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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Dec 1953, p. 25

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8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, December 11, 1958 CHRISTMAS DOL Members and friends of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary have been busy for weeks dressing dolls for 'the annual draw which raises funds for auxiliary"s pro; ects in connection with the Os awa neral Hospital and School of The Nursing draw will cember meeting of the auxiliary and in the meantime the dolls are on display In the Ontario Shore FOR LUCKY LITTLE GIRLS be made on Monday at the De- Gas Office with two members in charge. Seen on duty for the afternoon are Mrs. J. H. Halli- day and Mrs. F. I. Gilson. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo Executive Honors Mrs. W. Corbett eve- [tell the C LAKESHORE DIVISION DRY CLEANERS (Ont) LTD. AMERICA'S NEWEST INTERIOR DOOR? For new homes and apartments , , inconvenience of space stealing swinging doors. Give your rooms new intri- guing look with Ra- lox Flexible Doors that harmonize with any room design, Choose from ELEVEN lobes incl noturol FLEXIBLE DOOR beoutifel color fim wood. Lef vs show + you the Ra-Tox Flexible Door today. Inquiries Invited From Contractors OSHAWA PAINT & WALLPAPER 315 SIMCOE S. DIAL 3-2472 We Deliver PERSONALS Women's Club of Oshawa held its annual Christmas dinner at Ade- ge ome tn Wednesday with the president, Miss Jennie Pringle . Following the singing of . Charles Dowton of the . , read the of "The Black Madonna". ted for a Janu- when the ub The Reverend A. F. Cowan will hristmas with ae- slides at ale Home and Sch Association on Monday evening. Pupils will provide a program of . and Mrs. George Wilson, , wish to thank all their neighbors and relatives ul flowers, gifts and tion cards, telegrams telephone calls that they re- ceived on their golden wedding anniversary. CONVENERS Giiidiiia "Ed" -Broadbent, president of the Get Together Club and secre- tary, Gail Authors, who are head- ing the committee for the Snow- ball Serenade which will be held in the OCVI auditorium on Sat- urday, December 19. Music by James Mathe's dance band and Toronto radio singer, Judy El- liott, will make this semi-formal dance a certain success. Decora- tions on the winter theme will in- clude a moonlit garden in the centre of the dance floor. Non- 5 the Thing s ir : Sociely in the | the oyal Museum atre, Toronto, | ture lesson. Mrs. R. B. Elliof ed Church, W.A. held its regular 5 and Christmas the home of Mrs. Robert La GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES . of oe of ed groups and organiza- als =) OSHAWA HADASSAH The Oshawa Hadassah' held a meeting on in the Oshawa Hebrew Congrega jou y which the main was orthcoming bazaar the UAW hall on Tues- , February 28. Mrs. Lionel Schwartz, convener contest, fo peo eS c , Joseph Grosman, convener of manufactured articles, said that a nice variety don- ations had already been ed for the booth. Mrs- Martin Norden, convener of the sewing ported that children's garments as well as aprons were being made. A raffle was held and won by Mrs. David Crotin, Mrs. Paul Schwartz gave a donation in honor of her new gr ughter. Refreshments were sel and and a social evening fi X The OMMINGLE SRO ommingle Gro coe Street United bad is Ch Christmas exchange of itts for the Unknown Sisters on Thursday af ternoon with the group leader Mrs. Thomas Adair in charge. Mrs. Oswald Wilson and her group was in charge of the Social ur. The reports were called for and read by the various secretaries. Mrs. Rex. Harper read the scrip- were ed the pia for the dg e plano, for 8 Christmas Carols. The officers of 1958 will continue for 1954. ; Mispeh Benediction was repeated. D NORTHMINSTER W.A. GROUP ONE Group One of Northminster Unit- at on Tuesday evening. The scripture was read Mrs. CE eis ead by Mu, by Mrs. E. S. Dafoe fol- by the singt of Christmas A brief business meeting was conducted by Mrs. R. W. Yeo. treasurer's report proved that >ar had been most successful. Plans were made to take charge of the next Woman's Association meeting, January 6, and have members receiv at Church services during month of January. The gion agreed to purchase a fern or the Church. Games, stunts, and prizes, with fun for all followed, Christmas gifts were exchanged and refresh- ments were served by the hostess and the committee in charge. