SOMETHING SPECIAL Saturday nights are 'somethin special with the younger set an the newlyweds and they say it's lots of fun to get away from a work-a-day world one evening In the week. Part of the pleasure Is getting all dressed up and step ing out Ina really flattering rock, Here's a style which was Private Session In Table Manners Will Help Child Enjoy Meal Time By IDA BAILEY ALLEN Can you imagine yourself a little child, seated at a dining table? Chair too low; feet dangling: kniv- a and forks too large for small ands; milk in A [floss instead of a cup with a friendly handle, Plates too. full, What a formidable task to try fo _eat that meal, Be patient with youngsters, And Instead of teaching good table manners at family meals, have a good-Mmanners meal alone with the children at least once a week, One of you can be hostess, one | teacher, turn and turn about, and the others guests, Act out every scene the wrong way, then the . right, with plenty of laughs, Plon . a dinner that will be easy to eat, such as the following, MONDAY DINNER Cream of Tomato Soup Crackers Broiled Chopped Beef on toast Parslied Potatoes Diced Carrots ] Cup Custards London Cookies Colfee 'en ik | Serve the soup in bowls instead | of soup plates, so it will be easier to scoop up with the spoon, Show why it sounds plggish to suck in soup, and looks plggish to break crackers Into it. illustrate now soup should be sipped, and crack ers eaten in bite-sized pieces Be sure the toast under the heel is moist so It can be cut with a fork. Show how a parslied potato is not mashed, but cut and eaten with a fork, bite by bite, Let the children enjoy thelr up custards, but illustrate why it is impolite to scrape the cup noisily to get the last bit. And show them how awkward people look with their mouths stuffed with food With 'Thank you" or "No, thank ou," and 'Please pass this or hat, monitored by the "teacher." you'll all have fun, Before many sessions, you will find that good manners, tidy eating habits and a peaceful atmosphere will be a matter of course at family meals. All measurements are level Recipes proportioned to serve 4 to 6 | BROILED CHOPPED BEEF ON TOAST Order 1'% lbs. chopped beef put through the chopner twice 1% tsp. salt, 1 tsp, monosodium glutemate and 4 sp. pepper. Work with a spoon until smooth, Add | especially designed for the young in heart, It Is of silk organza and velvet In lavender blue. Velvet ribbon bands the torso, sashing the hipline and ending in a bow, An overskirt falls in grad. uated folds over a soft, full skirt underlined in matching pure. silk talfeta, -- By TRACY ADRIAN, then shape into thin round pat ties 3% in diameter Place on a well - buttered or| margarined pan; dot with butter | or margarine, Broil 4" from heat | about 8 min, for are beef, 10 min, | for well done, Turn once, Dot with extra butter or Targarine; allow | to melt before serving. | Place on squares of de-crusted | toast over which pan drippings have been poured, London Cookies: Sift together 4% c, already . sifted enriched flour, 3 tsp. baking powder and '4 tsp, salt, Add 1 ¢, butter or mar. garine; chop In with a pastry blender Beat 3 eggs light, Add 1 (sp, powdered nutmeg, 1 tsp. vanilla, '1% ©, sifted powdered sugar und 1 ¢, milk, Stir into the first mix. ture: beat until blended, Of large cookie sheets or pans. | Drop on the batter by tablespoon fuls. Allow an inch etween each cookie as they spread during the baking. Bake 15 min, In a hot oven 375-400 F., or until golden brown Makes about § doz TRICK OF THE CHEF Season cream of tomato soup with a touch of oregano Use an old nylon stocking as a laundry bag to wash the baby's socks In the machine, Put the socks In the stocking and knot the end, then you will not need to grope for these small articles after | | the washing is done | French Hairdresser As Domestic Worker Offers Sage Advice TORONTO (CP) ~~ Genevieve | Engerbeau fis a domestic and | loves it, "I'm one of the luckiest domes ties in the world," she said, "with the easiest working condition and the most considerate employer." Geneveve left her home in Ven- del near La Rochelle on the At- lantic coast of France two years ago, A beautician in Vendre, she did not earn nearly as much as the $100 a month plus room and board she gets here, ' She spent several months in Eng- land before sailing for Montreal, where she was governess to four children until a month ago when she came to work for a Toronto family, Genevieve has plenty of theories on how people should handle their maids and how domestics should handle employers, Employers should bring