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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Dec 1953, p. 24

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BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT Representative--~Donald Hendry, 77 Ontario St., Phone 881 Many Nominated By Legion Post BOWMANVILLE -- The election meeting for the Canadian Legion Branch 178 will be held Sunday afternoon, December 13, at 2 p.m. The following nominations for the various posts on the 1954 adminis- trative ody are complete as of De- oembe >. + Mavin and R. Mc- su . Morris, M. have Baier D> to stand for io Vice. President, -- Knight; declined, D. Morris, R. Abernethey. Second Vice-President, E- Hafn- den; declined, C. MeDonald, J. , E. Rundle, W. Harri- son, Jr JE V. Mathewson, R. Ab- bott, R. Richards. Declined, A. Mavin. Jack Rice is the le ofily nomi- Bates and Lloyd Preston. The dollowin) men have been nominated dor e executive posts: A- Mairs, R. Finnigan, E. Perfect, F. Burns, L. Preston, J. Firth, J. Knight, J. Newman J. Fair R. TELEVISION - PROGRAMS CBANNEL # COBLT. TORONTO, 5:30--Children's Theatre 3:45--Uncle Chichim« 7:00--Tabloid 7:30--This Is Show Business 8:00--Dave Garroway 8:30--Big Revue 9:30--T.V So'~+ Stage 10:30--Mystery Theatre SATUKDAY 2:30--Movie Matinee 30--Hopalong Cassidy 3:30--Space Command 1: :00--Tabloid ackie Gleason Show Douglas Fairbanks Theatre NHL Hock FRIDAY E 6 p.m.--Wild Bill Hickok 6:30--News Almanac 6:45-Speaking of Sports 7:00--Sports Spotlight 7:15--Schools on Parade 7:30--Fisher- Ateche Show 7:45--Camel Ni s Caravan 8 00--Mama 8:30--Life of Riley 11:00--News; Almanac {1:15--Feature Film 4 SATURDAY 10:00--Super Circus 11:00--Space Patrol 11:30--Film ® 00--Big opis op fy So Film 2:00--Film 2:30---Down You Ge 3:00--Film 3:30--1 Married Joan 4:00--Film 9:30--Show 10:30--Wrestling 11:30- film P SUNDAY 12:00--Trouble With Father 12:30--Film 1:00--~Talent Patrol 1:30--Frontiers of Faith 5:30--Touchdown Thrills 5 45--Film 6:00--Story Theatre 6:30--Red Buttons 7:00--Paul Winchell Show 7:30--Mr. Peepers 8:00--~Comedy Hour 9:00---TV Playhouse 10:00--Letter to Loretta 10:30--Orient Express 11:00--"ireside Theatre 11:30--Film EN - BUFFALO, CHANNEL ¢ FRIDAY EVENING 6:00--Sagebrush Trail 6:30--News 6:45--Sports Spotlight :00--Ethel Barrymore Theatre :30--Family Theatre 7:45--News Caravap. (NBC) R:00-- .1a a8 8:30--L'fe of Riley 9:00--Wrestling 10:00--Boxing 10:45- Great Fights 11:00--News. Weather: 11:30--Mr. Peepers 12 Wo Adolphe Alenjou SATURDAY 9:30--Visit With Santa 9:45--Carioon Show 10:00--Film 10:30--Smilin' Ed 11:00 S ace Patrol 11:30--Tom Corbett, Space Cadet 12: 00. Big Top 1:0 ' Bil Hickok gia Schools at Work 00-- Film 2:30-- "ound Stage 3:00-- "ilm 3:30--Film 4:00--Precinct One 4:30--The Lone Ranger 5:00-Name's The Same 5:30-- Beat the Clock DAY EVENING svt il 6:00--Sports Spotlight 6:15--News; Ed. Dinsmore 6:30--Western Theatre 7:30---U oi B Round rable #:00--Bonino 8:30 Amateur Hous 9:00--Your Show of Shows 10:00-- _edallion Theatre 10:30 Your Hit Parade 11:00--News, Sports, Weather 11 !'5- Saturday Playhouse. feature length film SUNDAY 10:30--This is the Life 11:00--Church Service 12:00- -News 12:15---Capt. Hartz 1:00--1 Married Joan 1:30--~Amateur Show 2:00--Football 4:30 Film 5:00--Super Circus 7:00--Private Secretary 6:50--Let's Play Charades ew 6 Sports art Winchell Show J--Jack Benny )--Comedy Hour evision Playhouse + ~Letter to Loretta 10:30--What's My Line : 11:00--Late News and Waathe: 11:10--Late Sports Review 11:15--Montgomeny Hall D. Johnston, R. Mathewson, W. Mitchell, "F a lips, G. Hacking, R. Cale C. An- derson. Those declining to stand are M. Goslett, W. Harrison Jr., G. Meadows, S. Lockhart, C. MacDonald. 'The election. wi be held in the basement room of the Legion build- ing due to the fact that the Dis- ct F meeting will be held, com- mencing at 2 p.m., of the same day. Voting deleg ates only are spe- ifically ee at this meeting, but my interested member is in- vited to attend. [Town Council News Briefs BOWMANVILLE--A leter from Mr. S. Chartran, local clothing merchant quoting prices on new uniforms for the town police force was read before the council by Town Clerk A. Lyle. A vote to pur- chase four new uniforms was ap- proved following a motion to that effect by Reeve Sydney Little. Correspondence from L. S. Man- ell, Traffic Consultant, was read which stated that Mr. Manell's firm had been extremely busy dur- ing the past month, and that the ro) traffic survey to be done wmanville