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Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Dec 1953, p. 7

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BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT Representative--Donald Hendry, 77 Ontario St., Phone 881 Many Nominated By Legion Post BOWMANVILLE -- The election meeting for the Canadian Legion Po 178 will be held Sunday afternoon, December 13, at 2 pa. The following nominations for the various posts on the 1954 adm trative body are complete as of De- cember 9. Prosidens: A Mavin ad B. Me K t. W. Bates, D. Morris, M. Sogn have declined to stand for lection. = First Vice-President, J. Knight; declined, D. Morris, R. Abernethey. Second Vice-President, E- Hafn- den; declined, C. McDonald, J. Woodward, E. Rundle, W. Harri- SO ecre i) V. Mathewson, R. Ab- ary, V. ; R. hott. R, "Richards. Declined. A. Hall D. Johnston, R. King, V. Mathewson, W. Mitchell, T. Phil- lips, G. Hacking, R. Cale C. An- derson. Those declining to stand are M. Goslett, W. Harrison Jr., G. Meadows, S. Dunn, in the basement room of the Legion build- ing due to the fact that the Dis- trict FF meeting will be held, com- mencing at 2 p.m., of the same day. Voting delegates only are spe- cifically re .at this meeting, but any interested member is in- vited to attend. [Town Council Legion Plans Yule Party BOWMANVILLE The local Branch of the Canadian Legion will sponsor its annual Christmas Tree Party this coming Saturday after- noon Co! encing at 2.30 p.m. A fine dfternoon is being planned for the members' children up to the age of ten, complete with en- tertainment, fruit and nuts and all the special Christmas trimmings. Old Santa Claus is expected to ar- rive at 3 p.m. Secretary of the branch, Ab Ma- vin, asks that any member who has a child talented in the singing and dancing field, contact him as soon as possible with a view to in- cluding the youngsters in the young fry's entertainment program.. Find Toronto Driver Careless ROWMANVILLE . -Sudnay (use AJAX & DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 'Parents Will 'Inspect School Fire Department Names Its Officers For 1954 AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re-|Jack Bunting and Treasurer, Paul porter)--Hencheforth the Ajax Vol- { unteer Firemen"s Association will be known as the Ajax Fire Depart- ment. Discontinuance of the form- er title will create a better feeling | of unity and avoid any differentia- | tion between the full time men and | the volunteers. | Wililam Scarff was re-elected | President; Gordon Shaw, First | Vice President and Dave Kemp, | 2nd Vice President. Secretary is Kirby. The department requires a type- writer and would appreciate hear- ing from anyone who has one to sell very reasonably or donate. The men serve the department. without pay beyond an annual grant, and this is usually dispers- ed to good causes. In existence nearly two years, as AJAX -- The regular monthly meeting of the North Ajax Home and School Association will be held in the school at 8.15 p.m., Monday, | December 14. ! Ample opportunity, will be given for the parents to inspect the pu- |pils' work, and seasonal decora- tions in the rooms. Many teachers will be in attendance. The Anglican choir under the di- 'rection of Mr. Houghton will present a program of Christmas music and will lead the 'meeting in carol singing. The . Sues speaker will be Miss Howard, librarian of the Ajax Pub- lic Library, who will speak on chil- dren's reading. Members and interested parties now coustituted, the Ajax Fire De- | are cordially invited. Refreshments partment has an envia negligble fire loss. le record of | will pe served. MP Offers Fare Home Cash WOMAN KILLED KITCHENER CP) -- Mrs. Vie- toria Laskowski, 42, of Kitchener, was killed Thursday night when struck by a car about two blocks i > lice said the THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Contest Closes Midnight Saturday, Dec. 19th, 1953 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 bs al- | den, he noted the work had begun had been de {on the Registry Office addition | which woul ?. de- jren't THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, December 31, 1958 7 New Arena Manager Hired Manager for the Whitby Com- munity Arena has been engaged by the Board, it was announced yesterday. He is Roy Patrick, who as been assistant manager of the Guelph Arena Gardens, and has had a wide experience in the opera- tion of arenas and planning re- creational programmes. He is a|® young man, married and is ex- pected to come to town on Monday. It will be the duty of the man-- ager to set up programmes for skating, hockey and other recrea- tion which will be centred in the arena, and to manage the affairs of the arena. He comes to Whitby very highly recommended. No definite date can yet be set for the opening of the arena. WARDEN (Continued from Page 4) {the Province of Ontario as one of the banner Counties. "With these thoughts in mind we would ask you to accept this watch as a small token of our apprecia- tion for your services as Warden." Warden Down admitted that the | surprised since he had helped to Surshise had not found him totally ly pick out the watch. Becoming more is |gerious, he said "I have apprec- iated the support I have received this year from the members of = [this council. I shall never regret the time I have spent in the county - | council." 