"A Family TraditionYor 126 Years" 'PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, August 11, 1992-11 Swimming A Melissa Bramham helps Ricky Vanandel with his stroke. | on Despite cool summer temper- atures, Scugog Township youngsters are still diving into swimming lessons at Birdseye ~ Pool. Four sessions are offered at the pool each morning. Children swim everyday, Monday through Friday for two week periods. The swimming lessons are taught by four full-time instruc- tors and one director. Pre-school, color and survival groups swim for one-half hour each morning and the blue to white color groups for 45 min- utes per session. New this year to the pool is the Red Cross Pre-school Pro- gram which includes Water Ba- bies and Kinderswim. In these sessions the parent can enter the pool with their young chil- dren. Swimming lessons will con- tinue at the township pool until the Labor Day weekend in Sep- tember. Those interested 1n lessons can still sign up by dropping by the pool or by calling 985-4952 toremster Photos by Kelly Lown Emily Van Camp and Julie Egan take a break. of LOW MILEAGE VEHICLES PRE-OWNED CARS & DEMONSTRATORS '92 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM fully equipped, demonstrator ----------- REDUCED '92 BUICK LeSABRE LIMITED onan eor EEE RE DUCED '92 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE low km demonstrator ---------------------_____ REDUCED '91 BUICK REGAL LIMITED '91 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SE SEDAN loaded with oY mmm $1 7 y 900. '91 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT 4 door, air conditioner, new tires------------- $1 4, 500 '91 CAVALIER Z24 COUPE V6 motor, 5 speed, air conditioner -------------- $1 4, 600. '91 CAVALIER COUPE auto, air, balance of new warranty ------------ $1 0,800. '91 PONTIAC FIREFLY HATCHBACK 3 door, automatic, radio, bright red---------------- $8 y 7 00 . '91 PONTIAC FIREFLY HATCHBACK 5 door, 5 speed, radio, silver grey------------------- $8,200. '90 BUICK LeSABRE LIMITED silver grey finish, well equipped --------------- -- % 1 6, 900. '90 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC BROUGHAM only 15,000 original km's. ----- $1 6, 500. '90 CAVALIER COUPE automalic, attractive grey finish -------- $9,400. '89 BUICK PARK AVENUE 4 door, charcoal grey, vinyl roof ---------------- $ 1 6 y 90 0. '89 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME coupe, air conditioner, cruise- | © 611, 500. WSAMLERSEIOM 6 '900. '89 SUNBIRD COUPE auto, only 66.000 km/42000m ; $6,900. aut fly por equipped. 000 mgmt on $10,900, OT mt vad 1000 on $5,500. Oe automate an contin $6,950. | PRE-OWNED TRUCKS & DEMONSTRATORS '91 GMC EXTENDED CAB "S" $1 3,200. pickup, auto, aur, low km's -- '91 GMC TRACKER, 4 wheel dr, hardlop, demonstrator -- BIG SAVINGS 8 pass., fully equipped, tan & gold-- '89 GMC SIERRA 8' WIDESIDE 3 10,900. '89 CHEVROLET EXTENDED CAB ugh $9 500 '89 FORD RANGER PICKUP with box cap ' ) 4 sp . old, man trans , runming boards-- pickup, V8, automatic, runming boards---------- - $1 0, 900. '87 CHEVROLET SILVERADO $8 200 '85 GMC SIERRA 3/4 TON oo ) : pwckup, 8 wideside, only 71 000 km-- '90 CHEVROLET CL ASTRO $1 8, 100. pickup. 43 V6, automatic-- pickup, 43 V6, automatic... $8,900. '88 GMC SLE 8' WIDESIDE pickup, 8' wideside, V8, automatic $7,900. IPE IL, b> PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry 985-8474 "It's always Worth the Trip to Philp Pontiac Buick Limited" CITY WIDE SELECTION + COUNTRY WISE PRICES Vehicles listed were in stock lor advertising deadline - Port Perry Star, August 11, 1992. STL Te] an KoA A alo] hf. Yo Rl : [V] [oe] Qe] 1 [od £210] 14)