& THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Saturdey, Pebrusry 18, 199% WHITBY and DISTRICT SOME WINNERS AT KING STREET CARNIVAL Some of the colorful costumes worn at the King #t, School Car: The wide variety of costumes worn at the King St, School Car. nival yesterday can be seen in this group of the winners in the nivel is evident in this pleture of the girl prizewinners in the cos Pupils Of King Street Hold Annual Ice Carnival King #t, School held thelr annu- al Carnival at the Whitby Com. munity Arena yesterday Lhe ice was a mass of color as | the children, whose ages range from (ive to ten years old, took 0 | the jee in their various costumes, 0 compete in the 13 costume events, The costumes of the children represented almost every walk of life, past and present, and many story-book characters could be seen, There was a predominance of western costumes, one of the "gowboys" being Just old enough to skate, while two "Supermen' in one , there was & great deal of originality in the dresses of the kiddies, with such novel costumes as 'King Arthur," "Rob. in Hood," "Aunt Jemima," and one pupll, keeping abreast of the times, appeared as a Console Tele: vision set, The difficult task of selecting the winners from each group lay on the shoulders of Rev, J, Ward, Rev, M, J, Catheart, and Rev, J, M, Bmith The Prizewinners of the cos: tume events were as follows KINDERGARTEN ROYS 1, Rocky Rilly Johnson; 8, Stewart Fergus. on; 4 Tony Sala; 5, Peter Kern: er GIRLS 1, Joanne McGahey; 2. Madine Pilling; 8, Valene Me: Coy; 4 Dorothy Ann Dair; §, Janis Hall, ROOM 1, ROYSR 1. Brian Wadel; Michael Walker; 3. Terry Rell GIRLS 1, Nada Lee Quinton; 2. Linda Speers; 3, Kathy Wells; Donna Smith (tle) Fuscoe; 2. | ? Patty O'Donahue; 8, Trudy Hutch. ins, ROOM 6, BOYS 1, John Tomkins; Victor Diamond; 4 Herby Gray GIRLS], Cathy Cuddy, Cheryl Smith (te); 4 Ann Henstock; 4, Barbara Breckenridge, ROOM 7 BOYS ~~ 1, Barry Goode; 3, ftew Evans; 8, Martin Inkpen, GIRLS ~ 1, Maralin Archer; 2, Christine Bowen; 8, Eileen Goode, ROOM 8, BOYS = 1, Noel Mowat; 3 Lance Sandon; 8, John Brady, GIRLS - M June Beolt, Mar; Low Cuddy (tie); 3. Marlene Jack: won; 3, -- ensing. After the costume events, there were races run, one for each age group, The distance was increased for the older pupils, until the 10 years and over group skated a course right round the arena, The winners of the races were: KINDERGARTEN BOYS - 1, Bill George Reeson, GIRLS -- 1, Dorothy Ann Dair; 2, Barbara Hicks, 6 YEARS OLD BOYS 1, Brian 1 George MeC nhety. GIRLS Elaine Howard; & Judy Foster 7 YEARS OLD BOYS = 1, Don Wright; Archer, GIRLS ~ Heustock, Vieki Basher (tle), § YEARS OLD BOYS | Brian Mandrel, GIRLS 1. Cherry Smith; 8 Margaret Homes, # YEARS OLD BOYS 1, Barry Goode; 2. Lar Johnson; 8, Wadel; Steve Reeaon; 2 ROOM 4 ROYS 1. David Wright; Billy Brown; 3 Bob Come GIRLS 1, Helen Rremner; 2 Karen Jones; Patsy Corette, ROOM 5, BOYS 1. George Loeps) 2 John Thorndyke: 8. Terry Smith GIRLS 1, Reverly Hicks Flying Saucers May Be Genuine TORONTO (CP) Mrs, Helen | Rogers Reid, chairman of the hoard of the New York Herald Tribune, sald Thursday flying sau- cers may be more than Just phe nomena Mrs. Ried, bh} V {ry Waltham, Raymond Reeson | (He) GIRLS 1, D, Bell; 3, Wanda Wilson, Tessie Rriant (tle), (10 YEARS AND OVER | BOYS 1, Gordon Townsend; 2. David Rowe | GIRLS 1, ' Retty Spencer, Barbara Forte; 1, scientific progress to the Empire Club, sald trustworthy persons are | convinced the flying saucer objects | tist Church, Whiths. {are of Interplanetary origin---prob ably from Venus, She added that | R | sue h observation by reliable peo: | le * 'give substance to a phenom: | | enon ahout Which we need In an address on ' know _more,' BROC WHITBY Phone 8-3618 (NOoLaviiG) sy rl Ra \ Songs ow MONONAN © HAN Also Choreography by Michael Kidd + Words and Music by SYLVIA FINE « wines, Produces and Directed by NORMAN PANAMA ang MELVIN FRANK «4 paramount Mens CARTOON - SPORT . NOVELTY EVENING SHOWS 79 PM, The Ne. | Song-and-Dance Clown at his best Cue MA! ZETTERLING 2] | boys' ile, 2. Ron | funds 1, Jane Radis; 2. Anne (dance and hox I fume events To Raise Funds For Instruments Final arrangements have now heen completed for the dance and hox-social sponsored by the Whit: by Police Band to raise funds for supplies for the band, Chief Con. stable Charles Fletcher, president of the band, states that Whitby eltizens will shortly he approached by members of the department and members of the band for ad. vance sale tickets, The event, to be held at the Leg: fon Hall on Friday, March 4th, Is the seconnd such to be held by the band, Last year, when the band was being formed, a dance and box social was held to raise money to pay for costly repairs to hand Instruments, Since that time, some 46 persons, many boys, have join A Clar hey have only played In an 0 on one occasion, the Santa Claus Parade, early In December, Shortly, If weather per- mits, townsfolk will hear them out ilde practising for the centennial In June, However, Bandmaster Clarke is inviting any who are in terested to attend at the Counell Chambers on Thursday evenin If they wish to hear the vy men at practice With added interest shown in the band, the exec utiveg now finds it necessary to purchase at least three new instruments for players Nome of the older instruments als so ned repairs and It is hoped to be i ile to purchase some type of | band uniform for the members | before the centennial, To raise for these projects, they [have decided to = hold another social, Advance sale of tickets will be distributed )y any member of the police des partment and many of the bands. DAY-BY-DAY WHITBY The Red Cross Work rooms will be opened on Wednesday aller noon, All stitchers are requested | 10 come out as they are considers ably behind in thelr work, WORLD'S DAY OF PRAYER The Women's World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, | February 25, at 4 p.m, in the Bap Mrs, M, Cat cart will be the speaker and Mrs, Hall, the soloist. A cordial in. vitation is extended to all women of Whithy and district and it large attendance STRUCK BY TRUCK Eight-year-old Linda Hartwig, of Whithy Township, afternoon treated for bruises and burns following a close brush with death when she was struck by a passing truck, Witnesses stated that Linda wa running across the Highway 12, in front of her home, about a half mile north of the town limits when she collided with a truck driven by Matt Agar, of Rrooklin, She was treated at her home and not removed to hospl WHITBY LADIES CIGARETTE LEAGUE " " Win Team standing Players, Sportsman, M8; Buckingham Sweeteaps, 30; Exports, 22 chester, 19 High triple C. Denyer, 850 H, Watson, 562: Mikieil, 5&2; D Gordon, A ¢ E Ada an A M P Ww Hancock, E, Moore, H, Tutt, 430, Melrose, A524 Grey, 803; | Moore, I'he Bres alin prises to | Reining, KE. Hancock go CORMORANTS INCREASING More than 2.000 pairs of double crested cormorants, now nest Maine's Museongus Ray herd were only four pairs a 101, In| to | hoped that there will be a very student hody bh Was yesterday |... | 5 ra, Ng FOR SALE--KITONEN TV Anima, in goed condition, To Rid Purchase | Of Projector The regular monthly meeting of the CWL was held in the school on Mondey, VFebrusry 7, with thirty members present, The presi dent, Mrs, L, Ruest, presided, A Day of Reparation to Our Lady has been planned for April, Arrangements were completed | for the Canadian Register Cam- paign