would be arranged within the next few weeks. Council voted to table the letter for con- sideration by the incoming Councillor Norman Scott reported that the construction of the new Base Line bridge was progressin favorahly, and would be complet within 'a short period of time. Council approved a motion to levy a charge of $25 to be paid by any person breaking up roads within the town limits for the pur- pose of installing sewers across said roads. It was mentioned that this fee will cover the partial cost of suitable repair by the Public Works Department. It was also provided that such persons must first apply to the Public Utilities Commission for permission to com- mence the work. Councillor Fred Cole announced that the sum of $235 had been re- ceived from the J ownship lington for outside fire ca local department. Town Clerk A. Lyle was author- ized to purchase Christmas turkeys for the civic employees. It was moved that Boxing Di December 26, be declared a ho) day, and that the Mayor dg 4 proclamation to that effect. Montreal Port Closes Dec. 19 MONTREAL CP)--Harhor offi- cials announced the port of Mont- real will close Dec. 19, latest clos- ing date in the city's history. e Israeli vessel Yaffo, at pres- ent en route to Montreal, is expec- ted to arrive on the 14th and offi- cially close harbor traffic when she leaves on the 19th. Previous record year was in 1946 When the last vessel left port Dec. s by the of Dar- | Legion Plans Yule Party BOWMANVILLE The local Branch of the Canadian Legion will sponsor its annual Christmas Tree Party this coming Saturday after- noon co! encing at 2.30 p.m. A fine afternoon is being planned for the members' children up to the age of ten, complete with en- tertainment, fruit and nuts and all the special Christmas trimmings. Old Santa Claus is expected to ar- rive at 3 p.m. Secretary of the branch, Ab'Ma- vin, asks that any member who has a child talented in the singing and dancing field, contact him as soon as possible with a view to in- cluding youngsters in the young fry's entertainment program. Find Toronto Driver Careless BOWMANVILLE --Sydney Gurr, Torito Jou, was found sty on ac careless driv 8 | po- lice Ee Sarees in Gurr was a esd BY ovias an accident near the Newcastle sub- way several weeks ago in which he pulled from behind a parked transport truck which had stopped to allow another truck travelling in the opposite direction to pass throug the narrow "hole in the As Gurr pulled out sharply he id the heavy vehicle dam- aging it to the extent of $2,000 then left the road out. of control. His car was wrecked beyond repair. During the hearing Gurr main- tained that due to the foggy con- dition of the weather on the night in question he had been unable to see the flicking running lights of the parked truck till he was al- most upon it. Gurr, who conducted his own de- fence, called a passenger in his car as witness, which served to bulla the Crown's case consider- al ars friend, twice rebuked by Magistrate Baxter for his unbe- coming attitude. during testimon stated that it was not necessari foggy, and that he had distinguish- ed the running lights of the parked truck at a distance of 300~feet. Said Magistrate Baxter as he fin- ed Gurr $10 plus a sound $45 in costs, 'I am ruling this low fine due to the extensive nature of the court costs, but I Suggest that . is not indicative of the graviy of | this offence." BROUGHAM Hockey Team Still Unbeaten NINA L. SHEPPARD Correspondent BROUGHAM The Hockey team has made a good start for this year, already having played two games in the Uxbridge Port Perry League, first defeating Port Perry by a score of 5 to 2; and the second game defen Brooklin to the score of 5 to 1. There are eight one in this league and seem to be quite equal in strength and promise a very good league. They play a double- header on every Monday and Thursday nights at Brooklin. The next game that Brougham plays is on December 17 when they play Claremont. GENERAL ® RANGES ® VACUUMS ® WASHERS This Year Make It An Electrical Christmas! SHOP "FIRST" --~ AT -- OSHAWA APPLIANCES 506 SIMCOE ST. S. Your Authorized DEALER ...in Oshawa! Come in and see our complete range of General Electric ® IRONERS, Etc. OSHAWA APPLIANCES 506 SIMCOE ST. S. