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Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Nov 1953, p. 8

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8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, November 35 1958 jax And P ickering Hospital Starts $60,000 Drive SKETCH OF AJAX AND PICKERING TOWNSHIP GENERAL HOSPI & Today the Board of Directors | Hospital is launching a campaign | drawing of the new hospital by ! X-ray facilities and equipment. of the new Ajax and Pickering : officially de- | hospital to be opened free of | contain 34 beds, General Hospital signated the Duke of Edinburgh to raise $60,000 to enable the debt. Above is the architect's! Stanley Kent. The hospital will | 12 bassinettes | and complete operating room and | Total cost is fixed at $225,000 which works out at the excep- | tionally low average of less than Se TAL $6,000 a room. An intensive cam- paign to aise the necessary $60, 000 has been organized. THOMAS GIBSON, president of the Ajax and Pickering Town- ship General Hospital. Opening Of New Hospital To Mark Climax Of Long Effort: By JOHN MILLS ® Hospital Auxiliary Has Already Raised $4.400 AJAX -- Since the inaugural ettes of Ajax, and to the Audley 1951 the (ladies for their contribution in this KEY PERSONNEL IN HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN J. I. SIMPSON, chairman, Dunlop Rubber Company, Patron of Hospital Campaign. E. L. RUDDY, patron of the Ajax and Pickering Township Hospital Campaign. . | acre site at Harwood Avenue and AJAX -- Within a few weeks, long months of plan- | Third Street. ning, will be culminated by the opening of the Ajax and | This phase completed, the board . : . |received progress grants from both Pickering General Hospital. The story behind this |Federal and Provincial govern- i : : : : : : ments plus a grant of $5,000 from (397.42. This amount has been [tions totalling $290.75 were receiv- achievement, is one marked by a series of disappoint« Lo Ontario County Council ol febleved by gany varied PRvjects ied rom Jay organizations, The 3 These monies made it possible -- A Garden Party at "The Hermi- | W.A. o e Ajax Unite urch, ments, frustrations, but. never defeat. to finance re-roofing exterior re-|tage" summer home of Mr. and |Ajax War-Brides Association, CG- When at last the doors open. $7 0 lcd and put |finshing, the constructon of the | Mrs. E. L. Ruddy, two fall teas at IT Pickering, Evening Auxiliary, this community project will stand) tack: into Xen very little | Service wing, and other structural |the Legion Hall in Ajax; two Pickering United Church; Audley as a monument to the faith and | additions. | meeting, November 12, Foi Bh {Women's Hospital Auxiliary has | The first project undertaken by grown from a membership of 20|the Auxiliary was the furnishing to 111, with funds totalling $4,- !of the recreation room and dona- os P : ing Dis- |W-A.; Ladies Auxiliary Can. Le- , perseverance of the. men' and wo- dances held in the Pickering Di {gion 322, Rouge Hill Home and d | School Assoc'n.; Cherrywood W.A; Ajax Ladies Club, Brock Road Home and School, Audley Com- munity Club, Ladies Aid Preshy- Jerjan hares, Bicker W.A. of | Nightingale's birthday, on May 12. [Holy Trinity Church, Rouge Hill In addition to these group activi-|U.C. Sunday School, 4 East men who gave unstintingly, some- times at great sacrifice of their own interests, their time and tal- ents to bring their plans to fruit- ion, and provide for the district a place of healng. It is by no means a new story; it is but a repetition of what men and women do, whenever a need arises, and all through our coun- try side stand hospitals, churches, and similar edifices, all in a sense, monuments to those whose thoughts are directed to creating facilities for the healing of broken bodies, and the spiritual uplift of their fellow man. LAUNCHING CAMPAIGN Today a campaign to raise $60,- 000 to completely free the hospital from debt is launched. This cam- paign is definitely a communty project and every resident of the district which the hospit® will serve will be asked to invest in this new project. The wise investor, will always want to investigate to the fullest before risking his money, and it is the object of this article to re- view the story of the hospital, par- ticularly for the benefit of the people who have more recently taken up residence in Pickering Township and Aja®, and who will share in this wonderful assist to the district. WARTIME HOSPITAL The present hospital building was formerly located on Kings' Crescent and was built to serve as an emergency hospital for the munition plant employes, who, at one time numbered over 9,000. The war over, and the plant closed, the hospital continued to serve the