"A Family Tradition for 126 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, May 26, 1992 - 25 Bus trip to Elgi SE -- The Month of May A merry month, the month of May, with air alive and hum- ming, as the birds on their tree- top perch, herald, the summer's coming; so let us take a leaf from the song bird's book, and shrug away the sorrow, no mat- ter how dark the days have been, it's going to be brighter to- morrow. Author unknown. Nestleton Women's Institute The May 13 meeting of Nes- tleton Branch was held at Nes- tleton Community Centre at 1:30 p.m. President Rika Wy- gerde opened the meeting with the Ode and Collect, and read a poem "The Little Things". Sec- retary Treasurer Neta Fish read the minutes and gave the statement of the treasurer. A thank you was signed for a do- nor of a recent donation. An in- vitation to attend the 80th anni- versary of Newtonville Branch, May 20, was accepted and four members will represent. the Nestleton Branch. The new pro- grams for 1992-93 were distrib- uted. Roll call: "Tell of your first job to earn money" was replied to by a variety of interesting an- swers. The report of the District An- nual of Durham West, held at Solina on May 6, was presented by District Director Gwen Mal- colm. Voting delegates were Rika Wygerde, Neta Fish, and Gwen Malcolm, with Winnifred Davison the driver. Mrs. Mar- garet Ford of Solina was elected the new President of the Dis- trict. «The successful plant and bulb auction was conducted by Presi- dent Rika, assisted by Grace Bajema. Lunch was served by Norma Frew, Gladys King and Gwen Malcolm. Nestleton Family News Russell and Edda Bowman of St. Christopher Beach, were de- lighted to have their daughter Pat Cornell of Etobicoke for the long holiday weekend. A time of visiting and reminiscing. How nice to see Edda and Russell Bowman when they stopped in at the farm this week. The S. Cawkers had a great visit with son Grant when he dropped out to the farm this week. We also enjoyed dinner with Al and Eleanor at their home in Oshawa. Blue Ray Celebrates 44 Years In Style A delightful 44th birthday was celebrated by Blue Ray Chapter, No238, OES, when 137 Eastern Star members, in- cluding Blue Ray, from across Ontario, came to help celebrate with our members on this spe- cial occasion. The impressive event was held in the Masonic Temple, Port Perry, with W.M. Laura Alton and W.P. Don Al- ton extending a warm, frater- nal welcome in the East. It is a pleasure to welcome Pat Grand Matron Marjorie Morgan of Brighton, and past Grand Matron Audrey Martin of Bowmanville, escorted to the ADVERTISING DEADLINES REAL ESTATE 5:00 P.M. Thursday DISPLAY ADVERTISING 12 NOON MONDAY East bv Conductress Bonnie Windsor. D.D.G.M. Jean Sump- son, District 11, of Whitby, and many others. Fourteen in all were welcomed. A large num- ber of P.D.D.G.M.s including our own Marg Jeffrey, and Wor- thy Matrons and Patrons, as well as a large number of Past Matrons and Past Patrons, and many visitors were all given a hearty welcome. During business, Susan Cas- well of Elliott Lake, affiliated with Blue Ray. Charter mem- bers Marg Cornish, Laura Carnegie and Gwen Rennie re- ceived floral gifts. Also, a gift was given to Debbie Scott of Walkerton, by Secretary Joyce Taylor. Twenty-five year pins were presented to Frances Gib- son, Betsy Staniland and Doris Bittingham by Elsie Wilbur. Past Matrons and Patrons were honored as well as the P.D.D.G.M.s after Chapter closed. During our Garden of Friendship year, many dona- tions were given to worthy causes. Blue Ray is a fine be- nevolent order, of which we are proud! Past Grand Matron Marjorie Morgan, Brighton, spoke at some length and closed with these few words of great mean- ing: "Keep Our Order Standing Tall". The Farewell was given by Margaret Lynn of Whitby. Downstairs, lovely