Try It And See For Yourself--You Get More For You'll Be Able To Rent A Room, Buy A Car Or Sell A Kitten Almost Immediately. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, March 24, 105¢ 1Y Your Money With Times Ads >> UPRIGHT PIAN PIANO FOR "SALE. om Business -- Professional DIRECTORY 1a--Accountants, Chartered Ss. Residence 5-3368. Zz T Soli Dial: office 5-374L JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C.. BARRIs- tex, Solicitor, Money to loan. Offies 14044 g Street Oshawa. Dial 3-8232. Dial 85-3405. ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, 8O- licitor, 11 iu Room 2. Dial Office 3-4211; 34328, Aprl MANNING F. SWARTZ Solicitor, Notary. to loan. gett Block, Suite No. 4 Dial 3-4029, Bas Aprl CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, 'Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries. Bank of Commerce ag. LJ Simcoe St. North. Dial 3-346. T. K. QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; K. K. Drynan; G. L. Murdoch. Aprl CONANT AND MACDONALD BARRIS: 8a--Sharpening Service 14--Instriction Let us pick up your Lawnmower now for and LEARN TO D! OOL WE Powe r Mowers Our Special RIVE, MERCURY SCH! of safe driving. Dial 5-4771 Mercury Taxi, 20 Bond St." E. Apr. 11 ty--~Trade in that old, mower this spring -- all types to . Automatic Saw Filing, Setting, Retoothing, etc. All types of saws. 4 STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE 227 King 8t. West Dial 3-3224 Maran | 6° prince" ot Dia 9--Business Opportunities GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION AL- #0 house in the Muskoka area. In heart of tourist district, For further informa- tion call 3-2373 between 12-4 p.m. 70¢ OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED. Franchise available for auto- matic ice-cream vending ma- chines, dispensing Dixie Cups with spoon. The Push-Button Automatic Ice-Cream Vendor offers the finest business op- portunity of our 'time. It is possible for you to establish o sound business of your own--* a business that is highly re- spected; and, because it covers virgin channels of distribution, is without competition. It of- fers a big mark-up and long profit on the Ice-Cream Vendor --Much greater than the profit enjoyed by any other type of retail outlet. Finally, it is the most flexible business you can have because you are always in a position to move your equipment--your business ~--from place to place, if you desire, so that you con reop maximum returns, up to 100% profit. The success of this business depends almost entirely upon the performance and quality of the vendor. Push-Button gives you the fin- est. Push-Button Automatic Ice-Cream Vending machines can be placed in the following locations: Amusement Parks, Arenas, Apartment Houses, Ball Parks, Billiard Parlors, Bowling Alleys, Bus Terminals, Cigar Stores, City, Provincial, County and Federal Buildings, Dance Halls, Department Stores, Drug Stores, Fraternal Clubs, Golf Clubs, Hospitals, Gase Stations, Grocery-§tores, Beauty-Parlors, Hotels % and Motels, Industrial Plants, Lock- er Rooms, Men's Clubs, Mili- tary Camps, Naval Bases and ACQUIRE SAFE DRIVING HABITS AT Clarke's School of Safe Driving. Dial 3.3333 or 5-1730. April 2. JEABNING TO DANCED Easy MD the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, Dial 85-0841 or Residence April 10 LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A. DANC- ing school, ballet, tap, pre-school. Sat- urdays Masonic Temple, 3-7253. Mayl8 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY BALLET, Toe. Tap, 87 Simeos Register Tues- day or Saturday Information Pog une 15--Insurance McMURTRY (INSURANCE, auto, (Rep. PRL Life) -- - bai ve " 17--Loan Wanted YOUNG SINGLE MAN AGE 19 WISHES start into business, needs Write Box 801 Times-Gazette. 