# & Time to get the bulbs planted Outdoor garden activi- ties never really cease, ac- cording to the Canadian Garden Council. In areas where the ground is now frozen, the Council says it is an ideal time to place leaves or straw around tender plants. For exam- ple, rose bushes should be hilled up with a solid mound of soil around their base just before freeze-up, and then after the freeze, is the time to place layers of a mulch such as leaves (held in place by, for example, wire mesh or nylon net- ting), or straw. ' The leaves or straw are not placed until after freeze-up in order to pre- vent rodents getting in and making their winter home at the expense of your so-called protected plants. Homeowners in many areas of Canada, while they will have had several hard frosts, will still be able to work the soil; ie. it will not yet be frozen sol- id, or at worst will have only a few centimetres of frosted soil on the surface. This means it is still pos- sible to carry out some late Autumn garden ac- tivities. Spring-flowering bulbs, for example, may still be planted into such about- to-freeze, or partially fro- zen soil. In fact, the Cana- dian Garden Council points out that if you pur- chased some tulips, daffo- dils or other spring- flowering bulbs, and have not yet planted them you may as well throw them out in the garbage now, if you do not plant them somewhere very soon. Often, novice gardeners believe that if they do not get their bulbs planted in Autumn, they can just Century LT SUCCESS INC. Hwy. 7A at Water St., Port Perry 985-7371 keep them over and plant them the next spring. This is not the case. Bulbs not planted this autumn will be totally wasted. It matters not how you at- 'tempt to keep them over, they will not remain vi- able. They must be plant- ed so that they may re- start their growth cycle. The one option that re- mains for those who do not get their bulbs plant- (Turn to page 3) APPLE VALLEY - $169,900. Immaculate intown property within walking distance to all amenities. 3 bedrooms, 2 - 4 pc. bathrooms, basement full partly finished. Brick fireplace and bar area. Landscaped lot and attached garage. For fur- ther details call Brett Laycoe, Sales Rep, 985-7371 or 985-9059. WATERPARK PLACE CONDOMINIUMS Located in Downtown Port Perry, Ontario on the shores of Lake Scugog. Quality constructed, one and two bedroom suites with 5 appliances included Every unit has its own individual air conditioning and heat controls for your comfort zones. Also available is indoor parking and guest parking. Security intercom system throughout. Balconies with all suites. Try before you buy as leases with option to purchase are available on some suites. Priced from $129,900. Call Ernie 985-2222 or Cheryl 985-0718 today!