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Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Nov 1953, p. 3

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Attendance "|THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE dd] 0 1Cer Busy OSHAWA Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gasette and Chronicle WHITBY publ Big h (regular and VOL. 12--No. 275 OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1953 PAGE THREE gal absence, A. L. W. Smith School Attendance Officer reported to the Board of Education, Monday ; ® night. oh the public schools there were 22 offenders,.in the OCVI nine and in_ Central Collegiate one. Mr. Smith he had beert'noti- fied of 35 students who had moved away from the city and he had is- su 16 exemptions from school at- . @ tendance last month. p Of the 16, two received:home per- ' mits and 14 received employment certificates. This made a total of 52 exemptions in force at the end of Qctober. Nine of these pupils left schoo] in Grade 8, seven in Grade 7 and one below that, shit SER REE Dec ot Breeders Win Many Planning domestic employment, five have SSE Many Awards At Royal | To Join Classes LJ Cadi 0 Oshawa and district breeders of na_Schietti, AC: #Foank Officials of the Oshawa Community Recreation Asso- . : eo a hadi ultry, pigeons and canaries came |Bottrell, 1st and 3rd; R. iia " a a Rises share of the awards |gette, 4th. 128 | ciation wore broad smiles last night. The Crafts in Ae- PORT PERRY HOLSTEIN GOES TO QUEBEC Pay For Trim in the many Classes I Hee er [ard oak: Tor bo el" ast and | tion demonstration attracted over 200 visitors who took a ; G. H. Walker and Son Port | ford Mines, Que. Ridgedale Fran- | ling heifer after being the Junior air, according to the latest prize hen; 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th bred | keen interest in the various displays and, as a result, it is i ond prize jon at th terborough i . [list ived today from the Col- (1953. oF ; » » Perry, received $3,200 for Ridge- | cy Achilles was the second p: Champion _at the Pete gh | Magistrate R. P. Locke, Tues. /St® reeery "The local awards | Nun Black, Mrs. H. Gimblett | anticipated that quite a numbes will enroll for the courses dale Francy Achilles at the e| dry - two - year - old Holstein | Championship Show. She was |day morning, offered to for |iseum in Toronto. of Stars held in connection with classified as Good in Selective |3 Taircut for Frank Witcroft who [Were spread over many different Oshawa; ,3rd cock, 2nd and 3rd | offered by CRA. The demonstration will be continued to- a a Nin oR men "| Registrasi two - year - old breeds and classes the Royal Winter Fair. The pur-| ago she received honorable men- egistration as a two - = 0l4, ireceived suspended sentence for |P* . 3 : Be yal Re MLeod, Thot. | tion as All-Canadian Senior year- | a very rare honor. vagraney, en POULTRY CLASSES pun, Dun: Mrs. B. Gimblett, 1st | night between 7.30 and 10 p.m. ifcroft, found late Monday | The awards won in the poultry |G, 0%, "Reh, BP 0 pO |DEEPLY IMPRESSED TOT Te ere pg night under a pile of rock wool : pile classes were as follows; New |g, jasbd: H. W. Clark, Oshawa,| The visitors left deeply impres- | stand and gape. . d insulati iran: ' L : Te t S Sa 0l Auto at 'he id have a eo re Aare Deva, 28 Ist, "and 4th cock; 1st and sed either by the leathererafting TORS SKETCHE ea ve I'l { 1 1 1 1.( 1 12 teen hour a day loading trucks pi ish. ark: A ootk: 3rd hen, 1st, 2nd and 3rd bred | as in the above instance or by the VIS 8 DY R he said, for which he receiv oa Lat re 195. ental Frill Satin black or d DPR Dotiery, metaleraft, fab a lo s . or dun cP » Weaving, drawing OF | the crowd in pencil portrait. The ° one dollar. He was sleeping out- . cock: side ec Sussex Light: A. Ayre, 2nd laced: H. W. Clark, 3rd cock, 2nd | photo . 