18--Lost & Found LOST SOLID BLACK COCKER SPAN- fel, 3: months old, answers to inky. Ap- ply 332 Highland or dial 3-7840. Reward. LOST--CHILD'S RED SCOOTER. VICIN- ity of Rossland Rd. W. Dial 53-1301. LOST--SATURDAY NIGHT AT POLISH Hall, Elgin American Mother of Pearl compact with a damond shape of rose brilliants. Keepsake. Dial 3-2534. Re- ward. 70c. LOST NURSE'S GOLD GRADUATION pin. Owners name on reverse side. Dial 5-1153 during the day. 69h. 19--Money to Loan CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON first mortgages, mortgages and agree- ments for sale purchased on favorable 8. term 3 Murdock. Mar27 Real ESTATE MORTGAGES BoUGH or arrang North Shore Realty Co pany Limited 112 Simcoe St Nosth, Oshawa. Dial 85-3568. (Dec5tf) FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Sale Agree purchased and sold Hennick & Hennick. Barristers. 3) King St. E. Dial 3-7232. Mar26 CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages Mortgages and agreemencs for sale purchased. aE aod Builders Loans arranged. STRICTLY SE 3.20 TEESE ny m sorry, Mervin, but you'll have to take your place at the bottom of the pile!" You're "in" Call 3-2233. when you use @ Daily Times-Gazette Classified Ad. 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale 5-ROOM CLAPBOARD BUNG- ALOVW, 7 months old, in new development, near G.M. South Plant, $3,200. cash, take over payments on short term mort- gage. Owner leaving city. Dial 5-6407. 690 5 ROOM NEWLY"DECORATED BUNGA- | low oil heated, electric hot water, laun- dry tubs, storms and screens. 23 Patricia Ave. off King. Dial 5-3981. Apr. 1. { 4 ROOM BUNGALOW, 3 PIECE BATH, furnace, cupboards, tile floor, heavy wir- ing, closets. Lot 40 x 150 on pay: nent | $6000 half down, $5800. Immediate Dial 691. cash 5-4297. gy oy {EL LOTS % MILE NORTH OF No. 2. 1 miles east townline 20a--Cartage 0. 5 Dial 5-6473. 69c. . 2 ACRE LOTS FOR SALE SUITABLE for DVA in town of Whitby. Phone 2177 Whitby. . 65, 5 ROOM RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW with attached garage, 3 bed: large * | apartment, 28---For Rent § JARGE UNFURNISHED ROO with ak, Al conveniences. Dial 3418. Gola 32 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED roems for Jong gurls, 4 all Sovelichces. Heated, close to Motors. Dial 3-495! I % sac | Dial 3 28--For Rent UNFURNISHED 4 ROOM APARTMENT. No to 29--Wanted To Rent BRIGHT ROOM WITH BOARD IN home for active widow. Rea- Dial 5-6242 after 6 p.m. 70a. pli vy Dial 5-334, 708. NEW DRY GARAGE, floor, vicinity Buckingham and Simcoe. -8845, CONCRETE 69c. 30--Room and Board RooM AND BOARD AVAILABLE FOR 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sult couple or 2 working Br, central, rent reasonable. Dial 3-4984. ROOMS, adults only. Apply 645 Oxford 68c. |6 ROOM HOUSE 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, APPLY 299 T0¢. Central. Apply 318 Nas- oe St. 68e. WOULD LIKE BUSINESS WOMAN TO SINGLE ROOM AND BOARD, GENTLE- man Dial 5- share three room Central, very reasonable. Dial 3-9889. 70f. | ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE: IN ALL men, near new General Motors. Apply 172 Hibbert St. 691, OSHAWA, conveniences, also room rt Phone 2426 Whitby. 