SS ------ ; ie ie he aaah ie Seb a Ba i ai aa gai Chl com HS JR Ao Uh eae at de i a i da y A me rR er, Kathy Reeve; litle home: Jud les also, danced 3 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Salorday, May 21, 1958 two members, Plans were made| WW Jr. Kaiky Rese: ite Soma 00. ny a 4 fay folk dange, a a for catering for a wedding in June. | First class badges: Carolyn #0 "T0087 JO ALDWINCKLE DIAL RA, 3.3474 gis, et seri, br ee SAT. NITE Twelfth Guide Company Holds Annual Mother, Daughter Banquet" Trainer, Mrs. Winter and Mrs, Mrs Wilson the fobs | The Twelfth Oshawa Guide Com- Gordon, Carolyn Mann and Eliza. scripture, Mrs, Clayton Lee read a , "In God We Trust but How." The devotion closed with & hymn. Several of the women versés sent by Mrs, Arthur fvres, a former member of the| Mrs, Arthur Walker reported that flowers and cards had been | sent to the sick, Mrs. Alex Maracle reported there will be no quilting on Mon- day. Birthday greetings were sung | Gordon Twining. lowing badges to the brownies; lenger group was held on Thurs. | (olden Bars: Sharon Baldry, Gayle Lor. 2.00 a Couple y afternoon with Mrs, Clayton Crossman, Janet Reservations: RA 52737 idin| Leg presiding, read the WOMEN'S EDITOR THE HITCHIN' POST (Little Buckeroo Re Mary J aumme Irene Fro collectors: Myrtle Jackson, Jor program thy the Brownies enter: esented a t, witn World| tained ' MR. AND MRS. ER NEST BARKER for Mrs. Stewart Graham, ip to to J May 0 30 at one thirty, also set for the turkey supper, November 30 LYCCUM CLUB 4 The executive comui...ce of the] Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association met at the home of Mrs, W, J. Salter, King Street East, to discuss plans for a gar- den tea, to be held at the home of Mrs. G. D, Conant on Wednes- | day, June 22, and a play, Two | Gentlemen of Verona, by the ber 30 and the fall bazaar | Final plans were made for the milton on June 7, It was! to have a Fummage sale| Dates were | P CELEBRATE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY pany and Brownie Pack held their seventh annual mother and daugh- ter banquet at Northminster Unit: jouw, "rhe Table h_sprin e es were gay with spring flowers, Grace was said by the Reverend H, A, Mellow nd a "the | Reader was Was Zroposed lo Ti er Majesty tl Glover, presi-| © Seth of the bine 'group commit. tee welcomed the guests, Guide lieutenant Mrs. George Pearce introduced the head tab) guests as follows: the Reverend | yin Mrs. H, A. Mellow, Mrs. R, E, Witson, north district commission: and her daughter, me. J Kline of Halifax, N.S, Mrs, wit beth McKnight, ides pr oa og as its theme, The Mis. Wilson presenied the fol Ipwing Jadges: suier Carol, gH nl 0 olyn A abeth McKnight, Lapa ne yd n, Car Maw. Srabeth Keka a Gordon, ith el at ro, Mann, Judith Glover, Hiizaheth o| McKn t; ok, Carolyn Man health: Eliza! Sakon. Class ud 1 Charleen Tances Reeve; Globe trotter," Eiizsporh McKnight; hostess: RL Palt- Wide Circle Of Friends Compliment liam McNeill, house convener, Mrs, Well-Known Oshawa Couple Celebrate Golden Anniversary Last Saturday afternoon and evening, about 150 friends and rel- atives called at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ernest Barker, Clarke Street, to extend congratulations on their 50th wedding angiversary, The guests were received at the door by their daughter, Miss Ger- trude Barker, who was also in charge of the guest book, | Mrs. C. C. Baxter poured tea. The tea assistants were Mrs. G Cuthbert, Mrs. R. Dewland, Mrs, E. W, Barker and Mrs, C, Mec Grath, Mr, and Mrs, Barker were mar~ ried in Nottingham, England, on May 13, 1905. They came to Canada | in. 1005 and resided in Toronto for | 24 years and moved to Oshawa in| 1920, Mr, Barker operated the Pet stock Supply Company from 1927 to 1948 when he retired from bus- iness, Mr. and Mrs. Barker were the recipients of many beautiful gifts, including a tri-light lamp from the neighbors, Numerous cards and floral gifts were also received, Congratulatory letters were re- ceived from the Honorable George Drew and Mrs, Drew and Michael Starr, MP, A gift and telegram were received from the Honorable Leslie M, Frost, Premier of On- tario, Among the oss was Mrs, T. E, Squires who was Mrs, Barker's bridesmaid, 50 Jeats ag ago. Guests were present from ville, Brampton, Toronto and ok Sound. CaM TI Hx 92 YEARS ( 0 etly