a girl into their home before she starts, explain exactly what she will have to do, discuss free time and pay, tell her what her place will be 'n the home and her relationhip with the children, i They should not call her 'the girl" or pry into her private life, read her mall or snoop in her room, The occasional word of praise works wonders, she sald, Her advice to other domestics: don't be a clock watcher; avold ossip In general; never argue; fsten to orders without answering back, even If you are right Petite, attractive Genevieve sald non-English speaking workers are often so willing they deserve a raise In salary now and then, de- spite the language difficulty, The department of labor fs helpful with Information about govern- ment loans to newcomers and aver- age salaries, . To employers with new Canadian help she advises patience and un- derstanding. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Keep an optimistic spite present tendencies toward | worry and doubt Good advice from a friendly co-worker might show you a way to reduce ex- penses, and his (or her) sugges- tions regarding your work could lighten your duties considerably. Where household matters wre | concerned, the stars favor reno vation plans, repair work and (he surchase of new equipment Do not et petty arguments or minor dif- ferences of opinion upset you, yi) {E BIRTH y nn a is your birthday, the next six months should bring | a solution to those problems | which may have beset you during the last weeks of 1054, Both busi. ness and financial affairs are under good aspects now and your horo- scope indicates that these influ ences will continue until the end June, uring July and August there 01 18 nae Pactivity which could broaden your horizons considerably, Be alert to some deceptive influences where romance is concerned dur- ing September, however, and be wary of those who would tempt vou' into risking your hard-earned cash on get-rich-quick schemes outlook de- | Helps You Overcome Itching of Piles Or Money Back fou do not have to be tortured and embarrassed by the itching soreness and burning pain of piles any longer. Here is ren! help for you, Ort a package of Hem: Roid, an In. ternal pila treatment, at any drug store and use ax directed, You will be pleased at how quickly your pile trouble is re- lieved, Only $1.59 for the big 60 tablet package. If you are nat 100% pleased | by | It seemed to me best to end the ssibility of travel or some | - MARY HAWORTH MAIL Marriage Ends By Mutual Consent Man Reviews Story, Asks Guidance Dear Mary Haworth: When we | TRACES HISTORY married 15 years ago, I loved my| Dear . Y.: Your lengthy recital, wife deeply. In fact I adored her, | here cut to a fragments doesn't try and she loved me until she became | to link Jane's illness to her par- ill, We had one child--a daugbter | ents' self-serving bias. But un- now 13--and were very happy W- doubtedly there Is a connection gether the first six years, n | between her disorganized person- gradually over the next eight years my wife showed progressive signs of mental illness, I had bought her a house and a car and sent her to two art schools to make her more happy and content, Her parents were sym- pathetic to my efforts at first; but when 1 suggested state hospital care for Jane, they grew hostile and said 1 hadn't done en ugh for her, that 1 should have given her the house, etc, sooner, 1 couldn't afford it before. . . To please the parents, 1 borrowed money to pay for expensive spe- clalist care, She was diagnosed a milk paranoid schizophrenic and iven insulin shock treatments, She ecame more sociable, but also more deceitul and foolish, with ' ality and their childish dissembling and characteristic sentimental humbug which covers a hostile de- fensiveness toward "outsiders." Jane Is a vietim of unhealthy family influescing from away back it seems, And yet, at best, in the most favorable conditions of up- bringing, she might always have been a sensitive plant, perhaps better suited to the simplicites of a spinster routine than to the com- lex obligations implicit in wife- food, motherhood and conjugal ove, Inasmuch as Jane's parents were more concerned with saving face, and In coddling Jane at your ex- nse, than in getting down to rass tacks to cure her illness if possible, your hands were rather closely tied, in that matter of try. ing to help her. Thus, you prob | ably did as much as you could for | her, in the circumstances, in string. | ing along to cushion her distress | with specialist care, as she would permit--until her family turned | against you, | NO VISITS NEEDED i As to whether you acted rightly | | in negotiating a divorce, that is | this patiently for a while, but for your i BS to say, Overtly | finally set the doctor straight . . .