under the convenorship of Mrs, J. M, MacDonald, Assistance will be given Sister Leon in the purchase of 8 pro Jeetor for Bt, Bernard's School, Miss M, Foy completed her se ries of lectures on the Constitution of the League, speaking on the duties of councillors and chairmen of standing commitiees, Mrs, O'Hagen and her commit. Lee served refreshments CLOSE MATERNITY WARD TROY, N. Y, (AP)~'The mater: nity division of $, Mary's hospital here hms been closed for the second time in six months because of an outhreak of infant diarrhen, The first outhreak caused several deaths, IN HIGH SCHOOL HALLS SHIRLEY FARNDALE On, ¥ridey morning, the girls of | the Drama Club entertained the "presenting the play "To Many Marys," This ton fom. edy was fnjoyed hy he studen and, Judging from the snicke: " from the stage, was enjoyed hy the cast also, There's only one thing bothering me, Who painted that ultra-modern pleture? No re flexion meant on the rt Club, Also on Friday, t antam and Junior teams $f two exhibi- tion games with Bowmanville, The Junior) in winning still another game, At the end of the first half, the score was 24 to 19 for Whitby, The final score was 60 to 43, As you can see, Whithy led all the way, Whithy's highest scorer was Gordon Platt who net ted 21 points, Fowler of Bowman ville gained 13 points for his team, tion and Broduction of our school magne. The Hip-Lite, Thursday night there will | he a parents, night at the whoo), | The Drama Club will present two #| plays, One, "Campus Brides," the other, "Too Many Marys," The Glee Club will entetriain between plays, On Wednesday afternoon at 2:50 pm, the Career Day was held, Hpeakers from many professions Advised the interested students about how they could become good lawyers, teachers, business women, and architects, The ad: vice was appreciated by all During Assembly period on Friday, the Junior and Senior Tamblyn Contest will be held, This should prove to he very in teresting to the student hody, The Bantams also tr d thelr Bowmanville opponents, At the completion of the first hall, Bow: manville was one up on Whithy . 12 to 11, but this wasn't the case for long, The final score was 38 to 26 for Whithy, David Chubb gained 15 points for Whithy and Smith and Lewis of Bowmanville gained #§ points each, It takes al: most two of Bowmanville's top scorers to come up to Whithy's highest scorer he Saturday Morning League met and played agam on Satur. day morning Lawrence Sobezack's team was beaten 41 to 58 by Ray Ottenbrite"s, Paul Richardson's team managed to defeat Russ Dodd's 40 to 20 VISIT PICKERING On Monday afternoon, &_ group of our students went to Pleker: ing to entertain the students dur: ing an assembly period, Margie Frost and Catherine Bush render: ed a vocal duet, Shirley Cormack nresented a soft-shoe tap dance Both were accompanied at the plano hy Margaret Webber Doug: las Heard gave a few of his clever recitations and Call Man- son played a plano solo, Hob Pearse explained the organiza- Whitby Classified NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this column mu be In the Whithy office b La , the day preced: ing wd on, SITTING ROOM, nD. FOR RENT BE oi sult one or two, hoard optional, 498 (Palace BL URNER supply hone Mo, 8 hh oll range, with two Ahg FOR RENT "TWO : LARGE FURNISH od rooms, heated, with 'frig. 880 month Mrs, Simpson, 1181 Dundas East, Whithy, WANTED TO RENT--FARM, IN WHIT: hy Distriet, Write full partioulars ta Box 8, TimesGasette, Whithy a E INSULATION, BLOWING hi HOD. Free Estimates, A] 1C wi ol CLEANED KE _ BANITARY AY ALTER WARD, Whithy. Phone MO, 8 hi Feb, WANTKD 10 BUY POULTRY, HIGH. oat pricesi alsa feathers, new and old, Phone Jake Parker, 80488, mornings or after 8 Veb 3b FOR