5 70¢ ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLEMEN 2 ROOM APARTMENT, OR 2 ROOMS furnished or good home, continuous hot water, close to Motors, Central. Dial 5-0197, 69¢, HOUSEKEEPING LARGE FURNISHED Dial 3-3322, Joon: jor 1952 vu 238 Eulalie 120 Westmount Ave. Apply 70b. ROOM AND BOARD PONTIAC INN SPECIAL WINTER RATES NOW IN EFFECT Comfortable furnished rooms in residential hotel, meals served 6:30 a.m, to 6 p.m. Close to. new GM, television lounge. Apel Pontiac Inn. Dial 3-3993. Apri2 FURNISHED 4 ROOM BUNGALOW BE- tween Oshawa and Whitby. All modern conveniences. Possession April 1. Write Box 69b 743 Times-Gazette. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor, private entrance. Dial 54. 69 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, NO OBJEC- tion to children. Reasonable. Dial 5-1785. 69¢. $55 MONTHLY FOR ATTRACTIVE 2 rooms and kitchenette. Heated with all convediences. Phone 307M, Port Perry. «69 kitchen, oil heated, storms and screens, north end. Dial 3-3440. 68¢. LOT 166 ELLIOTT AVENUE Permit and ar for prefabricated bungalow. Contact M. Love | Phone Gladstone 5091 Toronto. oof. NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, OIL HOT air furnace, hardwood floors, &31age, Apply 357 Cadillac Ave. S. Aprl9 SMALL HOUSE 4 4 ROOMS, DIAL +40. J. P. ALLAN SUGGESTS AJAX 28 x 137. 2b + | furnished, * | 3-7100. 1 OR 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- abstainers. Dial 3-8428. 69c. $70 3 LARGE ROOMED FLAT ON AD- fllac St. New home, private entrance. Apply 583 Albert St 70e. WARM, COMFORTABLE FRONT BED- room, furnished. Abstainers. Board op- tional, Dial 3-3067. 0a, 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, CLOSE TO G.M. and hospital. Abstainers. Dial 7 LARGE SELF CONTAINED APART- children. Apply 9¢ Willingdon Ave. 70f. | MODERN 3 ROOM APARTMENT, 65¢ LARGE 3 ROOM APARTMENT, BATH- couple 70¢ ido Dial 5-3279. Large, comfortable, bright, rooms, in new modern by five minutes from new G.M. 2 UNFURN! at door. Child welcome. Dial rent or sale, Cadillac Ave. Gazette. Write Box 704 ISHED ROOMS, BATH, BUS 5-2243. NEW 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW FOR 3 bedrooms, oil heating Times- 70c. Hot and cold water, single beds in every room, large convenient bathroom facilities. DIAL 5-1168 536 LORRAINE Aprill 2 ROOMS AND KITCHEN. 3 ROOM APARTMENT, entrances. Especially nice Dial 3-3290. reasonable to Port Perry. BED SITTING ROOM ness lady preferred. Dial 5-1693. gentleman. Apply 225 Eulalie Ave. {chen and bedroom, first floor. 1206 Marie Ave. Diar 9-0 3, rooms, suit young couple. 581 Howard St. central. Dial 3-7698, 29--Wanted To Rent 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE, ed. Apply Supt. dustries, 273 Simcoe St. % 15 | bedrooms, Adults. By end of April. Dial ment, 3 pe. bath, comfortably furnished. | 68c. Suit 2-3 business girls or couple with! or house. Box 612, Times-Gazette. APPLY from 10 am. - 2 pm. 303 Conant St 69¢. | water. STOVE AND | fridge, ground floor, central, 2 private 3 private 30---Room and Board COMFORTABLE FARM "HOUSE, | FURN- ace, hydro on good country road, very right party. Phone 20 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Apply 37 70c. condition, good body and tires $100. Dial 70b. 2 FUR NI 8 H ED HOUSEKEEPING | 70d. SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, | - 0a. UNFURNISH- Canadian Pittsburg In- 70c. | over payments. 5-0492, HOUSE OR 5 ROOMS BY APRIL 12, careful tenant steadily employed. Wile SPECIAL RATES FOR PERMANENT guests with or without board. hotel privileges. Each room with Poll ho) Bal I Hotel, B ville. Mar23 Wanted ROOM AND BOARD FOR 1 GENTLE: man in private home. Central. Dial 2294, 70d. | 5-4 "IN PRIVATE Sla--Summer Resorts home light housekeeping privileges, bus: IC | a LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR COTTAGE AT BOWMANVILLE BEACH. Conveniences. Dial 3-3806. 