|you" were justified, perhaps, es-| n a few monhs she wag despon- | pecially if your daughter's welfare | dent and difficult again, and an: | was at stake. But if you continue | other psychiatrist found Wer ser-|to feel compassionate concern lously ill, mentally, But she re | about vour wife's condition, that | fused treatment, saying she hated | is to your credit, surely, [ him, and that he and | both were | considered, | see no good reason | crazy, Our daughter confided to|to promote visits between mother | me that her mother kicked her in | and daughter, if they aren't spon- fits of Tage, and the child wanted | taneously drawn together by re-| to leave the unhappy home and the | ciprocal affection. da mother who didn't love her, | Will Jenny get along all right My In-laws refused to believe | Without a mother? My advice is to | these things and began to talk of | get firsthand psychological counsel, divorce, saying I wasn't "the man | #8 to how to compensate to her,! for Jane," and that her condition | a strange laugh. Her parents heard from the doctor that she was mentally ill and that I was a good provider and loving hus. band, but she didn't want me sex ually, THEY DISTRUST HIM Later she entered, into a flirta- tion with the doctor (he was 64, | she 1 at the time); and I bore By ALICE BROOK For now, a dress from rem- | nants to make for school or a|warmth that was almost frozen | pretty party dress sleeves and embroidered collar, Send now and make both ver- sions! Thrifty! Pattern' 7046: Child's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Tisue pattern, embroi- dery transfer. State size Ha Send TWENTY - FVE with puffed cannot be accepted) to Times-Gazette Household Arts De- partment, Oshawa, Ontario, Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- TERN NUMBER and SIZE, | father-wise, for the shortage of wholsome mother-love In her life,' (cHILD GUIDANCE | | ciates CENTS All things | in coins for this pattern (stamps | Daily | | Breast-Fed Babies, Healthier Says Modern Medical Science By G, CLEVELA! > MYERS | F. Truby King, writes: "There i In the home where Mrs, Myers |a special a; intimate relation: and I now live, according to the ship between the milk of family record, five young children, | mother and the needs of her own years ago before the days of toxin- | offspring." anti toxin, all died within a few | xperts also tell us that the weeks, The nursing baby escaped | mother of the new baby unques- ir story goes, the pa " fonably Sets Ne " rents | ma sical col n if she n always believed that the haber 3 | her " y. reast-feeding provide: m t Aren't mothers tied down immunity | breast-feeding? by FOR HEALTHIER BABIES | Wit, the advice of the . Modern medical science has | trician, the mother early may sub- found that this could be 50. stitute a bottle for one feeding a Breast-fed babies are more likely | day, providing for emergencies and to live and grow up. They gain in letting her get away for reason- rowth more consistently, have | able periods. And there's no stir- ewer allergies, have fewer skin | ring about on a cold night to get a and digestive disorders, and longer stenizied bottle and warming it for a screaming baby. Too, a mother can take the baby on pic- nies, or to Grandmas, without lug- ging a whole drugstore with her, OTHER CASES There are, of course, some women who feel nursing distaste. ful, and a few others who have little or no natural food supply, Unfortunately, some hospitals natural immunity to many dis- cages. Moreover, the breast - fed {baby is less Hiely to develop aeding Djobloma™ ater.) He asso- from the beginning with love and cuddling, He thinks food is fun, So say the: experts. Leading hospitals are now ac- tively promoting old . fashioned breast-feeding of babies. Eminent physicians, such as Benjamin], THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, Janvery 17, 1955 ® ' DESSERT OMELETTE tablespoons flour tablespoons sugar egg yolks eg whites ME i ad sughe together our and sugar and add to besten eff yolks. Add egg whites and beat stiff but not dry. Fold yolk mix ture into whites, Melt a little {in a heavy frying pan, Pour in | i xture and cook using low powdered sugar Jhieag with jelly. Yield, 4 vals to jucre a8 the new m supply. re mot seeking what should fore entering the hospi are choosing the hospital a genuine interest nursing. y bulletin "A Baby pected" may be had by self-addressed, stamped env: to me in care of this newspaper.) Getfing Up Nights for Yor quick comfort) , Ni Rs urine, lriiating passages Ex a matic Pains, phys ed to give new mothers stil Spock, John Montgomery and hn 39, or so-called * un" John Parks, have helped America | piijs ag iti it ela that | reali: that mothers and babies | | both profit from the Intimacy and |. few stil do. Yet some pedia- | in hospitals are finding' Sous of energy due Blader troubles, try orn Gu 0] complete satisfaction or money back, ovef "n Sillion OYSTEX tablets usd prove safety, success. 