1953, he said, had started with a filibuster but had turned out alright. During his year as war- soon be finished. I am sorry that we will lose FIRST CALL (Continued from Page 3) cipal service and has served on the 'ownship council as councillor and reeve. : This year Reeve Down attained the honor of the Wardenship, which honor he richly deserved. Ontario County has been singu- larly fortunate in its choice of war- dens, but never more so thaa this year. Mr. Down has upheld the dignity of his position. He has led county council through a year of progress and won the respect and admiration of all his colleagues. And so the first call over the new Brooklin Telephone Exchange was ood news for the Ajax and Picker- ing Hospital Board from a man who had formerly farmed the site of the new hospital, a message which was vastly different from the usual exchange of congratulations on such occasions: The new switch board is of mag- neto Ixpe and with its use the serv- ice will be greatly improved. Dur- ne the coming year party lines will be cut down to fewer sub- scribers. The new building is very well ap- Jointed. A comfortable rest room or the operators is at the rear. Living quarters for the night opera- tor form part of the building. Bell Telephone officials present for the opening ceremonies were: J. W. Lowry, manager; J. G. An- derson, Plant Wire Chief; C. R. Darley, District Office Supervisor, and J. W. Duncanson, Central On- tario Traffic Sunerintendent. | Mrs. A. D. Currie, District In- | structress of Traffic, gave the sig- nal to make the change over. { Switchboard operators are: Miss | Leone Smith, Miss Violet Parkin, | Miss Shirley Blight, Mrs. Marion | Hall. Night operator is Mrs. Gladys !| Rudkin and Chief Operator is Mrs. | Marjorie Stephenson. were feliring and to those who eated in township el- ections. Speaking of his watch, he |said that he would always asso- | ciate it with the enjoyable year he pame [some of our members," said War- (had spent as Warden of Ontario den Down, speaking to those who County. CALLING ALL KIDS MAKE EXTRA CHRISTMAS MONEY ADULTS TOO! Here's real Christmas fun and a chance to win extra money for gift buying. Get out your crayons and paints and color all of the advertisements in this tabloid. Be sure to follow the simple rules shown below. 10 GRAND PRIZES! CONTESTANTS UNDER 15 YEARS FIRST PRIZE .................... $15.00 SECOND PRIZE ~ THIRD PRIZE FOURTH PRIZE Read These Rules Carefully: = This contest is open to everyone except employees of The Times-Gazette and their families. : AH advertisements, including the front cover must be colored to make your en- try eligible for the above prizes. Entries #eevesssessvsrsvesen. 42 eves sesrevesensess $e s sree sssrscsnese FIFTH PRIZE ..........c.c0nivea. 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 CONTESTANTS 15 YEARS AND OVER FIRST PRIZE ........ SECOND PRIZE ...... THIRD PRIZE ....... FOURTH PRIZE FIFTH PRIZE seer Print your name, 'age, and address very closely on coupon provided on front cover and bring or mail to The Times-Gazette, All entries must be submitted by De- cember 19, 1953. Decisions of the judges will be final. AH entries become the property of The *Tecessssscsescssnnee veveseresnss $15.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 eves essence evs scvsssse (EERE EERE RES] 1.00. Chiigtmas See G-E's popular-priced 1954 model he "Regency"... featuring UltraVision ur family will enjoy the Christmas Season more than ever u install the G-E "Regency" . . . featuring Ultra-Vision # popular price. G-E Ultra-Vision means that every mber of the family will thrill to Christmas plays and er dramas with characters that are real-as-life in 217 tures. The glorious music of Christmas will fill the.house the enjoyment of young and old. Yes, the G-E "Regency" ings a new world of entertainment into the home to mak« ars the happiest family in the neighbourhood. Radio and Television Dept. Canadian General Electyic Co. Lid. Name Street FILL THIS COUPON - [EERE REE SR i tevrvecscssvsveves ORDINARY TV » THIS 1S G-E ULTRA-VISION will be judged om neatness, originality and beauty, 5 9 Only one winner, Times-Gazette, 'which receives the right to publish the winning names. TOWN. envevivessennncess GENERAL ELECTRIC VUltra-Vision CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED Winners will be announced in The Times- Gazette on December 23rd, 1953. terse seers seer enn Age prize will be given to each a1 Winchell Show I 7:79--Jack Benny 8: 19--Comedy Hour evision Playhouse 10 ~Letter to Loretta 10:30--What's My Line 11:00--Late News and Waathe: 11:10--Late Sporis Review 11:18--Montgomeny UIIinmn ni if LINNVRVY || 506 SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL 5-4331

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