cost. { Co-incident with the fact that the future of Ajax was virtually assured and that development wold be proceeded with according to a suggested master plan, pro- vision had been made in the geo- graphical centre of Ajax for a made then to move the excisting | building to this site. FIRST BOARD CHOSEN A hosptal board of directors was chosen to study the situation, and after considerable debate, a hosp- ital association was found. This group by majority vote gave the | | board the green light to go ahead | with its plans to provide the dis-| i trict with a general hospital. | PLANS PREPARED Architect Stanley Kent was en- gaged to prepare plans and esti- | mates to move, and re-model the | hospital. Meanwhile a drive was made to secure sufficient funds to get the project started. ! | Estimates were received show- {ing that the project could be fin- | anced completely for $120,000. The {campaign for funds realized $29,- | 000; the target was $25,000. As the plans were submitted to the Federal and Provincial govern- ments for approval and grants, the board was dismayed to learn {that considerable structural | changes would have to be made to ! conform to reach government minimum standards in order to be- come eligible for government grants. | FAR ABOVE ESTIMATES These changes were made, and finally tenders were called, several | building contractors were interest- thousands of students quartered ed, and submitted prices. These in Ajax when the University of | figures were so far above esti- Toronto took over the facilities, to mates that the board could have provide for the education of thie in- | been forgiven if the whole project flux of veterans who were using had been abandoned right there their rehabititation credits to com- | Lesser men would have done so, plete their university training | but no one was willing to acknowl- which in many cases had been cut short on enlistment. With the cessation of University of Toronto activities in Ajax, the hospital was closed. Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, owners of the build- ing, and developers of Ajax were loath to declare the hospital and equipment as surplus and turn it over to Crown Assets Corporation for disposal, and in their wisdom, retained ownership n the hope that means could be found to re-open it for residents of the district. SEEMED EASY AT FIRST At first glance this appeared to be a comparatively easy thing to accomplish. Here was a reasonably well equipped building, which had functioned well in the past, and there seemed no reason that it Sail ' MEDICAL STAFF OF NE The number of doctors who have made application to join the staff of the Ajax and Picker ing General Hospital has been most gratifying and is an expres- sion of conficence in the project which can only be reflected by | the general public. The associa- tion has met on several occa- | sions and their professional ad- vice in invaluable to the Board of Directors as the project nears | edge defeat, and the board im-| | mediately set to work to revise their plans. : | It should be remembered that | | over a year of planning had gone | |into these plans, and it was not | | an easy decision to scrap them, | | and start again from scratch. Yet | it had to be done, NEW PLANS PRODUCED | The architect was requested to { produce another set of plans| | Which would eliminate some of | the more costly items -in the pro- | | ject, yet provide a well designed structure within th | budget. With the new plans in hand and approve', the decision was made to proceed on a pay as you go basis, and a contract was let tc move the old hospital on to the 5- e et | completion. Photo shows some | of the staff members:- front | row, left to right, J. O, Ruddy M.D., Whitby; J. W. Boseh, M.D. | Ajax: Miss A. Hughes, Reg. N,, | Jones, Ajax x. N. Superintendent; Glynn M.D., Staff Presidant. D. I. Gove, M.D., Ajax; G. | Mcilveen, M.D., C.M., Ajax. | Back, A. J. Hebert, M.D.. C.M; W. C, Y. Grant, M.D., Brooklin; C. H. Vipond, B.A, M.D, F.R.- NURSES' RESIDENCE | At this time the board received | an immense amount of encourage- | ment when another building be-| came available to them which could be converted into a nurses' residence, provision for which had hospital site, and the proposal was | beer eliminated from the second [ties the individual members and Home and School; CGIT, Ajax; set of plans. Immedately the architect was instructed to prepare plans and estimates. to move and complete this building. These plans approv- ted, the contract was let, and this job is now nearing complet- ion. ' Stated simply, as has been done, all this work may appear to have been easy, but over two years have now gone by and innumera- able meetings, often lasting unitl well after