14 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 10, 1992 "Scugog"s Community Newspaper of Choice" Activities planned for break A March Break visit to Onta- rio Hydro's Energy Information Centre will be so much fun that children won't even realize how much they're learning. The centre is offering a wide range of special programs for children on the Pickering Nu- clear Generating Station, ener- gy management, and electrical safety. "Children can get in- volved in experiments and games. There will be bus tours, face painting, balloons and dai- ly draws. There will als vis- its by Wise Eyes, the sa owl and Les Watts, the ener, sav- ing light bulb. Drop in any time between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. beginning on March 16 and ending on March 20. Andit's all free. Additional programs are still being finalized. So, for more de- tails, phone the Energy Infor- mation Centre at (416) 839- 0465. All children must be ac- companied by an adult. 2:30 p.m. Maple sap flowing at Purple Woods It's maple syrup time at Purple Woods Conservation Area. The sap will be flowing during the month of March. Students from across Durham Region will learn how sap is made into maple syrup during school tours. Purple Woods Conservation Area also gives tours to the gen- eral public. On weekends, tours are given at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and The annual pancake weekend will be held Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29. Tours will be given every half hour from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wagon rides will also be available. THERE COMES A TIME TO PUT AWAY CHILDHOOD THINGS. BUT SOME THINGS WON'T STAY PUT! 293 STEREO ON VIDEOCASSETTE 99 Rent a VCR 54 4 . per week Daily Rentals also Available Stage Vo / 77704 Rea Grade 7 and 8 students at Immaculate Conception Catholic School have been busy rais- ing money for different charitable organizations. The students recently donated $120 they raised through hot dog and milk sales to the Circle of Light, a non-denominational fellow- ship program for all women in the community. The Circle of Light is held in the Immaculate Conception Church Hall from 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Women bring their own coffee mugs, a non-perishable item for the food bank and a morning smile. Babysitting is available. Th e donation from the students will be used to help cover the cost of the babysitting service. Presenting the cheque to Circle of Light members Regina Gedge and Linda Foy Murphy, Michelle Lavigne, and John Stephenson. (centre, back row) are students Mark Dunn, Julie & Saturday evenings - Bill Diel & Jocelyne No NIGHT CLUB X%¢» { RESTAURANT "The King and I" next musical | The Millar Lights will return to the Town Hall stage in Port Perry this spring with their pro- duction of Rodgers and Ham- merstein's famous broadway musical "The King and 1." Based on the book "Anna and the King of Siam" by Margaret Landon, the musical tells the story of the widow of a British Army officer who comes to the Royal Court of Siam in the 1860s as a teacher to the many wives and children of the King. This is a large, lavish produc- tion for the Millar Lights, a chil- dren's musical/theatre group founded by Tom and Catherine Millar - musical directors. The group has dazzled audiences with the high quality and vital-- ity of past productions such as "Guys and Dolls" and "Annie." "The King and I" with its blend of exotic orient and 19th century British culture, the huge cast of dancers, diplomats, court advisors, slaves and priests is the most ambitious production undertaken by the Millar Lights. Brad Goreski plays the role of King, with Christine Cook as Anna. The part of Tuptim is played by Melanie Winter and Matt McClelland is Lun Tha. Playing Lady Thiang will be El- lisa Blowe and other roles han- dled by Katie Burns, Gavin Stanley, Kingsley Malcolm and Kent Jamieson, veteran per- formers with the Millar Lights. The play is directed by Diane Lackie. "The King and I" opens April Nr GOURMET PIZZERIA 23 for nine productions on the following dates: April 23, 24, 25 and 30 and May 1,2,7, 8,9. The curtain for all shows is 8 p.m. Reserved seatingonly. Tickets are $10 each and are available at Irwin Smith Music, Queen St., Port Perry right across from the Town Hall 1873. For more information about the production please contact 985-8845 after 5 p.m. or 705-357-2340. Lafferty at Stage 9 A native of Oakville, Ontario, Peter Lafferty has been in- volved in the Toronto music scene for the past 12 years. A multi-instrumentalist, Peter plays guitar, keyboards, bass, and sings lead and backing vo- cals. H has worked with many Ct an acts including Alla- nah . idles, members of the Par- achute Club, The Pukka Or- chestra, childrens recording artists The Teds, and Rock/Poet Robert Priest. From 1984 - 1988 Peter worked in the United States, under the management of Lim- eliters Management Company, Nashville, Tenn. songwriting, recording, and doing extensive touring. He has written materi- al for the Chicago based band "The Shoes," New York record- ing artist John Gray, and the touring act "Layman in Para- dise." Currently Peter is a member of the duo "Second Sight" play- ing clubs in the Toronto area, as well as working as a studio Singer/Musician. Peter resides in Toronto and is in the process of shopping for management and a recording/ publishing deal. | \ SS ALAA II400401110 NANNNNNSE | | Ree \ I PALACE T° | I Buy | ENTREE & get the 2ndENTREE FREE 1 ] (of equal or less value) (Oa SSH) AIS Y od 211 Si I I Re 1 12 I | Lic wso Hwy. 12, North of Brooklin 655-8911 [J [J [ ° day & night ba | © Prime Rib Roast Beef Laffe rty A] : dinner with vegetables, Marc : . caesar salad arch ° & yorkshire . J ® J ® ® ® ® A A