13-Month Ser V 1Ce Real Menace Side because his landlady threw | ames Brooks, Oshawa, 1st, 3rd hem, ist bred fy Gack: nd gl TL tonight, [glint in the model's eye and ee vie : He was to leave Tuesday morn- and 4th hen, 1st and 2nd el |son, Osh , 1st' and 2nd cock; | A tour of the displ last * witch in the mouth were set down When Corporal Charles "Chuck" the powdered eggs and powdered Driving an old crock like that |;no gor" a steady job in Toronto. and 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet. 1st and 3rd hen; 2nd and 3rd bred |offered plenty: + plays night | and imprisoned in black and white White, 423 Simcoe Street South, |milk of Korea. around puts the lives of the en- [Wp OF fo iC ali that, | Leghorn, White RC: H. J. Coup- (1953 bd gd ny i> e impressed --all dependent on the keen ob- arrived home from Korea last| Chuck paid tribute to the Wom- tire community in hazard," com- (pe gaid. Magistrate Locke prefer- erthwaite, Uxbridge, 1st cock. Oriental Frill, satin blue or sil [the art cr Pilg ers 0 oid on in | servation of Mrs. Brewster's own Wednesday he had a triple rea-|en's Auxiliary for the parcels they mented Magistrate R. P. Locke |,..q" to give the man suspended Leghorn, buff RC: H. J. Cop ver: H. W. Clark, 1st, 2nd and 8rd on | § were vividly por- hand and the patient sureness of son to celebrate. sent and he said he had received (here Tuesday. He was speaking to |santonce on condition that he go |erihtvaite, 4th cockerel, 3rd pullet. |oock 2nd 'and Srd hen. . r hand, First of course, he was back in| several fine parcels from Branch [James Calbert of Locust Hill who (yo moronto, Polish Black, white-crested: A.|" Oriental Frill, satin brunette: H. | At the pottery demonstration Mr. | In fabric printing John Armfield " " 2 . y » ' Ww. Cl . . BK. » m no ; on November 4 struck two other I would suggest," said the ma Ayre, 3rd hen, 5th cockerel, 5th Clark. 2nd hen: L. Richards. and Mrs. E. Harlander, fro rth CRAFTS A Sr ' |of Whitby, were working ingenious- (Continued on Page 7) Canada away from the hardships |43 of the Legion. : 1 of Korea. Second, it was his 27th| The mail came. through fairly cars while driving his 12-year-old | gistrate, "that you wash and shave pullet. black: H. J. Couperth. Bowmanville, 1st and 2nd cock, [fy birthday and third it was the 5th regularly although occasionally "eC albert was fined $25 and costs Delors 0 leave the mation. Un wan To covered... op en Er R A whirling wheel, a_highly-skil wedding anniversary of his par-| some did get lost o . A q | fortunately, aven't my own | Wet hite: H. J. Couperth- oller, Can. Ex. Red: L. Rich- wheel, a iy - ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. White, | PICTURES CENSURED and both his driving permit and |,a;0r "here or I could loan it to | Japanese white: H. J. Lo ards, 2nd cock, 2nd and 3rd hen, |led pair of hands and immediately 198 St. Julien Street. Any pictures taken were sub. OWNEr'S permit were suspended yyy» He offered to pay for a waite, 1st hen, 1st cockerel, 1st qq: 0 3 3.4 bred 1958. ®™ |a shapeless glob of clay became LAME SHOULDER ? On hand to welcome him home, | ject the censor's O.K., Chuck bs ee William Smith of the | haircut -- "At least I could do |P Japanese Gray: H. J. Couperth- Roller, Can. Ex. Black: L. Rich- |2 Symetrical, arching thing of along with his parents, was his |recalled. One that an officer took : Onstal 1 re testified that he | that much." ay Jose Yard hon ards, 2nd and 3rd cock, 1st and |Deauty. wife Ursula and his three children |of his platoon showed them on pro , 2 BY CMa inn Ee | » . 3rd hen, 1st, 2nd and 3rd bred | On the puppet stage raucous- r d Dirk, Linda Diane and the eldest, | top of Hill No. 187 early last sum- Tae ra am non-exis- | Ld PIGEON CLASSES 1958. voiced Jimmy Durante pounded on | T-R-C's, specially made 10 sive quick] five-year-old David. mer. 