midnight, were nescess-| ary to iron out the countless snags which seemed to crop up at every| turn. far, all that has been said as concerned the actual con- | struction, but all through the time | of planning the board was vitally concerned with the equipping of | the hospital. True, a substantial amount of equippment was ob- tained with the old hospital, all of | it very useful. But it was far from | complete, What has equipped an | 'emergency hospital was far below the requirements of a moder | general hospital. | SUPERINTENDENT ENGAGED | A year ago last August, the board recognised their own inade- | quacies, in dealing with all the in- fintesimal details which go into equipping a hospital and so en- gaged the services of Miss Helen Hughes R. N. as hospital super- intendent. Miss Hughes came to Ajax with highest references and has saved the board many times over any salary paid her in the economies on purchases made on her recom- mendation. Present at every board meeting, Miss Hughes has been able to co-ordinate the work | of the purchasing committee, and | establish contact with wholesale | houses, visit other hosiptals, see equipment in operation, and her work has now reached the point | that when the hospital is com: | pleted equipment can be moved in, | rand put into service with a mini- mum of delay. Miss Hughes has also acted in close consultation | with the architect in planning the | kitchens and service wing. i These past few months Miss, reasonably | Hughes has also interviewed and |the p engaged a large number of the! staff which will be required. To resume the story of the hos- pital construction, earlier this year as further contracts were let, it became increasingly apparent that the overal cost once again was a [trict High School. Each year tickets have been sol on dolls, dressed by some of the! members. Bake sales were popu- | lar throughout the District. Tag | ay commemorated Florence | ROBERT HARTOG, joint Gen- Ro No. eral chairman of the Hospital campaign for $60,000. C., L. BURTON, of Simpsons Ltd., Toronto, patron of Ajax and Pickering Hospital Drive. FRANK CHAPMAN, joint gen. eral chairman of the present new Hospital campaign. | fri ve helped greatly in ad-- | Rotary-Anns of Ajax, Dunbarton terest and. fun 'by giving | Junior W.A., Evening Bridge Club | afternoon teas, bridge, parties or (Pickering; North Junior School, |by donating talent money. One |Ajax, South Junior School, Ajax. [project remains to complete the! In 1953 the Auxiliary decided to {year, The Johns-Manville Co. is |furnish the enire Nurses' Resi- | staging a Christmas party for the [dence which would mean an ex- | Employees' children 'and one for |penditure of nearly $5,000.00. To | the employees on Dec. 19 at which |realize this sum, other organiza- |the Auxiliary will cater. [tions were contacted and the re- | Monthly meetings were held at|sponse was most gratifying. The |first in the town hall, Pickering, | Club Fidelis of Ajax, The Institute [then in the public school. But ow- |of Brougham, the W.I. of Piker- ing to the increase in students, | the room so graciously offered, | was needed as a classroom, and |the auxiliary greatly appreciated 5 i {the helping hand extended by the of Claremont is purchasing dishes United Church, where meetings | have since been held. The linen | for the Hospital is now ready for use and thanks are due to the Girl Guides, Rotary-Anns and Kin- ing, and the Catholic Women's League, Ajax have each undertak- en a room. The W.I. of Ajax is furnishing the lobby and the W.I. for the kitchenette. ; To these and the many friends throughout the township, The Aux- iliary wishes to say thank you for your interest and co-operation. Staff Ready | For Opening AJAX -- (Times-Gazette Staff | Reporter) In an interview with the Times-Gazette today Miss Hughes, Hospital expressed her confidence in the | success of the current campaign to raise $60,000. | "We will come through with fly- ing colours," she said. Everyone will agree that there is no form of community effort more deserv- ing of universal support than the erection, equipping and mainten- | ance of hospitals, was her further comment. . Miss Hughes also 'said that to date the staff hiring was going | very well. A bookkeeper and sten- | ographer have been engaged. Eight registered nurses, six nursing as-| sistants, two cooks, five maids, | three supervisors and a handy man were also ready to start work when required. going to greatly exceed estimates. FINANCE MAJOR PROBLEM The board was confronted with the major problem how to finance roject to completion and open debt free. Many hours of discussion in re- viewing plans and estimates en- sued, some paring was done, but vet a sum of $60,000 would be required to complete