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. rdon Furey's home on Greta Street. . WCTU ' The Christmas meeting of the WCTU was held on Tuesday after- noon at Simcoe Street United Church, Mrs. Robert Fursey led in the devotional riod taking as her top- ic "Santa Claus or Christ". Christ- mas hymns were sung. Mr. Clar- ence Toaze sang a solo entitled, A Prayer". He was accompanied by Mrs. Jabez Wright at the piano. Mrs. L. H. Muldrew introduced the guest speaker, Miss Beth Mc- Kay, field secretary of the WCTU, who took as her subject "Who Cares?" jin many illustrations of the difficulties facing the young people today and how many were standing up for right in spite of opposition. She commented on the fact that the President of the Unit- ed States had said there were to be no cocktail parties at the White House, Miss McKay closed her talk with prayer. Mrs. Fred Williams proposed a members are welcome to attend.the program. vote of-thanks to Miss McKay, and all thosé who had 'taken part in H JO ALDWINCKLE ' Women WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3.2233 The Reverend Stuart B. Coles, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church was the the annual 8 mee Mary Street Home and Schoo sociation. Miss Fern Ledgett, teacher at Mary Street School, introduced Mr. Coles who is a graduate of Knox College, Toronto. PLL address vas ln the : form of slogans, civic elec- tions be o Christmas. Put Christ back into Christmas, put Christ back into politics, put Christ back gucak "continued b 8 er con y say- ing that in As- this commercialized and industrialized world Christ came near to sxpuision at Christ- mas. Christ should not only be in the functions of the Church but at the Head of state affairs, he said. Mr. Coles summed up his topic with a recording of "Unto us a Child is given" from Handel's Mesiah. Mrs. Harold Davis thanked Mr. They Put Christ into Christmas and Lives Minister Urges H&S Association Coles on behalf of all the mem- bers for his wel-delivered address. The members were entertained by Grade VI choir under the able direction of Mr- E. Kelvin James. sang a group of four unfam- iliar carols "A Nowell" from the Province of Lorraine, France; "Sweet Little Dove' from ace, "Carols of Three from Spain and a delightful '"Wassail" from Gloucester England. They Il of unknown authorship. . Walter Johnson the presi- dent presided and Mrs. Roland Crawford gave an account of the November Home and School Coun- cil meeting. The Publications Convener Mrs. Harold Davis gave out folders from the Boys and Girls House of Toronto in aid of Srehasiug Chit dren's books for Christmas. Miss Fern Ledgett's grade re- ceived the prize for greatest at- tendance. Refreshments were arranged by Mr. Wesley Edwards grade. a 7 sponsible for the success of the or- ganization and planning and much Bunner, and a pleasant evening was brought to a close with the singing of Christmas carols. of the work of the many dinners and projects held at Camp Samac since its opening. Mrs. Corbett's talents will not be lost to Scouting as she will continue her work th the Provincial Board. Mrs. R. W. Warnica, of Sutton, a former treasurer, was present and received a gift of a cup and saucer with the Scout Mothers' emblem. Special Mrs. Clarence ight Bunner. Prizes were won arrow and Mrs. CRANBERRY CREAM CHEESE Spread softened cream cheese en buttered toast, bread or crackers. Then spread with cranberry sauce. You can mix cream cheese, and cranberry sauce if you want to, but the flavors are more distinct if es spread in separate layers.) Delicious on nut bread. RELY ON pharmacist the FUERYTHING | 