696, | 32--Automobiles For Sale 37 CHEV. SEDAN, GOOD RUNNING 54513, | "81 CHEV. 1,-TON PICK-UP Al CON- dition, radio and heater. Best offer. 5-2167 after 4. . . e Dia Oc, 51 PONTIAC COACH, RADIO, HEAT- er, 51 Chev. sedan, both A-1 condition. | Kents United Service Station, cor. Al bert and Athol. Toc. 1952 CHEV. COACH DELUXE, TAKE Bargain price, Dial 70c. 49 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDAN. THE FA. mous Rocket 88 model, finished in 2 ROOM HOUSE OR APARTMENT, 3-7613 after 6. 3 tone green with hydramatic transmis- sion, custom radio, air-conditioning ete. A really lovely car. Dial 5-4543 until 6 {ym Toe. YOUNG COUPLE WITH 3 YEAR oLD | girl would like 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms Write Box 747, - 69f, Reasonable. Gazette. large living room, bed hen with Time! '49 CHEV. 5 PASSENGER COUPLE. Good condition. Reasonable. Dial 3-2507, 9 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, HOT WATER | | heating, insulated, newly decorated. Cen- tral. Dial 5-0347. Terms. 7 ROOM BRICK HOME, CENTRALLY cupboards, 4 piece bathroom, very cen- institutions, Office Buildings, tral, Apply after 6 p.m. Apt. 1, 91 Celina St. ' Race Tracks, Railroad Stations, Recreation Halls, Schools, FOR SALE 1947 OLDSMOBILE $25 Monthly--Includes prin- cipal, taxes and interest, 2- bedroom Ajax bungalow, A-1 WE MOVE ALMOST ANYTHING ANY- time. Dial 5-2621. April 13 | FORTUNE TELLING MADAM | | WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT or rooms. Young English couple, no chil- dren. Whitby district. Phone Ajax 68c 70a. 23 ROOM APARTMENTS. CENTRAL- PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, 172 King St. E. Hours 8 to 5:30 daily. Saturday Dial 3-8632, Aprl DENTIST, 34% SIM- Saturday C. R. COLLARD, Hours: 9 to 6 daily. Dial 5-4832. Mar2d eoe N. mornings. 6--Nursing Services Theatres, Truck Terminals, Waiting Rooms, Warehouses, and any place where people work, play or congregate. This is an all year business, mini- mum capitol required, permis- sable everywhere. Write to Pony Boy Ltd, 5257 Queen Mary Road, Montreal, Que. Mar. 6,10,13,17, 20, 24,27 Clair will be at 78 Church Street Wednes- day until Friday anytime 12 .p.m. Ride door. 21 Personal Service PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS SA- bastian Hohmann, Dial 35-4629, 271 Rit- son S. Apr. 20. YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, BONDED, MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME, Cemetery. Phone 11--Dressmaking insul-bric, flat roofing, flash- ing. Estimates. Guaranteed. Terms. H. Tucker. Dial 5-6161. Mar23 East of 2974. Vacancies, mes and care. 7--Optometrists Good Maras , |Tush. Plan your landscaping now. Dial av | Dial 3-3120. BRICK AND BLOCKLAYING -- SPE- cial chimneys and fireplaces. Lundin Bros. 5-6044 after 5. Apr 13. GET YOUR NOW IS THE TIME plastering done quickly and cheap. Dial| A CO 37642. Apr. 10. | yoo TILES AND PLASTIC wall tile. Floors as you like them. Sales and application. Phone 2315 REMODELLING BATHROOMS, x en cabinets bufit and installed. Floor and wall filing. Work guaranteed. Glen Parks 32631. April 13 SEPYIC TANES CLEANED THE SAN). tary way. Dial 5-3986. April 9 CARPENTER, WORK DONE 'ALSO FIN- delling, i] Dial 5-1789. Dial 5-1754. EAVESTROUGHING mates. Guaranteed Murray Holiday. DON BROOKS CARPENTER CONTRAC- tor, all types remodeling and kitchen cupboards. Builder of new homes. Free Sstimates, Oshawa Bowmaivild JOHN THE HARDWOOD FLOOR MAN. Old floors new, new floors like glass. "Give me a call, I'l give you a good job at a veasonable price. Dial Aprl Interior and Exterior Decorating, Paper - hanging and Spray Painting. ROLAND A. THIBERT Dial 5-5757 after S. ---- | PAINTING DONE ANYWHERE, SPRAY, JACK MacDONALD Painter & Decorator We do Gyptex, cotton hanging, paperhangfing and painting. ESTIMATES FREE DIAL 3-7080 (Mon. Wed.Fri.Mar8) Sodding la: FLEETLINE ROOFERS, covering. St. Dial 37213. : | Phone 122 DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN DR EaSMA SEWING. 70d. | pair Shop, 22 Ontario St (at Bond) 30 FAIRWAY WATCH AND CLOCK RE- 12--Gardening & Supplies DON'T BE LEFT OUT IN THE SPRING 5-2744 Hillside Nursery for estimates. years 1 experience. At your ser- vice. Apr INCOME TAX FORMS FILLED. DIAL 3-8187. Apr. 9, DRIVEWAYS L850 a sto GRAVELLED. ALSO stock, fl walks, retaining walls, patios. April 10. FRUIT TREES AND SHADE TREES, shrubs, Hardsand. Dial 5-1721. 13--Househoid Repairs SPECIALIZE in eavestroughing, built-up roof, asphalt shingles, free estimates, prompt service. April 24. FURNITURE (SEPAIRED AND ng See materials for "Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Apr INTERIOR PAINTING AND PAPER hanging. Free estimates. Dial 2%. Pp! LINE OF DRAPERY tive price. Shown in obligation. Draperies fh up and track also a full of installed on carpets in = shades. V. th Montgomery Brooklin. Mar. EXPERT REFINISHING, 3 suites, antique bedroom, dining room shairs, our Specially For 1940 gains 13 Church St. -- 5-031L April 8 REBUILT, RECOV- Why pay more? Our ies are' reasonable. Satitacion guar ttresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up Co. 10 Bond St. West. Dial April 10 DO IT YOURSELF You can remove your old wall- poper with an M.B. STEAMER and save money. Available on rental basis. For information, come in or phone. OSHAWA PAINT AND WALLPJAPER 315 Simcoe S. Dial 3-2472 April9 | > , pruning, landscaping, etc. Genize Dial 5-3263 MAE'S MENDING, ras | terations and cleaning. Fast and cour- me. all sizes. Dial 5-1868 BOOKKEEPING FOR SMALL BUSI- nesses. Personal income tax returns. . (P.O. Box 204, Oshawa). April 6 ACE REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE Guaranteea repairs to all makes and models of Refrig- erators. Commercial and Do- mestic. 281. WILSON RD. S. Phone 3-2452 Apr30 REPAIRING, AL- teous service, 10 Richmond E. Dial 3-3524. April 11 CONSULT PONTIAC INN for your WEDDINGS, BANQUETS, Ete. DIAL 3-3993 Thornton's Rd. at Highway 401 Mar27 T.V. AERIALS Guaranteed Rustproof Installations 20-ft. Antenna, $45.00. To- ronto Buffalo. Other channels on request. Phone GR. 4107 in Toronto Collect Mar24 23--Women"s Column SPECIAL PERMANENTS, Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Ave. Dial Apr, 23 CANADA WINDOW CLEANING AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY Expert workmen Covered by Public Liability » Property Damage Workmen's Compensation OSHAWA TORONTO 5-2133 GR. 9113 DON SMITH 34 LLOYD ST. OSHAWA Mar24 13--Housenold Repairs brush or roller. Interior or exterior, Dial 3-2851. 70c. DORIS PRENTICE BEAUTY SHOP, 3 cream wave 50. 72 Church St. Dial 3-4521. April 6 TINTING, P PERMANENT WAVING, bleaching, facials and mani ines Beauty 3-7385, CLARKE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALS Creme oil machineless waves. Regular $5, for $3.50. Cold waves $4.95 and up. DIAL 3-2651 For appointment 182 Gibbon St. off King St. W. (M.W.F. Mar8) 25---Real Estate For Sale FIVE ROOM BRICK AND STONE BUN- galow at 587 Grierson St. Dial 3-8465. . 68c. BUNGALOW, VERY MODERN, 2 NICE bedrooms, good sized living room, 5 | years old. Excellent hardwood, garage, | storms, screens, nicely landscaped. Very | reasonable for substantial down payment Dial 5-1883 evenings. 671. PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING - AJAX ONTARIO 4 ROOM BUNGALOW, recently decorated, side and out. Also spray Horn Bros. Dial 5-4025. hy bt PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING, gyptexing, tiling floors and walls. Es timates free. McKenna Bros. Dial 3.1975. 8o--Sharpening Service 14-- Instruction SAWS MACHINE FILED, RETOOTHING Lawn mowers sharpened and recondition- od P. E. Neil, 102 Highland. Dia) 3-8363 Avril 6 LESSONS ON SPANISH. HAWAIIAN gultas, piano accordion, mandolin, trum- Jaxabhone, Slasinet, pat. Wilson nd Les Music Store, §- Apri? payments including taxes $25 monthly. Phone Ajax 311W. Write Box 735 Times- Gazette. 68e. NEAR COURTICE: NEW "4-ROOM house, bathroom, half acre land, heavy duty wiring, built-in cupboards, immed- iate possession. $1200 down, balance $3, 300. Phone Bowmanville 2436. NEW. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW, MODERN $4.30 UP.| conveniences, possession 30 days, good terms. Dial §5-0750. 69. { located, garage, owner leaving town. | Write Box 641 Times-Gazette. 69¢. DIAL 3- 9675. 69¢. BUILDNG LOT 150 x 5L MODERN FIVE-ROOM | SEMI-BUNGALOW | Five years old. Kitchen has ample cupboards, good-sized living room 'with natural fire- place, three bedrooms, four- piece bath and two-piece wash- room, oak and tiled floors, oil heated. Electric hot water tank, Laundry tubs, recreation room, storm, screens, awnings. Deep lot, . nicely landscaped and hedged. Garage. Good east end district, near school and bus. Immediate possession. Reason- able if substantial down pay- ment possible. 107 LaSalle -- Dial 3-2829 70 INCOME HOME $15,000--8-room brick, 5 bedrooms, large living "room, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, ook and tile floors. Hot air with coal heating. Garage. Landscaped. Screens and storms. Possession 6 weeks. $8,700 -- 4-room brick bun- galow, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen, oak and tile floors, 4- piece tile bathroom, Hot air with coal heating. Decorated and landscaped. Immediate possession. $10,500--6-room brick 1%- storey, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, 4-piece bathroom downstairs. Oak and tile floors. Hot air with coal heating. This home is attractively decorated and clean, Also near St. Gregory's school and High School. Landscaped. Screens and storms. BERNIECE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker 16 Bond St. E. Dial 3-3800 Open Evenings 5.2254 70a 5-3692 'WANTED, condition. $2,500 down. Full price $5,000. $31 Monthly--Includes prin- cipal, taxes and interest, 3- bedroom Ajax bungalow, ex- cellent condition, newly decor- ated, automatic heat, Full price $7,000. $1,500 Down -- 3-bedroom bungalow in Pickering Beach, Full price $6,000. THEN CALL JACK ALLAN Real Estate Broker KING'S ROW, AJAX Offices: Ajax 139 ond 704 Open 9 am. to 9 p.m. R. RUDDY PICK. 42 J. VONDETTE -- AJAX 269j M. RAPSY -- PICK. 51m] Tues & Fri tf ly located. Business couple preferred. Available April 1. or 1-6 room apart ment, Write box 803 Times-Gazette. March 24, 26, 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. apply, 91 Wilkinson Ave. Dial 3-2808. SINGLE OR DOUBLE ROOMS. Church St.. SINGLE ROOM SUIT LADY OR GEN- tleman in a good home. Abstainer. Apply 164 Alice St. 69¢c. FURNISHED ,FRONT BEDROOM EX- 123 70¢. | 70c. | of Oshawa. Dial 3-8905. * | bedrooms. "VERY URGENTLY NEEDED, "" A 6 or 7 room house with 2 or more acres, to rent in the option of buying under the VLA. Close to school and store. Will accept anything in a 12 mile radius 69¢. APARTMENT OR HOUSE WITH 2 children. Write Box 802 Times-Gazette. 70c. | SMALL HOUSE OR GROUND FLOOR apartment, bath, porch or small yard. Bus service. Write Box 750 Times-Gaz- ette. 70b. Dial 3-7196 between 12-4 p.m. Gerry. 41 CHEV. RECONDITIONED MOTOR. SEDAN Immaculate condition through- out; tires nearly new; low mileage. Terms arranged. Dial 3-7254 after 6 p.m. 69b 51 DELUXE PONTIAC, 4 DOOR, RADIO heater, seat covers and window washer. Ask for 6b. perfect. Dial 3-4233. 69c. cellent location, bus at door, hot water. Dial 5-1036. 69b. CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM. OIL HEAT ed with or without board. Dial 3-263. 69f. 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. NO OBJEC- tion to child. Vacancy April 3. Apply 384 Mitchell Ave. 69c. 3%-ROOM APARTMENT IMMEDIATE A t Apartments 69c. E10, Ajax, Any Fy ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE GIRL pr Dial 5-3975. 69c. 27--Real Estote Wanted WARM B R IGHT COMFORTABLE for very HOUSES WANTED FUR CLIENTS, ALL cash or your equity. Fer quick results and satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 St Dial 32512 April 8 SMALL HOUSE FAIRLY CENTRAL, conveniences, Write Box 750 Times- Gazette. 70b. HOUSES, FARMS, VACANT land, customers waiting. Donald Scott, Real Estate, 25 Prince St. Dial 3-2612. Marlé BERNEICE H. PATRICK 16 BOND S1. ®AST - DIAL 53693 DIAL 3-3800 - DIAL 85-0457 28--For Rent 2, 2 ROOM FUSMISHED APARTMENTS Apply 126 Agnes St. 65¢. FURNISHED 2 ROOM APARTMENT 1 ral. Apply 177 Athol East. 69f. CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room. Suit two. Spring mattress. Use of phone. 5 minutps walk from down- town, Dial 3-7257, WARM FURNISHED ROOM WITH KIT- chen privileges, Dial 3-3937. 69¢c. FARM HOME, LARGE BARN, 12 acres of land including apple orchard situated within city limits. Write box 748 Times-Gazette. 69 2 GENTLEMEN TO SHARE LARGE front room, single beds, spring filled mattresses, very central and quiet. Dial 3-3783. 69f. FURNISHED ROOM, SINGLE BEDS for gentlemen. Board if desired. Ab- stainers. 279 Court St. Dial 5-1704. 69. SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT HOT and cold water, suited for couple with one child. Apply 137 Rosehill Blvd. 69c. 2 CLEAN UNFURNISHED ROOMS, clean couple preferred. Apply 125 War- ren Ave. 69f. with pos- session. Apply 299 Simcoe St. South. FOR QUICK SALE. SIX ROOM MOD- ern bungalow. Dial 35-1494. 69¢ 3 ROOM SELF CONTAINED APART- ment. Private entrance. North end of city. 1 child welcome. Dial 3-4452. 69¢c 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY 124 Simcoe St. S. NEW 4 ROOM SELF-CONTAINED AP- artment. All conveniences. Apply ig Cromwell Ave. 25--Real Estate For Sale SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. REAL ESTATE 6 SIMCOE N., DIAL 3-2265 $11,000 --HIGHLAND AVE. Modern brick veneer bungalow situated on a street with water, sewer and sidewalks. Fully landscaped lot, and a garage. Hot-air oil heating, ook and tile floors and completely decorated. This 5- room 2-bedroom bungalow is an excellent value. $11,900 -- CENTRAL PARK A 1Va-storey brick veneer home complete in. every detail. Forced air by oil heating, laundry tubs, storms and screens and attractive- ly decorated. A nicely landscaped section. $14,500 -- CE A truly fine home. fot 43'x95' in a good residential NTRAL PARK A solid brick 6-room bungalow with air con- ditioning heating by oil. Oak floors throughout, tiled bath, stipple ceilings in living room and dining room, laundry tubs. Situated on a landscaped lot with a concrete drive. AFTER 6 P.M. DIAL - BERT (RED). HARDIE RALPH VICKERY STEVE MACKO REALTORS 3.2228 5-6342 5-0771 APPRAISERS 70a APARTMENT, PARTLY FURNISHED, 65te. | all conveniences, hot water, private en- trance. No children. Immediate posses- sion. Apply 67 Colborne St. E. 69¢ NEW 4 ROOM APARTMENT, NEWEST in plumbing and heating. Very central. Immediste possession. Write Box 738 Times-Gazette. 