refresh- ments were served buffet style, topped off with birthday cake, tea and coffee, the able conven- ers Paula Copithorn, Marilyn Jones and Lindsay Bowman. Marilyn Jones, in charge of the White Elephant table, is an en- thused member, and does well with her sales. Prizes were won by Karel Nottingham towels, and Pat MacDonald, the wish- ing well. As we commence a new year, let us remember that the creed of the Eastern Star is founded upon nobility of character and is associated with human sym- pathy and understanding and its charity is as broad as the universe. Let wus therefore strive earnestly to live up to our obligations, the progress and general welfare of humanity! Birthday Celebrated Mom Chris Davis, Hyde House, Scugog Pt. Rd., hosted a delightful celebration for son Carleton of Friday last, his 14th birthday. The festivities were held in Blackstock Hall with 40 friends on hand to make the party a special event. Lots of goodies to eat and pop to enjoy. Our very best wishes to one fine teenager. Nestleton United Church With very cool weather pre- vailing on Sunday, May 24, at 11:15 a.m. Dennis and Karen Yellowless were the friendly greeters at the door. Rev. Dale Davis conducted the service and opened with the call to worhship. The quinted sang "I'l Never Outlove The Lord" with Karen Yellowlees at the piano. The minister had an in- teresting story for the children before going to classes. The message for the congregation "Seeking God's Will" and the church can change through con- flict if the hand of God is there. The passages of Scripture were read by Rob Mairs. Offering re- ceived by Dennis Yellowlees and Steve Mairs. Andrew Knie- wasser from Blackstock United will be the guest speaker next Sunday at Nestleton. Bus Trip On Wednesday afternoon, July 29, to see "Joseph and His Tech- icolor Dreamcoat," $60 includes bus and tickets to this matinee at the Elgin Theatre, Toronto - bus leaves 10 a.m. There are a few seats left. Anyone welcome! Call Jean Williams at 986-4788 before May 31. Nestleton Presbyterian Church On a bright Sunday morning, Nestleton Presbyterian Church service was conducted by Rev. Wm. Fairley, and Joyce Taylor played for the hymns. Psalm 67 was read responsively and Scripture readings were 11 Kings and John 14. The chil- dren's story centred around a cane, a keepsake of Mrs. Fair- ley's father and used in tending his sheep in Scotland. The book of the Bible for the week was 11 Timothy. Mr. Fairley spoke of "Laws" of which there are many: The law of love, law of mercy, faith and our country. The greatest law is Jesus' law, "love one an- other." Then we'll receive His n Theatre is on July 29 blessing. "Peace be unto you." Rev. Dorothy MacDonald of Orillia sent a message that she is improving. Mrs. Rita Fairley continues to improve slowly, but still is under the doctor's care. Participaction Day Scugog and Uxbridge have been rivals for some time and the rivalry continues during the Crown Life Participaction Challenge on Wednesday, May 27, so do your bit for Scugog folks, by exercising for 15 min- utes of activity and phone in- your contribution to 985-7393. Hop to it, Scugog. ---- The new Durham Region Agriculture Buildin ing ceremony on Monday morning. Above, cuts the ribbon, marking the building's official opening. SUNSATION SG Vilage Garden Contre™ REREREIRE ES Sra , nowy located on VanEdward Dr., held its open- mer Buthgnan, Minister of Food and Agriculture, Durham Region 4 Compostors 2 styles $15.00 ea. & Landscape 1820 Scugog Street, Port Perry - Delivery on SHADE TREES Great Selection of Large Size Trees! (2 doors east of Country Style Donuts) 085 - 105 4 = 3 Simcoe St & Hwy. TA FANTASTIC HANGING BASKET) Bedding Plants... Vegetables... Roses... Perennials... GREAT SELECTION OF FLOWERING SHRUBS Thinking of Landscaping? FREE ESTIMATES 985-1054