observing her birthday WS is Mrs, J. E. Taverner who lives with her daughter, Mrs, William Griffin, Dearborn Ave nue. Mrs. Taverner. was born on a farm situated at the corner of Woodbine and Danforth Avenues, Toronto. In 1953 she had 122 ! | great LD TODAY descenoants;: seven four sons, 51 grandchildren, 58 grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. There have been several additions to the third and fourth generation since then ~-Times-Gazette Staff Photo daughters, GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES NORTHMINSTER WA (Group Two) Group two of the WA of North minster United Church met the home of Mr, Peter Lofthouse, King ston Road, East with 21 members and one visitor mn attendance. Mrs. Fred Wood 'opened the meeting with prayer. The scripture was read by Mr, George Gibbard Mrs. Fred Harris, catering con for a wedding June 11 o'clock, The bazaar would be open- coming tea and bazaar to be held vener, stated the group would cats Final plans weve made for forth- annual strawwberry supper at the at the church on May 25 at § church, June 22 Gr oup two wilt be in charge of the June WA meet- at the church on June 1 roup meeting for June will be advanced one week earlier and presen 4th A be ot luck supper at the home of "Mrs. Arthur Sargant on June 14. Birthday greetings were sung for Mrs. Fred Harris and Mrs. Ewart Cornish, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Fred Hansell, Mrs. Roy Kellett, Mrs, C. C. Keeler, WILLING WORKERS The regular meeting of the Will- int Workers group of Harmony United Church was held recently with Mrs. Harvey Rice presiding. Worship service was In the Earle Grey Company of Toronto, | to be presented on the terrace at Adelaide House on Thursday eve- ning, June 23, prior to the open ing of their 7th consecr tive son of the Shakespeare festival in Toronto, Officers and members of the Toronto branch are expected for the garden tea and it is hoped that some of the members of the cast will be among the guests, Other" attractions were planned including a display of pottery made by the ceramic group of the PERSONALS The regional conference of East ern Canada of Soroptimist Inter- national is being held in Montreal this weekend, e following from Oshawa and district are attending: Mrs. Olive Petley, Miss Grace Win- nell, Miss Jean Scott, Miss M, F, cMahen, Miss Maude Bassett, Mrs. L. Jackson and Mrs, F. Park, Guests from out of town at the Abramoff-Jones wedding included Mr, and Mrs, F. E, Privett, Mr, Robert Privett, Mrs, Isabel Lar- will, North Bay; Mr, and Mrs, Nicholas Zadko, Mr, and Mrs, John Kirilrnko and Mr, and Mrs, Wil liam Abramoff, all of Toronto, Mrs, George Wells of Edmonton, Alberta is visiting her brother and sister, Mr, Walter Matthews, Crom- well Avenue, and Mrs, Edwin Pearson, Alice Street, Mrs, A. A, Crowle was Installed as a vice-president of the Domin- lon Council of the Woman's Asso ciation of the United Church of Canada at its 15th annual meet- ing on Thursday. Mrs, Crowle was also Appointed chairman of the or- janization committee, Mrs, W, C, of Bowmanville was elected fo "he executive committee. |"CLUB CALENDAR TUESDAY CGIT Auxiliary Re-Echo Lodge SA Home League Christ Church WA Canadian Legion Aux, Holy Trinity WA Holy Trinity Eve. Guild H. and 8, Council Jessie Panton Aux Court Oshawa, 10F Philathea Class Albert Street Jr. WA Calvary Baptist YWMC North Oshawa Jr, WA King Street Jr. WA Arvilla McGregor Aux Ladies' Aux. Ont. Regt, WEDNESDAY « SA Prayer Meeting Victory Lodge, LOBA Rebekah Lodge No. 3 St. John Amb. Brigade Storie Park Aux, Cheerful Givers. THURSDAY St. George's Eve, WA St. George's Aft. WA Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild Scout Mothers' Aux. ba Albert Street WMS Onward and Upward Grp. Oaklei, gh Lodge, LOBA King St. Young Adults AY RID. _ Patriarch Militant Aux: Coronation HS. Assn Holds Installation Mrs, Grenville Willams was in- stalled as president of Coronation! Home and charge of Mrs. Roy Terwillegar. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Harold Winter. Poems were read and prayer was offered by! Leonard | Mrs. Terwillegar. Mrs. Martin played the plano for the singing of the hymns Happy "birthday was sung fo for Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING ts its DANCE RECITAL Saturday, J 7:30 0.C. Adults 50¢ Information une 11,'55 P.M, V.l. Children 25¢ RA 3.7253 Keith's Kwips | " Is your wardrobe chained to you're in @ spot! But | con war. rant there will be no bam. te coming clean ot , , , New Service CLEANERS Is your wardrobe chained te "growing { old"' dinginass? A short term ot our clooners will give t-a new lease on lite, Diel RA 5.5733 School Association at For Pickup ond Delivery Mr. and Mrs. William A. Branton "You don't realize just how | many kind friends you have until an occasion like this comes along." Mrs, - William A, Branton hap- pily indicated the many hand W. E. McKinstry, Mrs. R, H, Tow ell, Mrs. Orland Orr - Miss Marie Marlowe, Mrs, Branton, the former Miss Louise Hunking, was born in Bow- gifts, flowers and greeting cards that she and her husband had re- ceived on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. The couple held open house at their home on Clarke Street last Saturday and during the afternoon some 200 visitors called to extend congratulations and good wishes, Guests were present from Toron- to, Omemee, Tillsonburg, St, Thomas, Nestleton, Port Perry, Agincourt and Bowmanville as well as Oshawa. Telegrams were received from Cleveland, Ohio; Muskoka, Renfrew and Bobecay- geon, and a long - distance tele- be" call came from a nephew, r. Haveland Marlowe in Mani ore receive, the 'bride of fifty years ago wore pale blue lace and crepe with a corsage of Talisman roses, and from her smiling coun. tenance few could guess that she was suffering from the after- effects of a bad fall, Mrs. Anthony Scott, their only daughter, acted as hostess for her |ed parents, and their granddaughter, Miss Ellen Louise Scott, kept the door. A great - niece, Miss Joanne Mackie, was in charge of the guest register. Pouring tea at a table centered with a bowl of fifty tawny gold roses were Mrs, S, J. Collacutt, Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs, N, H. Ed- gar and Mrs. Allan Glover in the afternoon, and the 'bride's sisters, Mrs. Alec Mackie of Nestleton, her bridesmaid; Mrs, Harry Brown, Oshawa; and Mrs. Harry Spry, Toronto; and the bride. groom's eldest sister, Mrs. E, Wil- son. of Toronto, Those serving incllfded Mrs. manville, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, 8, C. Hunking, She was married at her parents' home in North Oshawa, now part of the E. P, Taylor estate, Mr, Branton was born in Brook- lin, son of the late Mr, and Mrs, James Branton, Both are of English stock. Mr, Branton recalls that his father came to Canada in a sailing vessel about 85 years ago. Later he returned for his wife and family, The voyage, rough and un- comfortable, lasted nine weeks, Looking at least 15 years young- er, Mrs. Branton confessed to ing in her mid-seventies, She has good health; enjoys life, and says "the fifty years have gone like a dream." Mr, Branton a few years her senior, is enjoying his retire- ment from General Motors and is never happier than when 'work: that pack leader was 'unable to be present on ac- count of illness. Kn ht Gul sponded to by Mrs. R. had catered for the b Harry Trew, Miss Dorita Trew, Guide Xa Mes, L. G, Glover, Yao Flath, er Sinclair, Miss "Eizabeth Me- Knight, Nora McKnight, Mainds, brown owl, Mrs, tawny owl, Mrs, pack leader, and Mrs. Mrs, Pearse expressed regret orothy Gordon Elizabeth Me- i oposed a toast to the vement which was re- E, Wilson, Mellow brought greetings from Northminster United Church. Mary Lou Famme proposed a toast to the mothers to which Mrs, W. C. Famme respond: sang a song of thanks to the mem- bers of the ed, The brownies group committee who STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works Memorials ® Markers Member of the CANADIAN ASSOCIATION of MEMORIAL CRAFTSMEN, 318 Dundas 5¢. E., Whitby Phone MO 8-3552 30 SIMCOE ST, §. EXPERT CLEANING -- PROMPT SERVICE 3 Locations in Oshawe Plant -- 51 BURK ST, Branch Stores: 4 RITSON RD, N. at KING Dial 5-1 mm Mrs. Glover announced that Brownie day camp would be held be-|on June 11 and drumhead service on June 12, both at Cam and requested a good attendance, Samac, Mr, Mellow presented the Relig- om and Life badges to Guides e Cryderman, Judith Glover, John orothy Brown, Norma Caverly, ing around in the garden." They have always worked hard, They have no regrets, SOCIAL NOTICES "Young people today don't know what work is," Mrs, Branton add |. , "When 1 was a 1 we had to "do