69c. 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $45 monthly, lights, water, heat included. Adults only. 71 King St. E. Phone Bow- manville 2851. 69b ROOM FOR 2 SINGLE OR COUPLE, also single room. Apply 63 McMillan Dr, Dial 5-3641. 69c. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, HOUSEKEEP- ing. Available March 27. Dial Ji LARGE HOUSEKEEPING FURNISH- ed room for two gentlemen or souple. Apply 194 King St. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH MODERN kitchen, also large furnished housekeep- ing room With fridge for couple .or 2 Dial $1280, 4 ROOMS AND BATH, MODERN apartment, self-contained, has refrigera- tor, electric range, laundry tub and washing facilities, oil heated. Adults only. immediate possession. H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson Rd. S. 68f. 4 ROOM APARTMENT, SEMI- [PRIVATE bathroom, modern equipped kitchen. Available to quiet Christian couple. Ap- ply 17 Elena Avenue. 681. BRIGHT 4 ROOM APARTMENT, NEW stove, refrigerator. Apply Buckingham Manor, Apt. 5. Tod LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Kooy FOR 2 men or 2 girls. Apply 26 Gladstone Ave. or 5-1980. 681. 2 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, close to Malleable and Duplate. Apply 178 Beatty Ave. 68c. LARGE UNFURNISHED BEDROOM and kitchen. All conveniences. Newly de- corated. Apply 162 Olive Ave. 70d. 3 ROOM APARTMENT, UNFURNISHED $55 monthly. Available Ard 1. Sbstai ers. Apply 718 Simcoe St. 701. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for 'couple. Dial 3.7552 after 8. FURNISHED BEDROOM IN PRIVATE home. All conveniences. Dial 5-3615. 70¢. BUSINESS COUPLE DESIRE 3 OR 4 rooms, very central. Write Box 638, Times-Gazette. 32---Automobiles For Sale 4 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, CLEAN upholstery, all round good . condition. 70¢. | Must be sold this week, Owner leaving | country. Reasonable price. Dial 3730 Wholesa 1933--CHEVROLET SEDAN 1938--PLYMOUTH COUPE .. 1940--CHRYSLER SEDAN 1938--OLDSMOBILE COACH 1949-----PREFECT SEDAN 1948--AUSTIN SEDAN 1950--MORRIS CONVERTIBLE 1948--MERCURY CLUB COUPE 1946--CHEVROLET COACH 1949--METEOR SEDAN 1949--AUSTIN A 40 SERIES 1951--PREFECT SEDAN 1947--BUICK SEDAN -- custom 1946--PACKARD SEDAN 1949--FORD CLUB COUPE 1947--STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1948--CHEVROLET SEDANETTE 1949--METEOR COACH -- 2-ton 1949--METEOR SEDAN 1949--FORD SEDAN -- blue 1950--FORD TUDOR CUSTOM 1950--METEOR SEDAN 1950--PONTIAC 2500 SERIES SED. 1952--CHEVROLET COACH 1952--PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE §! 1951--FORD VICTORIA -- black overdrive UNITS TO GOOD Seaway 138 KING ST. WEST le Prices TO ALL = Dealers Welcome LARGE VOLUME OF SALES A LARGE LOT LOW OVERHEAD Customers Win 1947--OLDSMOBILE COUPE, 2-tone, radio, new tires .... rodio 1949--METEOR TUDOR -- 2-tone e 1948--CHEVROLET SEDAN -- with radio 1948--OLDSMOBILE SEDAN -- radio 1949--OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDAN -- radio, washers, etc. .. 1949--PLYMOUTH SEDAN -- special radio 'ou 1950--CHEVROLET SPECIAL SEDAN AN--radio, hydramatic 1195.00 EDAN -- sharp car ..1295.00 and maroon, radio, 1495.00 NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED ON LOW PRICED CREDIT RISKS OPEN EVENINGS Motors LIMITED OSHAWA DIAL 5-2631 70a