- ~~ PERSONALS A Winnipeg wedding of interest in Osha took place last Satur- day afternoon in First Presbyter- Maclean, daughter of Rt. Rever- end W. G. Maclean, DD, became the bride of D'Albert Alfred Town, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Town, Vancouver. The bridegroom WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3-3474 |lived in Oshawa for some years. Mr. and Mrs. Town will reside in HONEYMOON ON-WEST COAST Yollowing their marriage _in Northminster United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Leonard Anthony left by automobile for the west coast. The bride, the former Miss Helen Esther Me- Vancouver, . Mr. and Mrs. William Tarbet who have been residing in Winni- peg for the past ten years, have | returned to live in Ontario. Mrs. | Tarbet is the former Miss May Read, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Read, Church Street. Mr. Tarbet was employed for some {time at a local chain drug store. {At present Mr. and Mrs. Tarbet are living in Ajax, but will'shortly be making their home in Toronto. Personal and social events are welcome items of news, Visitors to and from Oshawa are invited to make use of this column for which there is no charge. Tele- phone 3-3474 and ask for the Social | Department. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Payne Kingsdale Avenue, have returned from Chateau Woodland in Hali- burton where they have been spending their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horky Masson Street and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davies have been holi- daying at Bobcaygeon and have now returned. Mrs. George Kayes and Miss May Kayes McLaughlin Blvd, have returned from an enjoyable holiday at Portage Lodge, Ten- Mile Lake, Muskoka, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Britton and family, Warren Avenue, have been jpending their holidays at Lake ashaga Wigamog, Haliburton, | and have now returned home. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Otis Tennier wish 'to announce the engagement of :| their daughter, June Gloria Lor- "|raine, to Mr. Roy James Mercer, :|son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mercer, :|all of Oshawa. The wedding is to ~ [take place on Saturday, Septem- ber 11, at 2.30 p.m. in St. George's '| Anglican Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan "|of Greenbank, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha Norine, to Robert Bruce Snodden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Snoddon of Little Britain, Ontario. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, September 18, at 3 o'clock in Greenbank United Church. 1 | | | Rae, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roy McRae of Ajax, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anthony of Cshawa. Photo. by Hornsby Studio. HOUSEHOLD HINT To remove grease or oil stains from any of the synthetic fabrics, vub a thick soap solution on the spot, and rinse with cold running water until the water runs clear. launder as usual. Anyone who suspects that he has of cancer should con- a immediately. If De Tor a for may oure or prevent development of the trouble its earliest stages. 'TAMA ELEPHANT By ALICE BROOKS No youngster will refuse to be teat if he has this cuddly ele- phant in which to hide his paja- mas! Elephant decorates bed by day! So handy! So easy-to-make! Pattern 7208: Elephant 'Jama Bag! Contains pattern pieces, transfers and directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to Daily Times- Gazette, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. BRIMFUL OF IDEAS -- The 1954 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Cat- alog. It has the most popular em- broidery crochet, sewing, color- transfer designs to send for. Plus 4 patterns printed in book. Send 25 cents for your copy. Ideas for gifts, bazaars, fashions. | who'll ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Russell Os- borne, Newcastle, announce the en- |gagement of their daughter, Fran- | ces Lenore, to Robert Neil Coul- son, son of Mr, and Mrs. David | Russell Coulson of Oshawa. The | marriage will take place on Sat- |urday, Septdmber 18, at 2 o'clock {in Trinity United Church, Bow- manville. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bint wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Vera Elizabeth, to Alan John Shortt, son of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Shortt, all of Oshawa. .| The marriage will take place on Saturday, September 11, at 2.30 p.m. in Simcoe Street United Church. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Harris, Thornton's Road North, will be at home to their relatives and friends on Tuesday, August 31, from 7 to ian Church, when Margaret Barty |: Celebrating her first birthday today is Carol Ann Foreman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Foreman, Elena Street. Ca- rol Ann is the pride and joy of her brother, Robert, and her grandparents are Mrs. F rank Foreman, Huron Street, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of Pef- ferlaw. 3 --Venus Home Portraits. Miss Anne Taillon Honored At Showers Miss Anne Theresa Taillon whose marriage to Mr. Gordon Jo- seph Whyte will be solemnized in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church this Saturday morning was guest of honor recently at a mis cellaneous shower arranged by Mrs. Earl Marshall and Mrs, John Byrne at the former's home. The gifts were presented in a bridal basket -and a program of games was enjoyed with prizes to the winners. Miss Margaret Noonan and Mrs. E. Meisenatieinus of North Bay assisted the hostesses in serving refreshments. Mrs. Jack Collins and Mrs. Don- ald Herd were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Collins. The future bride was seated under a festive um- brella to unwrap the many gifts contained in a decorated basket. A bride's scrap book was also pre- sented. Assisting the hostesses in serving were Mrs. Stanley Smith, Mrs. Arthur Parkin and Miss Rita Taillon. Miss Eleanor Barnes entertained at a shower, the guests being co- workers of the future bride from the Radiator Department, General Motors of Canada. The hosfgss was assisted by Miss Vera Hance and Mrs. Lillian Day in serving »t- freshments. Following the rehearsal on Fri- day evening, the bridal party will be entertained at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Maurige Taillon, HOUSEHOLD HINT A quick and easy way to olean the oven is to place a saucer of soapy water and ammonia in the oven, close the door and leave overnight. Use one tablespoon of ammonia in the soapy water. Next morning, the grease can be washed off with a minimum of scrubbing. If your family likes a very tart fruit punch, mix thoroughly the juice of 2 oranges and 2 'lemons, 2 cups of grape juice, 2 cups wa- 9 p.m. on the occasion of their sil- ver wedding anniversary. ter and 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey. Serve ige-cold y BRI The engagement ls announced today of Miss Frances Leonore Osborne and Mr. Robert Neil Coulson. Miss Osborne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F, Russell Osborne of Newcastle, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Russell Coulson of Oshawa. The marriage is lanned for Saturday, Septem- e. r 18, in Bowmanvi Good Looks Betrayed By Bad Mannerisms yf Somie older women, who've armed the art of make-up, possess a good figure and. have excellent clothes sense could be stunning. But a few unbecoming mannerisms - prevent them from being the poised, extremely at- tractive women they should and could be. Like the woman, for instance, whip out her compact, comb and lipstick to repair her make-up in a crowded restau- rant, in the middle of her dinner partner's conversation. Or, another, who twiddles her unusual bracelet while her friend desperately tries to describe her new dress. If both these women knew how annoying these mannerisms were, half the battle would be won. The other half would be to acquire a little self-control or poise. The first woman could win her dinner partner's eternal admira- tion by retreating to the powder room for make-up repairs. (And this way, she won't rédveal any beauty secrets, either.) The second could learn to wear her jewelry just to complete a smart costume. And once she puts on her bracelet, she should forget about it. Fabergé... for your bathing luxurious bath d gift boxed SENEEEERNEEENEEREERRNNERNEEN ' This Clinic Is For Foot Sufferers Or For Those Who Have Body llis Due Mon. Aug. 23 9 om to 8 p.m. GR. Hardman will attend This Clinic ay Foot Clinic Miracle... 5-5642 FOR APPOINTMENT A ---------------- new perfumed soap, aN To A Foot Condition Thousands Wolk in Comfort with Miracle 1929-1954 Tues. Aug. 24 9 am. to 11 am. at Bond W. Fonsnenenuysens elights - matched in her favorite fragrance Aphrodisia or Act IV, elegantly Bath Perfume decanter, 8,50 downy Bath Powder, 2.50 3 cakes 2,00 Leaving St. James Anglican Church, Orillia, after their mar- riage are Mr, and Mrs. William Walter Clark. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Clark of Oshawa, and the OSHAWA MAN WEDS IN ORILLIA bride, the former Greeta Bernice Doolittle, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne W. Doolittle of Fitton Heights, Orillia. Photo by Stewart Studio, Orillia, Teachers' Salaries Aired At Convention VANCOUVER CP)--In many Canadian cities, elementary school teachers get the same salaries as high school teachers provided they have equal qualifications, . "Every teacher's work is of equal importance," says Dr. Muriel R. Conway of Winnipeg, a delegate to the recent conference here of the Canaidan Teachers' Federation. "We are interested in improving the educational standards of both teachers and pupils," she said, 'and we urge more elementary teachers to take degrees." Her own city of Winnipeg, she noted, is one of those where ele- {mentary and high school salaries are the same if the teachers hold similar qualifications. Water from streams or lakes may be polluted. Such water ror DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, August 19, 900 © Ontario Third In Tea Drinking It. was on June 7, 1716, that the first tea shipment to North Amer- ica arrived aboard the frigate Hudson's Bay consiged to SGover- nor James Knight at York Fac- tory. Last year, Canadian tea im- ports amounted to 45,000,000 pounds with India and Ceylon sup- \plying 95 per cent of that total and the bulk of the remaining iive per cent coming from British East a per capita standpoint the Maritime provinces and Bri. tish Columbia lead in Canadian tea consumption, with Ontario fol- lowing closely behind. §anadliang drink an average of 800 cups tea per capita annually. WASHDAY BLUES Got those washday blues over extra dirty work clothes? A half pound baking soda added to the water in your washing machine just before you add the soap will cut grease quickly. Leaves clothes clean and sweet smelling. should be purified or boiled be- X CER GAL wd saver OSHAWA"S ONLY EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS 70 KING ST. E. AT GENOSHA HOTEL Toronto Branches ot % 1954 DANFORTH AVE. amd 787 LAKESHORE RD. | mishrat! DYED pom GATY OR SUBURB... handsome sturdy, priced te fit your purse. Custom - made from prime quality Muskrat . . . the backs only of the finest Ontario pelts . . . dyed to perfection by "Hollander" in the latest Mink shades and fashioned in the new 1955 slim silhouette. Amazingly low priced 5288 BUDGET TERMS EASILY ARRANGED é [4 FURS fore drinking or cooking. New Low Prices 1954 FRIGIDAIRE » New Frigidaire Egg Server Lift an egg out of the handy serve slot--and another slips gently into place. This new one-ot-a-time Egg Server is. a wonderful and exclusive Frigidaire self-serve feature. Has Plenty of egg storage space, too. < HOME APPLI The New DeLuxe Super One-Ten 11 cu. ft. capacity It meets YOUR needs! It matches YOUR kitchen! It's made for YOU! Here's a big, beautiful Frigidaire Super Refrigerator--with the same glamorous Colorama Styling--and many of the same new Self- Service features found on the Cycla-matics. There's a big, full-width . Super-Freezer Chest with Quickube Ice Trays and Frozen Juice Can Rack, Meat Tender, Twin Hydrators, golden all-aluminum shelves. And in the big Pantry-Door there's the new Frigidaire Egg Server, special condiment shelf, Butter Compartment, 'plus completely removable and extra-capacity door shelves. Powered by the Meter-Miser. Regular Value 429.95 ANCES (OSHAWA) LIMITED 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA