ow on the hip. Two or three w outfits have been included. vl HEAT THROUGH GLASS Glass, still pioneering, is now an important item in the heating field. Teamed with electricity it has pro- duced the latest type of heating to be introduced into Canada. It's a panel of tough tempered glass with an aluminv'm grid fused to the back through which electicity passes and is converted into infra red heat rays which heat objects they strike rather than air through which they pass. ~ Dry Cleaning News! Sudden soils. Have soiled garments cleaned os soon as possible before the siol develops into stains and be- comes permanently set. Help your Cleaner to serve you better. LAKESHORE DIVISION DRY CLEANERS (Ont) LTD. on dress for all but the biggest €, ig AEM NE MA A ER A A GE wn EE LL RR AL CLES ARAN € & SERRA AAR FRVARAARFVAARVAAAARAARAANNE u bo R EYES MAKE SPARKLE TE NL: i Matching stool extra t's much easier than you think to start sewing the modern way -- today --on a new, lifetime SINGER SEWING MACHINE. See it -- try it -- either at the SINGER SEW- ING CENTER or right in your own home. Only $193.50 Buys All This! ® A lifetime SINGER SEWING MACHINE ® Graceful Console Cabinet ® Famous SINGER 6-lesson Sewing Course @® Basic Set of Attachments ® SINGER Warranty of Manufacturing Precision OTHER MODELS FROM $95.50 Phone or Visit Your . . . SINGER SEWING CENTER 14-16 ONTARIO ST. CT EE NS ER EE S EERE EEEEEEREEEE EEE EERE ENE RER EEE EERE EEE ER EEE EEE Ess EEEEERE EEE DIAL 5-5443 LAR AA AAA A a

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