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS ® TELEVISION DIAL 5-4331 AJAX & DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 Fire Department Names Its Officers For 1954 AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re- porter)--~Hencheforth the Ajax Vol- unteer Firemen's Association will be known as the Ajax Fire Depart- ment. Discontinuance of the form- er title will create a better feeling of unity and avoid any differentia- tion between the full time men and the volunteers. Wililam Scarff was re-elected President; Gordon Shaw, First Vice President and Dave Kemp, 2nd Vice President. Secretary is Jack Bunting and Treasurer, Paul Kirby. The department requires a type-, writer and would appreciate hear- ing from anyone who has one to sell very reasonably or donate. The men serve the department without pay beyond an annual grant, and this is usually dispers- ed to good causes. In existence nearly two years, as now cowsstituted, the Ajax Fire De- partment has an enviable record of negligble fire loss. MP Offers Fare Home Cash To Girl Who Posed As Man OTTAWA (CP)--Senator R. B. Horner (PC -- Saskatchewan) has offered in the Senate to pay the passage to Canada of an 18-year- old Belgian ul shipped back to her homeland after an unsuccess- ful atfempt to enter the country disguised as a seaman. "And if the reply to that is that it is against the law, against pass- port regulations and so on, I would say that that is truly a case where theMaw is an ass," he said Thurs- day. Senator Horner raised the sub- ject as a question of privilege. He drew attention to a newspaper ac- count of the attempt by Jeanne Mutton to enter Canada aboard the freighter Luksefjell disguised as seaman Alfred Albert Leopold Sou- demonte. '""Here surely was an opportunity | for Canada to secure an amazing citizen," Senator Horner said. [Pater Will pect School Inspe -- The regular monthly meeting .of the North Ajax Home and School Association will be held in the school at 8.15 p.m., Monday, | December 14. ! Ample opportunity, will be given for the parents to inspect the pu- pils' work, and seasonal decora- tions in the rooms. Many teachers will be in attendance. The Anglican choir under the di- 'rection of Mr. T. Houghton will present a program of Christmas music and will lead the 'meeting in Sarl singing y The 'uest" oI will be Miss Howard, librarian of the Ajax Pub- lic Library, who will speak on chil- dren's reading. Members and interested are cordially invited. Refres will be served. arties ents WOMAN KILLED KITCHENER CP) -- Mrs. Vie- toria Laskowski, 42, of Kitchener, was killed Thursday night when struck by a car about two blocks from her home. Police said the woman was hit by a car driven by Reginald Harron, 38, of Drayton, who was charged with manslaugh- ter and freed on $4,000 property "Ths girl is only 18. The dispatch | bail says that she was handy with her fists and that the captain said she was one of the best helmsmen that he ever 'had." THREATENED TO JUMP Senator Horner said he under- stands the girl threatened to jump overboard into the" St. Lawrence while being deported to Antwerp. "I am sure that we all admire a struggle on the part of anyone: to achieve a purpose worthwhile, A noble effort was made by this girl to secure admittance to Can- ada but she was refused. "In view of the circumstances I for one would be perfectly willing to pay her passage over here." Citizenship Minister Harris, in- |formed of Senator Horner's offer, said he will look into the case to determine whether any further ac- tion should be taken by his de- partment. In Oostende, Belgium, Alphonse Soudemounte shooed away curious reporters wanting to talk to his blonde, 18-year-old da Eter. He told all callers see his | daughter Liliane that he doesn't "want people pestering my girl." The girl arrived in Antwerp Wed- nesday night aboard Lukesfjell. Papa Soudemonte, a radio mech- anic, Thursday night decy ed to say why she planned her unique escapade, but added: "She has al- ways wanted to join the navy, de- spite the fact that women aren't allowed in the service here." At Montreal she gave her name as Jeanne Mutton. of reflection. Ultra-Vision For a Happy ion THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, December 11, 1958 7 New Arena Manager Hired Manager for the Whitby Com- munity Arena has been engaged by the Board, it was announced Yesterday. He is Roy Patrick, who as been assistant manager of the Guelph Arena Gardens, and has had a wide experience in the opera- tion of arenas and planning re- creational programmes. He is a young man, married and is ex- pected to come to town on Monday. It will be the duty of the man-- ager to set up programmes for skating, hockey and other recrea- tion which will be centred in the arena, and to manage