BALE «= CARROTS, bushel, Phone MO; 88180 FEMALE HELP WANTED--WANTED Ntenographer, must have shorthand, Fx perience preferred, Apply Arthur Welsh, Court House, Whithy Ae W, 0 per an ROOMY APARTMENT, hot water heited, kitehen with hullt:in ouphoards, heavy wivings, tied floors, private entrance, Possession February 18, Phone MO, S308. Wa FOR RENT TWO LARGE ROOM apartment, heated, lighta and water in: eluded, Tmmediate possession, Apply " Dundas weit LL FOR RENT Adetionaer E. J. POMERY Dial Oshawa 3- 3036 SKATES SHARPENED Only 25¢ Why pay mere? QUINTON'S SHOE REPAIR 225 Brock St, South Tues, Thurs, Sat. tf, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN M, PODPALLOCK All persons having claims against the estate of John M, Podpallock, late af Whitby Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of November, 1954, are hereby notified to send in ot the undersigned Personal Repre sentative of the said decensed on or hefore the 7th day eof March, 1955, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only 1a claims of which it shall then have notice DATED at will Toronto this ded day of February, AD 1958 THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION and MARY GASCOIGNE PODPAL LOCK, FExecutors, Bay and Melinda Streets, Toronta, On tario, by RICHARDSON A MACMILLAN, their herein Saligit Feb. §,12.19, E98 BUTT RADIO VI0 Brock 51, 5, Whithy MO, 8:3707 GUARANTEED OIL BURNER CLEANOUTS 24:HOUR SERVICH WILSON AUTOMATIC HEATING Y %% OSHAWA 10 WASHER (HEALS work Guerantend, Complete sheek wp, Wringer ve ond hanged, rollin In sosk, Special price on semplete avers hauls, BUTT RADIO 118 Brock a ne 3 Ariane MO, b:3707 ee COMING TO OSHAWA THE SHOE WITH THE BEAUTIFUL FIV WATCH MONDAY'S PAPER YOUR OLD WASHER IN WORTH ON A NEW Inglis You'll ba the anvy of your nelghbon With thin, the mest beautiful wash: or aver, And you'll have mare time SELLING OUT SALE 10% reduction on all grocery lines, from FEB- RUARY 14th to FEBRUARY 19th, Cloverleaf Grocery will be permanently closed February 19th, PREVER LIVE INU, 8, MEXICO CITY (AV)~A Meni {of og portirrrH /A can lawyer and iticlan said | workers who went to the Tuesday thet 250,000 Mexican farm | contract decided to shy wr workers who crossed Ud we, the | about 200,000 welbatin United tates In 1954 did not re-|farm workers) made | turn, Juan Ignacio Padilis, head of elsion WHITBY CHURCHES CLOVERLEAF GROCERY 1103 BROCK STREET SOUTH -- WHITBY 3, a els o,--ty- RRB ° Whitby Centennial Week BEARD GROWING CONTEST THE SALVATION ARMY 211 BROCK STREET SOUTH LIEUT, NORMAN COLES LIEUT, ALBERT MARSHALL CORPS OFFICERS SUNDAY SERVICES CONDUCTED BY a BRIGADIER AND MRS. ALFRED DIXON ' Divisional Leaders For Mid-Ontario 11,00 AM, = 7.00 PM.: Sunday School 2,30 P.M, You Must Not Miss Hearing These Dynamic Speakers, Be Sure To Attend And Bring A Friend ! Monday, February 14 Registration Forms Available of HURLEY'S FISH AND OHIP STORE All contestants Thust register, TURKEY DINNER 1.25 SUNDAY == 4 PM, 7 P.M STEAKS @ CHOPS @ SHORT ORDERS ® HOME MADE DESSERTS THE DAIRY RANCH No: 2 Highway == 1 Mile West of 4 Corners WHITBY CONSULT US!... For MODERN methods of Decorating, Wa have complete stocks of BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON DECORATING CONTRACTORS ; Phone Scorka Me" ass ATlontlc 2-0961 Kingston Rd, ot Lansing Cutoff WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev, John M, Smith Mrs, V, Rows, ATEM, Minister Organist Morning Worship == 11 AM, "WHEN GOD INTERRUPTS" Evening Worship == 7 P.M, REY, AE. YOUNG B.A, of Pickering will be the guest minister St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON & ST, JOHN ST, REY, D, MARSHALL MRS, P, N, SPRATY ORGANIST MINISTER 11 AM~MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM, ~=Beginners