the project. The board of directors in all its thinking, had visualized a hospital which would be complete in all its essentials and able to provide for the patients everything requir ed except perhaps highly specializ- ed surgery. . | Also included is public health service. and out-patlents clinic. Reluctant to further modify their plans, still more reluctant to have the burden of debt hanging over the new hospital, the decision was made to make an appeal to the public to raise the amount requir- ed to meet all obligations, plus $10,000 to be used as operating W AJAX HOSPITAL C.S., Oshawa; W. W. Baldwin, M.D., Brooklin; F. A. Cuddy, M.D, Whithy; ¥. S M.D., Dunbarton. Other doctors on the staff but absent when photo was taken are: W. W | Tomlinson, M.D., Pickering; E. Sturgis, M.D., Oshawa; | T. A. Orton, M.D., Oshawa; A. 8. Stocks, M.D., Brooklin. | Photo by John Mills Hertzberg, | |expenses until revenue is receiv- | led and the hospital starts to pay lits own way. | Having read all the foregoing ithe investor will now have many questions to ask regarding the I hospital. | The following description should answer many of them. i LOCATION OF HOSPITAL The hospital is located on a five | iacre site in the heart of Ajax On | {Harwood Ave., and Third Street, | an ideal site, away from industry in absolutely rural surroundings, | beautiful trees to the west, Lake Ontario, a short distance south and what is very important, ample space to enlarge the hospital when |the need arises and finances per- { mit. | The hospital has a floor area of | 20,000 square feet, and will con- tain 34 beds, 12 bassinettes and a fully equipped operating room for major surgery. The maternity wing Is self con. tained including delivery room and nursery and can if required isolated from the other hdspital wards. The service wing contains, the (kitchens, staff dining rooms, laun: dry and heating plant, including |the high pressure steam boiler re- quiired for sterilizing. Here also, hy Superintendent | | General | coming fo Ajax in August 1952 be | Shown above are the members of the executive of the Duke of Edinburgh Hospital Women's Auxiliary. Seated, left to right, [ Rl Dr. G. G. Jones Lh pa SUPERINTENDENT | Miss Helen Hughes, RN, Sup- erintendent of the Ajax and Pick- ering General Hospital. Miss Hughes is a graduate of Kingsto Hospital and prior tc ks Drive | AJAX --As chairman of the Medical Staff of the Ajax and Pickering Township hospital it gives me great Pleasure to see the' enthusiasm which is support- ing the drive to open our hospital in the near future. With the rapid- ly growing population in this area the new hospital which will be equipped in every modern way to 'give as good service as a much arger hospital, will fill a great need. Let each one of us give our utmost to make our new hos- pital a success! Dr. G. Glyn Jones. Fire Protection | was on the staff of the Montrea! General Hospital doing research work in the Audiometric Depart- ment. is the refrigeration unit and food storage. ROOMY WARDS The wards will contain, two, three and four beds, with provi- sion for private wards for the very ill patents. An audio-visual signal system will make it possible for any patient to contact the nurses on duty at their stations at any time. The wards will be painted « For Hospital and | ni e Lig aste] colours 35d, the bets with | AJAX -- All public institutions | the general colour scheme. Drapes (are required to adhere strictly to and other furnishings Will be col- fire prevention rules and to provide | ourful and everything possible has 'for the safety of the inmates. | been planned fo get away .from _ The Ajax and Pickering General | the standard whites and greens of Hospital will be fully equipped with | schemes and to provide a more fire extinguishers, stan Ripe hoses homelike atmosphere to bring up and an efficient fire alarm system | a suffering patients morale. connected directly to the Ajax Fire X-RAY EQUIPMENT (Hall. The X-Ray equipment which is | being installed was formerly in use [truly a huge sum of money, yet a in a large Toronto hospital. This | breakdown on a per bed cost basis has been purchased at a substantial reveals a remarkable fact that the saving. Completely overhauled and | actual cost per bed is under $5,000 guaranteed to be in first class con- which is an extremely favourable dition the machine will be fully |figure, when compared with the adequate for any demands upon it [national average cost of between besides being 'a real source of re-- $8,000 and $10,000 for small hos- venue for the hospital. pitals. A portable X-Ray machine is also! wart of this difference in cost being retained for use as required, 'may be attributed to the fact that ACCOMMODATE 19 NURSES | the" equipment