'This particular picture show- | CRE THe AraC vas defec. ories evo Awards won by Oshawa and dis-| Roller, Can. Ex. AOC: L. Rich-|2 miniature Grand Piano and nos- Sulief from Rbeuma c, Arthritic, Neuritic, 13 MONTHS AWAY ing himself and another soldie} oy an e ng trict pigeon breeders were as fol- (ards, 1st bred 1953, od bis yay Jarough LX selection of Satie Dein; ales | Lumbage. | euralgia For "Chuck" it was the end of yas out © The| The car was impounded in a Ov r P nsi lows: ier. AC: William Gilblett BREEDERS og ood polls: 2 Donde today, 65¢, $1.35 at drug counters: 1-097, a 13- mons Sh pot of fl War, | rimes-Gazette. garage until Calbert has it repair- e e 10ns Oshawa, 1st hen; 2nd and 3rd (Continued on Page 5) casionally causing Jimmy to take e op 8 which was | "cpuck took another roll of film |©C; L . cockerel: F. H. Moore, Canning- -day visit to Tokyo, "a "You cannot be allowed to drive | LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime ad , wonderful city." He rod too Jt Rorean villages oxi front nes. | wretched hazardous vehicles like Minister Churchill's Conservative (100, 204 au) 3rd cock, second hen, the charm of the little villages in | op oreo: qocstoned. To avold hav. |that around the community," warn- | government Tuesday night re- "Sp, BRUT, 0 0 Grigzle: Frank Japan. in| prc] thie gh the censor |©1 the magistrate. celved the strongest opposition |p rr Ch Bowmanville, 1st, 2nd n the other hand though, there | 'syiced" by buddies Chuck faced since taking office two years [3rd and sth cock; 1st, 2nd, Srd was the ex-submarine base be saw wrapped the film in adhesive tape ago ad SD en oclior: Frank Bott: at Ebbicoo Camp, where the Jap- A P : P ; and carried it home in the bottom Several conservatives threate ame SC ES end 'Wa ed | of his kit bag. rovince ays in the House of Commont to hod gel, oy Ps 4th = Soa) during the Second World War. : Other souvenirs included fishing . up next year' i tim : Wa a Ie re oe (ord (tackle, a gaily colored reversible For Tra lines ine. armed forces' budgetun. | Dragoon Blue, grizzle or check. bit 4 his iv hes Wag st eat jacket and a Japanese designed | less the government increases pen- ©: Flank Sorel lst, 2nd, 3rd hoes in b during the First dressing gown. VES TORONTO (CP)--Ontario spends | sions for retired army officers who al a; AOC: Frank Bottrell World War. So the two Whites, |" Ai of qi VES war itself | Almost $100,000 a year to keep up (served In the First World War. |,.¢%9,3" sd 'and 4th cock; lst father and son, have an outstand- ye, sen Most. of | traplines for Indians north of the But Churchill said in answer to 5) 314 and 4th hen; 1st, 2nd, 3rd ing record of service, seeing ac- {i> 2 ar ¢ tally the | Canadian National Railways trans-| 2 question that his government (ov. Yh bred 1953. tion in each of the three wars of Third Battalion princess. Patri, | continental line, the chief of the will not authorize the increases, | "Homer Racing Blue or silver: this century. cia's was confined to repulsing at. | Provinces fish and wildlife division | Bich, would cost about £200,000 prank Bottrell, 3rd bred 1953. Korea is a filthy, smelly country, | {aks The only actual contact his said Tuesday. pg a Soar: oi t Bas Fantail black: F. H. Norwood, sgh i GTR SE ty RT SB VL ei hrm out, BE ony e ows over ndidn affairs comm e On- 3 : Fra ! on Datrol duty, be sald. tario legislature that 94 per cent|has decided .it cannot provide the coc, ith cock, 3rd and 4th hen, there was just an added hardship." ba Sp Saia_be Jad to He hit the Satricia's Mg 3 the Sines are held by Indians, Spatial Inereaet. is of "shame" |r 953, 2nd and 4th HB, ; Gs 3 ' - the RCR's fighting along side them | the rest by whites. 4 . 5 ; nr fatponis Binikets hadnt De boty were, AR shelled one night.| Traplines are registered on a from both sides of the House, he Magpie Black: Biv Bottrell, ; DIRECT FROM ENGLAND Chuck said he used to sir them | Ihe enemy's burp fun was an ex. family basis, he sald. "I was well aware the answer (3ra sed 4th. HB, 1983. : # ET out re] arly sud aprey them ith Superior To aay eX alles ad. 0 G H REPORT 1 53ve would ot ag Jete dyed with Magpie Yellow: Frank Bottrell, CARVIN G S S wa ubiquitous E MY BROADCASTS : reason I tho 2nd and 3rd cock. é . With genui English dies. x ught it ought not to : Javaies Segith Ney handles, SoS NED iP While his battalion were holdin hl be made by a i offi- pikag gle pe o jlver: Fro: : ; A grond a ent of 3-pc. sets i Hill No. 355 a Chinese girl use OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL |Cer but some one speaking with pen, 1st and 3rd CB 1953; 1st HB =~ Even with their service com-|to broadcast to them from the hill the authority of the government." or ; ; eted and on board ship bound |opposite, Chuck revealed. Most of | For the week ending November - (1958. AOC:. Frank Bottrell Ships io bear On the United States | wrens sermmaren ss te atuening | Admissions 19 TR , 5 : { ship S.S. Marine Lynx, the Cana- |of Korea. = P%| Births: male 2i, female 22. COMING EVENTS, |, Modern Gazi Block: 12. D. Me. dians washed down walls. and | After the truce the Chinese play-| Operations: major 45, minor 48, + |Eachern, Oshawa, A McEachern floors wh Hey ; made the oveap: ed some American Tecurde. d eal, oye Boge and throat 23. 2nd and 3rd : first and 3rd crossing. e they were on ship| Last Christmas they played car- eatments 17. , , : ; they were subject fo Navy regula- ols in an attempt fo lower the| Fractures 19. Dae i, Cros Asay, | hen, ist and 2nd bred 1955; Frank tions and under the Navy's com-|morale of the fighting troops. The| To date during the month of No-| 9 p.m. Tickets at Home Dairy. Bottrell, {st an hry : mand. . ,,|attemp failed, "Chuck" said, as|vember three sets of twins were ann ig, and 2nd Dred In i white: rovoied yet had ew fg heh tne siioion of, th ou. | me ASE gig age, coum pra Behl ut ou; X'3 Ske - TO 4 . . i) breakfast. If potatoes were left|tar shells that were hurled to- Tow morning Wednesdsy at 10 o'clock. Leggett, Oshawa, 3 Cork na! on over at supper they had them for |ward the enemy position in an at- BIRTHDAYS 24a) McKae Io) A Ne BATH ROOM breakfast. tempt to silence 'the mocking BAZAAR -- BEING HELD AT THE| on . SC ALE But even that " en that was better than |broadcast Congratulations are extended Soustive United Starch oan Deotmber to the following readers of The quilts and fish pond. Tea. BOARD OF EDUCATION BRIEFS mtn heir birthdays Wed: BAZAAR AND HEY St W you on on 0 dino Dad will like the isos handsome tools on display Beaday, Novexher , heb Centre St. Church, Friday, Nov. . weight ious, this. is j- al p.m. nsored b; E conscious, ] Boy regular meeting of the jand the regular supply at $200 a one na is sausers Goodwin iy Home basing, Yen ; o . now of Boa isation Monday night mou Walter Krantz RR 1, Oshawa work, aprons. (275b) WE must. Guaranteed accurate Tw: «ems of new business were at a number of trustees and 4 y . , Mm 3 approved. : officials represent the ©shawa|day Service om the morning of | ment Association, Fancy work. areas mmm at every point of the diel. R. B. REED & SONS The next ; Board of Education at the ope! November 8. home-baking -- Friday, Nov. 27, 2 a With o " i bie he Jit Mooting iD bea Som: o 5 new Queen Mary School That the application of Rev, Can. pm. at Armorles. 275) Wgers the "binocular" dial ; . . on D. M. Rose for rental of | MASON'S BERTINI [ Jitites Sud the Board Dessmber That the letter from the Police |Duke of Edinburgh and Woodcrest | Harmon, Schol Friday. Now A You sn. nod your weight pd | Commission comp a e | auditoriums for regular Sunday p.m 4 Se. *~. : : sily. M L A The date of the inaugural.meet: Srosing guards had not been noti- | School purposes be referred to a ' (@78¢) wi easily. Made for a lifetime ST, AN LEY P NE ing of the 1954 Board of Educa- |iied early dismissal of | committee for further discussion. RUMMAGE SALE -- ST. ANDREW'S of service. Available in most Pe ; tion was suggested as January 7 he he FINANCE COMMITTEE Sustcs Tuasts3, 198 Ju, ds 1 colors to match room. y NCA inches Jong, 3:ineh at 5 p.m. be received and the principals of ani Ran OS Commitee Educa. MONSTER BAZAAR AND TEA TO, BE ov j : ; a ho The hondion The account from the Ontario |e Schools be asked to. notify the | tion that the maximum amount| 27, at 2 pan. Auspices of the. Ladies 1 3 0 - especially if he is "Do Safety League