Class 7 P.M ~EVENING SERVICE 9.45 AM. Sunday School & Bible Class ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH WHITBY, ONTARIO Rev. M, J, Catheart, B.A, L. Th, Restor Sunday Services February 13th Sexogesima 9:00 AM. ==HOLY COMMUNION 10/00 AM~SUNDAY SCHOOL 11100 AM ==MORNING PRAYER, INSTALLATION OF CHURCH OFFICERS 3:00 PM~~YOUNG PEOPLES' BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M ~~EVENING PRAYER WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH REV, J, M, WARD, Minister Mrs, W. KE G, Summers, AT.CM, Organist 11 AM==MORNING WORSHIP 10 AM==BIBLE SCHOOL ° id P.M EVENING SERVICE Tuesday, 8 p.m Brotherhood Wednesday, 8. p.m. ==Midwesk Meeting "Thic Birt of Your St. John's Anglican Church At Victoria ond Brock RECTOR == THE REV, A, £ KIMP 11.00 AM, --HOLY COMMUNION Will Pay for Heelf| Whether you're building that dream house or bringing your present | home up to date, be sure you install Timken Silent Automatic Oil | Heat! The dependable well-flame oil burner saves up to 25% or more | on fuel bills, helps keep walls, floors and furnishings clean, and pro: | vides the whole family with even, healthful warmth, These savings will quickly prove the wisdom of your choice, You'll find your Timken Silent Automatic will actually pay for itself! Phone today and mk about Special Budget Terms on an early installation, 'WHEE EalCN Selenl Soils sneedee OIL, IREATY to de the things you want because it's sembautamatie, With the ex elusive Hersules Meshaniimo=uitras modern down to the fear design five averting eotten = Canada's safest heavy «duty wringer with ohroma-plated drain hoards and sontral handles «= double safety ollsatep = pump santral and eles trisal sonteal timer gonveniently lees ated on the sential panel == pares: loin tub and sents drain w= some plete with autematie pump, MEAGHER'S 92 SIMCOE N COMPACT OIL BOILERS provide all the benefits of autamatic haat at its glean, quiet, theifty best, EFFICIENT WALL. FLAME BURNERS are designed to At all shapes and sizes of furnaces and boilers, RELIABLE OIL FURNACES bring to svery awner the wimest in complete winter alr sonditioning, Proudly Sold and Installed by ALBERT RANDALL & SON 412 Chestnut St, Phone MO, 8.2991 WHITBY Preacher: The REV, H, D, CLEVERDON, Rector of Christ Chureh, Oshawa, Rural Dean of Ontarle, The members of the W.A, will moke their corporate communion 7.00 P.M, --EVENING SERVICE 7.45 P.M Showing of the film "London Crusade" Soloist; MRS, RONALD NUEN of Torente EVERYONE WELCOME FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 421 Brock Street North, Whitby Pastor: Rev, E, C. Corbett, B.Th, 10 AM. OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR 11 AM, "THE CHRISTIAN'S WALK" 7 PM, "THE CHILD WITH 7 NAMES" Our Paster will be preaching both services, Guest Soloist, Miss Verna Syme, of Toronte, Special music, our Gospel Orchestra, Supervised nursery and sw parking available, Our radio broadeast is recorded duri RA evening service, Visitors are especially welcome, Mear * TIDINGS" over CKLB 10:45 am, Sundays THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 413 JONN 87, PHONE 2978 Pastor: 0. MaePHERSON "The Church of the Old-Fashioned Gospel" Saturday, February 12 - 7:45 YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY In Council Chambers Speaker REV. NORM SCHLARBAUM, Dean of Men in Eastern Pentecostal Bible College Sunday, February 13 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM and 7 PM, ~--Rev. NORM SCHLARBAUM will be ministering at both services The Trio will be bringing Instrumentals and singing on both Saturday and Sunday Missionary Service has just arrived from Africa will be speaking, Wednesday, 8 p.m. = REV. R. PEEL who