everything by pails of water to heat on a wood fire; scrub clothes on a board and iron them with a flat iron, "We were more contented than young people today, and there was far less crime." Mrs. portunity to recall bygone days with Mr, Levi Jones of Winnipeg, who had been re-visiting scenes of his boyhood in Har. mony. At one time the! tended Darlington Rural School, As a climax to the golden wed. ding celebrations a dinner Jay of 18 mem of the family was on Tuesday evening. its May meeting held recently, The other officers are as fol lows: vice-presidents, Mrs. J. R. Mathews and Mrs, Cyril Weyrich; recording secretary, Mrs. Jack Perry; corresponding secretary, Mrs, John Kauffman; treasurer, Mrs, O. R. Martin; executive, Mrs, C. H, McGahey, Mrs, D, I, McLeod, Mrs. C. G, Latta, Mrs, Orma Andrews; Mrs, L. L. Ander-|f son. Mrs. Uriah Jones presided for the installation, Mrs. A, J. Allen was presented with her past pre- sident's pin, Reports on the Home and | School's Convention at Toronto | were given by Mrs, John Kauff- man, Mrs. J. R, Mathews, and | Mrs, Grenville Williams, { End-of-the-year reports were gi- | ven by the various conveners. The room prize was won by Miss | Joyce Wooley's class Arrangements are being made {to hold a students' Field Day in June. Tea was served by the exe- | cutive Flower Fund Tea Draws Many Guests Charles Russell opened her as day for the annual oe fund tea of St. Andrew's United Church, The proceeds this tea help provide funds for flowers for the church and for the ill and shut-ins, The rooms were bright with lilacs and other flow ers and the dining table was set with white flowers and candles, Mrs. 'Russell "ud Mrs. H. E, Grose, president of the WA, res ceived the 'many guests. pouring tea were Mrs. John Rus. sell, mother-in-law of the hostess Mrs. P. G, Mason, flower nd convenor, Mrs. Alfred Austin and Mrs, Charles Yule, Mrs, E, F, Cuthbertson and Miss Vera Moyse presided in the living room. Mrs, 8. George Werry convened the dining room com- mittee and Mrs, 8, T, McTavish the kitchen, © Bookkeeping ® Typing r---------- Oshawa Business College 18 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario. Please Send Your HIGH SCHOOL .... 18 Simcoe St. North ®*NOTICE® We Are Now Accepting Applications For Summer School Courses Classes to Begin | JULY 4th and rue to AUG. 26th 9.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. Thdvanced ~Beginners for Grade § ond Wp ® Hy-Speed Long Hand ® Business Machines Students may begin a regular business course during summer school and carry on into the fall, Apply in Person or Clip and Mail Coupon Free Catalogue wo: Oshawa Business College i Dial RA 5-3375 0 nd, Carry | op heir Jaufiier, Shiri Doreen, to Paul Sobi Paul Sobil of Taunton, The mar- Ha e will take Branton has had an op-|,, ENGAGEMENT , W. uw Dodwell of son of Mr, and Mrs, lace on June 18, at 12 o'clock noon in St pr A) United Church, ENGAGEMENT : t ed of The pro Jean Marilyn Robb, Reg.N., daugh- er of Mr. and Mrs, John Harold Robb of Milliken, to Robert Charles Pardon, son of Mrs, mund Pardon of Oshawa, the late Mr, Pardon. The marriage is to take place quietly early in Robert Ed. and 28 KING ST. E. he - It's only seconds from you to our pharmacy! Just pick up your phone , . . our prescription department is always ready to serve you. Our pharmacists are always on duty -- ready to assist you, You can depend on us ALL the time for all your drug, toiletry and photographic needs: You will like our personalized service, RA 3.4621 REGULAR CITY-WIDE DELIVERIES "a ® Heavy-duty, -- yer SR TY > 8 nv [a ZN A > NN ¥a OSHAWA ORDER OFFICE Phone RA 5-4781 FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION CRAFTSMAN 18" POWER MOWER lightweight moter ® Safe, easy to push @ Cuts grass of any height ® Special offer, save $10.12 $64.88 Have your lawn cut free , . , with a Croftsman power mower. No obligation of course! Simply call Simpson-Sears Order Office RA 5-478] ond make an oppointment for a Craftsman expert to call on you, Due to the fact that these men will be in Oshawa for enly one week it will be necessary to restrict the number of lawns to be serviced. To be sure of getting your lawn done, phone for your appointment right oway. Both rotary ond reel type power mowers of various sizes will be demonstrated. On Display Now, At -- 43 Simcoe St. N, Oshawe