't sul witha t asking your druggist for BEY, | out of many streamlined "scien- | | tific' nurseries in recent years, | | The popular idea that modern | | young women rae 'to civilized" | lor "too nervous' or breast-feed. | | ing has been shattered, The fa- | mous New Zealand specialist, Dr, | STOPPED IN A JIFFY or money back Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid D.D.D. Prescription positively relieves raw red ltch=-caused by eczema, rashes, scalp irritation, chafing--other itch troubles, Grenseless, stainless, 39¢ trial bottle must | satisfy or money back, Don't suffer, Ask your druggist for D.D, D, PRESCRIPTION, ® Trays @ Candy Dishes was a nervous breakdown caused personality clashes with me marriage, so I filed suit for di vorce, and Jane responded with a trumped-up counter claim, As she finally agreed to a reasonable set- tlement giving me custody of the child, 1 let her get the divorce on her cross-suit, Did I handle the problem rightly? Will Jenny get along all right with out a mother? Now Jane wants an apartment In the city, where, as she says, she can 'Just be down and cry and not be bothered by anyone," She doesn't visit our daughter, who volées no Interest in her, Should I take Jenny to see her occasionally? 1 am a sadly perplextd man, 8, Y. during the late fall, November and | December will be fine for creative | enterprises, A child horn on this day will be extremely practical, conserva-| tive and methocial in all things, "I know, LOOK IN THE useful articles teacher!" On display at: YELLOW PAG S toll "where to buy it!" YEUow 61 KING ST. E. WHITE ETCH CRAFT KIT A New Hobby Item for You... "Metal Etching In Aluminum" Using original designs specially prepared for the making of: ® Ornamental Wall Decorations and many other You can create these items through a non-ocid etching process. BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN @® Ash Trays @ Casters PAGES Sat., Jan. AAA DEMONSTRATION OF METAL ETCHING 22-10 a m.-6 p.m, You're entitled to be demanding when you buy a fine car after using Hem Roid 2 tor 3 days, a a test, ask for vour money back, Refund 1] pent ov all drug stores, QUALITY FUEL OIL -- EXPERT SERVICE wae : Te 4 A A A 4 ¥ N True happiness springs from Moderation w= GOETHE Tune - 1832) When you invest in a fine car, we think you have a right to expect that it stand out from the old or commonplace. You want it to look totally different from last year's models . . . entirely apart in every detail from other cars, You'll find such individuality in the beautiful new Chrysler! Here is beauty such as you have never seen before . . . unique design characteristics tisat you can identify a mile away! Look at some of the dis- tinguishing hallmarks of the Chrysler New Yorker DeLuxe pictured below. There's no mistaking the new Chrysler grille ... . or that bold, spearlike accent running the length of the side . . . or the magnificent, foot-tall Twin Tower taillights, Chrysler is the only car in its field matic Chryaler New Yorker DeLuxe 250 hp, transmission, . something not borrow belong a. 4 LA 4 that has a new body for 1955. It's longer, lower, sleeker in every flowing line and classic contour. It's motion- designed to impart The Forward Look of eager action, even when the car is standing still. Here is unique performance, too. The power of leadership is yours when you command the superb 250-horsepower FirePower V-8 (or the 188-horsepower Spitfire V-8in Windsor DeL.uxemodels). And incomparable driving ease is yours with 8mooth, quiet' PowerFlite auto- beautifully and Yes, you're entitled to something apart . from yesteryear or shared with the crowd . . . when you buy a really big new car. That's why you a Chrysler. ed Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation in WER TRAIN rr NIA Yy1S8S1T YO UR C HRY S'LER-PLY HACKNEY MOTOR SALES 149 KING ST. W., OSHAWA MOUTH-FARGO DEAL totally new for 1955 of Canada, Limited E R SOON BROCK STREET MOTORS 1003 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY