Highways Probers Hear | Attack On Construction | © TORONTO (CP) Ontario's H ned committee on con- ction and Sanning Tuesday the fire Shposition mem mem- ver ey vestigating gu in the highways de ment. W. J. Grummett, House : charged ie committee i -passes" the ways minis- y ber, However, Duncan cdo, of J. D. Woods and Gordon, Toronto ' management consultants who were | approached on the committee's for- mation, said there was 'no sug- | gestion of by-passing the 'minister." The argument arose during Mr. | Gordon's testimony in which he | reviewed recommendations for de- i Jartmental re - organization con- i 40 WOR] Fepurt pre. Sentea wt on- committee on e report recommended that in . future, the amounts of any adjust- ments with contractgrs which thé | highways deparmest may find it to recommend should be [of 100 Redossary by the committee before | submission to the provincial treas- urer for payment. Mr. Grummett sald such a move would take away the minister's authority. WOULD 'REVIEW IT . Mr. Gordon said in any normal Pefficiency through a larger staff. contract the committee would not come into the picture, but in iso-| lated cases where they were de- 'parting from the terms of the con- tract, the committee would then review i Albert eo (Lib.-Lab.--Kenora) asked who would have the final authority. Collings (PC -- Toronto ABR said pertaining to the department was the sponsibility of the minister. "Anyway, the committee is ernment policy now," sadi Collings. Mr. Gordon said the highways department, now employing 250 en- gineers, n needs 100 more top-flight rsonnel. The present staff has n "heavily over-worked" in the last few years and he suggested the department would be able to save money and work by greater re- ov- Outside the committee room, a departmental official said the cost engineers would be approx- imately ,000 a year. J. D. Millar, now deputy min- ister of public works and former deputy minister of highways, testi- fied earlier that lack of integrity of some departmental engineers resulted in overruns on contracts let in 1950. THEATRE GUIDE Bilimore -- "'Mogambo" (Techni- color) 12.30, 3.05, 6.30 and 10.00 p.m. "Valley of the Eagles", 1.45, 505 and 8.35 p.m. Complete Show at 8.35 p.m. Regent -- "Glory Brigade", 1.30, 210, 6.55, 9.40; "Saint's Girl Friday", 2.55, 5.40, 8.25. Last Corhplete Show at 8.20 p.m. Drive-In -- Starting at Dusk, "San | tod Francisco Story"; 'Rhubarb'. Last Complete Show at 10.30} 1 p.m. "Cattle Town"; 'The Model and The Marriage Brok- er". Evening show starts at 7| ciety p.m. Last Complete Show 8.20 Marks -- "South Sea Sinner", 1.15, 410, 7.05, 10.12; "Woman On The Run" 2.50, 5.45, 8.50. Last Complete Show | 8.40 p.m. Plaza. Creature 4 from Black La - ol "Str; on the Prowl". 35, 4:22, 7:1 0°0 08. Last com: plete show 8: 4 p.m. VAST FOREST The original forested area of Can- ada amounted to nearly 2,000,000 square miles. cumstances was undoubtedly re- sponsible for a large degree in He was 13 years old at the time. Among others decorated: Members of the Order of the saving the pilot's lif Social Work Scholarships Tribute To Agnes Macphail TORONTO (CP) -- Scholarships are to be established at the school fers of social work, University of To- Tout, in tribute to Agnes Mae- first wman mem of the get. of Commons. oh 'Elizabeth Fry Society aa ation and om | in 1921 as the United Farm- Tre. She sat in rehabilitation of women prison- She was first elected to the Com- Sitatie oJ Siar for East 19 years, Diwaya as Indian Pictures May Be Symbolic "i= TORONTO (CP)--Prof. T. F Mec- Tiwraith of the Royal Ontario Mu- seum said Tuesday he thinks In- dian picture-rock carvings found near Peterborough are linked with ancient "medicine societies" He said they may Baye some religious meaning. bolism Probab . {nection wi bably reflects so-called med edictne societies Walon flourished among and honorary president ciety, purpose of which WITH TEL FIRST - FIRST - "00 24 HOUR GUARANTEED SERVICE 426 SIMCOE ST DIAL 3 2:6 "At a guess, Pd 2ay Se wm | THE DAILY TIMBSGAZETTE, Wedneodoy, May 1, 2004 0 Hho Offniays 1 in Minnesota and the ehead area," he said, "The symbols and the style of art are very situllap