the affairs of the arena. He comes to Whitby very highly recommended. No definite date can yet be set for the opening of the arena. WARDEN (Continued from Page 4) the Province of Ontario as one of the banner Counties. "With these thoughts in mind we would ask you to accept this watch as a small token of our 3ppresia; tion for your services as rden." Warden Down admitted that the | Sesion had not found him totally sed since he had helped 10 | structress of Traffic, FIRST CALL (Continued from Page 3) cipal service and has served on the 'ownship council as councillor and | reeve. This year Reeve Down attained the honor of the Wardenship, which honor he richly deserved. Ontario County has been singu- larly fortunate in its choice of war- dens, but never more so than this year. Mr. Down has upheld the dignity of his position. He has led county council through a year of progress and won the respect and admiration of all his colleagues. And so the first call over the new Brooklin Telephone Exchange was good news for the Ajax and Picker- ing Hospital Board from a man who had formerly farmed the site of 'the new hospital, a message which was vastly different from the usual exchange of congratulations on such occasions. The new switch board is of mag- neto 1pe and with its use the serv- ice will be greatly improved. Dur- ng the coming year party lines 1 be cut down to fewer sub- scribers. The new building is very well ap- Jointed. A comfortable rest room lor the operators is at the rear. Living quarters for the night opera- tor form part of the building. Bell Telephone officials present for the opening ceremonies were: J. W. Lowry, manager; J. G. An- derson, Plant Wire Chief; C. R. Darley, District Office Supervisor, and J. W. Duncanson; Central On- iy Traffic Sunerintendent. Mrs. A. D. Currie, District In- gave the sig- pick out the watch. Becoming more | naj ta make the hn over. serious, he said "I have apprec- iated the support I have received | this year from the members of this couneil. I shall never regret the | council." 1953, he said, had started | with 'a filibuster but had turned | Switchboard operators are: Miss Leone Smith, Miss Violet Parkin, Miss Shirley Blight, Mrs. Marion time 1 have spent in the county | Halk Night operator is Mrs. Gladys Rudkin and Chief Operator is Mrs. | M arjorie Stephenson. out alright. During his year as war- were retiring and to those who den, he noted the work had begun the Reg which would soon be finished. had been defeated in township el- stry Office addition ections. Speaking of his watch, he |said that he would always asso- "I am sorry that we will lose ciate it with the enjoyable year he some of our members," said War- den Down, speaking to those who {had spent as Warden of Ontario County. Family Chiistmas TRY DL Television The "REGENCY" Model C21C6 The deluxe cabinet of the G-E "Regency" was created to blend with the trend to modern decorating. Smart and graceful, it radiates an atmosphere of quality in Walnut, Mahogany or Light Oak. Visit your dealer tomorrow . .. insist on seeing the G-E "Regency" with See G-E's popular-priced 1954 model The "Regency"... featuring Ultra-Vision Your family will enjoy the Christmas Season more than ever if you install the G-E "Regency" . . . featuring Ultra-Vision at a popular price. G-E Ultra-Vision means that every member of the family will thrill to Christmas plays and other dramas with characters that are real-as-life in 217 pictures. The glorious music of Christmas will fill the house to the enjoyment of young and old. Yes, the G-E "Regency" brings a new world of entertainment into the home to mak« yours the happiest family in the neighbourhood. Radio and Television Dept. Canadian General Electric Co. Lid. Let your eyes prove that the G-E "Regency" with Ultra-Vision is TVs finest picture See the G-E "Regency" played side by side with ordinary TV at your dealer's. No other "make" can match the rich, full tones of the Regency's Ultra-Vision picture «.. deep blacks ...smooth greys... radiant whites. To bring you Ultra-Vision's famous picture, G.E. introduced the Aluminized Picture tube with the widest range of picture tones ever achieved. The Stratopower Chassis provides the power necessary to operate this remarkable tube. The G-E Glarejector System and Filter Safety Glass eliminate every avoidable trace ORDINARY TV THIS IS G-E ULTRA-VISION GENERAL ELECTRIC Ultra-Vision CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED

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