8 KING ST. E PHONE 3-2245 Prescription Chemists YOUR HEALTN ARE THE EXPERTS } You ehoose the dostor 3 who has had years of ex- Ni perience -- choose your way. For truly accurate poundi i= po ining Mogi same , PHOTOGRAPHIC" 530 SIMCOE ST. § PHONE 5 - 3546 Indian MD's Laud Colombo Plan MONTREAL (CP)--Two women doctors from India, graduate work in Canada under the Colombo Plan, pressed by the large number of teachers here and the great strides made in medical researchyin Can- ada. Dr. Prema Naidu, professor of obstetrics at Osmania University, Hyderabad, and Dr. E. V. Kal gover, the government hospital for women in Madras, have been Suudying medical education at the Roy Victoria Hospital months. + Both doctors believe the Colombo Plan might work both ways, to the advantage of India and Canada or other countries concerned. Dr. Naidu said: "In the cities of India medical aid is well organ- |ized. The hospitals and teaching are as good as anywhere in the world, but 98 per cent of the people live in villages where theye ig a Shortage of medically-trained peo- ple. "More and more are taking up medicine in India, where the course is five years, and at every university 30 per cent of the seats are reserved for women," she commented. "But it will be years before there are enough doc- tors and nurses to practise in the country 'where babies are still de- livered by mid-wives." 'SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE The marriage of Funice Frances daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dawson of Sunderland, Ontario, to Floyd Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Finch of Herald, On- tario, is to take place early in January. doing post- have been im- | PLAN HOME FOR AGED TORONTO CP)--Plans for a $2, 500,000 home for the aged at New- market, accommodating 515 per- sons, were presented to the metro- politan housing and welfare com- mittee Thursday. Construction is expected to start in August. instructor in obstetrics at for several YOUR Gay, festive, decorative Christmas season. Make Centre Pieces and mantel decorations. 1.50, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00 up Door Knockers and mirror decorations 1.50 to 3.00 ) ADD THAT EXTRA TOUCH OF CHRISTMAS TO "extra" something to every home during the headquarters for these floral decorations. See the grand and beautiful array now on display. { For those Christmas parties and occasions a beautiful corsage for your lady. R. B. REED & SONS FLORIST 10V2 King St. W., Oshawa, Dial 5-113] HOME touches that add little R. B. Reed & Sons your CHRISTMAS WREATHS An Excellent Selection 3.00 v» & & & » d & & NAVVHARARAVRRRAAAARARAANAAARAAARAAAAARVAAAVARAAT IA NDID GLAZIER' be FINIIAAIAIRARP >> > AAAAAN DIANA ARIDDANT ¥.v411:% PEEEEEsEtEEs 20! 2 > ¥ i > LADIES' COATS Reduce for Quick Clearance Glazier's are now offering every coat AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS. You will simply love the wonderful fabrics and beautiful stylels. This Is Your Opportunity Te Save 11 COATS SPECIAL \ 10.98 18 COATS SPECIAL 20.98 32 COATS is indeed @ superb group of SPECIAL SERB EREEEEEREEY tn lovely fabrics. Guerontesd twe- season lining. Values to $49.95. You will enjoy wearing ome of these coots. Guaranteed two-season Nn- ing. Values to $59.95. . SEEDY 20.95 Ladies' Dresses Diy Torney SPECIAL fabrics: Values 10 $24.98 ya CHILDREN'S COATS STATION WAGON COAT SETS 14 off ALL REDUCED TO Shirts, Ties, Sox, Pyjamas, Sweaters, Hankies, Slippers, Hat Certificate, etc. Slippers Hand Bags Blouses Sweaters, etc. LADIES' SUITS All reduced to "Give-Away" Prices Christmas Gift Suggestions FOR HIM FOR HER Pyjamas Hose Lingerie MANY, MANY MORE MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS on display. Yes for men, women and children you can do your complete Christmas shopping for less at GLAZIER'S Department Store. NO PARKING PROBLEMS DIAL 5-3.11 BEE EEE EERE ERE EER v) Hag ais DEPARTMENT STORE 498 SIMCOE ST. § ALS i AD RED AED RARER EERE EEE EERE EEGs eG owes

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