to the work on well-known birchbark rolls that we know to be Ojibway. The sym- mi je, mdicaiive of #"e ligious The moze. than 50 symbols in- clude a sun, serpents, a life-sized |p Senedoe AsYoeu Like lt heron, humaa figures, a al tracks and am are on a flat shelf Temperatures at =n Queensland, pustialia, range from about 38 to #200) DIAL 3-2248 HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC LIMITED | 50 PRINCE ST OSHAWA THE HARVEY DANCERS 1----Carolyn Forster 2--Tina Wilson 3---Sandra Scott wma' British Empire: 'One Boy Among 31 Cited For Bravery VANCOUVER (CP)--A 14-year- | the moment when the young school- old boy stood out among a roomful | boy stood up before the Queen: Ss of uniforms Tuesday, the only |LePresentative in Canada gan ! 4 Ni Givilian as 31 persons. were deo. ov. 24, 1952, at the RCAF base at Comox, B.C., on Vancouver is- arated by Governor-General Mas- (land, a short distance from his farm home. A Lancaster bomber coming in for a landing undershot the run- And the deed which won Robert Thomas Waters the George Medal + stood out among all those listed on the 31 citations for gallantry. Of the rest, 24 awards went to the army, five to the RCAF and one to the RCN. into a swamp. COURAGEOUS ACTION The citation tells it from there: way and piled in a flaming heap | The incidents which led up .to "Robert Waters fought his way | . Robinson, MC, King- ry G. H Howitt, Guelph, Ont. Military Medal: Cpl. P. C. Thompson, Niagara Falls, Ont. SERVICE ON WASHING MACHINES ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. AND RADIO Cross: Capt. "You'll Enjoy Eating Lenhaven Lodge No. 2 Highway NEWCASTLE We Specialize in Steaks -- Chops DOROTHY HART pi II; CARLO oni DUFF * WILLARD PARKER "OSHAWA 2 MILES WEST ON No. 2A HIGHWAY H. ALLEN SMITH'S PLUS HUBAKE JOEL YVONNE through heavy bush and swamp to reach the aircraft. Despite the in- tense heat and danger of explosion, ; Fried Chicken Williams qc Waters displayed complete disre- | 78 SIMCOE N. / | Re gard for his own safety by enter- | FOR RESERVATIONS - TRI A DIAL 3-7752 " ng the flaming wreckage and DIAL NEWCASTLE 2701 z The. AN 1: EP dragging the dazed and injured | " Uh BN pilot to safety. His courageous ac-) a I\ '\ MT Richard CONTE + Coleen GRAY end ivodweing ALEX NICOL BATS A THOUSAND IN THE FUN LEAGUE tion under the most harassing cir- 2-- FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS... To Thrill You! HURTLING OUT OF BATTLE-SCARRED SKIES! LASTDAY 'HELL'S HALFACRE' . . plus "SHAKEDOWN ALWAYS COLOR CARTOON Admiral 21" - TELEVISION - on fighting for hie woman... ), ond bis right bo live Who o ment ALLIED ARTISTS presents "BRUCE NNETT Lost Times TODAY CLARK GABLE JOHN Hos BARBARA BriTTon- AVA GARDNER oh - 'Mogambe' Technicolor - alse - "VALLEY OF THE EAGLES" "CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON" § and "STRANGER ON THE PROWL" STARTING TOMORROW Wide-Vision Screen REGULAR PRICES FEATURE TODAY . . . AUDREY HEPBURN WINNER OF THE ACADEMY AWARD FOR HER PERFORMANCE IN "ROMAN HOLIDAY" ON THE METERMATIC PLAN AS LOW AS ® With or Without Bases ® With an Outside Aerial 30 Feet From the Ground 80gg on a gay 24- -hour spr. ee % with the map of er ® No Down Payment ® You Put In A 25-Cent Piece As You Use It. ASK ABOUT IT... PHONE-5-1685 It's Greg's most entertaining picture... with an exhilarating new kind of role «..and an exciting new kind of girl! She's out on the town--incognito! The town's Rome. ..and the romance is the most refreshing, enchanting ever! We service all makes of Radio & Television First two months of operation can be applied on down payment of set. An easy way to build up a down payment if you wish to purchase the set. FOWLER TELEVISION "THE TELEVISION SPECIALISTS" 16 BOND ST. W. Audrey Hepburn's starring debut is # sheer delight! She'd the royal run- away who runs off with Greg's heart! William Wyler's "ROMAN HOLIDAY" ¢ Rome! You'll love the delightful climax to Greg comes to her press conference «with the most startling results! "EARL" Filmed in Roman A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ON THR SAME PROGRAM 'NORTH-WEST MOUSIE" NEW CARTOON IN TECHNICOLOR ' ATEST WORLD NEWS DIAL 5-1685 momma