for the Safety Pos- guards of any change in the school of car allowanc be raised o $30 Auxiliary of the Ontario Regiment As- AR \ LPO . ter Service December, 1 ol sebeule. Olive McIntosh. Grade | 2, 0nth from $20, (The Board| Scciation. (75h) ve ° ; It Yourself" fan. cember, 1954, was approvedsat a . , grade | payg 10 cents a mile and at least | BAZAAR AT / . conto 0 wih Tne cont Jor' | Oi Jeacher at, Westmount Scho | fur teachers vere' traveling $50) "Shih gt pt. tian, Son | -- 9.95 our new 3 " ed How Schoo a a visit to the Royal Ontario Mu-| Tree DANGE" fancy work and tea served. (2150) ' A request from H. N. Pascoe, |Seum and the Parliament Build- ® ? principal of Westmount School, for*! ings in Toronto. oe Ta ope, : REVERE WARE the Board to pay for the wiring' PROPERTY COMMITTEE public schools in the month of Oc- ; \ Prized by discriminating of an outside automatic bell was| The Property Committee report- [tober was 96.79 per cent. Of the = ™ appre Th, Shoal Association |e to the board from is November | otal enrollment of $463, "3571 ¢ ] POWER DRILL gl emselves. |9 meeting-- were never absent and 5250 were : housewives everywhere. | ' That ti cost of the exterior j Trustee Mrs. B. C. Colpus Was | painting of the OCVI had cost] bancirei M. F. Kirkland of Janous Blesk ond Docker Vir po os throughout the year. appointed to investigate the pur- $536.80, (In 1946 the painting had z ; a 8 OCVI reported that average at . FRENCH SKILLET 3 Will come in handy many times Shase of rerniure for the teach cost RY gla prio sale: be tendance for October was 96.49 to investigate the condition of the | ohased to replace the one dam- per Cem. Sua enrollment was 12 King St. E. Dial 3-3633 With cover. Stoinlos view), cops . ' Schoojs. Tome In the ofherfaged on Qctober 13 and that the | will be held Friday, December ith ; "ih i vault be repaired immediately. = |at 800 p.m. and th Junior Com- per bottom, 10-inch, ali-round 27.95 o Te Business Administrator, W. MRR es RL mencemet on DeceniverZs at 2:30 H | family-si I getting. B lecture of the Audubon Societ lo assist the Jaslitors in the eon- {7 ed peda S urs. fi y ] THE he Ty Ta would be held in the Central Col- [5 tion of \inks and that the BRANTFORD (CP) -- The Cana- tiful and practical. a the rinks be |dian Order of Foresters Tuesday . The Management Committee and filed. aunounced it will $25,000 to 10.95 IRONING TABLES C in from its November 9 meeting, re- : ported to the Board and recom. [lunch zoom in the base Rent of anni FRESH GROUND Now She Can Sit Down To Iron mended-- . L Res Sf Eel | Bo ten bey oe RES an son Sl od so, eed, be dlp, Atom hi Sofcloiiar fou the moi PET | on on ua! Hal a Brom 4 siting, Pesion, 21 lack, 10 8 Yesugioy position OCVI receipts $431; supplies $574 |not being suitable for the purpose. | tg > : PORTERHOUSE & WING Hight dept for vegttublus, Cove OF 36 inchs, Sow the exception] vange Now gt Reeds, and salaries $394. In CCI the re-| PUBLIC RELATIONS or fits snugly in utensil. ceipts were $231 the supplies $239| ne Public Relations Committee | i i STE AKS Col Bl Ib. 55¢ 7.80 14.95 to 17.95 reported to the Board and recom- That the recommendation of In-| oi 4 Spector T. R. McEwen regarding| "ryt the Secretary of the Grads the teaching of music in schools for the balance of the |Dasketball team be advised that Life Bldg. Montreal. school year be approved. (Assis-|D0 advertising is permitted in the tant Mrs. R Rodgers has resign- | Schools. C (@) |") B 24 A N D ef ond Servi Watace Youre Ton, the Juror Chamber, of T « BD will carry on ti i ) e ive e renta rey lh hp the CCI auditorium, on December BAKING SODA S E KS Tat the jcresse fn, salary re 3, for their regular Town Hall 2 Ibs [+ ; queste: y the supply teachers , for ir regu n . . s . (CLUB) 48 Simeoe St. North ~~ Free Delivery Phone 3-4032 approved retroactive to September Night. and that the occasio; supply That the Ril School Auditor- a ] paid at a rate of $0.00 fum be rented 8 special Sun-

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