$ THD DALY FTIMES-GASDTYE, Monday, June M, 1004 OMEN "30 ALDWINGKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3-3474 MR. AND MRS. HARVEY EDMUND BEADLE In a i ceremony Edm Beadle exchanged n tial vows. The bride, the former Miss Kathleen Dianne Knowler, is the hter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G owler and the bride- m is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Beadle, all of Oshawa. Photo by Ray Johnstone Bette Scott Robert Morrison Ail Hi if i ¢ Lf : ine Lt Io HE -3 fi : :] 4 ; i | ¢ a | prised ber in French gray Chantilly lace and taffeta with white accessories. Both wore corsages of roses. Later Mr. and Mrs. Morrison left for a motor trip through the Adir- ondacks to New York City and on their return will live in Islington, Ontario. For travelling the bride wore a dress and spencer jacket of Dior blue in tissue taffeta with a small close fitting hat and white ccessories. Sweetheart roes eom- corsage. GROUPS, CLUBS. AUXILIARIES WA STREET (East Group) The East Group of the Women's Association 'of Centre Street Unit- ed Church met on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. El South- well, Fairbanks Street. . Robert Kirk chose as her orld Last Night, Mrs. Bert Terwillegar presided for business. Mrs. Dean Peel gave : F i i : 5 i I ! i ; g ] | g= gd i £ | i f ; i i 7 fi ~EFE HL gp fi! 2g Farm, bi parents, where the bride's mother received wearing navy blue and crepe with na blue and white accessories. The bride groom's mother who assisted was LLY FAST ASPIRIN SITING GREAT BRITAIN THIS SUMMER! CAN He ADA '¢ AL REVIEW 1. keep you in touch with news back home... 2. be your guide fo G1. Britain everything you need 0 know . . . where fo stay... where to dine . . . where to hop . .. where fo hire a er «oo in fact, how to get the most out of your vaestion FROM ALL NEWSAGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN FRIDAY OR FROM CANADA WEEKLY REVIEW 5 $3 FLEPY STRESY, BONBON, BC4, ENGLAND ; Pupils Of Lillian Mae Marsh Dance For Delighted Audience Robert Stokes, Bonnne Thompson, Sotmie VanSlyke, Sharon Mec- he Easter Dolls were: Patricia Morrison, Bounie Poch, Jac: rraine Smyth Chinese " , Alice Killen, Teri Lynne Normoyle, Sharon Yourth. Dar a » dy's 1 Luxton. Brady Cars- Doll: Clark, Linda Collins, Hele. Greer, | Blanchard McMahon, Allyson Mor- lly Mullholand, Jean Rob- ertson, Joanne Ryai, Nancy le, P Pickering, Jud e, Penny , Judy ey Elizabeth Thompson. Nursery Rhyme 5: 14 Fair, Janice Black, Dayle King, Janice Moses, Jill Nicholls, Chris- tine Samells, Patricia Shay, Sheila Shred. Nosegay Dolls: Bonnie Flontek, Kathy Balfour, Deb- by Liston, Sharon Thompson, Veleria Dittmar, Donna Louise Bondaruk, Lynn O'Brien, Donna Chumak, } Bason St. Boys: Richard Land- er, Rickey Gresik, Richard Hunt- ley, Gary Huntley, Billy Elligott, Richard Markus, Wayne Horchik. Tumbling Doll: ams. Gi Dolls: Patty Fair, Patricia , Gwen Graham, Au- drey Hayes, Karen Kerry, Janice Lander, Ann Martyn, Maureen Martin, Brenda Murdoch, Virginia Slemon, Linda Stephens, Betty Welsh, Martha Jane Witherspoon. Dutch Dolls: Beverley Crowells, Heather Blanhard, Lynn Barclay, Patricia Andrews; L; Donald yun s Gail Flontek, Sharon Annis, Patri- | aldine cia Williamson, Billy Wade, Kath- ie Kelemen. Me and My Teddy Bear: Mary Bright, Elizabeth Don- aldson, * Donna by, Janet Kir- by, Beverley Hainer, Judy Mac- Donald, Pamela McCarl, Pamela Jones, Susan Murdoch, Susan Ca- rey, Susan Kelly, Marlene Currant, Gail Freeborn, Jane Donald, Rosa- line Johansen. Soldier Dolls: FErleyne Baron, Linda Corson, Barbara Bothewell, Shirley Patfield, Donna Polley, Ileane Rahme, Carol Linda Tierney, Judy Welsh. Pink Dolls: Carolyn Faint, Audrey Bur- nett, Marie Maidman, Judy Price, Donna Bessie, Patricia Bessie, Susan Pollard, Sharon Jackson. Painted Dolls: Cheryl Hudson, Marilyn Schultz, Elizabeth Ann Beamish, Carolyn Cooper, Terry | tion Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. William Chester. A report was given of cards sent to sick. | Mi Mrs. William Riding reported on flowers sent. The quilt convener, Mrs. W. Winter, reported on work done. Coppers were given to the Sunday school or family pic- nie was announced for Wednesday, June 28, at Geneva Park. Mrs. H. Lorne Gail Willi-| lian So eda, Yvonne Anderson, Judy Hall, Lau- ra Lee Horton, Mary Lynn Horton, Sandra Gunn, Kathie Normoyle, Barbara Black, Carolyn ' Baron, | Mrg Joan Harris, Valerie Mi y Judith Richards, Carolyn Garri- son. Tapping Doll: Diane Hallman. Echo De Ballet: Joan Tarrant. Happy Day Doll: Karlie Ann Pao- mer. exican Dolls: Marklyn Copeland, Bonnie Cook, Mary Mathison, Susan 5 ih 7 the summer in Sco! Guests at the Morrison - Scott wedding held on Saturday