Sr ww THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, January 6 1086 FOX'S Stang Wp CLEARANCE SALE SALE STARTS AT 9 AM. TOMORROW, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7TH Elysians, . Yarn Dyed Fleeces, Molaines, Alpacas, Cashmeres, etc. All warmly interlined and chamois lined for cold weather protection. Reduced to OATS Reg. To ¥e%; 95 . LOBTS Llamas, Cashmeres, Blin and Blins, Dutch Fleeces in Fitted and Boxed Styles. All warmly inter- lined and chamois lined for the cold weather ahead. Reduced to FUR-TRIMMED COATS AT COST AND BELOW COST! IMPORTED COATS REDUCED TO COST AND LESS DRESSES Here's a group of Failles, Taffetas, Crepes, Jou aks Wool Crepes, Pure Silks, Yarn Dyed Wools, Novelty Fabrics in all colors and sizes. A large selection to choose from at Reg. To $39.95 or BETTER DRESSES AND IMPORTS REDUCED TO COST AND LESS OPENING SPECIAL ALL-WEATHER COATS Red velvet with hats, by a famous maker. These coats are all inter- lined and water repellent. Reg. $45.00. Reduced to $2888 Taffetas, etc. These dresses are from our well-known selection of famous name brands. ONLY ... Reg. To $49. 95 COCKTAIL DRESSES AND GOWNS AT COST AND BELOW - ALL-WEATHER COATS This group consists of a fine se- lection of Checks, Ribulines, Pebble-weaves, Plaids, etc. Regu- larly priced as high as $35.00. Reduced to : $18.88 SUITS Our complete stock of famous name brands, beautifully hand- detailed suits in English Grey Worsteds, French Repps, British Novelty Tweeds, etc. REDUCED TO COST AND BELOW! SKIRTS NOVELTY WEAVES ENGLISH GABARDINES GREY WORSTEDS TWEEDS, ETC. « « And Our Complete Stock Of Blouses Are All DRASTICALLY REDUCED % OX 5 7 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa THE FASHION CENTRE OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Dial 5-1511