of the old hospital The nurses' residence will pro-| was acquired at a nominal figure, vide accommodation for; 19 nurses { but careful purchasing also contrib- and the superintendent; also a | uted in a large measure. spacious lounge for the nurses com-| Financing the hospital to the fort. The north wing of the resid- present date has been a tremen- ence will house the public health |dous problem to the Board of Di- service and out patients clinic. rectors. In order to qualify for full All buildings will be heated from [government grants the project must the central heating unit contained completed, partial payments of lin the service wing. Hot water rad- |grants have been received, and on |iators will be used in the hospital, completion all grants receivable this system lending itself to better | will total $110,500. This is-roughly control than steam and can add |50 per cent of the total cost, $21,000 materially to the patients' comfort [was raised by public subscription As an economy measure, no |in 1951, and a grant from Ontario change was made in the radiator |County Council of $5,000 and a grant installations in' the nurses' resi. {Of $3,000 from the Improvement | dence, and steam will be the source District of Ajax raised this total |of heat, to $29,000 |TOTAL COST $225,000 NEED ANOTHER $60,000 | The total cost of the hospital. site | -Now a further $60,000 is required and equipment is set at $225,000 'te baidge the gap. A com- ' HOSPITAL AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE Miss V. Swan, vice - president; Mrs. L. Morrison, Mrs. T. Jac Mrs. A. Brady, Mrs. R. Ruddy and Mrs. J Astley. Photo by John Mills are Mrs. G. Lawrence, secretary; Mrs. H. Westney, president; Mrs. Don Kemp, vice-president; Mrs. J. Andrews, treasurer. Standing, Personal Appeal By Board Chairman AJAX--As chairman of the Hosp- dreams of the community coming i it is fitti is | true. il board 1 by Hitting Yiat it. Sjs It is fully expected that with the time a report of progress should|,..cont satisfactory construction be made to you who will be served | progress being made that the hi by this community 'enterprise. | ital will open its doors early thi No community, such as ours of | coming January. Pickering Township, Ajax and| In order that the doors may open Pickering village, can develop to!on a financially sound community full stature without a general | hospital $60,000 must be raised hospital to serve the needs of our|and this is the task that your families and ourselves when sick-|board has undertaken. With your ness strikes. No community can be | help and support both as a can- complete without such an essential | vaser and a donor, this goal can service. be achieved. Let everyone give This need has oeen felt in the | generously of both time and money past and is now a must. It there-! that this may truly be a commun- fore gives your board of directors ity achievement. a great deal of satisfaction to see Thomas Gibson the hospital finally taking shape | Chairman and to see the realization of the' Board of Directors VOLUNTEERS NEEDED WILL YOU HELP? AJAX -- Volunteers are still required to canvass. Having read the hospital story on this page and perhaps now convinced of the need. Will you not only give of your dollars, but also of your time and energy to help speed up the campaign? If so, 'phone Ajax 888 and give your name and address, or fill in and mail the coupon below. About 10 homes will bé assigned to you to canvass. De it now A wonderful job of Cgmmunity Service can be yours! Canvassers are needed to help raise $60,000 among our fellow citizens. : This money will make it possible for your hospital to open its doors free of all financial obligations, Will you canvass in your own neighbourhood? ( another district? ( ). Volunteer's Name: Address: .. Telephone: (Please fill out this form and return to the Campaign Com- ) or in mittee.) munity effort to raise this amount gard their contributions not simply as a gift, but an invesfment in a project which may well mean the difference between life or death for close friend, relative or a member of one's own family. * The nearest hospital to this pro- ject is Oshawa, 10 miles to the east, or Toronto East General, 18 miles to the west, and the space in both is now underway. Donors can re- | someone. Who knows? it may be a' these hospitals is taxed to the imit. TO SERVE TOWNSHIP From its inception the hospital project has always been regarded as a hospital to serve not only Ajax but the surrounding township of Pickering. The first board of Direc- tors inciuded men and women from fe combined Lunicipalities and this policy has been perpetuated in HOSPITAL (Continucd on Page M4

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