after- noon in Columbus were . R. 8. Montgomery, Mrs. R. B. McClure, Mrs. W. R. jislop and 5 , Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Vorner, Erica Watson, Sharon Wil liams Mr Blue Dolls: Marilyn r, Lil- bszak, Roberta arren, Olive Zackerowney, Mary Carolyn Warburton, Charleen Flath, Diane Purdie. iration Waltz was danced Wallace and Miss Tap Toe was Lillian Mace Marsh kag part in the Scene De Ballet were Sylvia Hall, Jacque- line Reynolds, Gloria Quinn, Linda Sutherland, Beverley , Ger- Brennan, Karen rbett, Joan Greer, Ellen Huxter, Marie Huxter, a Jones, Ann Luck- ett, Geraldine Patterson, Brenda Simmons. Eleanor Burdge, Jeanette Drew, Barbara LaChapelle, Ina Robert- son, C Webb, Justeen Bell, Lynda , Margaret Dominik, Joan Marshall, Betty Ann Allman, Joanna Bulkowski, Vickie = Day, Charleen Flath, . Judy Greer, Janith Jobb, Margar- et McCrohan, Olive Zack s A solo "Mauve Dream" was danced by Karlie Ann Palmer and a swing tap by Joan Tarrant. Tak- ing part in "Walkin' Home" were Linda Clayton, Berniece Daze, Linda Meese, Donna Newson, Ger- aldine Brennan, A happy moment was M Devlin, Kenny , Vickie Day, M Schultz, Ann Allman, Elean- or Burdge, Valerie Burden, Bell, Justeen Bell, M: kinnon, Ric! Young expressed thauks lo the hos. tess. Lunch was served by Mrs. ed Miss inp Baki AL Tm g be at the home of Mrs. L. H. Will- son, King Street East. flowers i Miss Marsh thanked all those who had helped in the preparation and presentation of the recital. ON SIGNATURE, Past, one-day service. No bankable security needed. Require. ments are easy to meet. "Right-away" loans for home repairs, taxes, vacations, or for most any purpose. SELECT YOUR OWN REPAYMENT PLAN Note the variety of monthly repayment plans. And you select the one easiest for you. Up to 24 months to repay. 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Noble Grand Sister. A. Hayton conductéd the business with Vice Grand Sister Gladys Blyth pusising It wag Jotlded 1 ve & supper at the ne meeting night on June 23 at 6 p.m, Refreshments were served in the banquet hall. MAPLE LEAF JUVENILES : NO. 2 The Maple Leaf Juveniles No. 2 held their regular mee recent- shipful -| Thompson and deputy mistress Sister Marie Jeffery presided. Two new members were welcomed into | rem: the Lodge. It was annoupced that ing would be held r. and |, Ison opened the meeting with a ! |L., A BONNIE WEE PERSONALITY Caught by the camera at a happy moment is Ji W, Mash, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mash, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Wayne who was one year old on May 26, the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Buchanan of Osh- awa. Photo by Ideal Studios, Toronto. Mrs. E. Andrews gave the trea surer's rt. The luncheon was convened by the Mary Haig group. SOCIAL NOTICES .GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES KING STREET W.A. The, regular meeting of King an interesting talk on her trip to New Orleans. The Blossom Tea was announced to be held at the King Street par- sonage, 462 Simcoe street north on Thursday June 17, 3 to 5 under the auspices of the Fellowship group. Lunch was served by the group in charge. . MARRIAGE Mrs. Evelyn Scott wishes to an- nounce the marriage of her daugh- ter,/Mildred Bernice White, to Cor. poral Kenneth Stayton Craycraft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Craycraft of Belton, Missouri. The marriage took place at Northwest Baptist parsonage, Chicago, on Saturday, June 8S. Street United Church W.A. was held on Thursday. Mrs. Edgar Wil- poem "God's Candles." Mrs. Stanley Bone read the scripture, The secretary Mrs. L. Kellar read her report and Mrs. N. Whinfield the treasurer's report. Mrs. Stanley Bone read the cards of thanks for flowers and get well wishes. The Friendship Group was in charge of the program and Mrs. French sang the "Lord is my Shepherd." Mrs. A Brooks gave How to get rid of ATHLETE'S FOOT If you want the quick, easy clean up a case of Athlete's Foot go right . Low cost, easy pleasant to use Zorticol must give py feet. At Tambiyn's er any ONION TEST J AR New Vanishing Cream Deodorant With Chlorophyll! RUB IT IN-- 3 DAYS o | PHONE NOW IN OSHAWA OR FILL IN THE COUPON BELOW AND MAIL IT TODAY ~ FLOOR POLISHER SLIGHTLY MARKED FLOOR MODELS A Bis vaLuE §@93 ELECT ONLY 10° ROLUX Fully Guaranteed PI Rr obligation. ADDRESS CITY... sessdosscssnes wh -- ----------------------------_-- ow -- Mail to STATE VACUUM STORES LTD. 1794 Danforth Ave., Toronto | would like a Free Home Demonstration without NAME essssslececnecessccsscsssecnpncnsen #990000 ess ess sees sss RneS waits ss sAPHONE. . ...... Don't Wait GET IN ON THIS SENSATIONAL | OFFER PHONE TODAY 09-3672 OSHAWA ~~ rs 1 We 5